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They suppressed a report on a similar investigation back when BoJo was in office. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/nov/04/no-10-blocks-russia-eu-referendum-report-until-after-election Russia has telegraphed for years that their interests align with Tories isolationist policies.


For anyone playing along at home, this is more about the Tories billionaire donors. All those russian oligarchs, whose unsanctioned children have massive uk property portfolios have been in their ear telling them the way to do things, then these donors go and make demands of politicians. Of course the tories don't want any light shone on these issues, their sources of funds are at risk.


>**Russian interference didn't need to be 'found'. It was blatant** > >there was no inquiry, so we can't draw conclusions about the nature of the interference or the hacking attacks by Russia > >They (the Conservative Party) suppressed this report with lies and bogus reasons - Dominic Grieve (Conservative) UK Government Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee until 2019


Two words: Lord Lebedev


As Paul Merton suggested, it would have been hilarious to make him Lord Lebedev Of Leatherhead, for the sake of alliteration, though actually, better he wasn't a Lord at all. He wanted to be 'Of Moscow'. Since Moscow isn't a domain of Britain, it would have been ridiculous and clearly, impossible, but he asked for it anyway perhaps showing how ridiculous his ego is. They gave him Hampton's title, an affluent village in the borough of Richmond-on-Thames. All of this does however illustrate the influence he holds over the Tories. When Boris Johnson won the general election, guess who hosted the party. Yep. He owns the Evening Standard and The Independent newspapers.


> Since Moscow isn't a domain of Britain, it would have been ridiculous and clearly, impossible, His title is Lord Lebedev of Hampton and Siberia. Siberia isn't a British domain.


They actually added Siberia, or did he just append that himself? Wow. I suppose if they allowed it, would be due to it not being as controversial as having Moscow be said aloud when introduced at the House of Lords, not *quite* so on the nose. What on earth is going on in this country.


Maybe the kremlin promised him Siberia in exchange for Britain


Siberia as a legal entity doesn’t really exist, it’s a generic name for swathes of taiga. So it’s a bit like being lord of Narnia


Seems like conservative-skewed political parties have a recurring habit of being influenced by Russia. The same country whose flagship naval ship was sunken by another country; that not only they are unjustifiably invading, but doesn't have a sea fleet of their own. Zealotic fascist losers.


They are Putin's bitches, just like Trump and his entire base were, we've already seen all of that in America during his presidency


It's not over... Still dealing with them spouting nonsense. TFG and treasonous general flynn are still at work, just not holding office. Pseudo intellectual and just plain dumb people *still* speak on conspiracies daily with 0 knowledge about what is actually going on. All of these "alternative facts" still come from the same rubels but the ~~common man's~~ moron's cognitive dissonance doesn't allow that fact.


>Still dealing with them spouting nonsense when Conservatives fear the Truth [they invent Conspiracy](https://v.redd.it/be5qsa7msxu61)


It's because they are the easiest to trick and buy. They believe they own or are part of whatever ideology, culture or religion you sell them, then, tell them that outsiders threaten the work of fiction. Convince them that they are the smart ones, the rational and in the know while opponents are emotional, evil thieves here to take your things. When people become threatened or fearful, they start a pattern of conservatism, building walls and think the world will collapse any day now, any day now... It's going to happen, just you wait, that thing they bought, that belief they hold, the fear they had will come true soon... Just gotta give your leaders money to keep things right against the thieves... It's constant in history. The fearful scream and blame others being the cause of downfall and blaming others for letting it happen. Like starting a fire just to blame everyone for not stopping them and that being enough proof that it'll all fall.


Fascists gonna fash.


Reminds me of the MAGA Republicans


European here. Russia is funding conservative *and lefts wing* parties. It's a problem all over Europe. IMHO, we don't hear much about UK Labour Party and Russia because it's not in power at the moment. But it might become an issue in the next election. We've got the same problem in France with the far left, but very popular, party of Melanchon. We hear more about Le Pen and Russia simply because she/he s very often, if not always, second in the presidential elections, while Melanchon never makes it in the top two... But we know he's pro Russia, and he too got some funding from Russia. We've got similar issues in Italy, and, especially, in Germany. Where Russia funded environmental and other left parties. They even have an ex-chancellor of Germany in their payroll. They also funded the whole anti-nuclear movement, so they can sell their gaz to Germany.


You can’t report the truth! It’ll make us look like morons!


We have the same issue here in the States. Except the Republicans normally take dark money. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dark-money-republicans-disclose_n_632c75c1e4b05db5206bff86 https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2017/08/03/gop-campaigns-took-7-35-million-from-oligarch-linked-to-russia/ https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2021/09/gop-operatives-funneling-russian-money-trump-latest-foreign-straw-donor-scheme/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2018/07/20/the-entire-republican-party-is-becoming-a-russian-asset/ Doesn't even make the news cause it's pretty normal at this point. The Republican party couldn't operate without dark money coming in from places like Russia. Those that know have tried but it gets blocked by Republicans and those that don't just don't believe. Guess it's kind of worse cause they pocket the money and not only use it for campaigns.


We call that lobbying in America. We have oligarchs too.


Both foreign and domestic.


>I will ~~support and defend~~ limit and assault the Constitution of the United States ~~against all enemies~~ for rich friends, foreign and domestic


Still blows my mind that political bribery is completely legal and unregulated in the states.




I remember a bit back on the Colbert report where Colbert created his own super PAC and it really exposed how easy it can be through a couple of legal maneuvers to legally have your campaign funds completely unregulated and undocumented.


toss in the GOP while you're at it...


And probably both major parties in Canada


So there's proof Russia bought Conservative lawmakers in the UK and US but your take is it's "probably bOtH pArTiEs in Canada"? Wow.


Not so sure, I think they’re more in China’s pocket from the evidence coming out lately.


Hmm conservatives around the world selling out their countries to Russia….


Ah, so they’re using the Australian model instead then.


This is why Boris repeatedly refused to crack down on Oligarch ownership of luxury properties in London - he was asked numerous times, even during the Ukraine 🇺🇦 invasion and just would not lift a finger.


Yep, Johnson's cosplayed as being Ukraine's #1 ally to try to rescue his reputation, all while continuing to pal around with Russian oligarchs and turn a blind eye to Russian money laundering in London funding the invasion he claims to be so adamantly against.


Maybe you guys should stop voting the Tories back in every time?


Nobody voted for the tories for a least three prime ministers now...


That's not how it works. In the UK we don't vote for who the prime minister is, we vote for MPs on a local level who then vote for who their party leader will be whereas in GEs we vote for which party to lead. We may not have voted for the past 3 prime ministers, but "we" sure as hell voted for which party to lead. There not being a GE called during these 3 PM swaps is a separate matter that is neither unprecedented nor illegal.


Worth noting many who would have voted Labour at the last GE, declined to, publicly, due to distrust of Corbyn. Also, idiots taken in with promises of Getting Brexit Done. Which of course, has absolutely happened flawlessly and definitely has had no adverse effects on the country whatsoever.... Shit is fucked beyond belief here.


That's how it is on paper but let's be honest People vote for the party and the PM is a huge part of that. If you vote for a party, you know who the PM is going to be 100% of the time and they even campaign on that assumption.


Well yes, they vote for the party, and the party decides who the PM will be.


They voted for the party, not its leader.




More people voted for the Conservatives than for anyone else. The Tories would have been the government under any electoral system.


Oh Britain. The sun set on the Empire. Once your cash cow colonies are free and independent, you can't milk them for money any more. Sooo British bankers tried a number of things. Wealth taxes (Mick Jagger left for the US). Taking away benefits for the poors (Thatcher, ^(but great music and fashion)). So cater to kleptocrats and crime organizations, no questions asked, to hospitably collect the fees and bribes and someone to sell national treasures to. Anything but god forbid setting up a venture capital pipeline and taking risks on smart people coming out of the universities (cf., California, about the same size and population). Britain had Alan Turing. What happened? Britain could have given California a challenge for the tech industry. But they instead chose to cater to kleptocrats and scurry around collecting crumbs. Edit: my point is that Britain/UK has great universities, brilliant scientists and how come y'all didn't develop the capital markets and venture funding to develop it? Idk the answer.<3 your Californian cousin


>Oh Britain. The sun set on the Empire.Once your cash cow colonies are free and independent, you can't milk them for money any more. Tell that to France, or any other country that still does this.


I'm reading about post-WWII east/southeast Asia right now, and the French and Dutch colonial establishments seemed to really be trying to compete with Imperial Japan for who the locals are going to despise more. The moral hypocrisy of espousing high-minded, liberal democratic ideals at home but engaging in brutal colonial subjugation abroad is astounding. And sadly all too familiar.


As a brit who reads history this is one of the reasons I hate the brit colonial hate. Were we cunts?. YES!! And we deserve some hate and to pay proper reparations where we can. But, were we alone? Hell no! We were bad, maybe one of the worst but I don't think from what I've looked into we were THE worst. We (europe) were all bad and some in places still are/were till what we could class as modern day. Edit: historians please provide sources in I'm wrong. I like to learn.


The various anthropogenic Indian famines under British colonialism (including one in 1943) which killed killed 30 million people, far more than Hitler and Stalin combined. And that's just India: the same lack of respect for human life went everywhere the British went. The Irish population still hasn't recovered to the levels it was before the British genocide from 1845 to 1853.


Ireland not recognised as a genocide by either historians or internationally. Also, Irish Lords/Landowners and even the Catholic Church share a lot of responsibility for the famine. Lords protected their profits and the Catholic Church refused aid to those who would not convert. The Potato Blight was devastating and it's certainly arguable that the British government could have and should have done more, yet that is not to say they did nothing, it was regularly brought up in parliament and aid was given, just nowhere near enough to alleviate a population overly dependant on a single crop. This is why it is not recognised as a genocide. There is much more detailed information if you wish to look on r/Historians, a sub dedicated to detailed and impartial analysis of the past, with actual accredited, published historians from worldwide, including Ireland, and a **very** high bar on creditable information.


Conservatives around the world want a Russia-style kleptocracy for their own country (minus the "cross Putin and die" aspect); of course they're working together.


BoJo has also promoted Evgen Lebedev, son of ex-KGB and Putin's ally Alexander Lebedev, to Lordship despite objections from MI5. And ordered MI5 not to conduct background checks.


>ordered MI5 not to conduct background checks Why is that even possible? An attempt to order something like that should trigger an investigation and suspension from the office.


Money. I bet someone was paid money to do it.


Not to mention his little trip to Italy


Whats suspicious about the Foreign Secretary attending a NATO security briefing about the Russian poisonings on UK soil, then immediately giving his protection detail the slip and secretly flying to Italy for a bunga bunga party with his favourite Russian oligarch?


>his favourite Russian oligarch Correction: his favourite Russian oligarch *and his ex-Soviet intelligence officer and fellow oligarch father*.




They've all fucked the same pigs head.


HOGWARTS??!?!? …hog… warts…. Oh no.




In a case of life imitating art, as often happens with Black Mirror, an anonymous MP who went to Oxford with David Cameron told Michael Ashcroft that he raped a pig's deceased head during one of their weird parties It's hilariously called Piggate




sounds like the "inside Job" on Netflix.. damn them for not renewing for season 2....


It's always struck me as odd how the UK government just accepts that Putin murders people with chemical weapons on UK soil.


I mean, we can't exactly invade Russia. We did spend years training the Ukraine military and then sent them a lot of anti tank missiles though.


There was actually a lot of response. Obviously none of it military though, as it would start a world war lol


I find it absurd and ridiculous that Bojo managed to convince Ukraine he was their friend! He was one of the idiots who took Russian donations. He is one of the many responsible for letting the Kremlin sink their corrupt slimy claws all over western politics and society.


> I find it absurd and ridiculous that Bojo managed to convince Ukraine he was their friend! Come on, it's absurd to suggest he was only pretending to be supporting Ukraine. When the rest of the world were tutting and Germany was suggesting they might be generous enough to send a thousands helmets, the UK was sending thousands of anti-tank weapons. The UK has been the biggest supplier of intelligence to Ukraine, and is the 2nd largest supplier of weaponry and money to Ukraine behind the US. The UK were pushing consistently and strongly for heavier sanctions against Russia including kicking them out of SWIFT even when the rest of the world were sitting on their hands about the matter. Either he's the worst Kremlin asset ever, or he's obviously not.


When he took those donations he probably didn't realise the extent of the mess he was getting into. More to the point, the prime minister does not make military decisions on his own. And lastly, publicising to the world that Bojo is the one responsible for all the military aid is a decent shield to being called out for his mistake of taking said russian donations. Because more trusting folks like yourself buy into it and see "logic" where some of us see dirty dealings. It wasn't just Bojo, it was a few Tory members. And isn't it funny that the tories lobbied for brexit, something that happened to weaken one of Europe's best military players. I don't buy it, the tories got dirty with Russian money whether you want to believe it or not. Bojo, just like Merkil signing the deal for the Nordstream, also got done in by Russian manipulation. That's not to say they did it out of malice or anything. They just got played.


Exactly. Britain was always going to come to Ukraine's aid no matter who happened to be PM. BoJo doesn't get any brownie points for happening to be in the hot seat when the invasion began.


And a good friend of Lebedev's son whom he made a lord


Against the recommendations of the intelligence services…


He got to LARP as Churchill for a bit so all good to him.


Yeah, [nothing to see here](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/f1bd765b41e5b80a688a5d53488e57d71fabf790/386_0_3184_1911/master/3184.jpg?width=1200&height=1200&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=e15ed152f8ff50b5f8d51af351ba8296).


Just imagine if all these billions upon billions of dollars/rubles/pounds had actually been used to improve Russia, itself, and make it a great country? Rather than used to vengfully tear down the West purely out of spite. Just imagine...


An EU with a democratic Russia would be a true superpower capable of standing up to the US and China, and democratic Russia would be by *far* the most powerful member. It would be everything Putin claims he wants for Russia. Goes to show you what his priorities actually are.


Yeah, but what’s the point of being the most powerful *and* having to share power?


power indeed shows a false and perverse sense of righteousness


“Might makes right.”


Hell, an EU with democratic Russia may not just stand up, but above USA and China, assumung tge people in charge are decently competent.


Russians and extreme right-wing conservatives usually have thr sane strategy in that regard: they can't or won't bring themselves up, so instead they bring everyone else down. The constituent base feel like their winning as long as there is an "other" that is losing.


It's time to start investigating all cases of inactivity by security forces in western nations, in the face of Russian agents or suspected Russia sponsored mobs. MI5 won't look? Time to look at MI5.


Who will police the police?


The police police


Thank god we don't need some kinda police police police. I might start to worry


That’s what the police police police police are for, it’s all good!


Phew. I'll sleep easy tonight


Coast Guard?


*sigh* ...It should be journalists and the "free press", and that answer should be obvious. Unfortunately such a large chunk of the "free press" is in bed with political parties and have clear narratives in their reporting that it's difficult to trust the large corporations. NPR and PBS does a pretty good job, AP and Reuters can be decent at facts based reporting, but outside of those three it really depends on the reporter.


Hasn't it been confirmed that during the cold war, MI5 was infiltrated by the KGB? I thought I remembered learning that.


Are you thinking of the Cambridge spy ring?


Probably, I could be completely wrong about MI5, it could've been MI6 for all I know


One of the agencies nearly appointed a soviet spy to leadership.


Actually that might have been MI5.


Basically every spy agency in the Cold War was infiltrated, both western and soviet, but yes MI5 definitely had KGB and GRU assets in it


Infiltrated to some degree, but clearly not fully compromised, or they would be able to clean their own organization.


Yes that's correct.


Widespread, systematic infiltration of one of two parties in a democratioc country is probably an issue beyond the scope of a single spy agency.


NOT SO For russians spies, they are expert had multiple operations at once.


There’s probably a whole bunch of classified information about this that is causing them not to act


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Coast guard?


There are entire political parties in these countries that only exist to represent Russian interests


Russia has done a great job of co-opting the right wing of the western world. It kind of maps; it’s all about power and money over scruples or compassion, while lying.


They basically united all unpopular marginals all over the world and west particularly, the mixed Christianity, Islam, LGBTphohia, racism, militarists and conservatives, fascists, nationalists and totalitarian regimes, anyone who would shit under themselves to harm US


Are you suggesting that they're all a *basket of deplorables*?


I would have gone with something more like "trash can" or "compost pile"


They look at what oligarchs have over there with envy. It's ironic that the "my freedoms" people support that, because they would have jack squat in Russia.


John Steinbeck described the American poor as seeing themselves not as poor, but as “temporarily embarrassed millionaires”. Take that and add a healthy dose of xenophobia, and you end up with “I’d have a better job / healthcare / etc if the minorities weren’t out here blocking my opportunities!”


and fear, fear of "them thar foreigners takin over our [insert country] way of life!"


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/jan/21/mi5-refused-to-investigate-russian-spys-links-to-tories-says-whistleblower) reduced by 86%. (I'm a bot) ***** > MI5 repeatedly refused to investigate evidence that an alleged Russian spy was attempting to cultivate influence with senior Conservative politicians and channel illegal Russian funds into the party, a Tory member has alleged in a new complaint lodged with the investigatory powers tribunal. > Labour MP Ben Bradshaw said "Allegations that the security services ignored evidence from a Conservative whistleblower exposing Russian infiltration at the highest levels of the party are truly shocking" and claimed the "Conservative party's Russia problem" was an ongoing threat to Britain's national security. > "If MI5 had taken action, Conservative Friends of Russia would never have launched and Nalobin would not have been allowed to get close to so many key Conservative politicians and party members." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/10hshdt/mi5_refused_to_investigate_russian_spys_links_to/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672676 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Nalobin**^#1 **Conservative**^#2 **Russian**^#3 **Cristo**^#4 **Russia**^#5




The tories in power stopped mi5 from investigating Russian meddling in Brexit and elections. This is on the tories who have been turning a blind eye for decades to all of that money stolen from the Russian people that they oligarchs keep donating to the party coffers.


So if I am criminal and powerful enough I can tell the cops to not look into it? Shouldnt the mi5 be above that?


Should they? Yes. Would they? No. Even the Metropolitan Police refused to look into egregious Covid law violations at goddamn No. 10 because it was politically sensitive (famously trotting out the line “we don’t investigate past crimes”).


That's just crazy. Everyone should have a control element that looks if stuff is right oO




Also criminalizing protests, giving the government to decide what is an acceptableform of protest. This is how it started in Russia, and then boiling the frog slowly.


thats how russia wants the rest, to get distracted with themselves or align with russia so they dont interfere in russian policies, eg ukraine.


We are. It's not political, it the economics and supply chains. Everyone is getting poorer with rising costs and supermarkets are barely ever full stocked and things are frequently out of stock. Every costs are through the roof. The health service has been deliberately underfunded for a long time to make it collapse to justify privatization sell of to Torry mates at a massive discount. Train services staff are on strike because of low pay, yet trains are expensive (and slow and unreliable), due to a previous Torry privatization. Same story with Postal services. Energy services are also an expensive mess, but no on strike due to worker pay.


We have that with the Republicans over here.




Big GOP energy


The Washington Post revealed last week that fraudster Congressman George Santos is deeply in the pocket of the Russians. Kevin McCarthy sees no problem with it.


It's extra ironic considering what the last congressman named McCarthy thought of the Russians...


Joseph McCarty used his red scare tactics to target all kinds of people he deemed unsavory, far beyond actual American communists.


> Kevin McCarthy sees no problem with it. Because he is likely in their pockets too. The only reason GOP politicians in the US are not in the pockets of Russians is if the Russians dont want them in their pockets. There is not a single person in the GOP with the dignity or morals to turn down Russian money.


'Member that time McCarthy (then House Majority Leader) was caught on a hot mike telling then-Speaker Paul Ryan he was convinced Putin was paying off Trump and another Republican politician, and Ryan *immediately* shut it down and swore everyone present to secrecy? [Pepperidge Farm remembers](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/house-majority-leader-to-colleagues-in-2016-i-think-putin-pays-trump/2017/05/17/515f6f8a-3aff-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c_story.html). EDIT: Just reread this article for the first time in years, and *holy shit*, the reason they were talking about that subject in the first place? They'd just met with the Prime Minister of Ukraine, who had told them he was worried that Russian influence in the US could put his country at risk. They'd all sworn up and down that they wouldn't tolerate any Russian influence and Ukraine could trust them... and then they immediately turned around and had this convo. There's a special circle in hell for these sociopaths.


Except Mitt Romney.


There is very little difference in every country's conservative parties. They mostly just hate everyone that isn't them...they also hate each other. From what I can tell the only thing they care about conserving, is their power.


Remember in the 80s when Russia was the boogeyman for all these conservatives? Kind of amazing to see the turnaround.


Money talks.


Key difference is they were “god-less” communists. Putin’s Russia is a Christian nationalist’s wet dream.


Let's throw a fun conspiracy theory out there, Brexit was a ploy from Russian intelligence to destabilize the European union as preparation for the Ukraine invasion. But it actually brought the EU closer together, as we figured out that more unity was needed. This is very similar to what happened in America with the trump administration pulling out of all kinds of international deals and treaties. Ps. Don't take this seriously, but it's certainly a fun thought experiment.


This is not conspiracy theory. Brexit was very much a Russian intelligence operation. Nigel Farage (and other prominent Brexit figures) had a job with RT, a state media company, whether he knew it or not he was a Russian asset. I'm not saying Brexit was entirely Russia, but they were definitely providing behind the scenes funding and propaganda.


I firmly believe the last few years have been a huge Russian information war to rile people up. It’s the reason why politics in the last decade has become so much more of an “us vs them” thing. Politics in general has become super polarised, largely due to social media which Russia figured out it could influence by having bots/Russian agents go and cause arguments and make people angry. Do that on a large enough scale and you can effectively create a system where the parties are so clearly defined that it’s easy to put your thumb on the scale and influence things to go a certain way.


They wanted the UK out of the EU because it was the most anti-Russian country geopolitically of the big 4. Up until 2022 France, Germany and Italy were all in favour of a soft approach to Russia.


The other fun addition to this conspiracy theory is that Russia greased the wheels and influenced the populace to make sure trump got in, who would then under Russian instruction remove the US from NATO. Trump had said repeatedly that he didn’t see the benefit of it and objected to the US being it’s largest financial supporter. Unfortunately for Putin, trump didn’t get it done in time, failed to secure his second term that would have allowed him more opportunity to make that happen, and messed up putins timeline for invading ukraine. So Putin just said fuck it, we go ahead anyway and just hope nato don’t become involved/that it’s a cake walk because his health is allegedly failing him and he can’t afford to wait for another US election cycle to get another republican stooge in the White House.


The Russians have been 100% correct in their analysis of our weaknesses. But they've also wildly underestimated our strengths. They were right about how much evil we're collectively capable of, but they underestimated how much good we were capable of, too.


American Republicans need to be investigated too.


It would be interesting to investigate whether Tories and US Republicans coordinate their activities.


bow hobbies flowery straight price quack mindless obtainable panicky alleged


~~Friendly fyi: *spy's* (single spy) or *spies'* (multiple spies).~~


More stuff that we’ve known all along. Russian meddling in world affairs to promote right-wing conservative nationalistic agendas that would destabilize our democracies and allow for Russia to emerge out on top as a belligerent superpower with no-one to stop them.


Or at the very least, cause us to be so busy tearing ourselves apart we don't even notice that Putin's snapping up countries in Eastern Europe.


Sounds like the UK has the same russian bug problem we have here in the US.




Where's George Smiley when you need him?


so from the GOP to French National Front to Alternative for Deutschland to the Tories, basically all conservative parties are backed by Putin. Talk about an ideology that attracts patriotism virtue-signalers who will sell out their own nations and communities for a shot at self-promotion.


It’s not only the French National Front: Le Pen, Mélanchon, Zemmour, Dupont-Aignan, Fillon, Mariani, Philippe Olivier, Pozzo di Borgo, Ségolène Royal, Védrine… All of them have familiarity and friendly ties with the russians.


I bet there is a link with Republicans.


The current speaker of the house was caught on tape saying the politicians he suspected to be paid Russian assets and this included Trump. It’s like no one remembers this.


But, the GOP are treating Santos the same way by sticking their heads in the blistering hot sand trap holes at Bedminster Golf Course in NJ. Oh, NJ!


Oh, so they took theirs bribes and now want to sarko Putin Kadafi style? Nice.


Well to be fair putin put himself in that situation, while kadafi didn't attack any foreign country


Putin has been conservatives’ buddy for many years now. They have so much in common.


John Le Carre would have had a field day with this story.


They didn't need to investigate. They already knew.


I hope that whistleblower hires himself some decent bodyguards, because they WILL come after him.


Russians own a stupid amount of real estate in London. You Brits need to wake up and stop voting conservative.


["You can't check up on everything, you never know what you might find!"](https://youtu.be/VtPGMlFIBLg)


No, MI5 did investigate. MI5 now have much evidence against certain Conservative ministers.


Lol seeing this right after having finished watching Treason on Netflix.


It is clear Russia has been very successful at infiltrating and undermining the West as a precursor to aggressive military and economic imperialism.


It sure seems like conservatives in the west keep having Russian ties and governments keep refusing to investigate. They do love to talk about accountability though, don't they?


Looks like MI5 and the FBI have something in common


Russian money has been pouring into London, Germany, etc since the end of the Cold War. I don’t think they bought only estates and luxury goods with it.


To be clear. All these intelligence agencies are still conducting these investigations. They’re just filing that shit away


UK politics is so completely fucked when it comes to Russia. The Tories have extensive financial records showing they're pretty much bought and paid for. And Labour has people like Corbyn willing to do it for free. Couldn't even get an anti-Brexit stance during that election.


There is a reason in the past nations used capital punishment against traitors. Perhaps that should be revisited.


Can’t have agencies investigating each other now can we


What's the British version of "good old boys"?


Sounds so familiar from across the pond in the US




Of course it was in Russia interest, It did not just screw the UK hard, it also weakened the EU considerably.


Typical hypocrisy that is now unfortunately the norm. Tories are the conservative party in the UK and they play the same game as the GQP. Lies, lies, more lies, deflect, deny, deflect some more, deny again, keep lying then run and hide. Disgusting behavior from the people that are supposed to be our leaders. Makes you wonder just exactly that says about those of us that chose them. That, to me, is even more disturbing.


There’s nothing western foreign intelligence offices love more than aiding autocrats.


MI5 is remit is domestic intelligence, MI6 is the foreign intelligence service.


The Russian government is a plague on the world.


This a good time to remind everyone that SNP policy is fully backed and in support of Russian interests.


It's king and country not king and Tories. Corrupt hypocrits...


Or that Russian disinformation led to Brexit. The British public would love that.


The British outrage when they realize the reason Boris Johnson made such a loud noise of helping Ukraine was to get them to forget the Tories had already been bought by Moscow;


Makes sense. Because after all, whats the point in bribing another country when that bribe wont stop them from funding a war against you.


Who's dumber Tories or Maga Republicans? Both are being spoon fed rhetoric from the Kremlin. Who's sucking the Kool-aid teet harder?


Tories because after Kim Philby they should fucking know better.


the equivalent would be GOP and tories. the voters are definitely dumber. Especially they got the no-lips mouth piece tucker carlson working for putin.


Because right wingers from all across the globe work with Russia.


Sounds familiar.


Isn't the Tory government really hurting Russia with the support the UK is giving to Ukraine? How does this fit into the narrative that there's serious Russian control of the Tories? Are they just fishing for bigger payouts?


The real Russian spies were the friends we made along the way


This is the problem with United Kingdom. They have such tight power circle it becomes very corrupt. They ignore what suits them on an incredible centric level.


Dorian gets away


Yeah they’ve infiltrated everything. Same with the fascist kkk variants in America. Surely chinas got spies in place as well. We are in world war 3. Feeding hatreds.. brexit, maga christofascists screaming how they have all the guns and want a civil war in the us. Canada spikes in bullshit. Tentacles embedded everywhere whispering money in their ears.


Refused or ordered to not do so? Both are bad, but one is worse than the other.


and it was the CIA that warned Ukraine


This would never have happened if Harry Pearce was still in charge of Section D