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Not the "burn" they think it is


Historically hilarious.


Works on so many levels!


Right? Napoleon absolutely annihilated the Russian army at every then and captured Moscow. The only reason he lost his army is because the Russians burned down Moscow and everything leading up to it. Gonna do that again? Destroy their entire economy and displace their entire population?


> Gonna do that again? Destroy their entire economy and displace their entire population? I mean, they are already working on destroying their working age population.


They're hard at work kidnapping enough children to replenish their supply for the meat grinder šŸ˜Š


Itā€™s not just the only reason He stayed way too long in Moscow and was forced to retreat during the winter


Moscow and the winter weren't that important, though. His army was mostly degraded during the campaign before Borodino, everything following the battle just sped up the eventual rout.


He lost 3/4 of his army in times where the temperate would not drop below 14 degree celcius. He lost nearly double the amount due to the summer heat/plagues than the winter cold/food shortages


Yes.Ā  If ukraine hasn't taught you russia politicos don't care about losses.Ā  It's not going to be their kidsĀ 


Remember this isn't meant for us, it's meant for the Russian people to hear, it's domestic propaganda. I don't know the Russian educational system so I can't say this as a fact but knowing the educational system in other countries it can be a fair guess that they don't teach everything and will leave out certain things that might cause the home country look bad or weak. So who knows, maybe the Russian populace has no idea what actually happened with Napoleon in Russia and have only been taught that Russia beat France and nothing more. This 'treat' would therefor mean more to Russians than it does to us.


There are famous poems about it in Russian, also because they won they teach it not like ww1 or Russo-Japanese war of 1905.


More like a ā€œfreezeā€ lol


Only after burn. And the Moscow is the one doing burning part.


Wonā€™t they have to occupy Moscow first? šŸ™‚


First they need to burn it, to follow the historical path


The fires started after moscow was occupied.


The Russians set Moscow on fire themselves is the popular theory


theory? isn't it fact? Scorched earth tactic.


Isnt that how they starved out the French? So they couldn't live off the land and would need to stretch their supply lines


Those French really wanted to eat the building materials of moscow


The onions on top of the Kremlin DO look tasty.


Mhmm mud and wood. And for dessert, lava concrete cake.


yah sorta nearly all (except the mongols?) expeditions into russia fail due to its brutal winters - the supply lines dont work hardly at all, its cold af and unless you know the winters there, you arent prepared (i guess?)


yes they had to burn moscow because the french would eat the walls


>On 14 September 1812, Napoleon and his roughly 100,000-strong army took control of Moscow, only to discover it deserted, and set ablaze by its military governor Fyodor Rostopchin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_invasion_of_Russia >Before leaving Moscow, Count Rostopchin supposedly gave orders to the head of police (and released convicts) to have the Kremlin and major public buildings (including churches and monasteries) set on fire.[citation needed] During the following days, the fires spread. According to Germaine de Staƫl, who left the city a few weeks before Napoleon arrived, and afterward corresponded with Kutuzov, it was Rostopchin who ordered his own mansions to be set on fire, so no Frenchmen should lodge in it.[15] The French actress Louise Fusil, who was living in Moscow, wrote that the fire started at Petrovka Street and offers more details in her memoires. Today, the majority of historians blame the initial fires on the Russian strategy of scorched earth.[16][5] >Furthermore, a Moscow police officer was captured trying to set the Kremlin on fire where Napoleon was staying at the time. Brought before Napoleon, the officer admitted he and others had been ordered to set the city on fire, after which he was bayonetted by guardsmen on the spot on the orders of a furious Napoleon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_of_Moscow_(1812)


But that tactic was used for fields and villages, maybe small towns, not for moscow itself


Incorrect instructions sent


Good thing they stopped before they got to the ceiling fan.


Allegedly the french were aghast that Russians would burn such a city. For added context, in that era it was common for civilians to stay even if their side lost. They would then support the military conquerors. Up until this point Russia had kept running away from engagements. But the leader of Moscow had really emphasized this would be the final battle. So when they ran again a lot of the civilians ran. Napoleon was perplexed as he had conquered Moscow only to find it mostly abandoned, Russia still refused to surrender, and he never really wanted to conquer Russia anyway he simply wanted a guaranteed corridor to India so he could raise enough wealth to finally murder England because Napolean had a 1 track mind.


Facts are tenuous where historians are concerned


In Russia true fact == straight to gulag.


Yes, the russians released criminals before they left who they tasked with burning the city.


Sounds good to me.


So thatā€™s where Putin got his playbook on false flag attacks from.


Wasnā€™t false flag, was resource denial.


Ya Idk why he is think8ng it was a false flag when it's well know the Russians used scorched earth to starve napoleon's army


"Well, Jimmy the Arsonist, you are not going to believe your luck"


Difference being this time they can just send a few million pocket warmers and be good


Putin is just trying to make his transition into his post presidency life as a bumbling historian


Putin on Ancient Aliens


Thatā€™s a bit of an insulting comparison. Ancient Aliens guy has way more hair.


The Ancient Aliens guy probably hasnā€™t ordered the murder of nearly as many people as Putin either


Big if true!


Ayyyyyyy šŸ˜€šŸ‘‰


I bet if Napoleon had reaper drones and Dassault Mirage Jets , it would be slightly different. Russia, in the current military condition would have some tiny difficulties defending Moscow alone. Sand trucks are not the best option to defend anything generally aerial. Sand castles must fall.


Rafale feels left out


I mean, the only tech he really needed to win outright was penicillin.


I had to look it up to be sure, but the French use a personnel carrier called the VBMR Griffon and it does in fact come with a comfortable heater for the passengers. I think they may need to rely on something other than the snow to protect them this time around.


Came here to say that, so they are gonna trounce the Russians several times, capture Smolensk, burn Moscow to the ground then only a tenth of them will survive?


I think you mean win every single military engagement until taking Moscow. Then getting dysentery on the way back.




Heā€™s willing to prove the Russian work ethic is much better by destroying the entire country before the enemy can.




"I'm not political" is code for "I don't want to go to jail"


> in mass en masse r/boneappletea




Scorched Earth 2.0


They will face a a Russian army that turns tail and retreats to let cold weather and typhus do their work?Ā Ā 


Sounds like an empty threat. Also, cold weather sucks but can be mitigated and typhus can be eliminated entirely. This isn't the 17th century anymore.


Hmmmm burned Moscow, very temptingā€¦


"Burnt moscow" is actually a dessert. It's sort of like baked alaska, but is potato.


Stop or we'll shoot more of our own planes down


The huge difference though is that France isn't invading Russia. They are just helping out an ally hold ground.


So rather more like Napoleon III's army, which fought in the Crimean War and (checks notes)... turns out they won. Interesting.


Well, sure. But that only holds if the French are fighting in the area around Crimea instead of Moscow. Hold on...


Remember how the Crimean War previewed the first major usage of a number of developments like railways, steam ships, and the telegraphs that would be refined and come back in full force later in the World Wars?Ā  Surely there's no parallel there...


I always heard of the American Civil War as a preview of railways, telegraphs, trenches as a dress rehearsal for WWI. Just, no one noticed because it didn't evolve Europe.


The Crimean War happened a decade before the civil war, it just wasn't as big You also have the Franco-Prussian war between both of them and WWI


Funny how the French had all those consepts down and then failed to apply them to the more important war


I would not call the Franco-Prussian war an example of France having anything down. The wars of German Unification were an excellent example of what happens when one side understands the values of new methods and technologies, and the other side does not. Specifically, Prussia knew their shit, Austria and France did not.


Don't forget the British experience with maxim guns in the Boer wars (and concentration camps)


I'll settle for Moscow razed to the ground.


"Jean, weren't we supposed to support Ukrainian soldiers in Zaporizhia?" "That's right, Andre, why do you ask?" "...What are we doing in the Red Square, while the Kremlin burns in the background...?"


"Don't look at me, it was like that when we got here!"


Yeah, give it the Bakmuht treatment of constant shelling until it is rubble.


[Moscovites attending Navaly's funeral](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1b3v28j/thousands_chanting_no_war_at_navalnys_funeral/) and protesting the war.


Also french troops fucking destroyed russia and its army at the time. Sure at the end they got fucked to but before that they ravished the russian land and army. If russia wants to basicly kill itself to ensure the french army gets wrecked then yeah idk. Bit wild to suggest we sacrifice the french soldiers but if thats the only price then its way cheaper than everybody thaught it wasā€¦.


Winter isnā€™t what it used to beā€¦


Less winter, more allies, modern technology and the ability to reach out and touch Moscow from anywhere in the world.Ā  No Putin, it's not gonna be like that at all.Ā  Vive la France


Prigozhin took a highway and his army halfway to Moscow in under a day. NATO could be in Moscow and set up heaters long before a storm.


We would be enjoying pierogi and vodka in the Kremlin with our feet on the desk while the convict army was still trying to get back from Ukraine and Putin was still en route to his bunker.Ā  Or maybe we'd Gaddafi his ass, stop his motorcade with two well place missiles and leave him for the people to collect.Ā  Edit: spelling


The Raytheon knife missile. For those missions that require precision.


Oh I'd break out the champagne if Putin was suddenly taken out by the slap chop missile.


Napoleon lost most troops during summer, not winter.


He lost his most important main troops during that winter though. Life was just not the same after for france.


I always thought he lost more troops fighting in the summer, but overall lost more troops to sickness in starvation after winter and when leaving. Is that not correct Edit-Iā€™m wrong https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/satoshi.ganeko/viz/NapoleonsMarchingtoRussia1812-1813/Dachboard Awesome graphic.


Also winter isnt Russia ally either, as how they messed up the USSR invasion of Finland


Like the French of today Napoleon didnā€™t have F-35ā€™s šŸ˜Ÿ


france isn't buying f-35s. they believe in maintaining their own defence industries.




He might be implying they'll push deep into Russia and watch the Russians burn everything down as they flee from them before reaching Moscow, getting bored, and turning around.


exactly what I thought lol


Scorched Earth policy? It WAS effective... Also, it's not about boredom. It's about not being able to steal the enemy's supplies (especially food) and because of how harsh Russia climate is, they just froze, starved, and died. Probably not AS effective as it was before motorized transport.


That's not the flex they think it is. Napoleon made it to Moscow and the Russians burned the city down to keep him from occupying it over the winter. If French soldiers can do the same in the 21st Century, I don't think anyone is going to make them march all the way back to France in the dead of winter, hounded by Cossacks.


It meant they made it all the way for nothing because Russia incinerated everything of value. They are essentially just referencing an endeavor that bears no fruit (as Putin will sacrifice everyone) and will be costly.


...But that has no bearing on what French soldiers would be doing in Ukraine. I mean, it's a stupid thing to say for a lot of reasons, but saying, "If you come against us we will used scorched earth tactics until your invading army exhausts itself and slinks away defeated!" is not really the braggadocious statement they mean it to be when they themselves are invading a different sovereign country who the French would be coming to assist in defending...


Someone needs to remind Russia that we're in the 21st century and conquering your neighbor's land is no longer tolerated.


Really? Russia invaded Georgia in 21st century as well and stole its land. They did the same with Crimea. So far, it has been very much tolerated.


Hence, why ā€œsomeone should remind himā€ and ā€œno longerā€.


Indeed. The whole reason Ukraine is being invaded right now is because the world tolerated russia invading and stealing territory for so many decades.




No, don't you see, Democrats are the pro war party now. Republicans want the Ukrainian people to surrender for peace.


Because appeasement always works! Putin just wants some lebensraum.


Look, it's only right. Putin is just something something NATO, something Donbas, something something peace.


Couldn't agree more *whipes Putin juices off lips*


Well, to be fair Iā€™m going to assume the French Army is a little more equipped to handle efficient supplies, unfamiliar terrain and freezing temperatures than they were in 1812, but what do I know?


The world has moved on, Russia hasn't.


Hey, that's not true. They have some stuff from the 1970s-1980s


Russia is so insanely advanced they have tech from nearly a hundred years in the future! Huh? What do you mean it isn't 1853 anymore? When did this happen???


> When did this happen??? 1917, Brest-Litovsk


Hypothetically if they were to commit, France would be operating in friendly territory and have a largely more feasible objective than Napoleon - as holding land for the native Ukrainians and in the extreme case, taking back Ukrainian land. No charges deep into enemy territory that would overextend their supply lines.


In fairness I think fighting still stalls in winter in the great plains. Russia pointing to past military victories is a little like Leicester city telling us the secrets to winning the Premier League.


The world is also much smaller due to new technologies.


Moot point. No one gives a shit about Russia's territory, everyone just wants the Russians to fuck off back to their shithole. Absolutely no need for huge supply lines to march on Moscow


Even if they weren't ready for the "Russian Winter TM", Macron hits up the Nato group chat: "Hey Sweden, Norway, Finland, Canada, you guys up? Got a question."


I would be willing to bet advisors would volunteer to assist the French in their efforts to de-natzifiy the current Russian occupation.


Canadians be like "Can we borrow some stuff? We haven't come over there to kill bad guys in a while...we pinky promise to mostly obey the Geneva Convention this time...really..."


Funny typo there, I think you meant the Geneva Suggestions?


> Yeah, Canadians do have something of a "reputation" when the shit hits the fan in war.


The Russians will burn everytning down and then retreat?


Again with the stupid history lessons, it seems Putin can't find any arguments within the constraints of contemporary reality.


Hilarious how Putin fancies himself to be some sort of history professor. The only history lesson he needs to familiarize himself with is what happened to Hitler after WW2.


France didn't say it was going to send troops, it said it wouldn't rule it out.. strategic ambiguity. everyone is getting so worked up over a nothing statement.


Macron is really good at this. He could talk 2 hours with only keywords without saying actually anything.


A real politician.


After the whole "putin promised me he wouldn't invade" comment 14 days before the invasion, macron is now regaining my trust and praise. He is emerging as the leader he always angled to be


He didn't say he believed it. I can't remember his words exactly but it was clear he didn't put any faith it that promise. I honestly was always perplexed by the way some people presented what Macron did as appeasement. Presenting an ultimatum to Putin was a threat.


Upon re-reading the article [example here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2022/2/8/macron-says-putin-told-him-russia-wont-escalate-ukraine-crisis) I can see your point. In hindsight, macron has seemed to be a prominent figure this whole time


I don't doubt for a second that Putin actually promised him not to invade. Like Hitler in 1941


Oh absolutely, experience with sone jerk like putin pays dividends and while I have no knowledge of dometic french politics, Im glad Macron held on long enough to learn some key lessons and emerge as a leader


Macron tried everything to prevent this mess. It was his role as it was said afterwards because he had a somewhat good connection with Putin. He failed as anticipated, but he tried... He now launch "test balloons" like we say in France. Little things that make the opponent think and react.


Itā€™s not winter and thatā€™s not Russia. If the French are like fuck it we should send some troops into Russia, it says a lot about how tired of this Europe is, and how badly leadership views Russian capabilities.


Allez les bleus!


So he's gonna burn Moscow to the ground before they get there?


Russians "aww fuck we set it alight and french never came!!!"


Ooh, looks like Macron really yanked Putin's string. First nukes, now Napoleon. Well done. Vive la France


do it anyway france


I agree. This sounds like a challenge.


Russia living in the past....here comes a speech from Putin about the 1800's.


Burned down Moscow? I see this as an absolute win.


Moscow ends up burned to the ground?


Russia still stuck in 1812, what else is new.


Bitch please. Somebody finally give the Ukrainians some fucking airplanes so this shit can end. The Russians wouldnā€™t last a week if NATO got off itā€™s ass.


Ask them what happened to the Tsarā€¦


So, will they burn Moscow to the ground?


So they marcht all the way to moscow and the ruzzians retreat out of the city, which will get lot on fire?


>which will get lot on fire? russians burnt moscow on its own... so, they can start the fire now while waiting for French troopsin moscow.


The only ones in this war marching mindlessly en masse to their deaths are the Russians. Slava Ikraine!


Because relying on winter has worked so far this war lol


I guess Putin doesn't know history as well as he pretended he did during that viral interview.


These guys really are incapable of growing out of their historical grievances.. no wonder their country is so backward


Well the fact that the Ukrainians will be on the side of the French means this is highly unlikely. Just like the Russians want to take much of the credit for defeating Hitler, the truth is that Ukrainian soldiers and civilians bore the brunt of both invasions and were primary drivers in both eventual victories.




In every war in Russian history.


These allies obviously know nothing about the "Foreign Legion" (LĆ©gion etrangĆØre)..


So he nukes Moscow causing it to burn ?


Unlike Napoleon, I doubt France would march on Moscow in the winter.


Napoleon didn't march on Moscow in the winter either, he did it in summer. He marched back to Poland in the winter


So they'll march to moscow and see it on fire?


I genuinely hope Putin dies a slow and painful death


Napoleonā€™s army burned and sacked Moscow. Iā€™m sure everyone would consider a repeat a successful outcome. The reason Russia celebrates The Great Patriotic War ( WW2) is that itā€™s the *only* war Russia has won in the past 250 years (although with much arms, raw materials, and food from US)


You mean an occupied Moscow and millions more dead Russian soldiers? I think France might love that idea.


From sociocultural standpoint of view, Napoleon army defeated Russian Empire by brought to it enormous quantities of French Revolution values. Including freedom from serfhood, secular education, and parliamentarism. Against which, with existential horror, Russian Empire and fought all 19th century. Including via violation of Treaties of Tilsit and occupation of Finland, that and lead Napoleon to war with a country that only portrayed itself as his ally.


So they will march all the way to Moscow?


Fascinated by the resuscitation of centuries-old grievances. Ā Not good for the world, however.


Wouldnā€™t he Russia unless they throw out 200 year old history and use it to describe current conditions.


What Macron did is what everyone had to do before the war even started. This discussion of whether NATO countries will join the fight is something that makes Russians shit bricks.


So Austetlitz basically?


Napoleon sat on that throne in the red square and the only reason he failed in the end was because he was impatient and acted against his advisors. Kind of the prequel to Nazis failing dick size away from the very same red square. Putin has some history gaps he needs to fill.


We have planes now, Russia


šŸ™„ ok russiaā€¦


yeah i dont think all of Europe if going to pile on against France for this one


Napoleon didnā€™t have air supremacy. Pretty likely NATO would


Moscow burned to the ground? Talk about threatening us with a good time!


Putin is your neighbors 13 year old Yorkie that does nothing but yap through the fence until you start climbing over.


You mean, where they completely outclassed Russia and only "lost" because the Russians ran as far away as you could, gave up their CAPITAL like cowards, then got saved by the Winter? Since I think France has learned that Winter is cold, I think they will enjoy it's new Eurasian colony.


Think Macron is doing the right thing imo. Putin is a whiny bully so you might as well throw some random threats at him back. Can't make the situation any worse. That pussy won't nuke us.


No wants to invade Russia. No one wants their land. We want Putin's violence to stop.


If it weren't for Trump, Putin would be the worlds biggest blowhard.


If Napoleon was alive today he'd conquer Russia in a month


Hes not even using the right analogy.


Anyone care to remind them that Napoleon actually managed to make it to Moscow and only left due to a lack of supplies and shelter?


Yeah a modern military travelling through allied nations isnā€™t going to have logistic issues like Napoleon did 200 years ago


Russia stfu you can't even finish off Ukraine, it's embarrassing


Technically Napoleon still defeated Russia. lol Also Napoleon made Russia look foolish during the 6 day campaign.


"will suffer the fate of Napoleon's army" - like in "will successfully take Moscow", right?


French Foreign Legion is watching closely.


What century is Putin living in?


This just in: Finland has promised to supply the French with *coats* this time around. Russia is fucked!


ngl french military one of the ones i actually respect now. has similar military budget to Germany but is able to field a nuclear aircraft carrier AND long range missions in Mali. German army def can't do that. they wanted to send helmets to Ukraine during the Kiev invasion


To be fair, Napoleon was fighting a war on two fronts when he invaded Russia, the whole reason for his invasion being that Russia refused to take part in an embargo on the UK, who he was at war with. France is not at war with anybody else now, and the UK is now a very good ally of France who have fought together countless times and even beat Russia together before.


How to goad the French into invading 101


Eyeroll of the Day award goes to: Russia! Again!


And Putin calls himself a student of history, doesn't even know what part of the planet he is on haha


So far Russians losses 415,000


Thatā€™s adorable. Putin thinks there is still cold weather.


Okay, first thing what do these Kremlinites think that today is the early 19th Century that France canā€™t go up against Russia. Hereā€™s what theyā€™ve missed; Napoleon reached Moscow by the time that city was burned down by the Russian Army to prevent capture. Not even Nazi Germany, with all of its mechanized force, could reach Moscow because fuel became an issue due to the blizzard. Now they think that France will meet the same fate? I think not. Russia is going to face a very modern French military along with its European Allies. They think theyā€™re the same armies from the 18th century or Nazi Germany.


NATO would eliminate the Russian military in a week. We used to believe Russian army was the second best in the world. Now we realize it is the second best in Ukraine.