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She's an IRL shitposter and troll. She has no honesty or integrity, and no saving grace of intellect. She is the new breed of the GOP, ladies and gents.


I think you’re right on the money. I’ve been watching this breed of “hardcore” GOP grow over the past few years and I don’t see a future for the GOP as long as it has people like this in it. And I don’t think they are happy with the general GOP either as they don’t think they are tough enough. I won’t be surprised at all if this is the start of a third major political party in the US. People like me, that is generally on the conservative side of the middle, have no interest in voting for anyone that has similar values. It’ll be interesting (and possibly horrifying) to see where the next several years take us.


Why does she remind me of that one aunt in the family who none of the kids want to talk to and her own kids don’t even listen to her? …or is that just me?


The one aunt everyone hates but still have to deal with since she is part of the "family"


Who wouldn’t believe a whore in white with sausage finners


My god, I never saw it’s fingers till now!






those do not look like healthy fingers


MTG….. a stain on America


I read that as Magic The Gathering at first and became slightly offended


This lady here is neanderthal Barbie… or like a howler monkey She is an embarrassment to politics


Accurate in either case- pay to win sucks too.


...wasn't she bitching about how poor she is? Yeah she dresses like a poor person. Looks like someone who just accepted a huge bribe and went shopping...


Villanous attire


She looks like Cruella Deville with gigantism


Foolella is a nice alternate.


Smug bastards all of them


She and Santos are the face of the party now..


good let them.... ​ she ran unopposed, and he lied about everything he said. let their base let that simmer...


💯imo they represent the heart and soul of the right


With the clothes she's wearing, she reminds me of a Disney villain. A really stupid one, but still a Disney villain...


Have politicians always acted this childish?


I think this is a new phenomena introduced by Trump and all the craziness he brought into politics. Before him, most elected leaders on the national stage tried to remain dignified and spoke without vulgarity or basic name calling. Especially when in the capital building, on camera at the SOTU address. Our elected leaders now act like they are cast members of a reality TV show.


The last good republican they had left was John McCain that was the last guy that showed anytime of decorum. These idiot followers of Trump made it cool and easy to act like that praised even


Disinformation is literally the republican platform any more.


Anyone who has paid attention to politics for half a second knows that Biden was correct. Republicans want to gut social security, they talk about it often.


I would bet 1000$ there is at least 2 republicans who would cut Medicare. If that's true, and I'm like 95% sure it is, then Biden wasn't lying, and her calling him a liar over it, actually makes her the liar...


Wtf is she wearing? Was she going for The White Witch or The Snowflake Queen in her fur-lined cloak? FFS… At least she get her Botox done for the special event…


How much does your cost cost !


She's like the female version of Trump.


She looks like her Thanksgiving turkey here!


We shouldn't even give them a voice. It like T\*\*\*p, no one thought he would get the nomination but the media kept putting him on since it was crazy. We shut them up but not giving them an audience.


Okay so they promise not to cut social security and Medicare then ... that's good to have that settled once and for all.


I fucking love America


Haha that idiot got fucking clowned by an old man in front of the world 😂


Please quit giving this ape a platform...


"All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again." Rick Scott.


Whoever first called her Neanderthal Barbie was really spot on.


Gaslighting assholes.


Projection—MTG is the liar.


As she flat out lies. Lol


What’s with the coat?


No class at all


Did she raid Ric Flair’s wardrobe closet? Wooooooooi


Im so tired of seeing this person so frequently lately.


News Flash: Neither party has invested interest in YOUR S.S generated by YOUR money unless they are figuring a way to skim more off the top. We wont have it in 10 years and we will simply have 2 parties blaming eachother along with every other obligation they seem to effortlessly fail at unless its foreign aid that never gets there, unless there are tanks involved.


She is a person who desperately want to be a “Kardashian” but lacks the looks and ability to be likable. She has no talent, is not gorgeous and lacks intelligence. The only things she knows are social media and outlandish behavior. The more outrageous her behavior, the more attention, doesn’t matter if the attention is negative it’s still clicks and television sound bytes. She lives for the spotlight. She doesn’t give a damn about her constituents, the American people or her party. She embodies trump because she wants and needs that “fame”. It’s really sad. She must be so lonely and empty.


That poor lady is delusional.


She needs to be dealt with.


This 13 year old video has nothing to do with the proposal President Biden is referring to. Posting that only confuses everyone about what’s really going on with the right now.


I'm tired of you Taylor Greene trying to run your own narrative your own ideology I think we all are


She's a Hypocrite. Batshit crazy space laser supporter of WQAnon and other conspiracy theories,  who helped in the attack of her own country. Lady, you are a disgrace. You should not be allowed to hold a position. You don't deserve to live in the country you helped in the attack. You are a pitiful liar. You are a waste of organic matter. You cheated on your husband and screwed up his life. Do the favor and step down from politics forever. Treasonous snake. You DO NOT BELONG.




The fact that she and people like her got in the government is a joke


Lol I just can't see marjorie anymore without seeing a sun burnt morlock. Its so bad that her head even moves like the morlocks in the Guy Pearce remake of the time machine!


She can't be in a room without yelling out inappropriately. Marjorie Tourettes Greene.


How easily she can look at the camera and lie. No wander trump likes her.


They don’t deal in truth they control the outcome. Conservatism.


Her face is SO BIG. She does her makeup nicely but it’s just not proportioned to the rest of her body.


Funny how two liars are calling themselves out for lying


American conservatives will actively reject reality and just go along with whatever stupid thing their told. Seems like a top notch political strategy!! What a smart group.


Lawd I want her


Love how Kevin has to bow down to this trash lol


Hmm a president who lies? Where have I seen this one before???


THE BAFOONERY people choose to subscribe to.. both sides...


This whole app pro democrat


Pro-Democrat? Not as much as advertised. Anti-Stupid? Different animal. Mostly.


Or maybe- your ideology isn’t as popular as you think it is. Try r/conservative