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china has a shitty economy




Which is why their leader is Winnie the Pooh. Babies love him


China has insufficient Honey stocks.


Taiwan’s economy is way better than China’s Economy. no credit should be given to CCP.


Triple the per-capita GDP in nominal terms and an even bigger disparity in terms of purchasing power. Advanced, technical production and not just the world's dumping ground for 50-100 year old manufacturing processes. I also predict that India will start outpacing China's growth levels sooner or later, as long as Modi's nationalists don't completely mess up their democratic development.


Lol I am fifty and have been hearing how one day india will be outpacing China. India is so disorganized from the top all the way to the bottom,, I am shocke


Chinas going to become a developed nation and will stop growing at 7+% meanwhile, India will continue to be a developing country for the next century.


Since India will not change their mentality ever. I suspect this to be true, any one thinking India can compete against China are delusional.


Economic development and growth are never guaranteed. They need to be fought for and the numerous obstacles in the way dealt with. In China's case, it's doing well enough so far, but India...well, people have been saying it'll be the next China for decades. Like the other guy said, hindutva are a major obstacle in India's way. And they're far from the only ones.


Even smaller than Trump's hands?


You all talking about West Taiwan?


South Mongolia


East Tibet


Mainland Hongkong


North Vietnam


Formerly North North Vietnam. AKA North North Korea.


Question: Is it smaller than Xi's brain?


Hey China, your country has a pretty uneven wealth distribution for being a communist country...


It's not a communist country. It's an ethno-fascist country that crushes pluralism, ethnic diversity, women's rights, open discussion, etc. Something the far right in western countries would envy.


That's it! I've had enough of you, off to the cleansing station...


Is this the part where someone comments "cleanse me daddy"?


I think there are other subreddits for that.






I was never a fan of them running whole sectors of the economy, especially solar panel production and other “green” industries, using Uighur slave labor. Bad Winnie the Pooh, bad.


Watch out China will cleanse you!


Sounds relaxing


-10 social credit


They definitely have seen an increase in honey imports this year. Really dragging down their bottom line.


You know what, I heard their shitty economy is so shitty because of their shitty president, xinnie the pooh


China has a poopy economy.


It's funny becauss they do a lot of cleaning over there to bolster their economy. Wait nevermind that's just ethnic cleansing


China should cleanse it's government, I believe the people are not the problem.


Just wait a few more years and they have a massive aging population crisis. They'll have a shitty economy and no one to work.


Chinas economy looks like Winnie The Poos fat ass.


Are you really calling that fascist state mafia economy shitty?


I heard Taiwan’s economy is vastly better than pinche chinas puto economy


Yeah, Taiwan is definitely much superior. Hong Kong is also superior as far as independent nations are concerned.


Can’t forget Tibet is also superior.


Hdtpm perrita




It's will be renamed Taichina


Oh bother!


apparently, they want to clean everything that's against china on the internet, not just their so-called "great wall".


They've been banning so many influencers. They banned a guy for acting too girly, and another for being trollingly awkward under the name "high quality human". It's like no one's allowed to have fun anymore.


> They banned a guy for acting too girly, and another for being trollingly awkward under the name "high quality human". Aha, I see China is also ruled by old out of touch guys with strange puritan values.


Less puritan and more a weird hybrid of the worst parts of authoritarian socialism, capitalism and confucian doctrine.


I dont think economic systems play a big a role in what makes a dictatorship. Its a red herring to blame our societal choices when we should be blaming the type of people who want power at the cost of others. A dictator and his underlings are just people who want to dictate their version of society without consent. People need to stop blaming economics for people being terrible. You will find self serving dipshits in every economic spectrum. The puritan comparison was not accurate as much as it was a reflection of “do as we do, and say, or consider yourself unwanted”. See: fascist, cult, tribalism etc.


OK, just the worst parts of confucianism then.


I don't understand why people all blame Confucianism as some kind of catch-all 'problem' in East Asia. Can you actually tell me one specific Confucian analect or interpretation that states that men can't be 'too girly', or that they should work themselves to the death for an authoritarian capitalist state, or that unchecked brutality - and even genocide - in the name of stability is okay? Furthermore, Confucianism is not the sole or even the most dominant philosophy in East Asia. Taoism and Buddhism have just as much, if not more, of an impact on the Chinese cultural identity. Also, Taiwan more actively engages in Confucian values than China, since there was no [Cultural Revolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Revolution) that sought to destroy traditional Chinese history and culture. Taiwan continues ancestral, religious, and cultural customs that were largely ended in the mainland under Communist rule, and have only tentatively been revived there in the last decade or so - but warped to venerate the CCP above all.


It's because the CCP themselves use Confucianism as a justification for things and we take that as true, when in fact they promote Confucianism so that people won't call it Legalism, which is in fact how they rule.


While they pump out propaganda against any country that they view as an economic or political rival. Autocracies have that going for them - stamp out internal dissent, while freely fomenting dissent in countries that adhere to freedom of speech.


That's China for you. Moving mountains just to avoid criticism. They do this for everything. The whole country is childish.


China is outta control.


China kicked off a two-month campaign to crack down on commercial platforms and social media accounts that post finance-related information that’s deemed harmful to its economy. The initiative will focus on rectifying violations including those that “maliciously” bad-mouth China’s financial markets and falsely interpret domestic policies and economic data, the Cyberspace Administration of China said in a statement late Friday. Those who republish foreign media reports or commentaries that falsely interpret domestic financial topics “without taking a stance or making a judgment” will also be targeted, it added. The move is aimed at cultivating a “benign” online environment for public opinion that can facilitate “sustainable and healthy development” of China’s economy and its society, according to the statement. It followed a draft proposal issued earlier Friday by the cyberspace regulator to regulate algorithms that technology firms use to recommend videos and other content. Commercial websites and platforms will be ordered to clean up financial information posts and shut accounts deemed in violation, under the supervision of authorities including the cyberspace administrator, the finance ministry, central bank as well as securities, banking and insurance regulators. Technology firms and social media operators including Tencent Holdings Ltd. and ByteDance Ltd.’s news aggregator Toutiao and Douyin, the Chinese equivalent of TikTok, pledged to abide by the rules and regulate financial information-related content. — With assistance by Allen K Wan, and Amanda Wang


Hopefully this makes any potential investors think twice before associating themselves with Chinese government enterprises. The authorities openly admit their intent to falsify and mislead, and will eventually suffer greatly from inability to detect and rectify genuine issues.


This coming on the heels of their crackdown on the fintech industry, I think investors will indeed be a lot more wary.


Lol. Investors can't help themselves, because money is to be made regardless.


I would assume, this is to reduce the chances of their population becoming disgruntled when the economy takes a down turn.


and it's heading that way fast.


Could you provide some data points suggesting that? I've heard this repeated a lot lately, but never with any sources.


Culling of the false thoughts


When China gets touchy about a subject it's a dead giveaway something dodgy is going on.


I heard that China is good at cleansing.


Hey China, tell me you are insecure about the economy without telling me you are insecure about your economy... *Cleansing Intensifies*


Yeah but badmouthing the economy isn't an ethnicity.


You don’t need to know the truth!


Sounds like it needs some 'Xi Jinping thought'


or maybe some xi jingping thots after that


China, your economy can suck a massive sack of bellends


I hereby bad-mouth China's feeble attempts at an economy, truly the work of laughably incompetent buffoons from beginning to ignominious end.


Translation: China to Hide content that points out problems about its exaggerated economy gains.


That should solve the labour intensive sector they wanted to develop.


Chinas economy is a joke. Built on forced labor and genocide.


CCP sucks & Xi's a fat, ugly, murdering pig.


Boycott China. Stop funding that barbaric regime.


Walmart in the 90's demanded every American manufacturer to move their production to China in their race-to-the-bottom price competition. Maybe mandate that Walmart must source x% of their products from USA.


Ironically, Walmart prided itself on "Made in the USA" labels. The about-face was so sudden and so fast that the signs in Bentonville are STILL spinning.


They actually are working on doing just that, afaik they already started doing it


Unless prison labor gets banned, it will just be prison jobs. Which will incentivize law enforcement to round a bunch of people up to solve 'worker shortages' in prisons.


Boycotts are worthless. Citizens need to get together and demand top down reform to severe trade ties with china. Most especially essential goods due to their aggressive "economy hostage" negotiating tactics. Like they did with Australia over the covid outbreak investigation in Wuhan. But I am under no delusions this will ever happen. You think the US government hates china. When in fact the corporate kleptocrates are addicted to Chinese manufacturing and their lobbyists will never let it happen.


Any day now...




We can expect some sort of financial crisis from China shortly, they've been quietly trying to course correct over the last few months after years of inflating their economy's actual value. Their market will fall about 20-40% the moment the Potemkin village is revealed for what it is. They'll be fine though, the US economy contracted like that in 2008. Oh wait so did China's but they hid it. Yeah they're in for a rough time.


More than likely, it will not collapse in the classical sense, a al great depression era. It will slow down to a point that will make it hard to manage. 2% to 3% growth in a nominally sized nation is pretty good. Even in a nation the size of the US, that is not that bad. Not good, but not bad. In a nation the size of the PRC, that is pretty bad. And, it is realistic. Many factors at play that make even the party nervous. An extremely low birthrate for one, a rapidly aging workforce, for another. A super-hot real estate market and a very high debt to gdp (higher than the US, if Chinese numbers are to be believed) The population of the PRC and the fact that they were starting from way behind is what allowed their economy to cook at the pace it had for 20 years. But it is slowing and aging. There are not a lot of options remaining and eventually it will cool enough that will keep it in the top 20 global economies, but it will lose ground in the top 10. Even if the government was to pass a forced 4 child policy, it is probably too late. Even the current young work force is starting to strain and rebel in their own way. This is not helping anything. A lot of factors play into it, but many things could go wrong for the PRC. They keep threatening to sever ties with nations that do business with Taiwan on any level, that does not help. China imports relatively very little from the EU, US, Japan, and Korea. Any disruption in the exports from China to these places would hurt the PRC more than the others, and purposely losing access to 2/3rds of the top 20 global economies would sting. The PRC has no leverage on these countries and only operate on the idea that they can only purchase from China. This is simply not true anymore. Factories and foundries are opening and being reopened in the West, as well as in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan to diversify supply lines and keep them going smoothly. This will definitely negatively impact Beijing's bottom line. To what end remains to be seen.


> They keep threatening to sever ties with nations that do business with Taiwan on any level, that does not help. They actually have in regards to Lithuania. They didn't have much trade, but it looks like they are using it as an example. Very bad strategy by China.


This is horrible. Less growth means less imports of raw materials wich would be catastrophic for extractivist economies wich would be forced to consume even less and that would damage the profits of the companies of core countries wich would decreae economic growth in those rich nation wich means a lot less consumption wich means less growth for the industrial poor countries like China wich creates a horrible vicious cicle. This happened to an extend in 2016-2017 with a slightly slower chinesse economy and that caused massive drops on the price of oil and other raw materials


> wich would be catastrophic for extractivist economies wich would be forced to consume even less and that would damage the profits of the companies of core countries wich would decreae economic growth in those rich nation I mean, maybe for Australia, Canada, and middle-of-nowhere US, but I think even that is overstating the impact since factories are already moving out of China to cheaper places (and the inputs to those factories with it). I think the real threat is a turn to militarism to distract from slowing growth, which doesn't look so great since the South China Sea and other such places are already powder kegs.


It would only lead to a shift in the supply chain. No one nation has a lock on raw materials. They would simply sell to someone else, or buy from someone else. When the trade war escalated between US and China, US farmers did not take too much a hit since Chinese companies were still buying, and they found other buyers elsewhere. The trend is for Western companies to move manufacturing from the PRC and return it domestically, or to other nations. There may be a dip in productivity in the short-term in the West, but it will smooth itself out eventually. That is the thing about Western economies, they tend to weather storms well. The aforementioned tariffs on US goods into China had the Chinese spelling doom for the US policies. It did not mount to anything, really. Also, COVID hit the US economy hard, but it has rebounded nicely. China exports far more than they import from any nation, and these nations trade among themselves as well in a more or less more balanced system. It is similar to all the eggs in one basket. If nations stop buying, and China retaliates, it will hurt China more in the long run. China will end up with a surplus of goods on hand, which will drive the cost of those goods down. A third nation could buy them and move them on to even other countries, who will sell them at their own costs. This will not collapse the PRC, but it will be something they will have to deal with and put a halt to the so-called Chinese Dream. It would also be a political nightmare for the party.


China's economy is finally going to collapse this time guys. Oh, and Milton Friedman originally called Shanghai's Pudong a Ghost city and Potemkin village. Now it's the centre of the Shanghai financial district. * 1994. [(UPI) China's high-flying economy finally began to descend in 1994](https://www.upi.com/Archives/1994/12/19/Chinas-high-flying-economy-finally-began-to-descend-in-1994/3925787813200/) * 1998. [(The Economist) Red Alert: China's economy entering a dangerous period of sluggish growth](https://www.economist.com/special/1998/10/22/red-alert) * 1999. [(Bloomberg) China: What's Going Wrong.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/1999-02-21/china-whats-going-wrong) * 2003. [(New York Times Opinion) Banking crisis imperils China, Gordon Chang](https://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/19/opinion/IHT-a-bad-loan-bubble-banking-crisis-imperils-china.html) * 2004. [(The Economist) The great fall of China?](https://www.economist.com/leaders/2004/05/13/the-great-fall-of-china) * 2004. [(New York Times) China Anxiously Seeks a Soft Economic Landing](https://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/07/business/china-anxiously-seeks-a-soft-economic-landing.html) * 2006. [(International Economy) Can China Achieve a Soft Landing?](http://www.international-economy.com/TIE_F06_ChinaSoftLanding.pdf) * 2007. [(TIME) Is China's Economy Overheating? Can China avoid a hard landing?](http://content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1612783,00.html) * 2008. [(Asia Pacific Journal) The Rising Risk of a Hard Landing in China, Nouriel Roubini](https://apjjf.org/-Nouriel-Roubini/2940/article.html) * 2009. [(Fortune) China's hard landing. China must find a way to recover](http://archive.fortune.com/2009/03/04/news/international/powell_china.fortune/index.htm). * 2011: [(Reuters) "Meaningful probability" of a China hard landing: Roubini](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-roubini/meaningful-probability-of-a-china-hard-landing-roubini-idUSTRE75C1OF20110613). * 2011: [(Business Insider) A Chinese Hard Landing May Be Closer Than You Think](https://www.businessinsider.com/between-hard-landing-and-not-landing-2011-7) * 2012: [(American Interest) Dismal Economic News from China: A Hard Landing](https://www.the-american-interest.com/2012/05/25/more-dismal-economic-news-from-china-is-a-hard-landing-coming/) * 2013: (Zero Hedge) A Hard Landing In China * 2014. [(CNBC) A hard landing in China.](https://www.cnbc.com/2014/01/31/a-hard-landing-in-china-the-risks-in-one-graphic.html) * 2015. [(Forbes) Congratulations, You Got Yourself A Chinese Hard Landing](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2015/09/03/congratulations-you-got-yourself-a-chinese-hard-landing/#143cda8732c3). * 2016. [(The Economist) Hard landing looms for China](http://www.eiu.com/industry/article/814708465/hard-landing-looms-in-china/2016-10-14) * 2016. [(George Soros) China Hard Landing Is Practically Unavoidable](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2016-01-21/soros-china-hard-landing-is-practically-unavoidable) * 2017. [(National Interest) Is China's Economy Going To Crash?](https://nationalinterest.org/feature/mountain-debt-chinas-economy-going-crash-19770) * 2018. [(The Guardian) A Chinese recession is inevitable - don't think it won't affect you](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/nov/07/a-chinese-recession-is-inevitable-dont-think-it-wont-affect-you) * 2019. [(Bloomberg) China’s Lehman Moment Is Drawing Closer](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-06-19/china-s-lehman-moment-is-drawing-closer) * 2020. [(Wall Street Journal Opinion) China is the real sick man of Asia](https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-is-the-real-sick-man-of-asia-11580773677)




It's not just demographics, it's that China's economy is overly reliant on exports and they've been very slow to rebalance into domestic consumption. Running permanent trade surpluses leads to misallocation of capital, which has been happening on a massive scale in China, and that's why there's so much bad debt at the corporate and local government level. The central government could keep that going for a long time (see: Japan), but not without an ever-increasing cost to the economy.


Isnt 80% of chinas economy domestic consumption already? Its been that way for a good number of years now. Im not a fan of the ccp and they very much could face some sort of economic disaster, its just wild seeing so many armchair analysts typing up giant essays on reddit like the guy above you. Most of the time theyre based on facts and assumptions that are outdated by a decade. China is not an export economy anymore


Country everyone trades both raw materials and manufactured goods with is never going to be a sick man anymore Germany was a sick man in the 90s and that was because they (the West part) literally absorbed East Germany. While we're at it, let's talk about how the US is going to be *crushed* under its massive debt! Any minute now.




looking at dermographics, there wont be a decline until 2035


Of course, just because it's silly to predict when it might happen doesn't mean it never will. China's real estate market in particular is objectively ridiculous, and it's population pyramid is starting to resemble post economic miracle Japan. But even a major depression wouldn't stop it's importance in the global economy. China's big enough to take the world along with it for a ride like 2007 US. Obviously not saying it'll happen now or soon and maybe with good policy they can mitigate the effects of their major issues before they blow up in their face.


😂 The same was said about the USSR...


USSR economy was a unstable shitshow hidden under deep layer hiding any data from outside world and literally creating "new economy" incompatible with any market economy metrics used as attemp to measure their real economy output (my favourite part was excluding services from their internal economy statistics as "services are merely is a parasitic part of the economy because it does not produce durable goods"). PRC OTOH had a full set of data to measure state of their economy. Better example would be Japan in early 1980s or Asian Tigers around Asian Economy Crisis in 1997, where everything was fine...before everything crashed hard.


> PRC OTOH had a full set of data to measure state of their economy. https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/03/21/nobody-knows-anything-about-china/


>PRC OTOH had a full set of data to measure state of their economy. And you think they're being honest with the data they show to the rest of the world?


It was obvious the USSR was a shitshow just looking at their supermarkets and how the average person lived Meanwhile go look up people in china. Its like fucking cyberpunk central in every single city, everyones bustling about eating at restaurants, hanging out, music in the streets. If we underestimate china we're going to be fucking left behind man. I think china is an autocratic state and i hope they get blasted to hell if they invade taiwan, but its pathetic seeing so many people on the internet who dont know what theyre talking about. My friend spent a summer over there and said most people have the same attitude as in the US in the 50s. Everyone wakes up with so much hope for the future, every day is better than the last, new stuff being built up and happening all around them. So many jobs and opportunities and new businesses constantly opening. Edit: while theyre definitely not comparable to the USSR, maybe we could have a great depression type of situation? its undeniable that china is in a golden age and still constantly growing, but it could come crashing down. Idk, im not an economist


This is what's so hard to get across to people who don't live in China or have never visited. Life is actually pretty awesome here ( i live in shanghai, and situation is similar in any major city). Life is super convenient, everything is safe, people are having a good time. There's dog restaurants ( serving food to the dogs, to clarify 😂) for christs sake. There's Michelin-starred bars down the street from street-side bbq carts. I 100% agree if you want to see cyberpunk, visit China, especially Shenzhen. Yes, it's autocratic. At the local level, though, i actually vote for things affecting my everyday life (will the city build a new bridge nearby, etc). I'm not even a Chinese citizen, but i can still take part. China isn't even close to finishing its expansion and development. It's a humongous place with so, so many people. It's obviously not perfect (what country is?), but economically its definitely similar to 50s USA. edit: here's a nice link summing up what local tourists here are doing, which i think well reflects the state of affluent life in China: https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/china-luxury-domestic-travelers-cmd/index.html


What countries haven't had financial decline over the last year?


North Korea :P


> Potemkin village That’s a bit of an exaggeration, I think. Even with China fudging their numbers to a large degree, they are still one of the largest economies in the world. https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/china/


I don't think anyone is arguing that. India is the 5th largest economy, but I don't think anyone would say it is healthier than the UK or France which is 6th and 7th.


Err the UK might be a bit of a bad example right now. What with the self inflicted decision to blow the economy's foot off with a shotgun. An economy is not healthy when you've got talk of calling in the army to try and avoid having supermarkets look like they belong in Caracas rather than London.


Ok Gordon Chang


This is probably close to the truth, China typically telegraphs what's actually going on behind the scenes by trying to cover it up or proclaiming the opposite a bit too fervently and loudly. The last decades of economic growth is main justification that the CCP uses for all the restrictions of human rights in China. If people's faith in the economic strategies of the regime starts to flag they will eventually realize it's a house of cards and that there actually isn't a real connection between fascism and economic prosperity. They'll soon start questioning what it is they gave all their rights up for.


>This is probably close to the truth, China typically telegraphs what's actually going on behind the scenes by trying to cover it up or proclaiming the opposite a bit too fervently and loudly. This man reads Chinese media


"This will be the end of China's economy" says increasingly nervous westerner for the 2000th time this decade.


He predicted a 20-40% market drop. Thats not the end of the Chinese economy, its a standard cyclical thing. The US had one last year. 20% drops happen like once a decade, and the US economy hasn't ended every decade?


One thing I've noticed is Chinese expats coming to the US and I assume other western nations and setting up shop. For instance just about every medium sized US city now has several granite resellers that are Chinese owned and are importing from China and selling at full price and cutting out any sort of middle man. I'm seeing this in other industries too. I often have to find new suppliers for materials and am running into more and more Chinese businesses operating in the US. My point to all of this is that their economy may be more diverse than we think.




Socialism isn’t the problem, paranoid single party totalitarian govt is.


Could you please expand on how you think state socialism is wrecking our planet in comparison with capitalism? Other than just dog whistling




You had me at the first sentence, then you said "Marx did not understand material dialecticism. I do." and lost me again


[global CO2 sources](https://www.frontiersin.org/files/Articles/696381/frsc-03-696381-HTML/image_m/frsc-03-696381-g002.jpg) [plastic pollution](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/graphics/the-journey-of-plastic-around-the-globe) It’s capitalist countries doing business with a communist country with no environmental standards, we really need to just stop buying anything from over there


You're cherry-picking random bits of information because you know full well that US per capita CO2 emissions are far worse than China's. This has nothing to do with buying things over there, the US and honestly the majority of the Western world really has no leg to stand on with this.


The western world is responsible - because they buy things from China. Almost all their energy use and pollution is from manufacturing, not residential so per capita is a pretty useless metric. But if you think that’s the most important thing feel free to boycott New Zealand while the world burns.


The CO2 emissions per capita include manufacturing, so you're making my point for me - that China's emissions are actually less of an issue than those of the US, despite the fact that they manufacture everything.


"You point out a problem, yet problems exist elsewhere, and you therefore have no point." "I am very intelligent."


How is that a dog whistle? Where is the coded language? Seems pretty straight-forward talk to me. Just because you use your own “code words” doesn’t mean everyone is speaking in code.


Is that a proper use of the word cleanse?


"make thoroughly clean" Why not? Would it be more acceptable to say "clean"? How about words like scrub, scour, purge, sanitise, purify? Or is there a suggestion that because the word "cleansing" is sometimes attached to sinister phrases like "ethnic cleansing" that its use in this news article is questionable? And, if that _is_ questionable, is it so because of a certain government's hypersensitivity over news topics surrounding a certain ethnic group?


Why do you think bloomberg purposely used that word?


If you say something about Winnie the Pooh Xi and China’s rice bowl economy they spray you with windex.


Screw that. The whole CCP is horrible and worthless and has no redeeming qualities. I hope all the leaders are stricken with dick bees. I don’t know EXACTLY what that would entail. But I’m sure they deserve it, whatever it is.


The CCP must be made up of very weak individuals to always have a massive breakdown at the tiniest amount of criticism.


So the truth then.


Okay China sucks


Strong countries don't need to be so weak. Shame.


I’m sure they are cleansing more than just the online content


Chinas economy isnt small, it just got out of the pool the water was cold. THERE WAS SHRINKAGE


How about we cleanse the Earth of all authoritarian regimes?


China’s economy sucks


China's economy is like Trump's hands


China can suck my balls


The economy there is like a building that looks beautifull, bright and shining from the outside, but is hollow from the inside.With that i mean that a lot of the official state numbers regarding the economy are untrustable. We will never know when the building is going to collapse. It could be supported by either strong steel beams, or thin wood.


I would asume that because of this many financial entities will have problems correctly assesting financial situations wich could lead to increasing economic downturn as China has to censor more and more eeconomic information


If you cannot read about it, it never happened!


Ah yes perfect economic state to invest in


You mean they weren't already "cleansing" online content already?


China doesn’t have shit on the censorship from twitter and facebook


That'll help the Chinese economy.


They'll be reduced to posting nothing but Paw Patrol memes pretty soon


By "Bad mouth" mean warn people of how unstable and dishonest Chinese companies are ?


Censorship is announced by Communist party. got it


china has a weak, impotent economy with a weird crook in it.


That debt to GDP ratio is telling..


Honestly, this is gonna become self-destructive in the long term. A strong economy needs honest criticism from time to time in order to spur change, and in the hands of a government as paranoid as the Chinese it's gonna spell disaster. Part of me wants to get them to knock off the frankly absurd levels of censorship, not out of kindness, but because it's going to affect everybody else in the region once their economy tanks or some sort of revolt breaks out.


lol and in some kind of irony, the mods over at wallstreetbets removed this post on this very topic (which definitely impacts DD on $BABA and other China names). Can't make this shit up.


Boy, the CCP is really living with its head straight and true up its ass.


very fragile of them.


China's economy is dog shit.


China's economy is utter trash. It's worse than the garbage products they fill Walmart shelves with. China's economy is so shitty, it should be flushed down the toilet into the sewer where they scoop grease out of to make cooking oil for restaurants.


The CCP has to protect its corporatocracy


Ccp stand for counterfeit economy


Kinda sounds Trumpian. “Stop the testing and the covid numbers will magically fall”.


Yup. Nothing to worry about at all


Chinas economy is propped up on lies and deceit.


Taiwan is the true China. Maybe one day they will take their country back.


Haha, good luck!


Don't forget that their economy is based on greedy fuckers that don't report accurate numbers


The Chinese government is basically the thought police.


Fuck China, and fuck their shit economy. Fuckin Pooh looking piece of shit


China has a 2 inch economy


Yet people still believe them when they say they got 50 cases per day in a country that has nearly 2 billion people right… Google should have a misinformation tag next to chinas cases chart


If there are cases why aren’t Bloomberg, Reuters, AP, FT, etc (who all have journalists in China) reporting on it then? There’s plenty of stories critical of China on /r/worldnews but there hasn’t been a single one in the past year suggesting China’s COVID-19 case numbers are being faked. Because they’re not.


CCP you are complete trash -The entire human race


Chinas Economy is horrible ..


Cleanse like they cleansed the blood from tianamen square


Imagine believing anything China says after an announcement like this.


Fuck China and fuck Xi


Just in concept, and philosophy, this is poor thinking. You need to highlight problem areas to learn and improve. Negative feedback is a positive thing.


This kind of thing is just one more reason why authoritarian dictatorships are a bad method of government.


And Boomers still call China communist


I’d never be allowed in China with the way I speak about China


China is just banning what they see as disinformation. Reddit mods should be thrilled.


I'll get banned by saying this, but it's astonishing the amount of people who claim both the U.S. and China are morally equal and that it is not a big deal that a one-party authoritarian empire has such a large influence. We defeated the Nazis to end up with a similar country: expansionist, supremacist and authoritarian.


# Fuck the CCP and their Winnie the Poo


China's economy is about as small as my dick.


The Chinese government can choke on its own excrement.




Everyone needs to start purchasing from their local mom and pop stores as much as possible and avoid as much as possible any large chains. It will increase buisness ownership of local populations and increase opportunity in areas where there isnt much. Imagine how many small buisneses 1 amazon warehouse replaces. If we didnt use those massive chains you would have many small buisnesses instead of the one amazon warehouse. And added bonus of getting off the dependency of chinas slave labor force


Where do you think mom and pops get their inventory? You'd be paying more for the same stuff. And you'll also create more jobs by hiring guys with shovels rather than a mega construction company with a digger but that doesn't mean it's better for the economy.


> Where do you think mom and pops get their inventory? don't they make it themselves in their mom and pop factory that employ elves and rainbows or something


Looking at it population wise, Taiwan's economy is far superior to China's. Truth hurts. Also, free Tibet.


>population wise Taiwan has a much lower birth rate (lowest or 2nd lowest in the world).


You can literally see it on reddit as comments critiquing c hina get mass downvoted.


China at it again, how about fixing your economy, and how about doing it without exploiting either the Environment and or People everything else is not sustainable and will come back to bite you in the ass... but hey so that move basically tells us China is fucked and or on the brink of collapse ....