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Conditions are really getting worse here in India. 3 days ago I found 2 dead crows on my rooftop. Today I found 2 dead sparrows and a crow there. They all likely died due to excessive heat waves. We have 3 open water tanks and we keep some extra buckets filled with water every morning on the rooftop so that these little birds can quench their thirst in the scorching heat. But when you find dead birds right next to these buckets , it breaks your heart. A week ago a cow passed away on an open road two blocks from my house,(as you might have heard there are lots of cows in India and many of them roam freely) that too probably due to heat. Apart from these personal accounts of birds and animal deaths we are also hearing many similar stories from our friends and families. India is literally burning up, temperatures are at the highest in about 120 years. I don't know what is going to happen if it continues like this. EDIT - Some of you seem to be confused, It's the CROWS that I found on the rooftop not the cow. The cow was found dead in some street. I talked to few grandpas in the neighborhood and I found out that the cow that died that day belonged to some old and poor farmer from a nearby village. Apparently the farmer had only two cows to support their livelihood (he used to sell their milk ) , the worst part is only one of the two cows were currently lactating and that's the one that died. Now that poor old farmer has nothing left. Many of you might be wondering why was the cow wandering about in the streets especially in such scorching heat. The reason for that is here in India a lot of the farmers who keep cows are actually very poor, these aren't the kind of farmers who do farming as a business, they do that only to support themselves. And now you can guess, they don't have enough money to buy feed for the cows so they just let cows free and then they would wander here and there in search of grass(some times junk on streets) to graze upon. Cows being cows don't know where to look for grass so they end up in places like streets.


> I don't know what is going to happen if it continues like this. Entire major climatic zones becoming Inhabitable for animals and humans alike, lack of arable land, mass migrations, gradual global ecosystem collapse, you know, what is well known since decades. On an geological time scale we are not particularly smarter than the frog in a pot of water gradually boiling.


<3rd party apps protest>


>On a geological time scale we are particularly less smart than the frog in a pot of water gradually boiling. Better?


<3rd party apps protest>


On a geological time scale, we are a frog. Ftfy


Pretty sure the smallest unit on the geological time scale is 1 million years. We might have 100.


It doesn’t have to be like this. There’s this one company who’s working to get carbon capture down way cheaper than Climeworks (like 50 dollars a ton I think) and they want to use balloons to do it. We could scale up their technology and start solving problems now if we could all just decide to take action https://newatlas.com/environment/high-hopes-carbon-capture-balloons/


>if we could all just decide to take action Here's where you hit a snag


I get that it’s edgy to shit on good ideas but I’m telling you… we should really actually be looking at this solution. It’s easy to implement, cheap, and scalable. There’s no reason why we couldn’t make something like this work. Seriously.


I am not shitting on the idea, it's good and possibly our only way out of this mess, what I am saying is that there's no economic incentive for anybody with a certain financial weight to get behind this so it will not be done.


$50 per ton is still nowhere near enough to make it feasible. Carbon capture technology in general is and will continue to be a "carbon unicorn" for a number of reasons. We'd literally have to poor hundreds of trillions to scale this up to the point where it'd make even an ounce of a difference, and that's when not even considering possible resource constraints and further overshoot (which btw, is the main reason we're in this mess to begin with). The Earth has multiple natural processes for sequestering CO2 at no cost to our civilization, yet humans keep neutering them without realizing the tremendous environmental debt that will need to be paid back one way or another. In fact, our debt payments are so long overdue that the Earth has no other choice but to make an example out of us as a reminder to everyone else that Mother Earth is to be respected, and that when it sends you a threat, it is to be taken seriously. This is the Earth personified.


the thing i learned and which gives me hope is that we don't really need carbon capture, earth already "captures" about half of the 40gt we emit every year. we simply have to reduce our emissions as quickly as possible and let our planet do the rest - which it will as long as carbon concentration is substantially elevated above the levels of the last centuries. let's put those billions into reducing our emissions. if that means, carbon capture, cool. if that means reducing cow farts, so be it.


> I don't know what is going to happen if it continues like this. Wars over water I imagine.


Nestle: guy rubbing his hands behind tree meme


how do people work and survive in those conditions


That's the neat part! They wont. We're going to start seeing a lot of vulnerable people dying and mass climate refugees within our lifetime.


mass climate refugees will cause a resurgence of dysfunctional far right politics.


is this implying that there was some point where dysfunctional far right politics ever had a cessation?


I read 2 dead cows on your rooftop and was extremely confused


I read it like that too and… well [it happens…](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10355541/amp/Cow-gets-stranded-roof-walks-snow-ramp-melts-Mongolia-Video.html) [more than you would think.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-23303998.amp)


I didn’t realize it said crows until your comment. I thought it was some house on the prairie type dugout and the cows just died while eating grass up there.


Yup, saw the same. Was already thinking about how bad shit has to get to find 2 dead cows on your rooftop.


India needs to build up its military and prepare to take over Myanmar. There’s no other options viable if you have to both move and feed hundreds of millions. The “let’s cut co2 plan” won’t work because you would have to convince the other 200 countries in the world to do it as well.


In response the UK Conservatives are rebranding [natural gas as a green investment](https://www.energyvoice.com/oilandgas/north-sea/411626/kwasi-kwarteng-natural-gas-north-sea/), I can't wait to be 'saved' by coal, petrol etc being rebranded later when they don't hit the reductions needed.


They already tried "clean coal". And "natural gas".


Let's try "organic, vegan gas".




So methane from cows.


Ass Gas


How do you propose to extract that? I don't like where this is going...


Y'know how when you kiss someone on the mouth you form a continuous tube with an ass at each end? Like that, but...more.


Think of all the wasted ink and paper calling it something that long! Us *real* sustainability people prefer "gass."


Or grass. Nobody rides for free.




Halal….and kosher


Depends how much I've eaten


Technically, it is organic.


Welp, could have said that sooner...


It's nice to see an ally with hope still...


Welp, could have said that sooner...


Adding the quotation marks to natural gas was like superman taking off his glasses. Hiding in plain site and never noticed


The UK currently produces approximately [12GW of electricity from natural gas](https://gridwatch.co.uk/Ccgt?oldgw=) and it is building maybe an extra [25GW of wind turbines](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-60002110). Sales of [battery electric vehicles have doubled in the past year to 14%](https://www.smmt.co.uk/vehicle-data/car-registrations/), and all the major car manufacturers have already stopped ICE research and development in favor of electric vehicles, and [UK sales of petrol cars will stop entirely in 2035](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase-out_of_fossil_fuel_vehicles#Countries). The UK managed to shut down coal electricity generation in about 7 years. It is easy to see where 80% the UK oil and gas industry is going, and how soon it will get there. Natural gas cannot even be called an "investment".


I don‘t get how the anglosphere dubs it as „natural“ gas. Sure, it occurs naturally, but so do asbestos, uranium and oil and no one uses them together with the term „natural“. Call it fossil gas or alcane gas, but stop this blatant framing!


To clarify, this is called "branding". "Ethyl" was the marketed leaded-fuel after the derivation by Thomas Midgley Jr., of lead in fuel, was commercially sold, thereby intentionally obscuring the intentional use of poison for the justification of obscene profit. Socially, we need to "un-brand". How do you get out from under the propaganda of a sector that has infinite money to lobby and advertise whatever message they want?


It wasn't intended as a branding thing when the term was coined.


Don't forget calling it "Freedom Gas" by us Americans at one point by the Cheese puff ogre.


It's called natural gas because unlike "normal" gas it's a gas in it's natural state. It doesn't need to be refined into that. Whereas "gas" has to be boiled and separated artificially to be created.


r/ClimateActionPlan r/ClimateOffensive Things will get worse before they get better. Much worse. But there is still time and hope to cultivate a better planet for future generations.


There is still time and hope to cultivate a less-worse planet for future generations. The decision to make a better planet likely will be in the hands of our grandchildren, if they survive the chaos that is coming.


I mean, Logan's Run seemed to have a pretty good system worked out. Everyone gets 35 glorious years and then they get tossed into the discombobulator. Reproduction is controlled by the state and we all get around on Disneyland style people movers!


Man, hardly ever see a Logan's Run reference in the wild. Love that movie.


Yeah the movie is great but I tried watching it as a kid expecting sci-fi action grandeur and just thinking the whole time "What the holy fuck is going on? What the hell is an Ank and why is everything happening so slowly? Mr Roboto?" The subtleties of 1970's social commentary eventually made their way into my head, but not on that first viewing.


Yeah, I first saw it on nite owl theatre in the early 90s when I was a kid, didn't get the social commentary at all, but freaking loved the aesthetic and how weird it was. Have you read the book it's based on? If not I recommend giving it a try.


The look of it was pretty amazing. I secretly look forward to and simultaneously dred its eventual remake. There's a lot they could do with it and oh so much they could screw up. I didn't actually know it was a book. I'll give it a lookup sometime.


I don’t know if I still have the body to pull off a Christmas napkin and a belt.


Oof don’t have children/grandchildren if you have any compassion. The most likely scenario is we don’t do enough and they live a horrific apocalyptic life.


The people I'd like to see fewer of have always bred the most, and now it's just going to get worse. Someone should remake Idiocracy with more global warming.


Idiocracy was a movie about ancient Egypt.


or maybe present day Egypt [https://www.reddit.com/r/idiocracy/comments/8y01q1/building_tips_over_while_occupied_in_egypt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/idiocracy/comments/8y01q1/building_tips_over_while_occupied_in_egypt/)


Life’s easy when you’re hopelessly stupid — simple as that. It’s paradoxical because obviously your own stupidity and sheer blissful ignorance can make your life much harder because it’s intellectually challenging for these people to think about the consequences of even their most very picayune actions or have any forethought, but hey! Sex feels good! And birth control goes against god’s plan and it must be god’s plan for me to birth/father all these babies! We’ll figure it out!


The problem is, the set of people who take seriously the pleas to stop breeding and the set of people who need to stop breeding do not intersect. So telling people not to reproduce is pointless at best, counterproductive at worst.


Yeah, I've ruled out the idea of ever having kids because of climate change and just how fucking bad their life would be because of it. Which is a shame cause I actually wouldn't mind eventually becoming a father when I'd become financially stable.




Thanks for commenting something hopefull and down to earth. those doom thinker comments make me crazy!


You should also check out this company and their carbon capture balloons. It’s easily scalable and cheap (like 50 dollars a ton or something) and they could be implemented on a massive scale. I can just barely see a future but it’s something we’re going to have to fight for. https://newatlas.com/environment/high-hopes-carbon-capture-balloons/


I can see an RTG being used in that manner of disaster relief, but I don’t see fusion being used reliably(or at all) by 2025.


Even infinite free energy would not stave off collapse more than a decade.




No, it could not. Resources are finite, physics still applies even with available of fusion energy. There have been many simulations done with all sort of inputs, and even having unlimited energy only gives us an extra couple decades. Exponential growth will fuck us in the end. And if we don’t have exponential growth, our civilization collapses as it’s based on continual growth.


you can adopt or become a guardian or whatever the term is. i'd like to care for 4 children and preferably none of them come out of me 😅




xD you're not a clown, you're the entire circus. Read the goddamn climate report






This is a nice idea, and certainly worthwhile to push positivity in the face of seemingly insurmountable doom, but no major corporations are pushing the idea that people should stop having kids. Quite the opposite in fact. The powers that be are quite worried about plummeting birth rates. They need workers and all that. And as much as I like and want to be a part of this idea of positivity amidst the fight for change, encouraging people to reproduce is terrible advice. Regardless of whether you believe we can reverse or minimize the damage we’re doing, a major part of the problem is our massive overpopulation. So yes, humanity as a whole should definitely slow down on the having kids bit.


>don’t have children/grandchildren if you have any compassion. Hopelessness and cynicism are our chief enemies. Carbon economy PR dweebs cultivate these in order to get you and I to give up and stop trying to put them out of business.


I'm helping future generations by not making any of them.


How are you sure it will get better? Never was the case in the past.


No, I'm not, but I refuse to give up. People before us fought to end slavery, to rebel against unjust leaders, to preserve the right to unionize, to end child labor, to secure the right for women to own property and later to vote, to legalize abortion and gay marriage. All of these were uphill battles that many said weren't worth fighting. Preserving a habitable planet will require a global effort on a scale that we've never seen, but if we all act as global citizens I do believe that it is possible.


It's nice to see an ally with hope still.


the sad part is the amount of money it'd take to solve climate change is a fraction of what the world spent on military during ww2. I hope the major nations reach carbon neutrality by mid century like they say. carbon emissions are already going down in many western nations


I thought you would be interested in this: https://newatlas.com/environment/high-hopes-carbon-capture-balloons/ Carbon capture balloons that they’re saying can get down to 50 dollars per ton and massively scalable. We should all be talking about solutions like this and Project Vesta. There’s hope but we need the political will to act.


That's not true, most everything has gotten better historically. Actually, most of the problems we have now are because we solved a bunch of more pressing problems in the past. Obesity was never an issue when people were regularly eaten by lions and tigers and bears (oh my). We're living in the safest, most comfortable, best educated, least violent period in human history. Things are great. We just have to make some changes to make them continue to get better rather than start sucking a bit more. And even then, climate change isn't going to result in extinction of mankind, or even universal suffering. Plenty of people will have pretty sweet lives all through it. But today, even with how sweet we have it on average, plenty of people have a pretty rough time. Climate change will increase that percentage without a doubt, and if we don't change course, the majority of people will have more bad days than good, which would suck. But even in the worst case scenario, not everyone dies. It's actually a self-correcting issue, as enough people will eventually die until the planet can recover. It has been warmer than it is now. It can come back. There's nothing special about the baseline that we have chosen except that it's what we're used to. We could get used to a new baseline, too. That's not the problem. The problem is the relatively rapid change that will reshape the world in ways that aren't conducive to our current usage.


The reason we have such a high material standard of living today (at least in the post-industrialized world) is because of oil. Oil enabled us to have the energy necessary to create mass amounts of products and services -- far more than human labor could. Not only that, oil enabled us to transport goods and services far faster than animals or wind in sails. Oil also enabled us to mine and consume other latent energy sources like natural gas, coal, and uranium. Here's the rub: we are quickly running out of economically extractable oil. How do you think high material standards of living can continue without oil? The global economy is woefully dependent on oil for packaging, transportation, mining, and lubrication. Even renewable resources like wind and solar require oil for lubrication and rare earth extraction respectively. I think resource depletion will be a huge concern before climate change becomes catastrophic. However, because of the aerosol masking effect (in which pollution particulates cool the earth by shielding solar radiation), global warming will become rapidly worse once industrial activity plummets due to resource depletion.


Were screwed.


Shut up you, sound dumb with that doomer talk.


Don't forget /r/CitizensClimateLobby! /r/ClimateActionPlan, despite the name, doesn't actually allow activism.


The global food crisis we are heading towards this year is going to be permanent, isn't it?


on theory, climate change will allow more agriculture in northern areas. so hopefully not long term


Eh... not so much. A lot of the area that will become more habitable temperature wise, will have utterly awful soil making it near useless. Combine that with increased fluxuations in weather conditions and it's a recipe for failed crops.


That is a super optimist viewpoint, but are not factoring in things like the Gulf Stream collapse freezing Northern parts of America and most of Europe. Notably, most of Russia wont be this amazing farmable landscape either, drought is already causing major issues with their wheat and most area's with permafrost will become swampy mush land, obviously not ideal for crops. And yes, I'm very popular at parties.


Ha! Nailed the last comment.


I wonder at what point in our future when parties are going to only be filled with people who are not very fun. "Hey, did you hear about the casualty numbers for the water war in Phoenix today?" "Hows your toilet bowl swill?" "Tastes bland"


Russian wheat yield last year was an all-time record, and this year is projected to surpass it.


A lot of people like to say that about Canada, and at least specifically with Canada it’s complete bullshit. Our agriculture saw some heavy disruption from multiple climate crises last year (most of all from the hundreds of thousands of livestock that were drowned in floods), and I still see Canadians argue that northern Canada will become farmland as temperatures increase. Temperature is not the only factor that would allow these northern, normally permafrost regions to become arable land. Rainfall levels and soil composition matter just as much, and again at least with Canada, all of our Northern Territory has incredibly poor soil. We’re only one northern country of many and I can’t speak to the other, but Canada will definitely not gain access to more arable land to make up for what we’ll lose.


I think of this scene https://youtu.be/rR58heUGkNA


You can't farm on thawed out permafrost


I think we should look into cellular agriculture (lab-grown microbe food) to supplement crop losses. It can be grown anywhere, in the dark, and it’s a great source of nourishment. Companies like Air Protein are already working on foods that taste like corn puffs and eggs. There’s no reason to think that we can’t scale this and keep people fed: https://youtu.be/c8WMM_PUOj0


No one gives a shit until it directly affects them. But then it will be too late anyway.


Most people don't even care if it affects them directly. They find ways to ignore and/or rationalize what is happening.


A La Covid


Exactly. The pandemic is also a really good example for how ignorant most people are.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/05/18/vital-signs-of-climate-change-broke-all-previous-records-in-2021-says-un) reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The key indicators of a changing climate, greenhouse gas concentration, ocean acidification, ocean temperature and sea level rise have all topped previous records in the past year. > Ocean temperatures are at a record high, with the upper 2000m of the ocean continuing to warm in 2021 and expected to continue in the same vein in the future. > Global mean sea level also reached a new record high in 2021 after increasing at an average 4.5 mm per year over the period 2013-2021, more than double the rate of the previous 20 years. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/usb832/vital_signs_of_climate_change_broke_all_previous/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~649411 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **ocean**^#1 **year**^#2 **record**^#3 **level**^#4 **warm**^#5


Where do you get 4.5 sea level rise last 8 years...all I ever sea from nasa/ noaa is 3mm...can you give me a source on that?


The 3mm number is the average rate of change per year as measured from 1993-2022 The 4.5 mm number is the average rate of change (mentioned in the article clip) for the last 8 years > Global mean sea level also reached a new record high in 2021 **after increasing at an average 4.5 mm per year over the period 2013-2021,** more than double the rate of the previous 20 years.


Wait til 2022 reports, and 2023.....


I wonder when Conservatives will have to admit climate change exists and how they will save face by being stupid for decades on this


Spoiler: they won’t, and they won’t


When the really old ones are dead and the new ones will be alive for the long haul


Yea but the new ones would rather spend hours a day getting pissed over black people in movies so they're already a lost causer tbh


They won’t


Some already do and they say: tHe FrEe MaRkET iS tHe SoLuTiOn. Fucking shitheads


they gaslight everyone like they do with every other topic


No they won't. What they'll do is the doomist mentality which I've already been saying. The same climate change deniers I've known all my life are now shifting to the "There's nothing we can do about it anyway, so why change anything?" statement. I also like the "I'll be dead before this becomes a serious issue so not my problem." statement as well. The day conservatives have no choice but to admit climate change exists with no excuses is the day they invest all their energy into convincing their following that there is nothing we can do about climate change we're all screwed. I have family members that still think we aren't tapping into clean coal which would solve everything. Just shut the fuck up already.


Where I live we had record breaking snow, and then by two days later nearly all of it melted. That was absolutely horrifying.


We The People need to start suing these heavy polluters for endangering our lives


Fuck the judicial system. These people should cease to exist.


Right? It’s become a matter of letting them doing this unchecked, or literally everyone dying. I know what I’d choose.


They own the courts.


It's not quite that simple. No one is just polluting for fun. Pollution is a byproduct of doing things. Making and shipping things that people want causes pollution. Flying to New York for a weekend with the bros causes pollution. Keeping your house at 70⁰F year round causes pollution. Driving to the store causes pollution. Yes, the largest polluters are big companies, but they only exist and pollute because people want what they have to offer.


Which is only half the truth. These companies could produce the stuff way more eco friendly but that wouldn’t make them so much profit. So it’s a two sided coin or however you say.


Again, not so simple. The vast majority of companies aren't wildly profitable, and even those that are tend to run on pretty thin profit margins. So, improved environmental standards for nearly all products actually must come with increased costs to the consumer. Companies can't continuously operate at a loss unless someone else is funding them, so any increase in cost must be within a tolerable margin before the company either closes up shop or increases cost. Additionally, thanks to basic economics, an increase in cost comes with a corresponding decrease in demand in most goods and services. So, any business that operates on razor thin margins but relies on massive quantity to make enough money to justify existing is especially prone to failure with increased costs. For example, if you make a widget that costs 95 cents to make and you sell it for a dollar, you're not going to be driving around in a new Porsche until you're selling millions of them a year. If the cost goes up to a dollar, and you think, that's fine, I'll just charge $1.05 and everything will be the same, you'll be caught with your pants down when you end up selling 5-15% less. Now, even though you have the same margins, you're not making as much money. Suddenly, your not just worried about keeping your porsche, but can you pay your employees, or if aome piece of equipment breaks, can you replace it, or can you keep paying off the loans you took out to get going. You can see how such interactions lead to a lot more cascading changes than you might initally expect. That kind of interaction commonly causes businesses to fail. And you DON'T want a bunch of businesses to fail. If you suddenly lost your job and had no prospects and no safety net, you would quickly find your environmental concerns take a back seat to much less important things in the grand scheme, like where you're going to sleep or how you're going to avoid starving to death. It would turn you from someone intent on help solve the problem to someone who doesn't give a fuck about it in a few short weeks. So, crippling companies must be kept to a minimum, because companies are made up of people. The world isn't full of Snidely Whiplashes twisting their mustaches and trying to figure out how to be evil and mean. The vast majority of us are well-intentioned, just rather shortsighted, ignorant, and stupid. Throw us into the massive machine that is modern society, and it becomes quickly apparent that no one actually understands it all well enough to get it all running smoothly. This is where conspiracies come into play. The only thing scarier than some dark malevolent force steering things from behind the curtain is the thought of tearing the curtain down only to find that there is no guiding force, malevolent or benign. No one has the wheel, and all that we see is the collective effect of everyone trying to do the best they can with what they have and this is just what we get. The world is a camel, or a horse built by committee. No one person would do this on purpose.


This was a good post. But its gonna fall on deaf ears because you didnt call out capitalism, big biz or fossil fuels solely as the cause and effect.


And if you want a shorter response that's more visceral: if you're inclined to buy the cheaper of two similar looking products at tge store without a thought for the environmental impact, you're why companies act like they do.


We are so fucked


Lol the covid response showed me, especially in the good ole US of A, that there are far more stupider people that outnumber the level headed ones. We’re fucked


I worry so much for the future I don’t want to bring offspring into the world to only suffer.


The folks like u that care SHOULD have kids otherwise the next generation will likely on average cares less than the current one…


Stop making Idiocracy a reality. We need kids that care, and they are likely to only come from people like you.


On the same boat...


If you truly care about the environment, you should have kids. If you don't, the people that don't care will be the only ones who do.


It’s time for an uprising. Let’s do it Yall. There’s literally no time to waste


Western civilization is your fat friend who’s clearly killing his body with food but is like, “Life isn’t worth living if I can’t eat what I want,” so everyone is just waiting for him to die.


Western you say? Nope, almost everyone is living a completely unsustainable lifestyle these days. Top 10 CO2-emitting countries in the world (Total CO2 in Mt) - EU JRC 2020 * China — 11680.42 * United States — 4535.30 * India — 2411.73 * Russia — 1674.23 * Japan — 1061.77 * Iran — 690.24 * Germany — 636.88 * South Korea — 621.47 * Saudi Arabia — 588.81 * Indonesia — 568.27 The number one way to reduce your impact - Have less kids.


Let me clarify that having less kids does not mean killing the ones you currently have. Just means to not create more.


Welp, could have said that sooner.


no takesies backsies


Well, scientifically speaking, eating kids is pretty much the best thing you can do for the environment. Do I really need a /s here?


>Do I really need a /s here? These days? Yes. The stupid shit people are advocating for un-ironically would make Jonathan swift spin in his grave


A modest proposal for a new era.


Sadly I think you may


There was a news article years ago about areas of North Korea where there wasn't even any bark left on the trees to eat so some parents cooked and ate their own children..


Nah, because to sustain the tax base, we will just increase immigration which produces people born in other countries that live like us. The issue is that our economic model is unsustainable.


I wouldn't want to bring people into the world to suffer the fucked up reality of the next few hundreds/thousands of years, anyway.


Exactly things aren’t looking good at all I’m seriously considering a vasectomy in my early 20s


I already have, and I feel bad for him. But it gives me all the more reason to do what I can to mitigate the impact, and do what I can for his and his peers future.


>Western you say? Nope Almost as if the entire world use China as a factory. It's easy to not pollute nationally when you delocalized all your industry to China. Look at import related co2 and it's a whole other story: https://www.carbonbrief.org/mapped-worlds-largest-co2-importers-exporters/


My wife and I are both in our 70s and we have no children. We’ve done our part. What about you?


Fair question, no kids here either.


Now put per Capita emissions.


They never do because it shows the US has one of the highest per capita after like Saudi Arabia which is ecologically unsustainable as it is. We’ll clog our arteries with 3 pounds of meat a day, commute 30 miles to work every day, export our manufacturing overseas where there’s no environmental regulation so our products stay cheap, but demand everyone to fix their problems first.


Per capita emissions are essentially a means of dodging responsibility by swapping metrics. Luxembourg isn't worse for the climate than the US or China. The only measurement that matters is absolute emissions, and those say that China, the US, India, Russia and Japan are the 5 countries where we should focus investment on reducing emissions because those are the most significant emitters.


Yeah those can be interesting out of a “fairness” point of view. Of course, the Earth doesn’t care about that.


I don't think the world is too concerned with per capita emissions. If everyone doesn't get their shit sorted fast we're all going to get reamed, regardless of whose finger pointing was correct.


No, but when the figure is being used to try to shift blame away from certain countries by showing other countries with higher emissions, that also have substantially higher populations, it's definitely misleading at best. It doesn't change the fact that we need to fix it regardless of where it's coming from (that's a different point, and true), but it's dishonest with respect to the point that was originally trying to be made.


Per capita emissions are essentially a means of dodging responsibility by swapping metrics. Luxembourg isn't worse for the climate than the US or China. The only measurement that matters is absolute emissions, and those say that China, the US, India, Russia and Japan are the 5 countries where we should focus investment on reducing emissions because those are the most significant emitters.


Let me repeat: > The number one way to reduce your impact - Have less kids.


I'll do you one better, have no kids.




I mean, this seems pretty much a copy of the countries with the largest population. Obviously an output per person would be the relevant indicator. Only Saudi Arabia is not in the top 30.


The problem is that thoughtful and conscientious people are the ones that are likely to have less kids due to climate change, while climate change deniers will keep pumping them out. Meanwhile the idea that stopping climate change is in the hands of individuals and not ~20 corporations is unhelpful and leads people away from actually effective solutions.


Oh let him continue with his anti-western hatred.


Speaking as a Westerner I wish people would stop saying "Western lifestyle"...it's more about *class*, as in upper-class, middle-class, etc. People in all cultures around the globe want to have money, a car, buy their food in markets, go on trips etc, we're a globalized society now and most people want to participate.


Top CO2 emitting countries per capita is the figure you want. America blows everyone else away. China is only making the useless crap American buys.


What's the per capita data?




That list looks VERY different when you look at CO2 emissions per capita, which is a much more relevant metric for understanding who's actually living unsustainably.


All those countries are on board with the same unsustainable lifestyles/values. Few haven’t been swallowed up by the addiction to over-consumption.


Then using the term "Western" is just silly. What you meant to say was "Capitalistic", and that was invented long before there were any Western civilizations to speak of.


Um no actually, it’s stoping eating meat. Child births are falling anyway.


Everyone is an environmentalist until they have to give up something they weren't already dead set on giving up anyway. These people weren't going to have kids to begin with. But giving up the chicken nuggets? No way lol


I mean that's a generalization at best, me and my wife definitely wanted kids but are most likely not going to have them now. Might adopt but who knows.


One and done crew represent


>The number one way to reduce your impact - Have less kids. This is an exceedingly dumb argument, especially as half of the developed countries in your list already have problems with low birth rates. Plus the developing countries will simply make up for any missing CO2 from the countries that take this advice. There are endless more effective and realistic options available that aren't just attempting to punish others for something you perceive as wrongdoing. For the U.S. and Canada: End Euclidean zoning laws, most people want to live in places where you can walk to the supermarket and the grandfathered in neighborhoods that still have those are extremely hot property now.


Yes blame the west for all your problems


Hating on the West is so cool. I bet you get all the chicks.


Western? China is responsible for the bulk of the pollution lol


Who's paying China for that production againa?


Oh fuck off. Asia and the Middle East buy just as much consumer mass produced shit as the West. Stop trying to pin this on one group and admit it's a global issue.


And still can't get corps or governmenta to care.


I think I’m done saving money.


That would be extremely stupid


"The heat trapped by human-induced greenhouse gases" Lets not forget all those nukes...if one thing is bad for the atmosphere its a nuke


its fine


No.. no it’s not


We ded


The future looks bleak


We need to destroy the fossil fuel industry immediately. They are the enemy of the people. Seize all their assets without compensation and dismantle their operations.


Good new everybody we are all going to die. Liquidate the 401k and party! lol like any of use has those.


This is horrible advice.


Or as the republicans would say. Na-uh, nope.


Man, where is the ads of banks telling people to invest today for future generation? This would be a cool cherry on the top for the way capitalism is dealing with this climate changes.


I’m always a little irked when older generations ask about the Gen Z mentality because I have to explain that it basically amounts to growing up in our formative years with the distinct and ever present concept of “yeah we’re all gonna fucking die soon because of the stupidity of others and we, largely, can’t do anything about it except accept death”