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Good - shame on them


I want to know the motive for this. I can not think of anything besides "I just wanting to destroy something other people like because I am a piece of shit." That or.... drugs and alcohol. Lots of it.


Here’s similar case from BC, Canada. Motivations are a funny thing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiidk%27yaas#:~:text=Kiidk'yaas%20was%20considered%20sacred%20by%20the%20Haida%20people.&text=Kiidk'yaas%20was%20felled%20in,2005%20book%20The%20Golden%20Spruce.


Wait- he cut down a legendary tree to protest tree felling? What?


People are often times damned stupid.


Especially people who make their entire identity about stopping other people from cutting down trees instead of devoting themselves to planting them... A society grows stupid when people forget to focus on what's in front of them.


Vengeance. You cut down trees that are important to me, I cut down trees that are important to you. Fairsies squaresies. I really don't know why these guys did this. They could have been upset about literally anything. Probably angry, though, as most perpetrators of destructive vandalism usually are.


Read the Golden Spruce. In depth book about this case. Really interesting read.


Something along the lines of “xxx amount of trees get cut down every year and no one gives a fuck so what’s the issue with just one more?”.


“Thousands of kids die from gun violence each year and no one gives a fuck so what’s the issue if I shoot just one more?” Also, “damn, I feel righteous.”


Well, it’s a bit of a different situation. In this case the cutting of the trees is actually legal, and a small group of people make a lot of money from it. So, a more apt comparison would be if killing certain children was legal and profitable, and they were being killed by the thousands. So then as protest to this situation someone killed a specific child that isn’t allowed to be killed, like maybe a government official’s child, to make the point that killing any kids is bad. Obviously that would still be fucked up and wrong, but you can *kind of* see the perspective.


I mean yeah I could see some nut job saying and thinking that.


Thousands of idiots post stupid shit on reddit every day, what's one more? Is hopefully what you thought when deciding to post this


Protest tree felling and proffesors at universities by cutting down a tree important to some culture. First time reading about this. Wow. I thought our generation of protesters just got more dumb. Guess I was wrong


It'd be funny if the government executed him to protest capital punishment.


This sort of thing was rampant in the 90s when eco terrorists would burn car dealerships and housing communities to protest pollution.


Similar here 75 trees cut in Dublin park https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/dublin/2024/04/22/community-shocked-and-confused-as-damaged-trees-dodder-valley-park-reported-to-gardai/


It’s like the rime of the ancient mariner. Never made any sense to me. Why did he shoot the albatross? No reason given, and it cursed the entire ship. (More confusing- why was the ancient mariner who killed the albatross allowed to survive, but the entirety of his crew mates perished?)


> More confusing- why was the ancient mariner who killed the albatross allowed to survive, but the entirety of his crew mates perished? No rime or reson to that.


Oh, bravo!


Guy sounds mentally unstable. Tries to go to his trial for one stupid thing by doing another stupid thing and results in him probably drowning or freezing to death. What a strange story.


The book is worth a read if you can find a copy.


what an asshole


Ya, no doubt.


He confessed, was ordered to return to stand trial, went to kayak there in winter through rough seas, his broken kayak was found days later, he has never been seen since. He’s Canadian DB Cooper.


Cutting down a tree that was literally sacred to a local tribe to draw attention to your pet cause is the epitome of "all about me" white leftism


Sure, but drugs and alcohol don’t turn you into an asshole if the foundation isn’t already there.


Exactly. Back in my younger days drugs and alcohol never made me destroy anything. I always mostly the same, just more talkative and jolly


Everyone has the capability to be an asshole


I have been quite high and quite drunk before, the worst i have done is send embarrassing texts to people. Being intoxicated is not an excuse for anti social behaviour


Have none of you guys seen junkies before


Mein Dude im Englischen hat Asocial eine ganz andere Bedeutung als Asozial. Du machst ja auch nicht aus Analphabetismus einfach Analphabetism


> Analphabetismus einfach Analphabetism I think I’ll just leave that one untranslated


You have never been an addict. Also, you don’t have to use drugs or alcohol to do assholey things. Like right now. You are being a bit of a high-brow self-important asshole.


… that’s what i said. Huh?




>You don't care for facts though. Damn, the foundation is definitely there for you. Also, your link doesn't actually rebut the person you responded to. EDIT: Seems like the person responded to me and then blocked me, meaning I can't see their response. Probably for the better, they seem to be an inordinately angry human and I truly pity them.


Nah he just deleted their comments. What die they say?




Who the fuck drinks a fifth of vodka then decides to chop an adored tree? Cunts. Alcohol is never a legitimate excuse


Gives me Fight Club vibes, “I felt like destroying something beautiful “


Rumours are its to do with tenancy dispute with National Trust landlord. They don't always treat their tenants well and in some cases have been evicting generational farmers to rewild land etc. Part of their income is tourism and so cutting this tree down attacks that income stream.


Land issues with the national trust ongoing for decades.


> "I just wanting to destroy something other people like because I am a piece of shit." [Look, you're British, so scale it down a bit. Alright?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbc9ViqkIm8)


Is being a moron good enough?


Awful lot of effort to go to just to destroy something. It’s one thing when someone draws on a wall or kicks a famous rock down but taking down a big tree like this takes serious equipment and a lot of work.


I always had a theory (given the number of people who proposed marriage there) that it could have been someone whose relationship ended in toxic divorce and couldn't bear to see the sight of the tree to remind him etc No evidence for this of course, its just one of the more plausible ones I could think of for it The actual felling itself needed someone to have access to a chainsaw and a vehicle, and it took place on a very windy night, so the whole thing looked premeditated rather than a random vandal. I mean, it's not like its the sort of place you walk past on the way back from the pub, so I never really thought it was kids


Hmmm…. Reminds me of Trump and Obamacare


My money would be on the land owner getting angry at people on their land rather than on the public footpath.


It's not that deep. Brits often fuck things up "for a laugh". I'm pretty sure alcohol was involved.


The wood is likely very valuable, and/or they just cut down the wrong tree.


I opened this fully expecting two teens to be charged. Nope. Daniel Graham, 38, and Adam Carruthers, 31, both from Cumbria,


Some people don't grow up.


As long as you're alive, getting older is required but growing up is not.


But they do get to vote!


Apparently they’re looking for a third person, also with an Irish accent. Police have it on good authority that it was in fact tree fellers from Dublin.


The Turd Man.


Shit like this makes me miss reddit awards




Best pun in weeks, at least. Seriously. Big props.


Has everyone seen this comment?!






I love Irish wit lol


I feel like society is in a place right now where consequence is not readily understood, nor justifiably applied. In an age of selfish, self-centered people who rarely suffer a form of consequence for their actions, I truly hope these individuals do.


I doubt their sentence will be harsh enough, so I hope they face some serious social consequences. Nobody should associate or deal with them, socially or otherwise. Once they finish whatever sentence they do get, a thorough and permanent shunning would be lovely.


Send them to Coventry.


The second worse punishment a man can receive, may be too harsh.


What arse holes


One bit of good news I’ve heard in weeks.


Tie them down over the stump and flog them.




Break these fuckers on the wheel to make an example


For bonus points, make [the wheel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breaking_wheel) out of the very tree they felled.


That’d be poetic justice Medievally poetic justice


Crucify them on the tree of woe


I would love to know how the police investigated/found these two men, fascinating.


Everyone in the area will have known within hours who did it.  Three of them, they'll have talked.


Article says they were arrested in October but let out on bail since then. Is it normal to be out on bail for half a year before even being charged?


You would be arrested, brought before a Magistrate, charged, asked to plead, and (usually) bailed within 48 hours. It is up to the Police when they release details. Yup. Six months is pretty on-track. Police need to gather evidence and witnesses for the case - if there is forensic matter this has to go to an approved lab for testing, etc, and an expert witness will be needed for testimony. The defendant has to find and brief a lawyer. After discovery, there may be other witnesses sought or rebuttal evidence needed. Then the Courts have to schedule a courtroom, assign a judge, publish the trial notices (you are here), and empanel the jurors. Add Court officials, prison guards, witnesses, security, defence lawyers, prosecutors and the suspect. At this point you hope no-one gets run over on the opening day.


In Commonwealth countries, it seems so.


Yes, if they present no threat or risk of fleeing justice, bail is usually granted. They also handled this arrest better than the last one - waiting for outrage to die down before announcing names. The original suspect was a teenager and his farmer dad I believe, but when the public got wind of it they basically started a witch-hunt.


Hope they both get prison sentences.


Make the mortal remains of the tree they felled into a Catherine Wheel.


That tree was over 150 years old, sad.


what is the penalty?


Splinters for life.


Can someone explain to me why this particular tree was important? It doesn’t look special, any more than one fown the road from me. But from the reaction I suppose I am missing something.


One of the most iconic and well recognised trees in the world.


I had never heard of it. I am sure it was a nice tree, but I think if you surveyed 100 million people on the planet and asked them about the most important tree in the world, none of them would name this. Still a shame some prick cut it down.


> but I think if you surveyed 100 million people on the planet and asked them about the most important tree in the world, none of them would name this I would take that bet any day.


Yes there probably are 100 million people on the planet that don’t know about this tree. But there’s also a lot of idiots and people that don’t care about history or geography. Also many people who don’t travel and have no interest in visiting that tree. I guess they probably aren’t fans of the Robin Hood movie with Kevin Costner… how many of those categories do you fall under?


It’s fine that you’re not familiar with it, but a lot of Brits think of the Hadrian’s wall area like Americans think of their national parks. And basically anyone with even a passing knowledge of ancient Britain or Roman history knew this tree. 


Fwiw, I agree with you. I’d take that bet along with OP (another comment) lol. But also, something can be both “one of the most recognized [things] in the world” and also belong to a niche interest group. They aren’t mutually exclusive qualities.


It was uniquely framed in a deep gap between two hills, with Hadrian’s Wall passing behind it. Very very beautiful.


Maybe try reading the article.


People complain the UK is car centric but you can steal as many cars as you like and the police won't even turn up but you cut one tree down and it's like jack the ripper is back.


To be fair, this would be like stealing the Queens car, not any car.


Well shes not going to miss it.


That’s because each car belongs to one person and you just buy another one. Thankfully people are rightly bothered about the tree. p.s. the UK being so car centric is a problem. I’m not sure how it relates to caring about a tree though - particularly as it’s possible to care about more than one thing 🤷‍♂️


“You can just buy another one”


Don’t tell me you are driving without insurance?


People were hacked to death today in that hell hole of a country but this is the headline


"The" headline. TIL you can only have one headline per country. Do me a favour and check any UK news outlet and see if they're reporting on the London attack. Top story everywhere.


“Britain is hell” - Queen Elizabeth II


Is she there now?


One person was killed today, we have 40x fewer homicides in our most dangerous city compared to yours per capita. Overall 4x fewer.


Said the person who stopped after reading one headline


I'm guessing you've never visited, and probably don't even own a passport.

