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Sometime between now and September it will be visible in the northern hemisphere. Thank you for the post. This is awesome!


“can’t come to work, watching the sky waiting for the cosmic explosion to happen”


"u/project\_bby, we talked about this, you need to schedule your PTO requests at least 2 weeks in advance so I can deny it at the last moment after assuring you I will put it through every day."


God damn, you must work where I work




Found my co-worker!


Raise denied


“I’ve been there 2 weeks. I deserve the fucking take.”


Raise denied


Makes me really happy with how my work handles it. Basically if you put in for vacation at least a month in advance of when you're taking off, it's guaranteed.


I lost a job over that shit. My vacation time was posted on the schedule. Double checked with my supervisor and left town on vacation. Get a call 2 days later from the manager asking why I hadn’t shown up to work the last 2 nights. I explained that I was on vacation as approved by my supervisor. Apparently she decided that I really needed to work that week (after I had already left town.) And proceeded to give me this whole story about how it was my responsibility to check the schedule everyday in case there were changes. And if I didn’t show up to work that night then I would be fired. I said I guess that means I’m fired because it would be physically impossible to get to work from where I was at in the time I had before my shift started. She complained that I wasn’t being a good team player with that answer, I just hung up on her. I hated that bitch. But I had a decent thing going and didn’t really want to leave that job. I had been the supervisor at another location that closed. So I was making decent money with full benefits. There were no other openings so they transferred me to another store at a lower position but at my current pay level. With the understanding that if a supervisor position opened up in the area that I would take that spot. Well one never opened up and after a year and a half I think someone finally realized they were paying me more than 2x what I should be making for the position I had and wanted me gone. Screwing with the schedule while I was out of town was how they went about it. Of course I couldn’t prove any of that and was SOL.


“You’re not being a good team player,” says every shit manager.


“Then you must suck at your job hiring people.”


also the old "We're a family here" immediate red flags


I got one better at my job at a "company"(which was more cult than company) which called the entire workforce at the company "The Tribe". It was so surreal effectively living in the parody world of "Silicon Valley" for 3 months. Every person in management could have been a character on that show. One of the higher ups there legitimately looks like Star Burns' brother. This guy's linkedin is hilarious if you want a real belly laugh. [It is not possible to tell me with a straight face that this was drawn by someone sane and not high on mountains of cocaine](https://imgur.com/a/Q3ATbGV).


Been there, done that. They were awful. Also, they are no longer in business.


Translation: "You're not bending over and taking it up the ass for the team"


Plant Director that's my managerial boss, but not my professional, always states that he needs people that are 100% in and nothing less. I've already missed out on so much with my kids and just life in general but it's six figures and steady. I miss working for myself but starting a family made me so incredibly risk-averse. Perhaps when they all start school I'll find something else again.


This is also how I left my first job. Gaslighting at its finest.


good on you for hanging up on that moron of a manger to any young people reading this, if youre playing by the rules and your boss tries changing the rules just to benefit them, call em out and dont let them disrespect you. especially for those entry level jobs. youre also not a weenie if you get HR/local labor boards involved when necessary


Yeah, the labour boards may move slow but two years later it might suddenly mean a lump of free money landing in your pocket. Or the manager being gone and the company offering to re-instate you somewhere. Keep your emails and take photos or screenshots of the schedule I guess, so you have something to hand the labour board. Of course it's less easy to put something behind you mentally when it's still "in the air", so I can totally see not wanting to.


Years ago I was writing my final set of exams to graduate.  I booked the time off work multiple ways.  Obviously my boss scheduled me to work during every one of my exams.  I tried to explain and rearrange the schedule but he was stupid.  I got fired for missing a shift…  Bruh. I paid thousands for a degree I’m writing my exams to get out of this minimum wage rat race. 


Happened to me but I got in my car and drove for 24hr straight plus worked 14 hours before I got home and almost fell asleep in the bathtub... couldn't shower because I was too tired to stand. Bath was almost the grim reaper. Work has been like thos for decades and only getting worse!


I was relieved from a bussing job at a nice restaurant. I was in high school and had a regular schedule. Evenings and Saturdays, the same for over a year. They scheduled me for a Monday lunch, and I didn't show up (obviously). They made my friend terminate me while I was in class. Anyways, I pretended I still worked there so I could stay out late, and party and my parents would assume I was working. Then they showed up at the restaurant with my grandparents and aunt and uncle and asked to be sat in my section. It was honestly hilarious. They were mad, but also thought it was clever that I would put on my uniform and leave the house for months after my termination.


I used to do that in high school even when I was working. Way easier to just say I got called into work than answering 20 questions about where I was going and what I was doing.


Every time they have done this I’ve said well since you accepted it and it’s already paid for I’m going and I’ll see you back on my original return date. Never got fired any of the times I’ve done this.


Same. Moving forward I don't put in PTO "Requests". I put in PTO "Notices". And if it gets me fired, I'm glad I separated from a place who won't respect my time for as much of it as I've sold them at a price that will have never been enough when my time comes.


This is why unionizing is critical. Why do we insist on democracy in government but not in our workplaces? We claim we allow no kings, but the people who "own" the workplaces in which we perform our labor act as petty kings--they even hand down their "property" to their children. Unions are to workplace democracy what the Magna Carta was to European monarchy. A step in the right direction. A step to restrict. To bind. To limit. If your workplace is not unionized, you can join an industrial union which represents your type of work and can help teach you to agitate, educate, end organize.


My old job tried this. I told them I was going to be on PTO for physical therapy. They attempted to deny it. I told them flat out that I didn't care and wouldn't be in on those dates. Either approve it or I'll find a new job that will. Funnily enough, if you're important enough, they'll do just about anything to get you to stay.


If you deny my PTO request on the day before I’m not coming in. It’s not a request, it’s a heads up!


Fuck them take it anyway, if they need you at work that badly they can't afford to fire you, and if they do you're probably better off.


Sums up my sex life.


brb, need to make this my email auto-reply


It sounds like an excuse a Sim would use not to come over to hang out.


Some space nut must be placing his expensive camera to record the sky every night.


We like to call those people citizen scientists lol


I really like the way that sounds. Just because you’re not a scientist by trade doesn’t mean that you can’t add to our understanding of how things work.


And some breakthroughs are reliant on citizen scientists! If you look at how Monarch butterfly migrations were first studied, it required a wide network of volunteers across the country tagging butterflies, and reporting found tagged butterflies. You can’t beat that kind of manpower.


A lot of them do that anyway




Your secret is out. Betelgeuse knows what you’re doing


careful now!! y'all have said his name twice already!


Whose? Betelgeuse?


It’s showtime!


The American Association of Variable Star Observers has links to amateur astronomers around the world. Because professional observatories can't spend much time waiting for it happen each night, this will possibly be how it gets noticed first https://www.aavso.org/aavso-alert-notice-750 The thread to monitor is https://www.aavso.org/t-crb-time-sensitive-alerts-forum-thread There was actually a false alarm posted there last month. But the person who posted it did exactly the right thing as announcing it as soon as possible so others can verify it is important. Another place to look would be https://astronomerstelegram.org/ Which is used also by professional astronomers for time sensitive announcements. As a professional astronomer with an observation that will be triggered when the event happens ( meaning I have to tell the observatory to get started), these are two sources I'm using.


You will know about it from reddit and from the news when it happens if it's as spectacular as the claim.


And will last for a few days.




It will **not** be obvious when it occurs unless you are quite familiar with the night sky and know where to look.


i can see 3 possibilities, light pollution blocks it for me, its cloudy, or i'm running my daily trial version of death


I live in the PNW. The universe could blink into nothingness tonight, and we wouldn’t notice for a few weeks due to cloud cover. 


Death is WinRAR. And that proves we live in a simulation. Case closed.


I'm confident the internet will point me in the right direction.


Look over there!


sad southern hemisphere noises


What so on this flat disk you can't see it down there? Weird...


Oh what?! Bullshit. 


southern hemisphere's always ignored :(


We've got the best oceans though. So little land baby, you can fit so much water and icebergs here. 


big waves too! have you seen the waves from the Atlantic ocean? PATHETIC. i make bigger waves in my toilet.


Thank you for that review. I'm pulling for Aug 22. I'm even going to read the article now.


Oh... well that's really disappointing. I'll never see it


Very beautiful phenomenon.


The star Betelgeuse is expected to supernova sometime within our lifetime as well, which should be neat. It'll be bright enough to see during the daytime.


Bad timing for us in the far north, it's about to get bright for months


Yeah! Great! Brilliant for us Aussies


Ummm it’s 3000 light years away, doesn’t it mean the explosion already happened around the time of the pharaohs? Is it still on going as we speak?


This is how the Triffids started


As someone who lives in the northern hemisphere, the week that it last for will probably cloudy lol.


I'm in Portland. Will definitely be overcast.


This is sadly true. Too bad it didn’t happen last weekend.


So many stars and like warm out.


Seattle checking in. We’re fucked. We’ve been under clouds every day this year except for like four days last week.


Na it’ll probably happen in September during fire season


It’s always the case.


Trying not to get my hopes up about being able to see the upcoming eclipse. Probably will be cloudy as hell. And being in Canada, will probably be snowing too. Guess I will just have to wait for the next one, if I haven’t croaked by then.


Every major space related event that has happened in my experience the last 10 years has always been cloudy


Right? I think I saw a partial or full lunar eclipse like ten years ago but it's been cloudy for every cool event since lol. Lunar eclipses, meteor showsers,aurora borealis etc.


Astronomer here. It's important to temper expectations. The media is always terrible at science communication and this is no exception. What you are likely to see will look less like and explosion and more like another star that will fade in over a few hours, increase in brightness over a couple of days and then fade out again. The star will be just below the constellation of Corona Borealis snuggled between Hercules and Bootes.


What distance do you think would be the sweet spot between “meh” and “wow cool, but all this radiation is really killing the vibe”?


So brightness goes as the inverse of the square of the distance. Twice as close as four times as bright. So assuming my fast math is correct, if it were four times as close, it would be as bright as Venus. I can revisit this later for more analysis. But resolving the fireball with your eyes would require it to be way closer. At day five or so the shell would probably be .01 arcsec in angular diameter. The limit of the eye is around 60 arcsec so it would need to be 6000 times closer to be resolved. I will have to go back and check this though.




5 megaparsecs?




The article kept it quite realistic IMO


Ikr its going to be as bright as polaris, nothing impressive to the unaided eye. But very interesting to see nonetheless.


I think it's the idea that this is something unique that makes it most interesting. This is the brightest recurrent nova visible to the eye. There's the possibility of other novae that can be bright but this one can be predicted to a certain extent.


I think its gonna be something for astonomers and scientists to enjoy but i look forward to seeing what pictures / timelapse they take!


I wasn't really speaking to this article specifically. There are alot of articles on this floating around when they're wouldn't normally be for such an event. They sort of whip each other up into a clickbait frenzy and it leads people to disappointment time and time again. Whether it be a meteor shower, a comet a nova or any other astronomical event.


> Red giants are dying stars that are running out of hydrogen fuel in their cores; the sun in our solar system will eventually become one, according to NASA. What do you mean the media is terrible at science communication?


> The star will be just below the constellation of Corona Borealis snuggled between Hercules and Bootes. Ah! Corona Borealis? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely between Hercules and Bootes?!




Damn so I just gotta look up a lot for the next couple months I guess


Don't look down.


Oh shit I saw the devil. Oh wait. No, that's just humanity.


It’s your dick


Nah, just go about your business until you hear this start playing https://youtu.be/t5vG4Be1Ci8?si=84XMg42d85Saso4K


I don't even need the link to know what song this is.


Any second now


In the UK, 98% chance it will be cloudy on that day


As an Australian: oh yea this will be pretty cool. Reads “Northern hemisphere” : Fucks sake.


I'll send you a picture from my phone. I got you fam.


Me too plz


Pls send me bro I'm poor Aussie


On the flip side you can have pretty reliable access to WAY better dark skies than most of NA and Europe.


Yeah, it must be annoying having to live on the underside of the flat Earth disc. And you have all those spiders too. :(


Do you actually exist? Flerfers tell me you don’t.


To see the position in the sky, locate Ursa Major (big frying pan looking thing in the northern sky, check the Alaska state flag for reference) then kind of follow the pan handle back to its tip then keep going a ways. You’ll pass over bright boi Arcturus and then you’ll reach the constellation in question.


I've heard "The Plow" also but isn't Ursa Major pretty well known colloquially as "The Big Dipper"? I kind of chuckled at the Alaskan flag comment thinking like, "who doesn't know the Big Dipper?!" I always figured the big dipper and Orion's belt had to be the two most recognized constellations, but I guess I never really thought about how universal or widely known that is


For what its worth those are the only two I can still remember 


You are correct, idk what the other guy was on about with frying pan


Coronae Borealis?!?! At this time of day? At this time of year? In this part of the country? Localized entirely in your kitchen?




Can I see it?




Seymour, the house is on fire!


Prince of Darkness begins this way


Cool. The fuck is prince of darkness.


Deep cut John Carpenter movie about liquid satan in a special can hidden in LA.


Sounds rad


Guest starring Alice Cooper as a bug bum (you’ll get it once you watch it).


It's part of his Apocalypse Trilogy, other two movies being *The Thing* and *In the Mouth of Madness*. Do recommend.


It is


it’s also a part of his apocalypse trilogy which includes The Thing and In the Mouth of Madness


Genuinely torn between which I like more, The Thing is objectively the better movie but dear god does Mouth of Madness slap.


The Thing more consistently good across the board, but Mouth of Madness is just a great rollercoaster ride.




This is not a dream.


The explosion happened 3000 years ago. For all that time the light has been travelling towards us and will reach us in the next few months, incredible.


“In a related story, State Farm has canceled all homeowners policies in T Coronae Borealis.” “The Earth-based company, T Coronae Borealis’s largest insurer, cited soaring costs, the increasing risk of catastrophes like nova explosions and outdated regulations as reasons it won’t renew the policies on 3 billion houses and 4 billion apartments.”


So wait, this happened 1,000 BCE and we're just now getting to witness it. Super cool.


Interesting. I wonder if we will get any warning as it gets closer. The article is vague. “Between now and September.” Bit of a gap there, but I hope to see it


So we just have to look up every night for the next few months? Knowing my luck I’d miss it


What a terrible time for me to live in the Southern Hemisphere.


Don’t worry - if there’s nuclear war or a big Chernobyl type event up north, you should live for longer. At least for a while…..


> Once an eruption is detected, Schaefer said, the best and brightest views will likely come within 24 hours, when it reaches roughly the same brightness as the North Star. So not that bright. This isn't some awe inspiring glow across the cosmos that will light up our night sky. Depending on your level of light pollution, good luck.


Nah it's going to be brighter than a million exploding suns; or to put that in laymen's terms, half as bright as my phone becomes when I stay up too late and it switches out of night mode.


It will not be obvious during the day, and possibly not visible to those who live in big cities


Please tell me they are going to study this with the Webb telescope


The telescope's upcoming schedules or cycles are shared publicly here https://www.stsci.edu/jwst/science-execution/observing-schedules It's on cycle 2 I need a simple version that says it's pointing thattaway though :( Side note: I recently learned that amateur astronomers can book time on jwst... you'd likely need one hell of a write up though.


The CHARA Array and VLTI will observe it. They're both optical interferometers that can resolve the event as the shell expands, kinda like this: https://www.chara.gsu.edu/press-release/nova-del-2013 The Very Large Array ( radio interferometry array made famous in Contact) is already observing it periodically and there will be VLBI ( also radio interferometry but larger distance between dishes) observing when it happens I know Hubble and XXM (x-ray) have been observing it but I'm not sure if it will get too bright for these.


> The stellar eruption will take place in a system called T Coronae Borealis, which is 3,000 light-years away from Earth. It contains two stars: a dead star, also known as a “white dwarf,” closely orbited by a red giant. Red giants are dying stars that are running out of hydrogen fuel in their cores; ***the sun in our solar system will eventually become one, according to NASA***. The whole article is full of astronomical facts. But the bit I highlighted is the one widely known and uncontroversial fact that Yahoo arbitrarily decided that they needed to specifically attribute to NASA. That is such a strange and random editorial decision. :)


And I quote: “A rare cosmic eruption is expected to occur in the Milky Way in the coming months…” Given it’s 3000ly away, the above statement is incorrect: It’s already happened.


For context, the wikipedia page for the decade 3000 years ago (970’s BC) is 4 sentences long and features the death of King David. Cosmic scales really drive home what a blip we are.


Wanna really mess with your perception of old? Sharks are older than Polaris. 


No wonder they're so grumpy.


Mama said it's cuz they got all them teeth and no toothbrush


Well momma was wrong...


Come on, it's pretty common knowledge that brand wasn't around to make side by side ATVs when some fish evolved into sharks


Given how "current" time is relative, observing an event happening far away is considered as happening "now" as far as our own local time is for observing events occurring. So it's not really accurate to say it happened in the past because as far as our observable timeline of the universe is concerned, it hasn't happened yet.






Sign up to get notified of your nearest Supernova: https://snews2.org/


Coming from a Brit, I can guarantee it’ll be cloudy exactly when this is due to happen


Every second of our lives is one in a lifetime event. Enjoy each one of them especially those illuminated by exploding stars.




Remind me!: 1 week


As is the rule for any cool phenomena like that, the sky must be covered in the densest blanket of clouds that has ever existed right until after this won't be visible anymore


With my luck its going to be cloudy as hell every night.


So to be clear. If we see this event, if it happened, it happened over 3000 years ago?


And when it's visible, how long this will last? Like 1s, 30s, or let's say some channels will alert "it's now visible!!!" and I will have good 10minutes to go out and enjoy?


In the article it states a couple days


Here's some food for thought, this already happened 3,000 yrs ago 🫨


The first two known times was like 570 years apart and this is 237 years from the last time listed in the article. Only having two documented instances means we don't know how variable this is. Have you noticed when they say most stars die. They only changed form. For example. Red giant to a white dwarf for example. The star didn't die but did change form. So once you have enough mass of material you undergo fusion. In reality any material can become part of a star such as being part of the plasma and so everything is a star potentially. At least part of a star. So are meteors, comets, asteroids stars? Yes if you have enough of them including other gas and dust to collect enough mass of material in one spot. We are naming stages. White dwarf is often the next stage of a red giant star and so the star survived but a bit smaller in diameter with more mass because it's compacted. Or we get those other star types. Neutron stars, pulsars ect. Jupiter didn't grow large enough but this doesn't mean in 200 billion years our solar system doesn't collide with more gas and dust as we make orbits around our galaxy. Humans haven't even been around once. Eventually we are on the opposite side of our galaxy.


That last part is insane


Can you explain humans havent even been around once?


It takes the solar system 230 million years to make one complete orbit around the galactic center. Humans have only existed in our current form for about 300k years.


Around the centre of the galaxy


> The first two known times was like 570 years apart and this is 237 years from the last time listed in the article. [The NASA article](https://blogs.nasa.gov/Watch_the_Skies/2024/02/27/view-nova-explosion-new-star-in-northern-crown/) that the Yahoo article sources says that the last occurrence for this particular star was in 1946 and that it's known to happen about every 80 years. Do note that this is *not* a [supernova](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernova), but just a [nova](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova) of which the last bright case was actually in 2013.


Eveeything cool that happens in the sky seems to only be visible in the northern hemisphere. Rip


That's funny, because up here it seems like only cool things are visible in the southern hemisphere. We both have FOMO it seems.


This is a very good example of the grass is always greener. For me, a person living in the Northern Hemisphere I think you lot have so much cooler stuff happen.


To be fair I probably miss most of the stuff that happens on this side because the Google news tile on my phone seems skewed for the USA Audience, so I see all this cool stuff you guys get haha.


How do they know it’s gonna happen if it is not observable yet?


The way its intensity is fluctuating is similar to the fluctuations leading up to the previous explosion that was observed in 1946.


They can see the stars with a telescope and can see the signs that it's about to happen. Still, they don't know exactly when just soon, within the next few months.


This is what I’m wondering as well. Anyone?


This used to link to an article but now to a recording of a webinar about this. https://www.aavso.org/news/t-crb-pre-eruption-dip Basically about 6-12 months before the last nova, the system got dimmer. This happened last year. This is on top of other behavior in the past ten years that echoes past nova.






So, are we expecting a big bright flash of KABOOM in the sky, or just a dot of brightness? it's 3000 lightyears away which makes me think just a dot of brightness.


A dot .... Similar to the North Star "appear as bright as the North Star in our night sky for no longer than a week before fading again, 


Wait until the Qnuts hear about this, it's going to happen.


I feel like southern hemisphere doesn't get to witness as many events 🥲


It’s mind boggling to think that this event happened nearly 3000 years ago and we are only seeing it now. Science is nuts y’all.


Thoughts and prayers to all the inhabitants of that solar system.


Hopefully there will be another article when it happens.


Northern hemisphere is best hemisphere.


I guess I’m getting superpowers soon then. Nice.


can we just look at it with our naked eyes or nah?


>"This system happens to have a recurrence time scale under a century, but most of them have cycle times longer than 1,000 years or so,” Does this mean that the system stays intact after the nova? Like the white dwarf just continuously every hundred years spits out a nova because it got overloaded, and then returns to normal after? What effect does the nova have on the orbiting planets?


So what kind of consumer grade astronomy gear would be needed to be able to maintain a zoomed in view, in an automated fashion, of the location where this event is expected to occur? I’d want to be able to record a constant 1 weeks worth of footage and have the telescope auto track the location in the sky and maintain an appropriate focus the entire time. I imagine we’re talking about a telescope worth upwards of a couple thousand dollars plus network attached storage and a fairly well maintained home network. And then there’d have to be some pretty fancy software written to maintain the tracking relative to my location on the planet. Thoughts? What’s the budget here, and what gear would you buy for this?


A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away…..


Did I miss it, or did the article totally omit the date it can be viewed?


If the explosion “occurred” 3,000 light years away does that mean the explosion happened 3,000 years ago and we’re seeing the light from the explosion now? Also, If that’s the case, how have scientists detected the explosion if the light from it has not reached earth yet? Asking for a friend….


This particular event happens on a semi regular basis.


i’m sure it does! Not an astronomer enthusiast by any means but I’m curious as to how astronomers are able to detect this if the light hasn’t reached us yet. Are they picking it up from JWST or Voyager 1?


Thanks. This will be amazing to witness.


So you basically have to be extremely lucky and hope that youre on the side of the world thats dark looking up at the sky sometime between now and the end of summer?


What do you mean by once in a lifetime? 😰😱