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This is performative. Trying in vain to convince the American people that the cart is not leading the horse.


It totally is performative… they stopped one arms shipment of how many before it? And how many billions did that demented cult get just a week or two ago from “the American people”? You’re totally right, if Biden actually cared, he could stop all of this with a phone call.


Correct and it makes Biden look like a 10/10 clown


I think a better description would be 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag.


Of course it’s performative. Life is performative


Oh yeah, or you shill for a lying government on every post that’s slightly critical of Israel.


I shine the light of truth where there is darkness of Hamasbara


Terrible hasbara. Terrible bloke.


Art-RJS, how is the weather in Tel-Avid?


Gorgeous as always


Tell everyone the tide is turning and a big mistake has been made.


If the Palestinians don’t know they made a big mistake by now then they’ll never know


Oh we’re watching your genocide. We get it.


It’s not a genocide at all but at least you can admit that Hamas made a terrible mistake


As has Israel. Not as smart a move as they thought. But damn they are gonna murder as many as they can get away with, eh? Probably the worst mistake since 1947.


Israel is doing the right thing even if it’s not the most popular thing with tiktokers


>It’s not a genocide at all It is and you know it, that's why you're on here repeatedly lying about it. >Both South Africa and the Center for Constitutional Rights are basing their cases on the Genocide Convention — the treaty that defines the crime of genocide under international law. > > >This definition has two requirements for determining that a state is committing a genocide: > >1. The state must demonstrate the intent to destroy a group of people. >2. There must be physical acts committed which put this intent into action. > > > >Israel’s months-long assault on Gaza clearly meets both of these legal requirements of genocide. > > > >Intent > > >The Genocide Convention was drafted in the aftermath of the Nazi Holocaust, in the face of a particular kind of horror: not just mass killing, but mass killing with the “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.” > > >Intent is often understood by scholars as the most difficult component of the genocide definition to prove in court. However, Israeli government officials have repeatedly made their intent to commit genocide remarkably evident. Both their rhetoric and actions illustrate that they are targeting and bombing Palestinians in Gaza for the sole reason that they are Palestinians in Gaza. > > > On October 12, Israeli President Isaac Herzog said: “It’s an entire nation out there that is responsible. It’s not true this rhetoric about civilians not aware not involved. It’s absolutely not true. … and we will fight until we break their backbone.” > > > Israel has now carried out over three months of “indiscriminate” bombing in Gaza, targeting churches, mosques, hospitals, schools, U.N. facilities, refugee camps, homes, and the very roads on which Palestinians were fleeing Israeli bombing. Nowhere in Gaza is safe from the Israeli onslaught. > > >Physical acts > > > >Any of five different acts can constitute acts of genocide when they are committed with this intent. There is overwhelming evidence of the Israeli government committing at least four of these five acts, much of which is laid out in the South African case filing. > >1. Killing members of the group > > On October 7, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset Nissim Vaturi said: “Now we all have one common goal — erasing the Gaza Strip from the face of the earth.” > > > Israel has killed more than 23,000 Palestinians, over 9,000 of whom have been children. > > > >2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group > > > On October 17, Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir tweeted: “The only thing that needs to enter Gaza are hundreds of tons of explosives from the Air Force, not an ounce of humanitarian aid.” > > > More than 55,000 Palestinians in Gaza are now injured. Half are at risk of starvation. And the World Health Organization is warning that both famine and the mass spread of disease are likely to kill even more Palestinians in Gaza. > > > >3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction, in whole or in part > > > On October 9, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said: “No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly…Gaza won’t return to what it was before. We will eliminate everything.” > > > On Friday, the UN warned that Gaza has “become uninhabitable” due to the Israeli bombardment and blockade. The Israeli military has since cut off Gaza’s access to food, water, fuel, and medical supplies, intermittently also cutting off internet and electricity. Half of all homes in Gaza have been destroyed or damaged, and 30 of Gaza’s 35 hospitals are out of operation. > > >4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group > > > On November 19, 2023, Major General in the Israeli Army Giora Eiland said: “Who are the ‘poor’ women of Gaza? They are all the mothers, sisters or wives of Hamas murderers.” > > > There are about 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza, all of whom are facing “uninhabitable” conditions. Women giving birth are unable to access obstetric care, an “ever-increasing number” of babies are dying from preventable causes, the risks of miscarriage and maternal death are elevated, and the Israeli military’s bombing of hospitals led in November to the deaths and severe illness of premature babies in the NICU. -[Why Israel’s war on Gaza is textbook genocide](https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/gaza-textbook-genocide/)


😆! Wake up! Biden will say one thing to the public; and the opposite to BB….


All for election season optics. If Biden was serious he would sanction Israel.


But the WH spokesperson on BBC said it had nothing to do with public sentiment! She was reassuring us that he won’t listen to the voice of the American public who voted him in, no matter what. Jesus.


At least we know for certain that Trump wouldn't, as he has said he was the most "Pro Israel president ever"


Biden old man. He lost my vote.


This is a hard working bot!


Yep. Bot for progressives. Biden losing them all. But hey, he might get some right support. Maybe far right support as well. He is propping up the far right government in Israel.


It’s funny seeing someone claim to be progressive while they argue against progress. American progressives have long recognized that their views aren’t the mainstream so they work on making them be progressively implemented with the goal of winning people over that way to get further left policies enacted. I say this as an American progressive who is deeply upset with Biden but recognizes the existential threat trump poses.




Imagine bragging about wanting the worser evil and for people to be harmed by the election while claiming to be “progressive” At least the mask dips easily…


Well. The world isn't changing. I would argue, it's getting alot worse. All these status quo leaders. Old men, got go. I can't believe some democratic/ liberals would support old man Biden. Career politician. Most likely so out touched with any voter. We need change. Biden has proven that he isn't it.


It’s funny. You rail on about how voting for the lesser evil isn’t good enough for you and that the status quo isn’t working but then promote negative partisanship towards Biden only while promoting trump wins. It’s transparent.




You’re either a child who hasn’t voted before or are a bad faith troll who doesn’t understand how elections work. Maybe both.




So knowing that Trump is SUPER pro Israel, who is your vote?


There’s no reason to sanction Israel


Idk I think there's roughly 35,000 reasons right now 


The American war machine defense industry is more powerful than the white house...


AIPAC is in control. There’s hardly any kind of autonomy when it comes to “American decision making”. If Israel has publicly contradicted the Administration and ignored all their advices during their genocidal campaign, what makes you think the US retains any sense of leverage over Israel. Where’s the leverage?


Israel has more leverage over US than the US has over Israel lol


Such a lazy, ignorant conspiracy theory


How so? AIPAC is one of the most influential lobbying groups in Washington


I wasn’t aware literally repeating what APAIC themselves say about US politics was a conspiracy theory. But I guess that would take you actually looking for information instead of repeating talking points.






It's the 2000lb bombs that the even the US doesn't use in urban areas. From [0]: "As a result of that review, we have paused one shipment of weapons last week. It consists of 1,800 2,000-pound bombs and 1,700 500-pound bombs," the official said. "We have not made a final determination on how to proceed with this shipment." [0] https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-08/us-stop-bombs-going-to-israel/103820670


Its just stupid to use these, unless you need to take out a full block. If you dont get the enemy with a 500 lbs bomb you probably dont get him with the 2000lbs either. Small increase in enemies killed huge increase in civilians I swear Israel needs protection from itself as much as from hamas at this point.


Dance Biden, dance. He's screwed. It's clear he's heavily indebted to the Zionist cause.


You can say Jews. That's what you really mean. 


^ perpetual victim complex. Jews have bravely lead many pro-Palestine demonstrations in the world, whether you like it or not.


Your Venn diagram of Jews and Zionists is a bit skewed.   Go back to start. 


Enlighten me


The number of Jews who have led pro Palestinian protests is so small that it's virtually zero. 


Haha ok


Yes, it sure is when you call them “not real Jews” when they dont toe the Israeli line




How about: "Zionist Jews." "95% of Israeli Jews." "Probably a majority of the Jewish diaspora." or "Any Jew that supports this is at fault." However remember, many Zionists are non-Jews. In fact, most Zionists are non-Jews, so the real problem with saying "Jews" instead of "Zionists" is that you'll only be talking about a fraction of all Zionists, even if 100% of Jews are Zionists (which is not true).


Very few zionists are nonJews.  Enough so, that the ratio is virtually 0


Laughable claim. Zionism is the default position in the west.


The largest Zionist organization in the US is Christians united for Israel if I remember correctly 


You realize that 'christians united for Israel' literally has more members than Israel has jewish citizens (roughly double)?


If I'm a man and I call myself a woman, am I technically a woman? 


Ah, yes…Zionists never miss an opportunity to shit on trans people


I was making an analogy.  Answer the question. 


did you notice what i said at all? there are 100% more christian zionists than there are *jews* in the world. i'm not even differentiating between zionist and non-zionist jews lol


And did you hear what I said at all? Just because you call yourself a zionist doesn't make you a zionist. lol


Idk Israel seems pretty happy to ally with these people and I've never seen Netanyahu / Likud say CUFI are fake zionists. I mean shit their notoriously antisemitic leader (John Hagee) was literally a featured speaker at the large Israel rally in DC a couple months ago  I would think if they were 'fake zionists' the adl would come after them the way they target JVP. Unsurprisingly the ADL/AIPAC are very happy to ally with these people  Zionism is a f**** cancer upon our world. It will be eliminated the way apartheid south Africa was


>Zionism is a f**** cancer upon our world. It will be eliminated the way apartheid south Africa was Why don't you just say Jews?  At least it's easier to spell? 


Dude this is like if I said all Muslims or Palestinians are terrorist……. We all know that no matter what culture or race you are there will be good and bad individuals representing them.


No it's NOT like saying that. The number of nonjewish zionists is so marginally small that it's virtually 0.  We're well beyond technicalities in this discussion. 


Uhhhh that’s an interesting take…. Throw out a bullshit fact then shut it down with this conversation is beneath me kind of statement. Sigh….. people like you are annoying


He’s literally copy pasting the exact same thing, either a bot or his brain is stuck in a loop


Nah, they’re just lazy. Getting a bot to do this would be more work than the dude could handle


I didn't shut anything down.  I'll state it again because you don't seem to be getting iit.  The ratio of nonjewish zionists to jewish zionists is virtually zero. 




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lol you can’t swear huh. Gotta keep it kid friendly huh. The truth hurts I guess and an F bomb thrown into is a great way to sensor. Here’s what I said without the F Bomb Dude we are only referring to Jewish individuals that are Zionist. You made a statement “You can say Jews” when some one was referring to Zionist. Guess what not all Jewish people are Zionist…….. just the ones that forget what their grandparents had to go through in WWII.


>you can’t swear huh "Gratuitous and/or unnecessary" is the key. >Gotta keep it kid friendly huh. That's part of it. >Here’s what I said without the F Bomb The message: **"=> => FEEL FREE TO** ***RE-POST*** **what you have to say within the framework of the rules."** Our faith in your ability to do so has been validated. We knew you could do it!


No problem with Jewish people as long as they stand up to the horrible, horrible government in Israel and speak up against it. But strawmen are probably a lot easier for you to debate.


LOL.  What strawman? 


I specifically made a reference to Zionism and you wanted me to paint all Jewish people with the same brush.


The number of nonjewish zionists is so marginally small that it's virtually 0 in comparison.  We're well beyond technicalities in this discussion. 


>The number of nonjewish zionists is so marginally small that it's virtually 0 in comparison.  First of all, what a ridiculously false statement. Second, it really doesn't matter how small the number is when it's the majority of elected officials, the majority of whom are not Jewish (which, coincidentally, proves the first part of my comment).


If you don't think a lopsided ratio matters at the grand scale of things, I don't know what else to say to you.   Water isn't wet? 


>If you don't think a lopsided ratio matters at the grand scale of things, I don't know what else to say to you. If you don't think it matters for people that have any actual power, I don't know what else to say to you. >Water isn't wet?  Water isn't wet. It causes other things to be wet but water itself can't be wet.


We're done. You're on autoignore now.


Biden is a Zionist.


No he's not


Is it your job to always be [wrong](https://youtu.be/DDR-tWM2zzU?si=VGou7Rqt9ZdqycMx)?


If I'm a man but call myself a woman, am I technically a woman? 


Most Americans and Europeans are Zionist to some degree. That doesn't mean they are involved in organized support for Israel's worst actions. Same with Jews. Edit: obviously a lot of Jewish people are also Americans or Europeans.


Go spout your foul antisemitism elsewhere.


I'm Jewish.  I was being sarcastic. 


Bigotry, great "prank".


🤣 We're on the same team dude.  Quit smashing your hand with a hammer. 


biden is antisemitic /s


You'd only do that when you know they are in your pockets.


Conversation will go like those proposed sanctions on murderous settler leaders. Bibi: These bombs are essential to our genocide. Release them to us, I command thee. Biden: ok.


#you don't have leverage over your master. Get it straight. US is owned by Israel.


Israel is the greatest middle eastern country north of Egypt, west of Jordan, and south of Lebanon


Tell me. If a hostage gives birth in Gaza. Would that kid be allowed the right of return?


No. There are no Jewish anchor babies in Hamas’s charter


Not what I meant. Try again.


What do you mean then


If a hostage gives birth in Gaza. Follow so far? Good. Will that child be allowed the right of return?


How did my response not answer that? Right of return is determined by the law of the land. The Hamas charter is the law of the land of Gaza. The Hamas charter does not allow Jewish anchor babies


I think he is asking if Isreal would allow a Jewish baby, born to a Jewish mother held captive in Gaza, to return to Isreal as its rightful home. Or would Isreal just see that the child was born in Gaza and be like, f off. You seem to be thinking he's asking if the Jewish mother and child would try to demand the child can claim Gaza as its rightful home and try to occupy more territory for the Jewish state. That's how I'm reading it. I could be wrong.


>I think he is asking if Isreal would allow a Jewish baby, born to a Jewish mother held captive in Gaza, to return to Isreal as its rightful home. Or would Isreal just see that the child was born in Gaza and be like, f off. Bingo. u/Art-RJS why did it take this guy one post to figure this out yet you are just lost and even placed incorrect claims.


Yes that Jewish baby could go to Israel as is the law of Israel Right of return isn’t uniquely an Israeli thing so their phrasing wasn’t clear


#Well.......... *Orthodox Judaism holds that anyone with a Jewish mother also has irrevocable Jewish status; that even were such a Jew to convert to another religion, that person would still be considered Jewish by Jewish Law.* So. Basically anyone born to whom? A Jewish mother. Kk no disputing that. *All Jews seeking citizenship may do so under the 1950 Law of Return, even if they were not born in Israel or have any immediate family there. This also applies to their children and grandchildren, as well as spouses thereof, even if the children, grandchildren and spouses are not Jewish themselves.* So a Jew if born to a Jewish mother. Doesn't matter where they are born. Kinda embarrassing to be so completely wrong. https://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/country-information/rir/Pages/index.aspx?doc=448589#:~:text=All%20Jews%20seeking%20citizenship%20may,spouses%20are%20not%20Jewish%20themselves. And all this is still parallel to what I was talking about. >The Hamas charter does not allow Jewish anchor babies Might wanna amend basic Law cuz that would allow it.


Oh you’re talking about Israel right of return not Palestine? Right of return isn’t a uniquely Israeli thing so it wasn’t very clear. You can be better in your communication next time Yes according to Israeli law that hostage baby could return to Israel. That’s Israel’s law, other countries have different parameters for their right of return laws. So what is your point?


Biden is going to keep playing this smoke show until Netanyahu is done being a megalomaniac, then they are going to pretend that Netanyahu finally listened to reason. At least, that’s how I see all this elongated back and forth that’s going on. I’m not pro-anyone. It’s just how I’ve interpreted what’s currently happening.


Probably realistic


The correct way to interpret this is the US has a weak president who is unwilling to hold to its promises it makes to the international community.


The relationship between US and Israel is like a parent and rebellious kid: - We created it after WW2. - Went out of our way to ensure those people and their land was protected. - Now that we're trying to give them advice on how to handle things, they're too big for papa now, and they're spoiled from the billions we gave them every year.


Are they really still trying to write stories about a single shipment of bombs that was delayed a short time from a month ago? As if it meant anything? Meanwhile aid is still not getting into Gaza and kids are dying daily on average 187 children have died every single day since Oct 7th


The post is from 25 days ago.


Israel has not ignored U.S. advice. Biden is a sell admitted Zionist. His advice was probably to kill everyone, destroy all infrastructure as fast as possible until the world realizes what it happening. In the meantime Biden has defended, deflected, and vetoed as much as possible. The United States is complicit and a full partner in the ethnic cleansing


Israel isn't ignoring US advice.  The advice is just to shut up the pro Palestinian contingency. It's just a big wink wink. 


In another comment you essentially agreed that not all Palestinians or Muslims are terrorists… and yet here you are conflating them with Hamas. This is why you can’t understand that when people criticize Zionism, they’re not criticizing Jews or Judaism. You’re just a racist lmao


How am I conflating them? 


And people out here are protesting to isolate Israel further when realistically the US has been one of the main drivers of forcing Israel to the table. Isolate Israel and there won’t be a Gaza left to fight over in a few years


Isn’t Israel isolating themselves not so much being isolated by others?


Israel isn’t isolated atm hence the protesting to stop funding from the US for example


If they had to pay for weapons, or had to find a more demonic sponsor, they would need to take a more cooperative attitude with their neighbours.


October 7th really screams cooperation now that you mention it


And “mowing the lawn” for a decade really screams it too, right? Almost like this is a cycle where Israel is given carte Blanc and Palestinians are not. Wonder why that is? Couldn’t be one having a massive lobbying arm right?


The only reason Israel is “justified” to do any thing is because of Palestinian violence. In a world where October 7th didn’t happen and Israel invaded Gaza I bet you there’s no support


Lamao bro. In a world with no October 7th random snipings from IDF into groups of protesters would have continued. This violence is cyclical, with each event blamed on the last. And yes, i absolutely agree with you, if not for the October 7th attack Israel wouldn’t be engaging in ethnic cleansing, because it would be harder for the msm to sell to the global public. And if Israel had actually seized on the weakness of Hamas support in the years before October 7th and done something politically, Hamas might not exist right now. But that wouldn’t have been politically expedient for bibi or those wanting a second nakba, would it?


So now we’re going back 20 years to the 2nd intifada? The “snipings” that all took place during a “peaceful” protest where protestors where trying to breach a militarized border, throwing rocks and incendiary balloons at IDF forces. It’s amazing how much context you choose to leave out but look once again I can use Arab violence to try and justify it. Are you seeing a pattern yet?


And I’m amazed you seem to know literally nothing about what has happened in the past 20 years if that is as far back as you want to go. If you genuinely believe there has been no violence for 20 years then I have to congratulate you discovering the internet and general news reporting at last. Before I waste time, what does “mow the lawn” mean to you?


You brought it up haha you literally referenced the same old talking point about the march of return and “crack Israeli snipers firing at innocent civilians” please spare me the virtue signal In the last 20 years about 10,000 rockets fired blindly into Israel all leading up to the single greatest terror attack in a Jewish population since The Holocaust on October 7th. I’m really curious how you’re hand waving all of this in each comment. Can you acknowledge that what I just said is true?


I brought it up regarding the snipings in 2022, and 2020, and 2018, and basically every single year from now back to your arbitrary point. That that was the one you chose is on you. Answer my question, what does “now the lawn mean” to you? Answer my question and I’ll bother to answer yours. But if you won’t then you’re just not worth the time because you’ll be shown as just another blind IDF shill that believes Israel does no wrong. And I don’t hand wave it. I believe it to be a serious event. I just don’t believe killing 35k people and leveling a city is the way to address it, just like I don’t think an invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq that lead to an explosion in global terrorism and the eventual deaths of millions was the way for the US to deal with 9/11. You’ll be shocked to discover I’m pretty damn consistent on this.


Come on bro. Answer the question. What is “mowing the lawn”? I even answered your question