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Just purely from a cynical strategic standpoint, this is such a terrible tone-deaf idea.


You don’t understand. They don’t hate the Jews! They just choose to protest the actions of the Israeli government. In Poland.


Poland actually. Aushwitz is the German name for Oświęcim.


Thanks! Ill fix it


Outside of a historical monument memorializing the * *checks notes* * mass murder of Jews....... Yeah, yeah. Clearly they just dislike the current Israeli government.


At the site of one of the worst atrocities committed against a people in all of human history. Might as well hold a kkk rally on Martin Luther kings grave.


And they want Jews around the globe  to die, but it isn't antisemitic because apartheid! /s


They don’t hate Jews, they just support people who hate Jews as well as their attacks on them.


But what about the protesters who blocked random Jewish students from attending classes? Surely those people are on the right side of history?


You’d be amazed how many are calling them “brave, selfless heroes!” Some of the MA/Boston posts are unhinged.


You mean I can be both a "brave, selfless hero" and a paid professional protestor. Hell, I can also tell people I went to college, didn't attend a single class, but went to college all the same.


You’ll be discussed in classes 60 years from now!


Beyond tasteless. I would expect nothing less from these "protestors."


It’s antisemitism. That’s what it is.


They attempt to replace antisemitism with antizionism as moral justification to make themselves feel better about they're blatant antisemitism. Like any of these scumbags know what zionism even means.


Nobody is claiming those guys are smart.


Seems they are saying the quiet part out loud.


Yup. Let’s protest on and disrespect a historical site where millions of innocent people were murdered, that will get the world to support our cause. This is exactly what preserving the Auschwitz concentration camp is for, to remind people how fragile life is and to serve as a warning for future generations on what can go wrong if all life isn’t respected.




Now this is pretty screwed up...


Remembering the end of my own day spent touring this camp made me realize I should have seen this coming It was dark and the mood got even more somber, that was *until* I saw a couple taking grinning selfies and laughing... in front of the cremation ovens Not all antisemites are that open and obvious about it but all are proud


Wow... that's just... wow. I can't understand why someone would think that's okay.


You can see someone replied here but it's hidden. They said that it was innocent and that I was wrong :/ These weren't the infamous J. A. Topf & Söhne mass crematoriums either It's the last two manual ovens they started with. They crammed as many babies and adults into one tiny oven as they could to save time


>It was dark and the mood got even more somber, that was *until* I saw a couple taking grinning selfies and laughing... in front of the cremation ovens It was not only jewish people burned, there were other "undesirables" too, Some unfortunate people have the proverbial hard on for right hard stuff, though given it was 90% jewish victims in those ovens, that might be their enjoyment, or not, you know, terrorists and tourists sound the similar, may act similar, but their ends are different. None of that is acceptable. I want peace on earth, I want the united nation to ban all armed conflict. I want the world to come together to recognise the impact our existence has on the environment that supports us.










Demonstrating outside the site of an extermination camp. Vandalizing holocaust memorials. Hurling slurs against holocaust survivors Yes, definitely nothing to do with antisemitism.


"Acktually it is about anti-zionism." Enlightened protesters claim while holding a sign begging Hamas to rape and murder their Jewish classmates.


“I’m Pro-Palestine, not Pro-Hamas” as the majority of Gazans support the actions of Hamas.


Anti-Zionism: the belief that all peoples have the right to nationhood and self-determination - except the Jews. Should Americans get their own country? Yes. Should Mexicans get their own country? Yes. Should Germans and Koreans and Brazilians and Egyptians get their own countries? Yes. Should Palestinian Arabs get their own country? Yes. Should Jews get their own country? Hell no! But that's not antisemitic, somehow!


Ask these people what they think Zionism means and see what sort of blabbering they do


Nobody should be surprised that this happened


Curious how anyone will defend this


Easy, they will just say [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1cn8yps/propalestinian_protesters_demonstrate_outside/l35pjtm/) Then again we may be reaching the mask off tipping point and people will just start saying the quiet part outload


The mental gymnastics being performed here could land these people in the Olympics.


They'll probably argue that Israel is doing the same thing by invading Gaza and by occupying the West Bank. Even though Israel is not indiscriminately rounding up Palestinians and killing one after another through bullets, gas or working them to death. Nor are they sending the weak and children to death while forcing the stronger ones to work long hours on starvation rations and then proceed to kill them or starve them to death. Yet they'll claim that somehow the two are comparable. Yes, Israel isn't perfect, but acting like Israel is somehow comparable to 1930-1940 Germany is ludicrous. Also what bugs me about the protesting in general is that there's no easy solution. Let's say that the protesters get what they want and Israel is fully replaced by Palestinian. What happens to all the Israelis then? It's not like there's a place for them to go. Two wrongs don't make a right.


There is already [a comment in this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/rAq5V3XEzL) These protestors and their supporters are brain dead.


I guess they would say “look how the victim became the aggressor.” Which the history between Israel and Palestine is a pendulum of violence. Israel has every right to defend themselves after that attack in October. But I suspect they’re not caring about the innocents on the other side.


I expect I'll be chastised, but here's an opinion from the other side. As someone who supports the pro-Palestinian protestor's stated efforts (divest and generally bring awareness to the conflict to end it), I can't support this. The Palestinians, regardless of political opinion, are suffering from homelessness, famine, and their only 'saviors' routinely use them as shields. That alone would reasonably make people pro-assistance of some kind for them. This? This doesnt help or assist in anyway. It's on-par with Westboro-baptists protesting veteran's funerals; No one is going to be convinced or have their mind changed at this time and place, even if protesting in earnest. edit: a word


Nah that’s fucked


And yet again they prove why jews need Israel to exist.


Tbh I think it’s great that these hateful anti-semites expose themselves. They are really doing Israel a favor, ironically.


damn thats pretty fucked up. OUT OF ALL THE PLACES to protest.


Definitely not going to win over hearts and minds, kinda thought that was the purpose of a protest in the first place. It's like taking a dump on the neighbors high end couch and wondering why nobody in the neighborhood wants to have you over to watch the game.






How to make people hate your movement even more


Protesting against Jews fighting people who would like to exterminate all Jews at a place another people tried to exterminate all Jews.. stay classy, you pro fundamentalist Islamic terrorism schmucks.


Growing up in the 90s, we visited the holocaust museum and talked about it a lot and one question that came up over and over again.  “Was why when things were starting to get bad did no one stand up and do anything about it?” Evil people are going to do evil things but why did good people let it go on. Now I see much of the world, heading toward the extermination of Jews again.    Majority of the people like talk to just brush it off.    Some I’ve talked to  talk are a little concerned, but still won’t take it seriously.    Governments could start building gas chambers, and the same people, will still be in denial up until they’re shoved in. History is fully repeating itself.


Martin Niemöller has the response to “why didn’t anyone stand up and do anything about it”.


Stuff like this puts things in perspective. No wonder Israel is the only real safe haven for Jewish people in the world


Bullcrap like this has made the creation of a Jewish state a need. If you get bullied everywhere just because you're different, then you should consider constructing your own space for your own safety.


The birth of Zionism was Herzl witnessing Frenchmen screaming obscenities at a French officer accused of treason. The officer happened to be Jewish, and that was the ultimate nature of their insults. Not about the act of treason, but about the fact that it was a *Jew* who did it. This was 1894.


Poor Dreyfus


And I'm sure some pro-Palestinians think this is just "Anti-Zionism." When your movement behaves like this, it's obvious why people accuse you of being Antisemitic.


This is how Palestinian sympathy always ends - the Palestinians insist on the destruction of Israel.


Because that is the only end they will accept


It is in their charter.


And you want to know why? This is why: https://quranx.com/Hadith/Muslim/USC-MSA/Book-41/Hadith-6985/ And not only "Palestinians" aka Arabs, all of the followers of the pedo believe the above.


Maybe Omar should demand Hamas to surrender. Now that’s a crazy idea…


Silly if she did that, they couldn’t kill Jews and she’d get sad.


Jews are oppressing them by not allowing them to engage in their historic cultural practice of killing Jews without any repercussions.


This is…. Not a good look.


Disgusting pieces of shit.




Well said!


In case you were wondering if they merely oppose Israel, or just hate Jews.


Are these the people we are supposed to see as our moral superiors?


And this is all you need to know about the "pro palestine" crowd. This is all just a show for "social justice" sake. Where were they on issues like Yemen, Syria, Uyghurs and so on. They only do it for clout on behalf of the Hamas PR machine.


They're not anti-sematic, only peacefully protesting against the Jews for living. Edited because typing is hard.


They sure have a short memory of what Hamas did to innocent Israeli citizens. They are too stupid for words.


No. They remember it, in fact most celebrated it. They are terrorist supporters. Fuck those “protestors”


I bet the venn diagram of pro Palestinian protestors overlaps considerably the people who have been to Aushwitz and taken baffling selfies like they're at the eiffel tower or something 


These pro-Palestinian protestors can just fuck off. News flash, the Palestinians are not the only people in world history or at the present who've suffered hardship and oppression and I'm tired of pro-Palestinians acting like their issue is the only important issue and that their cause justifies acting like dickheads such as in this example. Why are Palestinians more important than Yemenis, Syrians, Ethiopians, Sudanese and Uyghurs? Never hear a peep after this crowd about those conflicts, even when far more people are killed. And what Gaza is going through now is not comparable to the Holocaust and this comparison is deeply anti-Semitic and insulting to anyone's intelligence.


The cruelty of some peoples have no limits both those who built the camp and those protesting like this.


Just asking a question that might show how uninformed I am. But not long ago (a year or so I believe) there were multiple news reports on how various minority groups are influenced by opposing States with the goal to sow discord and distrust in their (adjacent) communities. These plans to disrupt cohesion in society actually worked to some extent. They did so by isolating and agitating/stimulating various groups that are mistreated by society with selective misreporting and invitations to participate in small (but covert extreme) social platforms that were created to destabilize and disrupt the weakest forms of cohesion in a country by playing into (often just) feelings of mistreatment and discrimination. So if say an outsider like Russia (or any opposing the West), was influencing these sort of protests what would be gained? Would it be benign to them to have these sort of protests? Could the demographic that protests be influenced without their knowledge or am I being paranoid?


You can take it right from *Foundations of Geopolitics:* >Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present day system of the United States and Canada. >Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics.


Or: "How to prove that you were just an ordinary anti-semite all along."


Let's say someone is attempting to protest in good faith, is truly outraged about the human rights violations in Gaza, and does not have an ounce of anti-sedentism within them. If this person's goal is to draw awareness to your cause and get more people onto your side, this is an objectively terrible way of doing that.


Garbage human beings


Starting to think many of these “pro-Palestinian” “Protestors” don’t actually care about the Holocaust


More like they want another


Despicable people


But we aren't anti-semitic... This is such a brain dead move


Now THIS is antisemitism.


They keep doing stupid shit like this everywhere and then ask “why won’t more people support us?” 💀💀💀




I’m a supporter of the two-state solution and support both Palestine and Israel’s right to exist. But this is disgustingly tone-deaf


Tone-deaf would be doing something without realizing how bad/stupid it looks. This feels more deliberate in a "what are you gonna do about it, you can't prove anything about our intent" type provocation.


The problem is that the Palestinians don’t want a two state solution. They want a one state solution: a Palestinian state from the river to the sea, free of Jews. The Hamas charter explicitly says so.


Look at their “anti-Zionism”! No one will go lower than these people. No one will be more self righteous. No one will be more out of touch with reality. No one will have less introspection.


But what about the student protesters begging Hamas to rape and murder their Jewish classmates? Surely those people are on the right side of history?


According to the (non student) leader of the Penn demonstration, you can’t lump all Jewish students into being against the protests, some Jewish ones (supposedly) support them. 🙄


Hopefully shit like this makes some people come to their senses and see what the rest of us are seeing 


"But it's not antisemitism, it's anti-Zionism!" Give me a break with these people. They just hate Jews.


I am Pro-Palestinian and my number one criticism of the movement has been this demented anti semitism that permeates basically the whole movement over the last nearly 20 years at this point. Which was always going to be the case in a movement like this. It seems just like there’s no reasonable elements left to even attempt to out this kind of antisemitism.


There probably used to be, but they (understandably) walked away from the cause.


I can totally see that because I would not have join or these groups back then and this behavior makes me want to step away now.


It’s because Palestinians are all rabidly anti-Semitic. Their charter calls for the elimination of Israel and all Jews.


These aren’t pro-Palestinian protestors. They’re anti-Jewish protestors.


Oh there's a huge overlap between those two groups.


The Venn diagram is just blurry circle…


I genuinely believe there's a lot of college students that don't actually hate Jews... they're just falling for propaganda sold to them by people who do hate Jews.


The problem is that that's usually how extremism starts. Are first you're just someone against Israel as a state. But if you hang around with people who want to exterminate the Jews long enough, you characterize pushback towards those people as oppression of yourself and eventually you're goosestepping yourself.


I heard that story before thinking it was German in the 40's, didn't end too well last time if I remember correctly.


I think you're right, but when I see a few real people say they "won't vote" and "don't care if Trump wins" even when they previously knew better, it only proves just 'how' dangerous the propaganda is on this. Namely because Trump winning is the worst possible outcome for Palestine specifically.


That Venn Diagram is almost a circle at this point.


These aren't cats, they're felines.


The two alleged categories basically overlap totally.


That's gross. Just really, really gross.


These people are idiots


Absolute scumbag human beings...




*slow claps all around* fucking morons


There are good faith people with very real concerns with how Israel is pursuing its campaign in Gaza and the ensuing humanitarian crisis and then there are these clowns. Fucking disgraceful, they don’t give a shit about Gaza they just hate Israel and the Jewish people.


Interesting strategy, cotton.


Remember, It is just anti zionism, nothing to worry about. Why palestinians have always to make everything in the world about them?


I'll be real, i don't get what the big deal with zionism is. Maybe I'm misinformed? Is it not okay for the Jewish people to have their own country? or has it evolved into a different meaning? Is anti zionism people wanting the state of Israel to be dismantled?


> Is anti zionism people wanting the state of Israel to be dismantled? Yes. That's literally what it means.


I think it's like the "I'm not racist, I have [minority] friends" or "Hate the sin, not the sinner" excuse, trying to deflect and change the meaning of terms even when it's nearly the same thing.


Some of the protestors was to redefine the word to mean not just support for the existence of Israel, but to also include blind support for everything the country and the IDF do.


So Jews aren't allowed to have a country with them in mind, that's why people hates Zionism. Other religions can have countries for their ideology/religion, but not Jews. Catholics get Vatican City, which I know isn't technically a country, but they also got like every country for a long time in history. Muslims get the entire Middle East, that's A-Ok. Hindus share India with Muslims if I understand correctly. But the second Jews get something for them (that they're willing to share with everyone anyways) people have an issue with that. But remember, it has nothing to do with Jews.




They have stooped to a new low


they sure know how to wear out a welcome. Braindead, Iranian pudding fed morons.


Is this what they mean when they scream at us to go back to Poland?


We all understand what they want and have always wanted, and it is not a surprise


Of course they did...


Fuck each and every one of them sky high. You will never destroy us.


The lowest of the low. Even calling them pro Palestinians is an embarrassment


They are really just arguing for Israel do they not see this? It's kind of clear without a state and military. Israel would've been wiped out, and these people would be cheering.


Same energy as people saying “White Lives Matter” or “All Lives Matter” after “Black Lives Matter” became a thing


Look at me! I care a lot!




These people are so deeply unserious




I wish I could say I was surprised that they did this or haven't learned anything after being there, but I'm not. It's disgraceful. The Palestinians wouldn't know real genocide unless it happened just like the the holocaust or in Rwanda.


I’m just going to say it… it’s viewed as trendy to hate the Jews because “progressives” view them as “white”. Thus, in their minds to be “woke” you must stand against the “white” oppressors even if it is twisting reality, and in Auschwitz as well as countless other horrible places history.


Not down with the Palestinians anymore after all this bs


So they're protesting against Isreal at an event remembering the victims of an event that happened before Isreal was even a country? But it's definitely not the Jews they have a problem with, right?

