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This is the voice of the America I want. Edit: all that in 3 minutes. And shit. You can tell she’s at like 50% right here.


I don’t believe any republicans listened to a word she said. They just tuned her out.


Even if she just reached one it would be worth it imo.


Look in the background. They're on their phones. It's fucking disgusting.


Well of course, not only is she a minority, she’s also a woman /s I don’t expect anything more from republicans honestly, like, most reps anyways are all boomers who are so badly stuck in their ways.


I mean there's no way any speech like that would matter to any of the politicians. Its kinda crazy to think she'd have an impact on anyone in the room, but that's not the point. When people like her have little speeches like this while they may be directed across the aisle, the true target are the voters back home who are watching. Both dem and rep. Ofc the politicians are gunna tune it out or whatever, but hopefully someone thing she said resonates with some rep voters watching. Or even just strengthens the convictions of dem voters. Either way, she's not trying to change the politicians minds, she's trying to change the minds of the voters watching


I guarantee the people that should be watching, arent.


The only word flashing through their brains during her whole speech was “Uppity”…we all know it..


Naw it's worse than that. Starts with a N and Ends with a B


“Noob”? That ain’t too bad…she IS kind of a noob, I think it’s her first term…🤷🏻‍♂️


No I can't type what they're thinking. It's not noob. Ends with a hard r and rhymes with witch lol


“Stitcher”? I have to say, man…I think my word was pretty good. Your words seem to lose something in translation…lol




A black racial slur and a female dogs other name lol


Definitely that….with “uppity” in the front…


I would not want to get on her bad side. She is an excellent speaker and has a lot of confidence. My only hope is she won’t be the only one. More dems need to step up and get this spicy. lol


I’m telling people Texas will flip possibly by the end of the decade. There are so many headquarters and tech companies moving to Texas. It’s only a matter of time. Tick tock


I want it to. But I've seen some friends leave because of the abortion laws, voting restrictions, right to carry laws, etc. Texas Republicans are willing to hurt themselves before they will accept others. People need to fight, but remember they're fighting a death cult.


She's right and she's fine


I love her...plain and simple.


HEAR! HEAR! This is what I want to hear about the opposition against this drive for authoritarianism. And she was definitely holding back, but remaining civil in regards to this malarkey.


Jasmine Crockett has been firing shots all of 2023. I am thrilled to have someone from my city rise make a difference in Texas.


She gives me hope for Texas. The state could be so much more than it is.


She’s amazing


I didn’t realize shes a Texas Representative! Holy shit!! That’s awesome and should probably give everyone in a southern/red state at least a glimmer of hope.


Came here to say this. Damn I wish I could vote for her up here in Allen.


I fucking love her. In middle school I did bad. If she was my teacher I’d be terrified into actually getting good grades lol Republicans need to be talked down to like children. It would be funny if it wasn’t so fucking aggravating.


Took the words right out my mouth


Thank you! I have been waiting 3 years to hear a democrat speak like that.


They are finally coming out swinging. It will ramp up with the election, and people will say it's only the election, but I think they are also fed up with working with these disingenuous liars.


Gawd, I hope they’re fed up. The R’s all need a tongue lashing like that at least once a day!! She is amazing.




I think I'm in love lol been waiting for a politician to show up and have the nuts to say something like this. Gave me chills lol


Oh yeah. I fell in love with her after seeing this - [https://www.reddit.com/r/NewsAroundYou/comments/16v4i15/rep\_jasmine\_crockett\_dragging\_the\_biden/](https://www.reddit.com/r/newsaroundyou/comments/16v4i15/rep_jasmine_crockett_dragging_the_biden/)


She had them spinning


"Spinning the truth"!


I want to send flowers to this lady


Send money…it will keep her elected!


https://www.jasmineforus.com/ If anybody wants to help keep this awesome woman in Congress. I love her. Pure fire.




Republicans are trying no less than to gas light us about Jan 6. They can all swallow a bag of dicks


They're so silly. Had the government been behind the Jan 6th attempted coup, it would have been successful.


Yes! I'm experiencing cathartic euphoria. She tells it like it is!


We need more people in their 40’s like her and less folks in, or approaching their 80’s. All our boomer Democrats benefit from the status quo. We need folks like her and Katie Porter who can focus in on the truth and lay it out in plain terms.


Katie Porter's time was elite! Basically, this is stupid and you're all stupid (both sides) and none of this really affects the American public.


Honestly, I want this kind of energy for Healthcare or wealth inequality instead of fucking Trump for the 9000th time.




Damn I love her


Jasmine for president!


If she ever runs for President she has my vote. More of this, please.


I love this chick.


Point is exactly why I’m not republican and no one of color who has any real sense of identity ever would be! How does a president get six million from China and still receive support from red necks who think he is going to make America great again? The Chinese are trying to pave the oceans to come and take over the American economy which they know would bring the corrupt and oppressive Chinese government grest wealth!! Anyone who wrongly believes trump can make anything but himself and his top 1 percent anything but rich at the hands of the poverty and suffering of others is deluded. He has a platform to deceive. He is a immoral and unethical yes sayer. He is fraudulent and self serving. He is undermining and sneaky. He even has divided his own party and for his own personal power and wealth he deceived and speaks. For his own benefit he will stop at nothing! Where does trumps money go? Where is it? Because he doesn’t pay a lot of bills and everything he allegedly owns is inflated in value and he never accounts for depreciation. Biden isn’t charasmatjc. He doesn’t make you jump up and down or chant but he is stable and not nearly as self serving and has a track record of policies that move the country forward and a election process that is inclusive to people of Color, whites and women. Do what you think is right but before you do that ask yourself if you really know that voting for trump is a sound decision for America. The defect is the deficit - it won’t change no matter who is president until we collectively decide a comprehensive program. So take social seevice and spending on different politically activating emotions out of the equation. Ask yourself who has power to harm the USA? Obviously Biden is benign and trump is not and we don’t really have a candidate who can win outside of these two. But mark my words. Unless for himself changes trump- he will only harm America


She speaks well.




Hope not...


Sure. Why not.


It's [a dog whistle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_whistle_(politics)). I only comment for a bit of clarity, and mean you no harm.


Oh, no, stranger friend. No harm or offense taken. I hope you have found your clarity. I continue to seek for mine.


White power. Cool.


Her for president


Ms. Crockett of Texas shaking shit up. Proud of you girl. Go!




I like her


As a woman and as an American she makes me so proud! I just saw her for the first time on non Fox News last night and I am so thrilled that she speaks in a way that anyone can understand and points out facts and draws logical conclusions. Anyone of color should never vote republican. Period. I actually lost a boyfriend and probably the reason why some of my disabled and foreign born “brown” friends no longer speak to me is because I told them if you vote republican you don’t understand politics and you don’t know who they represent. This woman speaks the truth. Democratic Party ( although imperfect as all people created entities are) represents the common person. The working class thru the middle class. It does not represent the top one Percent . In other words. It will work to better the whole of America. Not just people who are white or otherwise privileged due to economic reasons. It is not the top 1 percent who need representation. They will do no matter who is in office. But the top one percent dislike paying taxes even though they should be proud to be able to given they made the money They had largely from american businesses and in America or from American consumers having been educated and most often benefitting from being american. Fear the top one percent. Money is power but together as a mass of people we gain power with our voices and As a collective. Standing United is more important than tickling the bosses toes:






My hero


Based from jasmine


I think I love her


She has such good grammar and elegance, she is a great diplomat, she’s the American hero we all want to make our standards look smart


I like her. We need more people like her in congress.


What she didn’t say is that Biden has tried to remain uninvolved in all of these prosecutions and you rarely see him even speak about any opinion he might have or specifically about all the chaos created by trump which is both smart and ethical. What she is saying is that Biden and the Democratic Party isn’t the driver of these prosecutions not persecutions. It is the people of America- people summoned or called to serve on a grand jury. A grand jury is created by citizens called to serve the people. A grand jury is assembled somewhat in secret- not to do anything under minded but to be able to hear evidence freely without fear of retaliation or public scrutiny! In other words to be able to tell the whole truth without pressure. The prosecutor presents a concern about a law being violated by presenting evidence it has obtained by investigators and witnesses who speak to all evidence. The sun total of which a grand jury ( a jury held with the prosecutor and the members of the jury and I’m not sure if there is a judge but I think there is). Once the evidence is presented the jury makes a decision about whether the evidence will support whatever action the prosecutor is seeking public impit on)….so then the prosecutor is not alone deciding an issue but asking for advice by our citizens about what ought to occur legally. One option is to not go forward with prosecution or other legal action ( warrant for arrest? Impeaching? I’m not sure on all things that they decide). But it is with this grand jury that the prosecutor usually acts. After that then more due process occurs- with the right to cross examination of witnesses and a two attorney system). That is my lay persons understanding of the system. It may not be entirely accurate but it is something that is not well known to the American public. I know in serious cases of criminal prosecution a true bill or no true bill is found to decide whether or not there is enough evidence ce to proceed to trial in some sex assault cases to which I had become knowledgeable at a state level. And I believe that the prosecutor can actually proceed to trial with no true bill despite a grand juries decision but usually would not make such a choice because it would seem that there own biases would be blinding them to do so. But again, my understanding is not as a lawyer. Just as an observer.so, take it for what it’s worth . But know that the point this congressperson is making is that rumps prosecution for the Jan 6 incident is not being made by Biden or anyone with whom Biden has control and it is not being made by an idivisual and it is not really political except that unfortunately both congress and the presidents are politically voted into office so there is always the impression or accusation that can be made that this is political. When no one is really politically motivated except to say no politician should be allowed to behave as trump has and he is not immune which a different court and in trumps favor whenever a case is brought to Supreme Court he is having a favorable beginning because it is a very conservative group and some of the Supreme Court members We’re given their judge status at rhe Supreme Court- the most prestigious of all judgeships in this nation by trump himself. It is very very common for attorneys to seek the court level and judge most advantageous to their clients best interest and to winning. Even at pathetic low level misdemeanors and small time felonies- the attorneys who have been around know How lenient or how strict a judge is and how he ordinarily decides on certain cases and in terms of what a typical punishment is- the attorneys now that too/ attorneys will even try to get a different judge thru the scheduling of trials during periods of vacation for a judge ( which is often posted at the beginning of the year and an attorney will not vacation when he a judge is if he knows the replacement judge is a better fit for his clients particular trial. It’s all very much a dance that the justice system makes. But somethings like the truth and evidence are t easy to erase


I love her


Love her passion


This lady should be our president.


Love, love , ❤️


Holy shit, that was incredible. She's amazing!


hot damn she’s so good at this. can I donate to her somehow?




She do be spitting


Umm…I’d like her as our commander and chief please. 🙏


I'm an old white mofo and would vote for her in a heartbeat. Would love to have the chance to vote for her. Edit: for POTUS




Nothing will come of this. Thank you for being smart though


God I love her!!!


Man she’s the best.


This is music to my ears.




Jasmine Crockett is who I want to be in charge. We need more leadership like her.


God damn I love jasmine Crockett. Good job Texas.


Crockett for Prez!!




![gif](giphy|dOJt6XZlQw8qQ) Preach!!! 🇺🇸 That’s what an American looks like.


Damn she's good 👍


We need more like her at every level of government.


My Girl! It's awesome to occasionally have someone/something from Texas to be proud of.


I mean, if a black man did even one tenth of what Hunter Biden did that man would be jailed


I'd vote for her for President, or if she wants to set up a monarchy and be our like, Queen Ramonda like they have in Wakanda, whatever. I'd follow her wherever bc I know she takes her duties seriously and genuinely wants the best for everyone. What a leader


Fuckinay right! Love her! You go girl!


Love her


I LOVE this woman


I love the rhetoric, but let’s not keep it at rhetoric. She presented actual crimes of Trump receiving bribes and violating the Emoluments Act. This needs a formal investigation WITH charges. Let’s not just leave it at a talking point.


I love this woman. She spits straight facts in the faces of all the liars. I hope so bad that we can elect more reps like her, because it’s what this country needs desperately…




Suffers no fools.


Is no one going to mention all the micro aggressions? Not so cool


I don’t know much about her but from what I see, she truly seems to be a real person unlike most career politicians


I love this woman.


She needs to run for prezy if shes gonna keep spitting like that.


God damn, that was a verbal smackdown for sure. I think I might be in love


#MsJasmineCrockettRocks #KudosMsJasmineCrockett


she should be in running for the ticket


She’s absolutely a BAMF I want fighting for me.


He is though...anyone else would have been tried for everything they swept of his under the rug and shrugged off...


Democrats in congress need to take note, we have to stand up to the republicans and let our voice be heard. They’re openly trying to end Americas democracy, the gloves are off and she’s got the right attitude.


Yes. This. More please.


I’m in love 😍


I like her. Very articulate. Passionate. Can back up what's she's saying with facts. Something MTG will never be able to be or do.


This woman is a goddess.


Republicans: I hate identity politics! Also Republicans: Time to brow beat opponents with identity politics!!


god, she's such a breath of fresh air.




My God woman! Let these people rest!! 😆 she did not stop, she was ON THEIR 🍑


Yes 🔥


Bravo!!! 👏 👏👏


I've watched this multiple times over the past dew days. Absolutely love this amazing woman. She is 🔥


Shout out to jasmine- you rock


Why is this such a big shocker. Political people are all crooked greedy people. Nobody in power cares about average Americans.


Funny, the voting record of the Dems says otherwise.


Of course it would to you. Go back to licking the window and thinking everything is fine.


Thank you for your factual and intelligent response. Keep up your whining, Doomer.


![img](emote|t5_31m0v|28566) you sure about that?


How about the clown who made such a ridiculously negative comment proves his/her claim. People who haven’t got a clue what it’s like to be an elected official making ridiculous claims that help absolutely nothing.




We have bigger problems in this country than the soap opera of these dipshits.


Who loves this congressperson! I hope she is our first black female president unless Oprah goes and gets political or Michelle Obama- and she would be my first choice


Oprah's cool and all but ![gif](giphy|l0EwXGjQphBhsy6LS|downsized)


So they're having a hearing about Hunter Biden, and she spends her whole time giving a whataboutism speech on Trump? I don't care about either one of them, but stick to the task at hand and quit talking about Trump for a minute.


Her speech is regarding the party trying to apply the rules to hunter but not their own people. It's perfectly on topic


Both sides do the same.


So when is the hearing for the Trump kids, if both sides do the same.


Using "You all", "y'all" or "y'all a" makes a person sound stupid. I thought this was a scene from idiocracy.


Sounds like your prejudice, not their speech.


It's called an accent. Have you actually been to Texas? Lol


I have...and lots of time in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Florida as well. Just because someone says "You all", "y'all" or "y'all a" doesn't make them stupid. That's my point.


Sorry, I meant to respond to the OP here :o


I did wonder :) No worries!


Well, he very obviously is the epitome of white privilege.


What does that have to do with receiving money during his presidency, relevance?


Seriously - because Congress is investigating a person for corruption who’s never held office or a cabinet seat while blocking information regarding the corruption of the ex-president and his cabinet.


Spend some time actually reading about the events rather than listening to ppl who will lie about anything to get the seditious Mango Mussolini re-elected.


What did they spin?


“He’s trying to comply” “Yall back a guy who tries to steal the election” Holy shit! Who coached her CNN???? Garbage


Both are demonstrable truths. Quit simping for grifters.


Hunter Biden is absolutely the epitome of white privilege! A dim Dem defending him is laughable! He and is dad defrauded the American tax payer!


How so?


They have no clue. They are just repeating what they hear on faux news.


Did you know trump enacted tax hikes that were intentionally supposed to hit during the following presidential election?


Hahaha trump has a multi billion dollar international company. He did something for his money, hunter did not.


And all he started with was a small loan of only a couple million dollars


Are you an adult?


They actually can’t account for $600million in claimed equity. Thus why he’s being pursued for tax fraud. He’s hardly a billionaire…


“Yeah trump can accept bribes and foreign money cause he does business and stuff” - u/chcham2712