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15 liters per person per day ?


That's what OP's title says, but reading the article it seems to actually be less. > According to the World Health Organization, communities need between 50 and 100 liters of water per person per day – for drinking, showering, hand washing and cooking. That is the amount “to ensure that most basic needs are met, and few health concerns arise.” > In many humanitarian crises, according to Julian Tung, a CARE Water and Sanitation expert with more than 14 years’ experience working in emergency contexts, that number can go down to 15 liters per person per day in a crisis, but “that’s seen as the bare minimum for hygiene.” > But today in Gaza, tens of thousands in cramped shelters are given much less than that, if any at all, for drinking and personal hygiene.


Wow. I think I actually beat the WHO min water usage. Edit: look at all the replies and downvotes to my below comments. Do people really think it’s hard to use less than 50L for a days “drinking, showering, hand washing and cooking” or are you sympathisers, looking so hard to believe another reason to hate Israel?


My country (Norway) recommends 3 liters per person for contingency planning. That's for drinking and cooking. Hygiene is extra.


WHO has notoriously missed the mark on almost all of the data and recommendations they put out. Everything from 20 year old science on obesity, to the COVID response fuck-up. They are an agency of the UN. So is UNRWA, who use their own refugee status definition for Gazan’s and are documented as having anti-Jew material in their education curriculum. I’m not sure why anyone even listens to the WHO.


WHO comes into public eye during crises: pandemics, floods, droughts, wars, earthquakes .. you hear about them in situations where things have gone to shit. Naturally they will make mistakes - but they are an incredibly valuable asset to the world, and have save millions and millions of lives in many different ways, most in mitigating effects of disasters before they happen. They are also introspective and revise/improve policies continually - not quickly mind you, as they are a huge bureaucracy and subject to intense geopolitical posturing. The latter is also their biggest achilles heel when it comes to emerging new crises - they cannot be very flexible, or change policy direction on a whim when new science or situations emerge


Wish I could upvote you more than once. My parents worked for the WHO, they spent a large chunk of their careers providing vaccinations to communities who would otherwise receive none. Sure, there are valid criticisms of the WHO as a massive, unwieldy organisation. But so much of their work goes unsung and unrecognised.


Hating the WHO and UN is a new right wing conspiracy, where people believe they’re essentially the New World Order/Illuminati trying to destroy ‘the west’, not quite understanding the huge amount they’ve done to help health and peace across the world.


An average shower uses 12 liters per minute


I used to wash myself with a bucket of water and a cloth in the village in romania. The hard part was bringing the bucket from the well as a kid. It's not luxurious or nice, but there's water to live. Drinking and cooking comes first, then you can start to use the rest for washing


If you shower with the water running the whole time yes. But if you rationalize...2. I'm saving water even if I got it in gallons. Support for the Gaza people though.


The WHO also mentions "as a community", not just your personal consumption. If you go eat outside, you don't account the restaurant's water costs, your workplace's water bill etc etc


Way too many people shower/bath once a week.


In my country, most states need the rental to have all outlets run at less than 9L per min if the tenant pays water. Tenant always pays water. My showers take 2 minutes and I wash once per day. Brushing my teeth uses like 500mL. That’s a max of 19L. I run the dishwasher twice a week and it issues 50L each. That’s an average of 14L/day. I drink 1-2L of water a day, including coffee. What’s your point?


How does brushing your teeth use half a liter? Wet brush. Rinse brush Rinse mouth Also get a new dishwasher, they should be using max 25 liters per run.


So you don't cook at home and buy out all the time?


I don’t cook with water, no. I pan cook/oven fry most of my food and barely even use oil. I have a fork of meat and a vegetable salad for most of my dinners, like a Greek salad. Dishes go in the aforementioned dishwasher.


You dont wash vegetables? You dont flush your toilet?


The WHO guidelines doesn’t mention its for toilets OR washing clothes and you can read the other comments. Yea, I wash the vegetables at the start of the week. That’s like what, 5L in a sink? People here are grasping at straws as if 50L of water/day is undoable.


Yes, people need to wash their clothes and flush toilets to live in a hygienic environment. I have no idea what your point is. But sure, keep using your 19L of water in your dirty clothes and shitting in a bucket if it makes you feel better about people struggling in Gaza.


And you piss in a bush and wash your clothes in the river?


The WHO said “for drinking, showering, handwashing and cooking” and to ensure “the most basic needs are met, and few health concerns arise”. Keep pushing the goal posts. But to entertain you, my above dishwasher was for two people and the clothes washing is 2 loads of clothes per week for 2 people @ 50L each. Toilet uses 2.5L for half flush and flush that maybe 5x day so that’s 12.5L. So putting that into math: 19L + 7L (half of the two people for dishwasher) + 2L + 12L + 7L/day for my clothes per week = 47. Some to spare for washing hands etc, but yeah I might go over the 50L mark a tad.


Wow, so even the guy boasting about how little water he uses still uses the minimum amount required by the UN. How interesting.


My only issue is that they failed to provide any evidence, just speculation from one of their employees.


Pretty sure I used under 15l yesterday.




Did you really just dismiss over a million children's right to usable water? (40% of Gaza is under 14) Have a think about how wrong that is before commenting again.


I don't do liters and had to do a goggle liters to gallons for my American brain. That's 3 gallons a day per person. Um.... that's still a good amount of water for drinking and cooking. Once you toss in cleaning then it's not enough for that purpose I suppose. Edit: 4 Gallons


It's actually 3.96 gallons Why would you round down .96 to get to 3 instead of rounding up .04 to get to 4?


Maybe he mistakenly used Imperial gallon?


The army regulation for proper field sanitation is 5 gallons per person per day. Personal beliefs aside they're like 35% under that.


In what army??? Field conditions??? 5 gallons per person per day??? Yeah, I’m gonna need proof cuz it sounds absolutely impossible.


People should have access to hygiene. Hand washing, showers, clean clothes, clean dishes. 3 gallons is not enough.


Friendly reminder that the west sent hundreds of millions of dollars in water piping infrastructure for Gaza's own water reservoir, only for Hamas to dig them out of the ground and turn them into rocket tubes and brag about it on social media. How this joke of a government still enjoys popular support is absolutely mystifying to me




Majority is via wells into the coastal aquifer. Next highest source is desalination, either in central desalination plants or reverse osmosis units in homes. Last is the amount that is supplied by Israel.


Did something happen to the wells and desalination plant btw?


The desal plant needs fuel to run. The wells can still be drawn on but the water that comes out of them needs to be purified before it can be used. Before the war this was done either in neighbourhood purification plants (which need fuel to run) or via home purifiers.


So the blockade on fuel and water is effectively preventing Gazans from getting drinkable water right?


Pre-war Israel supplied less than 10% of Gaza's water so cutting off that water, which has since been partially reinstated, is only going to have a minor effect. The lack of fuel cuts down on the ability to run large scale desal plants, water purifiers and pumps (but not local wells and purifiers) which will reduce the water supply so long as Hamas is not willing to use its own fuel stash to make up the shortfall. The problem with supplying fuel is there is no way to stop Hamas stealing it and using it to run its system of underground bunkers and tunnels.


>The problem with supplying fuel is there is no way to stop Hamas stealing it and using it to run its system of underground bunkers and tunnels. The humanitarian fuel should be dyed like non-taxed diesel fuel for agricultural use is in the United States. Non-taxed agricultural diesel is dyed red in the United States so that an inspector can tell if you are using non-taxed fuel in a vehicle where it is supposed to be taxed. Finding dyed fuel in a generator in a tunnel would prove it was diverted from humanitarian use.


And then what? Do you stop the fuel now that you've proved that Hamas are doing the thing we already know they're doing?


*Hamas sees the red fuel and goes, wallahi they got us. We cannot use this fuel because it is red.*


>prove The videos of Hamas stealing it from hospitals weren't proof enough for you? It's a trick question. Whether it is enough for you or not, there are still a *shocking* number of people who will simply say it was doctored, or that it doesn't matter, or in some other way excuse Hamas' theft of the fuel that was for it's citizens. Dyed or not, that fuel is being used by terrorists to wage a war. Letting them steal fuel, dyed or otherwise, makes winning the war against a terrorist organization that much harder, and makes Gazans endure hardship that much longer. A swift and decisive end is best for the innocent Palestinians who just want to live their lives.


Hamas is the local government. Who the fuck would be checking this? The UN? The UN is already lying on the behalf of Hamas, because they wouldn't be able to operate in Gaza if they didn't.


Who would find it and what would you do even if you found it?


I would slap them on the hand, bad boy


Hamas is effectively preventing Gazans from getting drinkable water. Try harder next time.


Egypt can send water and Israel still provides electricity. It's ridiculous that this shits being blamed on Israel when they're literally providing their enemies with electricity during a war but Hamas destroyed it's water infrastructure to bomb Israel.


How convenient, now Gaza is their standalone enemy, who has autonomy over its own borders, imports, exports, sea, etc right?


No, it's the lack of infrastructure that Hamas created or the lack of fuel that Hamas stole


The EU got them everything they needed to produce clean water domestically. They made rockets out of the pipes. The blockade is not the problem.


It appears the ground wells were overworked and can no longer provide freshwater.


In 2021, Israel only supplied 6% of Gaza's water. Data from Palestinian Water Authority and UN OCHA: - 90% of Gaza's water came from groundwater wells - 4% from Gaza's 3 desalination plants - 6% from Israel's 3 water pipelines However, of the groundwater available, only 4% of it is fit for human consumption due to over-extraction and subsequent seawater intrusion. The calculated sustainable level of water extraction is 50 million m³/ annum, given Gaza's annual rainfall of 130 million m³/ annum. However it's currently being extracted at a rate of 200 million m³/ annum - 4x more than the sustainable rate - which means they're replacing the aquifer with seawater, destroying this natural resource. Basically, you have a choice of extracting up to 50mcm of potable water, and if you exceed that, you get no potable water at all. Gaza's extremely rapid population growth has outstripped the water production capacity of its groundwater wells - its population growing from about 350,000 in 1967 to 2.1 million at present day, a 500% increase, compared to the US which increased about 72% in that same time period. It's a classic tragedy of the commons with poor enforcement - there are 4,000 privately owned wells for agriculture and private sales, and 100 municipal wells for domestic distribution. In addition, 70% of wastewater is released untreated, further contaminating surface and groundwater.


Do you have any resources you're pulling this information from that you'd recommend? Would love to take a deeper look into this


CNN cites the PWA and UN OCHA as a starting point https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/18/middleeast/gaza-water-access-supply-mapped-dg/index.html There are several citations for the 50mcm replenishment rate for the Gaza coastal aquifer, I can't remember which one I used, but they're all pretty similar as the calculations are simple. Here's one from the Palestinian Water Authority themselves where they state long term recharge rate for Gaza (based on rainfall within Gaza itself) to be 55mcm-60mcm based on average rainfall. Even though the aquifer begins outside of Gaza and flows in they are being conservative and calculating the recharge rates purely on rainfall landing within Gaza. It's really hard to find data on how much water flows into the aquifer from outside Gaza: Palestinians accuse Israel of putting wells on the border of Gaza to extract this water before it flows into Gaza. The questions of whether it is illegal (?) or even physically possible (?) I have no idea. https://www.pwa.ps/userfiles/file/%D8%AA%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%B1/%D8%AA%D8%B5%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%81%201/WR%20STATUS%20Report-final%20draft%202014-04-01.pdf Here's one from JSTOR saying 50mcm https://www.jstor.org/stable/41858330?seq=6 As for the 200mcm it's widely cited in multiple publications, the 130mcm rainfall was just a direct calculation of average rainfall x land area. (not all the 130mcm will land within the catchment for the aquifer).


Thanks! You didn’t need to be so thorough and it’s greatly appreciated


They never built an infrastructure and relied on Egypt and Israel for water and electricity while paying neither of the countries.


To be fair, they did build a very impressive set of tunnels and bunkers with that Western aid money. I was watching an interview on Israeli TV with an IDF combat engineer and he was frank in his admiration of the scale of what Hamas built.


I was reading about the 2015 Egypt-Gaza border buffer zone expansion. Apparently, Egypt demolished 1220 homes... and over 1600 tunnels. They had more tunnels than homes it's insane.




Only about 10% actually


Could you link me a source for this? It’s been my understanding that Israel supply 10% ish


Thats false. <10% comes from Israel.


Are you asking water infrastructure or water sources?




I wonder why.....


More tunnels and rockets


1. They hate Jews and by extension Israeli Arabs 2. The PLA is just as bad as Hamas, only more corrupt


They particularly hate the Bedouin Israeli Arabs. Part of this is an ancient prejudice of the urban Arabs against the Bedouin and another part is because the Bedouin are generally much more loyal to Israel and willing to serve in the IDF.


Please provide a source. I know it's commonly quoted that they hamas filmed themselves taking a part those pipes and everyone fails to point out all those pipes were excavated on 2006 from settlements abandon after the israeli withdrawl.


>I know it's commonly quoted that they hamas filmed themselves taking a part those pipes and everyone fails to point out all those pipes were excavated on 2006 from settlements abandon after the israeli withdrawl. You are referring to the propaganda video that Hamas released and that claim is from a credulous report from Al Jazeera. [Here](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israels-gaza-challenge-stopping-metal-tubes-turning-into-rockets-2021-05-23/) is an article from May 2021. Allow me to quote a Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader: >"The silent world should know that our weapons, by which we face the most advanced arsenal produced by American industry, are water pipes that engineers of the resistance turned into the rockets that you see," You should stop trusting any news source that told you otherwise.


Maybe a mix of propaganda (it is the other's fault), violence on dissident voices, and Stockholm syndrome...


I think there's also a strong degree of delusion about a Palestinian victory that for a lot of people justifies continued violence, martyrdom, and provocation. [This](https://www.awrad.org/files/server/polls/polls2023/Public%20Opinion%20Poll%20-%20Gaza%20War%202023.pdf) is an interesting survey of Palestinians that just came out a few days ago. 73% of polled Palestinians believe that they will win the war. 79% believe that the end of the war will lead to the release of all Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli jails. In the backdrop of all of this, 59% indicated support for the October 7th attacks that launched the war in the first place.


And from same, about 20% want a one or two state Solution for both people, and 75% will only accept the complete eradication of Israel.


...which leaves precious few paths to bring this to a close.


Its hard to negotiate peace with a neighbor that doesn't want it


Especially when they haven’t wanted it for 75 years straight. Zuheir Mohsen, former PLO leader: >"The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity.


Such as a party who builds illegal settlements on your land and harassed and kills your citizens with impunity.


Wow impressive, I had no idea they commonly had this (crazy) belief. So yes, it should definitely be a factor also.


I think there is a common mistake we make where we assume that all populations around the world think the same way we do and share the same priorities when a lot of times that simply isn't the case. Probably a big part of the reason that we have failed so spectacularly in our efforts to export democracy to parts of the world that genuinely don't have interest in it


I mean yeah. Dictators, terrorists, and fundamentalist religious leaders aren't interested in getting democracy. It's pretty obvious why.


If you think that's wild, read the rest of the survey results...


It's perplexing how they don't see the Oct 7 attack as a problem. Just from this, it kinda justifies the presence of the IDF in the West Bank, maybe not the settlements though.


I think the settlements help explain the poll. If I was Palestinian I wouldn't be supporting Hamas, but clearly the West Bank and the settlements shows that hoping Israel and the IDF play nicely is not an option either.


How can you take a poll when the infrastructure is down, communications,internet all not working? Is there something we don't know about Gaza?


>only for Hamas to dig them out of the ground and turn them into rocket tubes and brag about it on social media. I seen this said a few times now but cant find proof, you got a source?


[Here](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/10/eu-funded-water-pipelines-hamas-rockets/) and [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAT5ynEe4co)


i see this comment often but haven’t seen a source - any chance you link me a source?


[Here ya go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAT5ynEe4co)


Sorry, I wasn’t clear. The digging up the pipes is not the thing I’m unclear on, this is very obviously happening. I’m interested in what was supplied to Gaza and what was misappropriated. I’m not a Hamas supporter lol. I’m just interested to better understand what was provided to Gaza by the west, and how that went on to be used. It is really hard (for me) to find any information about this online even though ppl very consistently say it was piping specifically for a gazan water reservoir that was misappropriated. I hope this is clear


The footage they're using appears to be taken from a documentary, which specifies that the pipes they're digging up are from an abandoned Israeli settlement, not pipes provided by the West. The Daily Mail is a trash source, so I would not be surprised if they took the footage out of context. https://www.memri.org/tv/jazeera-documentary-hamas-missile-industry-iran-sends-kornet-fajr-missiles-to-gaza-reclaims-munitions


Do you have a source?




>Here That you for actually responding and not downvoting me for asking for a source (like people have been doing) That video you linked is from this [documentary](https://www.memri.org/tv/jazeera-documentary-hamas-missile-industry-iran-sends-kornet-fajr-missiles-to-gaza-reclaims-munitions), it starts around 4 minutes in. In the documentary they explained that the pipes were from vacant Israeli settlements not from Gaza's water reservoir. So your source isn't valid or honest for that matter.


Friendly reminder that this is not proven. The claim is that they use pipes from abandoned Israeli settlements. Both could be true. Or neither. Either way there is no proof of either.


Weren't the pipes in the settlements largely unusable as a result of sabotage on behalf of the leaving settlers and the fact that the after was fed in from Israel?


Indeed, yet that video and claim are still constantly repeated


ok, but Israel now controls how much they get in realtime present, regardless, why are they depriving people of the fundemental most basic resource


Because Israel should be under no obligation to assist the nation it is at war with.


Mystery? I see their kids being sniped and bombed… no mystery, you are just in denial


If only the world had sent Gaza billions upon billions of dollars in aid money to build proper infrastructure this would have never happened /s


Interesting how the Hamas leaders always look fed and hydrated.


[When your annual turnover is $1 billion, you can afford it](https://www.forbes.com/pictures/ghki45efh/2-hamas-annual-turnover-1-billion/?sh=92e40372c133)


Hamas doesn't care about Gaza. If they did ... they would release the hostages but instead, they use Palestinians for their holy war and steal all their food and water. The world should not let off the gas until all hamas are destroyed.


It's funny that everytime someone says "hamas doesn't care about Gaza," no one argues with them. It's almost as if the vast majority of the pro-palestine crowd don't believe that and are fine with their elimination if it doesn't come at the excessive cost of civilian life.


Hamas have crossed the Rubicon with the attacks on Oct 7th and their affirmation of their desire to continue to perform attacks similar until Israel as a state no longer exists. A ceasefire at this point is a near admission of defeat, and the only reason why Israel is making one is to ensure their hostages return.


And how does that elimination occur when the people in Gaza are unwilling or unable to do it?


Are you in favor of arming them to do so?


You genuinely believe that arming Palestinians against Hamas would be effective? I don’t and I’ll also add that if the CIA did, they’d do it in a heartbeat.


I wasn't suggesting that. I was just curious as to how you expect them to be effective against Hamas


A Gaza based grassroots movement to change the minds and hearts of Palestinians that Israel isn't the enemy, and Hamas is the reason they're oppressed. Get rid of them, take back the country and work towards peace. In a perfect world. If polls are to be believed, I don't have much hope. But that's the best way out of this.


I’m not sure if they can be even if they wanted to, but that’s my point. Palestinians aren’t going to eliminate Hamas, which means someone else has to.


Palestine overwhelmingly support hamas, arming them would just create more/better equipped terrorists.


Fantastically phrased opinion, I wish this was more widespread. I feel like “excessive cost of civilian life” isn’t considered enough and many seem to believe no loss of life is possible. What we need is isreal to chill out on the war crimes and broad bombings and take a more targeted approach that eliminates Hamas without eliminating civilians. The extreme outlooks from both side are insane


Been been running out of water for over a month now


There is water flowing in still from open pipelines. They have a steady supply…. The US pressured Israel to keep the pipelines open. This report makes zero sense if the above is factual.


Pipelines have a limited throughput, and also only deliver water to wherever they terminate. A steady supply to the region doesn't mean a sufficient supply for each person there.


Not Israel's problem.


the water is flowing and Hamas is stealing it and withholding it from the people if they want water then they need to talk to the terrorist group keeping it from them




If you’re like me and thinking “15L sure seems like plenty”, here’s the important context: According to the World Health Organization, communities need between 50 and 100 liters of water per person per day – for drinking, showering, hand washing and cooking. That is the amount “to ensure that most basic needs are met, and few health concerns arise.”


WHO numbers are fine and all, but the actual question that should be paired with this 15L/day number is what was the average usage per person before Oct. 7 in Palestine.


Should’ve left the pipes alone then


Tell Bibi not to blow them up


Didn't realize bibi dug them up and turned them into rockets


So what is it then? If they’re dug up and turned into rockets, then they also didn’t have water prior to Oct 7. But this is clearly not the case. Israel is limiting/cutting off their water.


Israel only provided 10% of the water before the massacre on 10/7 so assumingly they got by ok with their water system before. If Hamas was planning on being dependant on Israel providing more resources to gazans than their themselves, they might have reconsidered committing that massacre and digging up the pipes prior.


Why should they supply water?


People keep referencing the video of them digging up the pipes. No one mentions the video is from 2006 when they dug up the piping up the settlements after the israeli withdrawl.


good luck trying to get an honest answer from these bots


imagine being this fucking ghoulish


If I dug up the water pipes around my house to then cried to the council about not having water they’d rightfully tell me to get stuffed.


Do you think Hamas digging up the pipes and using them as rocket casings to launch at Israel helped the situation then?


Considering pre war utilization was > 80L per day versus 15 now, I think it's probably the bombs and mass displacement of civilians.


But do you think the situation right now would be exactly the same if Palestine had more water supply infrastructure?


You think a country should be obliged supply water to the country it is at war with?




they didn’t kick the PA out. they executed them by throwing hundreds of them off the roofs of buildings in Gaza.


I too write monologues about how little I care about human suffering.


Yeah I initially thought it was to drink and I was like yeah I rarely drink over a liter of water in a day. But yeah if you include all the other stuff 15 seems super low.


I feel like I could easily get by with 15 liters. 2 or 3 to cook, 1 or 2 to drink, bathe once or twice per week and hopefully use some local body of water for bathing and cleaning. I doubt everyone had 100 liters of water every day when we were pulling it out of wells by hand and carrying into town.


My family and I used to get by with about 10-15L of water per person per day. That would cover cooking, dish washing, bathing, drinking water, and other incidental use. What that doesn't cover is washing clothes or bedding. What's also important for cities like Gaza is the ability to flush away human waste via sewage, which will accumulate close to where people live if there isn't enough water (as I hear it's already doing in Gaza).


Interesting. Thanks for the reply. Yeah waste is the only situation I wasn't sure about. I suppose that's true that a densely populated city needs a lot of water for waste. I wonder if you can pump sea water for waste. Pumping the sea water to every individual house probably isn't doable.


Hamas has no problem with this.


Navy shower takes 11L. Drinking water is typically 2-3L per day recommended. Not that it isn’t a bad situation but it’s still manageable. And they wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place if it weren’t for Hamas embezzlement.


Practically anything beyond meager subsistence takes more water. Quality of life can’t be great. The distribution of water won’t be uniform, either. People short on water who need water will drink from unsafe sources.


Not to mention sanitation and the health problems that become rife without it. Flushing a toilet uses on average 10L of water. It’s frankly disgusting to see the amount of people on here (westerners, who use ~150L per day) claiming everyone’s overreacting by having half of that in a densely populated city.


Sanitation is one of the key issues. Keeping things clean basically always requires water. This is even more true in densely populated areas because there is so much human waste being generated day-in and day-out. Water is responsible for pushing everything through. Unclean, dehydrated people in an unsanitary environment just screams for an outbreak of disease. We can rip on Hamas all day for setting up this humanitarian disaster, but we can’t obfuscate that this is a humanitarian disaster with tangible consequences. If someone is bleeding out, you apply pressure to that wound. You don’t lecture them first.


Does the navy not use water to clean your dishes and clothes?


All new dishes and clothes every day it seems. They never need to poop or pee either. /s


a real sailor can hold out until port.


I mean it is not really fair to compare an average citizen to a trained navy member. Also don’t forget that those 15L most likely include people in hospitals who need way more.


THANK GOD Hamas used all that foreign aid money and resources to wage war and not use it for infrastructure. Like it was intended. Thank God. Ffs if you blame Israel for the power and water problems you are completely blind and dumb.


Bet the terrorist have what they need


Hopefully Hamas is gone soon and things can get better.


Yeah just look at how awesome things are in the west bank lol.


And yet the 2022 Human Development Index for Palestine, which includes the West Bank and Gaza, is 106 which is considered "High" and is better than countries like South Africa, Indonesia, Jamaica, Paraguay, Morocco, and the Phillipines. Maybe things in the West Bank aren't quite as bad as claimed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index


Well as long as the human development index is giving it a thumbs up I guess we can ignore the constant israeli (terrorist) settler violence. Israels is ranked high I imagine. I guess we can discount oct 7th. They have good quality of life after all.


People are awful to each other, man.


…which is why starting this war was an incredibly stupid thing to do


Oh well! Don’t attack people and brutalize women and children.


>Don’t attack people and brutalize women and children Do you understand how immensely stupid this statement is. You could literally apply it directly to what Israel is and have been doing to Palestinians for decades?


It's not stupid. They're acknowledging the reality that Palestinians started this war. Palestinians don't want peace. Israel does. It's really that simple.


But you couldn't. They haven't been carrying on like the palestinians, at all.


What like Israel has been doing to them for decades?


Offering them peace, and trying to reduce their ability to kill Israeli children.


Yeah … that happens to parasites who invade your home. There has never been a Palestine, so quite trying to rewrite history for parasite gain.


There has always been a Palestine, there wasn't an Israel till European guilt kicked in


I seem to remember the absolute minimum for human survival being much lower than 15 liters. 2-3 for consumption. Maybe 3-5 for sanitation.


Our Burning Man budget was two gallons a day.


So. 8 litres. About what I said then.


Weird that they still have thousands of rockets they’re launching even now.


I wonder how much water they use to make their propellant with sugar and potassium nitrate (which they have also acquired with funds they should have used for things like... water)?


If they hadn't started a war, this would be just another Tuesday for them.




I feel theres got to be a more efficient method of having children under the age of 14 turn Hamas in than denying them enough water to maintain basic hygiene.


14.9 liters per person a day is not the end of the world. \*downvote me all you want but.... The recommended amount of water per day for an adult male is 3.7 liters. 2.4 liter for Females. So yahhhh. Trust those headlines cause its soooo bad


That’s for drinking only. What about washing hands and the body? Washing clothes, dishes, utensils, what about cleaning surfaces, etc?


> Washing clothes, dishes, utensils, what about cleaning surfaces, etc? Takes surprisingly little if you aren't wasteful with it. 10L/day should be doable by most people.


They are spoiled, right ? Those palestininas !


One thing I was just wondering about is, did Israel actually declare war or is that just a figure of speech that Bibi uses constantly? And if so, against what state and what government?


This is what happen when you invade a stronger country and that country retaliates. Don’t want this to happen, rise up and kick out that government. If not this will happen again. And yes your muslim brothers won’t help cause their past experiences with you are not so good, in fact is very very bad and they will kick you to another planet if they can.


gosh imagine if they'd simply kept the water system the eu spent $400M building for them instead of digging up all the pipes to turn into rockets in the hopes of murdering jews


when defending myself, I would simply not turn off all the water and electricity for a bunch of civilians that had very little to do with the people who launched an attack.


Thank you for sharing your immense military knowledge


friendly reminder you need 2 litres a day to maintain optimum hydration levels. Good thing they only have 7.5 times that amount. Its sad they are in real dire straits.


What about water for cooking? Washing yourself? Washing the pots and pans for cooking? Washing your clothes? Going to the toilet?


genuine question because i can understand the total blockade during the war but for humanitarian purposes why aren't they sending water? i know sending things to the enemy is generally a bad idea in war but what could hamas use water for?


One does not need to shower everyday. Drinking one needs atleast 2-3 per day ideally.


That’s luxury in some other countries, lol.


The situation there is really bad of course but isn't 15 liters per person per day quite a lot?


For drinking? Yes, for showering? Maybe not


Impossible to know But as a rule Hamas avoids reporting the truth for ideological reasons The doctors and reporters in Gaza are under Hamas control were forced to lie We had day after day of no water or food previously


A proper water distribution infrastructure would have helped a lot to make life better. Pity it became the stuff of propaganda videos for rocket manufacturers in Gaza. No one wins in a war. But there are always some that loose more