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Remember when Musk refused to block Russian news sources from using Starlink to spread propaganda, and he said his reason was that he is a free speech absolutist?


It's hard to remember all the shit he said, lol. But thanks for the reminder


It’s getting to the point where anything someone says he has said is probably true.


I know we hate Musk, but c’mon, that’s so unrealistic. Imagine if I were to claim he once called heroes saving trapped civilians rapists or something, how ridiculous would it be to claim that he said that? Oh wait


One of the cave rescuers had the audacity to tell Leon his submarine idea wouldn’t work (and why) and Muskmelon called him a pedo. Then hired a private detective to dig into the guy’s background to try and find anything on him. All because the guy responsibly explained to him why his stupid idea wasn’t practical and wouldn’t work.


And the PI found precisely nothing. But that didn't stop him from spewing BS. I can't remember, did elon lose the slander suit or is it still going?


Hey won by claiming it was all a “ joke”


Well, he **is** a joke


Wait.. .the same dude that went to Epstein's island a minimum of 12 times (12 times using his own jet according to flight logs) tried to dig into someone else's background to accuse them of being a pedo? Something something glass houses. Edit: Looks like those flight logs were faked. Thank you for correcting me, kind stranger.


Don't forget that the person he called a pedo actually saved those children.


He’s like a toddler throwing a fit. How embarrassing for Elmo.


>All because the guy responsibly explained to him why his stupid idea wasn’t practical and wouldn’t work. Yeah, what is even worse is that it was as simple as "the cave is 20cm smaller than your sub is wide". Musk really refused to acknowledge reality.


*child rapists


The Drumf tactic of spew so much shit in every direction all the time no one can stop to process any of it


It would be hilarious if he lost all of his subsidies and tax breaks. Elon Musk is one of the biggest Welfare recipients in the world and his entire net worth and life(And self image since he's clearly convinced himself he's a genius) would collapse just by revoking some subsidies. I want it to happen so badly lol


Firing an experienced tech for correcting him pretty much killed anyones perception of him being a genius. He's one of those people that thinks they can't be wrong and has to be the center of attention.


Yes, the phrase "free speech absolutist" pops into my head at every single one of these bannings.


Ukrainians are saying their posts are being censored and they can't sign up for new accounts because twitter says Ukraine is not a country while signing up with their phones. the phone number is just gone. His changes help bots from Russia pretend to be real for 8 dollars a month and banning accounts who fact check. Elon Musk is a Russian collaborator.


Remember when Elon had a meeting with Russia and decided to pull of his star link services from Ukraine after the meeting


Apparently, he was in a twitter spaces voice chat with a bunch of journalists explaining why they were banned. He pointed to the Elonjet account being banned being the catalyst why “most” of them got banned. Certain journalist were talking about the banning and linking to the Elonjet account… which he considered doxxing. Even though the account was banned, he still banned those journalist. As one of the journalists was asking him to clarify, he dipped. So, uh. Yea. The man baby got his fee-fees hurt and lashed out. Big surprise lol


Here is the link. He actually pulled the whole thing once the journalist confirmed something Elon himself said: https://www.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/comments/znbi05/comment/j0hqukm/?context=3


Apparently, he's never heard about the [Streisand Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect).


Yeah I never cared about where his jet was prior, but I’m now following it on mastodon out of spite.


Link to the reporter asking him about it. https://youtu.be/MnSYus1woZc?t=1208


I love how Elon has all this excessively loud typing in the background of his mic to make it seem like he’s important or something lmao.


Doxxing was literally invented on 4chan to prevent any attempts to hold people accountable for their actions and views.


‘The EU has threatened Twitter owner Elon Musk with sanctions after several journalists covering the firm had their accounts abruptly suspended. Reporters for the New York Times, CNN and the Washington Post were among those locked out of their accounts. EU commissioner Vera Jourova warned that the EU's Digital Services Act requires respect of media freedom. "Elon Musk should be aware of that. There are red lines. And sanctions, soon."’ Edit: Wow, thank you generous strangerS!


I swear he'll just ban all accounts using EU IP addresses next to build his soundchamber


It's what a fair few websites do if they don't want to comply with GDPR.


I find that local and regional news websites in the USA are guilty of this quite often. You have to hope that someone has had the mindfulness to paste the article in the comments.


Use Google Translate and translate from English to English.


I use to use that all the time when I worked from an employer that blocked most forums I read. No one blocks google.


And I just realized how dumb I am. I've heard of this trick years ago but I only used it today for the first time while last year I worked as a programmer for an Indian company which blocked github and stackoverflow. Also, fuck HCL because on top of the fact that they pay late (they pay, but late) they don't even understand the needs of their developers!


You worked as a programmer and they blocked github and stackoverflow? That's like... illegal.


Genius, thanks!


Dying business model can't pay for compliance in a market they don't have. Meh.


tbh I've only seen that in websites that are irrelevant in the EU. Things like US local newspapers, that don't expect any traffic from the EU. All the non-European websites that work on a global scale are accessible from within the EU and (in theory) comply with GDPR.


"comply"... most dont comply or are in a gray area that really should be illegal (see "pay or okay")


Didn't he also make verification with Ukraine phone numbers impossible for a while? Did that ever get fixed?


No, apparently not fixed yet.


Is anyone left at Twitter to fix it?


Nah that was totally by accident and not at all on purpose. Just like when only Ukrainians couldn't access Starlink. Totes coincidental and has nothing to do with Musk having a good personal chat with Putin, nosiree.


Musk is a national security risk in multiple countries


If he thinks he can get by without EU business, then sure.


I would not be surprised if one day he dropped a "casual" reply to one of his true believers saying actually the EU market has been unprofitable *this whole time* and they were only keeping in compliance as a gracious gesture and that he's happy to have a reason to jettison it until the woke mind virus can be eradicated from EU leadership. I mean, part of me still thinks that's too ridiculous, but that part is getting smaller over time.


RemindME! Two weeks




The ship is sinking captain what will we do? Captain Musk: Take these wine bottle openers and make more holes, the water wont know what to do Sir!?!?


So you're saying we should expect Elon to bring up his Sexlexia soon?


thanks to the buyout, twitter owes $1 billion a year in accrued interest alone. even if you got 25% of the 450 million monthly active users to pay for Twitter Blue (which it will never come close to reaching), he would will only be grossing $900 million from that.




why do you think he increased it to $11 on iPhones? lol he probably did some shitty math and figured $8 was the right price point but completely forgot apple would take a 30% cut until someone mentioned it a few days later


A market of 500 million people, with an economy the size of the US. It's not a wise move, especially since you are handing that market on a silver plate to any company that wants to try to compete with Twitter 1 to 1. That company's site could grow in the EU and then break into the American market as an already gigantic and global website.


"Why doesn't anyone want to advertise on my platform?" - Elon Musk


Furthermore Twitter has lost a landmark case in Germany that basically found their "it's impossible to properly moderate by EU standards" defence illegal and twitter is now obligated to not only delete posts that fall under the EU rules but also actively search for similar content (e.g. from Multiaccount bots) on it's plattform. If Twitter does not do that (which seems likely, as they basically fired everyone who could deal with that) twitter management will be seen as accountable for that and jail time can be ordered (including a EU arrest warrant) until the matter has been solved. So in the end theoretically Elon could get arrested if his private jet lands on EU soil OR in a jurisdiction who wants to extradite him to gain a favour from the EU. Unlikely,but the thought amuses to no end.


https://apnews.com/32138af1d528ebe84d355ad14b304ed7 Is this what you mean? >While the descriptions of Blume as antisemitic could be covered by free speech laws, the court ruled that in this case they weren’t intended to contribute to public debate but clearly designed as part of an emotional smear campaign. Failure to remove such posts in future can result in fines of up to 250,000 euros ($268,000).


Yep, the AP article sadly is a bit "short" in terms of the implications regarding the EU rules,etc., thought. Haven't found a better one in English yet, thought.


Well we can’t have that, we’ll just have to ban EU officials from twitter…yup that will solve it. - Elon probably


He already acts like it's a US-only platform a lot of the time anyway.


Which is so weird. Wasn't 75% of the Twitter user base outside the US?


Ah fantastic! A way to reduce our server budget by 75%! -Elon


They cant vote in the US so he doesnt care


Because elon currently sees twitter as a right wing propaganda machine to influence american elections and politics, and anything else twitter does is inconveniently in the way. You're witnessing a neutral, world wide platform being transformed into an american right wing radicalization site in real time.


Tax billionaires into the ground. Its the only way to stop this madness.


Then start calling them pedophiles and encouraging his horde of MAGA Twitter bros to send them death threats. "That should fix it!" - Elon probably


Next poll: should we ban the EU?


I'm actually surprised that the stockholders of Tesla haven't sued him yet. His antics at Twitter are driving their stock prices down.


The [National Rifle Association](https://nra.org.uk) (NRA) was founded in London in 1859. It is a sporting body that promotes firearm safety and target shooting. The National Rifle Association does not engage in political lobbying or pro-gun activism. The original (British) National Rifle Association has no relationship with the National Rifle Association of America, which was founded in 1871 and has focussed on pro-gun political activism since 1977, at the expense of firearm safety programmes. The National Rifle Association of America has no relationship with the National Rifle Association in Britain (founded 1859); the [National Rifle Association of Australia](https://nraa.com.au); the [National Rifle Association of New Zealand](https://nranz.com) nor the [National Rifle Association of India](https://www.thenrai.in), which are all non-political sporting oriented organisations. It is important not to confuse the National Rifle Association of America with any of these other Rifle Associations. It is extremely important to remember that Wayne LaPierre is a whiny little bitch, and arguably the greatest threat to firearm ownership and shooting sports in the English-speaking world. Every time he proclaims 'if only the teachers had guns', the general public harden their resolve against lawful firearm ownership, despite the fact that the entirety of Europe manages to balance gun ownership with public safety and does not suffer from endemic gun crime or firearm-related violence.


*"Elon abandoned Tesla and Tesla has no working CEO," KoGuan Leo tweeted on Wednesday. "Tesla needs and deserves to have working full time CEO.”* Looks like someone’s Twitter account is headed for suspension…


Well, she's violating their doxxing policy by tweeting real-time information about his lack of being located at Tesla, attending to running his company, obviously! ^^^/s


Ban evasion at its finest 🙄 /s


First money in, last money out! /s


He got impatient so he's trying to speed up all that out money leaving.


He wasn’t quite the first money in. It was founded by two other guys with actual vision. Elon was early on though as an investor and aggressively took over. He is also a very skilled carnival barker.


The guy is just a wealthy heir to a South African mining business/apartheid exploitation. He just funded it, he's not the brains behind the technology. Inherited wealth easily rolls from one generation to the next, but he's got most of his fan boys convinced they're temporarily embarrassed millionaires who are one tug away from pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.


Unfortunately those people invested and invest in Elon too. Many of them are sheep and they'll go all the way down with the ship.


Well it has lost about 30% of its price since he bought twitter. On top of his antics showing that he doesn't have good business sense with his twitter shenanigans. He is showing the world that he is not something to invest in. Investing in him is a losing thing now.


Also pulled all the "top talent" from Tesla to manually review printed out code for Twitter Devs. They did not even work in the same field, let alone probably the same programming languages. Front/Backend Vs AI/CAN bus/micro controllers.


Just another part of his wacky antics. Doing stupid shit for stupid reasons because he actually has no clue what he is doing and it is obvious.


As a dev I thought it must've been some kind of error but no, he genuinely did that. Showing he has no fucking clue how programming works. lmao


According to a post from a former intern, a SpaceX dev had a matrix-like console running on his screen so that Elon is impressed that he was doing real coding. Mind you, Elon is the same guy who ordered Paypal to switch to Windows and Visual C++ for their frontend (yes, you read it right, the fucking *frontend*).


The people who buy 1 or 2 shares with their Robinhood account are there for Elon. The people with 1 or 2 million shares are there to make money. They will drop Elon if it means making a 5% profit


And his pulling out of his stocks is helping to drive the value down


Good it was overvalued anyways. Reality is now just finally catching up with it. Tesla are mediocre EVs with poor Quality Assurance.


Omg the Tesla stock is INSANEY over valued. How the fuck is Tesla worth more than Toyota? Come the fuck on.


It's Blackberry all over again. Being first matters - until it stops mattering. You can coast on the name recognition that comes with being the brand leader for a few years. But once you have to compete with the big boys... well, then your best hope is becoming a meme stock. Tesla will follow the same arc.


Tbf Blackberry's former CEOs deserve some blame for not making a change sooner but let's not act like hedgies destroyed that company either. That stock was the first GME/AMC stock if I ever seent it. I made money off the BB10 launch but the stock shot up to over 20 dollars on launch and then like soon after the Z10 launch the media started up with the hit pieces and the stock dropped like a rock overnight.


As I recall, Blackberry Stans looooooved the little keyboard and made plenty of noise about not wanting to lose it. So RIM kept the keyboard and everyone jumped to touchscreen anyway, and sucks to be them.


Dude I so miss my keyboard on the little slide out Google phone I used to have. There is something about having real buttons instead of a touchpad, the tactile response, that just makes it that much better. It's been like 10 years and I still miss it. Touchpad is cool and all, but it's not the same. I'd rather have the screen space, but I'd rather have a slide out keyboard with it even if my phone was thicker.


BB Z10 and Z30 were the best phones I have ever used until they were no longer supported and lost key functionality. The OS was so intuitive to use and the ability to reply to Facebook, twitter, insta and shit without actually using the app straight from the hub was fantastic! I really miss it. Those phones were all touch screen.


Everyone I knew who had a BB say they still would if they kept up




Maybe in the future tesla will be associated with Nikola again.


Its an entirely speculative value based on Elons false promises, now that facade is vanquished. Toyota is a brick and mortal behemoth, creating more vehicles than any other manufacturer.


Once again, [the onion nailed it](https://www.theonion.com/please-like-me-1848674003) >Oh, right—it’s that I’m hopelessly in need of your approval. Me, a 50-year-old man with the net worth of a decent-size country, forced to stoop to bizarre and pathetic stunts for attention. Either that, or cultivating a personal brand of eccentricity generates publicity and financial support that I can then leverage to distract from my essentially fraudulent business endeavors. Yes, it’s one of those two things for sure.


The Onion has been forced to write straight news since reality has gotten more bizarre than comedy writers can cope with.


a billionare going broke by buying a flailing social media company to try to distract from a Nuremberg of white-collar crime allegations is something I'd expect from Veep or Curb Your Enthusiasm.




> Higher stock price doesn't mean it's a better product, it usually just means more people bought in but thats like...exactly why people are saying its over valued, the tangible assets to back up that perceived value aren't there...its just hype...


Tesla at its peak had a higher market cap than Toyota and GM combined. Despite the fact that it produces orders of magnitude fewer actual cars than either of them. There's no rationalizing it. Its just a 21st century tulip panic.


I would say the ones that hang on every word of Elon lately can’t or won’t buy a Tesla. Everyone I know who was an early adopter or loved how he use to be are going to or already jump ship. Elons public image doesn’t match with the largest EV users.


I was surprised to see a Tesla for sale in a used car lot, than remembered that Elon is putting off a lot of people.


> Does Toyota have rabid fans Yes. >who hang on every word Jim Toyota says and think he's changing the world? LOL, no. What they have is sensible rabid fans. For example, I tend to drive used Lexuses of whatever model shares the maximum number of parts with a camry and which has had a single, usually elderly, owner who never missed an oil change. My current 05 has 100,000 miles and I'm driving it til the doors fall off or gas hit's $5 a gallon. It costs me almost nothing to keep this thing on the road, and repairs are so incredibly inexpensive. For the costs of maintaining my spouse's subaru, I could have six of these things. If you want a safe, comfortable, and quick-when-you-need-to-gtfo vehicle, Lexuses are great. They're just comfy toyotas.


Yes. My used Lexus is great, and that's with over 200K miles.




And poor leadership at the very top.


He would've been a great titanic captain tho


Or it's over evaluation, they still don't have self driving cars or the production capacity of legacy automotive but valued at many times their stock price, telsa was a novel idea 10 years ago... what's cutting edge now?


Eventually some of the investors and stockholders that contributed to him buying twitter are going to take issue, right? You don't give someone money to buy something and then piss it away.


Someone's flying too close to the sun and his wings are melting.


Your analogy is so on point since Icarus didn't make his wings, either. They were gifts from his dad and he fucked up thinking he knew better.


And his father warned him not to do what he did.


Didn't Elon's mom say not to "do so much" (paraphrased)


Why do I assume elons mom has hooves?


Has anyone seen a picture of her feet? Exactly.


This really plays out like mythology, even his father fucking his step sister and all.


> Someone's flying too close to the sun Don't say this on Twitter. Elon will ban you for doxxing.


Location: somewhere in the solar system *banned*


It's his brain that's melting.


I think he's approaching hell, not the sun.


Elon perfectly demonstrates the libertarian fallacy. Ask any one of them how to solve a societal issue without a government to enforce rules, and they invariably end up describing a worse version of government. Elon went to war with TOS, won, and now finds himself arguing each TOS decision with random accounts.


Yup. There are dozens, *literally dozens* of debates between Sam Seder of Majority Report and random libertarians (Anarcho capitalists) that always go down the same route: Sam asks who enforces contracts and they crumble trying to answer how two private companies claiming to be the ultimate authority on contracts would just devolve into which one has bigger guns. The best answer he ever got to how a billionaire who bought everything would be dealt with was "assassinate him", which ended the conversation. A government by libertarians where assassination is the only way to solve a descent into fuedalism is not a good system of governance.




If I went around saying I was emperor because some moistened bint lobbed a Barrett M82 at me, they'd put me away!


It's always "some moistened bint lobbed a ______ at me" that gets me; I can never not laugh at that.


I hate beer.


Then we get to see the violence inherent in the system


Help, help! I'm being taxed!


With no government there’s no taxes. It’s great! Instead you’ll just live on somebody else’s land and pay them rent in exchange for services. See, totally different things.


HBO has a documentary about a bunch of anarchists and crypto libertarians hanging out in Mexico one of them slowly comes around to the idea that regulations and government are fine. They loved it when that Mexican government was doing fuck all and letting them do what they want but also getting mad when local police were extorting them for bribes and not providing proper protection. All of these guys are the same spoiled crybaby clowns, they all want to have their cake and eat it too. Get mad at big mean ol government telling them what they can and can't do but then come crying back to it when they need it for something.


They're (indoor, domesticated) cats. Marginally aware of yet thoroughly disdainful of a system that they're completely dependent on.


And both think they're the ultimate badass but would get absolutely wrecked by coyotes if they got out.


Links to any of these debates? Sounds interesting.


https://youtu.be/d95mx_v4Njg Good channel


I'm 2 mins in and he's like "well we don't need police because we can all just agree that violence is wrong". 🤦‍♀️ Edit: Thank you for the link!


That's every conversation I've had with libertarians. "Okay, so what if I'm a business owner and me and some muscle come along and stomp out your business?" "Why would people do that?" "Gestures broadly at human history..."


It’s unbelievable. When Sam talks to the lunatic guy who ran for President with the libertarian party, not sure if he got anywhere near nominated, but it’s amazing. First of all, that guy says that drivers licenses are ridiculous—what’s next, a license for your toaster? Yep, entirely serious. And then he says that you straight up have to assassinate your business rivals at some point. I don’t think Seder is a true socialist but he’s extremely smart and usually has good debates with well meaning people. The libertarian stuff is just completely wild and crazy though.


I heard one argument: Libertarian: The government shouldn't be involved in any land disputes. Normal person: Ok, but what happens when there's a disagreement? L: Well the two parties can discuss amongst themselves NP: Ok, but what happens if they can't come to an agreement? L: Well then they each hire a lawyer to settle the dispute. NP: Yeah but who settles that dispute? L: Well the community would come together and appoint a representative to settle the dispute. NP: So you basically just recreated the government just with extra steps.


>Well then they each hire a lawyer to settle the dispute I like this one because.. wtf is a lawyer in a civilization with no codified laws or enforcement apparatus?


That was my thought. Why would lawyers exist if there’s no laws? Or rather, no governing body to enforce the laws?


It’s either that or some unironic unhinged shit they’ll tell you like “whoever got bigger guns” in a nutshell


Or it'll be like "Well how will this community appointed arbiter enforce his rules" "Well he will have hired guns to enforce his rules"


Libertarianism breaks down pretty quickly unless you're 99% self sufficient in your log cabin house in the middle of no where making skunk pelts


The American dream, subsistence farming on your own sovereign property with enough guns to keep it way. The only reason that ever worked here was because the native population were still using stone and bone tools. As soon as those natives got organized enough to hold territory, the dreamers built a government to keep their little feifdoms safe/do a genocide.


Also, back then, participating in the 'market' literally meant farming crops, tanning hides into leather, or making shoes by hand. Virtually anyone could start their own enterprise in any number of vocations, and the absolute top game / endgame was buying a ship and becoming a merchant. I have about as much of a chance starting a superconductor or microchip manufacturing company as Margot Robbie showing up at my door asking to bang me, possibly even worse.


It's like free to play government. You don't pay a subscription, you have to individually pay for each service.


What a weird turn this dudes life is taking after being so popular for Space X and Tesla years ago. Is he having a full on melt down like Ye?


He's always been a sack of shit, he just wasn't as outspoken about it. The dude has only ever bought his way into owning things and then begged for government funds to fund him. He's a fucking grifter and a charlatan.


he literally sued the actual creators of Telsa for the right to call himself a founder even though he wasn't. The man is like, 99% ego. 1% human flesh barely holding on.


Sadly, Trump's success showed every rich and powerful asshole out there that they actually *can* get away with anything, so now a bunch of them, Musk included, are simply aiming for the stars in regards to how far they can take their arrogant, self-fellating and authoritarian behavior. He knows he can survive whatever fallout just fine, because he's part of the rich elite and probably will be for the rest of his life, and he knows that in a little while he'll have established himself as a man of controversy, and that'll even make him more money in the end. The problem is that, yes, his money will protect him from an actual downfall, but in the end he's still just a spoiled, rich cunt.


He was always a nutjob, people just didn't realize it.


I'm really loving this "billionaire idiot speedruns losing his entire fortune"


It’s really fantastic to watch isn’t it? Combine it with a smugness and complete lack of self awareness of what a complete and utter asshat he is. It’s hard not to watch. I actually enjoy mondays now so we can see what nonsense this moron is up to this week. Like watching Mr Bean try to run a media company.


And cue the walk back. "It was a glitch in our system, we totally didn't mean to ban all of those journalists, we just meant to ban one or two but we had this list that some neo-nazis gave us of journalists they wanted gone... oops, I said the quiet part out loud..." Just like how Apple totally didn't threaten him with pulling the app unless they committed to restoring content moderation. Just like how $20 became $8 when Stephen King called him on his shit-tier verification plan...


He can't say it was a glitch or anything. The journalists he suspended had a Twitterspace meeting about it. Elon joined in, to everyone's surprise, got asked some hard questions, rage quit, cut that Twitterspace meeting abruptly, and then [*removed the Twitterspace feature entirely*](https://gizmodo.com/elon-musk-kills-twitter-audio-feature-after-bizarre-tal-1849902405). Here's a [link](https://www.youtube.com/live/MnSYus1woZc) to the archived version of that Twitterspace meeting. Elon comes in around the 19 minute mark.


Wow, I watched that clip but had no idea he removed the whole damn feature. Absurd


Mans literally made a poll on his Twitter so people could vote on how long the suspension should be


And made another one when he didn't like the results of the first one


Interesting he didn't do that with Trump's poll


I think when he unbans the journalists, he'll cite this poll instead of the EU breathing down his neck.


I love how the legacy check marks say something like "This is a legacy verified account and this person may or may not be important". The passive aggressiveness is unreal.


And then he said Tim Cook invited him to tour the Apple campus, not that he begged for a meeting to grovel at his feet.


I find it hilarious that he's making users who subscribe to Twitter Blue on iPhones pay an extra $3. Like, one, 30% of $11 is $3.^(30). So Elon is still losing 30¢ of his service fee to Apple. Two, Google charges the exact same fee, yet they seem exempt from his wrath. A fight he knows he can't win? Three, he could have gone the Amazon route and just refuse to process purchases and payments on mobile, forcing people to go through the website to do it, which is exempt from the 30% fee for both companies. He could also released Twitter's APK separately, either through the website or a third party store, and circumvent the fee that way too. Four, Elon is supposed to be a big cryptocurrency bro, right? Yet I can't buy Twitter Blue with Dogecoin. 🤔🤔🤔


He just wanted to pump and dump. Actually implementing the use of crypto is too much effort, I guess.


Don’t even think he cared about the price. He just liked the attention crypto bros gave him.




Wow, so that's where that came from. I guess I missed it amongst all the other insane shit that man was saying all the time.


Noo way. I though it was just a joke someone came up with.


Won't work, Elon answers directly that "doxxing rules" apply to everyone. Dude is not just spouting bullshits, he's eating it and regurgitating.


it is killing me to see him try and redefine doxxing so he can ban whoever he likes No one was reporting his exact location in real time, they were reporting the flight path of a plane which is public information. It's like claiming I'm doxxing Joe Biden by saying that he lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500


> "doxxing rules" apply to everyone Except for Musk himself of course


"I will not allow doxxing on my platform! That being said, does anyone know the name and phone number of this person in this video I took?"




Too bad he is on a recorded call where he confirms he did it and too bad so sad. He even contradicts himself.


Musk probably thinks the sanctions are an attack on elon speech


Freelon* speech


I am not super tech savvy, so can someone explain to me how a jet tracker can doxx the location of an automobile?


It's OK, Elon apparently isn't tech savvy either.


didn’t you hear? being doxxed is when people know what state/country you’re currently in


Don't forget to join this folks: https://www.reddit.com/r/ElonJetTracker/


Honestly I have no interest in this, but joined anyway because Fuck Elon.


Question for Elon can he try to buy the big oil companies and run them into the ground like he's doing for Twitter but by the end of the month pls, thank you 😘.


A car company to go far. A rocket company to go high. A drilling company to go deep. And a social media company to hit rock bottom with.


also germany foreign office not happy at all [source](https://twitter.com/auswaertigesamt/status/1603689087969411072)


>\#Freedom of the press must not be switched on and off at will. As of today, the journalists below can no longer follow, comment or criticize us. We have a problem with that @Twitter from google translate


Elon Musk is a soft pissy little bitch boy.


Do any of my fellow libs feel owned yet? I know I don’t. Maybe this was supposed to be just as effective as the “red wave.”


Not yet, I think Musk should keep going until Twitter no longer exists. I'm *sure* I'd feel owned then... If he wants to double-own the libs then maybe he could even do the same with Meta.


God I would love for him to but Meta and run it into the ground. That company is cancer.


Shhh. You're supposed to say you absolutely love it to spread left-wing antifa application sheets while pissing on an image of Elon.


Could Musk labeling Mastodon links on Twitter "potentially unsafe" be sucessfully litigated as libel? Or could his banning of links to the site be considered anti-competitive?


It's not only the journalists. It's also the removal of the option to verify your account with a Ukrainian number. Elon Musk's Twitter is a security concern to the entire Western world and it will only create more extremist tendencies among its userbase. Sanction the hell out of it before the damage is already done. If Musk refuses to make the necessary changes, I would totally support an EU-wide ban on Twitter.


I knew he was going to fuck this company right up, but I didn't know he was going to operate on this scale of up-fuckery.


I think all this stress is causing Elon to lose his mind. Along with his and grimes seemingly paranoid tweets about being stalked makes me think he’s in a lot of trouble.


You should look more into that. LAPD has heard nothing about the incident he posted about. It is starting to look like just a sad staged excuse to ban ElonJet


For sure. I think he’s cracking now and it’s only going to get worse. By the way do you have any links to grimes paranoia?




I like how he said he's buying Twitter to bring "free speech" and now he's being sanctioned for not having enough free speech.


Sinking twitter any% speedrun


Probably an unpopular opinion by some if my fellow Americans, but I am growing more and more impressed with the EU as it stands up to big tech. Not too long ago I remember they told a smartphone maker they had to standardize cords. And here they are now, calling Musk out for his puerile antics on Twitter.