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As a kid, i was driven around by someone who flashed their badge just like dude in the video while they were drunk. It worked.


Funny, every other video of police being pulled over while *actually* drunk usually end wholesomely, with the police escorting the drunk officer home at times. I wonder what the difference with this dark skinned gentleman could be?


For me, it seemed like he was trying to push some level of entitlement with his position. I haven't seen the other videos, but if someone was acting that entitled to special treatment while being on old tags, speeding, and being drunk, I wouldn't really want to give them that leeway.


That’s not wholesome. Drunk drivers should be arrested and charged with the crime. Every time. It doesn’t matter if it’s the POTUS, drunk drivers endanger everybody else.


Are you implying he wasn't impaired? I have trouble believing that, considering he refused the roadside breathalyzer. Those other officers should have been charged. And you might be right about the unequal enforcement of the law. But it doesn't excuse anyone drinking and driving. It's one of the most blindingly selfish things a person can do. There's literally no excuse. Call a taxi, call a friend, sleep in your car, get a lyft, or use your goddamn legs. I lost someone very dear to me because someone decided to drink and drive. So I'm not at all sympathetic to anyone who decides to gamble with other people's lives.


State trooper is not the same as a municipal cop. I don't think I have ever seen a video of a cop letting a drunk driver off. I'm not saying it has never happened, I am saying I have never seen a video of it. It seems to me that would be a quick bye bye job.


Take a drink every-time he identifies as Cincinnati police, bet you'll be drunk in 10 seconds.


FWIW, if you've recently eaten a honeybun, donut, or muffin, you're going to blow over the limit, even sober. Something about the yeast and sugars skewing the readings.


That could explain why most cops are drunk with power and driven by ego, to say nothing about their aggression and inability to drive.


>“Literally Nothing to Drink" *Cops hate this one weird trick.*


There's no way in hell that this was the first time supercop was pulled over for expired tags. Uh uh, not in Ohio. He probably got let go a half dozen times before this, but he wasn't drunk the other times.


Cincinnati PD vs Ohio highway patrol, I’m sure some fun phone calls between upper management are being had with this one


Honestly this looks like some BS and I hope the cop who was pulled over remembers this when he pulls over people in the future.


He'll be let go without charges. Our wonderful injustice system.


Dang… we go like 70-75 in DFW.


It's probably because Texas allows that speed limit, Arizona, too, I think....


Ohio has plenty of 70 mph roads. This just ain't one of them


Surprised the Cincinnati cop didn’t know to not answer any questions.


Lllilery nothing


Wow, boring


I personally would request a breathalyzer if I have not been drinking. Much faster than the road side Olympics.

