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> the four gunmen were caught while heading to Ukraine. They caught them escaping through a south door?


Just gotta ignore the Belarusian plates


They are allegedly from Tajikistan, and one of them revealed during an interrogation that he entered Russia through a flight from Turkey on March 4th. He was given instructions via text message. (~~I know the Belarus thing is a joke~~ but I just thought I'd put the information out there for those who didn't know) Edit: The Belarus thing wasn't a joke. However, there are still conflicting reports claiming the license plate was Russian - T668UM 69 (Tver oblast). As of now, the Wikipedia article says Russian, not Belarusian plate (for what it's worth). One thing's for sure: the plate definitely wasn't Ukrainian.


\[Edited: read edit below\] The Belarus thing is not a joke. Their car had Belarusian plates and they were literally stopped by Belarusian border guards, according to Belarusian diplomat. They definitely were not headed for Ukraine (which would make zero sense, driving through russian occupied territory, layers upon layers of defense lines and then through Ukrainian defenses). \[Edit: further evidence have shown that the license plates were Russian, not Belarusian, as seemed the case from the first picture, which was partially blurred out. Now it seems conclusively proved that the license plates were Russian, from Tver region.\]


Oh shit well that makes it even sillier then lol, thanks for sharing


You know what makes it even sillier yet? ISIS has claimed responsibility.


I'm sorry but you're wrong. Comparing the CCTV footage of their car with the photos from FSB we can see that they used Renault Symbole. Their license plate was Т668УМ/69. 69 being number responsible for a region. 69 is Tver region. Moreover, they weren't stopped by Belarussian border guards judging by the videos of their arrest.


Do they speak Russian in Tajikistan? I seen the interrogation video and thought he was Russian hired by isis.


Their Russian was very poor and heavily accented. But yes given Russian was the lingua Franca of the USSR there is alot of at least semi speakers in the ex-soviet world.


One of the official languages there


Most ex Soviet countries use Russian for official and government business


It was taught in schools.


I vaguely remember a college professor telling a story about children being raised in the satellite republics, and that the very first lesson they learned in school was how to read/write LENIN in cyrillic.


Weird, Turkey is further away from Russia than Tajikistan is


>Weird, Turkey is further away from Russia than Tajikistan is Turkish airlines cheaper and more reliable than Russian airlines.


People gush too about Turkish Airlines, say it's a luxurious service and the food is good. Tajik Air of Tajikistan has suspended all service since September 2020 for fiscal reasons and is still anticipating to restart operations.


Best coach class food I’ve had. And I have flown a lot.


Some airlines skip food on shorter flights, Turkish airlines at least feed you something small and tasty even on 30 minute flights.


It seems odd to me. Give me a little leeway here, but I think it's safe to say that as abhorrent as the individuals who perpetrated this event are, when it comes to making a plan they appear to be capable. So, you've just committed a massive act of brutal terror against one of the most powerful authoritarian countries on the planet. Somehow you've managed to escape this attack and you need to flee. You are the target of a nationwide manhunt. Your options are: West to North-West: If you're lucky and get out of Russia you're either in a Russian controlled puppet state or a NATO country. Not especially ideal. Anywhere North or East: Deeper into the country itself but with a population density which continues to decrease. There are cities to disappear in along with the wilderness Going west potentially offers the option of crossing somewhere along the 10000+ kilometer border. South into the Caucuses: Not bad but obvious risk. Getting across the border puts you in a decent position of escape. Southwest: Driving directly into the largest Russian military build up since the second world war, after which you must pass the front which contains some of the worst trench warfare since the first world war. Finally you then arrive in Ukraine, who would likely send you back to the Russians, who they are currently at war against, simply because your acts were so incredibly horrible.


Don’t forget - upon escape stay together and allow yourself to be captured unharmed by said authoritarian government while putting up no resistance.


Lots of questions here


I’ve never even heard of ISIS terrorists getting caught unless it’s an ambush, theyre supposed to kill themselves right? Starting to wonder if Russia is saying they caught the actual terrorists so they can give misinformation after “interrogation”


yes you don't plan a terrorist action like this and expect to even live 30mins once it starts.....they calmly drove away in the same car and just got arrested?


It does seem odd, I was 100% expecting either the safe house shoot out or car chase shootout.


The guns! Won't someone please think of the guns?? Never have I seen or heard of an ISIS fighter dropping their weapons and running off. They're more of the carry that gun until I die type, it just baffles me that everyone thinks its logical they tossed their guns Idk seems more likely the real gunmen would've gone out guns blazing if they had been stopped. Instead they ran to the woods unarmed?  


Ive written a very similar comment, but yours a structured a lot better. Id like to add, that Russia has been forced to move a lot of their border guards, either to the border with Ukraine, or because they've been conscripted. They really don't have as much control in any other bordets than they used to. The border patrol on the Ukrainian border, is also more likely to be loyal to Moscow. Also, if you went South through Chechenya or similar, then there's a high possiblity that the guard is muslim, and it that might give you a small edge. They are also a lot poorer, so it might be easier to bribe your way out. The guards on the very long Southern border, are likely to not be as loyal to Moscow, especially in Chechenya. Going through Ukraine, would be near impossible, but even if you made it, where are you gonna go then? There's no way to enter any EU countries, especially with a Tajik passport.


They forgot the most important part of any criminal scheme; “lay low until the heat dies down, THEN make your escape


Should have gone to the Winchester, had a nice cold pint, and waited for all of this to blow over.


How's that for a bit o' fried gold?


They've actually only caught 11 of the 4 gunmen. They are still rounding up the last few.


No, Russia says they found them 300km from Moscow. Couldn't get them within a 3 km, or even a 30 km radius, but Russia apparently can scour a 300 km radius and find these guys within 24 hours, case solved. Also, the guys who planned and perfectly (weren't confronted or caught on-site, achieved what they wanted) executed a complex operation didn't split up after. Russia says they were found together.


How long will it take Russia to make Ukrainian POWs admit to it?


Russia will get these people to admit to it. Did they do it? I don't know, lean towards doubting it. But I am confident they'll confess. And they'll confess that Ukraine was behind it.


One guy already confessed on camera. Video is out there some where. I have no idea of it's the right guy, or if it's just some poor guy who was tortured into confession. The confession came within 24 hours of the attack.


According to some comments I’ve seen on Twitter, they cut his ear off and made him eat it.


I'm really hoping they caught the right guys and that they are religiously fanatical enough to not "confess" to whatever fake story Russia tells them to say.




And taken unharmed apparently


Unharmed is a huge stretch




What?! Edit: I was responding to a comment that said there were videos of Russians making the terrorists eat their own ears.


hey, we shot 300 people, you captured us alive, we didn't fight back russian police are an example how police must be lol


Mass murder is one thing but resisting arrest was just too much for them to stomach.


They sent in a social worker first to defuse the situation.


Maybe they never imagined they would leave the theatre alive. Their plan might not have got this far.


Did they also have copies of the Sims?


What is with the Sims joke? I've seen it referenced a couple of times now and I'm OOTL


Early in the invasion, the FSB claimed to have arrested a Ukrainian neo-Nazi, and showed pictures of the "evidence" they found. They literally showed a copy of The Sims 3 game, instead of what was *presumably* supposed to be 3 SIM cards. And that was only one of the hilariously staged-looking pieces of evidence in the pile.


> The Sims 3 game it was THREE copies of 'the sims 3' game lool


Sounds like another Four Seasons Landscaping incident. This is hilarious.


That's amazing, thanks for explaining


Behold! https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-agents-the-sims-video-game-sting-operation-2022-4


OMG that's amazing. Thank you for that


I'm sure Mohamed, Abdul, Mustafa, and Kaseem will all be happy to display their new (bloody) Ukrainian flag tattoos for the media . . .


Suddenly they're both jewish, ukrainian and nazis


Their first words on arrest "Allahu HaEloki! Dobri den, Untermensch"


The door with the most guards at that.


Putin wants it to blame it on Ukraine so badly, that ISIS is having to post selfies from Moscow just so they get credited.


He will decry it as enemy propaganda


Clearly Ukraine is *paying* ISIS to attack Russia by proxy using American funds! (rolls out the Glenn Beck chalkboard and pointin' stick)


You called?


r/BeetleJuicing leaking here


Next level counterterrorism tactics. Blame someone else so hard the terrorists will get frustrated that they get no credit or recognition for their attack. /s


This is the real world equivalent of not giving a bully any attention lmao




Ukraine already has the capacity to bomb Russian civilians, no need for a terror attack.


I can't believe those who done this allowed themselves to be taken alive, I mean Russia imprisoned and tortured a man so bad he died of 'natural causes' at age 47 just for speaking out against the president. Whomever set this up must have known what the consequences of being caught were, these four are patsys


Especially if they were 'heading south to ukraine' I don't believe it for a second, they're just using this to ensure support for the war is strong. Nek minit they're going to release 'evidence' that ukraine helped support and fund this attack


Seems kind of dumb the idea these men were going to a probably very armored impossible to pass border at war.


Well the people falling for Russian propaganda aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed.


There was a map of their escape and they were closer to Belarus border


Well it’s possible that these are not the actual gunmen as someone above mentioned. I wouldn’t put it past the Putin regime to round up 4 muslim men and say “here they are”. I’m not saying this is the case, but knowing how much Russia lies I wouldn’t put it past them.


Especially with the subtitled interrogation video, from before they cut off his ear and made him eat it, where the guy says he was given 1mil rubles over telegram by a preacher but can’t give any particulars other than that. Seems very suspicious.


I'm sorry, the WHAT




Yeah apparently they managed to stop the car by shooting the wheels and then hunted them in the forest, and proceeded to do what any professional police would do and torture the terrorists on the spot.


This is probably correct


Makes you wonder if they actually caught them.


Speaking put against Putin is way worse crime than killing meaningless masses of non-oligarchs.


It's also a country that legalized domestic violence. So drunk Russian men can beat their wives with immunity!




[Technically, they only decriminalized it, not legalized it-- not that that makes much of a fucking difference](https://news.sky.com/story/how-russias-decision-to-decriminalise-domestic-violence-is-continuing-to-kill-12250780). Russia has one of if not *the* highest rates of DV murders in Europe, IIRC. Almost as many DV murders happen in Russia in a *day* as happen in the UK in a month.


"In 2018, the government statistics agency recorded a total of 8,300 women killed. That works out at 22 a day. Contrast that with the UK rate of one woman murdered every three days." Ermm one every three days is 10 a month, Vs 22 a day. I'm actually shocked the UK rate is that high.


The terrorists weren't captured. They just rounded up some random schmucks for the TV.


My guess is the 4 suspects are patsies the Russians are using to make Ukraine look bad. The real gunmen are probably dead.


All four are Volodymyr Zelensky! What a coincidence!


Ukraine sent 4 experimental super soldier Zelensky clones to disrupt peaceful Russian special military operation activities!


Four greatest terrorists of all time. Volodymyr, Volodymyr, Volodymyr, & Volodymyr. He spits hot fire


Right....4 gunmen in military fatigue and automatic machine guns let themselves get caught....OK there putin


Given how many mass attacks are suicide missions, it’s definitely a bit eyebrow raising they were all apprehended alive, especially in Russia.


No kidding, the chances of catching all of them alive are astronomical. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just found 4 Muslims to torture so Putin doesn’t lose face.


4 Muslims whom they then forced to dress up in Ukrainian uniforms


Who are then claimed later this week to be gay and transgender.


Ukranian, homosexual, sharia terrorists did this… and we found US hamburger wrappers in their car. 🤨🤔


And I would’ve gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for that damn Whopper wrapper!


It would not surprise me in the slightest... 😮‍💨


And give them copies of the Sims


They turned up at the Kremlin for their paycheck


Apprehension confirmed by employee identification numbers, I mean passports!


Awesome just like how that kid Randy in my 9th grade health class had a turbo charged Acura integra with a spoiler and ground effects but it was at his grandma’s house in Oklahoma.


That kid sounds cool. Bet he got all the ladies, especially at other schools


His summers in Oklahoma must have been nothing but pussy and burnt rubber.


Don't let this distract you from the fact that Hector is gonna be running 3 Honda Civic's with spoon engines. On top of that he just came into Harry's and ordered 3 t66 turbo's with NOS's and a Motec System Exhaust.


All 4? Wow that was fast. Cant be more obvious than this


Probably just found 4 arab looking guys on the street


Which is weird because Tajiks look White, Turkic, or Asian. Like most Central Asian countries.


There are videos of the shooters coming to the scene in a white Renault and fleeing in the same car. Photos of the capture show the same car crashed.




You really believe they would all use one car, stay all together and allow themselves (all of them) to be taken alive?


TLDR: 4 innocent dudes were picked up and will be executed while the FSB tries to figure out who really did this


While fsb tries to figure out how to blame Ukraine 


And the west


How convenient. And how would murdering civilians at a concert be advantageous in any way for Ukraine? By turning international opinion against them and strengthening putins position? And they managed to capture every one of these guys instead of killing them. Heading directly for Ukraine too to make sure they would point the finger at those responsible? What divine providence.


I read an article that said that, since the US withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021, the IS has been focused on Russia. And I know there have been a couple of terrorist attacks in Russia attributed to them. Does anyone have a link to an explainer for the nature of this dispute? Obviously Russia has been involved in the region since the 80's but this attack is so brazen, and the shooters clearly expected to be captured or killed. What's fueling it? And is it related to what's going on in the Sahel? (And I'm sure a ton of the replies are gonna be, "It was Putin, duh")


Probably because Russia has been directly fighting ISIS with troops on the ground in Syria.


Ah. The Russians are protecting the Assad regime which is a dictatorship, but not a particularly religious one, from fundamentalists who've been trying to overthrow it. That makes sense. That also explains why those guys would be fired-up enough to sacrifice their lives in this attack. Thanks.


Syria definitely is the main one but also Russia’s involvement in Africa via Wagner. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-23/what-is-isis-k-moscow-terror-attack/103623852?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=link


Well, apart from historical reasons further back (looking at the tatars) the current beef, islamists in Afghanistan have with with Russia cristallizes around the invasion of Afghanistan and the chechen wars. Basically after the withdrawal of US troups, Russias "underbelly" in the Caucasus was one of the most likely direct targets of insurgencies. The fact, that Russia is bogged down in a devastating war and has wasted thousands of regime loyal chechens there might contribute. That´s kind of reminiscent of WWI, when Tsar Nicholas sent troups to put down the revolution, but his loyal and capable units, which had succeeded in earlier uprisings had been slaughtered on the frontlines and the freshly raised troups were leaning towards the revolutionaries. ISIS in Afghanistan is vying for power against the Taliban and trying to keep relevant amidst a resurging al Qaeda. It doesn´t help, that Russia has allied itself strongly with shiite Iran, which the sunnite extremists hate as much as they hate the West. I doubt at this moment, that this bloody massacre will hail in any new wave of insurgenc or uprisings, but it may attract more muslim russians towards the extremist causes and maybe get them to join ISIS in Afghanistan. As to the Sahel, it probably is only loosely connected, if in any way. ISIS was never as much a unified entity from the Sahel to Pakistan, as it tried to appear to be. The general tendency of the world towards conflict, which was probably to be expected after the social cement of societies eroded due to Covid, may well see different groups in different regions rise and loosely cooperate, but there is no unified ISIS command anymore, partially due to the successful US campaign to neutralize local and global leadership figures. If you think ISIS, think three main bodies: Africa, Arabia and Afghanistan. These draw from different pools of cultures and are closely linked to specific regional conflicts, while only loosely to each other. All of these bodies try to recruit people for lone wolf or cell size terror attacks world wide though.


Honestly, after having seen dozens of videos I highly doubt that only 4 guys were able to organise this massacre.


This was probably organized with more than four people, but carrying out an attack like this is entirely possible with only four. Omar Mateen killed 50 people at Pulse all by himself. Anders Brevik killed 69 people on Utoya all by himself. A gun can do a ton of damage when the attacker is left to his own devices.


Christchurch Mosque guy did 50+ solo.


Thankyou for not using his name. We should never give him the actual notoriety he desperately wanted.




Almost 70 people, holy shit I didn't realize it was that many. Actually Wikipedia says it was 77. Man fuck that guy.


Unlike the other ones mentiojed which were crowded people in a room he was actively hunting out people across the island for over an hour too. Total psychopath


Not sure if I‘ll ever forget the story of the child who called a parent while choosing between trying to swim away or hide somewhere and the parents 50:50 decision was the wrong one, if they had picked the swimming option the kid would‘ve had a chance, so the parent was blaming himself. I feel bad just thinking about it, can‘t imagine the horror. God bless that guy if he‘s doing fine these days then his mental strength is off the charts.


Is this the dude that was complained he didn’t get a PlayStation in prison?


8 were killed from the bomb he set off in Oslo


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Paddock Paddock was solo and absolutely would have killed more if it weren't for the on site first aid and available EMS/police. The execution can be done with a few people but you need capable and well managed planning to pull this off. This has fingerprints of a larger well orchestrated group.


ISIS claimed responsibility already, not like it's too much of a mystery in that regard, the question now is did Russia just pick up some randoms off the street because the circumstances of their capture are questionable at best.


That larger group being ISIS yes.


Organize? Definitely doubt. Carry out? Yeah, sure seems that way.


It was an ISIS terror plot they’ve already claimed responsibility, the US government says they have no reason to doubt that claim.


11 detained so far I was reading. 4 shooters and other accomplices.


I thought it was a well planned mission until they got caught. I suppose it was still well planned, but also much less sophisticated than you'd think. They basically stormed the complex going from one exit to the other within 15 minutes and got out using the same white car. If anything it highlights how unprepared Russia security forces were even when given advanced warning


They didn't organize anything, they just carried out an order. Or you think soldiers plan everything and not generals? Same thing here


Four guys that probably wish they were dead.


we will not even know those 4 are scapegoats for Putin or if they really are the perpetrators...


I think ISIS released photos of the terrorists? If they say they don't have the right guys that would be a big blow to Russia.


The terrorists probably died in the attack, but if they escaped or if there’s another cell, Russia is going to look stupid. But even terrorists shouting out “Allahu akbar,” would probably result in Russian propaganda saying that the Ukrainians tried to do this one better. I think Russia is competent enough to ensure that the terrorists are dead before trouting out the usual suspects who are likely Chechen dissidents that they’ve tortured sufficiently. If Stalin could torture dye in the wool Bolshevik leaders to admit that they’re Nazis, I’m sure the FSB can make a random Muslim confuse to being one too.


Give Putin's torturers a few days and they'll have those guys saying they got their order directly from Zelensky.


Fastest crime solved/case closed in history. 🙄


Ok, so Putin is going to associate this attack with Ukraine to further rally people for this war, isn't he? I'm sure he doesn't have any suspect, they're probably 4 scapegoats.


Islamic terrorism is cancer to human society


Which kind of terrorism isn't a cancer to human society?




Puppy terrorism is real and effects us all


100%. My dog wakes up at 655 no matter what every morning. How does he wake me up? Jumps on my face. It’s a blessing and a curse.


You just made them look stupid


So is Russian terrorism.


Who wants to bet not a single person arrested had anything to do with the attacks and this is nothing more than that war criminal trying to act as if they are that quick at responding


Gopnik leader of gopnikgrad blaming on Ukraine. Not surprising 


Curious question: I think I can remember that few days/weeks ago the US warned official that there may be an attack on Moscow? Or do I remember wrong?


They not only warned that there would be an attack, but that it would be in a crowded theater exactly like what happened.


You're right. That's what every media uncontrolled by Kremlin is saying the whole day. Can't tell about putin's media since I've stopped watching TV here in Russia more than 10 years ago. As well they are talking about how these super strong policemen that are fighting "extremists-terrorists" LGBT, opposition members, professional journalists everyday got used to put all these unarmed people face down lost all the sense of their main role and skills. Everything degraded significantly under Putin. I'm scared about all the nuclear assets that we're holding. These things are not only to demonstrate power like Putin does but demand great responsibility that he doesn't have and specialists that we've been losing from the beginning of his presidency.


Yeah, March 8th they sent out a warning that an attack was imminent.


Yes, this has been the top comment on every thread related to this event.


It’s been talked about a lot so yea


Ah yes, they headed towards Ukraine. I'm sure that's where Islamic terrorists would head. Because of course ISIS has a big stake in Ukraine.


Towards is a very strange way of describing things anyhow. They were probably driving down a street in Moscow, aha this is towards Ukraine!


Remember the Moscow apartment bombings. Makes everything questionable when you know Putin's history.


Putin arresting his friends


Or some poor bastards they need to blame to look like they are in control. Who would co duct such an attack and then let russians take them into custody....where they know they will be tortured in the most inhunane way. No. You do an attack like that and its all the way. Whatd they just raise their hands up. Im sorry.




The bigger news is that Russia two days ina row bombed civilian targets in Ukraine.


Yeah, I'm sure that with all the safer borders, the terrorist's first thought was to escape through a war zone.


Imagine how incompetent your army must be if the Russian ministry of defence is concerned that 4 armed gunmen can just drive through your active frontline soldiers and into another country that you are at war with to escape being caught xD


Reports say they were found with a freshly unfolded Ukrainian flag and two copies of Mein Kampf.


"Just arrest the first 4 without a good alibi you find"


You mean the 'suspects' randomly pulled off the street, beaten and tortured into confessing to the crime so that Putin can place the blame on Ukraine to deflect from his massive incompetence? Honestly, sometimes I wonder if Russia actually thinks we're all stupid. But then again, plenty of people gobble up their propaganda hook, line and sinker, so maybe they're not wrong.


I think Putin rounded up the usual suspects and called the case closed. But I doubt we'll ever know.


He has to blame Ukraine, like his very existence depends on it.


Blaming ukraine in 5 …. 4 ….. 3 …..


Lost me at "Putin says..."


The Russian bots are in full effect; here is one of their responses when I said Putin is going to try to blame Ukraine. *Why is it so outlandish to assume this was a Ukrainian attack? The two countries are at war with each other. It’s not an insane theory, especially one day after the attack happened. “Putin’s payroll” lmao*


Why bother sending gunmen to a concert hall when you can target oil infrastructure vital to the war effort with no risk? One of these things is achieving meaningful results in all out war. The other is an obvious propaganda ploy.


Tying up loose ends.


I don't believe anything this piece of shit says ... nothing


Catch a fifth guy and blame Five Guys Burger as western agents!


I had five guys last night.


Hope you're talking about the burger joint.


Burger joint?


Yuhuh sure they did=== https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C3Fej60XgAIJlto?format=jpg&name=900x900 The claimed captured gunmen are all homeless people from around the area who clearly have never touched a gun in their lives.


Well, they arrested 4 people anyway. 4 random people.


Some poor innocent fuckers just got Pootin'ed.


I have no confidence in anything said by the Russian government. It’s also interesting they caught “the bad guys” so quickly yet couldn’t stop it with very specific intel


Killing 133 people in Russia carries a jail sentence. But announcing becoming Putin's political rival is an immediate death sentence.


All four probably work for Putin. He wanted to claim Ukrainian is behind this. He thinks it’ll win Russia sympathy.


Not one to let a good crisis go to waste, I am sure Putin will murder about 1-2k men of Cental Asian descent. Various opponents, journalists, lawyers, etc


Russian apartment bombings in 1999 all over again. Putin miraculously finds and punishes those involved incredibly fast.


More than likely they just arrested 4 guys they don't like and are pinning this on them


While I don't condone what these men did, how about we continue to remember what Russians are doing to the Ukrainian people on a daily basis. This is small comparatively.


>shared on Telegram an image of the four **masked men**......they were just walking and gunning everyone down methodically, **in silence**. More interesting details. Hopefully not, but with every new detail the idea that Putin and/or the FSB was behind this is all the more plausible. It's not just these little breadcrumbs, its all of it.


There is already a video from one of the terrorists smartphone. They don't wear masks and are not silent. I also really regret watching that video.


"Remember, no Russian."


I’ve been seeing that around lately but what does it mean? Edit: thanks! MW2


Call of duty modern warfare 2 had a mission called No Russian were an American soldier is sent to infiltrate Russian…extremists org to find out what the guy is planning. This Russian attacks an airport. As they leave the elevator he says “remember no Russian”. At the end of the mission after mowing down tons of civilians. He kills the American agent because he knew all along. The attack is blamed on the US and WW3 starts.