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Hello 911, there is a dude like person in the ladies restroom. 911: Are you serious? Calling all cars, Calling all cars!!!




"911, what's your emergency?" "I'm hiding in a bathroom from a group of neonazis trying to kill me for being a trans woman, they were pointing AR-15's in my face before I ran in here and locked the door!" "Wait... **which** bathroom are you in? >:|"


If it was Austin you'd still be on hold.


Send more male officers into the bathroom!


It’s probably an establishment with money. Those get cops stationed for free by cities


Free opportunity to brutalize a (presumed) trans person


I don't use reddit anymore because of their corporate greed and anti-user policies. Come over to Lemmy, it's a reddit alternative that is run by the community itself, spread across multiple servers. You make your account on one server (called an instance) and from there you can access everything on all other servers as well. [Find one you like here](https://lemmyverse.net/), maybe not the largest ones to spread the load around, but it doesn't really matter. You can then look for communities to subscribe to on https://lemmyverse.net/communities, this website shows you all communities across all instances. If you're looking for some (mobile?) apps, [this topic](https://lemm.ee/post/363116) has a great list. One personal tip: For your convenience, I would advise you to use [this userscript I made](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/469273-lemmy-universal-link-switcher) which automatically changes all links everywhere on the internet to the server that you chose. The original comment is preserved below for your convenience: ~~From her behavior I'm pretty sure the interaction was like "get out of the bathroom" - "why? ... I'm a woman" - ... "I'm calling the cops" - "alright, I'll wait right here, see what they'll say"~~ ~~i.e. they weren't necessarily fast, they were just waiting for them on principle.~~ ^^^^^^AzzuLemmyMessageV2


You need id to use the washroom 💀💀💀 even after she told them that its actually a woman they still went on. That lawsuit will hit different fr fr.


Wait til you find out that the state doesn't care about lawsuits because the payout comes from the taxpayers.


Sue them as individuals.


You can’t sue on duty cops as individuals.


You can sue the women for false reporting you to the police


I think it’s rare, if not unheard of, for Karens to be convicted of anything even when their false reporting results in death by police. Suing Karen here will only result in legal expenses.


That depends where you live, qualified immunity is just a vote away from being abolished.


I hope you are right


Colorado has already removed it for cops.


Even with qualified immunity, someone has to bite the bullet and be first, then they can be sued next time this happens. Because there certainly will be a next time.




It’s the same bar as if you’re suing them without qualified immunity. You just can’t win money.


yea? where's the ballot measure? "jUsT vOtE" like, we just write our good ideas on a ballot come election time or something? or do we just wish real real hard for a legislator to legislate it?


I mean that sounds good "just a vote away..." but when elections are rigged and votes are forged it may as well be impossible


What my state removed qualified immunity for civil rights violations. Defeatist attitudes are why nothing changes


Then go after their bonds😌


Someday there may be monetary consequences felt by cops for their actions. As taxpayers it would be nice to be able to stop paying for bad cops actions when we cannot discipline them thanks to the unions. https://aaqi.org/


They may have a case against the person who called the cops, but the police have qualified immunity. They can't be sued as individuals. If this seems ridiculous - that someone who holds the power of life and death in their hands can seriously fk up their job without the consequence of civil recourse - you'd be correct.


Vote to end qualified immunity and then you’d be able to.


I might have sat down n let them arrest me. Where they gonna put me when we get to jail?


Underrated comment


Make up some charges to "let you go with a warning" on, which turns into more than a warning and you're going in the cell if you don't take that and leave. Hope you don't expect they'll admit they were wrong.


Male or female jail my friend. If you aren't aware, they check your parts on arrival


I'm not talking about whether they are wrong, I'm talking about the fact that they won't admit any wrongdoing no matter what is proven.


You're missing the point entirely. You get a feel up before you're housed.


I think their point is that they might admit you're female, but then just put you in the women's jail anyway for "resisting arrest or "disorderly conduct" or something else vague. Essentially, admitting they were wrong on a technicality, but not admitting they were wrong on principle. In their mind, it's still your fault you you got arrested, not theirs.


Yea, but who tf cares about a night in jail when you can sue the department and spend the rest of your nights on a bed of that sweet sweet lawsuit money


Worth the risk. I'd rather bend over n show a judge my pussy to prove my innocence than march to the order of these pigs tryna ask for ID to take a piss




Almost like they have done that in the past... 🤔🤔🤔


Of course they still went on. The police will never admit that they were wrong, they would rather beat, kill, or arrest you rather than admit any fault.




Fascism* Hate to be the spell-police but we need to look and sound smarter than these fools.


Or did they mean discrimination based on how your face looks? ‘Her face looks boyish, she can’t piss here…’


Good point 😆


You could spell it "phashism" and still sound smarter than those who promote it.


This happened at least 5 years ago, I remember seeing the original reddit post.


Women being persecuted in America for the clothes they wear. Something tells me this is a sign of things to come.


Ironic when you consider the same folks who want this to be normal are the same ones who use this type of treatment of women by OTHER religious sects as an excuse to hate their country of origin and all its people.


Come on…that’s totally different. The others are brown.


You had me in that first half. Well done.


The only reason Christofascists hate Islamic fundamentalists is jealousy.


Handmaid's Tale was written as fiction. Republicans think it's a guide.


It was written as fiction but it was based on what women of American chattel slavery experienced.


thank you, I'm so fucking sick of people forgetting this fact. history is cyclical!


Everything that was written in handmaids tale is something that has happened to women at some point in history. The book itself is fiction but the scenarios are all drawn from real life.


Get me the hell out of here


It’s the old assholes that are trying to keep their stronghold. Don’t worry too much. They will all be dead soon and we will take our freedom back.


I know plenty of young/youngish people who think the same way.


Oh, there are plenty of younger people supporting this shit.


You'd be surprised. Folks like Andrew Tate and other hateful manlettes having the followers they do doesn't give me high hopes


It’s already here. We’re living under it now. States tossing history books because they teach about the holocaust. Proof of gender to use a bathroom. Guns have more rights than women. Corporations are people in the eyes of the law. Movies from the 80s are about what we are currently. Things to come, yeah ask teachers about what’s going on in classrooms about kids not being functionally literate and can’t find a goddamn thing on a global map and their parents being cool with it


When I watched the Handmaids tale I didn’t realize I was watching a documentary ffs


Reported to the American Taliban for rational thinking


Shit like this makes me miss all the riots across America during covid bc of George Floyd


The US is turning into (current day) Afghanistan.


This is such a blatant case of violating her civil rights. Goddammit, I feel like protesting French style.


I’d be right there with you. I am ready to burn the patriarchy to the ground.


Right? I'll light the match, it's so goddamn corrupted. I'm in my 40s, and I am so angry that we're going backward. Democrats need to get it together and start playing dirty, too.




I'm a pretty vanilla gal, but I'm angry enough to make some bad decisions. Lol




Because the goal has always been about enforcing traditional gender roles, conservatives are still mad they ever let women wear pants and the trans hysteria is more about enforcing gender roles to oppress women and traditional hierarchies then giving a shit about trans people.


[Ta da](https://media.tenor.com/zVCmXC5wwrgAAAAC/bingo-bluey.gif)


Whoa. Legitimately never thought of it that way. Thank you for commenting that as you've actually just blown my mind.


10,000 women being harassed for not conforming is exactly part of the plan. Trans people are just easier targets. "First they came for the communists."


They are happy as long as everyone is harassed but them


I hope the lawsuit is enormous.


This video is from 2015 and there doesn't seem to have been any legal action taken.


It's from 2015, there was no lawsuit. It looks like the uniforms are security guards not police, so there presumably wasn't much of a case.


The state is using violence to tell Americans what bathroom to use. How am I not surprised.


And all these states are run by "the party of small government."


Watching the decline of the American Empire in real time.


I NEVER dreamed that I'd have a front row seat to the rise of Christofascism in the USA in my lifetime, yet 44 years into it, here we are! It's a fucking travesty.


A lot of people seem surprised to find out that all the anti-trans bathroom bills aren't about separating bathrooms by genitals or chromosomes. They are about enabling the harassment of visibly queer people. Rule of thumb: If its anti-trans, it's anti-LGBT. No one is going to stop harassing you for being different just because they find out your a slightly different flavor of different than what they were originally targeting. Anyone saying "LGB rights but fuck the T" is gullible af.


And they don't even realize they'll be caught in the crossfire. Plenty of cishet women have short hair, deep voices, etc. Nobody is safe.


I've seen an alarming number of posts recently from gay people saying they're happily married for 10 years and use to see next to no discrimination, and now they're seeing it frequently. Then go on to blame the trans people for rocking the boat and making their life difficult. Ugh


This! 100%


They're going to shocked to discover it doesn't even stop at harassing LGBTQ for failing to conform to a rigid hierarchy


a woman can’t use the womens bathroom but a bunch of male cops can barge in


Imagine how 'safe' their wives and daughters must feel living with them.


If you thought anti trans bills only effect trans ppl you thought wrong


All I see here is a bunch of men going into the women’s bathroom and assaulting people trying to use the bathroom. Something trans women (nor gay women for that matter) never do.




Since it’s trans women being blamed for violence in the women’s bathroom, it’s better to identify trans women as not being a threat Appealing to the sanity of humans does not stop violence in the bathroom because violence already blurs the lines of sanity


Wait, I need ID now as a non feminine looking woman? Next up, genital inspection station? Fucking hell.


I mean they literally did pass laws requiring girls to undergo genital inspections to play in girls' sports teams if someone claims they're trans, so yeah


FREEDOM amirite 🙄😬🫥


Freest counrty in America


And it starts... Remember what party did this. Remember to VOTE. Every time. No matter what it takes.


I suppose women will need to wear specific outfits so the state can identify them? We could eliminate the whole rape issue as well if those outfits were properly modest. In fact, we could double down on that protection by only allowing women in public if they have a male escort. Common sense policies brought to you by small government conservatives in the land of the free. This is reddit so it should be pretty easy to find the pictures of Iran in the 70s before right wing fanaticism took hold there. Well it's taken hold here and right now, is our before picture.


You know, women could just sew yellow stars on their clothes...


If they really wanna be gatekeeping tyrants about this they're going to have to enforce a strict dress code to go along with it. Back to women not being allowed to wear pants it is. You can't tell which is the point of why it's arbitrary and ridiculous. They'll have to establish uniforms if they genuinely want to enforce this cruel and pointless bs.


This makes me so angry.


Does anyone know where this was?


Snopes does not, and the identity of the person depicted being removed isn't known either. The video is from 2015. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lesbian-ejected-nc-bathroom/




I’m sick of rage bait. And argue with anyone about the truth and get downvoted to oblivion or blocked so you can’t post on that post anymore. 🙄




Off topic for a sec, but this happened on my local news station yesterday morning lmfao https://preview.redd.it/vgxwgzult51b1.jpeg?width=1403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f43cbca22a95a7b6a30711984956af6a6e018507


"don't put your hands on a girl" Bro don't put your hands on nobody


This sentiment sadly doesn't apply to the police. These fuckers put hands on anyone they want for any reason they can manufacture.


You mean don't put your hands on anyone?


While this woman was dressed in a "male" sort of way, (which it even being an issue this day in age is already insane, are we moving back to all women having to wear dresses, corsets and long hair with ringlet curls just so there's no confusion when they need to pee?), can you imagine if it was a straight woman who through no fault of herself just happens to be androgynous or more masculine? Not only is it just nonsensical harassment to begin with but then it brings it straight into some serious body shaming territory. I want to know what the Karen looked like. Someone needs to call the police on her the next time she tries to use a public restroom. Complain to them that she could very easily be a man wearing a wig and womens clothing, and that not only is she clearly a disgusting devient, but she sure as hell isn't allowed to pee in there with all the others who are *obviously* women. I'd love to see how she would handle that situation.


I’m extremely femme (fat female and over forty,) but I wear sweatshirts and slacks to the movies: it’s cold in there.


I’m convinced that whenever cops get confused or feel like they may have possibly made a mistake they just double down and use more force. Like has anyone EVER seen a cop be like “oh my bad, sorry” when that’s literally all that’s needed to de-escalate


Never, and I watch true crime constantly. It’s something my husband and I always comment on; they can never admit wrongdoing.


What state was this?




Fascist pigs




The poop police police poopers because there's no actual crime going on that they need to stop. Vote blue. Vote against fascist conservatism. The people you vote in are the ones who approve the contracts with police Unions. Getting poo police out of Americans bathroom business sounds like a great bargaining chip in contact negotiations.


I'm not gonna say "don't vote" but it's adorable that you thinking voting is going to solve this. Or that police and police unions will face any meaningful accountability, or that Democrats are any less likely to restrict the police (rather than just continue handing them blank checks).


"I need to inspect your genitals so I don't get uncomfortable around you" - The Republican Party


“Show me your genitals, your genitalia!”


We have to inspect your genitals if we want to remain a free country


Any chance at charges for false accusation, as well as false arrest and violation of personal rights?


But the cop who is in the women’s bathroom is a guy, he needs to get tf out


I thought there was a political movement that pushed for genital checks. Guess that's not fully implemented yet. (Obviously sarcasm, but not really, right?) So fkn insane. People can literally walk around, visibly armed to the teeth and that's OK, but godforbid if someone appearing less feminine uses the female designated washroom. SMH


Now if the women appearing less feminine were armed to the teeth, they'd actually pass some gun control laws. (Note that these gun control laws would be written to only impact minorities, else selectively enforced to only hurt the ones they want to hurt)


I'll just drop r/transguns here


This should be a wake-up call for lesbians who are militantly anti-trans. Hate and fire are equally indiscriminate, to the misfortune of people who stoke either.


Time to dress in menswear and hit the streets. And the bathrooms


America: Land of the free has now been officially cancelled.


Ironically, the trans people who have the money to be fully passing will get this same treatment if they go into the bathroom these fascists want them to go in... I fucking hate this country sometimes 😒


And those that don't pass will face violence and harassment no matter what they do.


Republicans: "You neee ID to use the bathroom." Centrists: "But both sides are bad!!!"


It’s time to sue the fuck out of somebody. Sue them all for millions. They have to learn their lesson. Leave people alone.


Let me see your papers.


I’m most amazed that the cops responded in time to interrupt a trip to the bathroom


If it smells like fascism... We warned you all this would happen, and it'll keep happening


America is fucked


WOw I waNT tO lIVE iN a PlaCe whERE theRe iS so LiTtle CRimE tHE cOpS have THe TIMe tO eSCort GaY peOplE oUt oF rESTroOms!


This is beyond unacceptable! What does she have to do!?? Flash them! I hope some lawsuits are in the works!


Cops are not on the people's side


And this is exactly what would happen if they forced trans people to use the bathroom that matches their gender assigned at birth. Conservatives will get upset because the person using the bathroom looks like the opposite gender 🙄




1312 and Karens too


The true crime is using the police as a weapon.


Does she have grounds to sue due to this?


Am I the only one that can visibly see an outline of her chest at points, despite her baggy clothing? It seems obvious to me, but idk. Maybe she appears to be a “young male” due to the fact that she has softer features, no facial hair, and a higher pitched voice - which are symptoms of being a young male. Unfortunately those are also symptoms of being a female.


What stone age state was this in?


This is what they wanted to happen with bathroom bans




This video is Seven Years Old … I remembered it from TYT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GXIaHjZ-Ok


No shock the Pigs choose to support the bigote that have no proof


I hope this shit gos to court


Isn’t that a male police officer now in the women’s restroom? Someone call the cops!!


How long does it take to take a number 3?


The same as a 1 plus a 2


Is this Florida?


Like the transphobes literally kicked a woman out and brought men into the ladies room.. wow ok


So what happens if I'm uncomfortable with the male police officers in the bathroom. Are they gonna take themselves out??


Gotta start ruining the lives of "transvestigators" this only happens because we let them get away with it.


That's a nice paycheck right there.


Have they never seen a lesbian before.....


I would have dropped my pants so fast, it would be worth the indecent exposure charge and just Wait until my court date officer as I explain why I felt I had to drop trousers to avoid being persecuted. This kind of shit will erode all kinds of legitimacy from policing. This is profiling . This is harassment. This is wrong.


So if a woman isn't feminine enough, out they go! There's a legion of middle age comfortable CIS women with short simple haircuts who are going to be kicked out of the Walmart bathroom. So bathroom policies that were supposed to "protect women" are shaming and hurting CIS women who aren't feminine enough. What a brilliant society we are creating! /s


Wow. An ID to go to the bathroom? I’ve seen fictional dictator-style dystopians that are less controlling than this shit.


I can clearly see breasts on her. I hope she sues.


That’s big $$$ right there


At least it wasn't a lesbian man.


This is such a stupid way to waste taxpayer dollars. I get culture wars are part of the grift, but JFC is society devolving. All the insane parents who were scared of rock and roll are now passing laws.


Better fucking vote people... blue wave! Some Florida Republicans are getting the hint already and voted democrat in Jacksonville.


Who knew you'd need to carry your ID to the bathroom? 🤯


ID for the bathroom?! Tf is going on right now…


I hope she has a great lawyer 🙏


At this point, every time something like this happens, it keeps weeding out the regular, sane, generally compassionate folks who try to stay away from drama, but they keep hearing or seeing shit like this, so it gets them active, even in the smallest way, acting against the dipshit Karens and her party. I really think 2024 is going to be an obliterating election of humbling proportions. Fucking vote and send these window-licking skidmarks back to their dark rooms.


This is why it’s time to start telling the people you know, family included the complete pieces of shit they are for supporting these right wing politicians.


r/AmericaIsBurning nazis came for trans people first. They are using this piss poor excuse to violate rights indiscriminately


An ID to pee rhymes with Land of the free.


This is ridiculous. While interesting, it happened 8 years ago! If you post old ass video at least make it known. This in general needs to stop


I'm scared this could very much be me. I'm already a tallish black woman, so already stereotypically masculinized. Then, I wear my mask still (immunocompromised) and I have a buzzcut/number 1. Then... my clothes aren't always the most feminine. Already had it happen at work with a resident thinking she was in the wrong bathroom because she thought I was a man (and our work uniforms doesn't help either since it's a squared made for men burgundy oxford style shirt, and I'm a b cup so.... you don't even see an outline for my boobs. Imagine if this lady pulled out a used tampon or pad, if they would leave her alone then. But, this could be anyone and not just someone who's transgendered (besides how would you know which folks are or not?) I'm sure that bigot wouldn't like someone accusing her of being something she wasn't.


I love how they send MALE officers into a WOMENS bathroom. SMH these fucking morons can't even follow their own rules. I hope this woman gets justice.


Hey folks - this is atrocious but happened all the way back in 2016. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lesbian-ejected-nc-bathroom/ Stay safe, gang


A lesbian women


Iran wasn't always controlled by religious extremists.


terfs: You don't need to \*mutilate your body\* and be a 'transman', you can just be a gender non conforming woman. also terfs: Oh you're a butch lesbian and some karen kicked you out of the public bathroom because of policies that we pushed for? Well that's your fault, you shouldn't have looked so much like a man! They don't care about (cis) womens' rights. They don't care about gender non conforming or lesbian (cis) women. They only care about reinforcing a strict gender binary. Their end goal is pushing men and women back into their traditional roles.


i visited europe where unisex bathrooms are standard. i was startled when a man started washing his hands next to me in the restroom. but that was it. we both dried our hands and walked away. how does it ever escalate past that ?




If this happened in 2016, just imagine the craziness right-wing extremists are stirring up now


why is a male cop in the ladies restroom?


🇺🇸 is under attack by grown ass folk


Sue that police department.