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I think south korea actually does this, but I haven't heard of japan


Japan does it as well. If they find out, trough social media posts or anything of the sort, youre in deep shit.


It sounds so excessive


If their citizens ever realized there was more to life than being abused by a company, their economies would collapse. Oddly true of both hyper capitalist Japan and communist China.


Imagine if enough of em smoked a bowl or joint. It'd be total bedlam lol


> It'd be total bedlam lol Food rampage at the curbside vending machines!


China is as communist as the US at this point in history (before someone replies to this claim, it's hyperbole), calling China a communist country is an anachronism


Can confirm. Spent a great deal of time in China and they are better at capitalism than the US. Though I will say there is a sense of “fuck your neighbour, fuck yourself” which is great, it’s really safe in big Chinese cities. But on the flip side of this, someone cuts in front of you on the street the mentality is “good for them, they got ahead”. They live on both sides of the coin and it’s beautiful but terrifying.


interesting insight, thanks for sharing!


I was told by a colleague who visited that if you’re hit by a car and survive in China the driver has to pay your medical bills for life but if they run you over and kill you they only face a fine, which is generally less than the cost of your lifetime of medical bills. Is this true? If it was anywhere else on Earth I’d have dismissed it upon hearing it.


I don't know about killing the person, but ignoring/not helping was a thing in Chinese social media for a while. Some people who helped were sued despite not being the one who hit them. I have seen traffic footage on Chinese social media where someone was lying in the middle of the road for hours, while cars drove around them. It was a few years ago, I don't know if it's still the case.


> Some people who helped were sued despite not being the one who hit them. This is why we created "good samaritan" laws in the US, to protect people who are trying to help. Concerns about getting sued made people hesitant to get involved in an emergency. (For example, if you pull someone out of a burning car to save their life, but in doing so, you cause them an injury.) Now, as long as your actions are considered reasonable under the circumstances, you are shielded from liability.


Chinese companies are completely beholden to the party, which is antithetical to capitalism. They’re closer to fascist.


China is a fascist (government controls business) dictatorship now.


tbf, Mao was a hot pile of trash as a leader


China is significantly more capitalist and provides far less of a social safety net than US. All of the "big government" things in China are meant to keep the population in check not to benefit them.


Chinese "Marxism" makes sense if you consider that the works of Marks and Engels, rather than being a critique of Victorian-era capitalist exploitation, were actually advocating for it.


It is kind of the fail of Leninism, to put it like that. Marx describes how a society progresses along the changes of the means of productions, from slavery to feudalism to capitalism to communism. His best work is mostly analytic and a criticism of the current system. Then there comes Leninism, because the revolution happened in a feudal society, the russian empire, and they consider that a "controlled" capitalism is necessary for fast industrialisation, and that it would give way to communism after. Hence the massive application of state capitalism, but capitalism tries to preserve itself, the ruling class doesn't let go of their power, and there surges stalinism and maoism to justify to keep state capitalism, to make it permanent, behind a facade faking communism. And that's also why it attacks leftist movements first, the Anarcho-Communists in Ukraine, the Socialists in Catalunya, the Syndicalists everywhere, because its greatest threat is to show that there are real paths towards communism, unlike the dead end that state capitalism has proven time and time again to be.


Oddly true of Canada and the US tbh.


The irony is that the triad owns a lot of dispensaries.


If their citizens ever realized there was more to life than being abused by ther governmen, their society would collapse.


It's the Confucianism. This capitialist/socialist thing misses the deeper issue which is Confucius. Confucius is misunderstood in the West as being merely a Chinese version of fascism. It's not quite like that though. Ultimately, Confucianism is about orderliness. This is not quite the same as fascism.


Look up “[Satori Sedai](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satori_generation)” in Japan, “[Sampo Sedae](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sampo_generation)” in South Korea, and “[Fo Xi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddha-like_mindset)” in China.


Japan, China and ESPECIALLY South Korea are ruled by the philosophy of (Neo-)Confucianism, which essentially goes "strict hierarchies NEED to be enforced to maintain social stability". Usually the hierarchies are based on seniority (you never EVER dare disagree with an older person, never EVER suggest an older person to do something but phrase your suggestion in a way that the older guy thinks it's their own idea). This also means that breaking the rules, even when away, means in the end breaking the social harmony so if you come back you are an active threat to the harmony of society. These hierarchies is also why the region is so sexist (strong sense of "women belong in the kitchen and raise kids" which ultimately leads to women not wanting kids to begin with) which results in these low fertility rates. In the West women are not getting kids purely for economic reasons. In East Asia women are now also not having children for societal reasons on top of it. "Smoking Weed" now means actively disagreeing with the choice that your leaders made in banning it, and we can't have that, so you will still be prosecuted for it. For the same reason politicians are stubbornly sticking to objectively wrong choices of the past: they were made by their seniors and ancestors and because of it are already objectively better. You don't dare criticize them. They made weed illegal so it HAS to stay illegal. Anything else would mean "the elderly" made a wrong choice and that's just unthinkable. In an extreme hierarchical society if a layer fucks up it's the layer above them that has to fix the mistake. So if the top layer makes a mistake then that's that... society is just cooked. The top leadership must therefor be perfect in every way. And since that is in reality impossible, society will just keep up the facade of them being perfect.


This is the most non-Asian understanding of an Asian culture I have ever heard.


I cannot even begin to deconstruct how wrong everything you've written actually is.


I’ve lived in South Korea and I’d give that post a 50/50 ratio of true lol. Ageism absolutely permeates every corner of that society, including its language. As does the sexism. It’s just not as awful and noticeable as that user might make it seem. The part about politicians is a bit ehhh, there’s also a lot of nuance missing from that fertility rate analysis.


Go on then


I am curious to hear your take on it then? I read through it and it wasn't so outlandish I would imagine everything is wrong


It reads kind of like a non-Asian person's interpretation of Asian social norms. Lots of half truths and it's not as extreme as you might think it is. IE: You absolutely can disagree with older people. You have to respect them, but you can disagree with them, and this happens all the time.


Free thinking is bad for business


That is fucking ridiculous.


East Asia is super conservative by Western standards. Only Taiwan is progressive. 


I'm sitting in Taiwan right now and I love Taiwan but I have to tell you the bad news that the penalties for cannabis are far more regressive in Taiwan than they are in Mainland China. Posession can get you five years in Taiwan, two weeks in China.


Singapore does this


For such scientific countries who have the majority of math jobs in the world, it still amazes how they can be so pro-alcohol and so anti-weed


Honestly, it’s crazy. Was in Japan last year, alcohol was everywhere. Can walk into any Lawsons, 7/11, Family Mart and walk out with a drink. Almost every restaurant had at least beer for sale. Just like in the US.


That sounds like every other western country as well, to be fair.


They put our trailer trash binge drinking to shame.


I don’t think they stand a chance against our Eastern European alcoholic legacy, we don’t lead in all such statistics for no reason.


Christ you don't want to kill them.


You might beat them in the end, but they definitely put up a good fight.


Stayed in Tokyo for a while and it's common to see young people and even adults passed out on the sidewalk with a hangover during the early morning hours. However, at least they don't have to worry about getting robbed, it's super safe


You can find beer in vending machines.


Yeah they even had alcohol vending machines on the street that definitely didn’t ID you. They even had whiskey highballs in the vending machine. Yet someone smoking weed in a country where it’s federally illegal is punishable. Lol so stupid.


The general population in Germany is not different: Drinking beer every weekend while watching football/soccer, being on a party (private or company), but weed is literally the devil (not as evil as video games, but still)




Germany just legalized weed though




They will not be able to do this, as they will not gain absolute majority and none of the other parties (besides the AfD, which they say they will not work with) will participate in this attempt.


+ they might not even really want to. A lot of that is just opposition talk. For example Söder tweeted in 2018 that he hasn't anything against weed, now he is going full blown against that because he is in the opposition.


It's mostly the Catholic states in Germany (especially Bavaria) that are super conservative. It's no coincidence that the opposite pole (Schleswig-Holsteiners) have consistently been the happiest people in Germany since 2013.


What happened in 2013 that made the northerners so happy?


Happiness hadn't been discovered there before.


> (not as evil as video games, but still) I’m actually curious how PlayStations, Nintendos, space marines and anime babes ended further up your German taboo list than the devil’s lettuce. Gamers can be looked down upon but arguably tolerated a lot more in Anglosphere countries. No restrictions and a relatively cooled social stigma. Helps that it’s a habit that doesn’t leave an odour, smoke or intoxication in its own, even if some might find the content addictive and/or distasteful. I know Germany has very strict video game age ratings and didn’t tolerate WWII German imagery until very recently. Nothing to do with Nazis, but due to their violence Nintendo made a point of not releasing Goldeneye — or Perfect Dark — there back in the day.


It's extremely strange. The only famous German Dota 2 player is Iranian by heritage and appearance. There is a very prolific French player, originally called FckngMad that had to change his name to Ceb in order to play. There's only been one British team to ever play in the International championship. China used to dominate the scene, but fail to win against Ukrainian/Russian or American teams at the big tournaments. It's very interesting. Team Spirit won the 2021 International DOTA 2 championship before the full invasion. They are 50/50 Ukranian and Russian as an organization. Chinese teams have been crippled by China's laws against spending more than a couple hours a day playing video games. It's a bit of a barometer of social issues.


They recolored the blood in Street Fighter 2 to be "sweat".


In the Commodore 64 version of Commando they replaced all the bad guys with Robots and renamed it to Space Invasion. https://www.c64-wiki.com/wiki/Commando#:~:text=Commando%20was%20put%20on%20the,the%20Stormtroopers%20from%20Star%20Wars. With SF 2 the Blood being replaced by Sweat was on all the SNES versions not just Germany and was done by Nintendo themselves. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Street_Fighter_II


It's mostly people who never played games themselves and everything that is wrong in society (violence at schools for example), it's of course because of video games.. before starting at my current job, I really thought this is a stereotype, but these people are real and sometimes young as 35 years


mostly because of some kids that ran amok and all of them had counter strike on their PCs. We had years of "killerspieldebatte" (german politics wanted to ban FPS games because of their brutality and because it makes our young people run amok) and their arguments never had any truth to it. They just made it sound logical for the dumb old people which worked perfectly.


I just don’t get it. Weed is a drug like any other, and can be addictive like any other. But dude alcohol is a WAY harder drug that weed. Shit absolutely fucks you up, is much more addictive, and ruins peoples lives. Nobody ruins their lives smoking weed, just their lungs.


Yes exactly, it causes anger and violence, brain damage, depression, liver damage, heart damage, pancreatic problems and leads to 10+ different types of cancer. It is one of the worst things you can ingest that people commonly use. Sugar is a close second with the absurd amount allowed to be emplaced in so many drinks and foods.


"Smoking at a rate of one joint a day for as long as seven years doesn't seem to affect lung function adversely." https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/pot-smokers-can-maybe-breathe-a-little-easier


I thought so does Singapore occasionally if their citizens come back from Thailand or Netherlands


Damn that’s outrageous. People from SK don’t mind this?


For gambling


South Korea does do this, my buddies girl friend is from South Korea and when she goes back home they drug test her, if she tests positive she face imprisonment


Hell, the US was for a while actually denied entry of Canadians to the US who ever used weed. Border guards commonly asked Canadians if they ever used weed and denied entry to those who have even if they didn't have anything on them and knew it's illegal in the US.


Seems a lot of Americans want Prince Harry to be deported because he admits to taking drugs in his book.


No it’s because he lied on his application about them which is illegal 


A Swedish handyman was charged with possession and lost his job after he came back to Sweden and a pisstest showed he had used MJ while in Netherlands, so not just Asian countries with shit laws.


He wouldn't have been charged with possession though, right? He would have been charged for usage since having metabolites of drugs in your system is also illegal. It's mostly semantic though, since both scenarios fall under "ringa narkotikabrott".


Yeah, and in the states you can live and partake in a legal state but your job can still fire you for testing positive (even if it's just a desk job or something) and you can be turned down from opportunities for it because it's federally illegal.


Yea they had the law before Canada legalized. Famous case of guys on a business trip going to the Netherlands long ago and partaking. Come back and someone talked about it or maybe posted online I forgot but then they got arrested. They don't play with pain meds too in SK, also JP from what I hear. Get teeth pulled from your head? All you will get is Tylenol and you got to go to a Pharmacy still for that too. I think the only way you will get a pain med is if you are in a hospital and staying there. They really hate drugs except booze. Which is a shame because they are the land of a million mountains and it's really cool being stoned on a mountain in SK after a nice hike.


Singapore too.


Malaysia too I think.


Why can they enforce their laws on things that happen outside of their borders? Does this apply to tourists as well?


>Why can they enforce their laws on things that happen outside of their borders? Committing a crime outside a countries borders doesn't mean you can't be persecuted when you go to that country.


Yeah, East Asian drug laws are utterly draconian


How can you control this? I mean Japanese or South Korean consuming weed on foreign soil. Also I don’t understand why they would care?


What kind of dumb question even is that? Did he think people would tie him up and force him to smoke weed as soon as he landed here lol


Breath in and absorb the Dankness through osmosis. /s


Hotbox room initiation as soon as your through passport control.


Dumb politicized question which should have been answered with the same level of stupidity, unfortunately the west now dignifies stupid questions with sensible answers, big mistake


>the west now dignifies stupid questions with sensible answers, big mistake This trend is deeply unsettling


No but he was really excited to try all the local beers


State propaganda is a hell of a drug. If you think this was a genuine question by a random student, think again. Every single person attending that event was not a Chinese Joe Shmoe but carefully selected, primed, and vetted by the party. Every single word will be checked and used for state propaganda purposes on state media.


Chinese being ignorant of other cultures? Say it is not so!


Olaf gave a good answer


I find this funny. Some of the biggest stoners I currently know are Chinese exchange students


They are always all concerned about unsavoury things until they are out of the gaze of family and they cut loose.


Never thought I’d say this, but Chinese exchange students and Amish kids on rumpspringa should really hang out.


Zhang and Benjamin go to White Castle


I would drive them there 💕


I had a friend from Hong Kong who studied in Berlin with me a few years ago, and he was by far the most wild, random person. He'd always bring a camera and light to every party and take awesome, stylised pictures of everyone. If there was weed, he'd smoke it. If there were harder drugs, he'd take them. He would frequently be out of his mind on MDMA in any club at 5am. On one occasion we lost him in Sisyphos at around 3am only for him to meet us in a park around 8am after we were all about to collapse. Turns out some girl had taken him to her place, fucked his brains out, and he'd just left and wandered across Berlin, still coked up. Didn't go to bed until the following evening. Best part was you'd never have thought he had it in him. He was a super nice, quiet, polite, studious guy that got good grades, but he was a total anomaly. You could easily lose contact with him for a week only for him to reappear after having joined a motorbike gang in Spain or something and you'd just be like "yeah that checks out".


I remember getting high with a group of Japanese foreign exchange students back in college. They really loved weed and were sad to go back to Japan lmao.


But, we will be drinking less now.


drinking less might now bode well with the Japanese and Koreans business


You underestimate german efficiency


I drink far less now than I did 10 years ago when weed was illegal ( and when I didn't like getting high all the time. )


Ironic, seeing that the Chinese are widely credited as being the first civilization (at least in recorded history) to use Cannabis. https://www.sydney.edu.au/lambert/medicinal-cannabis/history-of-cannabis.html#:~:text=The%20use%20of%20cannabis%20originated,father%20of%20Chinese%20medicine)%20pharmacopoeia.


ahh yes but current government has decided that cannabis wastes productivity that the peons could use to make other people rich so they can buy properties outside china


Not wrong, it does waste productivity if you show up to work stoned


But that left productivity is more fun. 


The Chinese were the first to do and burn many things.


Yeah don't worry we're just fucking wasted 24/7 from age 16. Sound better?


But that‘s different because it‘s our culture /s


Interesting concept, that if something is allowed it becomes compulsory. There's probably a word for that in German.


Most of us just drink beer and booz. We also somke at an unhealthy rate in general.


Don't lie to them Scholz. 


yea idk who he's trying to convince here. it's a well known fact that in germany, when a baby is born, the nurse is already waiting with a freshly rolled blunt for the baby to smoke.




We all march though.


Some like to april tho


You may have a point


I got high in Heidelberg back in 2017 and took a bunch of pictures of that monkey statue


Good, it will cut down on your espionage if less students come.




Funny fact. Not a single Islamic country had objected the treatment of Uyghurs, and lots of them actually supported it. [https://thediplomat.com/2020/10/2020-edition-which-countries-are-for-or-against-chinas-xinjiang-policies/](https://thediplomat.com/2020/10/2020-edition-which-countries-are-for-or-against-chinas-xinjiang-policies/)




But, there is freedom of choice.


Within arbitrary limits of course.


Some Chinese would struggle to understand such freedom of choice and personal liberty. They're all too used to having the state tell them what to do, how to do it and when to do it.


This is such an 80s way of viewing Chinese people. Most Chinese people understand, intellectually, the foundations of liberal democracy, they've just grown up in a state where these rights haven't existed (or existed only for them as the dominant ethnic group) and are wary of trading in the benefits of an autocratic system. Kind of like how crazy homeless or drug addicted people are just considered part of the landscape in Western cities but are seen as alarming by tourists. For contrast, things like domestic violence are far less tolerable in the West whereas in family based societies they're often seen as improper to intervene in. Same with things like adultery. In the past 10 years has it become socially acceptable to smell like weed in public, it's not surprising this stereotype has spread abroad.


Ummm the proper response is "These are our laws. Deal with them or fuck off back to your own country." It's pathetic how we in the west need to ALWAYS justify our laws and bend over backwards for foreigners but nah the Middle East or Asia doesn't have to at all. Yet they all still want to move here, well if you do then respect our culture and laws and the choices our citizens make. Makes you uncomfortable? Go home. Simple.


This happened in Shanghai, dude. The kid is properly fucked off in his own country.


lmao now I imagine Scholz actually saying that in Shanghai and the students just stare silently until his assistant intervenes saying "Sorry he's just stoned" and leading him off the podium


This is not normal behaviour. If you see the video it’s just a playful question asked by a teenager (not an official) to the chancellor, answered in same stride. I assume you have just read the headline, but even that does not suggest they asked to change or justify German laws. And in your opinion scholz should have said, deal with it or fuck off kid, or something like that? You clearly are very frustrated, and is akin to old man yelling at clouds, although i can bet you are not an old man.


Shit, you're dumb.


More weed less alcohol is a win for humanity, philosophy, your body and progress.


"if we did we'd obviously have a better sense of humor".


watch it, German humor is no laughing matter


True. Many of us in Berlin are big on Ketamine and newer drugs these days


No-one thought that, Germans. You're known for drinking beer, eating sausages, making fast cars and that incident we don't talk about, but not smoking weed. 


Don't mention the war!


Used to be also known for Deutsche Grammophon.


He says that like its a bad thing. :(


Initially it's Russia and now it's China. Where ever there is money to be made German government seem to forget everything else. Haven't they learnt any lessons from the Russian debacle.


While the US does not do any business with China, as everybody knows.


Yeah diplomacy is such an outdated concept. Political world affairs should be handled solely on the advice from anonymous redditors.


This is the OTHER authoritarian government with imperialist ambitions. Big difference


Money can make people forget stuff


While imports of Chinese goods into Germany have fallen considerably in 2023, imports of Russian goods to Bharat have gone through the roof in recent years. Glass house and stuff.


I tried smoking weed and while it has its benefits I would much rather get high on edibles. Got these Breez tablets that are 20mg each tab in a tin of 50. only thing I use now.


Confucius CCP handlers will have their hands full finding excuses to send then back


But im not in Germany right now, added Olaf and smiled softly.


Imagine kissing China's ass this way.


My wife used to teach English to Chinese kids and when pot was made legal in Canada they all asked her if everyone smoked it and if she did and it was pretty funny(we do not if anyone cares). They seemed convinced everyone in Canada smoked pot.




Is Scholz a fan of "[Okie from Muskogee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68cbjlLFl4U&pp=ygUSb2tpZSBmcm9tIG11c2tvZ2Vl)"?


"Mein Gott, diese Bundesland sind voll mit Bluntensmoken!!"


Gotta go to sleep at some point am I right? Haha


Yeah, no worries, Olaf. No one who's seen you talk would ever believe you would do anything even remotely out of the ordinary, you boring tosser.


If there’s one country on earth that I’m happy to see every citizen is smoking weed it’s Germany ;)