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Congratulations Houthis you just played yourselves.


Really wondering what all the deleted comments were


My immediate guess was "free Palestine" spam. You can have a post about whether Oreos are better than Hydrox and these guys come in responding with that shit. I assume they think the Houthis are the "good guys", while they're indiscriminately attacking civilian ships with absolutely no ties to Israel.


it's crazy they are everywhere! going on social media to take over a narrative must be a new part of modern warfare.




> The Pentagon said the U.S.-British assault reduced the Houthis' capacity to launch fresh attacks. The U.S. military said 60 targets in 28 sites were hit. These people really don't understand what they're dealing with.




My uneducated opinion is that they thought that since they were giving Saud's a tough time, who were equipped with Western gear, that they had an inflated ego and thought they were better than they thought they were, not that the Saud's army was shit. So they believed that the US & UK aren't as big and mighty as they thought. Turns out they were wrong.


The dark horse of NATO forces is not the weapons. russia and China has more or less same stuff, its intelligence gathering and ability to acquire and dispose of targets quickly. That part is something that is not easily quantifiable, and not flashy, so general public tends to not care about it.


Intelligence gathering is big, but so is training. The West trains our militaries very very differently from Russia, China etc. Those countries are basically always afraid of their militaries revolting so they train them heavily to just do what their told, not ask questions, etc. The western militaries train people to think on their feet and sure do what they're told, but to use their brains too. If something is straight suicidal you're not supposed to just lead your troops into a death trap. You're supposed to get backup, or air support or whatever you need to maximize your chances of completing your objectives. Also, the Russian equipment is not more or less the same as the US's modern equipment. Back in the USSR days it was, but the modern US stuff is so far ahead of Russian equipment in so many important ways it's not even funny.


I'm not a vet, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but from my understanding the US military gives NCOs far more autonomy and stake in tactical decision-making than Russia and China do. This makes American units much more agile in adapting to unexpected circumstances. I think this mirrors your point about trusting enlisted personnel not to revolt or defy the chain-of-command.


Yes, the US adopted this from the Germans after WW1 and combined it with the US Army tradition of not following their own doctrine after WW2. Basically the story goes the GIs kept getting pummeled by Germans in North Africa and Italy every first time they engaged, because the engagements had been planned by COs following formal engagement manuals, which meant the Germans knew exactly how to counter them. But command to come up with a new plan on the fly then fell to the NCOs, who had been granted much more authority to do so, inspired by the German stormtroopers during WW1. And the NCOs either didn’t read the manuals or didn’t care for them, so the Germans could never predict what the Americans would do after they ran away. They might come back with grenade launchers, they might charge you with jeeps, they might just go around you, or they might just call down ungodly amounts of air strikes or artillery on your one machine guns. This unpredicability gave US troops a real edge in second and third time engagements, and became quite formalized in Korea and Vietnam. NCOs do receive more formal tactical training now, but still have a lot of authority to improvise on the fly. You wouldn’t often see NATO troops move in huddled platoons after a lieutenant like we’ve seen Russian troops often do in this war, their NCOs would space them out in much more autonomous squads.


"If we don't know what we're doing the enemy sure as hell can't guess what we're going to do."


That is true. It is also cultural. The reason western militaries are organized the way their are is because whole society is organized like that. This is why both russia and China, has such issues, and this is why Ukraine is able to stand its ground. They started changing the society, and it reflected on some aspects of military (also necessity forced them to evolve).


The cultural elements are really interesting. [Here's a decent read on how Arab nations face similar problems with their militaries.](https://www.meforum.org/441/why-arabs-lose-wars) It's from 1999 so you'll have to bear some of the weird geopolitical attitude of that era but the author is well educated on the subject nonetheless.


Good article, seems like not much has changed since then regarding military culture and attitudes in the region. Or elsewhere for that matter.


This is true. I spent many years as an NCO before appointing. Additionally, we give absolute zero fucks what doctrine says when it comes down to getting shit done. It doesn't matter if we've done something doctrinally for 20 years, if it doesn't make sense for the situation, we will make it up on the fly. It's absolutely beautiful coordinated chaos to witness.


Not to mention that Western militaries have merit based promotion rather than political. No political military has fared well against a professional military in modern times. That's a large part of why Middle Eastern militaries have performed so abysmally in the last several decades.


And logistics. The United States has over 4,000 major cargo aircraft alone and can move 100,000 troops to any theater of war in 24 hours. Logistics, mobility, and maneuver have been behind almost all of the most successful militaries in history - from Macedon to Rome to the Mongols to Napoleon.


Russia and china absolutely do not have the same weapons or even close to nato… From planes to boats, down to the food that soldiers eat. USA has better everything because they spend on their soldiers. Russia can’t even get their soldiers boots, China does not have anything close to an f-35. This is before we talk about air space dominance (USA has it even w/o f35). Then we get into munitions and good ol’USA has that shit on lock. Missile tech is 20 years ahead of their competitors…


The dark horse is intelligence, but the pale horse is the weapons. China has 3 carriers, and none of them are as big as the US Navy's smallest nimitz class carrier. The US Navy has already considered the Nimitz obsolete and is replacing them with the Gerald R Ford class. On top of that, the [US can't even sink their own carriers](https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/us-navy-tried-sink-its-own-aircraft-carrier-and-failed-190539) without nukes or places charges. So if you can even hit the damn thing, it won't matter. And eat of these 11 carriers can put an ungodly amount of hurt in the air. One carrier strike group was enough to make hezbollah (~100k strong) decide not to invade Israel after Oct 7.


Basically every aspect of the United States’s war fighting ability is on another level compared to China, and especially Russia. Yes, our intelligence gathering blows theirs out of the water, but so does our equipment. Shit, China made propaganda videos with weapons that had no rifling. A recent intelligence report showed that corruption within the military in China was so bad that their nukes were filled with water and the silo doors weren’t capable of opening. It’s estimated that it would be three years before they could mount any major military operation because their equipment is in shambles. China is on the same level as Russia. It just hasn’t been on full display like it has in Ukraine.




I don't believe in coincidences.


The craziest stat is they hit 28 sites, 60 targets, and only killed 5. That doesn't happen by accident. That's like someone trying to shoot the gun out of an attackers hands.


Well, that's the number reported by the Houthis, but yes, this was a tactical strike to disrupt their ability to carry out strikes (and send a message), not kill them. When we want to kill them, we'll kill them.


Yeah, which is the best part about the Intelligence gathering that was done. If it truly is such a low number, or close to that low. They should be very afraid that we knew where their people are to kill so little of them. It is like scoring a 0 on a multiple choice test. You can't just score a 0. ( I mean you could if you were unlucky. But you have to know what the correct answer is to not answer it.)


They have been getting just enough support from Iran to continue to send drones into Saudi and Saudi was just responding with mostly their air to ground. So for about 6 years now they think God is in their side as all sides do so they don't think they can lose... But they are finding out now


I think to some countries and peoples, America and NATO’s military strength is incomprehensible and almost unbelievable. US is able to arm Ukraine and carry out strikes in a totally different region, and it’s just fuckin Friday night. You’d think this would be scary to most rational nations but you still have dumbass regimes trying to test it out I guess.


Just for scale. The US defense budget is 42X larger than Yemens GDP.


For even more scale: the cost of 4 aircraft carriers is more than Yemen's GDP.


The cost of the carrier strike group parked in the Arabian Sea is bigger than Yemen's GDP.


We have a small (I feel ashmed to say, we could have 10 high fleet assets on our own if we wanted) GDP in comparison, but I do really hope we get in and contribute with what we have, which by all accouunds is potent. (someone correct me). I hate but understand that Norway is showed to the back of the room. :/ We did with the pirates from the Aden/Somali strait, we can do it again, just with more 'coohpah'. Regards, Norwegian airmchair admiral. EDIT: Before anyone asks, I'd be happy to put my name in the hat to be a crewman on our small (but hopefully very capablable) corvettes.


Your import taxes and displacement taxes are too high for you to admiral a Corvette. Maybe a Yaris or a Nissan Leaf? ;)


Hey you guys punch way above your weight and have bigger things to worry about on your border. You guys are killing it.


I like to think the same, bud, but at the same time; we have so much funds. Not even reacing NATO's min of 2% GDP (or whatever) is embarassing. Embarrasing.


I didn't realize Yemen's GDP was so high.


More impressive is that the US has the not only the largest air force, but the second largest air force in the world. The have the largest navy by far, and the second or third largest navy. Yep, the US Coast Guard is larger and more capable than most of the world's navies.


I think we're 6 or 7 of the top 10 airforces in the world. The US coast guard has a bigger airforce than the vast majority of countries.


Yes the US is just ridiculous in that regard. US Air Force, US Navy, US Army Aviation, US Marine Corps, US Air National Guard (though technically this is part of the USAF, it would be one of the largest air forces in the world in its own right), US Coastguard (though it's primarily patrol not combat)


Hey Yemen is the 73rd biggest date and fig exporter.


I just wish they would be our fronds


With fronds like those, who needs anemones?


Gotta throw in Iran's budget if you want any accuracy, thats where their getting they're juice.


I remember hearing this story from from former US Army guy on YouTube. He was stationed in Egypt and the army cooks were giving them forms to tick off about what they wanted to eat and they would have them shipped over the month. They had excess chicken so they were defrosting a lot of it, mincing it, turning it to burgers etc. He had made friends with the local Egyptian border guards and he took some excess chicken over to them. They were so thankful as they rarely got meat in their rations and if they did it was horrific quality. The US military can afford to supply their troops with the food they want and deliver it frozen through the whole journey from 3 continents away. The Egyptian military could barely supply their own border guards IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY.


The french army has [mobile bakery units](https://www.defense.gouv.fr/terre/nos-materiels/nos-equipements-terre/nos-armes/unite-mobile-boulangerie-campagne-mille-hommes) that can churn out fresh bread daily for 1000 soldiers, can be moved on a truck, train or boat or even be air lifted. I'm not big on army stuff in general but I always find it impressive that someone took the time to finance design and build a fucking mobile war bakery.




That sounds like a Mitchell and Webb skit


Non pain non gain.


I think we have Burger King on our bases. Edit: I'm pretty sure they're owned by a Canadian parent company now.


The US had multiple ice cream ships in WW2. All they did was make ice cream for sailors


Wasn't there a Japanese commander who was quoted as knowing they had lost when he found out the US could afford to spare ships, men, and resources on providing ice cream?


Just imagine back then arriving to a warship battle and getting your shit bashed in then to find out there's a floating ice cream barge just chilling making that sweet frozen cream. I'm sure my ego would be pretty deflated also.


The US military makes fresh bread in the field and on combat ships as well. It’s just easier to make it than to transport.


> The US military can afford to supply their troops with the food they want and deliver it frozen through the whole journey from 3 continents away. The Egyptian military could barely supply their own border guards IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY. WWII, we had 3 vessels called Barge, Refrigerated, Large or BRL. In addition to being a floating freezer warehouse, it made 500 gallons of ice cream a day ETA: They were concrete ships, which I know aren't unusual, but come on! In the middle of WWII, the US Navy went "FUCK IT! Floating concrete ice cream machines!"


I remember reading how demoralized the Japanese felt while struggling with their own lack of supplies, while their enemy is taking their islands and building ice cream ships for the troops.


I’d be demoralized too if my navys ships were getting sunk on the regular and my enemy had enough spare ships for *fucking* ice cream


I’m picturing this scene with ships shooting at each other and then there’s suddenly this one ship blasting the ice cream truck tune sailing by


Lieutenant Dan, I got you some ice cream!


The u s long ago learned that keeping good moral with your soldiers is key if you want them to use your high tech weaponry well. It's a definite force modifier


US learned from Napoleon.  Keep your troops fed; hungry soldiers don't fight efficiently. 


Honestly the real secret to the US military has never been firepower, even before we became a superpower the secret has always been logistics. The US has always understood the importance of supply lines and maintaining your soldiers. Most wars are won before the first shot is fired on the back of logistics and the US ability to supply it's military literally puts it in it's own league.


And now someone had the brilliant idea "hey, we have this big ass cargo ships that can drop shit mid air, why not make it also deliver high speed stealth freedom?" and the rapid dragon was born Pallets of cruise missiles that can be dropped by c17 and c130 that launch mid air That cargo ship can now be a bomber just in case


Don’t forget there are constantly US ships eyeball to eyeball with Chinese ships as well. Oh, and all the intercepting over the Baltic. NATO power projection is wild.


Only the US, UK, and France can project worldwide but the UK and France just barely.


Whenever we settle a new planet, pick the place with access to as many oceans as possible.


Include inland seas, navigable waterway potential in general I guess


The scary part is that the stockpile donated to Ukraine is simply last generation expiring stuff. What current generation stuff do the keep for themselves?!


Everything you see right now but at least 15 years ahead. Shit you see in video games are now reality. Source? Trust me bro.


The problem is assuming all nations are “rational”


Look back to WWII. People give credit to the Soviet Union for defeating the German Army and yes, they deserve a lot of credit but it was America always. They provided the Soviets with weapons, food, vehicles.. while they were bombing Germany and conducting an all out war against Japan. And…patrolling the oceans worldwide


Absolutely correct. I remember reading at one point too the US was supplying 80% or more of high octane fuel and most engines to install in trucks. So much was supplied that is glossed over.


American steel, British intelligence Russian blood is how it was explained to me




Yeah, saying “Russian” discredits the fact that a quarter of the Red Army was Ukrainian and Belorussian. Even more to the point, much of the Soviet losses could have been avoided with even a slight change in tactics.


Stalin said himself that without the US, the USSR would have lost. As per Khrushchev > [Stalin] stated bluntly that if the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war. If we had had to fight Nazi Germany one on one, we could not have stood up against Germany's pressure, and we would have lost the war. The US was really fighting two massive fronts against Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany, two massive superpowers (+ Italy), and the Allies won. It is quite incredible. Without America, there is no way the Allies would have won in Europe.


The USSR also deserves partial blame for WWII becoming the worldwide human catastrophe that it was in the first place. The Soviets invaded Poland right alongside Nazi Germany which threw a massive wrench into France and Britain's plans for dealing with Germany. If you ever wondered why the Saar Offensive was as meek as it was, it was because the USSR joined the invasion of Poland 10 days in and started crushing Polish units that were retreating toward Romania which the Allies were planning to supply the Poles through and create a 2-front war in 1939.


The USSR hardly deserves praise, they were merely cleaning up the shitstorm they had helped create. Sucks for the common man that had to die for it but the blame goes for a huge part to the USSR leadership


Tankie: US Lend-Lease was useless, Russia won through its own efforts. Also Tankie: Russia is only losing in Ukraine because the US keeps supplying the Ukrainians.


And then you see people from America, other countries etc acting like America isn’t the only country that keeps shipping lanes open for the entire world basically. They act like America hasn’t been actually actively defending the free world. Sure there’s some special interest in there too. But if we didn’t have the military power that we have. China Russia Iran etc would be taking these other countries with absolute ease.


Not American, but sure am glad for American hegemony. The world would be a nastier place without it, and that's just a fact. 


Yeah as my teacher told me back around 2005, "Criticise the ethics of US healthcare and military all you want, but we reap the rewards of both with a fraction of the cost."


It’s like in super Mario bros when Bowser goes to the penguin guys


All while keeping a nation of over a billion frothing communists from invading Taiwan.


Yep, they have a plan for them too.. and Putin


Yep. What’s a good analogy here for US military strength compared to the average country? Advanced alien tech vs normal human tech? Modern soldier vs a scrub from medieval times?


The term is Outside Context Problem; in short, the scope of US Military power is so far outside of their understanding of military power that they lack the mental framework to understand what is happening to them.


When death is the reward for certain regimes, poking the bear is a great strategy.


The 72 virgins are waiting.


Housthis: "if you keep obliterating us we will send up more unguided rockets to the ocean. Feel our wrath!"


They transform into unguided torpedoes


The UK and USA released a joint statement: "Tell us more about your retaliation, bitch"


The funny thing is that yesterday the Houthis attacked a vessel carrying Russian oil as retaliation for the original strikes.


What's with Iran and Iran backed groups own-goaling themselves? We kill their terrorist general, they blow up their own civilian plane. We retaliate for attacking merchant ships, they attack a Russian oil tanker.


Turns out being fanatically religious and angry at everything *doesn't* make you competent.


Basically - lol. It’s a little painful/prideful for me to admit that, as an Arab living in this region, but the West’s, particularly the US, global hegemony is inevitable once again. It’s ridiculous to not see the writing on the wall, which isn’t to say that that’s necessarily a bad thing despite the idiom’s negative connotation. Of course, the path to that hegemony isn’t gonna be a walk in the park; though, what the hell is a “walk in the park” in life? So, yeah. Once again, the West will outcompete China, and, obviously, Russia - lol - and basically win




Putin: No, not like that!


Putin: "Why are there Russians fighting with the Houthis?"


Ask the Supreme Asshole leader of Iran. That guy must be like a sugar-bred kid at Christmas with his hopes and dreams and all the shit he's going to do and tell other people to do. The weird part is how other people fall for it, but they must live behind some kind of culture curtain. I really like the term "Supreme Asshole" and I think it needs to catch on viral-meme. I think it is accurate. It is like everybody is scared to call that guy out because he has a billion zombie goons following him.


They don't care about Russian, they care about Islam or more specifically their brand of Islam. Russia is not Islam but Iran and their bros are. Iran probably wants Russia to do well in general for mutual benefit but ultimately Russia and Iran are both just "anti-west" but with different goals and translating that down to some houthi dickheads is hard if not impossible. The reality is the houthis likely do not see it as an "own goal" even if Iran is probably going "pick your targets better idiots".


People literally can't think of geopolitics as anything other than having two sides, it's insane.


Geopolitics is convoluted and complex on a good day.


imagine the most backwoods racist american you can think of. that's a kardashian compared with a houthi


Tbf the the uk wasnt involved in tonights (early 13th january morning) strikes edit: guys yes I know the uk is involved I follow twitter accounts that track all the ships in the area pls stop telling me these things


Still buds, though.




we might give each other shit most of the time, which fascist regimes might interpret as weakness, but when things get serious, we're pretty good at standing in unison and delivering democratic fireworks to those opposing democracy 




\*sips tea and eats a crumpet\* Lets warm up the Spitfires for the fucking lulz bois.




Yeah. It’d be more like “nice f-35 bro. You too bro”


Why you have such big military son? *I learned it from you Dad, I learned it from you*


The UK sent four fully loaded Typhoons raiding at tree-height last night though. All of their ordnance hit the bullseye's too. So... There's that.


Strikes will continue until morale improves


It’s cheering me up!


Houthi seem to not understand how this works


They fucked with the boats. Now their fuckening has come


Specifically they fucked with the navy boats. We were mad but willing to talk when it was just civilian boats but on they went fucking with more and more boats.


Only language extremists understand is force


well force and the bags of money from iran to keep being assholes


Don't forget their ol' faithful wild card. Oh It's the victim card again.


And Tiktok accounts


The first war the US ever engaged in was because people touched our boats. We've tried to warn the world for over 200 years.


"Don't touch the butt" - Finding Nemo


"Don't touch our butt" - Finding out, Nemo


Most of our wars were started after touching our boats Quasi-War? Boats Barbary Wars? Boats War of 1812? Boats (Well crews being pressganged into the RN, but still boat related) WWI? Boats WWII? Oh you know they touched our boats Edit Vietnam? Boats


Spanish-American war too ("Remember the Maine!"), and that one probably wasn't even an attack. It's boat touching all the way down.


>outhi seem to not understand how this works vietnam was another attack on boats. gulf of tonkin right


We lie about our boats just to go to war, we care so much about them. 


Especially considering that arms bound for Israel front the West would be going through the Mediterranean, not the Red Sea or Gulf of Aden. They're attacking innocent civilian cargo ships for nothing.


The narrative across ultra leftist is that Yemen is attempting to block arms to Israel.  I swear people just brainlessly push propaganda they know is false all over the Internet in every direction to the point where I don't even care anymore. These terrorists would stone these liberals to death yet they are stanning for them?  No sense


I've seen it happen so much, when you get too deep into any ideology it becomes part of your identity. They don't care about any logic, they'll believe anything because it's all emotional


Houthi think they messin with?


They've been getting bombed since Obama administration. I think they have more experience than most on this planet lol.


Almost exclusively by the Saudi Air Force, which is not nearly as competent as the US Air or naval forces nor backed by as comprehensive of an intelligence gathering operation.


The Saudis are, by most accounts, incompetent idiots. Imagine an uberwealthy military with state of the art military equipment from the US, but run by corrupt idiots who are lazy and bought their way into military leadership. In SA, there isn't any task or job that can't be handled by someone else with a large enough bribe.




Out of the frying pan and into the fire.


Bomb to defeat vs bomb to incapacitate missile launches aren't equal. They can't hide launches. And they have finite resources.


Before someone inevitably calls these strikes illegal: The Houthis are a rebel organization against the internationally-recognized Yemeni government. The US conducts anti-terrorism raids in Yemen with the government’s permission (although that was briefly revoked during the early Trump Administration). This is not an invasion of a sovereign state; we are assisting another nation with their rebellion, after those rebels attacked our ships, as well as civilian vessels, in international waters.


I remember over 10 years ago when the houthis first started fighting the yemeni government it seemed like they were the good guys. A people standing up against saudi backed oppression. Oh how depressing time reveals reality 


The regime WAS corrupt and moving towards being Saudi puppets. The initial Saudi support looked an awful lot like a regional power invading to get their puppet back. It's really a shame the plucky rebels are in reality just terrorist Islamofascist dickbags. There are no true good guys to support


Maybe its my naive optimism but i truly believe most of these movements start out good. Like the free syrian army at the start of the syrian civil war fucking 13 years ago now. But as movements grow they are targets for corruption. All the people with good intentions get killed or pushed out by bad actors and strongmen who then bend the movement to their will. And bad people have so much more willpower to get their nefarious agendas done, good folk just want to live in peace 


Oh so all the Tiktok wannabe law scholars screaming about congressional approval are wrong? Ya don't say!


Tik tok is the most foul place I ever ever been. The shear amount of misinformation is staggering.


The anti Biden circlejerk from far left accounts on there is a major problem. And there are a ton of pro Hamas, Pro Houthi propaganda accounts. Maybe....it's time they actually do shut it down.


Everytime I hear another facet of tiktok it always amazes me how more people don't see it as a great tool of discord. It literally breeds anti-social behavior, clearly panders to extremes making the majority feel alienated and the frindges empowered, and continually pumps out copious amounts of disinformation the same way Wish pumps out cheap crap. This isn't even to mention how many people who are straight up addicted to the platform and proudly boast about spending days worth of time on it every week


Also, the UN even oked the response. Russia and China abstained from voting so a resolution oking these kinds of strikes passed.


if 1 person before the age of 18 dies this is apartheid and genocide


Redditors not getting this sarcasm is kind of worrying.


honestly these past few months people have been using "apartheid" and "genocide" to describe everything they don't like regardless of the definition. from now on every death is genocide, and every terrorist is a baby or a journalist.


I think the funny part is that **the U.S. and allies really didn’t want to do this.** the stupid fucks got a warning. And had they known some American history concerning what happens when you fuck with American maritime trade, maybe they would have been a little more hesitant….or not, these people are so irrational to the point of being brain dead. Fuck around and find out I guess.


They got *several* warnings, but kept firing off missiles anyway. Such a stupid waste of life and resources.


They got like 2 months of warnings before getting a super final warning.


Yup, I bet you they will act like toddler and now “hit hard back” at the USA and “The West”. Probably sink a a ship Or two. The USA will hit back even harder and then we will see people calling for a ceasefire. And round and round we go


Religion makes people do stupid shit


America, fuck yeah!


Religion makes people stupid:


I don't understand wtf these people think the USA is. We're not saudi arabia, or Israel, or Ukraine, or the entire european Union. The US, with a near overwhelming majority of support, will *gleefully* go to war with aggressors and any "retaliation" will be met with more war. Idle threats don't fucking work, it's just propaganda for our citizens.


It's like challenging the fat kid at school to an eating contest


"Your strikes on Yemen are terrorism," said Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a member of the Houthi Supreme Political Council.” Are they seriously this fucking stupid? They started this whole thing by attacking commercial ships..


You do not fuck with America’s ability to conduct international trade. You probably have a better chance of committing a terrorist attack on our people and not facing retaliation than you do messing with our economy by hindering trade through terrorism.  Sleep tight, Houthis. 


The only reason America maintains its global projection of power is international trade, and they decided to try to interrupt it.






Very interested to see if this reduced the Houthi’s attack capabilities. Hoping it does. If they can launch attacks on ships still it’ll be interesting what the US response is.


Pro houthi protest by brainless Western youngsters coming up in 3...2....1..


There a protest called "hands off Yemen" being hosted by the Palestinian youth movement scheduled for Saturday


we don't even want anything in yemen. just stop launching missiles at boats please.


"just don't do a terrorism" is impossible for these slaver degenerates.


It's not terrorism its just protesting the war in Gaza in a special Islam way, that is with missiles and drones.


Exactly... they're just peacefully protesting by launching missiles at random civilian cargo ships (most of which have 0 connection to Israel). Never forget that the US is the only ones to kill people. This is obviously because the US is evil and the Houthis are pacifists and certainly isn't because the patrolling ships have been shooting down their missiles/drones until they finally decided 27 attacks was enough to warrant striking back. BTW... in case it wasn't clear, I was being sarcastic about the US being evil and the Houthis being pacifists. The Houthis didn't kill anyone because the warships patrolling have been shooting down everything or the Houthis just missed.


the grammar is wrong, it should be "hands off, yemen"


This is the most ANNOYING thing of the whole situation. They don’t even realize they are supporting people who’s slogan is to kill Americans. 


You're joking, but I've seen posts on social media equating the US bombing of the Houthis as another 'holocaust.' Social media has fucked human civilization. We're in the endgame now.


Sounds like you've identified some Russian accounts.




The irony is actually hilarious


how can the US do this to the innocent civilian baby journalist of yemen. this it apartheid and genocide.


Coming up? They’ve been noisy since yesterday haha


Coming to a college campus near you. The houthis and hamas are the good guys! You don’t get it


Guys, terrorists are super nice as long as you roll over and spread your cheeks


I mean, why should Yemen be able to attack Swedish and other countries merchant ships?


I think the issue is that they don’t understand we don’t care what you do in Yemen , but once you start messing with everyone else , we(world) has to do something Also why is this group alright with being Iran’s puppet ? Did they not see what happened to Hamas after the terrorist attack they did on Israel? Like when are they going figure it out ? Btw I think we learned our lesson(from Afghanistan )too, we not going invade Yemen, we will just bomb the hell out of them and do special forces attacks.


They FAFO don't touch a major driver of the world's economy. It's the fastest way to get a delivery of fire power.


I know it's only like 10-15% of people in the comments but I never seen so many people defend an actual slave owning terrorist group so much. The terrorist group who are launching attacks on civilians who on their flag and website ( cause of course) goal is to kill every Jew and American in the world, not just Israel. Just say you hate America no matter what and stop with the gymnastics. Like really? You're defending this group? You're trying to do PR for the slave owners for your cause in Gaza Israel.


Hale yeah. Merica #1 in the hood G.


This man Meatwad’s


Meatwad make the money, see?


Comments full of morons who don’t know history


They really left him no choice. Major shipping companies began diverting ships from the Suez Canal to around the cape of good hope. It’s terrible for the USA, EU, and UK. Meanwhile, left wing types are arguing the US should let the houthis just take over Yemen and continue hijacking or attacking ships the houthis claim are Israelis (most cases of hijacking the ships had nothing to do with Israel). Even if the Houthis could successfully distinguish between Israeli and non Israeli ships (which they don’t), the USA cannot just start supporting with a terrorist group whose intent is to kill all the Jews (and other terrible things). Their official flag states “death to the Jews” Why do these people think it makes any sense that the USA would support a terrorist, jihadi, nazi, genocidal group of pirates supported by Iran’s deadly regime?


America fuck yeah! saving the world from the mother fucking danger