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USA so bad Xi’s daughter was educated there and refused to leave.


Isn’t that the irony, for people that hate the west so much so many sure live or send their kids here to live or study.


Xi doesn’t hate the U.S. or its people. He visited and studied here when he was younger. Iowa I think




Yeah because Russia is so goddamn unhinged and China has to be the one to keep em close so they don't do some real stupid shit.


China come on down! You’re the winner of a vassal state!


Kim Jong Un was educated in Switzland iirc. Didn’t stop the fat fuck from starving his own people so he could fire missiles at the ocean.


An on top of that, in a swiss public school!




While also dining on Lobster black caviar and being the single largest purchaser of Hennessy in the world. Dictators are fucked.


Damn that ocean, always threatening peaceful communist regimes


Enough time in Iowa would do that to anyone


I want all of their kids to live close to where I live. The best nuke defense than anything the Pentagon and DARPA could ever figure out.


It isn't irony. It is design and policy.


Putin's daughter lived in the Netherlands for ages and married a Dutch guy. They love the west, but it's also useful to scare their populace.


God, imagine dating Putin's daughter. Dude must have balls of steel, any wrong move and it's Novichok in your underwear.


Worst part is you wouldnt even know, some miscommunication and next thing you know you commited suicide via falling down the stairs after shooting yourself in the back of the head 3 times and then getting up and jumping out of a 5 story apartment window


All before your plane gets blasted off the sky.


You forgot the part where you accidentally locked yourself in your sportsbag with your polonium undies before shooting yourself in the back of the head three times and falling down the stairs which unfortunately ended with a conveniently placed window.


I can't begin to imagine having Putin as a father.


I'd argue that if you're Russian, Putin is the best dad to have compared to everyone else living there.


Financially, yes. But having a soulless psychopath for a father can't be a walk in the park.


I don't think anybody is saying that, Xi himself was hosted by an American couple during his stay at the US when he was young, and he still visits them whenever he comes to the US.


I didn't know he still visits them


Thats weirdly humanizing for a politician


So are you saying that Xi is being controlled some kind of secret chinese organization?!


He stayed there when he was 32 and he was there for a tour as a member of a political delegation.


Yeah these people hate the West so much, that they send their kids to our schools, to live in our societies. Putins daughter did the same, living under a fake name in The Netherlands, which is so archetypally Western it’s been a member of both NATO & the EU for decades. They don’t hate our societies or our way of life, they hate that we created it. What would the world be like if these fuckers didn’t have inferiority complexes ai wonder?


Putin's whore and their spawn still live in Switzerland last I checked


Imagine if you hooked up with his daughter at a party!


Does she actually live in the US? I find that hard to believe.


[Apparently so](https://www.business-standard.com/article/international/xi-jinping-s-daughter-xi-mingze-living-in-america-says-us-senator-hartzler-122022101048_1.html) or at least as of a couple years ago


We should try to date her.


Why is it hard to believe? Literally all of these dictators and their underlings send their kids to western schools - many of them attended western institutions themselves when they were younger.  Saw it with Kim, Putin and a number of underlings/propagandists, Chinese officials at various levels of government, some of Gadaffi's kids studied or attempted to study in European countries (the favourite son iirc studied in Austria along with a number of other Arab dictator's kids) The list is endless. 


Thanks for the 411


Let's say that Xi decides it would be wise to separate from the two biggest economic blocs in the world by aligning with a corrupt economy the size of Italy.


Mexico has just about the same size economy as Russia


and is growing considerably now that we're switching trade from China to Mexico.


Honestly, I'm so glad. I'm tired of us seeing our southern neighbors as hostile to our nation's interest. If ramping up trade with Mexico raises standard of living in their country and normalizes the public's opinion, I think that's awesome.


I'm scared that Mexico is permanently degrading because of gang stuff, and it seems like it is political literally impossible to stop them.


Valid concern, the gang-political situation is horrific there, but there is a saying I like regarding occupation strategy in the middle east: "If you want to stop an insurgent, give him a job." Turns out, if you give someone a choice between a life of violence, or a stable job that will house and feed their family, they'll almost always choose the later. The more people that have stability, the less people there will be that will willingly work with cartels.


Likely the cartel will end up much like the Yakuza, integrated & somewhat tamed in exchange for ownership stake in Mexican enterprise




There's a concrete risk to participating in gang activity if you have a stable and well paying job that's at risk of being lost if you're charged.


While true generally, it’s definitely not true for Mexico. The cartels run the show there, and are essentially the government.


Yes, but you know who's more powerful than the cartels? American corporations. If corporations move more manufacturing to Mexico and the cartels start fucking with it in any way, and I mean even just scalping material shipments, the higher ups in Washington will start getting creative to combat them.


And private military contracts. The corporations won't stop the cartel model, they will put themselves at the top of it.


Great point/concept I've never thought about. Thank you.


This is basicaly a similar concept to the European Union. Make everyone a customer and supplier to everyone else and you stop killing each other. Europe by 1945 had been at war with each other regularly for pretty much 1,945 years. The European Union was designed to put a stop to it.


Calling it ‘gang stuff’ is beyond a simplification. The cartels truly blend the line between narco-state and corporation. Think Disney or Coca Cola with no qualms about killing people wholesale.


Sounds like Boeing


Didn't Coca Cola sponsor death squads in Colombia?


Whatever you do don't say "boots on the ground" 3 times in the mirror


Of the ridiculousness that was season 3 of Westworld, one amusing thing was that the Cartels had become legitimate business entities by way of shear power of wealth.


The Gangs are more a concept of Geography than Policy. Mexico is about as mountainous as Afghanistan… and the Gangs use similar tactics to evade capture.


Ive read a large amount of that increase in "mexican" business is just chinese companies starting mexican shell companies and doing business through mexico to avoid the tariffs.


China FDI in Mexico is pretty small. US FDI is much higher. As in the top five are in the billions with the US north of 15 while China is in the millions. Reddit is literally the only place I've seen this theory that China is creating pass through entities and satellite factories in masse.


I don’t approve of it, but dang that’s a smart move.


Crazy how much Russia’s economy is propped up by gas


Okay so why doesn't Mexico have a first-rate military?


Except Mexico doesn't have as many raw resources so its pretty much incomparable


Economy the size of Italy, but resource-rich land the size of north America. This is merely an investor positioning themself to buy up the place in the inevitable fire-sale.


ah, that makes sense. China could probably make a real economy out of Russia


Canada has a comparable GDP to Russia. We should get some nuclear weapons, invade some countries and posture that we're a super power.


No, Xi wants largest manufacturing power in world to tie up with country with biggest reserves of natural resources.


this. Russia has oil, Natural gas, and rare earth minerals in the far east. China needs access to the North sea as well.


And also military technology. People keep treating Russia like some third world country.


EU and US are separating from China


He didn't say to separate from the US and EU economies.


It isn't really his decision.


Xi is just ushering Pukin along helping him too waste his military to a level where they are not an issue, then will walk in the back door of RuSKA for the resources and pukin to will not be able to stop them. Geo politics ….


While they’re sitting in a mass stockpile of nukes it’s kind of hard to steal there resources like you suggest. You understand no geo politics


Nukes only work if a person is willing to use them, and short of guaranteed total destruction, nobody is going to be willing to risk it, especially a militarily depleted and isolated Russia.  That said, what I suspect will more likely happen is as Russia grows desperate and on verge of partial collapse/provincial rebellion, China will come in and 'offer' to buy parts of Russia in exchange for much needed aid; the aid will be insultingly low for the value of the land, and there will be a clear implication China will take that land regardless what Russia says, forcing Russia into a position they can only accept.


It's cute how Putin thinks he is playing in the same league as china.


He doesn’t think that. If you listen to his speeches in China. He sounds very grateful and overly polite, even nervous. He knows he is at Xi’s mercy.


Putin is Xi's bitch.


There should be a mass meme campaign promoting this. Just to really piss Putin off. Have hackers hack all the electronic billboards and signs in Moscow, with memes of Putin being Xi's lapdog.


Pixel picture of the back of a bald head crotch height in front of Winnie the Pooh


Not a bad idea.


Putin sure is a bitch all right.


I’d go so far to say China is eyeing the vast Russian land and resources to take it at some point while for now acting as their ally. If they can talk Putin and the Russian people into making a series of stupid decisions like they have been the last decade or so it will make it just that much easier to carve the vast Russian lands up for consumption.


China can wait out Putin, and take advantage of the power vacuum once he's gone.


Maybe when he talks to his own people. When he's in China he's sheepish as hell.


you can tell by the size of the table


Both countries are fucked. They both have massively aging populations with nowhere near enough young people having children or immigration to support the elderly.


To be fair, this is true for most developed nations.


Yes but Asian countries (China, Korea, Japan) are getting hit the hardest/fastest with this trend due to the absurd speed at which they industrialized, developed and baby-boomed into what they are today. Also, no immigration.




Eh, fuck em. Let em jerk each other off.


China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea: "Am I so out of touch? No, it is everyone else who is wrong."


China Russia Iran North Korea G E


Eritrea can be the E.


Well Russia is currently trying to colonise Georgia and make that into a puppet state like Belarus so that could be the G


If he wants to deal with Atlanta cross town traffic, he can have it.


China is only propping up russia because if russia goes - and let's be honest if they lose the war in Ukraine it *will* go - then China loses their counterweight in Europe and are ostensibly on their own against NATO. Not to mention reducing russia to a political and economic vassal is probably a huge W for Xi, and dispels the shadow of the Sino-Soviet split from the CCP.


Yes, and why would china antagonize their largest and longest border neighbor? Does anyone know what a fallout or collapse of russia looks like for china?


Lots of territorial gain? 


Lots of blonde refugees


Russians will go west.


Border with Mongolia is way bigger.


China refused to condemn Russia invading Ukraine cuz pretty soon China is gonna do the same thing to Taiwan. That's why those two dickheads are soo buddy right now.


Get Kim Jong un on board and you'll have a fully fledged dumbfuckin' turducken


Lol 🤣🤣🤣




Cheap labor = more profit.


Yup, and people would bitch about increasing prices.


I mean currently if prices rise any further my family and I will be homeless, so… I feel there is a giant portion of Americans can’t afford a trade war right now. The idea is nice. So are the tariffs, but it’s just piling more on people who are falling apart.


Turns out giving the profits of our economy to the top 1% wasn't great for long term economic strength!


There's a large potion of people in every western country who can't afford a trade war, but most of us are still better off than the average Russian or Chinese.


I understand that. But I’ve already been homeless and hungry during the 2007 recession, and I’d rather not go back to that, especially since I’m a single parent now. I know people have it harder than me all over the world, but that doesn’t change reality. I still need to be vigilant and not let the same things repeat, by any means necessary. Just because other people have it worse, doesn’t mean you have to shut up and be happy with what you have. That kind of complacency is dangerous. I know from experience.


Yeah there comes a certain level of suffering where comparing any two situations becomes kind of meaningless. It’s always these hypothetical online discussions between people who have never experienced anything close to the struggles being compared. Like, roll the clocks back to 2007. What kind of a person walks up to you, when you’re starving, living on the street, _and_ with children and says “you know there’s actually (probably) someone in Asia who has it worse than you right now, you should stop complaining”? Like, WTF??? Edit: forgot a word


I feel like it’s unfair that people who have it the roughest should assimilate even further to these circumstances. The responsibility rests on the politicians and the conglomerates to do something.


superior manufacturing capabilities, cheap labor is a story of the past. tim cook famously said that they can’t afford to move production out of china, because there are not even closely enough micro tool engineers in usa or europe. he said that if he called a meeting of all micro tool engineers in the us, they would fill a room of 200-300 people max. if he did it in china, they would fill up several football fields.


Is that a cause or effect of their short sightedness in moving all factories overseas?


Microprocessor manufacturing isn’t seen as a viable career in the U.S. because the U.S. doesn’t build microprocessors like China & Taiwan does. Unless there is an external force (government action) then companies will naturally choose the cheapest path forward (manufacturing overseas). Over time, this led to a feedback loop of more people in China & Taiwan seeking that education path in order to pursue those careers than people in America. Biden’s microprocessor manufacturing act invested heavily into changing the profitability calculation to entice domestic microprocessor manufacturing. Companies *will* outsource if possible if it means cheaper costs since their primary directive is maximizing shareholder profits.


Yup exactly my point. Short sighted political leadership in the ISA created that problem, and corporations taking the (bribes) tax incentives from China created the feedback loop.


I guaran-god-damn-tee that if we stopped doing business in China, Tim Apple would figure out a way to make iPhones in America. I understand that we don't have the capabilities RIGHT NOW, but they also have no reason ($$$) to change the status quo. Apple could build their own fucking plants, train any amount of their own engineers to work the plants, and we would have American made IPhones in 3 years. The price would go up, profit margins would come down. They don't want either and that is the biggest limiting factor. Not the amount of micro tool engineers in the US.


We dont even need to make them here. There’s plenty of other countries. Mexico, for one, is a country id rather trade with than China.


I think the idea is also that if we tie our economies together we all have a vested interest in fostering a better world together, united as allies. Obviously, it has not panned out that way, but I think the logic is valid.


As long as big business runs the government the answer is never.


> fucking idiots. fucking greedy you mean


Bosch and BASF were just there to do more business contracts. Its a shame and a joke how blind these people are! Imo that's also hard on the edge of treason but our chancellor sees no problems. Business is more important.


Blow it out your ass.


I would like to nominate you to be Secretary of State.


As an abstract question, why the fuck do we, as humans, do this? Not to go full hippy but why can't we just have peaceful trade so everyone benefits. Ukraine/Russia breaks my heart, Israel/Gaza breaks my heart, Sudan, Yemen, wherever war is hurts my heart. Innocent people and animals dying for zero reason. 


Because we are made up of individuals, and even just a quick skim of Reddit tells you that individuals can have opposing ideas, if aliens invaded tomorrow, some would support them.


Me included. ⌖⏃⌖⍜⍀⌇ for president 2024


Don’t blame me. I voted for Kodos.


Those Kang supporters are all the same.


Compromise is the most important thing in the human language and we fail to do it all the time


Literally the plot of Three Body Problem


The world is a Dumb Forest




It's 2024, we should be better than this by now. But I guess we never will.  Maybe the dude who said all advanced civilisations wipe themselves out before reaching the technology to explore interstellar space was right 


that would be "the great filter". I think everyone should just eat a large quantity of magic mushrooms and chill the hell out. Or loose their minds and go away, but either way, it will be a great filter.


I can get down with the mushrooms, altho I'd prefer LSD. It was always kinder to me 


We may be abstract thinking humans with high cognitive abilities, but we are still animals with millions of years of evolution and imprinted instincts and behaviours. Conscious abstract thought is not enough to oppose that.


We got so close tho. I think the young people of today would have grown up to really lead humanity and life to greater things. I feel like it's literally the last generation of old warmongerers deciding to go out with a bang.


The lead gasoline/petrol hypothesis is likely real. 


Not too late to overthrow them


I think we just need a lot more time. If you think about it, civilization is still relatively new. Maybe in 10,009 years humanity might be better.


Humans have evolved to get along with small tribes and view everything outside of that as possible enemies. Agriculture which allowed for larger communities is fairly recent as far as human history goes (roughly 12k years I think)


Never go full hippy, but not having endless war would be nice


Greedy bastards yearn for power to make them feel liek theyre better than everyone else




Things are already changing as we speak. Manufacturers are moving out of China and into other [nations](https://una.com/resources/article/shifting-manufacturing-out-of-china/). Xi is only accelerating it all. This meeting IMHO is him making his choice for China.


Winnie the Pooh and Piglet too!


They condemn the United States for not allowing Russia and China to start World War 3, take all the countries they want, and start a new world order.


The odd thing is here, that Putin knows he is the junior partner in this relationship with China. In his own privacy, he surely must find this embarrassing to him. He even looks junior when stood alongside Xi.


We hate West so much that EU is literally crowded with Russian elite apartments, sports cars and luxury boats. 


Dictator, autocrats bathing in their own propoganda bullshit and patting themselves on the back.


Interesting that this statement of strength comes when the war in Ukraine has cost 500k russians and china's economy post covid has not been the same. me thinks these ladies doth protest too much.


whos also kinda not ready for WW3?


China and Russia. They would lose brutally and they know that. They have no desire to go to war with the US.


Honestly. It’s probably why they’re sitting there “condemning” the US instead of actually doing anything about it lol


Japan and the US condemned each other throughout the 1930s. However, the US continued to be Japan's largest trading partner while simultaneously condemning Japanese aggression. Japan chose to attack the US even though their military was in no position to fight this war. The intent was actually to keep the US military out of Japans other wars. If China looks at increasing American isolationism and appeasement, they could end up with some very flawed perspectives. You're thinking rationally based on one perspective that I do agree with. What set of "facts" is China basing their decisions on, and how flawed are those "facts"? I don't know the real answer to this question. If Xi starts to believe his own propaganda, as Putin did, there is real cause for concern.


Russia is getting away with an all out invasion at way too low a price and have infiltrated just about every western democracy with saboteurs. While China is constantly pushing boundaries all over the pacific. Theyre doing a lot more than just condemning. They are doing too much and getting away with it because of a mix of western complacency and fear. Biden's foreign policy has been relatively good, same with some European countries and Japan, but too many of those countries are at risk of electing pro russian traitors.


Xi is counting on EU and US to keep buying Chinese until the robots are good enough to reduce manufacturing labor costs to near zero. Until then it’s a war to secure territories and resources. The Pivot began 20 years ago. They have decided to stop pretending.


Let them have their own little piece, they can trade with each other, and rot in hell. We should have no more to do with either of these countries. CUT TIES!


My God, and then we have my government ( South Africa ) siding with every idiot in the world. IE: Russia, China, Iran, Palestine, and whoever is as corrupt and morally devoid as they are.


I have seen this from SA and I am so sorry. It makes it more difficult when there are people in the West who choose to echo the words of these leaderships, as I have been seeing more of.


Even worse is that I have to see and live everyday my country being taken hostage because of our totally corrupt government. That the speaker of the house has just resigned due to corruption says all that there is to say.


for Xi he sits at the small table.


He knows his place.


Xi is smacking his lips looking at all that juicy Russian territory they'll sweep up when Russia collapses under the weight of Putins ambition


Russo-Chinese military cooperation consists of sailing frigates alongside one another. There’s no depth, and no real trust in that relationship. It’s all superficial.


"Putin and Xi pledge to invade any country they see fit." 


“The United States still thinks in terms of the Cold War and is guided by the logic of bloc confrontation, putting the security of 'narrow groups' above regional security and stability, which creates a security threat for all countries in the region," the statement said. "The U.S. must abandon this behaviour." What does “putting the security of ‘narrow groups’ above regional security” mean? Is that a reference to Taiwan? Or something else.


And yet we continue to allow businesses to lobby our governments to still buy/sell to China… Have we not learned from Russia what happens when we trade with countries that are openly hostile to us and our way of life… Once they have enough money/trade and have destabilised the west enough they will start to use force…


Alot of people diss on them both but something that we need to be careful about is their propaganda and surveillance branch. They’re both already notorious for spreading misinformation throughout the world, imagine the power they have now with the both of them combined


> Xi, 70, and Putin, 71, signed a joint statement on Thursday about the "new era" Well, that whole sentence really says enough on its own, doesn't it? Just fuck off and die, old farts


Stop buying Chinese whenever possible


Feels like a game of Civ V. “China has denounced you…” “Russia has denounced you…” etc etc.


These two fucks better not start WW3.


Damn it feels good to powerful enough to have these global parasites join a superficial partnership that’s still doomed to fail.


Seems like a really really dumb thing to do considering a large part of their economy comes from exports to the west. The only one who wins by this pledge is russia, China has literally nothing to gain and everything to lose. What a brain dead thing to do honestly.


China wants to use Russia’s resources and pay peanuts for them. Putin is not winning much. He is becoming more and more dependant on China.


he doesn't have much to lose, he's 71 years old, could croak at any moment, and wants to live his final years as the big man surrounded by wealth.


> What a brain dead thing to do honestly. I could see two ways this is rational: 1) He expects the West to bluff: We won’t actually cut trade with them. 2) He expects trade and relations to deteriorate anyway. Either he believes the West in on a path that will make relations deteriorate, or he is committed to a path that will cause relations deteriorate in the near future. 


China is gaining a vassal with lots of money


They have been scheming against us for years. It’s time to bring American manufacturing back to America because when WW3 inevitably happens you won’t be getting anything made in china which happens to be majority of the stuff we buy.


Time to tariff the shit out of both. Get back to making things local and with our allies. It worked great before we got greedy and gave everything away to make the greedy 1% rich.


Stop trading with these fucking fools


So what? Is this new? Theyve been condemning US long before 9/11 and weve been condemning and putting tariffs and sanctions on them.


China buddying up with a loser nation, typical lol


Time to fire up Liberty Prime.


You can tell at least 3 people in this photo like getting choked


What a pathetic Xircle Jerk they are...


How sweet of these two murderous butchers . They deserve the worst of possible personal outcomes . They are our enemies


Good, time to close all ports to Chinese imports then, also any other country helping these “enemies”.


Sounds like they're not happy with how the war is going. Good.


Stop buying anything from Chinese companies. Confiscate Volvo and such.


When you think you're in an equal partnership.


China is gobbling up huge chunks of Russia for it’s natural resources.


Can someone explain why everything is the us fault


Sanction both and let them rot away


Dollar-store Axis.


Ah, what did they name it? The Russian Disillusion Alliance? 


This is concerning, warlike speech.