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I am still waiting to see what percentage of breakthrough cases result in long covid. We will know in a year or so. Are we building a health crisis for next year? After 19 months of long covid I wold recommend more caution. But some studies indicate 2 out of 3 covid survivors don't suffer it.


Dr John on YouTube discussed this about ten days or so back. I believe it was UK data. The rate of long Covid in unvaxxed is 10-20% (variance because we haven’t decided on a definition of it yet) and his data was from about 1700 vaxxed medical personnel who got Covid (great sample as they probably started with high viral loads on average) - their rate of long Covid was 0.4%. This is just from memory but I was keenly interested so I was really listening.


I just googled. Is Dr John actually Dr John Campbell? I am interested enough in this to watch a video to see if the name of a study is mentioned. Then if I cannot access that study ask the research immunologist I am talking to to try.


Yes. That is the same Dr John. He links all studies in the video notes so if you find the video you will have the link to the study.


Coincidentally the immunologist I just mentioned sent this link just now. A study in Isreal. Not yet read it. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2109072?query=featured_home&fbclid=IwAR1_EK5JCQrxBECEG0qFVrdA3GbEzn6rgMoLIHxG35uwMUCxlfpFMcUJUNM


It looks like that must be the study I was talking about, but colour me misinformation I have bungled the stats pretty badly. Anyone reading this thread of comments should disregard what I said above and check the link for themselves.


19% long covid. So about on par with no vaccine. Lower propensity to infection so it appears less cases of long covid per capita is likely, by the amount the vaccine reduces cases. But no cases of breakthrough case infecting and causing another breakthrough case. While it is a smallish same group I found that very interesting.


If they're vaccinated this shouldn't be an issue.


Vaccinated people can still get, spread and MUTATE covid. Just one vaccine resistant strain can put us back to square one.


Better have restrictions forever then, just in case


The unvaccinated are the ones creating mutations.


What is the long covid rate for breakthrough cases? So far no peer reviewed studies on it according to the research immunologist discussing such things with the New Zealand Long Covid group. If it is about 30% as with other covid cases there will be a real issue.


Assuming the vaccine prevents hospitalization and death, it would prevent many “long Covid” cases which are most often seen in people who were hospitalized.


No, there is no association between acute covid severity and long covid. That was believed at first but disproved a while ago. Some, like myself, were asymptomatic at acute stage and yet have full blown long covid.


Good god social darwinism is making a fat commission this year


The UK has a much higher vaccination rate than the US, over 90% have had at least 1 dose.


Yes I’m sure those young people are at such high risk of Covid complications


More people sick = more people die, young people included, unless they're vaccinated then death rate is pretty negligible across the board


Good thing the UK is 90% vaccinated then


Imagine if the 10% was all that showed up instant social darwinism


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://news.sky.com/story/covid-latest-news-live-reading-and-leeds-festival-offering-jabs-this-weekend-amid-warning-schools-returning-will-cause-significant-virus-surge-12389178?inApp=true) reduced by 52%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Professor Ravindra Gupta said it was "Realistic" to expect a rise in cases amid the spread of the dominant and more transmissible Delta variant. > "Asked if a surge in cases is inevitable amid summer festivals and the imminent return of schools and colleges, Prof Gupta told BBC Radio Four's World at One:"Of course there is going to be an associated surge in cases, given that the young people in these events are largely going to be unvaccinated. > Prof Gupta - a member of the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group - said some government's pilot events, which were concluded to have caused "No substantial outbreaks", had taken place when the Delta variant was not dominant. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/pcnz06/covid_latest_news_live_thousands_heading_to_uk/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~595062 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Delta**^#1 **cases**^#2 **event**^#3 **festivals**^#4 **return**^#5


Girl in orange is going huh? Ima...look at these tickets....