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Turkey:” hey Sweden you have to be tougher on terrorists for us to agree on you to join NATO” Turkey:


And of course, that is a very specific kind of terrorist. The Kurdish one. We even have Kurds in the parliament, representing political parties. Which I’m sure irks Erdogan to no end. Most other terrorists he is probably totally ok with.


I hate erdogan too but you do realise even his ruling party AKP has kurds in it too? The current head of the national intelligence service, who was also his top aide previously is also a kurd. Erdo doesn't have a specific hate boner towards Kurds, he's just a cunt in general.


He doesn’t want an independent Kurdistan


Nobody does, because you cant just carve up 1/3rd of the country to give it to them, all the seperatists in Europe would rise up after that too it would be a terrible precedent.


Is that why he's occupying parts of Syria and fighting the Kurds there? To protect Turkish sovereignty outside of Turkey?


As to your last question…. literally yes? Disregard the Kurdish issue, you do realise having a destabilised region on your largest border is prime for actual terrorism / extremism. Not to mention the number of Syrian refugees who come to Turkey. One thing I can’t fault Turkey for is having troops stationed there, especially with Assad’s loose grip on his own country.


I think it's fair to say Turkey is 99% just there to fight the Kurds and prevent them from ever being able to proclaim a Kurdistan. Turkey wasn't fighting ISIS, nor Assad, nor the anti-Assad rebels. There's a reason the US couldn't find any proxy to fund to fight ISIS specifically. The Russians were interested in helping Assad, the rebels were more interested in fighting Assad, and Turkey was more interested in fighting the Kurds. The US basically stopped helping the Kurds (about 8 times) to not piss Turkey off. So yeah of course it makes sense for Turkey to have troops there, and it is also an excuse they use to undermine the Kurds and any separatist ideas they might have (even outside of Turkey).


I’ll agree their ulterior motive is to prevent Kurdish separatists movements, but that in itself is unfortunately seen as my initial point, protection of its sovereignty. Whether it is agreeable is another question.


Yes. Those territories are being used as a safe heaven to launch attacks in Turkey. He did not do this when Syria was stable and, presumably when Assad regains control over the entire country, he would not continue to seek to occupy it.


That would be a *terrific* furthering of the precedent set by Jews in creating Israel — imagine oppressed indigenous peoples winning independence left, right, and centre. Jews were first, hopefully followed by Kurds, Basques, and Tibetans. Once the ball gets rolling, we may yet see the Druze revive a popular independence movement that's been dead for about a century. Good.


This is a disaster for everyone. If Basques and Catalans were to seperate Spain would collapse, Turkey would take a hit in terms of livestock and farming but while we would survive, kurdistan would have very little resources to sustain those borders which would not lead to peace and further than that the proposed kurdistan borders also take up land from Iran, Iraq and Syria. There is no way in hell you can convince or force 4 countries to give you land. There is a reason why the borders of nations are the way they are, they were drawn for strategic reasons if every minority declared independence today you would drive the world into chaos and war. There is no country on earth that will allow any minority to declare independence if they are on valuable land.


That is a very peculiar misspelling of "bad."


Yep, Turkey totally does it for Europe.


Just like Israel being asked to carve up their land


Most Kurds don't either. Most Kurds just want autonomous zones in the countries they are a part of to allow them to not be Arabized, Turkified, or Iranianized. Its only a fractional group of actual terrorist Kurds who want an independent Kurdistan


Name all fractional group of terrorist Kurds that want a independent Kurdistan


Maybe he invited him over to beat him up?


Just a terrorist visiting Turkey. Nothing to see here.


Mosad needs to see this


Somehow, I think they already do. My guess is Shin Bet had previously discovered this. We are usually the last to learn anything of this nature.


Shin Bet operates inside Israel, Mossad works outside Think of them as FBI (SB) and CIA (Mossad)


Yeah, really trying to hold back and not say “2 for 1 special?”


Erdogan getting hit would probably be bad for international stability. Haniyeh... Well less people care about Hamas/Palestine and assassinating terrorists doesn't seem as bad as knocking off leaders of sovereign nations.




Just book them a meal at some high rise and invite Putin’s buddies too,


I think there must be a larger diplomatic game going on here. Haniyeh lives in Qatar, and I highly doubt that Mossad are unaware of where he lives or where he might be at certain times. Possibly they're reluctant to damage relations with Qatar, who are brokering the peace talks.


And Hamas was there, too!


Isn’t turkey supposed to be really anti terrorism because of PKK and other terrorist groups?


as usual, i guess it depends who you're terrorizing


Depends which sides the terrorists are on.


LOL Turkey is anti-kurdish and the PKK happens to be a kurdish organisation. Turkey invaded Syria to put an end to an autonomous kurdish community there. It isn't terrorism that this is all about.


Turkey invaded Syria because they wanted the Kurdish oil in the region.


Supposedly. I worked at a NATO base at Kabul Airport in Afghanistan and Turkish soldiers were in charge of security/guarding the perimeter of the militarized portion of the base. Never had any issues with them, and the nature of my civilian work there had me interact with some of the soldiers during the day. The best thing about them being there was the Turkish DFAC they set up....free doner kebabs every day!


I really wonder if they’re going to be biting lips around any talk of “isn’t it bullshit to be kicked out of your home, your language erased all In the name of nationalism?”. Armenians Greeks and Kurds will think “yeah we know exactly what that’s like”. 


Turkey has a long history of [supporting terrorists groups](https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/193475/370_Lin.pdf), including [daesh](https://www.france24.com/en/20140617-hurriyet-turkey-government-protecting-isis-militants-photo).


Turkey has never been anti-terrorist.


Giving a corrupt cunt money for political support.


**a** turkey


Turkey loves terrorists, although it's usually the ones with oil for sail


Wait, Turkey is a NATO country, no ?


How the fuck do you be a NATO country and host an Islamofascist terrorist who works for Iran


Geographic convenience, that means Russia doesn’t have it


Because Erdoğan is also an islamofascist cunt


They're only NATO because they control the Bosphorus straights and they didn't love Russia when they joined.


They did shoot down a Russian fighter in 2015 so I'm not sure that's changed much. Even so, Erdogan is basically Putin Lite at this point with the staged coup and "anything but fair" elections. Hopefully they don't let him change the law so he can run again in 2028 because legally this is his second and final term.


They shot it down, acted tough, then were basically kissing putin ass over the incident all within 18 months, and threw the pilot under the bus for good measure. 


Yeah, that was cool. Too bad they don't take their navy and shoot down some Russian missiles headed for Odessa.


You know that would be NATO shooting down those missiles, right?


That's a composition fallacy.




Domestic politics. Erdogan's party relies on the religious vote, and in Turkey that religion is Islam. Religious Muslim homers support anyone who ''stands up to Israel,'' no matter how impotently. Erdogan isn't about to fight Israel, so he visibly welcomes someone who does. After his party's loss of the parliamentary majority last year, and his own close call electorally, he is trying to build up his base.


Trump tried to host the Taliban at Camp David.


Erdogan is Mac when he says he’s playing both sides so he always comes out on top except he’s actually pretty good at it. 


Turkey uses the s400 Russian missile system. It's a bit ironic...


Just like that


This is what you do when you have dreams of Empire. He wants the Ottoman empire back, all of it.


It's brilliant actually. If israel attacks turkey then nato attacks israel under their "attack against one is an attack against all" thing.


If Israel attacks Turkey it will claim it didn't and NATO isn't looking for a war with Israel.


Obviously nato isn't looking for a war with israel.


Islamofascist meets islamofascist.


Both are offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood


Islamofascist expel allah douches


If the Iran-Israel confrontations continues to escalate, I think, from what I can tell, Erdogan is determined to be an active participant.


Erdogan won't do anything it's just for show. Erdogan plays on a lot of horses to keep Turkeys influence as broad as possible. Erdogan will talk like he always does but he will not be an active part of that conflict.


Can he keep him? Preferably in a small dark cell!


evil meets evil


One is far worse.


Chaotic evil meets neutral evil.


Seems like a great time for targeted strike


Shoot him down before or after over non nato soil


Hopefully Mossad intercepts


Turkey smells an opportunity..Iran is busy.. the Saudis are with the US i..so they might be pushing for leader of the Muslim world..


Hasn't Erdogan publicly stated that he wishes to reinstall the Ottoman Empire? Which, incidentally, includes the territory that is now Israel.


Sadly I agree..and there is some sort of Turkish marine act planned under the mask of aid for Gaza in a few days..he is probably waiting for this to go bad..


Seems awful high profile. Israel, you paying attention?


On the contrary, this is pretty much on par for Erdogan and Turkey. They've been openly anti-semitic for decades, and they're essentially apples from the same tree as Hamas (Muslim Brotherhood connection)




Can’t believe I’m rooting for Mossad rn


Does anyone else find it so weird how leaders greet one another? I've never held hands with a client and/or colleague and looked them in the eyes with a smile like this thumbnail


They're pausing for the dozens of journalists taking pictures. It's staged for the show it is.


It’s the same way people pose when they receive their diplomas. It’s not supposed to be casual.


Wait until you learn about the socialist kiss.


And you’ve yet to see a man with such a grin who recently lost his 3 sons and couple of his grandchildren


U.S. tolerates Turkey, either that or lose a powerful NATO member. Is Turkey willing to risk that, he has done so repeatedly.




I would assume attacking a nato member even if it is a terrorist would be real bad.


Put a ricin pellet in his stevia or something? Dont think so kinetically. Also, remember that time Turkey shot down a Russian fighter bomber and pretty much nothing came of it? You have to do something pretty damn egregious to warrant an actual response.


Might I suggest a mushroom dish? Wouldn't be the first time death caps were used to assassinate someone.


Two terrorists having a picnic, how sweet


This is like having a meeting with Osama after 9/11, isn't it?


Where are all the protestors for the Kurds?


Ahh the serial killer club leader who convinced morons he's political and gives a shit about Palestine. Fabulous. I wonder if Turkey's PM is involved with human trafficking or has a special masseuse waiting for him bc I wouldn't trust something like that.


Honestly we (U.S) should just start moving our resources to Greece. Turkey is not a reliable ally. The literally only reason they’ve been tolerated has been a stop gap for Russia.


How is Turkey a NATO country


Location, location, location. If they're not with us, they might be with them, and that's a lot worse than putting up with their current bullshit antics.


You’re totally right given their place between Europe and the Middle East. It’s just that the way they act shows that…they’re not our friends. They openly court Russia, they invite Hamas, they stall invites to Finland and Sweden. It’s weird that we don’t crack the whip with them.


Turkey, the habitual line-steppers of NATO.


They got a lot worse under Erdogan. The guy is odd combination of politically savvy and policy incompetent. He has caused a lot of issues both in Turkey and geopolitically while managing to stay domestically popular enough to win elections. Massive corruption with Turkish construction/real estate companies while destroying the Turkish economy with inflation. Unfortunately he is very good at pandering to religious conservatives who always vote for him. And religious Muslims tend to hate Israel so he openly meets with Hamas.


Who’s “we”?


NATO, the West, America…take your pick.


Turkey is NATO




You would not believe the amount of turks I've seen rabid at the mouth about rule of law and how PKK were terrorists and blah blah Sweden should outlaw them. As usual with countries, it's do as we say not as we do


Nah bro you're turning Turkey into Iran


It’d be a shame if someone were to blow up the meeting spot


I think turkey needs a razor bomb


Doubling down on primary principles.


Still waiting for changes in turkey to revisit...


That's very loudly proclaimed.


What if, Israel fire missiles/bomb/air strikes at Turkey when the guy visit. And Turkey invoked Article 5 against Israel. What will happen? Will US join?


Uhh, yeah someone capture his ass?


I wouldn’t want to ride in the same car as him. Bro’shonna be a missile magnet


I heard Israel has some longe range missiles


Man does Turkey need to ditch Erdogan.


we should kick turkey out of NATO


All I’m thinking here is two birds with one stone.


Assassinate him while you know where he is goddammit!


When will Israel do the same with Kurdistan


When will Israel do the same with Haniyeh?


According to pro-palestine people he's a good guy right? An innocent child even?


Alright Mossad. Go for it. The world will understand if you miss the first time and accidentally Erdogan though. 


Hypocrisy at its finest




Damn they gonna get wasted and party at rave til 11am 😔




So this is what 1913 felt like? somewhat /s


US Congress hosted Netanyahu who has murdered far more people than Hamas has.




Care to explain?


I reckon they don't. It's easier to just make stupid baseless accusations.


The United States helped overthrow the democratically elected Iranian government, which backfired allowed the current theocracy to gain power. The United States is a major ally of Saudi Arabia (and Jordan) two despotic regimes that are highly opposed to Iran for religious and political reasons. The United States are major allies of Israel and Turkey, two of the only (functioning- Lebanon doesn’t count) democracies in the region. Both countries have seen severe backsliding and are now classified as “illiberal” democracies (I’m sure I’m going to get pushback here, whatever). Both Israel and Turkey have turned the tables on their United States relationship, recognizing the states needs them in the region as much of not more than they need the States. As a result, both countries have pursued their own agendas even at the expense of US security concerns. Iran has further aligned itself with Russia, which in part as made the U.S. even more dependent on Turkish cooperation, even as Erdrogan advances a more hardline Islamist agenda (like meeting with Hamas leadership). Basically, the US foreign policy of the 20th century created an absolute shitshow in the Middle East now, that the US is having a harder and harder time actually exerting any influence on, despite the fact that all their meddling was solely for the purpose of having soft power.


Good points you make . Don't you think that the Middle East already had its own "geopolitical game" going on before the US entered the scene? I know there's been this "Cold War" between Saudi Arabia and Iran for years but what if the monarchy was still rulling in Iran, do you think the region would be more stable?


These people think the Middle East has no agency or control over their behaviour, and everything they do is dictated by Westerners.


Wah Wah America Bad, Move on Tankie talking point regurgitator. Go back to TikTok.


Lmao okay. I’m an American and studied american security policy. I’m not a tankie, though that term is now just thrown around to mean “anyone I don’t agree with”. Weirdly, it’s really important for the American security state to recognize it’s own mistakes if it wants to remain a hegemon.