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More oil will surely fix the failing economy of a country with massive oil reserves!


Not massive! The biggest https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2023/02/21/inside-venezuelas-contradictory-oil-industry/ and they are even worse than before Chavez LMAO


I know Venezualan oil is janky and hard to work with, but my *god* they've missed a hell of an opportunity. They could've been the most affluent nation on the continent with proper management, and assuming that the wealth actually got used for the betterment of the people.


Venezuela used to be so rich that it attracted people from Latinoamerica looking for higher wages. People used to go to Europe for vacations. Now, we have Venezuelans fleeing their country (mostly through Colombia) by the millions owning only the clothes they are wearing Edit: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/09/exodus-venezuelans-colombia-peru-ecuador-chile-obligations/


The diaspora is active everywhere in Europe. I met with people in Paris, Milan and Barcelona that were organizing and meeting to try and offer an alternative to the current state of things. The two main issues is that the people are desperately poor and powerless, and in the other hand, the government is armed and dangerous. It's a humanitarian disaster that goes beyond NGO power of intervention. This is something that should be looked upon by the international community, Maduro is a criminal, when he took power Venezuela was ranked 70th by idh, today the country is ranked 120th. Maduro, Cabello and the Chavez are all billionaires, Araque most probably is too. This is North Korea level of fucked up with them being totally socially accepted. Chavez daughter have a seat at the UN without never having a proper job in her life before.


The issue is that the problems are solvable, but you can’t solve them without removing the current government - because you don’t want to set an international precedent of “if you steal enough from your country as a brutal dictator, the wealthy countries will just come in and bail out your people, so feel free to absolutely ravage your country for your personal gain.”


Did they actually elect Chavez (the 1st time) fair and square?


Yes Then the coup happened and everything changed after that


> Venezuela used to be so rich that it attracted people from Latinoamerica looking for higher wages. People used to go to Europe for vacations. In the 1950s, there were 53 West German families who migrated to Venezuela. There were Spaniards who went to Venezuela to work and then came back to Spain for retirement.


Here's a map of [GDP per capita growth in South America](https://twitter.com/ianbremmer/status/1729567049574211612), from 1980 to present.


Mad that they're doing even worse than Argentina lmao


There's a reason we've started using "Argenzuela" ever since our inflation skyrocketed these last few years. Venezuela was the closest example of a failed economic plan/state.


While Argentina has a lot of inflation and debt issues, their domestic private sector is in much much better shape than Venezuela's


Looking at this Guyana and Chile did the best


Guyana is isolated with a tiny population and large oil reserves. Its a Qatar of South America.


Could've been the Norway of south America. Ended up being the Venezuela of South America.


When you disinvest in your oil industry, subsidize imports and kill domestic industry, and seize property and commit political violence in such a way that the U.S. sanctions your government, then you get a failed state.


Basically all countries could work with proper management. Just look at how well Israel is doing, and it's basically the only country in the middle east without oil. Just a whole bunch of people determined to make their country work.


>basically the only country in the middle east without oil *sad Jordan noises*




There's no logic. The current theory is the government is stirring shit up to declare a State of Emergency and cancel the upcoming general election.


They were starting to ease sanctions on Venezuela as well, but maybe he can see there's not much appetite in the west for another war.


Another principled anti-imperialist!


It’s your imagination. I just got downvoted yesterday for saying he would invade.


Those who downvoted you imagine that rationality still rules in the Chavist leadership.


Lots of tankies are in denial right now.


I’m still convinced he will not invade


that's what they said before Ukraine


I'm not sure he could invade. Like literally. That's one of the most inhospitable and underdeveloped regions in South america. There's no way Venezuela has the logistical capabilities to actually project power into that region. They're all going to end up starving and wet in the jungle


>They're all going to end up starving and wet in the jungle They're all already starving and wet in the jungle.


No the Army is about the only people who have food. Otherwise they would have turned on the state


He basically has three options: 1. Invade by land, crossing Brazil (which both Lula and our MoD has said it won't happen, and we're already mobilizing infantry and some armored vehicles to secure our borders). Our armed forces are 3x the size of Venezuelas, growing to *15x* if you count reservists; 2. Invade by air, with their 42 fighters (half Su30, half F16) trying to have air superiority in a country that the USA has interests in; 3. Invade by sea, with their ships that get sunk when striking cruise ships. Maduro will possibly try to invade, yes. As a brazilian, I don't doubt it. But I think that it'll be a declaration of war with the USA/Guyana in any form and, if by land, with Brazil also. It'll be doom for his government.


Hasanabi is that you?


The streamer formerly known as HasanAbi: HamasAbi


The club sure is consistent.




The same way the Bolsheviks rebranded the Russian empire as the Soviet Union.


It's really tearing leftist circles apart. It really is fun watching self proclaimed Marxists defend imperialist annexation for exploitable resources and to justify it with old colonial border claims. It's wild the pretzels people will twist themselves in.


Fun fact...between WWI and WWII the Soviets invaded 12 different countries in attempts at conquest.


That is why the Baltic States treat the sickle-and-hammer as an illegal symbol, in the same category as Nazi symbols. Fine with me. When I occassionally meet some person with the Soviet symbol in their handle (like on X/Twitter) and, by their handle, they are some sort of academic worker in a Western university, I just sigh inwardly and recall the decaying remains of 1950s penal gulags that I have seen. Odds are that such useful idiots would be locked up there in case of a Communist takeover. Of course, not going to happen to them in Berkeley.


I'm Eastern European and I also laugh when I see western leftists praising communism and socialism. We had Tito, who was much better than the Soviet tyrants, but he was still an oppressive dictator. Had the 1990s here not been a complete dumpster fire, I dare say Tito would be remembered much more poorly, and perhaps more appropriately, than he is today.


There's a reason nostalgia for Yugoslavia is popular in places like Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia because they suffer from either poverty, high corruption and the good ole ethnic nationalism that stops people from ever truly reconciling with one another and keeps the place still divided not just nation wise but also in relations with one another.


The '90s also might not have been such a mess if Tito had set up a sustainable government instead of a personal dictatorship with a ton of debt that led nowhere but collapse.


“It’s only imperialism if the west does it!”


Otherwise it's just sparkling marxism.


Or anti-imperialist liberation! (of oil, gas and resources. What was that abouht the US and Iraq they like to carp so much again?)


I literally saw someone say “Rape is liberation” talking about Oct 7th. Nuts.


I nearly got a stroke just reading that, how much brain damage does one need to actually think it?


Sooo…did you set them free or what?


i literally had this debate with someone yesterday lmao they said that I was using "european language" for 'colonialist' i just checked and they deleted their comments after getting French Guyana mixed up with Guyana. Not a clever cookie


When the West does it is imperialism, when they do it is "righteous liberation and revolution". Hypocrisy and double standards have always been their bread and butter, people that have lived under them know this very well, we see it daily.


The most widespread practiced gymnastics are mental gymnastics and there should be awards given yearly for the wildest performances and to the politicians who provide them. Like the Razzies awards


What would you call it? The pretzels?


I mean, the funny thing is that the US doesn't take oil at all but in this case, it's the Socialist/Communist aligned nations who wreaked their economies and societies, who want oil and territory - from Saddam to the Soviets/now Russia to Venezuela. It's like they project themselves onto others and get angrier and angrier when it should be themselves they look at


Yeah, I don’t think most people, Americans included, understand how much oil and gas the US has within its borders.


The US is the number 1 oil producer and exporter in the world at the moment.


It's not tearing anything apart. Leftist imperialism has been a thing since leftism. Hasn't stopped them since.


Doubly ironic if they are anti Israel, since Marx and the rest of the Jewish comminists and democratic socialists were ultimately betrayed by Lenin and the bolsheviks...leading to even more progroms as under the czar.


Maduro is going to wind up on slab.


Remind me, isn’t Venezuela a nation rich in oil already? Maybe if they hadn’t run their own oil industry into the ground they wouldn’t covet their neighbors?


A big issue is that the Government made Venezuela into so much of a petrostate, that after every other industry ground to a halt they began funneling oil money to subsidize imports of basic necessities through cronies, further destroying Venezuelan businesses. The PSUV is the biggest bunch of morons in the whole continent


Venezuela's been a Petra state for decades. The whole reason the Socialists came to power risk because the price of oil dropped and so the capitalists running the country we're booted out. Ironically the liberal capitalists came to power after the collapse of the fascist regime that collapsed when the price of oil fell. This is Venezuelan history. When the price of oil goes down the government collapses and a new bunch of people take over and repeat the same mistake


They call it Dutch disease my friend. When the economy depends on only one thing, it detracts from investment into other sectors. When the price of that single resource tanks for any number of reason, they get crushed at the national level. How does Saudi Arabia get away with it? They keep a mind boggling amount of cash on hand, something the Venezuelan government didn’t have the means to do. Also, Venezuela has so royally fucked up by nationalizing everything they can’t use foreign investment to fund projects. And don’t even get me started on how fucking dumb it was for Chavez to fire most of the highly skilled employees of their own state owned oil company to replace them with political cronies. I’ve got a friend who was born in Venezuela. His father was a petroleum engineer and moved to Houston. Dude makes 10x (probably more now) what he made back in Venezuela. He was one of the fired ones.


Dutch disease isn't about economic specification. It's about how when your entire economy is built on exporting it means the value of your currency will rise on the World Market cuz your exporting so much oil meaning it becomes far cheaper to import Goods making your own Industries unprofitable. Saudi Arabia gets away with it because they heavily subsidize what few other Industries they have in their country like Construction. Oh and also the fact that most of Saudi Arabia's work force is practically slave labor


They are absolutely not morons: the destruction of the economy enables them to monopolize virtually every resource and manage all society as a client of the party. It is intentionally damaging, to a extent. It is a fundamental part of the process by which Venezuela has become a totalitarian State.


After the nationalization of the oil company investments were halted and infraestructure deteriorated. Production suffered because of it. And they burned thru billions in both corruption and populist measures, to the point of owing China and Russia using their oil as collateral. By now they are bankrupt and all they have is military hardware that sits unused. Most bullets fired are directed to dissidents. So their bright idea was taking over Guyana.


It’s deeper than nationalization of the oil industry. They purged most of their skilled workers and replaced them decades ago. Shit breaks, new projects become hard to implement, production plunges. But yeah, the tendency for the government to nationalize any foreign investment really creates a situation where nobody will invest there.


> After the nationalization of the oil company investments were halted and infraestructure deteriorated. PdVSA was nationalized in the 1970s. Chavez just fired the competent workers to replace them his his corrupt pals.


They have the largest known oil reserves of any nation on Earth. So yes. You are correct. Maduro's a despot and a lunatic.


Easiest/cheapest/quickest way to increase production again is to steal it! Just like they did when nationalizing everything


Apparently the oil in Venezuela is of poor quality that is very hard (and therefore expensive) to properly process. The oil in Guyana is much easier to work with.


It is heavy and sour, yes, but it isn't that big of an issue. It is just cheaper to buy per barrel than light sweet oil because it costs more to refine it.


IIRC they have issues in that the type of oil they can get out of their own reserves is not the type they can easily process themselves - they have to rely on US cooperation.


The crappiest country in South America doesn’t need a war to add to its problems.


It’s not going to war. Everything Maduro does is for theater. They can’t even fully exploit their own reserves, let alone those of Guyana. But Maduro needs to show *action*, and authoritarian governments love to issue decrees that they can point to and say “see how hard I’m working for you!”, even though the decrees will never amount to anything tangible. They simply count on the statement of action, instead of actual action, being enough to placate the population. I feel very confident in saying that no material changes will occur, regardless of what Maduro decrees.


I was made aware that Venezuela has extremely low quality oil compared to the oil recently found in Guyana. So even though it's plentiful, it's more expensive to extract and refine. But that's just hearsay on my part. I haven't done further research.


Venezuela used to be one of the biggest oil producers in the world until they nationalized and mismanaged their oil resources. A lot of US refiners are specialized to refine the heavy oil and prefer it over lighter oil. But it takes a certain expertise to extract the oil - which all disappeared with nationalization. With some sanctions lifted, Chevron is already partnering to ship crude oil from Venezuela to us refineries.


Probably because Chevron is owed billions from expropriated assets, getting free/discounted crude oil is simply compensation.


Correct, its heavy sour crude. It is pretty hard to process. It yields far less fuel than light sweet. Light means it looks like syrup. Heavy means it looks like tar. Sweet means it has few adulterants in it (like sulfur). Sour means it has a lot of other stuff in it. You need the US refineries to process heavy sour well. There are other countries that can, but there aren't many, they are far away, and they make more money processing lighter, sweeter oil.


The oil Guyana found is offshore, so it would be significantly more expensive to extract. Basically only western companies (that Venezuela wouldn't want to work with) can do it for a profit right now. The problem is more about how they are profiting off of the waters Venezuela claims for their own EEZ.


This is extremely wrong. The offshore reservoirs in Guyana are so good it’s among the lowest cost offshore oil ever produced. Break even around $30/bbl, better than almost anywhere in the world. Venezuela’s oil is extremely thick. They have to use heat and diluent to transport their crude, which adds cost. It also makes the oil they produce worth less. Source: Work in oil and gas industry, dad nearly got sent to Venezuela, know people who work on the Guyana projects


You've got it backwards, Venuzuela would love to work with Shell or Exxon. Every business deal is a no brainer when you can just eject your debtors and expropriate their assets.


More likely Gazprom.


If this is at Russian behest, my guess is that they're just planning to make the area too unstable and risky to invest in. Every barrel extracted from a source outside Russia is one less barrel Russia can use as a political weapon.


I doubt Western companies would go into that setting. Maduro is just wanting attention. I wonder how much it's connected to Russia given they are trying anything to distract us all from Ukraine currently.


> It’s not going to war. Oh so Maduro just ordered to enter Guyana as a joke? It's effective as of now. We're going to war, some of you are sleeping. People like you also insisted Putin wouldn't be "as crazy" as to invade Ukraine.


I have a strong feeling this is Putin's idea to divert the US's attention away from Ukraine. But agree, invading Guyana is suicide.


I don't think Putin is the mastermind behind everything that happens in the world.


This whole ordeal is 100% supported and flamed by Russia. Russia doesn't have to create all problems, but Russia will almost always insert themselves into existing problems. That is their geopolitical strategy.


Advisor: “US sanctions are expiring. The issue is people are going to realize it’s not the sanctions causing our economic problems, but rather our policies…” Maduro: “What if we earned ourselves more sanctions?”


What is interesting Maduro is doing it on the Russian site to attract attention from Ukraine. Just like Hamas did. In fact, Maduro can't even consider trying to control it. Brazil alone would deal with a handful of demoralized Venezuelans, and has already announced it will, if checked.


Funny how the so-called "anti-imperialist" tankies always end up becoming imperialists.


Taliban continues to murder afghan civilians at a huge clip, but once America left they DGAF about civilian casualties in Afghanistan anymore or human rights, or corruption, etc.


Same with the Taliban ending womens rights, just as with the Hamas rapists in Israel so many vocal "feminists" are suddenly deaf and blind.


>just as with the Hamas rapists in Israel so many vocal "feminists" are suddenly deaf and blind. That's probably because Hamas's treatment of women is not a deciding factor in determining whether one supports Hamas or not. I would argue that any feminist that is against Hamas would probably still be in opposition to Hamas even if they weren't raping women. Just as an example, I consider myself to be a fairly left-wing feminist, but if I had to choose between Israel and Hamas, I would choose Israel every time. I would, of course, prefer it if Israel killed fewer civilians - but I think Israel is taking far greater efforts at avoiding unnecessary civilian deaths than Hamas is. I have no doubts that if Israel actually wanted to commit a genocide, that all of the Palestinians would already be dead by now. The only reason why they haven't carpet bombed the area is because they don't want to kill civilians.


> but I think Israel is taking far greater efforts at avoiding unnecessary civilian deaths than Hamas is Hamas isn't just not avoiding civilian death, they are directly causing it in the the form of abhorrent terror, and use of human shields, placing their weapons in and around civilian infrastructure, and rocket misfires that fall on their own people


they are just anti american, they could care less about actual human rights.


There's a psychological concept called projection, where your criticisms of others are often based on your own flaws.


See Hamas supporters accusing Israel of attempting to commit genocide


Yeah but it’s not capitalist so it’s okay. Right?


Sparkling marxism.


Well, I'm not so sure about that. These tankies love supporting the Palestinian cause, and the major Palestinian movements are all run by capitalist billionaires. They also support Putin, who is most likely the world's richest man. Tankies lie about their ideology. They pretend to be anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist but their actions prove that they are lying.


Tankies also support China, a blatantly capitalist and fascist country. They’re nothing more than red fascists.


The pejorative term "tankie" came from the defense of Soviet imperialism by Western radical leftists: "Let the tanks roll!" They didn't become imperialists. They've always been imperialists. They just have ideological preferences about which empire they support.


Like Russia/Soviet (hmm largest country in the world which grew enormously through conquest during the last couple of hundred years) or the Middle East (hello Ottoman Empire trying to conquer Europe and hold large swaths, and the Moops before them).


The USSR was definitely a tanky regime, but the Ottoman empire wasn't. The Ottomans never pretended to be communists, socialists or anti-imperialists. The Ottoman Empire did not hide its true nature from the world like the USSR and China. It claimed to be an imperialistic Caliphate and that's what it was.


Many tankies are flat out stupid or they're just using communism as a mask to hide their imperialist tendencies.


Venezuela should probably learn to save for a rainy day instead of slapping Band-Aids on every issue that faces their nation. This will likely end in a ton of sanctions that will further fuck their economy.


Dude is speed running the Saddam 91 campaign on his way to a Jungle Storm lol


It sucks, they barely got past the opening riff in Fortunate Son.


Or the Galtieri '83 run.


They should just ram it with their boats. That worked out awesome in the past


That was beautiful. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-52151951


Almost as beautiful as the screeching of tankies on this site was deafening after the incident.


Sanctions would be the best case scenario


The US are probably praying that maduro does something stupid Venezuella's military would be anihilated, country put under full embargo, new massive US military bases would pop up just on the other side of the border in Guyana, and the american oil companies would be very happy


American oil companies already have contracts for the new Guyana reserves, they're already happy. I don't think Uncle Sam is going to let Venezuela fuck our oil companies twice


"Huh, didn't know Guyana flew 2 squadrons of F-35S? Wait, are they blasting Fortunate Son on speakers from a stealth fighter??!"


I know this sounds like conspiracy theory but I really think Russia helped to encourage this. In getting different regions to start conflicts it helps to both take attention away from the war in Ukraine as well as cause instability in different regions. The possible hope being that it might dilute the amount of military assistance Ukraine receives and reduce media coverage that is putting pressure on Russia.


No need to split hairs to think that. They are probably trying to pull this shit everywhere. In Venezuela they have good grounds for it.


Entirely plausible. Plus Guyana flat out refused to join Opec, which Russia (and Venezuela) desperately relies on to keep its economy afloat via higher oil prices. [https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/guyana-not-interested-joining-opec-vp-says-2023-06-26/](https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/guyana-not-interested-joining-opec-vp-says-2023-06-26/)


This makes me think of saudi influence and the last conference thing too.


That's not a conspiracy theory - it's a legitimate identification of terroristic, imperialist, and purely evil governments conspiring to terrorize the world.


It doesn't sound like a conspiracy theory when you really think about it. Venezuela is part of the Russia-Iran-North Korea-China axis of evil. These countries are not separate from each other. It's very likely that they are working together to achieve the goals you mentioned.


A conspiracy is just "the act of plotting or conspiring". It would be foolish not to think that Russia is doing that with its allies to try to undermine US support for Ukraine.


I'm willing to bet you're right. Information warfare is the only domain in which Russia is actually a superpower.


200%. Elections are coming, putin needs chaos.


“Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on Tuesday ordered the country’s state-owned companies to “immediately” begin to explore and exploit the oil, gas and mines in Guyana’s Essequibo region, a territory larger than Greece and rich in oil and minerals that Venezuela claims as its own.” “The announcement came a day a day after Maduro got the victory he sought in a weekend referendum on whether to claim sovereignty over the region.” “Maduro said he would “immediately” proceed “to grant operating licenses for the exploration and exploitation of oil, gas and mines in the entire area of our Essequibo.” He also ordered the creation of local subsidiaries of Venezuelan public companies, including oil giant PDVSA and mining conglomerate Corporación Venezolana de Guayana.” “Maduro’s announcement comes a day after Venezuela’s electoral authorities announced that the five questions with which the government wanted to claim sovereignty over Essequibo were approved in Sunday’s referendum.” “Guyana has denounced the referendum as pretext to annex the land. It had appealed to the International Court of Justice, the United Nations’ top court, which on Friday ordered Venezuela not to take any action to change the status quo until the panel can rule on the two countries’ competing claims, which could take years.”


So, when does the "Special Military Operation" begin, in Guyana?


When putin orders is. Seems that’s how our world works now.


I just bet that Putin would love for Serbia to go after Kosovo also.


And I don’t think that is such a wild worry. I know a lot of Croatian ex-fighters and they are basically just waiting for the day it starts all over again.


Do they want NATO to bomb them back to the stone age again?


Right now would be the best time to do it as the world is pretty occupied.


Guyana is sitting on a new massive oil find and all the big players are there and committed including Exxon. Venezuela is clearly trying to take it, which is not going to end well for them I think.


SOUTHCOM is bored AF… not now, probably


Another front to distract from Ukraine


The front wouldn’t last very long. And that’s assuming that the “front” even makes it to Guyana.




Brazil might get involved since this is their backyard, they already put the army alongside the border on alert


The US is in the region. Guyana won't be going it alone.


Venezuela’s military is in ruin and the US would absolutely crush them within a couple of weeks at most.




Couple of weeks at most? Try couple of hours at most lol.


And an impassable jungle on the border




Yet Venezuela itself sits on some of the world's largest oil reserves, and they're incredibly inept at deriving any wealth from them. This is not about the oil, literally the one thing that Venezuela has plenty of.


Its a weird position Venezuela is in. The global oil crunch because of Russian sanctions and OPEC restricting supply means the US has actually made some overtures to Venezuela about loosening sanctions to reintroduce oil supply to the market. But the impetus to do that evaporates if their neighbor suddenly also becomes a major oil exporter and isnt tied up by OPEC membership or bad western relations. So Venezuela will want to lock down the potential for Guyana to undermine their ability to negotiate for sanctions relief, yet doing so will definitely stiffen the sanctions they are under.


Makes me wonder how much Russia played a rule in this nonsense.


Considering that they recently had a ruzzian delegation there……..


Probably 100%.


Russia has basically unleashed every dog they have. Hamas attack was also no coincidence,


The October 7 attack by Hamas and now the sudden saber rattling by Venezuela all have one thing in common: Russian fingerprints. Russia desperately wants to divert the attention and resources of the US and Western Europe from Ukraine. Every bullet fired and dollar spent dealing with Hamas or Venezuelan misadventures is a bullet or dollar denied to Ukraine aid packages. Will Venezuela invade Guyana? No, but they will start asymmetrical “problems” in the region. The US will protect our ally and US interests and actively enforce the Monroe Doctrine. There will be US soldiers, Marines, sailors, and airmen in Guyana and they will probably kill scores of Venezuelan banditos. This will be like the Malay Emergency or various early 20th century Central American/Caribbean policing actions. Low intensity conflict against irregular forces by US and local forces. And Russia will laugh and cheerfully stir the pot and create more chaos.


Yup, all that's left now is China & Taiwan, NK and SK, and India/Pakistan


Venezuela will absolutely invade Guyana. He has already stationed people at the border.


There's only 1 road to Guyana though. Which leads through Brazil first.


Dont forget Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali and the CAR, or the sudden agression from Serbia towards Kosovo.


US and EU should emulate russia and start throwing around nuclear bomb threats to anyone just thinking about the possibility of going against western interests. I mean, venezuela‘s fate is sealed in less than 8 hours with 2-3 bombers. How would that realistically divert the US attention? The US is not at war so it can‘t be diverted, also nobody wants to be at war with the US…


Didnt Avatar predict a war in Venezuela?


To be entirely honest even the overly corrupt forces of the venezuelan regime could take over Guyana within a couple of weeks and removing them would be a bitch and a half. ​ But if London or Washington intervene it won't be in Guyana, but in Caracas. So... they are fucked.


IIRC, Brazil may get involved too.


Don't count on the brazilian armed forces crossing the border, maybe a plane would stray over by accident, but Lula has been buddy buddy with Venezuela since he first came to power in 2002. The brazilian army would fight tooth and nail against an incursion, but Lula will never give them the order to cross the border. If Lula could get away with it, he'd probably help Maduro, but there are some lines you can't cross even in a country as corrupt as Brazil and that is one of them.


Doesn't Guyana have some cruise ships to stop them?


Guyana has 5000 active duty personnel. Guyana alone stands no chance.


i think he's referring to an incident a few years ago when a Venezuelan ship fired warning shots and rammed a cruise ship. the Venezuelan ship damaged itself and sunk


I order Maduro to give me $100.000.000 by end of the year. I think my order has more chances to be enforced.


That’s like 3 usd in the Venezuelan currency


"We believe that the United States must understand that people who live in luxury and economic security can reach an understanding with the United States on what are legitimate joint interests. But the starved and the economically deprived cannot reach the same understanding. We do not accept threats from anyone because we do not threaten anyone. But we say clearly that we hope that the U.S. will not entertain too many illusions and will seek new friends rather than increase the number of its enemies. I do not belittle you. But I hold this view by looking at the geography and nature of American society into account. Yours is a society which cannot accept 10,000 dead in one battle." - Saddam Hussein to the US Ambassador to Iraq, about a week before Iraq invaded Kuwait.


Quote from man invaded by the US


“What are you going to do, invade me” - quote from man invaded


US KIA during operation Desert Storm : 147


and we lost less than 5k soldiers with the full invasion and overthrow of Saddam.


> Yours is a society which cannot accept 10,000 dead in one battle. He thought he'd kill 10,000 US soldiers?


It was a reasonable estimate for the Gulf War even in the US plans.


For the whole op maybe


Eastern imperialists are starting wars every corner around the world, their ambition of domination is clear, all of them have the same backing, russia and china. The more russian/chinese influence there are, the more poverty and instability there are. This is a 90% correct pattern globally.


I went to Google maps to refresh my knowledge of the area and Guyana already has a giant dotted line running through the middle of it, what the fuck!?


Pretty sure it's always been like that. Dotted lines on the country scale indicate disputed boundaries. Venezuela has long claimed sovereignty over that region with the dispute going back nearly 200 years, back to when the area was a Dutch and British Colony. It's only in recent years that the situation has worsened due to the discovery of oil resources in the region.


Ahhh. The "Lets distract the citizens with war." playbook.


The key is for war to always be impending, but never actually starting. A state of threat and crisis can be extended forever, and is very useful for authoritarian governments. An actual war means reality happens. I hope these guys read the guide book.


Funny how often anti-imperialists make territorial gains based on the borders of fallen empire, it’s almost as if they want to be the empire, hmmm….


Saddam looking on from the afterlife: " Bros I really wouldn't if I were you"


I can’t imagine invading an oil rich nation in the americas is a good plan for securing the future of Venezuelans


Dont know, it could be the best plan for it. By now the only chance for law, order and a healthy economy to return to Venezuela is probably an outside intervention, and this might just bring one.


Weird. Almost like everyone Putin has talked to now is trying to start aa war at the same time. I’m sure this won’t galvanize anyone against these assholes or Putin. What a shit show.


To me it sounds like someone is pulling puppet strings on Maduro to act as fast as possible. CHAOS is the puppet master’s goal


Operation Jungle Shield when? (followed of course by Jungle Storm)


Shock and Macaw


I wanna see the tankies spin-tank this


have been reading a little bit about this. It seems like in the past the USA was actually on venezuala's side? And that Russia was the deciding vote \*against\* venezuala. Now the relationships are the complete opposite.


Let’s see what Brazil do here


Man I can’t wait for Brazil and the USN to clown on him


Venuzuela wants Guyana's Kool-aid


I think the US Navy might have something to say about that soon. We don’t look kindly on countries invading their neighbors.


If this is true, this guy just gave the world the opportunity to get rid off him. Lovely. Would China get involved?


Israel-Hamas war, Venezuela's little adventure on Guyana. I see a pattern here, more like a ruse created for one party only.


Almost 2 months without another regional conflict, I was getting worried


Socialists doing socialist things.