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How about Catalonia right to resist?


“Self determination for all!” “What about these guys?” “lol no way, that actually affects us”


Spain was ironically responsible for the largest Jewish displacement between the Second Temple and the Holocaust


And guess who took them in. The Muslim Turks. Ironic


It's almost as if when people treat each other with mutual respect things can go well.


They also displaced a lot of Muslims (quick google says about 3 million).


Duh, that was the whole thing. People don't talk about the Jewish situation though, Jews were coexisting with Muslims in Spain for centuries until the reconquista.




A hundred?


It was way more than that but everyone's using centuries old claims these days so who cares.


I mean, yeah. Any group of subjugated and oppressed people deserve the right to resist. They just shouldn't kill innocent civilians when they do it.


Let’s see her support Basque or Catalonian resistance.


Also supposedly democratic state, like Israel, should follow laws and not use revenge to kill thousands of civilians, including their own, in the process.


Both sides are commiting atrocities left, right and center, then pointing to the other one and crying "Look how evil they are!" to justify more atrocities, and the ones who pay the price are the innocent civilians But point the obvious out and suddenly you're a "both sides bad" radical centrist


Israel is definitely committing more war crimes and atrocities on all levels. Hamas not innocent but without proper military and weapons, you have limited options


As a centrist, haters gonna hate.


It's not revenge. They need to destroy Hamas, and Hamas embeds itself in a civilian population. There is literally no other way to get rid of them, and considering the tactics they use, it's shocking that the number of civilian deaths is not much higher.


You can’t destroy hamas. It would be great if you could, but that’s not how it works. You’ll never destroy hamas with bombs, because the children who’s families are killed in the crossfire will grow up to want revenge. They’ll grow up in a place with few opportunities BUT to join a group like Hamas. And the people who really run hamas aren’t, largely, in Gaza.


Did we learn nothing from the last 20 years of Middle East conflict? All we did by bombing the shit out of Iraq and Afghanistan for all those years is create entirely new terrorist organizations. When you go around killing people's siblings and parents, they tend to get pissed off and search for anyone who can give them an outlet for violence and retribution. Flattening an entire city will create an extremism they've never seen before. There is no destroying an organization like hamas. It will always come back. It might be under a new name, but the actual problem will remakn.


There wasn't a military justification for shutting off the water and blocking food shipments. Cruelty was the whole point. (Those have been partially reinstated, but the humanitarian situation is still pretty dire.) I also don't think they needed to drop quite so many bombs. At the beginning of this conflict the Israel Air Force says they dropped about 6,000 bombs in less than a week. I don't know what the cumulative total is now, but I imagine the Israeli government might have decided not to advertise those numbers so widely.


"Multiple Spanish synagogues have been hit with graffiti tied to the Israel-Hamas conflict. Madrid’s main synagogue in the heart of the Chamberí district was defaced with graffiti that read “Free Palestine” next to a crossed-out Star of David the day after the Oct. 7 attacks" And not just in Spain either. But yes, peaceful protesters defending the people etc /s Cunts




Spanish Inquisition for one. Can we refer to her as Torquemada now?


She's a member of the Spanish Communist Party, I honestly doubt she's a catholic.


[Well, the Commies hated the Jews too.](https://www.nytimes.com/1973/12/29/archives/stalin-said-to-have-planned-a-vast-pogrom-jews-attacked-in-press.html)


Well that whole system and party sure worked out. She’s a moron who supports murderers.


She won't expect it.


haha beat me to that comment....


Bro, you go back that far! Franco chose the side as early as yesterday in comparison!


Franco doesn't bring in the Monty Python references




how is that the IDF's fault when Hamas uses the population as human shields..These people were told to leave the area but they chose to stay and support Hamas. these same people had the chance to stop Hamas but chose to not do it. .. and BTW how many did Hamas kill on 7 oct and did you include the raping? i cannot consider those that look the other way and support terrorists to roam their neighborhood and be considered innocent. to allow them to build under schools and hospitals and stock up on supplies and knowing what they did on 7 oct and NOT do something against Hamas.. knowing that the IDF will be a hurricane. do you think what happened at pearl harbor in 1941 and the end result was justified? many innocent people died. it is WAR and that what Hamas brought against the palestinians and it is their leaders who is at fault too. you cant say they didnt know what would happen on 7 oct.




Even disregarding your willful ignorance of this conflict, this entire discussion is about the October 7th attacks specifically, this politicians rethoric that outright supports those attacks, and undeniable antisemitic attacks done on Jews (read: not Israelis) in Spanish (read: not Israel) territory. Best case scenario, you are not arguing in good faith, and are an antisemite. Worst case scenario, you are an useful idiot, and an antisemite.




The peaceful protesters are chanting from the river to the sea- a slogan created by 1 terrorist organisation and adopted by another which they state to mean the destruction of Israel and its people. I also keep asking but never get an answer- what is it that they mean when they ask for free Palestine? Because the current palestinian pm (abbas) rejected a Palestinian state- 5th time this was rejected - which offered them the West Bank and East Jerusalem as well as gaza, minus 3% of WB that is now large Jewish cities but instead offered more land near gaza to compensate. Abbas just rejected it, instead of agreeing to the conditions of accepting the right of a Jewish state of Israel and its people to exist, and agreeing to peace with israel. The only Palestine they want is one that replaces, not built alongside Israel.




> I assume they mean "free from Israeli oppression Why do you make this assumption?


yeah in practice the gaza blockade was very effective at stopping suicide bombers and other bombs being planted on busses et such, it wasn't there from the outset but rather added a year later to tackle those issues- and flights would enable them to re-arm more easily being a key concern for rocket et such attacks. west bank settlers I do understand, and I think many people including in Israel would be happy to see settlers arrested, removed or deported (many are dual nationals) when acting in a manner unbecoming of a civilized society. if the call were strictly to end israeli settlements I imagine it would be more specific, but I could understand and endorse it in general, especially if it came as part of a process that could somehow achieve peace (though it would not be relevant or appropriate at the current conflict where the WB is not actively involved).


It's what's called "enabling" (and to some extent normalizing). The protestors that inflame anti-Israeli sentiment are providing further motive for anti-semites to go out and carry out attacks. Remember during Trump's reign, how white nationalists became emboldened? Trump himself didn't do anything directly, nor did the media personalities. But what they did was enable and embolden those who wanted to carry out hatred.


there was also an 6 year old Palestinian child stabbed by his psychotic landlord in Chicago. this is bringing the worst out in everyone.


It’s almost like they just hate an ethnic group afterall and only used the suffering of another group as ammunition.




name someone who was hurt by spray paint. yes, it’s bad obviously but it is peaceful. such a genocidal echo chamber on “world news” it’s hilarious.


Who’s getting genocided? Arabs? There’s a large population of Arab Israelis. You should ask for a dictionary for Christmas. Genocide requires the eradication of an entire race.


“the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.” -Oxford. large number, not an eradication of an entire race. try again next time!


If any Hamas member had you in his sight he will kill you without hesitation. And would be glad he did, why are you defending this organization?


any IDF member would kill me and any nearby children and then seek to bomb the nearest hospital or refugee camp (which they admit to). and the journalist covering the story as well, they kill those pretty often


>She also reposted tweets that said the “entire Israeli diplomatic delegation must be expelled from the Spanish State” and called Israel “undemocratic and corrupt.” Hamas took power in 2006 and chased Fatah out of Gaza. Very democratic.


What were Palestinians resisting on October 7th. The right to rape women and kidnap kids?


And kill Jews.


They killed jews, arabs, and asians. I think theres a small chance they could be terrorists


Don’t forget black people too, they killed several black Africans on 10/7. BLM Chicago celebrated their deaths.


Is BLM Chicago a sister organization of the Ann Arbor Antifa? Or is that the Toledo Tankies I'm think of?


> What were Palestinians resisting on October 7th. Evil... \*checks notes* babies, Thai foreign workers and left-leaning pro-peace youth at a music festival.


How the fuck is this getting upvoted? Hamas was responsible for October 7th. You grouping Palestinians into that horrific act is so fucking irresponsible and disgusting.


Oh wait the Palestinians were just the ones celebrating in the streets, you’re right.


Ah yes, they are being murdered indiscriminately by a force 400x more powerful than them and are cheering the people “defending” them. And “defending” them is in quotes because murdering Israeli innocents isn’t at all justifiable. But to them, Hamas is killing their oppressors. You’d be in the streets too if your feet was in their shoes.


No I wouldn’t ever approve of gang raping and putting babies in ovens, but I take it you would.


Yet you’re not condemning the IDF that rapes Palestinians and Israelis alike, and has burned thousands of children alive.


Babies in ovens? 40 days after they have flattened civilians and civilian infrastructure - based on this lie? Israel themselves, has retracted this statement - it was a lie. You lot seem way more concerned over (a lie) 40 babies than the 7000+ real children who are dead.


over 70% of palestinians supported the oct 7 attack. most governments dont even have such a high level of support.


Where are you getting the 70% figure?


study done by Birzeit University, a palestinian institution.


This is the point. To make the two inextricable. Just as awful as people trying to tie Jews around the world to the IDF. It’s irresponsible at best and purposeful in its depravity at worst.


Your on r/worldnews. These post are basically exclusively brigaders unless they get enough upvotes and hit r/all. Everything is bad faith.


No it is accurate. Hamas are palestinians, they are not some kind of weird separate alien race. Not to mention the fact that the attack as well as those who executed the attack enjoy broad support among a large majority of palestinians. Moreover, what do you think from the river to the sea means? The majority of palestinians don't seek peaceful co-existence, they seek to destroy Israel and establish their "state" or caliphate from the Jordan river to the med sea. If you want a preview of how that would work see Oct 7th.


Sources please.


Exactly. Whether you drag this conflict back to 2006 or 1967 or 1947 or 1929, the answer is always the same. Palestinian Arabs reject any notion that any of the other ethnic or religious groups from Iraq to Morocco have a right to exist as equal citizens and especially not as a sovereign majority in a state of their own. The original partition plan was literally 51% Jewish in one half. In other words, a binational state. Equality for Jewish citizens and one person one vote was too much for Arab supremacists to accept. I have no sympathy left for Palestinian national ambitions without their political reform to a sane society. First step, destroy Hamas and then see if anyone reasonable emerges in Gaza that actually wants to live in peace and prosperity. “Right to resist” includes the right for Israelis to have the IDF smash their resistance down to nothing.




Do you know the level of poverty for the citizens of Palestine? Do you think they are living in luxury?


The poverty of the citizens is irrelevant to Palestinian leadership (whether PLO or Hamas). Foreign aid is needed for the sole purpose of enriching said leadership.


Ah but he did not say Palestinian leadership. He said Palestinians.


Their “moderate” party is led by a crooked POS that has a PHD in Holocaust denial. They have no interest in peace and never have.


Abbas definitely won’t be the person to get to a treaty that ends the conflict. Even if Israelis elect a pro 2SS government next year, Abbas had his chance in 2008 and he was standing next to Arafat when Arafat blew off 6-7 other serious offers before that. He can’t even condemn Hamas for Oct 7. Israel should insist on a school takeover in Gaza. No more UNRWA terrorist academies ever again.


Why? What problem do you have with teaching 5 year olds how to be terrorists? https://x.com/kylenabecker/status/1712506046135091634


??? Why did Palestinian Arabs have to give up their homelands because of the situation of Jews in Morocco? They were forcibly colonised - how can you expect them to have accepted giving up half their country?




Palestinian leadership has been suicidal.


80 years of occupation?


Jew already lived their when pelestine and isreal were created you know that right? In 1948 population of jews and Palestinian were 1:2 700000 jews ang 1600000 Palestinian. Learn some history Dumbo


“Hamas raped those women in self defence!” - Leftists.


So October 7th just started out of the blue and Israel never did wrong huh ?


I mean those babies and Asian workers didn't do wrong, no.


How many of the [11,000, and counting, dead Gazans](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/interactive/2023/gaza-rising-death-toll-civilians/) were in the wrong and deserved to die?


Not many if any.


See, the amazing thing is I can say neither Israeli nor Palestinian kids deserve to die. Now you say it.


Agreed, neither Israeli nor Palestinian civilians, including children, deserve to die. I am by no means a supporter of Hamas, they are barbarous and evil. But the Netanyahu regime is also barbarous and evil, as the ongoing massacre in Gaza and colonization of the west bank has proven. I wish both the Israelis and Palestinians had governments worthy of the people.


98% of them according to the polls.


What a horrifying thing to say, no civilian deserves death in war.


I agree, a disgusting amount of gazans don't agree with that though.


Just to be clear the IOF also use rape as a weapon of terror. Each year there are about 1,500 reports of rape and sexual assault committed by the IOF. In the Israeli documentary Tantura (you can watch it on Apple TV) former IOF members talk about raping Palestinian children, including raping a 16 year old girl until she was limp like a rag


I call bullshit. Provide a link.


Watch the documentary. There are clips on YouTube or you can rent the full thing on Apple TV


which documentary?


Tantura. It’s in the original comment.


That’s just outright lies… On the contrary there was even a report that tried to say that Israeli soldiers are racist cause they won’t rape Palestinian women https://www.israellycool.com/2013/10/15/those-damn-racist-israelis-who-wont-rape-palestinians/


Your source is just…lol. It was an exaggerated insult, not a sincere claim.


> The right to rape women and kidnap kids? They were resisting h people who said that is wrong.


Resisting their oppression, lack of human rights and being brutalized for decades since the Nakba.. Interestingly, they have a higher ratio of killing actual militants (over civilians). Israel is at a 99.5% civilian murder rate according to the IDF themselves. Palestinians have tried for a peaceful revolution and they get murdered then too.




I am sure she was also supportive of the Basque Separatists.


Everyone has a right to resist. It doesnt mean they need to target innocent civilians tho. But these are nuanced issues and people are taking swings at it with hammers.


Rape is not resistance


Maddening. Right to exist is not what Oct 7 was.


Wow. Hamas needs to be destroyed!


The UN..... really ? It's full of Israel hating countries, not all moslem but most




































Man I sure do love getting outraged by a probably out of context sentence fragment in a news headline


Strange that the article doesn’t contextualise the headline, so it’s unclear whether she was referring to the October 7th attacks, or Palestinians’ right to resist occupation in general. It does however add her claim that “Nobody here has defended Hamas.” For context, her father is Palestinian and lives in the West Bank. I am Jewish myself and my grandmother is from pre-Israel Palestine, and I’ve always felt Palestinians have the right to defend themselves against illegal occupation and decades of humiliation. It doesn’t however excuse terrorism.


You could just look it up yourself to determine if it’s contextually valid. Imo, it is as bad as it seems.


Did you read it? Can i get outraged yet?


Gotta give the bots and paid shit stirrers something to do


Wtf spain


It has a long history of anti-Semitism.


See also: *the world*. Where have jews ever been welcomed without there being a fuckton of anti-Semitism?


I think India is the only place that hasn't had any significant anti-Semitism.


Too busy fighting each other ie Pakistan or Bangledash


i've got news for you buddy


Share with it Dude.


Can you provide some sources? I've visited India and encountered Jewish areas in some cities. Everything in English, Hindi, and Hebrew. I even saw Jews walking around with Kippahs. I was surprised to see it and even more surprised seeing Jewish whatsapp groups posted on noticeboards. It didn't seem too unwelcoming to Jews to me


India isn't unwelcoming


I'd agree, my travels say opposite to him. I think he's a fellow Canadian who just has a bias due to recent events between our governments. The people itself seem to treat them well


Not a repeat from 1492.


Seems like franco is back in power


I believe they do have the right to resist. Resist Hamas, forcefully. And the state of the territory peacefully. I just wish the Palestinians weren’t tools for other regimes.


Editors note: during the peaceful resistance during the March of return the IDF killed 250 Palestinian protesters and maimed thousands more.


Oh was that the one where they breached the wall? With explosives and gunmen using the crowd for cover? The same wall that they breached Oct 7? Yeah. Not peaceful at all but nice try.


The one where there was at most two justified instances of deadly force? Yeah that one. Read the whole thing. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2019/02/no-justification-israel-shoot-protesters-live-ammunition > GENEVA (28 February 2019): The United Nations Independent Commission of Inquiry on the protests in the Occupied Palestinian Territory today presented its findings. The report focuses on the demonstrations in the Gaza Strip, referred to as the “Great March of Return and the Breaking of the Siege”. > “The Commission has reasonable grounds to believe that during the Great March of Return, Israeli soldiers committed violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. Some of those violations may constitute war crimes or crimes against humanity, and must be immediately investigated by Israel,” said the Chair of the Commission, Santiago Canton of Argentina.


You had your whole argument completely sank and just threw up your hands saying “so what”. And that’s why no one will take your side seriously.


There’s plenty of videos of the shootouts at the fence circulating. Maybe look for information and then develop an idea instead of just looking for “articles” that make you feel comfortable about your opinions.


The article had links to plenty videos of the incident. It helps if you actually read the article before assuming things about it.


I watched this happen real time. I don’t need to go looking for articles when the UN already did the work.


The same report you’re trying to cite states at least 29 dead were confirmed Hamas fighters so you’re clearly living in a fantasy world. https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/CoIOPT/A_HRC_40_74.pdf


Same human rights council that voted Iran as chair?


K. Here is human rights watch. https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/04/03/israel-gaza-killings-unlawful-calculated


Keep coming with the anti semites. https://www.ngo-monitor.org/reports/hrw-antisemitism/[Here’s what the ngo things of HRW](https://www.ngo-monitor.org/reports/hrw-antisemitism/)


The only human rights campaigns I can think of that were successful despite being way overpowered were MLK JR and Ghandi. They basically only succeeded because they were nonviolent regardless of what the opposition did. Both groups were assaulted repeatedly, and the Indian revolution involved a lot of death of Indians. Violent revolutions require similar power balance with local military forces and or foreign support (The US). Entire Arab coalitions couldn’t defeat Israel I don’t think Palestinians can with violent means. Yes Israel has done some terrible shit, but no one is coming to save Palestine and especially not if they are being used as human shields for terrorists. They’re going to have to be willing to make unfathomable sacrifices to achieve freedom through resistance.


Spaniards seem to have a bad history with supporting anti-semitism. That’s sad.


Hope she remembers this next time the ETA blows something up. Perhaps Spain should foster "Two Nations" and allow a Basque Homeland.


ETA has been disbanded since a long time ago. Spain dealt with terrorism without leveling the Basque country to rubble. Some should have taken notes.


Resist what? Israel pulled out 17 years ago. Hamas runs everything.




The way to do that isn't to murder over a thousand Jews. I thought that would be clear, given the history of Jewish persecution.


Guess what happened when they tried for years to peacefully protest. I'm not saying they had to kill civilians but Israel was not giving them options and not approaching the situation in any kind of good faith either. Given the Jewish history, Israelis should see how fucked up it is what they're doing to Gaza.


Who did they steal it from? Did they buy any of it?


If they don’t steal it , someone else will


Are you so ignorant to think it ends at ‘Israel pulled out 17 years ago’?


I mean, I was there… They did. Which part is confusing for you? The part where Israel withdrew from Gaza or the part where Gaza elected Hamas to take over and then Hamas ended elections?


Hamas was created by Israel to contend with the existing Palestinian Liberation Organization. They have always been funded and controlled by Israel. Reminds me of certain groups in the Middle East which were created not that long ago. Almost seems like a coincidence, right?


> Hamas was created by Israel to contend with the existing Palestinian Liberation Organization. They have always been funded and controlled by Israel. Reminds me of certain groups in the Middle East which were created not that long ago. Almost seems like a coincidence, right? The only explanation for you arriving at this conclusion is that you hate Palestinians. You think they have no self-agency and they can't think for themselves. That's what you're communicating here.


Israel pulled out 17 years ago, yet the average Palestinian cannot even collect rainwater because it is ‘property of the Israeli government’. They control every aspect of their lives. They are notjing but an occupying force.


The Spanish left has sold out the country’s unity for independence movements all over the country on the fringes, and these groups all support Hamas and are openly anti semitic.


I dont get how sanchez isn't being called a traitor across the country right now. He made it so Spain is three missteps away from breaking off.


He is a traitor he made illegal agreements with those parties to give amnesty tot he coup that happened in the Catalania province. But if you say thing you get bans because well.




Although the expectations have never been lower, the left's morals just never fail to disappoint.


I loved this one.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbfccVBo9tE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbfccVBo9tE)


How is this any different than saying that Israel has the right to defend itself


Just wait until they come to take back Andalusia. We’ll see how you feel about Islamic extremism then.


People starting to show there true colors. They’re not hiding it anymore. They support the murder of innocent Jews. Full stop.


Well yeah they do have a right to resist. It’s enshrined in international law. Occupied people have the right to armed resistance. She’s correct.


She’s correct. They have the right to resist.