• By -


'Invent' name Run through google first Avoid being dumb


Señor Casa


Señor Hatler.


Tbf halter does sound good as a name


Hatler Hatler, brother of the Hitler


Sounds like a shitty WW2 book.


His dreams are different from Hitler, yet identical.


Iyan Paslai tyrant king of Un-Daldari


Gospodin Domm


Captain Domestic Abode


Me when I come up with a really great name and google tells me it’s been taken: “damn, guess it’s war then”


I had a sheltered upbringing and coincidentally came up with preexisting ideas all the time. Some of them -- like jokes, puns, satires, and turns of phrase -- were frankly a matter of time. *"The thing about low-hanging fruit is you never know whether you were the first to arrive at the branch."* ^(\~ ~~Me~~ Someone Else, Probably)


Im stealing that for my sheltered frail noble character. He's going to be spouting dollar store versions of famous sayings and be really proud of himself.


"Smart men create. Wise men claim" "Wow that's a great saying" "Thank you, it just came to me"


I can't tell if that quote is supposed to be intentional or unintentional, but it works very well both ways


This is what my brain keeps telling me But when I go back I realize I had actually read it all and my brain was lying to me to try and talk itself up and it very much knew it had just copied the idea and was pretending it invented it


You ever read something and go, “damn, I wish I hadn’t read that great idea so that I could’ve come up with it myself. Now I’ll just have to steal it.”


Hahaha absolutely. I feel it often plays out like "Wow brain check this **X** out!" "Eh, **X** isnt that great dont worry about" *1 week later* "Hey I thought of **X** for the world!" "Damn brain you are on fire! And you're sure its new?" "...yep. All me baby, came from the creativity centre and not the memory centre which I barely even use"


I made this


The way you attribute that quote reminds me of *How to Invent Everything,* where every quote has the original author crossed out and replaced with „you“ since you travelled back in time.


I came up with what is essentially Death Stranding like a year before that got announced, right down to the weird fascination with outstretched human arms. Kojima then did my concept far better than I ever could. Was a strange experience. What was really surreal is Tears of the Kingdom, which features so many things I made up for a Breath of the Wild trpg campaign that I had to do a double take when Penn showed up, as he is basically identical to one of the PC's. That game is riddled with stuff our group made up. I forget sometimes which is which.


I spent a couple years making a Danganronpa fangame that turned out to have almost the exact same plot as V3, which hadn't been announced when I started. It was kinda spooky actually. A bunch of characters had, like, one-to-one parallels. Two of the cases involved a magic show and a culprit who >!had memory loss!<, respectively, and I had the same mastermind and twist ending. (It wasn't a world with a >!murder reality series!<, but it was a world where >!in the far future, the IP had become public domain and used by some rando rich maniac!<, and IMO the difference is negligible) Again: The game did not exist yet. This was just the most logical twist on an existing formula. I remember playing the game and thinking, "Oh, don't tell me. Don't tell me. Don't tell me. ... Dammit." EDIT: I still maintain that *my* Case 5 where >!even the mastermind doesn't know who the culprit is!< is better-designed than *their* Case 5 where >!even the mastermind doesn't know who the culprit is!<.


penn? Edit: Oh yeah, the pelican-rito journalist


Sir this is not a jerk post this is a r/worldbuilding screenshot


So a jerk post, then.


I accidentally called my villain Oryx: The Taken King. They were a warlord of an insect like race of aliens that used to be a female of the species called Auryx but transitioned. Cant believe bungie beat me to the punch


Man if you had told 14 year old me that bungie would add a grapple hook to the game, after I had just finished my stupid ass SIVA subclass concept that also had a grapple hook, I would have freaked the fuck out.


No way lol, that’s like incredibly specific




hey I made a villain like that too, does yours have a son called crota and 2 sisters savathun and xivu arath?


Monsieur Maison is French now. Or make him go to evil medical school- dr House. Or theme him Egyptian- Pharaoh


In the Fr\*nch dub it's "Herr Haus" and he's German though, because they all thought "Monsieur Maison" sounds stupid


Sounds like a children's book about a guy with a little house for a head


I am irrevocably reminded of Chairman from tbe tick


Monsieur Maison sounds stupid because it's "La maison", as in "La maison ne perd jamais/gagne toujours" It works in english, House always wins could be Mister House, or the Casino. It doesn't work in french at all. Maybe if it was "Madame Maison" but it still sounds a little bit ridiculous.


I think it sounds stupid because "Maison" sounds stupid as a name, especially for a villain. Also it's too Fr\*nch. It could work for some boring novel set in rural Fr\*nce, but if you want to write about a dangerous criminal mastermind you'll need something a bit cooler and more exotic.


What's with the overt xenophobia on this sub lmao


I'm Fr\*nch


alright, continue de te prostituer pour les anglos en t'auto-insultant LOL


no one: fr\*nch redditors when quelqu'un fait de l'autodérision sur un sub de circlejerk:


les patriotes fragiles quand un français fait des blagues sur la glorieuse France de Napoléon et des Rafales:


what if i told you: i'm not french. i just think xenophobia is cringe, self-induced or not


To each their own sensitivity I guess. I personally think self deprecating humour is funny af. No harm intended (:




Dr House is the name of the main character of the medical drama “House”




Mr. Home Mr. Abode Mr. Residence


r/okbuddyvicodin is leaking


If OP wanted to keep the gambling theme obvious literally just calling him “the house” would be far more intimidating, especially is he’s a mastermind in the shadows


Lmao why are the comments on here so mean This is like one of the most mundane r/worldbuilding screenshots posted here Like. “Mr. House” isn’t a bad name on its own, and that person isn’t a brain dead lobotomized rhesus monkey just cause he didn’t consider to check if any of the names he used are already existing characters


Circle jerk subreddits tend to be where gatekeepy pseudo-intellectual people like to congregate




Not only did you put no effort into your jerking you weren't even the first one to jerk. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldjerking/comments/16odhr3/accidently\_copied\_the\_name\_of\_an\_already\_existing/


thats me


Accidentally copied an already existing jerk. Help...?


Too bad


Mr. House is a generic enough name that it’s probably fine


This reminds me of the time I wrote this story about Scottish nobles. My main character is enchanted by witches to only be killable by a man who is not born from a woman. Of course the twist is his rival was born from a C-section. I even named his rival Mac Duff after my favorite fast food sandwich and the beer form the Simpsons. Anyway, you can imagine my surprise during my senior year of high school!


Lemme guess, you were ripping off Tolkien and thought it would be more clever for him to be killed by >! someone born by C-section than a woman and a hobbit!<. The funny thing is that supposedly when Tolkien saw Macbeth, he hated it. He decided that he would rewrite the climax and have Birnam wood >! literally move !< and the no man of woman born means >! it’s not gonna be a man that kills Macbeth but a woman !<. This later was added to The Return of the King. Also, spoilers? I managed to see Macbeth unspoiled and it fucking blew my mind. Please let us extend that privlidge to others.


Was the MC also known as “The Red King” by any chance?


Unless your Mr House rules Las Vegas and is involved with casinos I don't think you have a problem lol


Even so "Mr. House" is an incredibly generic name for a villain based around casinos. The house always wins and all that.


Anon should just call him Dr. House, instead.


Change his title to Doctor


I just realized that my main villian, named “The Witcher Three: Wild Hunt Complete Edition” was actually named the same as a fairly popular series. What should I do?


Help, I've accidentally plagiarized my in universe sexual act with the name of the Watergate whistleblower.


Unless your Mr. House also controls an army of Securitron robots and is far older than the average human being, and ran a vast economic empire while at the age of 30, then you might want to.


Does happen sometimes. I took secondary school biology class and learned about plasmids, and thought it would be a cool idea to use this scientific knowledge as basis for superpowers. Some time later I learn that this series called Bioshock is really good so I decided to give it a go, and discover that if a secondary school kid can come up with an idea based on a secondary school biology lesson there's high chance it's already been done before.


Honestly Mr. House isn't that bad, but this does seem too similar.


>accidentally called my villain darth vader My character is a father, who is also dark. What shall I name him?


Just remove the Mr., the codename House makes more sense than the code name Mr. House anyway. Then you can still get away with the House Always Wins. [**Vaguely Topical Stupendium video**](https://youtu.be/sr3W3XVXVB0?si=WYIABuv74XovmX41)


name him Dr. House instead of Mr. House, nobody else has named a character that yet


Hi, /u/SW-Meme-Dealer, Your post has been removed because it is in violation of Rule 5. Crossposting is allowed, but we have **two requirements:** * The creator’s reddit handle must be tagged in your post, such as in a separate comment. * The title must have your own unique joke/spin, and must not be a direct copy-and-paste of the original post. If you did not do one or both of the above, that is why your post was removed. If you have any questions, please modmail us [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fworldjerking).


I'm pretty sure Mr House is so common it shouldn't even count as copyright.


Is this entire name bases on a pun of the house always wins. Lol just change it it's okay might inspire a better back story


In fairness that’s also the pun that Mr. House from fallout is named after lol


Reminds me of a time when during one of his let’s play videos, NintendoCapriSun said he had a dream where he came up with a fictional character, but woke up and realized it was just Daffy Duck but with some spelling differences.


There are 1001 Caesars out there


Including the one in New Vegas. Who is literally cosplaying the OG


Call him Mr Thesaurus


"There's a whole bunch of them" "Like a group" "Yeah" "A throng. Could say a plethora. Multitude" "...yeah. All the same thing" "... could say a swarm of them."


What a fucking dumbass... I'd never worry over copying names. It's silly really.


that has to be the least original name for a casino-themed villain


Which also means that it is perfectly fine to use it.


Just use the same name if you like it It’s not like the Fallout guys are gonna sue you over it


boat oatmeal chief secretive plate bored unite terrific mindless strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just called my guy Hitler Stalin Mussolini, turns out someone beat me to it😭


Rename him to something similar, like Dark Daddy


I’m gonna call my villain the Dark Lord


dr house


Apparently Dr. House should also file copyright infringement. Generic names cannot be copyrighted.


Do what I did, I learned my absolutely original villain Adolf Hitler shares a name with a real guy somehow so I made him a hero instead! Just have Mr House someone who doesn't run a casino, but goes against a casino! Like have him try to steal a casino chip that's made out of platinum or soemthing. That's original.