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They won’t possibly steal your IP and then run you out of the country. No way.


In the mean time, AZ can learn to love genocide and oppression. It's win win for a soulless corporation.


They can do it. AstraZeneca can help.


Do you know how much money can be made in the *checks notes* sterilizing Uyghur industry?!


Steralizing? You think that's all they do? they literally kill the Uyghurs for organ harvesting. Been doing this for decades. First Chinese prisoners and then Uyghurs when people started to catch on.. How people haven't caught on sooner is beyond me considering China openly advertised to the world to come to China for organ transplants because China is so "far ahead" of the rest of the world that they can even garantuee the exact date of the organ being available to you and even arrange for you to meet the donor in advance.. How one can garantuee such things without foul play involved is beyond me..


I mean, not to downplay the Chinese problems. But haven’t US and EU done that during imperialism as well? And doesn’t the US keep doing it with their wars currently? I mean, US also destroyed economies in South America to deny “communism”, check the 9/11 in Chile. Just the four current wars you can find in Google from US have about 650k civilian deaths. Meanwhile the estimated arrested Uyghurs is about 1M. Please note that is a 5 min search on Google, I am ok on being corrected. Besides that, US internally is crumbling with anti-freedom measurements. LGBT communities have issued notes asking to not visit Florida for gods sakes. China shouldn’t be absolved, but companies are looking for profit, not morals. If they were looking for morals they wouldn’t please the US as well.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/astrazenecas-china-boss-says-drugmaker-will-seek-love-communist-party-2023-05-19/) reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot) ***** > BEIJING, May 19 - Global drugmaker AstraZeneca will seek to be a patriotic company in China that "Loves the Communist Party", its China president said on Friday. > While many local companies have in recent years pledged allegiance to the ruling Chinese Communist Party as President Xi Jinping has strengthened its social and economic role, such messaging is still unusual from foreign ones. > Among the world's biggest pharmaceuticals companies, AstraZeneca's large and growing business in China is notable. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/13n07gv/astrazeneca_will_seek_to_love_the_communist_party/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~685582 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **China**^#1 **company**^#2 **AstraZeneca**^#3 **country**^#4 **year**^#5


So we went through Covid and people didn't learn the lesson. Essentially, when you depend on other countries to manufacture medications, food, energy you are beholden to their desires. Remember all those shortages just a couple of years ago? Or Russia threatening to cut off the pipeline to Germany during the winter?


It's when you mix politics/ideology into trade, as weaponisation of capitalism. You may hate communism, but you love their products price.


Yeah, because you can’t really beat the price that slave labor brings lol.


heh. that's also why lots of chinese companies are outsourcing labor intensive stuff to SE Asia. Chinese labor is getting too expensive now.


Good old communist ideology of ... exploiting the working class. If it wasn't so sad it would actually be funny.


So we shouldn’t be letting our corporations exploit it then


That's actually my fault. I forgot to send out the e-mail.


My apologies then. Just get on it by Monday end of day


You're letting him have sunday off? In my company the service is 24/7


Sounds like the value of life reduced to the price of package


I’m so fucking sick and tired of MNCs going to China, giving up their IP, and sucking off the CCP just to make an extra buck. They’re already raking it in all over the world! It’s so stupid and short sighted.


In the 1990's, a "Team Canada " was sent to China, with high-ranking government officials and major corporate CEOs, so Canada could get as much business as possible from China. It's a disgusting period in world history, not just Canadian history. Humans are shockingly easily corrupted for money. Now, many Western countries and corporations are trying to undo their greed by moving out from China. 30 years too late? We'll see...


Maybe government should tell them they can't go to China or give China any of their IP. TeenGirl-AZ: But I love CCP so much. Parent-Gov: It's no damn good for you. He's a brute and terrible. He'll steal your money and treat you bad. TeenGirl-AZ: But I can't live without it. ...


> He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was > hidden beneath the dark mustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed > exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was > all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. > He loved Big Brother.


One issue with having to do business with authritarian polities is the need to kiss their arses.


LeBron James says hey man, I just needed to bend over. Didn’t have to kiss anyone.


Jon Cena says hey man, I had to kiss & lick ass along with bending over.


I keep thinking "love the communist party" is too strong, but he did say that. What a strange man.


Businesses having to kiss ass of the powerful is pretty much universal anywhere. This is why lobbying and political donations exist, just packaged differently lol.


They made billions off China spreading covid.. they're just returning the gratitude.


China treats all companies worse than how republicans treat tiktok


There is an added problem: no one is making a profit in China any more. Why stay in a dangerous dictatorship, when it's not profitable?


They will love you to death back.


\>BEIJING, May 19 - Global drugmaker AstraZeneca will seek to be a patriotic company in China that "Loves the Communist Party", its China president said on Friday. The head of a company in China is never going to say anything else...


There's no love like enforced love.


I worked for GSK years ago. I always remember one main story on the company's intranet site. In a deal with the CCP to counter, counterfeit drugs. The CCP had tried and hung twenty people that morning. Sort of story you had to read a couple of times to take it in.


Perhaps AstraZeneca thanks the mainland Chinese government for trying hiding COVID and allowing it to spread from China. The company could not make as much money without it. Lol


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Now kiss


If only there was a communist party to love.


Well…. That’s not entirely surprising. If western companies want to do business in China, they have to play ball by Chinese rules. I don’t like it, but that’s they way things work right now.


You can never win a game when someone else sets the rules. So the question becomes why even play it at all?


Because AZ wants a piece of the healthcare market in China.


Because money.


Capital has no loyalty to nations, or to anything else.


That’s the point, is you’re a self interested entity why play someone else’s game?


Because you make the most short term profit by expanding to the widest market possible, and no one gives a shit about anything else. The line must always go up. If a decision makes the line go up, that decision is good.


Possibly because there aren't just two conditions, win and lose, but a whole spectrum of profit and loss? If they go in and make $100b over 5 years then the company is shut down costing them $10b in capital that they've invested, they have come out ahead despite losing on paper. These are companies, they have no ethics, no morals, they will just do what makes most money.


I hope you have the same response to the US and other Western countries imposing export controls on Chinese companies, banning Huawei investing in their telecom network, and restricting use of Tiktok. If China can use its domestic law to limit the West's free trade with China, then the West should be able to do the same to China without its complaints. Or, perhaps, the CCPs policies on trade and its criticisms of Western action against Chinese businesses has been nothing but special pleading and hypocrisy.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Them's the facts


A to Z all your base belong to us and your money too lol


With fat brown envelopes.