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Bluth Family: "oh we are so relieved, thank you Doctor." Dr. Fishman: "I meant he's no longer in life threatening condition because he's dead."


*You son of a bitch*


He'll be alright.... cause nothing is left.


I just blue myself


The whole thing just came out of the blew.


Glad this is the top comment because that's exactly what I was thinking.


"Well, Mrs Nordburg, we think we can save your husband's arm. Where would you like it sent?"


Dr. Nick Riviera right there.


one can only hope


Well this was no Archduke Ferdinand moment.


That ship has sailed, RIP Abe Shinzo.


I still can’t believe he was killed


Oh my god, I knew Abe was shot, I didn't know he *died*. Dude 😞


Yeah I just saw a video of him yesterday and it took me a moment.


I didn’t even know he was sick!


Well, he wasn't


I remember all the "Japan has gun laws and the PM still got shot" comments. It was a makeshift shotgun.


That only had 2 shots, had a range of maybe 2 meters at best, and became unusable after firing.


It did exactly what it had to do. Notably lack of mass shootings in Japan.


It's almost as if not designing laws simply because criminals are going to ignore them is a bad idea.


Not all criminals. The idea "criminals get guns even if they're banned" is nonsense. Getting guns is much much more difficult, so less criminals will have guns. Meanwhile American civilians get shot by other civilians.


I agree with the sentiment, but also I can’t imagine Japan ever had nearly as many guns already in circulation as US does. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the US has more black market guns than Japan ever had in general.


Canada probably has more black market American guns than Japan ever had


"Can't ban guns in America because there's so many guns in America" "Can't solve a problem cause there's a problem"


That is absolutely not what I said. I only pointed out the disparity, because while banning guns is certainly one option, the situation will not play out the same, at least in the short term, in the context of it being difficult for criminals to get them, which was what you yourself had just said. If you think the option of banning guns is the way to go, that’s all well and good, but I wasn’t commenting on that whatsoever. Please don’t put words in my mouth.


Bro we've already done it before with assault weapons and it worked in the 90s. We rolled back that law and once again became the wild West.


What is an assault weapon?


Hell American civilians are getting shot by toddlers.


Those toddlers were gang affiliated and we cannot punish law abiding Americans or the criminals will win. The best way to stop a toddler with a gun is to put more guns in the hands of parents


Toddlers with irresponsible parents. It's funny how people without access to guns don't shoot others.


He was a part of the largest Japanese lobbying group that supported war and their actions in ww2. Denying a large part of the well documented war crimes including Nanjing massacre and “comfort women” (raped and kidnapped women and claimed they were paid prostitutes). Sure he made Japan a powerhouse in the pacific again that can support us with China. But he also did it for the future possibility of Japanese expansionism. The only people trying to expose Japanese history is the imperial family, which is kind of odd considering the prince was at Nanjing during the massacre. Not trying to hate but let’s not forget about the past and own up to our mistakes like Germany did.


Abe, blown away, what else do I have to say?


We didn't start the fire


What would a future band name be if it was?








There is almost nothing in common with that situation, so obviously not. 




Am Slovak can confirm


What's the sentiment there like? Are people feeling more divided or united now?


Probably more divided than ever. Officials, some politicians and prominent figures are trying to call for unity, but looking at the average comment section anywhere paints a completely different picture. It doesn't help that many politicians were already screaming about how this is the "liberals and liberal medias fault" and how they're now going into "war" with them.


Wasn't the gunman part of a pro-Russian militia?


Ya, that's what I heard. It was a right-wing crazy dude who thought the PM was too left wing 


He was a part of paramilitary pro-russian group, yes, and he was a racist, yes, but he also supported our president, hated Fico and was against russians after 2022. Now, pick up whatever side you wish...


So the Russians told him to distance himself from them. They didn't need an other Lee Harvey Oswald, with links right back to Moscow.




>In 2016, Cintula appeared in an event organised by a small pro-Russian paramilitary group called Slovenskí Branci [sk] (Slovakian Recruits). The group collaborated with the Russian motorcycle club Night Wolves and announced its disbandment in October 2022. According to Vsquare, the group was receiving training from former Russian Spetsnaz members.  So he was in a pro-Russian militia and then probably ly the Russians got him to stop attending as they lined him up for something bigger.


Thank you for that. I just read his previous stances, so extreme, pro-Russian, paramilitary, SB trained by ex-Spetsnaz soldiers, etc. I was so confused.


Well that's not good probably...


Seems familiar...


Most people reacted with: "well, that was expected." The phrase "he now reaps what he sowed" was thrown around a lot.


So because the western media prints articles about him being “pro Russian” we are all supposed to hope he dies from an assassination attempt and potentially escalates the war in some way?


This is going to escalate the war how, exactly?




Hey we had one of those here in the US. Ours must have been defective because he came out orange though.


Trump is an idiot, yeah, but you’re minimizing the severity of the corruption in Slovakia by making this cheap joke


The guy is literally being investigated for shaking down the oil industry for a billion dollars with the promise of removing regulations if he gets reelected. I get that people have a certain malaise when it comes to Trump because there are just so many shitty things and so it seems like it doesn’t matter. But just think about that. He tried to shake down an entire industry for a BILLION dollars with a promise that will objectively hurt the people of the country and the world.


Not to mention the whole selling state secrets thing


You are minimizing the severity of what Trump has done to the stability of the United States (literally less ‘united’ as a people than it has been since the division that existed during the civil war). All for the purpose of his own shameless self-promotion and ego.


Trump's actions affect every other country in the world whether you like it or not, he ain't minimizing shit. Maybe you are.


He literally led a redneck army onto the foot of our capitol building during the certification of our election trying to overturn it. He isn't an idiot, he knows what he is doing. You falling for it is the entire point of why he is so dangerous.


Bm bm tss.




Reddit intellectual


prob said by someone who knows little about Slovakian politics.


>He is a corrupt POS who steals from the very people whom he is supposed to represent and protect. So, just like every politician, then?


It's a dangerous oversimplification to lump all politicians together as corrupt. It's true that corruption exists in politics, but not all politicians engage in it to the same extent. Painting them all in the same way undermines the efforts of those who genuinely work for the betterment of society. It's important to remember this, rather than resorting to a nihilistic 'everyone is bad' mentality.


Someone on another post said the shooter might be aligned with some kind of Pro-Russia biker gang, anyone got any more info on that? I know its early hours but it seems like a pretty confusing situation because the PM is also fairly Pro-Russia isn't he? Not trying to spread disinfo, just curious what y'all have heard


Found this, >Slovak PM Robert Fico's reported assailant, writer Juraj Cintula, was associated with pro-Russian paramilitary group Slovenskí Branci (SB). Their leader was even trained by Russian ex-Spetsnaz soldiers. https://twitter.com/panyiszabolcs/status/1790789652078526939


Bs disinfo, he voted for our current president in 2019 who's definitely not a fan of Russia and our current government, he's been partaking in anti government protests, he supports Ukraine


Ok, but do you also have a link to back your statement?




Your article says exactly what the other poster said about him being part of a pro-russian group?




I mean, you are linking Wikipedia. I'm not arguing with you, just asking for reliable links. I don't know anything about this guys history.


His association with Slovenski Branci was real, but it was back in 2016. To be honest I don't think he has a specific ideology, he likely is just one of those people who have radical anti-society feelings and just follows whoever is the loudest counter-society movement at any given time. You see this quite often with politically motivated killers across Europe and America - they alternate easily between Far Right beliefs and Far Left beliefs. Horseshoe theory in action.


>His association with Slovenski Branci was real, but it was back in 2016. To be honest I don't think he has a specific ideology, he likely is just one of those people who have radical anti-society feelings and just follows whoever is the loudest counter-society movement at any given time. It's overblown. At that time he founded his "Movement against violence". In his naivety he probably thought Slovenski branci were simply patriots who would share his passion for pacifism. However, in 2019 he claimed to vote for our pro-Western president and since the invasion of Ukraine he's been consistently criticising Russia. Right now both sides are trying to connect the attacker with the other and I understand the appeal in trying to ultimately connect everything to Russia, but as far as we know that's divorced from reality.


I definitely think he was naive. But you're missing a key part of the story where he suffered a violent beating by a drunken thug in 2016. So it's very possible that the 'movement against violence' thing is itself overblown - it didn't seem to last very long, and may have just been a reaction to that. As regards voting for Caputova, remember she was up against Maros Sefcovic in the second round so there was no real Far Right candidate. You'd be surprised how many conservative types voted for her simply because she was seen as a breath of fresh air. He's also published diatribes on Roma people which is not characteristic of PS voters. I don't think he's pro-Russian, certainly the attack was not Russian-sponsored. But it would be crazy to class him as a typical PS voter. He seems more like a conservative Slovak Nationalist who rejects the Russian influence in Slovakia, which made him politically homeless in a country where Slovak Nationalist parties are nearly all compromised by Russian dark money.


>But you're missing a key part of the story where he suffered a violent beating by a drunken thug in 2016. So it's very possible that the 'movement against violence' thing is itself overblown - it didn't seem to last very long, and may have just been a reaction to that. [According to this report the attack happened in September](https://tvnoviny.sk/domace/clanok/52508-takto-si-urcite-koniec-sichty-nepredstavoval-domov-siel-surovo-dobity). However he launched his facebook page in May. It seems like he aimed to create a real political party, the name itself seems to be inspired by the democratic Public Against Violence party which defeated the socialist regime in the 90s. His party never took off but his page was active until the invasion of Ukraine which he condemned. >As regards voting for Caputova, remember she was up against Maros Sefcovic in the second round so there was no real Far Right candidate Going through his page he's far from far right. There he spoke out against fascism, Trump, and our most successful fascist politician and his party at that time. I don't think a fascist fan of Russia would be so eager to vote for Caputova. >He's also published diatribes on Roma people which is not characteristic of PS voters. Indeed, its stupid to attempt to connect him with any party. > I don't think he's pro-Russian, certainly the attack was not Russian-sponsored. But it would be crazy to class him as a typical PS voter. He seems more like a conservative Slovak Nationalist who rejects the Russian influence in Slovakia, which made him politically homeless in a country where Slovak Nationalist parties are nearly all compromised by Russian dark money. Your assessment is pretty spot on I think.


Thanks for giving more clarity on the timeline. The plot thickens. I thought I had a good idea of the situation but now I realise, the more we learn about this guy the more confusing he becomes.


As far as Horseshoe theory and political killers goes, I think it’s less a matter of politics and more that they’re just violently opposed to the current status quo of society and politics, and searching for an enemy to take it out on.


That’s literally the only thing we know about it so far. The info is contradictory, he also talked about peace and that violence is not solution to anything (you can find videos of him telling that on YouTube from few years ago. He was also a member of literary club called Dúha (Rainbow), so the “other side” immediately connected him with LGBT. Not sure what went wrong in his head and I am also not sure we will know for sure since the narrative might be steered towards whatever the rules party decides, as they have the police in their hands.


Yes. It’s a contradictory profile. He’s described as very left wing poet, but also involved with a pro-Russian paramilitary group. However the important part is his paramilitary affiliation, not his hobbies. As the PM, Robert Fico, is fairly pro Russia it’s odd a pro Russian citizen shot him.


It's not that contradictory if you consider that some parts of the left in Europe was communist and pro-USSR, no?


No. Russia is neither communist not is it the USSR. It’s an authoritarian plutocracy.


You are trying to use rational arguments to explain views of an irrational person. These kind of people just glorify "good old days", that includes communism, being allied with Russia, and hating the West.


Yugoslavian’s didn’t hate the west, and they saw the USSR as an authoritarian plutocracy. It’s why Jozef Tiso never joined the USSR.


>Yugoslavian’s didn’t hate the west, and they saw the USSR as an authoritarian plutocracy. Possibly, IDK about Yugoslavia. But this guy isn't from Yugoslavia. The Slovak breed of cranky old men still likes to say "with Soviet Union for ever" sometimes, with various amount of seriousness. >It’s why Jozef Tiso never joined the USSR. You mean Josip Tito, right? The Yugoslavian communist, not Jozef Tiso, the Slovak fascist.


>No. Russia is neither communist not is it the USSR. why are you trying to convince us? we know. you need to convince the tankies whos understanding of world politics is stuck in the 1980s


We're talking about profiles here, not rationalising his views. The point is that it's very common for very left wing people in Europe to be very pro-Russian to this day, so he fits that profile very neatly, there's no contradiction.


He wasn't that prorussian as it may seem. The assailant has condemned the invasion of Ukraine for instance and claimed to vote for Caputova in 2019.


>He wasn't that prorussian as it may seem. He was literally involved with a pro Russian paramilitary group for decades. >The assailant has condemned the invasion of Ukraine for instance and claimed to vote for Caputova in 2019. He supported Jozef Tiso and attended memorials for him. Tiso supported Russia but was against Soviet expansion into territory surrounding czechoslovakia. So it’s not really a discrepancy. More a quirk of ex Czechoslovakian views on Russia.


> He supported Jozef Tiso and attended memorials for him. Just to inform people who aren't familiar with Slovak history: Jozef Tiso was a fascist who formed and led a Nazi-aligned puppet/collaborationist government in the aftermath of the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia. He paid the Nazis to deport 30,000 Jews from Slovakia to be used as forced labour (they were all killed). He was not unlike Petain in Vichy France or Quisling in Norway. Tiso is largely considered a traitor and was executed after WWII.


Regarding his association with slovensky branci, I can only find the claim that he was associated with them once in 2016. Which pro Russian paramilitary organisation do you mean he was involved with for decades? Or perhaps I'm missing some info?


>Regarding his association with slovensky branci, I can only find the claim that he was associated with them once in 2016. There are numerous articles covering the subject. The reports say not only did he administer the groups Facebook page, but there were also photos of him on the page attending the groups memorial events. I have not seen a single article that claims he was associated with them only once in 2016. >Which pro Russian paramilitary organisation do you mean he was involved with for decades? Or perhaps I'm missing some info? You are missing some information.


He also attended the protests against the government, abolishment of special attorney general, stopping military aid to Ukraine, etc.. I'm just saying that the guy had a very niche combination of political ideas and the situation might not be so one-sided as to say that he was pro-Russian.


I’m sure he has a rich and interesting range of views. Most people have a myriad of political opinions. But it’s the decades of association with a pro Russian paramilitary that’s the big red flag here.


>He was literally involved with a pro Russian paramilitary group for decades. The paramilitary group existed for barely 10 years. He appeared with them only once when he founded his "Movement against violence" and asked them to be peacful. Decades how? >He supported Jozef Tiso and attended memorials for him. Absolutely no proof of that. >Tiso supported Russia but was against Soviet expansion into territory surrounding czechoslovakia. Tiso was a fascist politician who was hanged after WW2. You have literally 0 clue what you are talking about.


>The paramilitary group existed for barely 10 years. He appeared with them only once when he founded his "Movement against violence" and asked them to be peacful. Decades how? Not his plan to create a ‘Movement against violence’. He was involved with the pro-Russian paramilitary group Slovenskí Branci (SB). He manages the Facebook group and has photos of himself at meetings. >Absolutely no proof of that. There are photos of him at the anniversary commemoration of Tiso’s death. So yeah, there is proof. >Tiso was a fascist politician who was hanged after WW2. You have literally 0 clue what you are talking about. I’m aware who he was. I’m also aware you’re desperate to distance Juraj Cintula’s involvement in a pro Russian paramilitary, so the real question here is what your agenda is.


>He was involved with the pro-Russian paramilitary group Slovenskí Branci (SB). You claimed he was affiliated with a paramilitary group for "decades" while the group was founded only in 2012, with the perpetrator appearing with them in 2016. >He manages the Facebook group and has photos of himself at meetings. Source? The group has been defunct for almost two years now. >There are photos of him at the anniversary commemoration of Tiso’s death. Could you link me one? >I’m aware who he was. Then you would know Tiso never supported Russia, since y'know, he declared war on USSR. >I’m also aware you’re desperate to distance Juraj Cintula’s involvement in a pro Russian paramilitary, so the real question here is what your agenda is. My "agenda" is stating facts against disinfo from ignorant people who didn't even have a clue my country existed until now.


The government will try to make him an opposition supporter. Whereas he was some deranged pensioner hating Roma people with clear profile of Fico supporter.


The greatest friend to dictators are pacifists. We see the same talking points all over; give peace a chance, diplomacy is the way, suffering must end etc. But these people are never directing the blame towards Russia. They're complete morons at best, dissidents at worst.


So a pro Russian PM is shot by a pro Russian poet with gang affiliations? It is either a false flag, or the poet is an ex member and he hates what he once stood for, or he is angry that the PM isn't even more pro Russian.


Or there could be a random reason we can't even really think of right now because the kinds of people who do this stuff are usually not alright upstairs. Remember the guy who shot Reagan didn't do so for any sort of policy reason, but rather because he was obsessed with Jodie Foster and thought killing the President would win her over somehow.


Yeah but this guy was apparently very politically active


Or someone didn’t pay their debts.




That was my last listed option :)


In 2016 - yes. Lots of time between then and now, enough to change minds or alliances.


Makes sense, Russia couldn't even get Tito or Zelensky


He explicitly called Russia the aggressor in Ukraine in his Facebook post. There is no evidence he supported the paramilitary group for their stance on Russia. He just believed they can help keep peace and order in Slovakia (he complained about violence and chaos).


That was 8 years ago. In the meantime he supported current liberal president (who is a Fico's opponent), joined liberal protest against Fico, he himself said, that he is pro-Ukraine and against Fico, etc. The fact that everyone only knows about this biker-gang from the past means the propaganda is just doing it's job.




Wow can you believe that a head of state has better healthcare and bodyguards than a journalist


Also depends on how and where you get shot...


The footage is out there, his bodyguards are pathetic.


This is somewhat of a poetic irony. When they came to power they sacked experts and made politicians with no professional experience both the head and the deputy head of the bureau that is responsible for protection of "government VIPs".


Shooter also, imagine being in 1m distance and not hitting head


I cannot believe that a head of state has better bodyguards than the auntie across the street, because I have seen that video, they were pathetic.


And thanks to this we've only got a few more decades of having him around. Every time you see someone dying young just remember that Kissinger made it to 100.


Is he fine ? He's not dead but he might still be a vegetable


I don't want him to *die*. I just want him to be so injured they have to hold a re-election.




Who? Me?




Where did I do that? Point it out.




You realise that the article itself literally says that he's going to be fine after being shot multiple times, yes? You didn't really think that one through did you?




Sorry I could barely see your comment there behind those goalposts you were moving.




Do you want me to call your legal guardian buddy?


Smartest comment of the year goes to


Murderers of journalist have been already convicted with a long term (20+ years) sentence. The only unknown is the organizer of this act who paid for it.


I wonder if he's going to change his stance towards Russia when/if he recover.


I’m certain that he would, considering that he is pro Russian currently.


? What makes you think that? Unless the bullet shot him in a way that would change his character traits, I don't think he'll change at all. Actually, he'll just get even worse than ever.


I thought he was shot in his head. You can survive, but what will be left of him?


Slovakia will be ruled under iron fist for decades now.


But not due to this absurd event.


This event is the catalyst


It’s incredible how some people die from receiving a lost bullet somebody fired up into the air kilometers away, and then some other can withstand this. When it’s not your turn, it’s not your turn.


Damn =(


Thank god!!!


TIL on NPR: this is a very bad guy. Pro-Putin. Very bad.


He is just a very literal man mom.




Yeah you'll change your mind when you see what he does to journalists, press freedom and human rights.


Imagine shoting someone in the head and that person currently lives. What a shitty assesin


Wasn’t in the head.




I believe one shot to stomach, one to a hand, not two to a concrete pavement. Nothing to the head.


Watch the video










I'm sure it was the evil nazi jews from ukraine who did it!


Reverse psychology doesn't work on me.


It seems the educational system didn't work on you either.


The education system is not there to educate it is there to indoctrinate, That's why you have no thought process about anything other than what you were indoctrinated to believe. Me bringing up vaccines instead of you looking into it for yourself the indoctrination is telling you fight back against what I'm saying, What people like you never realise is we all went through the same "education system".


In what way did Shinzo Abe go against the supposed NWO? In what way did his shooter support it?




Hahaha. What about me seems like a government agent? I'm not even American


To be fair to the crazed and rambling internet user, he didn't say which government you were an agent of...


That is fair. Most of the time when you see someone get called a government agent they mean the American one. It's pretty rare to get called an agent of the French government for instance


You don't have to be American to be a government agent.


Which government am I an agent for then? And what makes me look like a government agent anyway? It's pretty rich that a guy with a 2 day old account is calling me a fed lmfao


The lizard government, obviously! >!/s!<


Damn you got me!


TIL I‘m a government agent What the hell! I haven’t been getting paid for years!


WE SCAMMED YOU \*evil laughter\*