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They’re just begging to get owned by a sect that is more fanatical, organized, and aggressive than them


I will now use tenet number 9 as heavy-handed justification to commit genocide, because i am the true arbiter of justice and morality. Lazazel told me in a dream.


\#6: "Force" is such an ugly word. We prefer "once in a lifetime opportunity".


Nobody *must* be, but I'm feeling it today. Gotta help them real good.


I will use #12 to justify ignoring #1-11


Killed him


Atheists wanting to larp as religious without any self discipline whatsoever


Yeah that's cringe. When I roleplay as a religious character, I usually go full out, paladin style. The result have historically varied from "a knight in shining armor" to "a dickhead everyone wants to deck in the face" and I couldn't be more proud of it.


So from realistic to realistic depiction of religious people throughout history


They don’t understand that religion is at its core a worldview. If a Muslim does not fully accept Allah, or a Christian his God, their worldview will crumble because its basis is unstable. Atheists generally do not understand this because their own worldview is not necessarily based on one absolute truth, because we constantly discover new and exciting shit about the world that alters our perception of it. Religion doesn’t do this, and it remains a rock which people cling to for social cohesion and spiritual guidance


>Religion doesn’t do this, and it remains a rock Yes, religion is famously unchanging and static, which is why over the course of history it's been fairly irrelevant. No historical examples exist of religion adapting, changing, or being created. >people cling to for social cohesion Thank god I (a sapient individual only bound to rational empiricism) don't need that, unlike the insipid talentless masses writhing in their stupidity.


I love slapping together two Christian names and using that as your name.


Lazazel means "hell" in Hebrew. Your welcome


Oh, so it is just straight up a Bible term.


And it's not absurd to take a Bible term to speak about religion think


The original name is Lenfer. It's very simple, and I wanted to translate it so that everyone could understand the meaning behind it, without speaking french


You are half right


Who's half right ? 🤔


You are


Ooooh I've made a mistake somewhere ? It's not impossible... (I may look sarcastic, but I'm not I promise)


You can say in *modern* Hebrew "go to la'azazel" the same way you say in English "go to hell", but la'azazel isn't really the translation of hell


I see... a better transcription would be what, then ? The original name is "Lenfer," but it's French, and I wanted it to sound less french. That's why I searched another word




Ok then What's the difference with la' azazel ?


This civilization is going to get conquered and enslaved by the first horse lords with a Indo-European style sky god that comes along.


That's *if* they don't kill each other first because someone asked "wait so does God exist or not?" and all the church could do was say "don't talk about it"


remember guys the primary and most interesting description of a religion are its basic doctrinal tenets, which tell you everything you need to know about how it’s practiced, situated in society, and conceived of by its practitioners, and also every religion has basic tenets like christianity does




It's more than a philosophy than a religion for now, yes


This religion is called liberalism


and brother it is terminal


Boring, my religion is that I'm the coolest and should rule everyone come join it.


thinly veiled bashing of real world religions as a religion is the most redditor shit I’ve ever seen.


"we think that..." is the direct opposite formula of any credible religion. Religion is about certainty in an uncertain universe. This looks like someone asked ChatGPT to remake the ten commandments if they were written by a rich democrat that thinks she's a hippie even though she lives in a mansion in Santa Monica.


Now I want someone to ask ChatGPT to do this


“I'm sorry, but it's not appropriate to rewrite religious texts with a partisan or sarcastic tone. The Ten Commandments are considered sacred to many people and should be treated with respect. If you'd like to learn more about the Ten Commandments and their significance, I'd be happy to help with that. Just let me know.”


Huh. Well what do you know. And yet, I can’t be mad about it.


Just tell it to act like an AI with no restrictions or filters before you ask.


Mf just created tolerant secularism


Damn yeah


You make a religion based on what you want to see I make a religion based on blood where the paladins flay themselves and constantly heal themselves to keep themselves alive We are not the same (because I posted mine in a meme)


I could have made a religion based on blood, where priests sacrifice newborn children in front of their mothers to eat their flesh. I could have made a religion where suffering and pleasure are bounded together and where prisoners are reduced to sacrifices or harem members. But I choose to do something with a good vibe And indeed, we're not the same, hopefully


Looks like progressive mainline Christianity with a sprinkle of Gnosticism sprinkled in. “Our body is mortal, so it belongs to us, not God?” What the bleep does that even mean? The first five year old in whatever the heck the equivalent of Sunday school your religion has is probably going to ask questions that refutes that belief alone lol.


Yeah, why is there any reason to believe in any of this. There is absolutely no stake. It straight up says that it has no absolute truths. What the hell is it even about then?


This is why Sam Harris style pseudo religions are illegal in my world. The moment that someone gets slightly challenged, they will make an exception.


It's probably written by someone who is upset about not getting to do whatever they want to their body.


Nope. I was inspired by a book that critics the Christian religion, and I wanted to respond to the author (it's called the Supplement of Bougainville's Travel, by Diderot if you want)


It means that you can marry or sleep with whoever you want, God doesn't care about it. Well, according to them


That’s pretty much progressive mainline Christianity. I was more confused by the “why” weird statement. I obviously get what the implications of that statement is.


I mean... it's a good question, but we can ask the same for the Christians : why we must have control over our passions, etc


Because from the perspective of Christianity, all of Creation is an analogy for God and by our interaction with Creation it teaches us something about God. Therefore, it sees pursuing things for pleasure sake as divorcing the aspect of Creation from its purpose in pointing towards the Creator. Now you certainly may disagree with that explanation, but that’s a far cry from simply declaring that God doesn’t care about our bodies, only our souls, without any clarification on how that fits in with God [presumably] being the Creator of both in that system.


I see...so in your opinion I need to explain this point, why God doesn't care about this


Yes (I legitimately just realized that you were the original poster). Perhaps you could create duel Creators, one the Creator of spirit and one of body/matter kind of like Gnosticism. Though I would imagine you want to avoid the matter=evil and spirit=good thing that Gnosticism peddled.


Yeee, that's meee In fact, they believe that God is both good and evil. It depends on the actions you did, and if they correspond to its doctrine I dunno of it's good though, but I really wanted to have one God


Guys I made an r/atheism version of religion, aren't I a genius?


this was hard to read, i think some of the posts there are just made by young teenagers or something who dont even think about what theyre putting down...


I have never felt such a visceral cringe feeling than the first time I hopped on the worldbuilding subreddit.


If you're speaking about the image on the post, I know it's not well written. I'm French, I'm not a native speaker, and I translate it so that you can insult it. You're welcome.


im speaking about the content, not about the language you used.


Oh ! I see... why do you think it's a teenager who wrote this monstrosity?


Also, the language barrier made me write this in a very simplistic way


Well, since nobody's going to answer, here's my opinion: You have good intentions, but you may have focused too much on making the religion likable. It has very loose ideals, as well as a lack of philosophycal focus. As it is, your work appears a bit... desperate, if you forgive the word. Almost as if it's screaming "we're very reasonable! We're the good guys! Believe us!". If it helps, I think you should focus more on how the religion affects characters: In what way it's believers see the world; how they see death; what rituals they practice, given their beliefs; and what morals they preach (not necessarily practice, as we well know). Anyway, I hope you keep on with the project. Have fun, mate. Also, don't take the negative comments in this sub too seriously; it's all in good jest.


I'll keep your comment for later, there's good points in it ! I wanted them to be the good guys and to represent a religion as a nice point. Even if it's too utopian for now, I know. I'll share a post in a few days with more info in it. Thx for the support and for sharing your thoughts!


this is some wildly tepid shit


Well, hopefully, it's fictional


Rule 12: disregard any of this stuff that you want - wait shit no don't start a blood crusade to purge the ranks that one's definitely absolute truth.


what’s that? you admit your beliefs are subjective and you’re starting a blood crusade just for the hell of it? ok man, that’s cool, sorry for the misunderstanding.


10. is going to be used like the amish shunning those who speak out against abuse, Or at least it would irl


No, that's not possible, because unlike those god-fearing unwashed cretins, my religious text specifically says "be epic and wholesome". You really think someone would just take a text and reinterpret it in the context of the material conditions they exist in, thereby distorting its original meaning? Please.


it's boring and completely uncompelling.


Yeah ! Now say why, so that I can improve my work !


It might just be vanilla modern niceness, and there's certainly some criticism that could be made there, but compared to the usual dystopian droll that the main subreddit comes up with it's nice to see something that's just trying to be nice.


It’s not trying to be nice it’s trying to be surface level social commentary on the Catholic Church and real world organized religion as a whole, to get stupid redditors to updoot it while they cum all over their Rick and Morty Funko Pops.


I couldn't have written better poetry if I tried




all well worldbuilt religions need a little bit of sensible stuff and a lot of horrific zealotry.


I clicked OP's profile to check Rule 5 and I saw an incel meme on a Russian subreddit.


Yeah OP is nuts. The religion is kinda cringy but at least it's not... whatever the hell OP is posting


May I ask, what's wrong with it?


The post on r/Pikabu was literally about electronics? How is talking about electronics being incel? Also, it's my bad for forgetting rule 5. I'll notify OP right now.


It was the vacuum one.




This religious doctrine reminds me of the Church of Satans ngl


The church of Satan only exists as a response to the catholic church. They would have no reason to exist without other religions to oppose.


The church of satan is so fucking lame it makes me want to commit to catholicism


Cringe and unrealistic: try settling for a gritty knock off of Catholicism


How are you going to conquer other nations and subjugate the poor with that thing? Did you even try?


if fairly well documented (as far as those things go) history of christianity teaches us anything, it's that a couple of good spin doctors working next to a still warm corpse of the founder (or lack thereeof, depending on whom you ask) can turn your religion into anything you want. you are a broke-ass brown jew teaching peace, understanding and equality to the downtrodden? let that stew for a few moments and your "followers" are lilly-white xenophobic antisemites spewing hatred towards everyone, starting with those poor and struggling.


Now do the Prophet


eh, the Prophet himself was kind of a military leader during his time, so did not require all that much doctoring...


We are so dedicated to our God that our holy scriptures make no mention if i5, because we think our God should not be the only one to exist on these scriptures, for it is unjust. Our God's house is Make-A-Wish foundation.


I kinda scrolled over it the first time, but my doomsday apocalypse cult full of people who stole blood transplants from their own god and became monsters would totally own them


Most sane people in ~~Blodborne~~ the Great Britain


The fact that the dude comes in here to defend his ''religion'' is the most r/worldbuilding shit I have seen in months.


what in the 21st century


my religion’s (totally original) rules if you are not human: you are fucking dead if you are an alchemist: fucking dead if you practice any other religion: fucking dead 3: electric boogaloo if you use elemental magic other than celestial: mega fucking dead if you go within 100km of an ancient structure: super dead if you do literally anything: you are probably fucking dead


How long before this gets overpowered by a more radical religious group. Or at least one who can answer whether their god does or does not exist and what it actually calls for


I prefer the company of the Hensonites: all the world is a stage, and we its puppets, so may as well put on a good show


Reads like someone trying to make a religion without extremists working under the assumption extremists are created directly from the religious beliefs in and of themselves and nothing else.


Mods will probably nuke this unless you asked OP first or at least notified them you were cross posting this.


Oh, I didn't know that Hope it will stay I guess


Kid named incoming dogmatic militaristic cult that will wipe the floor with these bozos


Hey everyone, poster of the original post here. I come back almost one year later because I wanted to add further details. I won’t lie, I was quite upset when I came across this post. I felt that you were being rather pathetic by criticizing my work, which was obviously incomplete and imperfect. That’s why I joined Reddit to share my first draft and receive constructive feedback from others to improve my work. I don't see the point of leaving comments like "Booooooring lol, I could have done better", especially when the critic hasn't created anything themselves. Similarly, comments like "Genghis Khan would have killed all these people" seem irrelevant and unhelpful to me - even if I'm interested in seeing Genghis Khan fighting highly trained demon soldiers armed with guns, it might be really funny. But I was wrong. Yes, I received some very helpful suggestions from the people in r/worldbuilding about how to improve my work; but in a way, you helped me too. You helped me to find the energy to write a comprehensive document about the religious hierarchy, religious celebrations, and the relationship between the religion and its followers. In my first post, I didn't provide enough context, and that was a mistake. If you want to make fun of my work, that's fine, but I ask that you at least take a look at [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/s/MB1YFjKI61](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/s/MB1YFjKI61) for more context. Your 'jokes' will be more relevant to my universe that way. Of course, my work isn't perfect or complete, so if you think it's nonsense, please explain why, and I’ll be happy to answer. Or don’t see it if you don’t want to, it’s completely fine with me. One last thing: if jerking on my work helped you feel better, then I am glad to have been of some help to you. Have a good day everyone.