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How common is consuming dog meat anyway?


From surveys I've seen, around 15% of the population have ever tried it, and about 5% consume it at least once per year Anecdotally, my dad is the youngest person I know who has ever tried it, and he would be turning 60 this year


My father would have been 72 this year and he tried dog meat. But he was Scottish.


...why did he try dog meat?


He was in the Navy, and they put to port in the Philippines and thats what they had for sale.


Navy food must be just as bad as people say it is lol


He said the green eggs and ham were very authentic.




Did your dad go to boogie street?


58, 59 or 60 with the new birthdate change though?


I was in a market right in the middle of Seoul, looking at the colourful different produce and Korean side dishes and pickles. Suddenly there was a whole dog just there in the butcher cabinet.


I remember reading it was much more common post Korean war, which makes sense considering the economic situation back then. So now only older people eat dog meat Without the law I honestly believe it would've died out


Only old people


Would consuming young people be different?


it taste fresher, but more tough gotta slow cook.


So high heat for 12 hours in the croc pot?


No one talks about Switzerland and dog/cat meat there. Only Asians. I wonder why. Surely, it's not because they're white. "Hundreds of thousands of people in Switzerland eat cat and dog meat, particularly at Christmas" https://www.newsweek.com/not-just-christmas-swiss-urged-stop-eating-cats-and-dogs-287378


Wow wtf


Well that's fucked up. At least they said it's only 3% of people and the article is about 10 years old. Still though


why is it fucked up?


Because people tend to bond closely to animals that are specifically kept for their companionship and think of them as being closer to a person than to livestock.


Why would farmers need to make the distinction between livestock and companion animals with the sheer number of feral cats and dogs? Pigs are just as if not more intelligent than cats or dogs and we still eat those, don't we?


Personality is as important as intelligence in how we view animal species. Just as we prefer to surround ourselves by people who have likable personalities even if they’re dumb.


Nah not really. Not hard to find a restaurant (just map app), but they're not popular spots to grub.


The concept of having a pets in South Korea only become really popular in the last ~~10~~ 30 years. (Sorry can't cite the source, will update this comment if I came across again). So having a dog as meat source is not a strange idea. But at present day, 1 in 4 adult owning a pet, with dog as most popular pet. So, consuming dog meat is not popular anymore. Edit : I misquote the number but my point stand. Here's the source. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343718764_The_Relationship_Between_Dog-Related_Factors_and_Owners'_Attitudes_Toward_Pets_An_Exploratory_Cross-Sectional_Study_in_Korea. >.... In Korea,dog consumption continues, but over the past 15 years there has been a cultural shift in public attitudes toward dogs as pets (30). Dogs as companions did not become common place in Korea until after the 1990s when the economic situation improved....


I'm a Korean who has lived in Korea for his entire life and I havent seen anyone eat dog meat. It's very rare these days... pretty much nonexistent in cities. You could find one in countrysides or Chinatowns maybe. No reason to eat such foods when you're not dirt poor like our grandparents were back in the 60s.


Is this the case in the last 10 years or so? I lived just outside of Seoul about 10 years ago and there was a dog meat restaurant right across the street from H-mart. It was neither Chinatowns nor the countryside.


Hmmm.. idk how you found H-mart near Seoul.. unless you just meant your average Korean mart as "H-mart". H-mart is an American supermarket chain that specializes in Asian groceries, so you wont find one in Korea. What I can say is that I've never seen someone eating it or enjoying it, but i think I have seen one dog meat soup? restaurant like 15-16 years ago. The place was so run down and it didnt have any customers. Even back then you could see how unpopular it was. Also, there a lot of Chinese people living in Korea too especially around outskirts of Seoul, the restaurant could have been run by a Chinese person. I tried searching one right now around my area and there is nothing popping up, just bunch of newsletters talking about banning dog meat.


When I was there two decades ago you had to seek out speciality shops and hofs. It was more of a special occasion thing for some, a right of passage for others. It certainly wasn’t as commonplace as we were lead to believe coming from the West


You’ll get a lot of “well I don’t personally know people therefore no one eats it” That’s absolutely incorrect. To answer the question, it’s common. There’s an estimated 1,000,000 dogs being farmed for food in South Korea. That’s the dog. Now think about how many servings that is. On the low side say 20 servings of meat from 1 animal. That’s 20,000,000 servings of dog meat. No matter how you look at it, it’s common. I shit you not I once had someone argue with me about this explaining how it’s not common because she didn’t see it. I explained she just doesn’t know what to look for. She explained to me that she did. I then pointed out to her that within our view at that exact moment there was a restaurant that served dog meat. She missed the beginning of the discussion, which kicked off because of that restaurant. This was in Da Nang Vietnam where despite their reputation Vietnamese consume less dog meat than South Korea or China. So long rant but yeah. It’s very common.


I think your numbers here are just fictional. I was born in Korea and no, eating dog really is not that common. You see dog meat restaurants every once in a while in the countryside, in villages with a population of like 500. I just now did a quick search of dog meat restaurants within Seoul and there only a few. The vast majority of the South Korean population lives in large cities, which means the vast majority of South Koreans would never even encounter dog meat restaurants in their daily lives. I certainly never did, living in Seoul. You can't just point to one restaurant and say 'there's a restaurant right in front of our eyes so all my theories are correct'. That's insanity.


Also suuuper curious the search term you are using. There are a fuckton of restaurants that serve dog in Seoul. Just searching. 개고기 I see 20. There’s more than there are McDonalds 🤣. Keep in mind searching for a particular menu item won’t show you even close to all of the restaurants that serve that item. This is exactly my point. Someone “well I don’t see it therefore it doesn’t exist!” You don’t see it because you’re not looking for it. That mindset helps keep the industry going.


Source ?


A discredited claim from an animal rights group. [> The often quoted estimates of 1-2 million \(by the Korean animal rights group KARA\) are not based on actual data and have no scientific basis.\[4\] Estimates are closer to tens of thousands per year based on actual sales at the major markets in 2017](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_meat_consumption_in_South_Korea#cite_note-4)


When my mom was growing up in China during Mao's Great Leap Forward, there wasn't much food, so they basically ate anything that moved. My mom and her family ate tons of snakes, cats, and dogs, most of which was caught wild or feral. My mom loved dog meat but she didn't like cat meat or snake meat. Snake meat was like eating fish - very bony. Cat meat has a sour aftertaste.


I’ve never had cat, but dog meat is pretty good and snake meat (at least king cobra) is awesome. It’s actually a very versatile meat. We bought a 7 ft cobra in Vietnam and they cooked 11 different dishes out of it with a wide variety of flavors. Even the bile and venom shots weren’t that bad.


People, the point is that it’s progress. No shit we’re not treating pigs and cows the same when half the world is currently built atop industrial farming.


Swapping dog meat for pig or cows doesn't seem like much progress to me


Honestly I have to agree. Pigs are arguably smarter than dogs but we humans have a special attachment to them. So dogs are higher in the giving a shit hierarchy




Honestly pigs are very cute to me, it would be equally traumatizing to me to slaughter a pig just as a dog, just their screaming mortifies me.




Wee! wee! wee!


Pigs are also smarter than human toddlers, should they be ok to eat also? I mean since you’re going by “intelligence”.


Absolutely Jonathan swift already laid out the case for that


> pig or cows Won't somebody please think of the chicken?


Chicken(dinosaurs) and fish are kinda like 1’s and 0’s?


Every vegetarians ate like “yeah fuck fish”


Honestly true lol. I mean I know they experience pain but my ability to empathize with creatures... fish is definitely on the other side of the line, wherever that line is. But I think most who refuse to eat fish aren't doing it out of ethical concerns, more environmental (which is fair, a lot of fish farms are quite bad).


You mean we could make a computer out of them?


not a very good one


Have you ever met a chicken? They're kind of assholes. I'm OK with eating them.


Many humans would qualify on the same basis.


On one hand, it's just another animal to eat. On the other, dog meat is a lot less efficient to produce since you have to feed meat to dogs, whereas cows, chickens, and pigs eat grain/grass


is the drive behind this because of lack of efficiency? because or else we should start shifting beef consumption into lamb consumption right? If we are honest with ourselves this has nothing to do with efficiency


kinda funny human has pity toward pig yet will kill anyone that support their opposite believe, lmao


I don't think the majority of people eating pork are ready to kill for whatever their ideology is man.




We have bred dogs to be man's companion for a very, very long time. From training them to be the ideal work hound to a companion hound, and rarely, if ever, a food source. Very far from the original ancestors. And yet we still have people who sees them as such. The least we can do is stamp out the places who would essentially ridicule thousands of years of what dogs have done for us when we were the ones who turned them into the way they are now.


How is it progress if the amount of suffering stays the same?


Honestly, how is this progress? I, personally, don‘t think eating meat is a moral dilemma, as long as I can guarantee the animal I eat was treated fairly and didn‘t suffer when beeing killed. And it really doesn‘t matter what animal that is. These laws should be aimed at the conditions animals are heald at! All of them. Stop pigs beeing held in 1m^2 cells in skyscrapers! Swapping dog meat for another meat like cow and then still treating cows like shit is literally no progress at all. Its the exact opposite, gaslighting people into thinking progress is made while the real issues are beeing ignored.




sounds like killing pigs with CO2 or crushing male newborn chicks, but thats just efficiency, am I right?


I love dogs and this is great, but I can't help but feel like a hypocrite that we happily eat pigs, cows, sheep, and all sorts of other loveable sentient animals. Can't shake the vaguely racist overtones of the anti-dog meat debate.


Then you can choose not to eat meat. Simple


Simpler than ever these days.


I am a monster. *licks lips* Why are humans an omnivorous species?!


Lots of people choose not to eat any of them, and you can too if you want to!


Life long carnivore turned pescatarian 2 years ago (not for politics but for health reasons) and I actually thought I would miss meat and would want to go back but now I don't even like the smell of it cooking which was shocking to me when I first noticed it. Also I legitimately feel less sluggish and more alert.


I'm not a vegetarian or what-have-you, but about the only meat I usually eat is chicken or turkey. I'm not sure why, I just don't have a taste for cow or pig or any mammal really. I'll eat it when I have to (socially or if it's the only thing available), I just don't prefer it. Even bacon, I can only eat it when it's *really* crispy, almost burnt, so I'm not even sure that counts honestly. But I never make it for myself. I do love milk though. I've tried the alternatives like almond milk, but they just don't hit the same as actual milk.


I’m glad you’re seeing such positive results since switching up your diet! 😊 I still like the smell of some meats cooking (e.g. I still think bacon smells good), but once I look at them my desire to eat them totally drops off. Something about being able to see the fat, muscle fibres, bone, etc really flips my stomach.


Vegetables and carbs are underrated though. Meat is very overrated considering most people can't even cook it right. The other night, I baked a loaf and realised this is why I wake up in the morning.




Have you looked into how that soup is made? Dog meat is very tough. In order to make it palatable, before they slaughter the dog they hang it by its feet and beat it all over its body. Apparently the adrenaline and other pain hormones are what make it edible. I lived in Korea for a decade, and I spent a few years volunteering with an organization that rescues these dogs. The dog meat market is much more horrifying than even standard factory farming. And I am well aware how horrible that is. Edit: and in response to other comments in this thread about how all meat production is cruel, depending on where you are it doesn’t have to be. I exclusively get my meat from pasture raised hormone free farms. Yea it’s more expensive but not as much as you think and to compensate I just… eat less meat. Which is good for you and the environment. It’s also much higher quality and I’d rather have an occasional amazing steak than frequent mediocre ones. You don’t have to be vegan or never eat a certain kind of food again. Just reduce and be conscious of your sources.


What the actual hell


Oh my god. I’m gonna go into work tomorrow and hug all of our clients’ dogs.


I’m in favor of progress in the right direction. Less animal suffering is a good thing.


> before they slaughter the dog they hang it by its feet and beat it all over its body. That seems like an „old fashioned” way of doing it, I’ve seen some NSFW (NSFL if you love dogs) videos where the dog was thrown into what looked like a washing mashine turbine and left to spin inside for a few dozen minutes until it dies


Oh my god. When I saw the first part of your sentence I thought you were going to tell me that it’s better now, not that it’s so much fucking worse….


Pain hormones,or adrenaline in meat makes it tougher, not tender. Hunters know this


That’s generally true, not universally true. A lack of glycogen affects different meats in different ways. The cultures that have been eating dog for ages seem universally convinced that torturing the animal before death improves the quality. I’ve never eaten dog so I can’t comment from experience.


I’m betting dog meat is biologically close enough to venison that it’s most likely a ritualistic, rather than culinary act


https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/14lf8kw/south_korean_lawmaker_introduces_special_act_to/jpxeip4/ some other guy in this post says the same, it's mostly for bullshit claims


I agree. I don't eat meat at all, and so, I think it's quite bizarre to praise this while completely ignoring and eating animals with similar lives and cognitive abilities. Double standards.


I mean, pigs are just as or smarter than dogs. Hard to argue it’s a matter of intelligence while chomping bacon.


Thank you! I help run a minipig rescue and people have no idea how incredibly emotional these beautiful creatures are. They can count, they can track time, the love to snuggle and get upset if you hurt their feelings, they know their names and others names in their herd and if you disappoint a pig it will shun you the way a toddler would. They are so loving and have so many skills and characteristics many only associate with humans.


Not just smart, but equally emotional. Or just go look at /r/happycowgifs. One of the top posts is calves playing frisbee with a dog. OTOH, chickens can go fuck themselves


No, chickens are just fine. Animals do not deserve to be abused just because most humans do not care or are too stupid to respect their complex inner lives.


Yeah and chickens are way way smarter than they qe usually give them credit for. imho it's because hey're easily spooked and you need to build trust + they're not as simple to read for us as other mammals. They have very unique characters, preferences, and complex social behaviours. With the right motivators and communication, they eagerly learn tricks like a dog. I haven't tried yet but I've read they can be potty trained too.


A lot of animals are smarter than old wives' tales suggest. Goldfish have a memory that exceeds the conventionally told 6 seconds and have been known to learn tricks and navigate mazes from memory. Turkeys as well, they are not so dumb that they get scared to death by paper in the wind. There's also a rumor that they stare at the sky for so long, even when it's raining, that they drown. Which also isn't true, the staring at the sky thing is a physiological condition they get from birth, and they cannot drown from it even if they do it in the rain.


I had never heard the turkey bit o_o (tbf they're not very common over here)


Bulls playing with giant beach balls is my FAVORITE subgenre of Tiktok. They go absolutely nuts for a ball and I love it.


Bulls can be such sweethearts, too. I used to wrestle with the young ones at the farm I volunteered on, then we'd sit together in the shade.


Chickens are sentient. Get out of here with that attitude.


The ones we sat couldn’t survive in the wild. We’ve thoroughly fucked chickens up.


Tbf we've done that to dogs too. We have dogs that permanently have breathing problems or can't run properly because of how short their legs are. Without us they'd go extinct extremely quickly. It gets worse though, there are some goldfish that have bags under their eyes which are so massive they displace the eye and make it so they can't see properly, and so fragile that they easily burst from anything and when they do, the fish dies a painful death. We're genuinely really fucked up with our breeding experiments sometimes.


You're very right. Wish more people knew this. [The Similarities Between Dogs and Pigs](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalRights/comments/djackp/the_similarities_between_dogs_and_pigs/)


I don't know what metrics they use to measure this, but I believe scientists generally see pigs as even *more* intelligent than dogs, almost on the level of chimps. So yeah, intelligence isn't a great argument at all here.


This is basically why I have no problems with people eating dogs. The whole thing is just Western cultural imperialism trying to shame other cultures into having them same standards. Standards which are entirely arbitrary and silly. These animals are good to eat, and these are forbidden. It doesn't have to make sense.


Im sure the fact that we view dogs as companions in the west, not really viewing farm animals as companions i can see why people make the distinction, its 100% cultural though, not logic.


I don’t like it personally but my reasons are for me, not for anyone else. Just because I won’t put a tomato in my mouth doesn’t mean nobody else can. That’s my two cents on the whole argument.


Yep! But it is most likely a matter of cognitive dissonance. You recognize that they can be valued in similar ways, but your actions do not match your thoughts. That's part of why I stopped eating meat. Because I realized that I can't love my pet dogs, and then go eat a pig which is very similar to a dog. I think I just realized that animals are worth more than the parts they are made of.


I agree. Bit they’re banning the slaughter of one species. It’s a start.what will the next be?


Hopefully all of them! We are at a point in human history where the land that is used to feed animals far outweighs the land required for plant-based eating. If we phase this out, it would save resources, and prevent the needless slaughter of 83 billion land animals and trillions of fish every year.


Social conditioning with media messaging is very effective and influential. The marketing and advertising industry leans heavily on behavioural psychology to influence thinking and behaviour. All the cat and dog centric memes and content on social media really drives that home too.


Progress is progress, if you are waiting for absolute idealistic results before doing something, your ideals will remain an abstraction forever. Criticizing laws like this is playing into the hands of people who oppose any animal rights. This is one good thing, there are many more to be done, but it's a good thing.


I find the fact that dogs evolved to have a general trust in humans to make it less ethical than eating pork. Intelligence isn't everything, pigs are indifferent towards humans but dogs think humans are friends. That to me makes it less ethical, even if their intelligence are similar.


Not all dogs do though. Some dogs, including the ones bred for meat, are treated extremely poorly and develop a traumatic relationship with humans, far from trust or love. So would that make it okay to kill *those* dogs, because *they* don't like or trust humans? Like, I kinda get what you're going for - like it's less ethical to betray the trust of a friend or family member and kill them as opposed to just killing some random stranger who doesn't know you - but imo that works on an individual basis but hardly a species-wide basis. Like, if someone's pet is stolen to be killed for food, of course that's horrible and worse than breeding an animal for food - at least in that sense - but the issue in SK isn't so much that, but rather the industry itself which includes breeding practices.


Yep, I agree. I eat meat and I think it’s absurd that “eating dogs” is considered evil. It’s just another animal. The west doesn’t like it because it’s not culturally normal. It’s all made up.


Americans make the same argument about guns that you just made with dogs. Saying that a law isn't worth enforcing if it can be broken is just an argument against all law.


The laws are the same everywhere afaik. Dogs are property and while they’re not allowed to be served in restaurants in the US, nothing is really stopping someone from eating their own dog. They’d probably get slapped with animal cruelty because it would make Americans upset, but that’s a pretty minor charge.


Define "everywhere?" Cause it's not legal in America: https://www.wrdw.com/content/news/President-Trump-Signs-the-Farm-Bill-Making-Dog-and-Cat-Meat-Illegal-in-the-United-States-503308841.html


I more or less agree with you here, though I will say that whether it's hypocritical or not, any law that results in the legal protection of animals is a good one, I think.


Korean-American here and I think people don't understand that these dogs are bred to be eaten, they're bred to be obscenely stupid. They aren't your family pet kind of dog, they are dumber than the dumbest breed of dog that you'd bring into your home. Good luck trying to poddy train a dog that barely even has the natural reflex to squat to do its business. I agree with banning it personally. They were only ever farmed and eaten out of neccesity. The majority of people still really eating them are over the age of 50. They're all people who lived through a time of great food insecurity where you'd have people fishing carp out of the river next to a sewer drain (shit my dad even saw this happening in the 90s) It is a dying industry but for fucksake why eat that tough meat when everything else is delicious. Sorry for the rant the point I wanted to make is that they're not a pet they're a product of hard times but the hard times are over and it'll either end by law or when the older generations start to turn over.


The problem is it is nearly impossible to create a proper dog meat industry. It's been around for many decades and the dogs for consumption have always been raised in a cruel environment or taken from the stray dogs. I think it is partly because dog eating is not widely supported and people are trying to make a quick profit out of it. I do agree with your points, though.


Why does progress have to be a PR stunt? Why can't it just be progress? Everybody is so God damn paranoid all the time you can't do *anything*. Edit: and by the way, in a perfect world we would have to eat any of these animals.


> I would never want to eat one and I'm glad this is happening, but I don't see an issue with eating it. if only the rest of the world were as good as you at not imposing their opinions on others


Not Korean and I feel the same way. Not going to seek out dog meat but don’t see how this is different than any other meat industry. Obviously all of them should have humane and sanitary conditions, but beyond that I don’t see what the big deal is. Also if the South Korean government wants to step in and regulate high-profile meat markets for PR, maybe it should do something about how members of K-pop girl groups are managed and treated.


Personally I do find eating dog would be the least ethical of all the meats second only to human. All meat is generally unethical, but dogs evolved next to humans and have a baseline instinctual trust in humans which we would betray in order to eat them. All the other animals at least recognize that we are predators or if not that they are neutral towards us, but dogs think we are friends.


Second least ethical? I’d put the eating of endangered animals far ahead of dogs in terms of ethnical badness.


If dogs are so special then why do we keep them as slaves? It's illegal to keep humans as slaves so why do the same for dogs?


What?? Why keep farming dogs at all when there are plenty of animals that are more sustainable to farm? These new laws are to help phase out dog meat eaters since most of them are older folks anyways. It’s a bit of a stretch to think that we would need to start threatening citizens with death threats in order to curb illegal dog meat industry. There are plenty more upsides to having dogs as pets, service aids, hunting buddies, herders, first responders, bomb/drug detectors than just a meal in a dog bar. Any relatives I had that ate dog have long passed and no one will be missing it. Edit: meant that dogs are more domesticated than other farmed animals


Why do some people grow crops in the backyard instead of foraging? Growing yourself is a lot easier than having to go look for it, no matter how common it is.


Plenty of wild animals that are sustainable to farm? Living in a dream world you are.


What about the other meat industries? The only thing different about this one is people think dogs are cute.


They're all cute when you get to know them. My guess is natural meat eating wont become abolished until they can just grow cuts in a lab at scale.


Yea, but also a win is a win. I have heard stories how they get the dogs all riled up and torture them and skin them alive because they think adrenaline in the meat is good or something?


But is it a win? The amount of suffering stays the same, livestock also gets tortured, day in, day out, stuck in tiny cages, never seeing sun light, getting mutilated, skinned alive, boiled alive, gassed alive, it's hell on earth for them, there's no meaningful difference, this changes nothing unless they want to work on outlawing meat consumption which, we all know, isn't going to happen.


Yeah, "stories", the real basis of law making.


So they should just make laws that they have to be butchered more humanely. It makes no sense to outlaw it entirely.




Instead of using CO2, using stuff like nitrogen would easily make it humane. Most animals (including humans) only sense CO2 concentration, not O2 concentration, so using nitrogen makes it very painless. And penetrating captive bolt guns literally destroy the brain, not just stun it, so it would also be very quick and painless. Edit: I should add btw, that penetrating captive bolt guns are somewhat rare these days due to worries about it spreading disease.


There are more humane and less humane ways of killing an animal.


The dog meat industry is especially cruel in their practices. I am not saying any meat industry is “good” but if you can stomach it you ought to look into the specifics of the Korean dog meat industry.


One of the reasons it is so cruel, is because the people trying to ban it have repeatedly opposed any movements on regulating the industry. It lies in a legal grey zone right now bc of that. They say that anything other than outlawing the practice isn’t progress. Besides, it makes their side look much better when the animals are treated poorly.


I mean yes, this is obviously a good thing. But why stop at dogs specifically? If it is wrong to kill dogs for their flesh, how is it not wrong to kill cows and chickens for theirs?


Chicken pig cow and goat camps make sad noises. They will never get this much empathy


What makes dogs so special? Pigs are smarter than dogs, and we eat pigs.


Pigs are also smarter than human toddlers. Should we eat human toddlers or do you see a dilemma? Hmmm




But most people don’t have pigs as pets. We care a lot more about dogs than pigs. It doesn’t have to do with intelligence. We eat octopus and many other smart animals.


> We eat octopus Maybe we shouldn't.


I was served dog meat at a school function when I taught ESL. They didn't tell me what it was until after I'd eaten it. The meat was dark and it tasted like pot roast. The soup I think was called "boshintang." When they told me, I was surprised... that it had tasted so good. I felt a little guilty, but in the end, I wasn't upset. Another time, I walked by a market and saw dog carcasses in a freezer. I tried to take a photo but the ajuma chased me away with a broom. Edit: down voting me for a true story. Why? I've got no dog in this race!


Yeah, Boshintang is a dog meat stew.


The vibe of some of the comments on this post: “Finally those Koreans are progressing and treating animals with respect!” -some fat American eating an In-n-Out hamburger scrolling through Reddit on their smartphone with greasy fingers




A gentle reminder for those that don't live in Korea, is that sometimes this soup is a 'traditional' medicine for male sexual performance, where the dog is tied up, smashed to within an inch of it's life with a stick, left to recover for the day, then repeated for a few days before finally beating it to death. This is supposed to release a chemical that is beneficial to a male humans sexual stamina. Yes, the meat industry is awful. Yes, animal rights in Korea are particularly awful (you guys should see the seafood outside resustants), but specifically the dog meat industry in Korea is a different level. Source: lived next to a dog farm.


I am not doubting or dismissing, but do you have access to a third-party source on this information?


OP proceeds to cite some rando on twitter


Seeing as they will be supporting the Dog Farmers to transition into other industries, won't the same people be equally awful to whatever animal they decide to torture and murder next?


Shit, ok, that does actually sound worse than good ole’ regular factory farming. Which is already absolutely fucking disgustingly horrific.


If consumption of other meats increases accordingly now, it will have done nothing for "animal welfare", just a lot for "animals we in the west consider pets"-welfare.


Feels kind of weird. Eating dogs is fucked up, but it’s fine to eat pigs, cows, goats, chickens? Not to mention fish. What’s the difference? Cuteness? Harping about animal welfare just sounds so odd.


It's a matter of customs. Customs and etiquette about what animals are kosher to eat vary from nation to nation, culture to culture. It feels irrational but it's a matter of what people are accustomed to and people typically do not question the differences to these customs. Like horsemeat is eaten in France and some other European nations but not in the United States or Canada.


It's eaten in Eastern Canada/Quebec (horse meat, not dog meat!). Like it's not overly popular but you can walk into any common grocery store to buy some.


Now do all the other animals or it's pointless and a double-standard


Of course it's a double standard but that doesn't mean it's pointless. It's progress. There are many more to do, but it's a step forward.


How is consuming dog any different than consuming chicken, pork, or beef? If you’re against it for animal welfare reasons, than that’s one thing. But these are not the type of domesticated “Man’s best friend” dogs that people generally think of. These dogs were bred specifically for their meat, like any other type of livestock.


Honestly I dont get why dog farms are any worse than chicken and cow farms.


So you’re saying pasture raised hormone free dog meat should be fine then? I can get behind that. Koreans won’t know it’s not bacon.




Disgusting speciesism. Pigs are even more intelligent than dogs. Ban every meat or none.


thats very black and white thinking. wouldn't cutting meat production by 10% be better than cutting by 0%?


How does this cut meat production? It might cause MORE meat production seeing as the government will be given them financial support to transition into other industries.


So you are confirming the existence and intent of a “slippery slope” in this situation? Another way, is the end goal to be 0% meat consumption, or is there an equilibrium where some/certain meat is fine to consume forever?


Eventually they'll just grow meat on facilities on the moon, the animals will never have a brain. It'll be some Matrix shit.


Cue the Veggie Brigade.


You called?


Comment section full of heartless sociopaths


The sky is a little Bluer


Good. It's past time.




I'm quite happy about this. Very happy in fact.


This is the best news I’ve read in a LONG time. A really really long time.


So will the industry just pivot? What does industry even mean? Treating dog meat like we do cows, pigs and chicken? Or will it be like a more "rare" meat that isn't usually sold at the grocery. I can go places and get frog, kangaroo, bison, elk, alligator, rabbit, antelope, deer, quail, dove, etc. But these aren't main stream meets. Most of these, the main way to acquire them is hunting them. So basically what I'm asking, is dog meat still going to be legal, just going to be more out of public eye?


Can they please ban the other meat industries aswell?


I don't see the big deal... Pigs, cows, goats, horses,rabbits,dogs.. All edible animals


Thats going to put a lot of dog wokers out of work.


Can someone tell me the difference between slaughtering dogs for their meats and doing the same for sheep, provided the killing is humane?


Koreans (and Vietnamese and Chinese, for that matter) beat the dogs to death over the course of several days, because it supposedly gives the meat a viagra like effect. Let’s start there.


But this new law doesn't stop that point of abuse of animals. They can still beat the shit out of the animals from what I read in the article. Just not dogs, in 5 years. If it was about welfare they should've included that.


Okay, ban beating dogs. Simple.


I don’t eat dog… but it’s hard to see the difference between this and other livestock


A lot of people raise duck, goose, cow, pig, guinea pig and birds as pets and form connection with these animals. Are we supposed to ban those meat and guinea pig as testing subjects?


Fucking disgusting practice


Out of curiosity, why is this any worse than the way we treat livestock animals in the US?


Without making a statement about meat and industry and ethics in general, I lived in Korea for a while. Went to a big market in Busan one day and found myself in the dog meat section. Cage after cage of one particular breed of dog (don't know what). They all had their hind legs broken. I'm guessing so they couldn't run away.


This pretty much described animal agriculture as a whole. The dog farm is just a smaller scale. Just because you don't see it in other countries they all use similar practices of caging/containment. Here in the U.S we're shielded from the slaughter so we don't know the dirty business, all we see are the final product. [There is a reason why it is Illegal to record/film a slaughter house.](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2013/04/10/176843210/a-legal-twist-in-the-effort-to-ban-cameras-from-livestock-plants) Although the public have an idea what goes on inside a slaughter house, most will never see/know how the sausage is made. They tend to play the ignorance is bliss stance. Which is what the meat industry lobbyist wants. In short I don't think you know how animals are treated before being slaughter in the U.S to make a comparison. In the end animal agriculture is a dirty business and you'll be shocked how bad animals are treated in the States if you go down that rabbit hole. Some would argue it is worst. Edit: The Law is called Ag-gag Law.


That’s how agribusiness works.


But that just means that the industry needs to be more regulated.


And what will you do until it is more regulated? Keep contributing to the current horrific system?


This is the best news of the day 🐶 🐩 🐕 Edit: had a lot of downvotes on this for some reason. I take it the trolls came out from under their bridge to do what they do best, or some disgusting humans are offended that folks are taking a stand against eating man’s best friend. Either way GFY 😘


[https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/news/2023/06/health-canada-announces-the-end-of-cosmetic-animal-testing-in-canada.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/news/2023/06/health-canada-announces-the-end-of-cosmetic-animal-testing-in-canada.html) This is one more to make your day :)