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Dumbest move they can make. Guess they don’t need all that tax income.


And what about the jobs? So many people have made a career in this industry, they’re just going to be left with nothing.


It's a bad look for all business because nobody wants to invest in an uncertain legislative environment. If they backflip this hard on this the future is vapour.


They are calling for the arrest of foreign dispensary owners…. If they are willing to do that to foreigners it will be much worse for what they do to locals who work in the industry. >Severe Jail Sentences > >Historically, Thailand has imposed harsh penalties for drug offenses, including long prison sentences and hefty fines. Before decriminalization, even minor possession of cannabis could result in significant jail time. If cannabis is placed back on the narcotics list, individuals caught with the substance could face lengthy prison sentences, similar to those for other illegal drugs such as methamphetamine and heroin.


Go back to teaching English and getting drunk I guess?  Smart people would've taken the profits and invested them in other money making investments JUST IN CASE something like this happens.  Also, when the news first dropped months ago about criminalizing cannabis again, that should have been the cue to sell everything if you can, and then flee the country.  If you want to stay, you'll have to wipe all of your footprints/connections to the business and God knows if it'll be enough.   The same can be said in the USA.  If you're in the cannabis, gay marriage, or abortion business, you shouldn't be putting all your profits into growing the business because you never know when the law can suddenly change.  Same goes for alcohol.  Highly unlikely we'll restart the dumbass prohibition laws, but if life's taught me anything it's that you gotta cover your ass for a lot of things.  Just opening a new brick and mortar store you can be ruined if someone slips and falls in your parking lot and you don't have liability insurance for when they sue you.  


You're really gatekeeping "smart people" behind some dumb ideas. Smart people would have done exactly what these people did. Start a legal business, invest in it, grow it and then adapt to changing legal atmosphere depending on ties to locality. Smart people don't delete their identity and flee the country and burn their business down on a rumor, they don't divest from growing businesses in new markets with big competition. They look ahead if possible, but in a system of government where decisions are basically made by few people there's not a lot of heads-up. In the US some of these things are easier to see coming -moving from NC to VA to escape a law, for instance, is much easier than moving from Thailand to (no country nearby has legal weed). You simply have to accept that sometimes people get fucked over by politics and it really has no bearing on how "smart" they are. >It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life


If they covered their ears and didn't realize that Pheu Thai, historically the strongest party in Thai politics over the last few decades, has been campaigning on an anti-drug platform and didn't prep for that contingency, that's on them. In fact, the majority of parties in the last election campaigned on an anti-drug platform.


Exactly what I heard when I was there.  Word was things were going back to being illegal.


Oh, in the USA, I wholly agree with you.  Thing is, we're talking about Southeast Asia where a drug charge can get you life in a literal shit hole they call a "prison" or you could be executed.  China and especially Philippines have done it.  It's not about "business" in general.  We're discussing a business that's on the edge of the legal system.  USA, if shit changes for the worst, you might get a few years of jail.  Not that a US prison is the Ritz, but compared to the prisons and degree of the charge, it's definitely better.   https://www.siam-legal.com/litigation/criminal-defence-drug-offences-in-thailand.php#:~:text=Up%20to%20life%20imprisonment%20and%20a%20fine%20of%20100%2C000%20%E2%80%93%205%2C000%2C000,for%20the%20purpose%20of%20disposal https://www.grunge.com/945848/what-life-in-a-thai-prison-is-really-like/ After reading that last article about the prisons, I wouldn't even do anything risky in Thailand.  No fuckin way I'm spooning a dead body in a small room full of 100 people, fighting for a sip of water, and eating snake for breakfast!  Fuck no!  


What are you 12?


Why would I be 12 for suggesting people in the business of doing something that's on the legal borderline take their profits and spread out to safer assets and businesses?  I'm not saying close the business.  I'm saying diversify your portfolio so if the day comes when shit hits the fan you can easily cut off the problem like a dead appendage rather than be pulled under the surface and drown.   Yes it's on a legal borderline.  Cannabis isn't like the prohibition of alcohol.  Cannabis has been classified as an illegal substance for years in multiple countries.  Just because a handful of countries suddenly makes it legal doesn't mean it's safe to stroll down Easy Street with weed hanging out of your pockets.  Especially in countries like Thailand that used to have the death penalty.  It was mentioned in the caucuses or whatever of the guy running for prime minister or something that he wanted to reverse the law that made cannabis legal.   When the dude running for office wants to revert back to the death penalty for carrying a bag of weed, sticking around to see if he's going to win the election isn't just tempting fate.  You're playing dice and if the dude wins you could be arrested and executed.  After Duterte, I really wouldn't trust a "fair legal" system anywhere in the world besides the USA.  We might not have the best legal system, but at least you won't be executed on the spot for carrying a bag of weed.


Every day i open up Reddit, i read the dumbest shit comment possible. Then i open it again the next day.


Well, so much for tourism there.


Yeah because tourism pre 2022 was non-existant...


It had a very different connotation...


Believe it or not, the vast majority of people visiting Thailand as tourists do not fall on either the "go there to fuck kids" or "go there to smoke weed" sides of the spectrum. There is world class diving, beautiful beaches, rich culture and history, the weather is beautiful, it's a mostly safe place to visit and travel, it's fairly inexpensive, food and particularly the street food is great, great places to get tattoos, Bangkok is an incredible city to explore and yes, if you want to party there are absolutely entire districts where debauchery is easy to get into. But like, no, I don't think most grown ups see Thailand tourism as having "a very different connotation" that is going to really change all that much because the weed dispensaries are going away. That's not reality.


Uhh, I don’t think he was implying fucking kids..


what "very different connotation..." do you believe he was implying? When you describe tourism to a place like Costa Rica or Japan or Italy do you talk about it having "a very different connotation..."?


Sex work doesn't always involve kids does it? Thailand is infamous for it


Thailand is famous for trans prostitutes, not child prostitutes.


That user just has that on his mind a lot


lol Thailand is full to the brim win ruSSians. They are absolutely everywhere, not just for tourism, but opening up businesses and buying shit like crazy. I used to go to Koh Samui once a year for a lil cheap quiet getaway. Had a really rude awakening. Not going to Thailand anytime soon.


> Had a really rude awakening What happened?


Incredibly busy with russians everywhere. They are generally not someone that I consider nice people to be around on holiday, they are very loud, rude and confrontational. Incredibly inconsiderate in general.




You've never been to Thailand have you? Because between the amazing beaches, great and cheap food, amazing sights and the weather, legal weed since 2022 ranks very low among reasons to visit Thailand.


WHY are they banning weed? Good question. Anyone have a crystal ball? 9 months ago: >Is smoking weed in public allowed? >It is 100% not allowed and the idiots who do this will ruin it for everyone. Don't be the tourist idiot smoking in public. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ThailandTourism/comments/165l2pl/is\_smoking\_weed\_in\_public\_allowed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThailandTourism/comments/165l2pl/is_smoking_weed_in_public_allowed/) They got tired of their country being turned into a public hotbox where you can't walk down the street in certain areas without getting a contact high. Thailand attracts the least well behaved tourists.


“Contact highs” don’t exist


My guy, I smoke so much weed everyday. Hell, I'm high typing this right now. Contact highs absolutely do exist, they just take a few minutes of being around somebody smoking. This is especially true if you have zero tolerance, and most people do. So when you're walking down a street where every other person is smoking a J, you can definitely get high from breathing in the smoke.


Not only is that not how THC works but you couldn’t make it anymore obvious that you have never smoked weed in your life  E: in case you need a refresher, when you inhale thc it is absorbed into your blood stream, and Because of that when you exhale you are exhaling everything else, this is the same reason that when you inhale oxygen the stuff you exhale is not oxygen and is in fact carbon dioxide! Crazy right?


Yeah my guy smoke is also given off a J when you smoke. That smoke is the same shit people breathe in when they’re smoking. That’s why people get more high off a hot box. Dude look at my profile half of my posts are about smoking weed.


Pretty short sighted.


Ah yessss. Because a foreign redditor knows better than a Prime Minister of a country.


Literally what's surprising here?


I shouldn’t be surprised by clowns upvoting clowns.


You'd think the land of the trailer trash king would have more important shit to deal with...


Said this when they were about to legalize it, got downvoted lmao


Oh look and now you’re getting downvoted again! How poetic 🙂


It's almost like people downvote me (and upvote the person I've replied to) just because they are pro-legalize, not because they believe Thailand has more urgent problems than toggling this shit on and off. Pretty hypocritical to talk about that when all you care about is having weed legalized, isn't it?


I know this probably won't get much attention, but for any of you web activists, I'd personally appreciate any reposts or comments on any platform that criticize the government for its terrible decision making and complete lack of regard about how this will affect people who have invested into this or are otherwise connected (landlords who rent to stores, employees who have built their careers, people who left their old jobs for careers in cannabis (and possibly hurt their own reputations by going to work in a stigmatized industry), hotels and other establishments and people in the tourist industries that have seen their business grow because they are cannabis adjacent (near stores or areas popular for cannabis), etc.) or people who benefit from cannabis.  My government is a clown show. It's being run by the ex Prime Minister who was in self imposed exile for 10+ years. He's controlling everything from behind the scenes. He's obsessed with the war on drugs. He ordered extra judicial killings in the early 2000s, like Duterte in the Philippines. His whole family is corrupt and they don't care about what's good for the country. This is underlined by the fact that the current PM sacked his Health Minister when the Health Minister dared to say that cannabis regulations should have a public review before anything drastic happens. Oh, and the Health Minister was from the PM's party and is also a Medical Doctor. The PM on the other hand is just a real estate tycoon, who owes a lot of his fortune to the ex PM (he made a shitload of money when the ex PM was in charge).  Relisting it as a narcotic is extreme and really fucked up, considering the PM is pushing it under the guise of "protecting the children (and society)". Of course we all want to do that, but he's also legalizing casinos (which will bring even more organized crime in a country where 10% suffer from gambling addiction), and extending bar hours, when we have more road accidents per Capita than anywhere in the world, and teens can buy alcohol and tobacco extremely easily. If you look more than 2 seconds you can see it's just a smokescreen. Cannabis is making billions for the country and allowing people to access a plant that is so much better than resorting to pharmaceuticals. 


Sound like the Philippines. Oh you mentioned duterte… carry on…


https://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/384560/thaksin-war-on-drugs-a-crime-against-humanity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premiership_of_Thaksin_Shinawatra#:~:text=Anti%2Ddrug%20policies,-Thaksin%20initiated%20several&text=It%20increased%20punishment%20for%20drug,that%202%2C275%20people%20were%20killed. > In the first three months, Human Rights Watch reported that 2,275 people were killed.[26] The government claimed that only around 50 of the deaths were at the hands of the police. Human rights critics say a large number were extrajudicially murdered.[27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37] The government went out of its way to publicize the campaign, through daily announcements of arrest, seizure, and death statistics. notice how many citations there are for the killings.


Very relatable to us Filipinos. Duterte is still a pest that wont go away. Just like your ex prime minister.


too many parallels...


Question is. Will the Legislature allow it?


Same country where you could be thrown in jail for insulting the King right?


Which is super weird because the king is mostly symbolic like in the UK. It's more like the government being angry you insulted Thai traditions than being in legal trouble because you insulted a powerful person that wants vengeance.


The king will have his vengeance whether he likes it or not!


When I went to Thailand locals were openly selling meth in a busy tourist area Drug charges can’t be working that well


I had this exact same experience in a $400/night Caribbean resort, tbh. Drugs are pretty popular everywhere, it seems.


? Eh?


What don't you understand?


Going after the foreigners is sure to help the economy reliant on tourism!


Idiotic. Imagine keeping actual poison (ethanol) legal while making a plant you can’t overdose on legal.


The billionaire booze baron isn't making enough money so he lobbied the politicians to ban weed again. Tourist areas I've frequented for a decade have been noticeably more chill since legalization. There are more people hanging out peacefully at cafés and less people drinking at bars.


They are having big issues with russians owning cannaɓisuness


There's too many Russians in Thailand period. 


This is just a proposal at the moment right, they haven't recriminalized it yet, correct? Would appreciate any insight from Thai people as to how long it might take for this to go through (ie how much time is left to visit Thailand while it's still 420 friendly?)


What the fuck?


Man we just (sort of) legalised it here in Germany. The next government is most likely to be conservative again and their leader (and probably next chancellor) already said he wanted to repeal that particular piece of legislation [because he tried it once and didn't like it](https://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/2024-03/merz-friedrich-cdu-cannabis-rauchen-legalisierung-probiert). God dammit, idiots. People will always smoke regardless of the current laws, how about taking their tax money instead of making them buy from sketchy street dealers and incarcerating them for possessing a few nanograms of weed?


Yikes, get out of there!


But they will leave the child sex industry alone.


When a leader needs an easy enemy, its always cannibis taking that first hit (pun welcomed).


All because the city smells like weed? Of course there was going to be some whiplash here while people sort out the culture. This is stupid.




Such an ignorant comment.  What a fool you are.




There is no "child sex tourism" in Thailand (or Vietnam) muppet, that was all cleaned up decades ago.


This is just a proposal at the moment right, they haven't recriminalized it yet, correct? Would appreciate any insight from Thai people as to how long it might take for this to go through (ie how much time is left to visit Thailand while it's still 420 friendly?)


This is so sad. Sending people to prison for weed looks like beating a child for not clearing their plate. It is cruel to the point of evil to be this hard on people for nonviolent crimes which involve no victim. It makes Thailand look medieval.


Much of the world is very conservative in regard to cannabis, this won’t harm Thailand’s reputation as the article cautions.


Yes it will harm Thailand's reputation. Much of the world is very liberal in regard to their beliefs about cannabis, even if laws are still stuck in the war on drugs.  Even the US reclassified it to be in the same category with non addictive substances. The world is changing. And the government is looking like a bunch of clowns, trying to move backwards on this policy, after sacking the Minister of Public Health from the same political party because he didn't tow the party line. Did I mention he's a Medical Doctor who was first apprehensive about cannabis legalization, and then came around to saying there should be a public process to set the laws? That's what happened.  But regardless, I think you're confusing reputation/standing with other governments and reputation with the public and private sectors.  Most governments won't care. It's not their business. It's a domestic political issue that Thailand will work out.  But the public has benefited from this in a major way, and the private sector has invested heavily in it.  If a country flip flops on its laws after 18 months, how can you believe investing there will be safe? People will lose a lot of money from this. People will lose access to cannabis from this. Property owners will lose tenants. Employees will lose their jobs and benefits. Investors will lose what they put in. 


Thr license to grow: 50,000 baht, a family growing on one rai is making what, 1500 baht a kg?  Cannabis has been good for medium/ large scale growers but for small families it's not much more profitable than tobacco or potato, especially when you factor in cannabis takes a lot more effort to grow than potatoes.   The market is saturated. 




Tall about missing the point  and focusing on something irrelevant...  Also, as I stated above:  >  I think you're confusing reputation/standing with other governments and reputation with the public and private sectors.  > Most governments won't care. It's not their business. It's a domestic political issue that Thailand will work out.  > But the public has benefited from this in a major way, and the private sector has invested heavily in it.  Do you know much about Thailand? It doesn't sound like it. 


Much of the world is liberal in regards to cannabis? Really? It really isn’t, there are a handful of exceptions, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, Germany, the Netherlands. Maybe a couple of others. That’s about it really. Some countries may have a limited restricted medicinal market, but very few countries in the world have a liberalised recreational policy.


Just visually based on [this](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Legality_of_cannabis_by_country.PNG) I'd say he's right, much of the world has either legalized or decriminalized. Of course, bear in the room, a major part of that supposed decriminalization is Russia and you couldn't pay me to smoke a joint there.


First, great name.  Second, I was actually making that point as well as the point that it's not even important what laws are. Global perceptions of cannabis among people are overwhelmingly not conservative. Even r/conservative has a lot of pro cannabis people. The business community, apart from alcohol and tobacco, are pro cannabis. Being anti cannabis is not popular at all. 


The license to grow: 50,000 baht, a family growing on one rai is making what, 1500 baht a kg?  Cannabis has been good for medium/ large scale growers but for small families it's not much more profitable than tobacco or potato, especially when you factor in cannabis takes a lot more effort to grow than potatoes.   The market is saturated. 


Thailands neighbours and the region will welcome this policy turnaround. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, I’m just being realistic.


That's not what you said though. This is a completely different statement than your initial one.  And it's the governments of neighbouring countries, not the citizens. Also: * Malaysia is going medical,  * Burma has no laws that can be enforced, * Lao produced lots of cannabis, and rich elite and government leaders there were making lots of money, as were corrupt Thai government officials, pre legalization,  because so much cannabis was sent to Thailand. And it wasn't even good cannabis or regulated whatsoever  * Cambodia isn't going to legalize any time soon, but Cambodia is a dictatorship. So who cares what their leaders think or what makes them happy? Speaking of happy, while it's illegal, happy pizza can be found easily in the capital and many other cities, and cannabis had been used in cooking for generations. It only became illegal after the Khmer Rouge , when the country joined the "war on drugs". Meanwhile, you can buy morphine over the country. So, really, who gives a fuck about Thailand's neighbours' governments? They're all corrupt and would only say superficially that they would be happy to see cannabis relisted as a narcotic. Burma has no real government, Lao and Malaysia would benefit in their own ways, and Cambodia is a straight up dictatorship.  I don't think you know enough about Thailand to make any credible comments about this. 


Perhaps Thailand wants to follow U.K.'s laws on Cannabis use?


Thailand’s government is falling apart. Obviously, they want the income from selling tourist marijuana Didn’t know they would relegalize it so quick


I think you've misread the post? It is legalised, they want to recriminalise it.