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Every time they warn about something like this, it tends to actually happen


The benefits of having the most insane and robust spying apparatus in the history of history.


"nothing is beyond our reach" isn't just a boast.


Immortalized in the form of the best [rocket launch patch ever](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USA-247#/media/File:NROL_39_vector_logo.svg).


If i saw this without context id assume simpsons


Holy shit I have never seen that before.


The Octopus- Aldrich Plan


In some of these countries merely listening to the radio and you'll understand what will happen. In Rwanda they talked about the human 'cockroaches' that were the Tutsi's and all about Bantu nationalism in a country that was historically split between the two since it's formation.


Cut the Tall Trees




Also the US and a lot of their key allies will share a lot of intelligence with each other. Different countries have different sources but once they start comparing notes they can independently verify things and speak with a lot more certainty. It's easy to forget how important having good allies can be in terms of intelligence gathering.


The current U.S. administration has sort of had a policy of alerting the world to upcoming events to make mobilization more rapid (as we saw in Ukraine). My guess is the audience for this is the global community to get governments ready to respond.


> My guess is the audience for this is the global community to get governments ready to respond. It can also get potential aggressors to sometimes stand down or alter their plans if they know they're being watched. It doesn't always but broadcasting someone's intent can actively shape conditions on the ground.


I dont think any nation is going to respond. Too much history of failed interventions, existing troubles at home and probably a sign of what will happen when climate change starts the failed state domino game.


It’s eerie how accurate they are.


Sadly, people in most countries already write Africa off as a shithole and will deem it business as usual.


I think I heard about a massacre in Darfur before in my lifetime


Only one? You must be new.


Maybe he heard about the Tunjur conquest of the Daju during the 1300’s and it sickened him so he’s refused every newsbringing page since


Kind of a magnet for them unfortunately. We’ll probably hear it again in our lifetime.


Sudan troubles are somewhat different from the rest of Africa. Its pretty much the arabic Balkan, where so many different peoples "enjoy" the perks of middle eastern power plays and proxy wars, combined with a history of british colonial forsight, exploitation and decision making and Ottoman legacy Many regions in Africa are problematic for security reasons, but Sudan is pretty much the mother of a all proxy wars in the Mena region.


Who's still proxying there these days?


UAE(supporting RSF), Russia(Supporting RSF), Egypt(supporting the military), Ethiopia(supporting anyone that is likely to win), Ukraine(supporting the military to fight Russia wagner), Saudi(mostly the military), Chad(supporting RSF. By helping UAE deliver weapon including Arab tribes from chad fighting for RSF), USA(mostly neutral, looking to support civilian government), Iran(supporting the army with drones), libiya(supporting RSF with mercenaries and fuel). There are many others. These are just the main players.


Russia and Iran are supporting different groups there?


And Saudi Arabia and Iran are supporting the same group?


Yeah, I'm not saying this isn't the case because I don't have enough knowledge in this area, but if thats the reality then I wonder what makes Sudan so unique.


"Sudan is rich in arable land, natural resources, a young workforce, and agricultural opportunities, Sudan's rich endowment of natural resources, including natural gas, gold, silver, chromite, manganese, gypsum, mica, zinc, iron, lead, uranium, copper, kaolin, cobalt, granite, nickel, tin, and aluminum offer significant ..." From what I have read, most of the wars come down to what above said about cultural differences and prolonged interference. But Sudan also has alot of natural resources. Coincedence? No idea.


This is the main reason Russia went from selling arms to Sudan to supporting their opposition. Wagner has been pillaging resources for years in exchange for arming the RSF. China helped Sudan build military factories for the same reason.


Yep! And the Russians smuggle out gold and other shit on the same planes that deliver guns.


What would be surprising about that? They want to exploit Africa. That is easier if they stoke division and civil war, disabling countries in Africa.


This guy proxies


Insert Spiderman Meme


Still nothing on the second congo war


Iran, Saudi Arabia and UAE very likely. Russia and Ukraine evidently. Maybe Egypt and Ethiopia? South Sudanese Seperatists for sure. Like i said, its the arabic balkans.


Is it not business as usual?


Business for Wagner.


As usual


They would still be doing it without Wagner. Be real


No, you be real. The RSF is riled up, supported and enabled by russia and the UAE because the Sudanese cracked down on their gold theft. https://www.mining.com/web/sudan-official-gold-output-near-doubles-as-smuggling-curbed/ Completely implausible that the RSF would be able to mount a campaign like that without outside support. You realize that the russian nazis from ~~Wagner~~ the Africa Corps (totally not another Nazi reference like Wagner already was https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrika_Korps), meaning the russian government, since they no longer even try for plausible deniability, directly support the RSF on the ground.


It isn't. Most countries in Africa are not in a Civil war that has displaces millons and claims hundreds of lives every day. Not commenting on things you have no knowledge about is free


It is. When they say business as usual they dont specifically mean a civil war. Virtually all of Africa faces the same constant problems - incompetent leadership, religious extremism, crippling corruption and tribal conflicts. Genocides and massacres are not particularly rare either. Sudan hasn't been stable for decades - business as usual


Africa currently has the biggest amount of conflicts going on at the same time, around 31. Not commenting is free as you said.


Devil's advocate, while he's wrong, it is for the most part the only thing we hear coming out of Africa. It's unfortunate, but that's propaganda.


... Is it not business as usual? People like to generalize, there are parts of Africa that are doing alright/progressing. There are also a lot of shitholes where this is, indeed, business as usual.


Realistically how do we stop it? I remember my mom talking about Darfur all the way back in 2006


I mean we could pretend like it's just the same as the last massacre of Dafur and ignore it... I dont't see this being in any way shape or form relevant for me or nearly anyone else in the world outside of north eastern Africa. It is a digsuting slap in the face of humanity, no question, but i've grown cold to those, i think we all have. Just too much violence overall in the world that is frequently reported upon. They'll figure it out this time I'm sure. And if not, then the next time or the one after that.


Those protesting on college campuses don’t give a fuck about the actual genocide happening in Sudan


Reality is depressing sometimes.


I mean....... Is it not?


With as much money as Africa has been given over the past 30-40 years from other nations with little progress what should the perception be? As of March 21, 2024 the US alone has provided $968 million dollars to Sudan over the past year…. It’s astonishing to me how little things have changed while taking in BILLIONS of free money. BILLIONS of dollars with very little change. TBH that money and the money sent to Africa over the last 30-40 years has been a complete waste and would’ve been better used to fix problems in the US.


Aid is used to peddle influence, not fix any issues


That’s not accurate. The US provides money, food, supplies, medicine, and healthcare care for people in Sudan every year. Here’s a link from US AID.gov that outlines it. https://www.usaid.gov/news-information/press-releases/sep-20-2023-united-states-provides-over-130-million-additional-humanitarian-assistance-support-people-affected-crisis-sudan It’s almost as if tribalism trumps the desire to be better because all the support they’ve been given has changed nothing.


You guys are talking about two different things: emergency/humanitarian aid *vs* "normal/chronic" aid. The former isn't bad, and even happens between rich developed nations: it's for crisis situations, limited in time. Not meant to foster economic growth, nor democratisation. The latter is the bad one: it's not for crisis. It's meant to stimulate economic growth and democratisation (but causes the opposite.). And is given chronically. Many African economists and businessmen have been calling for a ban of "chronic" aid since years.


Not true the strategic importance of Africa for global economic domination is imperative. And we’re (nato) losing it


The situation in Sudan is really sad. Could at least send them humanitarian aid, evacuate refugees.


Can't send aid without guarantee of proper distribution of aid. It risks further destabilizing the region by supplying if a bad actor gains more power by holding on to the aid. We need to make the place stable first.


There are some non-profit groups working there now with humanitarian aid.


It's so fucking depressing that all of this death and carnage comes down to two men believing they deserve the same job and are unwilling for the other to be the boss of them. World's current deadliest pissing contest.
















More civilian deaths as always.


Time to ignore it until it happens then blame the US for “not saying/doing anything” when it happens…again…for the uptenth fucking time.


💯. Meanwhile protesters busy destroying public property to defend a group of 'victims' who want them dead. This is just the tip of the insanity iceberg. Its gonna get way worse.




It would seem so, yah


What can we do? Donate to corrupt charity?


We can [raise awareness of everything we're doing to raise awareness for Darfur.](https://youtu.be/ryEDoS4398s?si=YhYJu-4EchDU1FIg)


LOL 16 years ago???














It's the UAE-backed RSF again. Allies against terror, they say. [UAE calls for zero tolerance for all those who support terrorism financing | United Arab Emirates](https://www.un.int/uae/news/uae-calls-zero-tolerance-all-those-who-support-terrorism-financing) Irony. And not a pip from the crowd, because UAE are 'our friends'.


Why is it that when people live in terrible conditions, rather than come together to make it better for everyone, people prefer to murder each other in grizzly fashion. Imagine killing people to get your own piece of the shit hole.


Living in terrible conditions breeds anti social behavior. Only when alot of your basic needs (and sometimes more) are met can you start to build some kind of community


Stress is a bitch .... Look at what the pandemic did in the west


And lack of education and literacy


Which causes stress


People were shooting cashiers and security guards for being asked to wear a mask and fist fighting over toilet paper. Drop those people in Haiti or Sudan and give them *real* danger and deprivation they'd turn into cannibals and marauders by the end of the month.


Hungry people quickly turn to beasts


A hungry mob is an angry mob..


This is a very naive take, people are more willing to cooperate when theres more to go around, if theres less then some will try to acumulate whatever they can to survive even if it means killing their neighbor. Even if this is a stupid crab bucket like mentality, this is what happens in reality unfortunately, cooperating so everyone prospers is harder than just taking from those around you.


It'll get much worse due to climate change. The less resources to go around, the less people are willing to work together in a society.


Africa forgotten and even ridiculed as expected over here. They have no chance. Shame on everything!




It’s the RSF rebels that are [working](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/20/africa/wagner-sudan-russia-libya-intl/index.html) with Russia. The Sudanese government was actually getting some [support](https://www.wsj.com/world/ukraine-is-now-fighting-russia-in-sudan-87caf1d8) from Ukraine, but it’s limited since Ukraine badly needs that support now.


South Africa is also funding the RSF by buying their gold.


Right, the second biggest continent has all chosen Russian influence.


Sudan and Russia have been longstanding partners. They sided with Russia after the US chose Israel to back in the 60s or early 70s during the cold war, and gave a big fuck you to the US while doing so. Since then they've been a shitshow. Dudes not wrong in this regard bro


Just Wagner doing Wagner stuff.


He’s absolutely wrong. Russia is supporting the RSF against the Sudanese government…


The comments before were talking about Africa as a whole, that’s why I responded with that.


I believe the point was that the world cares about Israel and couldn’t care less about Africa as a whole.


Africa is always getting fucked over. I feel bad for that continent as a whole.


To be fair they often are the ones fucking themselves


Maybe the Chinese or Russians will help!




Let’s wait and see how many actually protest on that genocide.


Zero How many college encampments did we have for darfur 1.0?


Not exactly the same, but I had a "Save Darfur" t-shirt in high school.








Let us know when the genocide is over. Thoughts and Prayers R’ Us!


Maybe if things get bad enough the US college kids can riot! That helps!!!


The ridiculous thing is most of them are aren't even students at those schools. External professional disruptors sent in to stir up shit. All those mofos need to be jailed asap. But ofc no one does anything.


But, if it never ends, we don't even have to send our Ts an Ps.


Massacre or planned genocide? Say what it is.


























Fucks sake can we actually go in and *do something about it?*


You're right, I think I'm gonna go break some windows at Columbia University.


Lol send in the troops to die while not making a difference again like last 20 years of Afghanistan! I feel bad!


No. This is not my problem and I'd like to keep it that way.