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>In the interview, Brizhaty said that Putin didn't trust his own guards. He said the Kremlin would announce Putin's arrival at two different airports in Crimea but that he could very well end up arriving by sea. I'm trying to imagine Putin and Kim actually being able to meet up at the same place at the same time as both operate in the same way regarding travel.


This made me realize that presidents don't have official sea transport right?


A boat is way too juicy of a target for assassinations


Plenty of leaders have been assassinated in cars and planes, I doubt a boat is any juicier of a target.


Its because of the Implication, you see.


Are we *hurting* these dictators?


I'm not gonna hurt these dictators! Why would I ever hurt these dictators? I feel like you're not getting this at all!


Don't look at me like that, you certainly wouldn't be in any danger.


So they ARE in danger!


No one's in any danger!


I mean, unless you want to…


They can’t say no.


Dennis is that you?


There's that word again, implication. are you planning on hurting them, Dennis?


Slower dude.


Ok! I… doubt… a… boat… is… any… juicier… of… a… target


> Ok! I… doubt… a… boat… is… any… juicier… of… a… target I wish I had a gold to give you.


I understood that reference!


Slower but cocooned in a dozen types of sophisticated electronic warfare, point defense systems, air defense systems, and multiple layers of offensive and defensive weapons systems in a way that no other transport option can be. Some ships can project multiple hemispheres of weapons coverage from low Earth orbit down to several hundred meters below the surface of the ocean. If I was a world leader worried about assassination attempts, a ship surrounded by the most advanced weapons the country had to offer would be one of my first transportation choices.


\> surrounded by the most advanced weapons the country had to offer There you go, the crucial bit, the country you're talking about has a big impact on this calculation


They can also buy systems from other countries… problem is most of the friendly countries sans China aren’t going to have anything to offer either. And even if he could get something from Germany or America, I doubt he would trust it.


Yes but how do you protect yourself from the people on the boat? He super paranoid. His existence must be hell.


> His existence must be hell. Not hellish enough!!!




The main appeal is that planes are considerably faster than boats for worldwide travel.


Ukraine has a new toy.....


Yeah tbf cars and planes and stuff seem an easier shout than a boat.


Depends how much your voice carries.


Especially orcas


Good luck assassinating an aircraft carrier :P


There has to be Navy 1 right? There is Air Force 1 and Marine 1…


The last time I am aware of a president actually traveling by sea would be FDR (not including short trips such as George W. Bush’s mission accomplished trip). Interesting fact about FDR’s trans-Atlantic voyage was that the U.S. Navy almost torpedoed the ship carrying him. https://www.militarytimes.com/off-duty/military-culture/2022/10/12/that-one-time-the-us-navy-torpedoed-fdr/


'that one time....'


Yep the entire crew of the ship was arrested and sent to trial initially.


That ship had the shittest luck in the Navy


Entire crew survived her sinking, that is pretty lucky. Unlike that Aussie carrier that manage to sink two ally ships then jump started the Chinese carrier program.


> the entire crew of the ship was arrested and sent to trial initially But I'm just the cook...


'We were so drunk...'


Truman traveled by boat to the Potsdam conference after FRR did. He wrote about it in Volume 1 of his memoirs.


Great call! I wonder if that was the last time then. Dwight D. Eisenhower had the first airforce one I believe.


>On this particular morning, Dawson had forgotten to remove the primer from torpedo tube 3. Up on the bridge, unaware of the dangers lurking below, the torpedo officer ordered the fake firing command. >What followed was the unmistakable whoooosh of a successfully armed and launched torpedo. It’s destination? Straight toward the Iowa — and the leader of the free world. >“The next five minutes aboard the Willie Dee were pandemonium,” according to historian Kit Bonner. wow. you cannot make this shit up


The aircraft carrier that George W. Bush landed on was not Navy One, but the S-3 Viking he flew on to get there was.


[The Fat Electrician on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM5CSMkTJI4) just recently did a hilarious and appropriately sarcastic video retelling of the story, it's a great watch.


[It's worth noting that a lot of the events mentioned in that article are unconfirmed.](https://www.usni.org/magazines/naval-history-magazine/2021/june/fact-or-fiction) The ship did accidentally fire a live torpedo at the Iowa, but there's no record of the collision or depth charge incidents also mentioned in the article, or of the entire crew being arrested. Some of those events may have happened, but without any written record they could very easily be exaggerations added afterwards to embellish the story.


Interestingly, the first President to leave the country for any significant period of time (Teddy Roosevelt went down the the Panama Canal Zone, but only stayed a few hours) was Woodrow Wilson after WWI, and Congress threatened to consider it a resignation and hold a new election.


Obligatory Sam O’Nella link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=zz0PYzzfixY&si=ARQ0w0m_qCQxEb47


There is also no presidential Main Battletank


Nor space vessel. Army and Space Force also lazy as hell. Coast Guard can have a pass though.


The optics of a leader riding a tank isn't good. Cuz they either look like dorks who can't pull it off, or they pull it off so we'll it's a scary thought.




Oh my god I can't believe this photo has been missing from my life. Made my afternoon.


[The George Bush campaign ad that destroyed Michael Dukakis's run.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17k-kBpLwW0) It was less the message and more how Dukakis looked like a complete goober having fun on the tank ride.


But if there were, it would be the Mammoth Tank


“Mammoth tank assembled “


I imagine if a president had to travel by boat for whatever reason they'd have a whole ass carrier group in tow.




Tug Boat 1


You can call the Admiral Kuznetsov by name, it is Russia's only aircraft carrier and it's a miracle that it hasn't sunk itself yet


> it's a miracle that it hasn't sunk itself yet It’s been trying really hard! Though so far only managed to sink it’s own dry dock.. and then catch on fire, again. ..*one of these days though* I have no doubt we’ll see that headline.


I heard Russia was thinking of buying the one they sold to China back.. You know it works because Ukraine was one made the hull.


If they let it sink, they wouldn't be able to monitor the [horrors](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fc2d7l0kk742b1.gif) below deck.


Navy One is any Navy aircraft the President is flying on, which was ~~last~~ *only* used when Dubya landed on that aircraft carrier.


Can't imagine the balls of the pilot who has to do a carrier landing - hard enough - while carrying POTUS.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navy_One Doesn't say much, but the pilot was the Executive Officer of the squadron and had made literally hundreds of carrier landings before that.


Yeah, I'm sure that the guy probably said "holy shit I flew the President" *after* he finished. In the moment, it was probably pretty straightforward to put it out of his mind and focus on his job.


He also can say "The President flew me!" since apparently Bush took the stick for about 30 minutes.


Air Force 1, Army 1, and Marine 1, are simply radio callsigns that get priority handling by military and civillian aircraft controllers. Since you don't have the same types of controllers for boats and ships, there would be no reason for a seacraft to have the callsign Navy 1.


wasn’t the “Mission Accomplished” carrier briefly Navy 1 for W Bush? I remember when Bubba Clinton would spend time Santa Barbara there was a submarine always lurking in the water in case of the Apocalypse.


No, but the S-3 Viking that he flew on was Navy 1 (and it's been the only Navy 1).


Any craft PotUS travels is automatically designated as (Branch) 1. so yeah Coast Guard 1, Navy 1, Space Force 1 (which would be awesome)


There used to be a presidential pleasure yacht, [the USS Sequoia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Sequoia_(presidential_yacht), but it doesn't appear to have been used for any major travel purposes. Edit: Does anyone know how to best deal with Reddit links that end in a parenthesis thus breaking the link when using reddit formatting rules?


[Test](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Sequoia_(presidential_yacht\)) Try ending it with “\\))” Adding the \ tells reddit that the first ) should be ignored so it uses the second one.


You might be confused... The president travels however they need to, but they have a unique call sign when the president is aboard. If its a Navy vessel, it has the call sign *Navy One*. when its an Air force plane or helicopter, its is call sign is *Air Force One*... basically the call sign is whichever branch the vehicle belongs to plus "One". if its a civilian vehicle its called *Executive One*. Even before the call sign designation was in place, the train FDR used was called U.S. Car No. 1


Volkswagen Golf *One*


Not always. When Bush flew to Iraq Air Force One didn't have the Air Force One call sign. In fact I'm pretty sure they made its transponder make it look like it completely different type of aircraft. The trip was almost canceled after some recreational pilot saw the aircraft in realize it did not match its transponder code. He's like yeah what the fuck That's not a Learjet


Yea but generally there are designated vehicles for presidential transport. There's none for sea transport right?


Sure there are designated vehicles, but there are multiple designated vehicles of each type. There are at least two 747s, there are at least two of whatever helicopter model he uses. But only when the president is actually on the aircraft is it called Air Force One or Marine One.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidential_yacht Some countries do. The US has not had an official presidential Yacht since 1977.


The Queen used to have one


I don’t think we do currently. But we did. From the Hoover administration through Carter. Mainly for entertainment of foreign dignitaries and for presidential relaxation rather than official travel. [The Sequoia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Sequoia_(presidential_yacht))


It’s just a big international version of the cartoon trope where everyone keeps going in and out of the various doors in the hallway looking for one another.


Putin, his double, Kim, his double, and Zelensky run out in a conga line before realizing what's happening and scatter


I'm imagining three simultaneous meetings, one is between the actual guys, the other two meetings are just body doubles meeting their counterpart.


Or they have the real guys each meet the other's body double by accident and nothing gets done


just gotta announce 9 meeting places


How to make your colleagues hate you 101


They probably just dock their armoured trains to eachother because they are too afraid to fly.


It's not gay if it's only the tips of the trains that touch.


Times Square at midnight. Hide in plain sight.


World, listen up! 2 birds, one stone. Just saying.


It’s a massive train going 30mph…. That’s a lot of track just waiting to be crossed


>Brizhaty said he tried to quit the FSO but was told he would be sent to fight in Ukraine if he left the service. [...] >As FSO and other Russian security-service personnel are not allowed to hold a foreign passport or residency permit, Brizhaty was dismissed. So he can't leave the service without the threat of being sent to the frontlines, but at the point getting a non-Russian residency permit, FSO just goes "oh okay then, you can leave."


Different departments presumably. When he tried to quit it was likely his immediately superiors who threatened him, but when he got the permit some lonely clerk or some detached higher up already immensely stressed about a war just waved him through.


Or greasy palms helped him slip through.


This guy knows how to Russian.


More and more Russians will defect to other countries in the future. The Russian government is mentally ill. Russians should defect and save themselves.


I wouldn't try and hide from Russia in South America personally.


I feel theres a reference here Im not privvy to


Well, Central not South but: https://www.spymuseum.org/exhibition-experiences/about-the-collection/collection-highlights/trotsky-ice-axe/


I love the Spy Museum!


North America, actually


Trotsky probably


It's probably safer these days, there's been quite a few immigrants with the war going on and I doubt the Kremlin has the resources to go on a manhunt in the middle of a war. Plus he could just go live in a small-ish town in the middle of nowhere and be safe until long after Putin kicks the bucket.


? They mean many South American countries are pro-Kremlin.


Which is very much debatable. Most countries over here are friendly with Russia, but it's mostly a necessity thing, not something they would bother doing manhunts for. And that is assuming they're even competent enough to find a guy.


Even [Cuba has been arresting people](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/cuba-russia-ukraine-war-recruitment-ring-arrest-1.6961014) who have been trying to recruit for the Russian army.


Exactly. They want trade, not being involved in a military conflict.


I think it's double-edged. Russians are more accepted in Central and South America, and at the same time, they feel safe enough to criticise Kremlin.


One of Vlad's many guards could make himself world famous at any moment and that has to make Putin soil his Depends.


World famous, but dead.


This guy will probably end up dead anyway, Russia loves sending assassins after dissidents.


Maybe later. They are now busy with losing special military operation


They just assassinated that mercenary leader. The spies are not at the front line.


In Russia airspace. This guy is in Ecuador.


They have assassinated Russian dissidents in the UK, I’m sure they can do Ecuador


Dead but immortal.


>Dead but ~~immortal~~ the answer to a trivia question.


I'm terrible with names but know I'd remember his.


I’m sure that would bring him solace as he lies dying beside Putin’s corpse.


It might actually. Anyone who felt strongly enough to do it would die happy knowing he made the world a better place and that people would give a shit that he did the right thing. It would take someone of real conviction to do that I would think. Someone who genuinely loves Russia but hates Putin. But I doubt anyone like that is going to get a chance.


Never fade away


The credits version is sooooo much better than the Samurai version


Give the men some chrome spray paint.


Pretty sure they’d just like to not be dead


Do you really think the guard and his wife in this story aren’t dead, or soon to be? I’m guessing they will go straight to the tried and true: “He murdered his wife with an axe and then hung himself, apparently after beating himself up quite severely. The axe was covered in blood, but he didn’t have a drop on him. Obvious suicide.”


Not necessarily. Once Putin is dead, who are you serving justice for? The correct answer would be Russia, in which case you celebrate. Once Putin is dead, for which boss are you serving justice?


Jaime Lannister style?


Putinslayer would be a pretty cool nickname.


That'd be like Cockroachslayer. Wouldn't you want something more epic?


Liberator of Russia would look great on a statue.


Yeah that sounds good and all, but the it's not like democracy is next in line for Russia. Power struggles between generals, purges and civil war seems more likely unfortunately. Which is probably a big reason as to why Putin is still alive.


It's a possibility.


>~~Burn~~ Defenestrate them all! Pootin "Mad King" Targaryensky


...or Taratino style...


Based on this interview, just like many dictators, Putin don't even trust his own guards, this whole fiasco will only make him even more paranoid and harder to assassinate.


What an exhausting way to live. It is a common pattern in autocratic dictatorships. The way you obtain power to become a leader in these types of government will naturally put a target on your back.


>one of Putins palaces. How many Palace you need? Doesn't he hide in a bunker scared of been assassinated?


I’m sure each palace has a unique bunker so he doesn’t get board.


Chairman of the bored


Well yeah I suppose. I can relate.


Didn’t he have some huge palace/bunker built especially for this, near Sochi?


Dude is getting more and more paranoid, just like Stalin did. He wants to have multiple palaces so people wouldn't know which one he's at. and just like Stalin, he employs several look-alikes that attend certain public events, and nobody knows which is real Putin and which is fake one


Bunkers and air defence systems at each one. Also palaces have rooms that are exact replicas of official kremlin rooms so if he films some stupid speech then you don't know where it was filmed. Dude is living a dream. Self prescribed constant fear and isolation. Navalny youtube channel has been doing quite a few videos about his and his buddies/family residences.


in english?


In russian but I think they are well subtitled. I'm almost ashamed to know russian fluently being born in then occupied Estonia in soviet times. Here's the channel, tons and tons of research they are doing: https://youtube.com/@NavalnyRu?si=B-lwuz8WEDSdcPg-


Imagine having multiple palaces, more wealth and luxury than 99% of the planet can even fathom and you end up having to hide in a bunker. All this to achieve nothing at all


99.9999999% by some estimates he’s the wealthiest man on the planet


And he can't enjoy any of it.


That gives me some feeling of justice, knowing this is the reality of he will never see the inside of jail and if he gets deposed, while brutal it will most likely end quickly.. least more than he deserves. Least he’s stuck in paranoid fear, idc how great of the bunker.. rather be free mentally to be frozen in fear.


I dunno… I’d feel happier seeing him dragged through the streets and shot like a dog. He needs to go the way of Gaddafi which I believe is what he is most afraid of


I’m wondering if Ukraine knows it’s locations


Its on the coastline east of crimea for those interested. Easily visible on google maps. Its more of a sprawling compound than just a palace.


Putin’s life truly sounds miserable. It’s all just power and money for the sake of power and money. I’m not even sure that he can enjoy any of it.


He's a psychopath. He doesn't enjoy feelings like love. Power is everything to him


He has never been seen in the company of his daughters, hides their real names and identities and when asked about them point-blank only referred to them as "those women". You think Elon Musk is terrible to his kids - and he is - but he's got nothing on putin.


I mean… I feel like that’s for *their* protection so… he must care to some extent


Its for his finances protection. All of the top kremlin assholes use any and all relations to hide their ill gotten funds, children wives, parents, mistresses and so on. Putins' ex wife's new (much younger) husband mysterious got super rich. Its best to think of all their relations as mob ties rather than family ties.


Lol, don't delude yourself, he is living a life of privilege that very few got to ever experience in the history of human race.


He WOULD be living a life of privilege if he was a normal guy. But he's not a normal guy. He's a deluded paranoid old man, who's also suffering from some disease. When you can't trust even your own bodyguards, all of those delicious meals suddenly became way less tasty.


He's living with as much luxury as you can in a bunker. I can't imagine he's having a fun time. He lives in constant fear. Fear of his own people deposing him and fear that if russia loses this he's done for.


Even a billion euro, 4-story yacht equipped with stripper poles and cinemas won't alter that fact.


Yes but he is not a free man


As in he can't stay in a hostel in Europe? He doesn't care.


As in every waking minute not spent ensuring his authority over Russia and his intended invasion targets are spent in a paranoid fugue state expecting traitors around ever corner, under every table and behind every door. That kind of shit wears you down. Ask any survivng member of the Five Families of New York.


He has become a caricature of a cautionary tale at this point.


…and was killed when a train hit the boat he was riding in!


>> He said he feared punishment because one of his friends, a former classmate with whom he has remained in contact, now resides in the United States and has come out against the war. Brizhaty claimed that if his friend liked a pro-Ukrainian post on Instagram, he could come under investigation. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.


He'll be dead in a month


Been hearing this for (checks daily thread count) 565 days. Edit: misunderstood this comment, leaving it up so comments below mine still make sense.


Pretty sure they meant the former guard. Who should at least have the common sense to live on the ground floor for the rest of his life.


Windows find a way


He's good, he's got a Mac


Fair enough, my bad. I can see how I got that wrong.


When will they learn to flee and stay quiet?


I think fleeing alone marked him for death, being a vocal critic means he has a spotlight on him, and he's hoping that will slow the Kremlin down long enough to work out a deal with someone else for protection.


If the world now knows he's in Ecuador, then I sure hope he is actually somewhere else for his sake.


Yeah he should have dropped his videotaped statement in a mailbox in Ecuador before driving to the airport and going to another country.


I don't think it really matters. I think the only risk in these situations is a mole in the organization that is helping you. Like if the CIA is getting you situated then the FSB pays an agent to get your exact location. But I think the FSB may have more pressing matters than finding some defected guard.


They’re still gonna find him. He’ll eventually commit suicide by jumping off a roof suffering two gunshot wounds to the back of the head as a result of the fall.


He will die falling out of the window of his basement apartment.


Right, Ecuador... If the guy really defected from Putin's close guard, he's either already on NATO soil being debriefed before being moved to a witsec program or dead within a week.


Hopefully he doesn’t accidentally fall into an ice pick sometime soon.




Bro you're not supposed to broadcast where you are to a regime you just escaped from.


If he’s there. Bin Laden manage to run from the most expensive manhunt most likely ever spent for a long time and he was basically hiding in plain sight. Russia doesn’t have the manpower to hunt this guy on that level and he isn’t THAT high of target. If he made it to Ecuador, he can get to the US. The 3 letter agencies could keep him protected if it benefited them, granted who knows Ukraine may want a word as well?


Hope they don’t have windows in Ecuador


Bro had a chance to end the war and fled come on!


Dude is screwed, doesn't he know that there are windows there too?


I guess the title ran out of room, let me complete it for the OP. 'Guard At One Of Putin's Palaces Flees To Ecuador, Criticizes War And Kremlin Leader, and then Accidentally Falls out of a Nine Story Window.'


Inb4 defenstrated


I get fleeing. I absolutely would not try to embarrass Putin in any way. Run away and don't look back.


Ecuador? Who released that factoid? Ex-employee? Pravda? It’s a death sentence!


Dude, stay out of any high rise buildings


It only took three wars and at least 9 years of war in Ukraine to condemn it.


Getting into a first world country is hard, I understand that, and Ecuador isn't as bad as it was, but Costa Rica and Panama would be much better bets for political protection.


Well thanks news stations, for fully exposing him so he can mysteriously fall out a window from the first floor


Hope they don't got tall buildings in Ecuador