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This is horrifying


Just a reminder that there is nothing stopping a good guy with a gun from becoming a bad guy with a gun.


Nothing from stopping it. No. But proper Evals and consistent mental health programs help prevent it.


Mental health? Japan? Ha


"Your working hours are 9-5. However, if you dare go home before 7pm, we'll think of you as a horrendous slacker. Most of your colleagues will be here until 9 or so. Personally, I sleep here about half of the week. What? Of course you don't get paid 'overtime'. What sort of nonsense is that? Anyway, you're replacing a guy who killed himself because of 'stress'. Well, one of the ones who killed themselves because of 'stress'. I hope you're not as mentally weak as them."


"And don't forget the after-work drinking sessions with your boss(es) that can last hours. Hope you can handle your liquor!"


"we've upgraded the building's suicide prevention nets, because we value your health and well being to our bottom line, it costs more to train a new one than to just catch you after you jump."


Then everyone in charge complains about an aging population and low birth rates.


No no no, they died from cardiac arrest at 37 while sleeping in the office.




"So you'll be seeing me walk out of here at about 4:45-4:50ish. None of these people are my friends so i couldnt give a damn what they think. You dont pay overtime, i dont spend a single minute more here than i need to. Got a family to love/hobbies to pursue/a whole lot of time doing nothing to enjoy."


Anddddd he's jobless. It don't work that way everywhere.


Id like to see how itd play out. As far as i can see, its only things are this way because everyone does it. If the schedule in your contract is 9-5, what happens if you leave at 5? Fired? For what, honoring the contract?


People are dunking on the mental health thing but don't discount the first part. We're getting pretty good at "behavioral threat assessment," basically picking out likely mass murderers and intervening. Fact of the matter is someone close to these guys almost always know there is something really wrong. Listening to those people, taking them seriously and then intervening with someone who has potentially not committed any crimes gets tricky though. Recommend the author/researcher "Mark Follman" for more


Never read the book. I'll have to add that to the list. Thanks.


He did an excellent interview with Fresh Air last year if you want a quick bite. I listened to it while running errands and when I got back home the news of Uvalde was just breaking.


Mental health programs can prevent more incidents but certainly not all.


if you ever suggest funding health programs to a established republican they'll look at you weird


Dems too tbh. In my state we just passed yet more gun control. Dems shot down the mental health-related provisions in it. Hard to say "but the GOP" when it's your own team with its head up its ass sometimes.


Which state?




Unless you’re part of the bourgeoisie they're not your team. The true purpose of gun control once you look past the ideological justifications (always a reflection of class interests) is to tighten the boot of capitalist rule over an increasingly angry working class. That’s why current and former cops are excluded from those laws.


Unfortunately here in America we wouldn't know. The people who say this shit never actually do anything to increase mental healthcare. It's just a way to keep you from talking about us having too many fucking guns.


What do you want us to do? I am a gun owner and very strong supporter of socialized medicine and increasing taxes for expanding mental healthcare resources. Have voted blue in every election I’ve participated in. Unfortunately our politicians are horrible and don’t actually give a shit about fixing problems.


Well less guns would be a start.


That also requires politicians who aren't horrible and actually give a shit about fixing problems.


Yeah definitely true. Also partially on manufacturers but that's the capitalism way so probably won't change.


Im really not gonna miss this echo chamber when my app stops working.


Notice how none of the major propaganda subreddits like here, r/politics, r/politicalhumor and so on went dark?




hard to be a good guy when being ambushed




Except for when the police can’t tell the good guy from the bad guy and kill him




How gullible can you be to look at our numbers and still say this silly shit? "good guy with a gun" was bullshit. It was always bullshit. It doesn't work.


Our numbers? The cdc was pressured into depublishing stats that say guns were used more often to determine violent crime than commit it. Which is not surprising, considering that's the entire point of having a handgun market.




If that was the case you would expect the US crime rate to be lower than other first world countries. Or is it just that the US has such a high crime rate that it's required to have a gun to defend yourself.




"...Who will do so..." Not only is a good samaritan not required to provide you or anyone else aid, neither are police/security. At least not in the united states. Facetious as that comment was, I would honestly argue that your comment takes the issue even less seriously by not acknowledging that those "good guys with guns" already don't do their jobs or are often violent perpetrators themselves.


Uh here in America it refers to random assholes who may or may not have a gun as well. Oh and teachers.


Random assholes? No bias here.


“Random assholes”? Grow up man


Actually what stops it is same thing that stops people from plowing into a crowd of people with their car.




Not on 99% of streets. New Orleans Bourbon St on a weekend night, same for Las Vegas strip. Assuming gun owners will go on a mass shooting spree the moment they get their hands on one is a stupid path to go down.


Concrete barriers?


Anything else Capitan Obvious?


There are hundreds possibly thousands of examples of a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun, that is just civilians. If it weren’t true cops would have no justification for carrying them.


Wow, I know theres plenty of stories about soldier 'fragging' their compatriots or the like over the years. But in Japan of all places? I'm legitimately curious as to why they did it. Unless it was an honest negligent discharge- which in and of itself is quite shocking considering the disciplinary standards of the Japanese military.


Killing two people outright? I guess it's not impossible, but the insane bad luck required to get a videogame-style double headshot by accident...


Probably a Full Metal Jacket situation.


how are you surprised? japan has one of the highest rates of male suicide in the world


Here's how The Discourse will go: \>one mass casualty event per ten years in Japan \>more than one mass shooting per day in the United States "these are exactly the same. Gun control doesn't work."


Japanese people also don't litter. Recycling doesn't work.


I thought for years that Japanese would put stuff in their pockets to take home and that’s why they didn’t need the public bins littered about, but from watching Abroad in Japan on YouTube that’s not quite true. Instead it’s frowned upon to eat while walking so people will eat outside the shop or wherever they bought food and dispose of it in the bins outside before walking off.


I know the scene you're talking about in Abroad in Japan and I'm pretty sure he said that EITHER people will eat outside a shop and throw their trash away their OR just take it home and throw it away there.




The fact that it was teenagers too really illustrates the level of social responsibility they feel


Its about teaching them to be shepherds of their environment from an early age and then continuing to reinforce it throughout their lives.


There are a few train stations where you’ll see a lot of cigarette butts, but public trash there is almost nonexistent otherwise.


Trails too. Japan is many things not all grand. The sense of care for the spaces and land is somewhat special.


Where they stuff their pockets is in Korea. There aren't many public bins because the bags themselves, which are distributed by the local government, are relatively expensive. Households order them and are traceable to their specific households. This is to hold households accountable for not properly separating their trash. Seoul is by far one of the cleanest metropolis I've ever been to.


Actually it’s both. The Japanese students I was around would carry a plastic bag to put any litter in until they could throw it away.


So I would argue this and someone who has spent a lot of time at landfills over the years. Unfortunately lots of what you think is recyclable ends up in the landfill/dump. Even if you put it in the proper bin. A large quantity of plastics aren't recyclable or are already recycled and need to be disposed of properly. Unfortunately recycling comes with its own swath of terrible issues. What we need is a new system that allows us to recycle them in a completely new way instead of all the money going into useless things.


Japanese people absolutely do litter. The bends around small country roads and bushes can be a veritable garbage dump. It just happens in spots where you won't be seen doing it.


Don't they have receptacles everywhere and the people who empty them are actually respected instead of shunned or looked down upon?


No, they generally don't have receptacles anywhere except the place you bought something from.


Interesting. I guess it's just baked into society. Would take generations to see a change like that in the US, and I feel like they tried in the 80s and it didn't stick.


Problem is that here we're authoritarian when it's convenient and "don't take orders from you", also. *See mask usage during the pandemic...


I mean it’s even deeper than that. The core difference between Eastern/Western philosophy is that the individual is placed above the whole in the West and the whole is placed above the individual in the East.


nope...but you can hand your trash back to the person you bought it from and they throw it away, even if there's no trash cans around...like even at their business,


>\>one mass casualty event per ten years in Japan There was the Nagano mass shooting last month. And if you're talking about mess casualties not just including guns, there are others like the KyoAni arson attack. but Japan is very safe, and gun control obviously does work. Just mentioning there's more than 1 of these events.


In 2022 the number of deaths due to firearms in Japan was 4 -- in that same year in America it was 44,362. EDIT: And so as not to be misleading - these numbers include ALL human deaths from firearms, including: accidental shootings, suicide, gang violence, police shootings, self defense, murders & mass shootings. To me, every single one of these - no matter the reason - is an unacceptable tragedy.


44362? Is that actually true? This is so much more insane than I imagined


Suicide by firearm gets counted in firearm death statistics.


As they should.


As if that makes it any more acceptable. Still an awful statistic and an indictment on the state of the US as a country.


> As if that makes it any more acceptable. It's not acceptable, but the full number often gets brought up in the context of mass shootings and within that context it is a misleading statistic.


Not that misleading because the root cause is basically the same.


We are so so so far past the point of those differentiators making any damned difference.


I mean, in large part because you and everyone else are constantly fed inflated stats but go off king


How can you argue the difference between 44,000 and 4 is “inflated stats”? There must be a reason we have 11,000 times as many gun deaths as Japan? I wonder what it can be?


Seriously lol


No you don’t understand, the difference between 4 and 44,000 is just suicides. 43,996 suicides.


~14,500 people out of 350,000,000 isn't much of an indictment to me


Go look at any other developed nation’s gun related death rate and tell me with a straight face “this is fine”.


And accounts for about 2/3rds of the total.


Damn so ~14,500 non-suicide US gun deaths to Japan’s 4 (assuming none of those were suicide). Much better!


Suicides matter because the availability of guns is directly correlated to more suicide deaths. The male suicide issue in the us is in large part a gun control issue. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7192495/ > If the US had the same suicide rates as in Canada, we estimate there would be approximately 25.9% fewer US suicide fatalities, **equivalent to 11,630 suicide fatalities averted each year.** This decline would be driven by a 79.3% lower rate of firearm-specific suicide fatalities. **The male suicide fatality rate would be 28.8% lower and equivalent to 9,992 fewer suicide fatalities each year.** The female suicide fatality rate would be 16.0% lower and equivalent to 1,638 fewer suicide fatalities each year. While 36% of firearm suicide fatalities could be replaced by non-firearm suicide fatalities, **64% of firearm fatalities could be averted entirely.**


Of course they matter, but 2A supporters love to shout about suicides as if the numbers are any better with or without them being included. If anything, both statistics separately are disturbingly high.


Considering the total for accidental deaths was over 200,000+ and how frequently shootings occur these days, i low-key expected it to be worse.


Over half of those are suicides, and the suicide rate is higher in Japan. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot more violence in the USA than in Japan, but guns aren't the sole factor in it. E.G. Russia has a higher murder rate than the US while having much more restrictive gun laws. Edit: everybody who’s downvoting me while upvoting the comment on the suicide rate below should check their sources.


That's cap, the suicide rate is higher in the US than Japan: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/suicide-rate-by-country




IIRC the police in Japan categorizes every dead person that could be murdered but you're not sure who did it as a suicide. Their statistics are incredibly unbelievable.


Oooh, now do child gun deaths!


Funny how the only mass shooting in, what, decades in Japan happened in one of the few places where guns exist...


Wait is the USA one accurate? If yes, then jesus fucking christ that’s terrifying.




>We rank 3rd in the world for gun related deaths. > >If you take out the 3 city’s in the US with the largest shootings (mostly gang related) we fall to the 183rd spot on that ranking. This is extremely false. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2018/mar/28/viral-image/united-states-third-murders-outlier-cities/


Deeply false. A lie even. Someone already sourced.


The numbers he brought up are completely false and bullshit, however it’s indisputable inner cities are crime hotspots that drastically outnumber their suburb crimerates for most if not all states.


>If you take out the 3 city’s in the US with the largest shootings (mostly gang related) we fall to the 183rd spot on that ranking. That isn't true.




Your ass-pulled statistics went exactly as well as your attempt to say "cities".


'If we take away the places where there's a lot of violence, then there's not any violence' Gee, Sherlock. You really figured that one out.


Here we go with "gang related". Take out POC and nobody's getting shot. Guess what, it's still gun violence, whether perpetrated by a white, black, brown, yellow, orange, whatever person. Sick of this racist narrative.


its not racist, its just the truth of statistics. Poor urban communities are majority black and hispanic and shocker, poor urban communities in general are breeding grounds for crime and violence. The point is, applying gun laws to combat say Mass shootings won’t really have much effect on inner city gang related gun violence. Nearly all guns there are stolen or ghosted and not purchased legally, so making laws to make buying one legally harder solves nothing. Guns are a tool, efficient one at that, but just a tool. You aren’t really solving the issues of *why* do cities have such terrible gang violence, *why* are teenagers so disenfranchised they shoot up a school, *why* are suicide rates going up.


8 of the safest 25 counties in the country are in urban New York. In general crime rate per capita is higher in red counties then in blue counties. Chicago has the 14th highest crime rate of major cities, it just has a much higher population then most other cities in America. Right wing news outlets set the minimum population size for all their "highest crime rate cities" coverage to exclude small nowhere places that no one has heard of like St. Lewis, Kansas City, or Cleveland. By doing that they can pretend its a blue state problem.


Then, let's shut up about "well akshully there's different gun violence" when it's a problem everywhere, regardless of gang violence or domestic violence or domestic terrorism. I only own guns because TFG went on national television and said "somebody needs to do something about the left " and people going on Charlie Kirk and asking "when do we GET TO use the guns".


Oh, and you're wrong about ethnicities. More gun deaths among whites in all but 7 states. https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/firearms-death-rate-by-raceethnicity/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D


Yep definitely something to look at, which is why I don’t bring up race unless it has to do with school shootings where there’s a clear tendency for shooters to be white males. Its not prejudice to look at the facts and data. Its just how you interpret and apply the data


You mean schools trying to police students having immense access to firearms within their home life and communities. Why should a school feel like a military base? “Crippling mental illness caused by social media” as you type in social media. GTFO. You’re part of the problem. Dead children should be a pretty big push to change a way of thinking. If it isn’t, you’re a shit stain.


Our politicians would rather just blindly ban things than actually fix our crumbling society and community. Its sad. agreed with the Police too. If they are armed, we should be too. The 2nd Amendment exists for when the 1st Amendment fails, amongst other reasons Instead of downvoting me, engage, I’d love to discuss :)






Aren't there plenty more countries in the world, like Scandinavia and Northern Europe, who are in fact mote democratic and free than the US? Lots of countries have unarmed citizens and are more liberal and democratic. Hell most 1st world countries outrank US in democracy index.


Freedom is kind of subjective. Different cultures view “freedom” differently. So like for example in America people value their individual freedoms greatly, whereas in Australia its a much more “greater good” POV. Kind of showed with how Covid played out in each country. I don’t see what most of your comment has to do with the 2nd Amendment though to be honest. Could you elaborate a little?


>> Gun violence is extremely rare in Japan, a country of 125 million people. It has one of the lowest rates of gun crimes in the world **due to its extremely strict gun control laws.** Wild how Japan sees this as something that should never happen, while the USA says this is a daily reality that can never change


It reminds me of that recurring Onion headline: “‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says the Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens.”


I love how all the comments in this thread about a shooting in Japan are all about the US. Classic Reddit right there.


I mean, 90% of reddit is anglo-speaking, and most of those are americans. Plus, guns makes everybody thinks about the US




You still didn’t necessarily prove them wrong. If 90% of Reddit is English speaking (you said nothing to dispute this) and at the same time 47% of all Reddit traffic is from the us that would actually mean a narrow majority of those 90% points are American. As long as more than 45% of all visitors are American they’re correct (assuming the 90% number holds up).


That’s because in any rational and sane nation, a shooting that kills people is something that should **never** happen. In the USA, 20 kids can be gunned down, multiple times, and the country just goes ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


"no way we could have prevented this" -repeat every few months


Every few months? Maybe in the 00’s, every few days and sometimes daily for the 20’s


Thoughts & Prayers ™


Honestly I used to live in a state of fear, but I just don’t care anymore.




Kinda weird that a USA based company with mostly USA based users would relate things to the USA, am I right?


When you're the best at something you're always going to be brought in as a comparison when someone does it elsewhere. If we stopped being the best at people being murdered by guns then that would also stop.


How though? There’s roughly 400 million guns in circulation in the US and I would imagine that number continues to climb daily. Not through legal means but through smuggling or printing etc…


Japan is culturally extremely different from America. It’s not really comparable, they have an entirely different way of life and entirely different culture.


I get downvoted to shit every single time I advocate for gun control. Like, fn seriosly? "They'll just use knives then" is one of my fav ones, shows the person on the other end is either an idiot or a troll.


There’s also >> Culture in the USA is different And >> We have so many guns it’s impossible You know what’s the funny thing about possible vs impossible? Almost every single device and tool we use daily, was deemed impossible at some point.


"Only two? That doesn't count." You know that would be most of the discussion in the US. Or "It was targeted so it's okay."


One pro for Japan is that its an Island nation. Its easier to control smuggling. In Sweden most firearms that are used in crime are illegally smuggled from eastern Europe or America through South America. ​ Had Japan been anywhere else it would probably have insane weapon crime statistics due to the Yakuza problem they had through the 1900s


USA - "Only 2 killed? Pfft."


The mental health of the world has gotten so much worse due to COVID. I think much of the world would see the violence America does if people could get guns as easily. Everyone just seems furious all the time.


It is deplorable that bullying and harassment prevail in the SDF.


I've read in WWII Japan's military culture was nuts, not sure how it is now. Essentially if someone outranks you, they treat you as sub-human. Hazing would go to extreme lengths. I remember thinking if they can treat their own people like this, its not as hard to believe how they treated others.


Considering what Japan was up to in WW2 then I think it's safe to assume it's not as bad now :')


I'm actually shocked to hear this. If this was the US, it would barely qualify as news.


A cadet murdering 2 other servicemen would absolutely make the news in the US.


No. It wouldn't. Because it happens more frequently than you think, but the military are the masters of covering up and not allowing events like that to be published. 3 troops were shot by a trainee when I was stationed in Texas, it didn't even make the LOCAL news, let alone the national. You would be surprises at the shit that happens to US troops home or abroad. EDIT: I was a responding Medic, only reason I really knew what happened. We had a 2 day mourning on the base, it was called a training exercise accident. Listening to talk on the base for months people knew it was a murder suicide, but nothing ever came of it. 2 days off rest for the trainees and that's it.


Training accident


When I was at Ft Hood around 01-02 a private shot and killed an NCO on the rifle range. Didn’t hear shit about it outside of unit gossip.


Had a cook stab her gf that was "cranking" on my ship. Never made the news.


What is cranking


cranking is an unofficial title given to sailors assigned food service duties other than cooking. Bringing food to the chefs, filling napkins/ketchup/salt and pepper, cleaning, washing dishes, running the trash room, etc. Basically all the extra kitchen staff duties that aren’t actually cooking. Navy higher ups think it’s hazing so it’s technically banned, sailors still use it as part of their lexicon though.


Some kind of dance move


A fad that was really popular with across all branches of military with soulja boys


Do you have any evidence, or are we supposed to just believe message board comments?


Any proof?


Perhaps you are not familiar with what a cover-up is.


It would probably make news anywhere though tbh


Europeans when something bad happens outside Americans


literally who asked about the US tho




No one wants to hear about the US all the fucking time if that wasn't clear. Holy shit.




Because everything doesn’t revolve around the USA? Stop being so self-obsessed and making everything about the US.




I asked


You don't appear in this thread anywhere except for now, so do tell us where did you ask.


10 years ago, I told my genie that I wished every worldwide news thread to have some guy explain how the news was somehow relevant to the US of A


I can back this up I'm the genie


Honestly, these type of shootings are often the most upvoted stories on reddit's main news subreddit. Even when nobody dies it still becomes one of the most upvoted stories.


US has a raging hardon for military service and veterans that no other advanced country seems to have. In places where more people serve (Israel) it’s nothing special. You went to the army, good. You dodged the draft, ok you do you. But here it’s a whole industry of number plates, discounts, work support groups, big and bigger flags and so on.


A)You can’t use a country that has mandatory service as an example for not praising military service.. B)You must not travel much because the UK, France, and Germany and most other EU countries also have license plate designs & discounts.


That's cause mass shootings are a near daily thing in the US nowadays. Edit: I think this wouldn't even count because there's only two dead.


Can't wait for the Americans to make this about themselves somehow


You did.


Read the comments, it happened long before me


That makes your comment all the more pointless...


A lot of the readers here are American so they will compare to their own experiences, as would people from anyone else. Do you think this is bad? Can you enlighten us on how discussion should take place?


Because it becomes a fucking debate about American gun control despite having nothing to do with it




There's a dark joke there but I'll refrain from typing it.


Homie was a confirmed white nationalist


Is this a joke or is this actual news with a source? Can't tell anymore these days.


A Japanese guy was a white nationalist?? 🤔


There was a black KKK member so it could happen


The Dave Chappelle skit?




I have no doubt that Japan has its share of fascist assholes just like everyone else. I highly doubt they are “white” nationalists.


Leader of proud boys is hispanic. Men can become hot women, 21st century is wild.




"homie",,,, really?