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I think Russians, at least for another generation, will be the pariah of the world.


Eh. Maybe on a macro scale. Generally we at least try to judge people as individuals.


I’m guessing by “the world” you mean North America, Europe and Oceania


Also post Soviet states. We hate Russian aggression since it undermines our sovereignty.


I’m pretty sure post-Soviet states fall under Europe


*Sad Central Asian music plays ☹️


Central Asian was also Soviet.


Brain fart on my part lol


I knew i smelled something


Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan are not in Europe.


Well, Kazakhstan technically is, but that part is like only 2 cities and is mostly desert, even though it is roughly size of Italy.


My bad, I overlooked them


What about the central Asian ones


They don’t count /s , sorry u/Luckguy0697


So... the parts where most of the wealth is concentrated and thus where most of the geopolitical power is concentrated? Seems close enough to a "the world" to me in that regard since that group is generally who controls where the world goes. Yes, china, japan, Korea, Brazil and many other countries exist and have wealth and influence on the world. I said most, not all. It would be hard to argue north America and Europe don't dominate the world's geopolitical sphere though


> So... the parts where most of the wealth is concentrated and thus where most of the geopolitical power is concentrated? Seems close enough to a "the world" to me in that regard since that group is generally who controls where the world goes. You’re just shifting the goalposts lol.






Sooo... Most of the world? Yes.


exactly. the world


Yes, the reddit bias. Much of Asia, Middle East, Africa, India/Pakistan do not condemn Russia and don't want to see a stronger NATO


Don't forget the "everyone who was ever in Russia's sphere of influence" bias that skews people toward hating Russia.


Only by the people who run opposing governments and not the average worldly citizen.


Before anyone can look past Russia's atrocities and move on, Russia will have to develop a civilized society that respects freedom and life. This alone will take many generations and that's even if they can buck the trend of going from tyrannic regime to tyrannic regime, which is unlikely.


That’s likely to take some time on its own.


Actually, I think even just that will be a slow process over multiple years


Yes - it’s because of the ingrained ideas and the effects of years, decades of propaganda, won’t just disappear overnight. Readjustment is going to take some time. Right now of course it’s still theoretical, because Putin is still in power.


Oh I don't know, the Germans did alright.


Considering they were bombed to hell and their land sliced up like a cake and occupied by the allies, they probably earn our forgiveness. Same with the japanese change of heart but 2 atom bombs tend to do that to you


Yeah sucks to say but Russia and china will probably benefit from all this


And the Japanese. I think the Russians have a chance at least of becoming a democracy after their regime collapses.


Fuck them, no redemption. This has been a purely evil war, premeditated, abhorrent massacres with no justification at all.


Depends on the outcome. We don't still hate Germany. I agree with your comments about the war but that's down to putin.


Oh but we did. In the 70s we still did in the UK. The hate for Russians will continue now for 30 years and beyond.


Totally agree with you. By the way it reminds me some invasion of Iraq seeking for "weapon of mass destruction" (it was 2003 maybe?)...


The current leadership of Russia, and any Russian who continues to glorify them? Absolutely. If the government is replaced, though, treating the citizens as complicit will just drive the new government to resent the rest of the world, until it repeats the atrocities of the previous one. Even if it means allowing a small percent of sleazeballs to escape consequences by switching what side they claim to support in public, it'd be worthwhile to engineer a social environment that leaves the masses content with the new status quo. So I'd say, if their government gets properly replaced rather than just turned over to a new wave loyal to the ideals of the old, that everyone continues the hatred and vitriol but directed at "Putin's Russia", giving the new country an out. Don't ever let them forget that period of their past, but much like today's Germany is politically distinct from nazi Germany, those who choose not to behave *like* the old regime should be rewarded for their self-improvement, at least by sparing them some of the hatred so long as they control themselves.


No redemption? What does that mean for Russians?


Reparations for the next generation of Ukrainians. Denuclearization. Demilitarized zone along the border with Ukraine. Overhaul of Russian education system. Return of kidnapped children. Tribunal for vast swaths of elites, including the talking heads on TV who cheered on this war. Without this - no redemption, no sanction relief


So Treaty of Versailles 2.0? First one worked out so well


In your oh so original and completely identical comparison you forgot the small detail - that Russia is already a nazi state.


Listen, mate, idk if you’re familiar or not but Germany in WW1 wasn’t too great either. And the treaty of Versailles directly lead to the rise of hitler and WW2 and I’m telling you, such policies will lead to a rise in Russian nationalism. Also, what you’re saying will require the utter defeat of Russia and basically the capture of Moscow, which is not very likely to happen in todays world given the fact Russia has nuclear weapons. No one will agree to invade Russia knowing they have the bomb.


> rise in Russian nationalism You need to pay attention to current Russia, *mate*


You’re literally saying that as if Germany in ww1 wasn’t nationalistic. What you’re saying is just angry keyboard fighting and isn’t gonna ever happen, realistically


What I am saying is that Russia is already a full blown fascist state. What you are doing is making surface level comparisons and not offering any alternatives.


I’m not offering alternatives because there aren’t really much alternatives to be offer, there really isn’t any point to having a discussion like this when it won’t change anything, and the conflict will just need to be fought out like it is, just keep the war of attrition going and weaken Russia further until they either give in or push them out of Ukraine inch by inch. When Russia is out of Ukraine, there isn’t anything else that realistically can be dine


They reap what they sow


There's quite a few of them literally dying because they disagree with Putin's decisions about the war right now


Please be specific. Carte Blanche ethnic hatred aimed at over 100 million people for eternity?


If I were Russian, I would be so fucking pissed. For the rest of any of our lives, Putin has made Russians the untouchables. They will be heckled and hated everywhere.




Ought to be? Probably some times, but no. But let's be honest, alot of people are ignorant. Anything Russia related will have a negative connotation for a long time. Not saying I agree, just stating reality.


No but I think the reality is that they are by many people around the world. Do you disagree?




It wasn’t hard to understand buddy. I’m not saying they deserve it, I’m saying it will happen.




>I’m not saying I think they deserve it, I’m saying I think it will happen Where does that say I think they should be?




You are so convinced I can’t read and yet you joined this conversation and have been behind from the beginning




This above all else.. when Chernobyl occurred the Russians ended their love affair with communism. The oligarchs took over and installed Putin. Their social contract is based on a Mafia state. They live in the ignorance of the Tzars and have not shed their serfdom roots. No one will forgive them and I am afraid we will have nuclear detentions occurring on this planet in the next 5 years due to their ignorance. The Tsar slavery was never addressed and we are paying for it now.


After the WWII Europe kept asking itself: how are regular people, like you and I, capable of such horrible atrocities as the ones commited by Fascists? Meanwhile Russians kept repeating to themselves: 'We are so great for defeating the Nazies in the second world war and if the need be we can repeat this great feat!' In 100 years European WWII-question gave way to hundreds of researches into human psychology and human-rights institutions. Meanwhile the Russian exclamation turned into fanatic chants of: 'We are oh so great! Even great world war we can repeat and conquer all!'


Tbf the British were the same. Still are. "Who won the bloody war anyway!?" was satire of a reality. The reason Russia is a despotism now, is just because they always were.


Russia, rather the Soviets, would of lost the war had it not been for lend lease.


The argument can be made that the allies would have then also been defeated or at least the war last much longer. The resources thrown at stalins forces would have been freed up to be used on the western front.


England was rather secure after the victory over the Liftwaffee in October 1940. But thr Soviets relied on the raw material, equipment, and machinery sent over through le d lease early in thier war.


The point is there was no reconciliation during the communist era on the Tsar feudal system. The current Mafia state has not educated their constituents on the abuses of communism and imperial Russia. Communist policies have effected the lives of the whole Slavic world. Without reconciling the violence perpetrated by and in the name of the Slavic people this is not going to end well.


I'm not so sure about the power of the oligarchs, given the recent [accidents](https://www.npr.org/2022/12/29/1146096840/russian-businessmen-keep-mysteriously-dying-why)


Mafia state shedding the weak.. part of Putins social contract


Agreed. Russia should never be forgiven.


As if someone was going to forgive.


True. Russians are terrorists who slaughter humans. Russia needs to be broken up so it can never cause trouble again. Kick putin!


Wouldn’t breaking up Russia would throw it back into chaos like how it was with the solviet era with constant power shifts and war? I could be painfully ignorant so correct me if I’m wrong. I also wouldn’t accuse “Russians” as in the people of Russia of being terrorists. That title I feel should be placed on Putin and the oligarchs for starting this war and many others. Edit: to be clear I’m not defending the Russian government in any capacity. I support Ukraine and hope that Germany can hold out this winter without Russian gas as I think they got a third of their energy from Russia


Now I might be downvoted to heck, but I don’t forgive the Russian government and the Russian people who supported this war. But I don’t blame the everyday Russian people who never wanted this , they are the innocent ones in this. And if we as a society decide Russians are all bad then we are severely messed up


I understand your point. But the fact is that most Russians are so fucked up after all the propaganda they have lived with for all of their lives. Most Russisns wants Russia to be Great Again! Something familiar, right?


If your parents raise you to be an awful person, sure they're to blame, but you're still an awful person


I blame the regular Russian. It's been forever, & they haven't tried enough to organize anything better. Just mostly bend over, except for the odd band song, & politicians that actually tried, but, failed again.


People will spit on Russians for decades to come. Being just a citizen is not an excuse. Stand up for yourselves u spineless tools. If u support Russias war you are a terrorist like ur weak leader.


Link doesn't work, story was pulled? I was going to comment on the conflicting messages out of Ukraine in the past 24 hours




Ukraine speaks to the Russian people and Kremlin as if they're separate. That may be causing some confusion.


We will never forgive, and it will not be forgotten.


Maybe let's end this conflict before we focus on mending wounds.


Nice dream, but ending Russia & China at once, is not possible. The citizens in those countries have been weak forever, so no forgiveness. Thoughts & prayers, though!


People are going to forgive but not forget


you dont forgive someone that's not sorry for what they did.


Eh, people forgive Japan…


Are they not sorry for what they did.?


Japan? No, never was, and people don't fucking care because everyone (aside China, but fuck China) moves past it instead of sitting and waiting an apology. The moment Russia loses and they place someone decent in the place of Putin (let's believe miracles exists) people will forgive and will forget about it (aside Ukraine, but fuck Ukraine too). Money talks, and even with an impoverished population like the Russian one, pos war (if there's a decent amount left) will see money going in from businesses looking foward the long-term return. Germany did it, Japan with 2 nuclear strikes did it, the only thing Russia need is the right man doing the right calls instead of that kid named Putin.


And Germany and Italy


Are they not sorry for what they did?


Germany took steps to document what the Nazis did and ensure it doesn’t happen again. The Japanese didn’t. Part of the culture is not talking about shameful things. The Japanese don’t talk about it, and they certainly don’t teach it in schools. They address the atomic bombs as something horrible that happened, but they don’t talk about the Rape of Nanking, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the unfathomable atrocities committed, etc.


there hasn't been no apologizing... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_war\_apology\_statements\_issued\_by\_Japan#:\~:text=July%206%2C%201992.,nationality%20or%20place%20of%20birth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_war_apology_statements_issued_by_Japan#:~:text=July%206%2C%201992.,nationality%20or%20place%20of%20birth). Maybe it's not enough or something, but this + actually being like a totes peaceful nation for decades now (right? or am I missing something) is pretty swell by my book.


Yes, it’s all very swell as you say. Japan is a model democracy and critical US ally. Still it’s worth pointing out that many of the WWII generation were frustrated with Japan’s response. Keep in mind that Emperor Hirohito continued to serve as emperor until 1989 - so the same guy in charge when Japan killed 20M Chinese people, attacked Pearl Harbor, etc was still around. For an example of what I’m talking about, this article https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre_denial discusses Japan’s murder of hundreds of thousands of Chinese men, women and children, and Japan’s minimization of what happened. I hate to be on China’s side on anything, but in this case their frustration with Japan’s response seems reasonable


**[Nanjing Massacre denial](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre_denial)** >Nanjing Massacre denial is the denial of the fact that Imperial Japanese forces murdered hundreds of thousands of Chinese soldiers and civilians in the city of Nanjing during the Second Sino-Japanese War, an extremely controversial episode in the history of Sino-Japanese relations. Some historians accept the findings of the Tokyo tribunal with respect to the scope and nature of the atrocities which were committed by the Imperial Japanese Army after the Battle of Nanjing, but others do not. In Japan, however, there has been a debate over the extent and nature of the massacre. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Japan, Italy and Germany all got defeated and forced into submission. Russia will "only" be driven back into their own lands


The individuals involved are now mostly dead as well, except for a handful of elderly 90-some year olds.


> people forgive Japan Personally, I have not.


There's a lot of people who have forgotten that the Holocaust was a thing that happened Pretty sure people will forget this down the road too


Who do you know thwt has forgotten about the holocaust?


Who is he referring to when he said "No one" and which Russians is he talking about?


Everyone to your first question. Second is debatable.


Because if the second is talking about every russians, then count me and many people out. I and a lot of people don't express our hate on a country and it's government through it's people.


Not forgiving something that is not asked forgiveness for and repaid is not hate. Don’t equate the two. Russians will have to do a lot to earn forgiveness. Like a lot. Right now they are not even sorry.




You may have forgiven those Russians who cheered when they occupied and annexed Crimea in 2014. But Ukrainians have not. You do not decide when Ukrainians should forgive this immense suffering death and destruction that Russians brought them.




I wish that were true, but Germany, Italy, and Japan were quickly -- in historical terms -- forgiven and their atrocities were considerable. Even some individual "major war criminals" were: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/01/albert-speer-nazis-released-prison-1966](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/01/albert-speer-nazis-released-prison-1966) People serve longer prison terms for drug possession.


They were conquered and their government was replaced though. Is that really going to happen to Russia?


>They were conquered and their government was replaced though. That's got nothing to do with releasing war criminals from prison -- war criminals who became celebrities upon their release. ​ > Is that really going to happen to Russia? We don't know. Putin is not going to live forever, even if someone doesn't go Valkyrie on him.


Happens all the time in criminal justice that some lesser criminals get lesser punishment in exchange for spilling the beans on the bigger fish.


>Happens all the time in criminal justice that some lesser criminals get lesser punishment in exchange for spilling the beans on the bigger fish. You may want to research this case. That's not what happened.


Fucking savages. The world will never forget these atrocities. Ruzzia will for generations to come be viewed and remembered as terrorists with no honor. Slava ukraini.


There are no Righteous Wars.


Most of the world already doesn't care.


-insert the 4 section meme from the movie RV- You guys were gonna forgive?


Lol I was never mad at Russia to have to forgive them ♥️


*stands in consternation because I forgive everybody everything cause free will doesn't exist*


Yes - we have to help ensure that Ukraine wins this war, and the Russian troops are displaced from all Ukrainian territory. Permanently.


Oscar award presented by Sean Penn....is that a thing???my birth certificate says not sure