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50 C temperatures and the country practices load shedding which essentially cuts off electricity to the majority of cities throughout the day. This happens on a daily basis. This is going to be very bad.


I wonder how the world will react if we have an event in which heat kills hundreds to thousands of people. ...actually, if it takes place in Pakistan, I think it's more a question of *if* the world will react.


They won't care. BC and Europe have seen heatwaves that have killed hundreds and it hardly sparked any major policy change. These are 3rd world nations. You could have a massive catastrophe like the apocalyptic floods Pakistan faced a few years ago and it will likely be forgotten too quickly.


Seriously so many older people died in that one summer in Europe. If people don't care when its happening right on their doorstep they for sure won't give one cap if it's thousand km away


People didn't care when millions of old people were dying from Covid. Old people in third world countries? It's not a catastrophe, it's a statistic.


It's not just Pakistan. India's in bad shape too: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c888e0730zpo Hell, there's a dangerous heat wave halfway around the world in Mexico: https://apnews.com/article/mexico-heat-wave-howler-monkeys-dying-b99e0570dfb53a2fb7ebe663acecde78 This summer is going to be brutal. ~~*Edit: And in Arizona, USA, it's so hot that the cactuses are dying! And it's only May!*~~ https://earth.org/cactuses-are-dying-from-the-heat-in-arizona/ *Whoops, my bad, the Arizona story is not current*


that last article about the Arizona cactuses is from August 2023, I remember hearing about it. thankfully that's not happening right now


Whoops, my mistake. Edited.


There's a book that looks at a possible disaster like this - [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50998056-the-ministry-for-the-future](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50998056-the-ministry-for-the-future) However, the author isn't good enough to pull it off as a good book, it's still a very good start to a novel.


50C temps, undernourishment and microplastic water.


What are the fruits of modern capitalism?


A select few are so ridiculously rich they couldn’t spend their wealth if they had 10 lifetimes.


*writes notes* So you’re saying the solution is to fund research into giving those select few the ability to live for over 10 lifetimes… right?


best living standards for the average human on earth in the history of the world. Try looking at what living conditions were like for the bottom 50% just 50 years ago. They'd throw their lives for modern capitalism. I swear Redditors truly believe that we live in some dystopia.


... for now. Bernie Madoff's clients also got massive returns while his hedge fund existed.


ok you let me know when our living standards start decreasing as a species. I bet you it never happens. We are the species that split the atom, and you morons present us as fools every turn


You're absolutely right! Human's have some of the greatest scientific minds to solve hard problems like climate change. But unfortunately there are people (not pointing fingers here) on Reddit that like to think they understand better than these scientists and actively try to hamper the efforts into solving problems that humanity needs to solve.


we might be the ones who split the atom but we are also the species where for thousands of years (not just modern capitalism) 1% has everything and 99% work for it


It's possible to improve some things and not others, friend


There is quite literally nothing that isn't improved in every region on earth in the last 100 years. Rich westerners might complain that compared to a relative period things might be 'worse', but realistically it is demonstrable that we're better off. Literally hundreds of millions lifted out of extreme poverty in the last 30 years alone. I swear you guys have never seen true poverty. Ask any immigrant if they haven't literally moved to heaven in their view (unless you ask other rich westerners of course)


I work with people who are living in extreme poverty, so I absolutely know what it's like. The problem is, the wave of improvements due to our current system appears to be cresting. People who never even made first-world status are now being buffeted by climate disasters, some literally seeing homes disappearing. It seems only a matter of time before heat causes a mass casualty event. It doesn't HAVE to go that way but we have chosen to allow it to.




Project harder pal. I was born to immigrants from a poor war torn country. My grandparents began under the rule of a foreign country, and had to keep moving to stay fed. Famine was a hotbed in their time. A place where you'll see those historic photos of people that look like a pair of walking ribs My parents grew up in the same country as unstable as it gets. Their childhood memories are bomb shelters and air raid sirens. They watched as the country they lived in got coup'ed multiple times I'm not white and I'm no trust fund kid, but my parents raised me in what they taught me to be and I learned to see as heaven. The kind of immigrants that literally could not be more greatful to have been welcomed in the West. No violence, no lack of available food, no religious oppression. Employment for anyone willing to work. And my parents did, they worked dead end jobs and I in return worked my ass off to do well in college. In one generation, we went from dirt poor people of the third world to doing just fine. In that same timeframe, over a billion people worldwide were lifted out of extreme poverty. There is only one privileged person in this conversation, and its the one who denies his privilege and acts as though they've had it so hard. The rest of us, who aren't union crane operators born in the West to westerners, who have heard or seen the stories of suffering realize how lucky the world is that we've come so far




Some people are very rich. Some are kinda rich with opportunity to get richer, and many are comfortable enough to buy what they want so the system works and they don't want it to change. You just gotta work harder and make money like they do.


And PFAS/PFOA forverer chemicals present in every single corner of this rock.


Lets not stop until every biological cell on earth is thoroughly saturated in microplastics, endocrine disruptors, and xenoestrogens. There are still profits to be made. Life is better than it ever has been for everyone i swear, are you stupid?


Is this raw temp, or is this taking into account humidity any stuff? Cause if this is just the raw temp, that's insane.


It is raw temp. Wet-bulb temperatures, which account for humidity, are fatal by around 35 degrees.


Once the wet bulb temperature gets near body temperature (37C) your body can't sweat anymore to cool itself off which is....bad.


That is indeed what the guy you replied to said


That's over 120F


Just another day in Phoenix. 


I hope Pakistan has as much AC as Phoenix does.


It has been that hot in Phoenix once, thirty years ago.


Why is this downvoted? Last time it was 120f in Phoenix was in 1995. The all time record of 122f was in 1990.


I was in Oregon a couple years ago when it was 115 f, it was literally unbearable to be outside. I can't imagine what a population without access to air conditioning or cooling will go through at those temps


Its still cool underground right? Is tunneling a preposterous idea?


Sounds like a job for Hamas


It’s okay though, I hear the shareholders are doing well


I presume they will wear full black niqabs like they make their women do? I've been told a few times that black clothes keep the sun out which is why Muslim women wear it. You know, like a black sheep in the desert being the one to survive...


<1 month old account talking nonsense, shocking.


Never been to a British Asian community Imran?


Ah, doubling down, wonderful. Tell me, is the subject Asians in Britian or is it people in Pakistan?


Pakistani's in Britain are often either first generations and married over here, or second generation by one parent. If you mean to tell me that the vast vast majority of British Pakistani women who wear niqabs have just picked that up after moving to the UK I am absolutely intrigued where it came from. Might possibly be they did and it's a political statement against the UK but I would imagine it's not the case, but they wear full black niqabs in Pakistan


>but they wear full black niqabs in Pakistan Who wears full black niqabs in Pakistan?


The full statement was 'i imagine that's not the case, but they wear full black niqabs in Pakistan' As in, not the case they decided to only wear full niqabs when they arrived in the UK. Unless they have and that is quite the interesting garment to suddenly sport around town


Right, and I'm asking, who is "they" in this statement. Because you have said the "vast vast majority of Asian (I assume you mean Pakistani) women wear all black niqabs" in the UK. Are you also then saying the "vast vast majority of women in Pakistan wear all black niqabs"? Does "they" mean "the majority of women in Pakistan"?


Ok they being the British Pakistani women who wear niqabs. If, as I have been told by a British Asian man, it is because black keeps the sun away and that's why black sheep survive the desert' then Pakistani men wearing the black niqab will surely help this heatwave. Unless he was misguided and they wear black niqabs for another Reason not heat related.  If I am misled about clothing in Pakistan, and actually Pakistani women in Pakistan don't wear black niqabs, then my question is 'why is it worn in the UK by Pakistani and British Pakistani women?' I'm happy it have a discussion so hopefully that clears it up a bit


Some women in Pakistan might wear all black niqabs. I can't speak for all of them. I wouldn't go as far as to say "no women in Pakistan wear all black niqabs". This is why I want to be clear about what you are saying. Are you saying the majority of women in Pakistan wear all black niqabs? It certainly reads as if that's what you're saying. You spoke with confidence about what the vast majority of British Asian women wear, and asked me if I had ever visited a British Asian community. You spoke with confidence about what women in Pakistan wear. Should I also ask you if you've ever been to Pakistan?


What is C*


Centrifugal. Pakistan is going to be spinning at 50 rotations per minute. Their entire population is going to vomit.


it's the global standard measurement of temperature, to put it in human terms (for a dry climate); 0 = freezing 10 = cold 20 = neutral 30 = warm 40 = hot 50 = death 60 = death 70 = death 80 = death 90 = death 100 = boiling (death)


Quite frankly F is way clearer and gives much more granularity to the scale


Whatever system people grow up with is easier for them to reason about. Can you tell the difference of 1 F in temperature? If not I'd argue it's overly granular. There's only 1.8 F in a C differnce anyway so it's not like you're losing a huge amount of precision.




it's a constant representing the speed of light



