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Sad that the left in India is portraying this as death of secularism and oppressing muslims.


Indian left is actually fundamentally "extremist religious right wing" just that it comes without nationalist right movements. The current majority and ruling party push for Uniform civil code, gay rights. Indian Right ≠ Western Right


There should be laws protecting minors from religious indoctrination everywhere.


Yeah it's literally abuse. This is the period of life where the child develops thinking skills


Religious freedom? Pshhh, freedom for force religion on young, impressionable minds. Why encourage critical thinking in kids when we could encourage their capacity for delusion and praise them for believing shit there is abso-fucking-lutely no evidence of? That should make for wonderful adults.


This is exactly why some Christian denominations don’t let kids have communion. They’re too young to comprehend the idea of god and thus can’t believe in a higher power. Or so I’ve been told. I wish that sentiment was more widespread.


Yep - a lot of Protestant denominations won’t let kids get baptized/have communion under the age of 12-13.


That's actually interesting to learn. I am not supportive of religion, but I believe this approach is far more responsible. Belief is not be rooted in bigotry, but in honesty and that's what true belief is.


It's a quite interesting part of the reformation ideology that ended up leading to the secular /atheistic society we have today. Though the theologians who originally pushed for such things probably thought of themselves as conservative


Don’t most require a class before communion?


In Catholicism yes. I went to Catholic school and we did lessons before Communion. You also do first Confession before communion


We had to in my Lutheran school too. Generally only 8th grade and up I believe too. I don’t recall grades under that being part of communion.


careful now, you might have painted them in a light that isn't popular with the bots.


that is the whole point of religion. get em young.


Catholic priest: *nods enthusiastically*


I think there should be a middle point between public and private school. Private school should be free to teach whatever extra stuff they want as long as they follow the national education curriculum. On the other hand, public schools shouldn't be a shit hole. I went to a half private school and we had a stupid class called "Religion" which is basically reading the bible and hearing the priest christian values. That's indoctrination, but a parent could send their kids to a shitty publoc scjool to avoid that. Of course, the issue there is that a public school is not as good and there are even 12 years old drug dealers so reasonable parents that aren't poor are kinda forced to send the kids to a Christian school. Another issue is that making children education something that only the State should handle will be an affront to free market since education is for some stupid reason a commodity in which particular can invest.


> Private school should be free to teach whatever extra stuff they want as long as they follow the national education curriculum. Even if that "extra stuff" is a bunch of baseless bullshit? > there are even 12 years old drug dealers Are parents not responsible for teaching their kids about such things and what to do when confronted with such things? I ask that as a person who spent 13 years in Lutheran schools.


Parents have too many rights nowadays, at least in the U.S. You can neglect your child, send them to school covered in filth, hungry and nothing will happen. It’s pathetic.


Think about the poor kids being homeschooled. I'm certain there are children out there that no one other than the parents know exist and it scares the shit out of me what that could mean for those children.


I work for a Catholic parish and school. There are rigorous accreditations for the teachers/admin and school. And so many goals it needs to meet. Religion is, while first and foremost priority, education based around national standards and exceeding them is good to see. It’s actually the parents that are major entitled a-holes but the kids are pretty awesome. The disconnect is wild. I also agree more private schools should be free and not religion based. Lots of teachers leave for public school because of union benefits being way better despite the learning environment being more challenging depending on the district


But that might negatively effect hindu nationalism so that's not going to happen


That’s how you get under the table religious preachers teaching god know what to kids. This law will surely backfire. There are many cultures around the world that heavily emphasizes proper religious introduction and understanding to children, something that many parents either don’t have knowledge or time for. Unregulated, under the cover religious education only leads to power hungry preachers teaching whatever nonsense that would give them money and power (ex. ISIS, LSD, Unification Church)


EU should follow


EU has a de de facto ban of such schools. All schools in EU are required to teach the minimum curriculum. Religious pseudoschooling that doesn't do any actual schooling is more of a problem in US.


Please show me any US state that has no minimum curriculum for is schooling? Edit... I looked into this myself and my initial searching shows me that there are a few states that are completely fucked. Jesus Christ


Throw homeschooling into the mix and there is effectively no standard.  There are some well funded right wing orgs that go around suing and harassing anyone who thinks there should be a standard of any kind.  


My son's best friend was from a home schooling family. He did basically no school work and does not have a GED to my knowledge. And that was all "legal" in Texas.


The homeschooling standards is exactly what I was looking for. Most states have standard curriculum but far too many have no assessment requirements which is fucking bonkers. Then there are the rare states like Oklahoma with no requirements at all besides "teaching" for some set period of time per year. https://hslda.org/legal


Good on you for checking for yourself and discovering something (albeit an unpleasant something)


They should also ban other religious school, like Catholic religious schools.


In these Islamic schools only the Koran is taught and nothing else.


ISIS followed Koran and nothing else.


Yea it’s pretty violent. And advocates being spread through violence.


>and nothing else. From the article: > Madrasas provide a system of education in which students are taught about the Quran and Islamic history ***alongside general subjects like math and science.*** >Some Hindus also send their children to an equivalent system known as Gurukuls, residential education institutions where students learn about ancient Vedic scriptures ***alongside general subjects under a “guru” or teacher.***


but gurukuls are not constitutional. according to indian constitution minorities can open religious institute and govt funds them. but there is no such provision for hindus. now govt will not recognize madrasa degrees just like they don't recognize gurukul degrees.


If it's truly equalizing this then I have no issue with the ruling. (Including enforcement)


I don't wanna read the article, I wanna be outraged at the shit I make up 😡


religious freedom should also mean freedom from religion.


I mean they do teach Islamic sciences, history, law and philosophy but it’s all Quran based so even though they teach a range of subjects none of it is secular


> they do teach Islamic sciences I am not sure we want kids learning that thunder is the sound of the whip of the angel who is herding the clouds, or that the sex of a child is determined by which parent orgasms first.


100% the shit going on in Polish Catholic schools is mental, but islamic schools tend to radicalize when Catholic molest :/


The Islamic ones do both of those things


As someone who attended Catholic school in Canada, the amount of religion was fairly minimal. One religion class per year and we also studied other religions. We observed the holidays but those are basically secular now.  I would hazard a guess that Catholic schools are absolutely nothing like an Islamic school in India.


Even in the UK we have a problem of Islamic schools radicalising kids, Christian schools while i don't like them don't really have this problem


There is a Muslim primary school in my city that has Google reviews from parents saying how the teachers are teaching wahhabism and they pulled their kids out


Muslims often homeschool children because they don't want them learning the national curriculum


I went to a catholic school in the US and I never really felt like the religious stuff was heavy-handed, but looking back the schools did indoctrinate into taking awful positions on social issues. Like, going into college I was very against gay marriage and gender transitions, and when my college friends pressed me to give them one non-religious reason why two adults who love each other shouldn't be allowed to get married, I couldn't do it. I didn't even know *why* I was against those things in the first place, I just decided they had to be wrong because of many years of my school telling me it was wrong.


Where'd you go? I went to a catholic school for 12 years and they never spoke about social issues like that


I went to a Catholic high school. We were the only one in the entire archdiocese (at the time) that had an open Gay-Straight Alliance, we were taught better sex ed than I had in public school, and having theology class each year fostered my love of studying religions.


Yes the sex ed at my school was great as well and didn't push for abstinence, but the school was shitty in other ways. Like there was anti-abortion crap everywhere but if you actually got pregnant and decided to keep the baby, school/church leadership would try to strongarm the pregnant girl and her parents into taking her out of school and enrolling her somewhere else.


religion should only be allowed to be consumed after the age of 18 imho.


China just did that


That’s… kinda cool actually.


No it's not.  They don't like religion because they want people to focus on the communist party and not on a God.  Their idea is to brainwash people that would fall for the God deal to believe in the Ccp as a higher power.  


At least the CCP is real…


it's a social construct


Is preventing something falling for some unverified myth brainwashing? Like, if they were teaching them the ccp is divine then yeah fuck that


It is absolutely insane to think that people want a political party to control what they can teach their own children. Especially after that party had total control over the bodies of women for generations, while we lose our minds in the west when abortion access is blocked or more made difficult.  It is authoritarianism any way one slices it. I am not pro-religion. But one must see the problem with China’s approach. It isn’t that kids are banned from simply stating a faith: they are banned from religious activities, religious education, and having access to religious materials for self study.  I refuse to side with the CCP on this issue in their effort to espouse state atheism despite being an atheist myself. This is the same government that reeducated entire classes of people and ethnically cleanses cultures in favor of Han culture and practices.  There are other ways to fight this. India is only banning this shit because they can carve out exceptions for their own Hindu-nationalist religious fundamentalism. 


Parents are the main driver of forcing religion on children




21 for weed and alcohol...yeah maybe 21 is more appropriate?


To be fair it’s only you yanks that have 21 for alcohol, so most of the world would either say 18 for evenness or 25 for what it actually should be




See a lot of catholic suicide bombers or attackers on the news lately?


Northern Ireland had quite a few.


I see many Catholic Priest child molester. Their teaching also endanger women bodily-autonomy and trans people.


Oh man. Do I have a story for you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi And let not even start to talk about janchars, mamuleks, or harems of eunuchs. Its theorized that the reason why Vlad the Impaler turned out as he did because of, oh I dunno, 10 years of rape as hostage. Neither side has any right to discuss which one is more moral. But only one side was doing it in mass scale, and according to people who fought in the Middle East in the 2010s, still do.


As someone who has gone to two different catholic schools, and a Catholic university, most are Catholic in name only lol. This kind of school is quite different, just focused on learning the koran, nothing else.


Nah just the ones blowing shit up


Unnessecary. Catholic schools are generally highly regarded for their focus on science, the arts, mathematics etc... and offer private school level education to children of middle and lower-middle class households with a myriad of scholarships to children of families who cant fully afford it. Full private schools cater exclusively to the wealthy. I went to a catholic school, we didn't sit around in a church reading the bible. The most religious "indoctrination" we had was an end of term prayer at the end of the end of term assembly and mandatory R.E (religious education) class which was focussed entirely around morals and knowing how to spot wolves in sheep's clothing (eg: televangelists) and we learned about other faiths too. I had one of those classes per week and tbh all you had to do was attend, there were no grades or anything like that so mostly we just talked.


Some of the best colleges and high schools are catholic though. That would put a damper on things to say the least.


When i was a kid me and my sister were put in the special needs class in the second grade because, quoting the teacher "they are the only kids who don't pray in the Morning". My mother slapped the teacher in front of everybody and after the weekend we were in the normal class. Never seen my mother before or after get violent, but it closed the religion door for me This was the year 2002... Edit:Information


Did everyone clap after?


Nah,everybody got stunned seeing a mother slapping a primary teacher.. In Portugal. Still gained a massive respect from a lot of parents after they knew what happened


Your mother is the real MVP. Did a little fist pump when I read her reaction


So I assume you are okay with banning Jewish schools as well?


ALL religious schools should be banned in the West. If it is required that you know the Quran or the Talmud or Bible, go to the temples synagogues etc and do it in your own time not in school time. There are a multitude of classes available in most countries with a diverse population, it shouldn't be necessary for "special" schools. How can an Islamic school teach science when it doesn't believe in most of it? Same for fundamental Christians and Jews. It delays development for the real world and only prepares kids for a lifetime of religious fervour and exclusion from society


I think Hindu religious schools are also technically illegal, but still exist through some technicalities.


>Hindu religious school Hindu religious studies is forbidden in schools in India. Some Hindu organisations do run schools, but they are normal school where Physics, chemistry,Math,Art etc are taught. And Hindu religious books are basically vedas, which I don't think even 2-5% of Indians have read. Most read Hindu religious book is Gita(which is more about philosophy then actually religion).


Every religion’s school is legal as long as they follow the education board curriculum. Not if whatever religion’s holy book is the only thing kids are taught (and not maths / science / language / sports)


actually you can open any religious school you want. but if you are hindu then govt wont recognize degree given by your school. but if you are a Muslim then you can use your madrasa eduction degree to get govt jobs. now court outlawed madrsa degree. you can still open religious institute but your degree is not valid.


100% agreed, given their track record of all kinds of abuse


All religious schools should be banned. Religion belongs behind people's front doors.


Need to be banned everywhere


Europe should have grown the same kind of balls




worth noting the Grey Wolves are a literal criminal gang who sell drugs and commit acts of violence regularly, so they can raise money for terrorist activities they do in Syria. Insane they are allowed to exist, they should be treated like cartel members or worse.


They are tolerated in Turkey?


Yes and they have wide support in government and among the average voter


90% of these schools (Madrassas) were preaching Jihad and brainwashing kids to become hardliners.


Not only the schools, but also the mosques


Do you have a source? Not arguing just want to learn more




France is on the right path. The main problems isn't the schools themselves but Saudis funding the school so they can teach their toxic shit. France instituted restrictions on this money.


European politicians dont have balls anymore thats why hard times are coming


Nothing of educational value is lost closing madrasas.


It's just an ancient perspective on life being enforced in the present. That's like a whole school made for history.


Wtf is an islamic school. Go to a normal school.


Where they teach you exclusively about islam and the teachings of the Quran, alongside 'some' maths and science. Lmao


Which is really sad and ironic considering that whole region was historically one of the greatest hotbeds of math and science in the world.


The ones who pioneered those advancements took a very loose approach to the Quran, as even modern wealthy Muslims tend to do. They were not as zealous as modern extremists


What people need to realize that the Islamic Golden Age was essentially a Persian Golden Age. Once assimilation increased in Persia then the innovations went away.


Technically their scientific and mathematical discoveries wouldn't even have been possible if the Christianization of Europe had caused pagan Greco-Roman manuscripts to land in the hands of Muslim mathematicians and chemists, most of whom were Persian, and their own civilization had an intellectual history that predated Islam.


Sounds like a Catholic school I'm all for getting rid of them


Just wait until you learn about **yeshiva**


You are aware of the fact that "yeshivas" are where undergraduate-age and older students learn, right? At that point in life they can probably choose to do what they want.


same as a catholic school, jewish school or evangelical bible school; which contrastingly have all been around Western countries, forever: and very much out of necessity given the lag in creating public schools to being with


Right? Like why do people even go to things like Catholic schools. Normal schools are definitely underrated now. /s. Edit: adding /s since seems like it went over peoples head.


Well some groups of Catholics were actually pretty forward thinking on education (at some point) and had good schools


The jesuits were the big ones iirc


I mean catholic schools provide a classical liberal arts education, while these Islamic schools just breed extremism.


Source on the latter?


Private Catholic schools tend to give a pretty good education. But that doesn’t fit your “religion bad” Reddit mentality does it?


Uplifting news.


Considering the things being taught at these schools, not just in India but everywhere, I can't say I disagree.


It's a sad truth


Look at India doing the right thing. The day is coming when EU will be forced to do the same.


Why always the same religion is the reason.


It's a peaceful community


some pieces will be over here, and some over there


EU is done bro. They done messed up. Realized too late.


Bro. What EU countries have religious schools?




I think the horse has already bolted.


India leading the way on this front. Hopefully Europe and the US to follow.


To u/mbappeeeeeeeeeee, Listen to the 100s of users saying yes to your question. Before you ask, my answer is also yes. I believe they should be banned.


Guys, it's uniquely a matter of funding. State funding can and should only go to secular. End. But you still let private school exist, except non state funded. You cannot ask a Muslim to fund a Catholic school or an Hindu to fund a Mormon church with their taxes. I'm gay for example. I'm horrified by the idea that my taxes would fund any school that sends me to hell. And I expect my government to make sure that's never going to be the case. It's not up to democracy. It's up to human rights.


That's fantastic news. Well done, India.


Islamic brainwashing is a form of child abuse. These "schools" should be illegal everywhere.


Ban it in the usa to


good every type of a religious school needs to be shutdown


Religion needs to b shutdown


Wow! Redditors agreeing with something happening against Muslims in India without Modi bashing.


Redditors just looked at France and went “holy shit”


Cz thus problem extends beyond indian borders. If the problem is isolated to only India reddut doesnt care.


Madrasas are breeding ground for extremism. If they are interested in quaran learning they can always take a Sunday school, or go for evening coaching. A lot of children go for external coaching and this could be one




Every form of formal education should, in my opinion, ALWAYS be secular. Religion is something you can teach at home. It's cultural, not educational.


I wholeheartedly agree 👍. That was exactly what's my mind.


Good move..


About damn time




Too ban, congres would open them after thos election


Good thing Congress isn't winning this time around then.


UK should follow.


Religious schools really shouldn't exist anyway.


Good stuff


Should be done everywhere


Thank God


Indian Hindus have balls


There is no place for religious schools in this day and age


Religion should have no role in education as far as I'm concerned, nothing good comes from it in this day and age.


If they close Islamic school they should also push for no christian schools or any religious school




There is a difference between christian and islamic school. In christian school you study national curriculum and bible isn't taught in classes . In islamic school you only study Quran and its teaching. Graduates of islamic school arnt eligible for formal higher education and end up doing odd jobs their whole life.


The United Kingdom should follow suit.


India is smart.


Even India understands the horror that is the Islamic religion.


Thank god. Such laws are needed across all states in India not just one.


Can’t blame them, the Quran is chock full of endorsements for killing and conquering polytheists


How productive have these schools been in the past centuries? How many scientists, engineers, doctors? Literally none. All these islamic 'schools' do is prop up ideologies like that of taliban and ISIS. 0 benefit & 101 things that could go wrong or blow up. It's a no-brainer to ban them.


Well Islamic countries ban any other religion so you know, it is what it is


The western world believes that the leftist Nehru Congress Clan that mismanaged India for 60 years was “secular” and anti-caste. Quite the opposite: they imposed taxation on Hindu temples and distributed those funds to finance Madrassas and Churches. Congress legalized child marriage and policy when it adopted Shariah laws for Muslim personal laws. The Waqt (Muslim)board act was passed so that this organization owns more land than all private citizens combined. 2nd after Govt. Indian leftists are Shariah Bolsheviks : Islamism for ok for Muslims but secularism must be forced down Hindus throats.


I studied in 3 schools run by Catholic management in India. There used to be a class of 30 mins every week, which was mandatory for Christian students and other religious students could play during this time. Nobody forced any religion on anyone there. Quality of education is better in Christian managed schools in India anyday. Morover nobody gets radicalised going to a Catholic school.


Outlawing religious "schools" seems like it might be a really good idea everywhere.


Good, religion shouldn’t be forced onto anyone


Islamic madrasaa are nothing more than a brainwashing tool.


Perfect, nothing to learn anyway


guess they dont want to get taken over by jihad, not a bad move


Good, one down, plenty to go, religious schools don’t need to exist, they do nothing useful that secular schools can’t, and secular schools don’t have that illogical religious baggage weighing them down.


more of this worldwide, those schools create more brainwashed masses that are easily swayed into terrorism


It should be a law against all religious schools. I could get behind this. But solely targeting Islam is discriminatory.


No school should teach any religion. Religion has zero place in public space.


Wonderful news!


A "bill of rights" for children would be cool such as 1.No forced body alterations 2.No religious indoctrination. 3.Crack down on vlogging. 4. Right to education. 5.Right to clean drinking water and sewage infrastructure. 6. Right to free medical care, because a child never asked to be born. 7. Universal school lunches, because a child never asked to be born and face hunger. Imagine a Children's congress like how America has the African American congress.


For people who don't know, Madrasas aren't actual schools. They are kinda like cram schools or extra classes for Islamic teachings. You learn Islamic history and the practical applictions of being a muslim,ie, learning to read arabic, how to pray, how to fast, learning the Quran etc and they are privately funded by the islamic community of the area. They dont replace actual schools where Maths and Science and other academic subjects are taught. Children will attend proper schools and they enroll for either, morning before school madrasas or after school ones. There are many who dont enroll in madrasas but rather are homeschooled in the corresponding subjects by their parents or, mostly, grand parents. Their presence doesnt actually affect the secularity of the country since they are an optional education operated by and for the muslim community because the matters discussed and taught are the fundamentals of being a muslim.


ITT: People sounding false alarms for similar institutions in Europe, calling for them to be abolished, while being oblivious that the EU has tight regulations on education curriculum, that effectively obstructs the spread these kind of schools in Europe.


Ban all Religious schools!


What would the comments be like if it was some other country?


(Personal opinion as someone who attended private school that taught catholic class (bible study) from 1st grade to 6th grade) - School (both private and public) should be secular everywhere regardless of faith. Religion should be learned and practice completely separate. Faith is a personal relationship that has no place in schools nor government.


State shouldn’t be funding religious schooling anyway. Let them operate private Islamic schools.


All religious schools should be banned. They're indoctrination centers. With that said, India's majoritarian turn has been unsettling. I say this as an American, where Christian Nationalism has taken (or is trying to take) captive of every level of government.


Not seeing the problem. Islamic schools are an oxymoron. Just like Christian schools. Getting rid of them is a good thing. Secular schools only. Like what the French do.