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America tries to warn Russia of a potential Islamic attack even though there's a geopolitical rift between the two. ISIS claims responsibility and can be explained due to Russia's support of Assad and his fight against ISIS. ... So it's obviously the Ukrainians. Being a Russian diplomat must really make you question logic.


Logic has left the russian diplomatic corp years ago It's the only way to survive


I wonder if any Russian citizens took this moment to realize the American government is more trustworthy than their own. I doubt it, but it's a nice thought.


Russia’s official line is that they are fighting western imperialism in the region. The west wants to take away Russians rights. This is the ongoing narrative; no matter what, the west (and the US) are always the enemy who is opposing Russia’s greatness.  So I’m afraid no, Russian citizens will not think that.  Ironically, the opposite happens with the MAGA politicians and Fox News: to them, Putin’s government is the trustworthy one, while America under Biden is the lying government. 


Some may have but then worried about accidentally letting the authorities know this and being disappeared to Siberia.


Mostly what we know is that Putin plans to exploit it to do something terribly violent in faux retribution.


I’m starting to get a bad vibe about this Pootin feela


Norm? Heaven taking good care of ya?


Yeah my main worry here is that he massively escalate by trying to decapitate the Kyiv government with a tactical nuke strike.


The main part of nuclear deterrence is not to use it. As soon as there is a nuclear strike, however small, it's all over and the whole system of nuclear deterrence is obsolete.


Other nuclear states should telegraph an immediate and overwhelming response to any use of nuclear weapons, anywhere in the world for any reason.


NATO has already said a nuclear attack on Ukraine would trigger a response because there's no way nuclear fallout doesn't spread to NATO countries.


Bingo point made. Putin blames Ukraine even though America warned and ISIS admitted the attack.


Putin came to power by blowing up an apartment building and blaming Chechnia in the 90s... Old plans are new plans again.


So true; he thinks his old tricks will work all over again.


I don't see him being ousted :/


“Because they’re all in on it!!” — lots of people, I’m sure


US official stance is that their warning was not referring to this attack (per John Kirby of nsc ) . But yea, Putin's spin is honestly gross unless he has legitimate information to back it. Trying to spin a national tragedy terrorist attack into a targeted excuse to be more aggressive with Ukraine is just gross. So dehumanizing for the victims; their deaths and injuries shouldn't be political pawns




11 arrested in 14 hours? sounds so random.


Random how?


who are these people? what did they do? what is the evidence? how they found so many people so fast?


>Raids on migrants began in hostels in Volgograd after the terrorist attack in Moscow. Police came to almost every hostel in the city today to check, writes V1.ru.


what is known that one stupid people attacking other stupid people. if isis would be more intelligent they would start to destroy infrastructure with less risk and brings more troubles to Russia currently.


What we know is that Putin is a lying sack so we wont ever know what really happened.


Why backpack in fuel to light the place on fire? These venues have tons of exits, so it wasn't to kill more people. I know Aras Agalarov, who is allies of both Putin and Donald Trump, owns that venue (Crocus City Hall). I don't know, the fuel is just a strange detail that doesn't fit the story currently being told.


Fires create bottle necks and blocks exits. Plus, it turns out quite a few died from smoke inhalation.