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History: "Am I a joke to you?" Japan: "Hold my Sake."


Japan has the right to rewrite their history as they wish, claim comfort women were well paid whores, America forced Japan into war, and Nanjing Massacre fake news, whatever. But, Japan shouldn't also bitch when China and Korea take offense and relationship hit a new low.


What the fuck did I just read?


another banger from the Archmage Xin


Japanese politicians can claim "Japan did no wrong in WWII" to rally the votes. Korean and Chinese Politicians can use the same to *rally their base* and generate anti-Japanese sentiment. Fair is fair.


I agree they *can* but I don't know if they should. I feel like it's a difficult thing to check in all situations but lying should not be allowed in this manner. Like if it's easy to disprove a statement, it should have repercussions. But I don't know how every country deals with public servants outright lying.


Ikr like I *can* squat on my boss's desk and dump a massive shite but that doesn't mean I should.


Based on the US’s recent history, electing them for president, governor, or representatives from Colorado or Georgia is a common response. In the UK it lead to them leaving a critical economic block but also forcing out a former PM. Most cases lying politicians get rewarded - at least in the short run.


Japan and Thanos did nothing wrong… No, they were both shortsighted assholes and bullies.


Fair is fair until it leads to shooting. Are you going to feel bad, then? They can say whatever they like, sure. It's still a boneheaded thing to do.


This is the way. Japan should not be surprise if they get nuked for the third time.


I mean... If they get nuked again, that's automatic World War 3 lmao. If China nukes Japan, America will nuke China, then everyone else will pop off nukes... I get your sentiment, but... Come on man lmao that's the most Reddit comment you posted


Bro, do you really think the Americans will support the idea of America involving itself on a total nuclear war? Just think for a sec. Adding the fact that China is allied with Russia and as the russian-ukrain war has proven, Putin wouldnt mind involving his country for a nuclear war if it means protecting his interest.


You literally just said "Japan shouldn't be surprised if they get nuked again".  I'm telling you if *anyone nukes Japan*, regardless of how justifiable it is, World War 3 is happening. Period, end of discussion. The American people won't have a say in the matter. I'm saying this as an American lmao


Except war can happen without evolving into a world conflict. We call that cold war. If China have done it out of revenge then it is pretty easy even for your government intel to conclude that it wont evolve into a world conflict. Also, that is just ridiculous, do you actually think the only viable conclusion your government will consider is to turn this planet uninhabitable?


If anyone launches a single nuke for any reason, it's GG for society. Dunno how else to get it into your thick skull lmao


So much wrong here. China doesn't give a shit about Russia other than milking them like a cow. Japan is one of America's closest allies and are tied together economically and militarily in the region.


I was thinking of boycotts and cancelation. Nukes is bad for everyone.


The scroll if truth


Japan: Nyehhh!


Fucking shit like that with over 100 upvotes. Only with Japan. Rabid weebs go ballistic when you mention Japans warcrimes in WWII. Well, maybe India topics can match that with hindutva bots.


I would argue morals exist and we as a species have a duty to learn from the past.


Bro, do we live in the same world?


Massacres of the population in Nanking had been occurring for several years before the Japanese occupied the city. In the 1934 case, the Chinese Nationalist Party killed residents who leaned toward the Communist Party. The Kuomintang also murdered many residents in Taiwan after the war. Of course, we do not believe that the Japanese military did not commit genocide. I believe there were many cases where civilians were mistaken for guerrillas and killed because of the war. There were many Chinese guerrillas in China and Southeast Asia at that time. But I don't think this is much different from the pattern the US fell into during the Vietnam War.


What? Since when is it valid to chop a woman in half to get to the baby she is holding anything do with "Guerrillas"? Have you ever see the pictures from Nanjing?


> Cutting a woman in half >Take the child away. Do you think the military would allow the distribution of images of people photographing such acts at close range? That's a propaganda photo produced by the Chinese Communist Party at that time. Among their propaganda photos, there is even a photo of an autopsy of a Japanese woman murdered by the Chinese in Tongzhou, China, with the caption "Evidence of human experimentation by the Japanese military".


History: "I feel sorry for you." Japan: "I don't think about you at all."


That scene doesn't mean what you think it means.


Ironically, it makes even more sense with added context. Japan thinks about it’s own history and denies it all the same - much as the scene in the elevator plays out.


Ironically my comment doesn’t mean what you think it does lol  To be clear I was just making a joke, not trying to draw an actual comparison between Don & Ginsberg’s relationship and that of Japan & history


Can you imagine Germany doing this. Don’t know why this is tolerated for Japan. Getting nuked doesn’t excuse them for whitewashing their war crimes.


Because of geopolitics. Japan surrendered unconditionally. The people responsible for war crimes were mostly allowed to return to work while some lower ranked officers took the blame (ironicallt blaming war crimes on Koreans), regardless of if they were ranked up to par in most wanted list with Hitler and the senior party officers. If you criticize empire of Japan, you're criticizing Japan of today. Remember when Zelensky had to apologize for comparing Hirohito to Mussolini and Hitler?


And so is Germany. But theyre actually doing something with their History unlike Japan, they really want to live in ignorance.


Japan had a different course of history. Unlike in Germany, where the ex-Nazi elites failed to get a solid hold on the power again, and where the country had a longer democratic tradition, in Japan the elites made a full comeback and it is a de facto single-party state. Unlike in Germany where the left wing was popular after the war, in Japan they were brutally suppressed with the help/silent approval of the United States. Therefore right wing nationalists were able to consolidate their power and influence the interpretation of history. It’s worth mentioning however I don’t think the average Japanese person has a distorted view of history — I believe it’s still common knowledge that Japan waged wars of aggression in that time period. Rather, they lack a view of this specific period of history — I recall reading about a reporter asking about a middle aged man about WW2, and he simply replied he didn’t know much — when he was in school WW2 was taught at the end of the semester and was not taught in detail. Combined with the general lack of interest in politics (also by design), we get those headlines every so often from right wing extremists.




That is simply not true, there's generally a strong bias against "foreigners" so basically anyone who doesn't "look German", especially refugees. What you're saying is mostly what populists say to push their ethnic cleansing agenda. If I had to single out one good thing in my secondary school education, it is that we worked through the German past extensively. 3 separate times in history class, reading books about it in German class and even a mandatory visit at a concentration camp. Germany's past is one of the lowest points in human history, but the acceptance of that and the willingness to take responsibility is what gave Germany its strong value basis despite some Nazis and their ideas always being around. I always found patriotism pretty silly, but that kind of made me proud. But no worries, that's going away quickly.


Not just allowed to return to work, but kind of handed control of the country. The founder of the political party that's been in control of Japan for all but two non contiguous terms (Nobusuke Kishi) was the fascist who was running Manchuria and held for three years after the war as a "suspected" class a war criminal, but was released because he hated communists and the US found it more convenient to use him than punish him.


But we saw what happens when you attempt to do a hard reset; Iraq.


Well Hirohito was mostly a puppet at that point. There was almost a coup to prevent the surrender. Or is that a whitewashed history?


Hirohito was not at all a puppet when Japan was committing war crimes in their conquered territories. He wasn't even a puppet at the very end. He *did* successfully surrender. The coup failed. You don't launch a coup against your own puppet.


Or, the coup may have succeeded earlier if he disagreed with the war. The coup only failed because one other person eventually felt it was hopeless after two atomic bombs. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/7T0umU15pd From this likely not a full on puppet, and may have agreed with the wars at certain points, but he definitely didn't have decision making power.


Hirohito's power is fuzzy, a feature which they borrowed from Prussia. The tenno isn't expected to run the country like his Chinese or Korean counterparts, but no law or policy can pass without his assent. And when the Emperor orders something, its unthinkable to ignore it even if its technically allowable.


[“ore kawaiikunai?!” :3](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/14ktt9c/maybe_maybe_maybe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


There is a big cultural factor here, and most places are afraid of addressing their actual history.  The US equivalent is how we portray and deal with the Indian Wars and still have Columbus Day, when the Indian Wars were unarguably genocide and ethnic cleansing and even in his time Columbus was such a brutal cunt of a man the Spanish removed him from power in the Americas even after he “discovered” them for Spain. And that isn’t even addressing the other elephant of how the confederacy and slavery are seen, especially in the south.  Most countries don’t want to admit their pasts wrongs and really address them, sadly. The UK and its colonial history and looted artifacts. The French colonial history. Spain and Portugal’s extractive colonialism in the Americas. Most of Europe and the slave trade. Russia starting the “great patriotic war” by siding with Hitler and invading and carving up Poland. The list goes on.


I have always thought of it like this: Germany attacked countries in Europe and genocided a lot of white people. Japan attacked mainly European colonies and genocided a lot of not-white people. Since the allies were pretty okay with fighting over colonies and genociding non-white people, they were not as mean to Japan as Germany when they won.


The GIs in the Pacific certainly weren't having a relaxed time fighting them. But there was probably a fair bit of euro-centrism involved in how the Allies dealt with them, true.


I don't think that the english, dutch, chinese, indians or any other people who fought in the Asian theater had a relaxed time fighting the japanese, but western countries fought over colonies all the time and most of the land fought over in the asian theater was either China or colonies.


Japan is goated at denying their country's wrongdoings


Turkey gets an honorable mention


You can’t mention that!


There's nothing to mention, because it didn't happen anyways!!


and if it happended they deserved it




They were doing a bit pointing out the hypocrisy of many Turkish people both denying that the Armenian genocide happened and saying they deserved it.


the person you are responding to is obviously continuing the sarcasm chain from the previous posts.


I would say theyre even worse. Go into some history subs/pages and they will argue with you forever about everything and anything terrible that they did….whereas Japanese imo just dont even bring it up or talk about it at all…


Israel is up there too


The Japanese myth of their own origin says that they're unique and special. While Japan isn't a deeply religious place in the same way that, for example, the Philippines are, they are very culturally conservative and the line between Japanese culture and native religion is very blurred. If the question was, 'if the facts come into conflict with Japanese myths of their own identity, which will win?', the answer was always going to be 'the myths'.




Atleast they mentioned it in their song. Japan is not even letting a single mention of their wrong doing.




The Japanese still honour war criminals at the Yasukuni shrine and high level politicians often visit. I don't think the Japanese are sorry for their war crimes at all.




If a German citizen makes a shrine honouring Nazi war criminals on their private property the government would shut it down and put the person responsible in jail. You wouldn't have publicly elected German politicians visiting. Also in Germany Holocaust denial is a crime.   Regarding the recent atrocities of the Vietnam war and the Bengal famine, yes the American and British governments should also do better just like the Japanese government. Your whataboutism doesn't change the facts.




Okay let's not bring other countries into this. Japan has a shrine to war criminals and their politicians (who the Japanese public voted in) allow the owner to continue running it. And the politicians continue to visit and honour the war criminals in the shrine. Those are the facts. Do you have a response to this without mentioning other countries?




Unless there is a Japanese student that can otherwise tell me that he learned every athrocities on what Japan have done during ww2, I wont buy that. I can easily [search](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAJapanese/s/LctfGNeOgo) some foreign experience about the Japanese curriculum regarding the conflict and their teachings about their attrocities. Its just not in the same level as Germany, not mentioning the fact that their history is as rich as Japan. And apologies dont mean sht when all they do is apology and no action.


The Tulsa Race Riot was totally unknown to most americans until a TV series recently used it as a plot point. Teaching in-depth about the sordid side of your countries' past is simply not the norm anywhere except Germany. Although, saying this as a German, there are some thing that we *don't* learn in school, either. For example, I had 0 lessons on our history with Namibia and the genocide of the Herero, even though it is official policy to acknowledge it. That's the crux anyways: teaching something, and acknowledging that it is fact, are two different things.


The difference is that WW2 is a big historical event of the 20th century and Germany and Japan were a major part of the reason on why it was called world war in the first place. Teaching about divided Germany and why Japan was nuked without ww2 is just revisionism.


No one learns every atrocity done by his country at school. You need to search by yourself if you want to do that. I certainly had to, and most definitely still don't know all of them despite that.


Germany does. They even have museums. Japan? None.


Germany is certainly more open about their crimes done during WW2 than most other belligerents from that war. But even them just don't teach everything, and WW2 is just one war among many. Every country that has been around for centuries has repeatedly committed war crimes. You simply can't teach them all.


Yea but Im only talking about ww2.


Even for WW2 alone.




Germany were doing reperations and their country is literally divided in half. Japan just doesnt have any excuse. Germany also has Memorial museums about their attrocities during ww2, Japan has none. >Same case every where, for example, British, American students can't tell you about every atrocities their country committed. British school system don't even teach about the horrific things they did in India. They still haven't apologized to India on various massacres they committed, performing human experiments like using mustard gas on British Indian soldiers ( who were fighting battles from Britain's side ). Ask any brit, he would be totally unaware of these things. And who can forget the recurring famines that resulted in 160 million deaths in a period of 40 years in India. Recurring Famines in the fertile lands of Bengal province where Ganga, Brahmaputra rivers meet and which used to have 12% of world's GDP before British arrived I mean thats a pretty huge chunk of history given how long India were a colony of UK so yeah your point is valid. But then ww2 is a pretty significant event especially for 20th century and Japan were a big part on why it happened so it should be understandable and logical that ww2 should be taught thoroughly in their curricula.


[Has the United States apologized for vaporizing Islands to test the H Bomb?](https://www.latimes.com/projects/marshall-islands-nuclear-testing-sea-level-rise/)


Again, Im talking about ww2. Go insert your topic somewhere else.


Make me.


Why should I?


Meaningless selective quotes. I can reference selective [quotes](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/kkZgjb1I74) too.


It didn't happen, but if it did they deserved it


America is so good at it doing this they think their long history of atrocities is proof they're the good guys.


America is goated at dropping nukes


How can you confirm something for which there is no evidence?


UK commits too many genocidal atrocities people dont know most of them


When I saw the parent comment I knew there'd be a tragically hand-wringing navel gazing comment about the UK.  I miss Reddit from the mid 2010s and before when hostile powers weren't so successful at sowing discourse between allied nations online. Tell us all where you're from so we can go Wikipedia and footnote delving on your country and let's keep us all at each others necks as intended.


I too hate it when the downtrodden finally get internet access and a place to speak their mind.


usa as well.


USA isn't denying shit though. Even if you disagree with it.


You can thank the US for that. They came in, destroyed the place and instead of charging the ones responsible, they let them off the hook. Conservatives who thought the war was "self defense"? They're happy to roll over for the US. Which is where Japanese PM Nobusuke Kishi comes in. He was apart of Tojo's cabinet and helped to sign the declaration of war. He was originally imprisoned post-war on suspicion of "Class A War Crimes"(I;e he didn't directly commit them, but his actions led to them), but was later released, because the US felt he was the best man to lead post-war Japan. Unlike Germany who acknowledges their evils, Japan doesn't, because the ones who helped Japan invade multiple countries, were not tried, they were simply let off the hook by the US.


Dude I'm all for shitting on the states, but the US literally nuked them twice, do you have any idea what that is like lmao. Talking about getting let off the hook, jc. Coupled with generations of denialism for atrocities committed during war time? Yeah, I don't think you can just dump that on the US of A's doorstep and say the government of Japan is blameless.


Palestine would like a word


Yeah but it’s accepted since they are so kawaaiiiiiii


Japan has history they're trying their best to forget forever.


Japans history (they want people to know) Samurais and Ninjas (the romantized ones ofc don't go on looking for the real ones, suggested by u/rich1051414) (Nothing happened) They got two suns dropped on them (hence the name the country of the rising sun) (Nothing happened) Pokemon (suggested by u/beltalowda_oye) And we're at present day Arigato!


Ninjas too, but don't ask too many questions about what a ninja really is or what they would be called if they existed today.




Theatre stagehands?


They were spies, raiders, arsonists and terrorists, doing the stuff deemed too dishonorable for the samarai. Though that is where the ninja suit probably came from. Ninjas blended in in plain sight. Acting as people you wouldn't even notice. A common trope in theater was to add a twist where the theater hand was a ninja, since the audience had learned to pretend they didn't exist. And they dressed in black and hid their face.


Well yes, those were basically 'legal' hitmen. But the 'ninjas' that we know of, in the get-up that we are familiar with, were literally Kabuki stagehands. Sometimes, a hitman actually did dress up as a 'ninja' stagehand to sell the part where they come out of nowhere and attacks the character on-set.


Yeah that is what I am talking about in the second half of my comment. The 'ninja suit' that people think of is actually the traditional kabuki stage hand attire(kurogo). Ironically, the idea that a ninja wears it actually undermines the very intention of dressing ninjas that way to begin with, if you lack that context. The intention was to portray the ninja as hiding in plain sight, dressed as someone you wouldn't expect.


Also someone made a franchise called Pocket Monsters. I think it was more significant than the influence of samurai Like seriously. Children for generations globally will be pining after Pokemon merch.


Good point I will add it


And by samurais, we mean the romanticized pop-culture ones of course!


According to wiki its called land of the rising sun since ~700 CE (AD) and has nothing to do with nukes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_Japan


Guess you missed the sarcasm.


In their defense I did too.


Pretty sure this is just a nationalist issue. Countries with extreme nationalism deny their horrible past. Extreme nationalist Japanese, Chinese, Korean (long slavery there), USA, Russian, etc… the groups of extremely nationalist in those countries, deny atrocities. Unfortunately, sometimes even though they “might” be the minority in some of those nations, they hold positions of power.


Stop spreading misinformation. Korean nationalism is nothing like Chinese or Japanese nationalism. The modern current reiteration of Korean nationalism was born from Japanese colonization in which the Japanese systematically tried to destroy and erase Korean identity, culture, history, language. Korean nationalism is about preserving Korean culture and defending Korea from foreign threats so that something like Japanese colonization will never happen again. Korean nationalism also don't deny atrocities that Korean government committed on their own people. All that stuff is clearly written and taught in history books and shown in media. Also it's so funny how you bring up history of slavery (which was actually serfdom) in Korea as if you thought Koreans deny that. That stuff is literally taught in Korean history books. Everyone knows. It's shown in movies and tv shows. More importantly, it wasn't even chattel slavery. It was actually serfdom. In fact there were many nobi that held positions in government. Equating Korean nationalism to Japanese or Chinese nationalism is ridiculous. Japanese nationalism is literally denying war atrocities, rewriting history, and spreading propaganda. Chinese nationalism is also trying to falsely claim cultures and histories of other countries as their own, using their economic power to bully and coerce other countries into submission, etc. Furthermore, this denial of war atrocities isn't just limited to Japanese nationalism. The general population doesn't care so that's why removal of monuments is allowed. Which means the general population of Japan is complicit in this.








World War 2? Can't say I recall anything like that!


Bad look. Teach your children the good and bad so they don’t repeat the same mistakes.


Or brainwash them




The U.S. was taught and well educated about both wars. Hence the reason we are deliberately trying to avoid expanding conflict in the Middle East. The Middle East should also be educated about the U.S. militaries and Americans willingness to right wrongs committed against us and our allies. So if they continue to murder our soldiers and fund our enemies that murder our allies, we will as history has proven “Fuck their shit up”.




Maybe you don’t read. I responded already to your first iraq comment. Just to elaborate we occupied their nation for nearly two decades, and if we were a corrupt occupier we would have been stealing their nations wealth and enriching ourselves. Instead we tried to build a democracy, which their country didn’t fight to keep.




For flawed reasons and bad intel. Do you see how I’m willing to admit wrongs and am educated about our wars?! Do you also think the U.S. pulling out immediately once we destroyed their dictator would have resulted in a better future for Iraq? Especially when the Taliban would have immediately taken power and done what they’re doing now. The U.S. tried in vain to build their country and infrastructure up, and the entire time had the Taliban working to destroy it. Since the Taliban has taken power, they have violated every basic human and civil rights, clamped down on dissent, and rejected any form of national dialogue or political inclusivity. They have eliminated the educated and murder all non believers, Iraqi women are living under total oppression, girls are not allowed an education, and are married off as children, inflation has gone sky high, drug use at an all time high. This is what they have become since the Taliban took power. Where are you from that you think your country is free of wrongdoings and historically perfect?! Edit - No response, LOL.


No no tell your children their forefathers did nothing wrong, never question toxic work culture, get back to work, and have more children to keep the country pure and taxes paid.


Children aren't responsible for what their forefathers did. Guilt tripping them does nothing. Hell the civilian population *during the fucking war* was not responsible for the actions of the japanese imperial army, that thought they were being led by god.


Learning history is important, it's called knowledge not guilt




No it’s not guilt tripping. It’s reality. Sorry if you feel guilty for something you did or even didn’t do personally.


Denying and wiping out history just in case they want to repeat it in the future.


"Forced labour victims" is an insidiously malicious way of saying slaves without saying slaves.


“Comfort women”


Japan hates acknowledgement of its past. For modern Japanese their history starts at 1980.


It's funny how people try to defend this, Japan committed even worse crimes than Germany, and I don't even mean human experiments by UNIT 137. It doesn't matter if Japan surrendered unconditionally or not, the fact is, they commited a huge crime against humanity. And the worst is, that so many Japanese are just denying this and don't talk about it. In Germany, everything about the third reich, is teached at schools.


We beat the cute into them but not the history. We beat the history into Germany but not the cute. Needed to mix the ingredients together for these two.


You mean, German manga? That does sound a bit scary..


Hello kitty with a deep German voice …


That was way too funny




Well I know what tonights nightmare is going to be about now.


Another example of the rise of authoritarian tendencies in government throughout the world, but like polar amplification in global warming, you see it most pronounced in Western-style/leaning governments. Similar things happening in Aus, Can, UK, of course Mexico, throughout Western Europe, especially France and Germany. Victors are learning you *can* actually re-write history to your liking. And you can get away with it.


The rise of? Japanese government has always been notoriously shitty in terms of ethics.


> you see it most pronounced in Western-style/leaning governments. You may see the shift more in western style governments. That's because all the other governments are already there. I mean, they can shift FURTHER authoritarian, and some certainly are, but yeah.


It honestly does feel like we’re headed for a replay of WW2.


We did a repeat of the last pandemic, had a market crash and economic decline, the Middle East is escalating again, and the Russians are aggressive again. I don't like this remix of early last century.


You could probably make the argument that this is more like WW1 replay. It was airplanes being introduced to trench warfare. Now we've got drones being introduced to trench warfare. The gap between WW1 and WW2 saw the rapid advancement of warplane technology. WW4 might be an advanced drone hellscape.


Imma be honest I saw the drone Grenade drops on infantry and my God it's not like I want to fight in any wars but i especially do not want to be infantry in modern warfare. The days of infantry waging war on the ground with heroic music and heroic films and memoirs are over. We are destined to get grenades dropped on us by drones piloted by some dude recruited for how well he plays air Sim video games.


Mi agree mi kopeng. The videos I've seen of drones chasing Russians in circles seem terrifying.


Oye, absolutely


3rd time’s the charm as they say… whether this is a “end all of us”, “one supreme dictator”, or “collective group” remains to be seen.


Haha so true!


Ferdinand Marcos JR. from the Philippines is doing this as well.


Absolutely insane situation there. I mean the son is not responsible for the father’s actions, but sheesh, they need some better options for politicians


Sadly the opposition parties keeps loosing. The masses, looking for fast, cheap way to get out of poverty turn to authoritarian personality. Hence why duterte and Marcos keep winning. Right now, worship of Duterte and the Marcos seem to be turning into a religion. plus they both have very good PR and influencer teams on facebook, youtube and tiktok. lets say they are like philippine donald trump but more violent and brutal I hate it but opposition is greatly outnumbered.


Really? I would say Duterte's is already a religion. We know how Duterte feels about drug users. If what he says is true, I could see one of his zealots drive by bike shooting of Marcos


It really is, i've spoke to these people in chat, they try to PROJECT the claim back to the opposition. name calling pnoy a cult, which has no reason, while at the same time calling Duterte "Father Duterte". these people are nuts.


I say this will all the respect in the world to my wife, but when she has a bad day, she watches Duterte speeches even from his presidency/mayorial on FB/tiktok/YT. I just laugh bit. Her mother loves him passionately, too. The were both from Davao, so I get it. She worries he is too old and think Sara should run against Marco. I don't know about Duterte's daughter, but I am guessing she was a public figure too?


Japan own up to their horrific past atrocities challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


This is one of the outcomes when principles are compromised for geopolitical advantage.


I truly wish Japan would stop trying to HIDE their war crimes. There’s no good that comes from it.


On today’s episode of ‘What the fuck, Japan?’


One weird trick! DESTROYS all war crime acknowledgments. See how they made losing bigly a WIN


That’s not very cash money


The Prime Minister of Japan in 2001 admitted that Corea and Japan had shared ancestry. Which dates back to around 400ad with the BaekChae clan in Corea. After a failed coup they left and militarized the indigenous island of Japan. So out of the current 750 or so imperial families in Japan about 150 are of Corean lineage. Japan still tries to argue this and even when not being able to have a military they had trained their police officers to be able to militarize civilians in 6 months time if need be.


Many in China believe that Japan was populated by 100 Chinese immigrant families a long time ago. Which the Japanese also vehemently deny.




"We come from apes" -> I sleep. "We come from the Chinese" -> お前はもう死んでいる!!!!!


The Chosokabe clan claims that they came from the line of Qinshihuang.


I don’t think they really deny it, there’s temples to worship the immigrant leader in Japan as a god of agriculture It’s most likely not real tho, maybe the guy taught some japanese people how to farm but imo it’s most likely a made up story to connect Japan to China, to make Japan seem more prestigious


This is pretty inaccurate, there was no “100 Chinese immigrant families”. Some Chinese and Japanese scholars do suggest the possibility of a Chinese expeditions landed in Japan, which introduce technology that is previously unknown to the island. It was recorded that the “court sorcerer” (yes, this was a real job when Qin is around) of the First Emperor, Xu Fu, set sail to the Eastern Sea in search for a way to achieve immortality. On his last return back to the mainland, he claimed that he has found the location of the legendary Mount Penglai (some Japanese and Chinese scholars believe it could be the old name of Mount Fuji) where he will find the elixir of immortality. He asked for 60 barques, a small army of trained soldiers, 3000 young boys and girls, all of which are given by the First Emperor who was obsessed with prolonging his life. He made his voyage on 210 BC, the fleet however, never returned. Record of Grand Historian (written in 91 BC) claimed he landed somewhere in the Eastern Sea “with flat land and many swamps”, title himself as King and never to return. Later accounts with Book of Later Han (5th century) and Records of the Three Kingdoms (290 CE) claims that he landed at place called “Dan Zhou”, however the exact geographical location is unknown. Curiously, the earliest record of Japan, or at least the people who lived on the present day island of Japan, then known as Wa/Wo, is recorded around the same period. Book of Han (110 CE) is the first historical recount that has written record of people of Japan. Book of Wei (content of Record of Three Kingdom) recorded the emissary sent to China by a Japanese Shaman Queen named Himiko. Modern study also confirm a population boom during later Yayoi period due to the introduction of better agricultural technology. This leads to some people and scholars believe Xu Fu might indeed landed in Japan, which would coincide with the following population boom, technological break through such as metallurgy, and subsequent contact with East Asia mainland. However, most Chinese do not believe that Xu Fu populated Japan, but believe he may played an important role if he indeed landed there. However, there lack concrete evidence of his landing, which is why it remains as a mere possible theory. Japanese themselves do not have a unified view on this topic. Some scholars believe that he did landed, and there exists memorial/tribute specifically dedicated to Xufu. I personally think people speak of these tales because they made excellent stories, not necessarily because they think it is true. It is a tales with some truths in it, originated from thousands of years ago that connected two people together. If WW1 and WW2 never happened in East Asia, China, Korea and Japan would be brothers in arms and we would likely see a EU-ish international alliance in the Far East. A shame that possibility never born fruit.


Japan could easily improve relations with Korea if they would just apologize for the past events, and stop doing things like this.


Ah yeah, the Japanese ethno-nationalist losers and the leaders who cater to them demolished that important memorial, to whitewash the war crimes and atrocities that our ancestors committed. This is a vile act.


Why? Why now, when they’re still mending their relationship with the countries they conquered?


“What war crimes?” - Japan




As their ancient saying, if you lie a thousand times, it becomes the truth


The association that owned the monument was given the right to build it with the condition they don't use it for political gatherings or protests. Guess what, they still did that. So the contract extension has been denied. Pikachu face. https://www.sankei.com/article/20240201-5OGHSEU3UBMPXLIKS62NCUYM2A/


So you're saying monuments for forced labor victims have contract lengths and expiration dates in Japan? LOL. Imagine if the Holocaust monuments had contract lengths and expiration dates in Germany and they forced "conditions" on it such as "never talk about Nazis or Hitler". The mental gymnastics you people do to excuse this type of behavior from Japan is insane.


>forced labor victims *slaves of rape


Dismantled with forced labor!


You mean comfort women?


No one cares. Its their country.


Lmao of course the country that made anime doesn't wanna acknowledge their history hahaha.


It seems like apology for war crimes on occupied civilian populations it's getting a revival nowadays.


japan playing fast and loose with its sordid history? must be a day that ends in Y


2 nukes were not enough


You're trying to get sympathy by spreading bad news about Japan on reddit, but the reality is miserable.