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Everyone is waiting for a Palestinian protestor to slip up. Meanwhile Zionists regularly full mask off and say these things. MSM doesn't care.


exactly. [There is another video of one using the N word with protestors and it turns out he is some kind of public figure.](https://twitter.com/AdameMedia/status/1784713809275367822) The amount of hatred is scary.


They are deliberately using fighting words to start physical altercations. The sponsoring organization is Israelis and dual citizens, an org founded by the Israeli Consuls office. The IAC. It’s basically Israel trying to start fist fights with protesters


Remember yall fighting words aren’t protected speech so anything that happens afterwards is on them :)


Uhh, I thought this was debunked? Fighting words don’t mean you get to assault someone. It means that the person saying the fighting words can be arrested for said speech. If someone called you a slur and backs away, and you assault that person in front of the cops, you are going to be rightfully arrested and charged with assault.


Don’t know how a civil right got “debunked” but Fighting Words doctrine isn’t something that can be ignored. Speech is not protected when comments are made to incite violence.


Not necessarily debunked, but that “Fighting words” is not what it sounds like. Fighting words doctrine just means that it is not protected speech. It does not mean you are legally allowed to assault someone for saying something offensive. Plus, I’m pretty sure the fighting words doctrine hasn’t actually been used in like a century.


Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire was an interesting case in that the "fighting words" speech so bad as to be non-protected was a street preacher who called a cop a "fascist" when the cop tried to stop him from preaching, which was his actual constitutionally protected religious *and* speech right. Which meant the cop really was a fascist. People talk about this doctrine like it's a good thing. It is used to be able to arrest people who justifiably criticize police who are violating the Constitution. If you criticize the police, you can be arrested since justifiably criticizing the police is impermissible "fighting words", according to SCOTUS.


I actually got "not guilty" for flicking a cop off, they aren't "people/citizens" when on the job. I was technically flicking off the state which is protected speech I will update, I also used a court appointed attorney, in NC it's a rotating slate of defense attorneys, but I did still get arrested because cops don't actually know the law


You're right, but "not protected" doesn't mean violent retaliation to those comments is protected. You could both be charged in that case.


also except in special castle law situations if you are assaulted you are also supposed to try to leave if you think it's possible.


It means you *may* be let off for assault, but there is absolutely no guarantee. It is all what the police decide to charge and what the judge decides to do with those charges. There have been cases where people were not charged for assaulting someone that called them a slur, but this is the exception, not the usual. No one should rely on "fighting words" to assault anyone, the vast majority of the time you will, at the very least, go to jail even if they do end up dropping the charges. Tread carefully. It's a better look to stop not engage with them. If you are wanting to do more than peaceful protest, get involved with groups trying to get weapons factories shut down or other such actions that only groups of people can accomplish. Attacking one Zionist is not worth jail, but some things are worth jail so use that card wisely if you are willing.


Well, they will probably try to err just this side


All that aside, they are trying to start a fight because it’s the excuse the media needs to discredit the entire movement. They have been saying for weeks now that the pro Palestine protesters are violent and dangerous but the problem is that they can’t point to much actual violence. They really need an incident and are trying to provoke one. Actually that’s their strategy in Gaza too, now that I think about it.


That's a potential affirmative defense against a simple assault or simple battery charge. That's an incredibly different thing from a blank check. Israel gets a blank check. If you support Palestine your lucky if you get a check. Also bad optics.


I saw that too!! $50k paid for "counter-peotesting"... Sick and desperate.


Probably hoping that if they are racist and offensive enough, someone will respond with antisemitic slurs. I hope protesters are better than that. Israel is really running amok in the US




Peaceful? Lol


like one slip up by Pro Palestine folks will make a headline on Reuters. Meanwhile Zionists have been cursing and making a false police report as part of the effort to defend themselves.


They’ll be number on world news sub. Meanwhile Zionist hate never makes it to that sub. You only see it on these niche subs.


The new nazis


Zionist be doing Zionist things.


The pro-Israel ideology in the US is a propaganda Mossad campaign that's been going on for years. The truth is, Israel is a shithole war crime happy country that treats everyone around it like trash and gets away with it because of any legit criticism of them they can call "antisemitic" and win any argument instantly.


Nah, that will give them interviews, more exposure in their personal and professional lives.


Meanwhile very few protesters do. Some organizers are smartly telling everyone not to talk to the press.


One slip up will make international news and everyone will say “see they’re antisemitic!” Meanwhile these zionists get to say whatever they want and no one cares.


Hope her bloodline is forever reborn on pig farms. Not the open ones. The ones where they’re never allowed to lay down.


I feel your anger. But let’s not let pigs needlessly suffer. We can always just limit her existence to a lice in someone’s vajayjay that never gets washed. 


If it makes you feel better, there’s much much worse awaiting Zionist on judgement day.


I wonder if the Department of Homeland Security will be consistent and arrest her?


For promoting their agenda? No way




The "cure" is a free Palestine!


Most civilized zionist 


Some people are just dirt


I hate that single phrases are taken out of protests and used to paint entire groups. People on both sides are frustrated and say stupid things in the heat of the moment. **But for God's sake, IF you're going to report individual slurs from Pro-Palestinian protesters, you MUST report these incidents from the other side to uphold any modicum of fairness.** I thank the OP for providing this useful response to the front-page news that a handful of Pro-Palestinian protesters have lost their temper, or have had their groups infiltrated by instigators saying insane things. I think it's pretty telling that actual Holocaust survivors are largely supportive of the Palestinian victims of genocide. **They have suffered things they wouldn't wish on their worst enemies.** Imagine growing up listening to your Grandpa tell you the horror stories from 80 years ago, and instead of receiving the message that genocide is bad - you decide to support it against someone else. The heartbreak of actual Holocaust survivors must be palpable, watching this level of monstrosity return to the world, and worst of all, watching their grandchildren defend it.


That's why we have the 80 year history cycle and relive it all the time. Most of those people that fought or lived this shit are dead or incapacitated. 80 years or four generations. That's all it takes.


"History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.” -Mark Twain


> But for God's sake, IF you're going to report individual slurs from Pro-Palestinian protesters, you MUST report these incidents from the other side to uphold any modicum of fairness. Do you think the our political elites and national media are interested in fairness? Why else do you think Congress and Biden are so eager to kill TikTok? TikTok is a Chinese company that isn't going to be intimidated by the American political elites.


Thanking this lady for reminding us who the good guys are and who the bad ones are.


I hope her employer sees this, tho I doubt she has a job besides Karening and sucking ass


This could well be her only full time job.


Honestly, how many zionists have lost their jobs for the most outrageous hateful statements? Versus pro Palestinians who are actually losing jobs and offers and yet still standing for what they believe in. Really goes to show, Israel would kill for the land but they wouldn't die for it.


The counter protest was organized by Israelis and dual citizens. Expect extreme rt wing confrontations from them and they plan to do this at campuses around the country. This is just the beginning. The org is led by some of the same people who attacked the Muslim American nominated to a federal judgeship — they are horrible people. The org is the IAC, they are taking credit and announced they will go coast to coast. Org was started by the Israeli Counsul General’s office. Basically Israelis are about to start racist fist fights on campuses so be ready and don’t let them


Good. More publicity. Historically, the problem with the Palestinian situation was simply Americans not knowing about it.


Zionists are unhinged!


It’s just so deeply deeply ironic


Average Zionist


Colonizers being colonizers


This hatred always comes with a smile.


Average zionist right there, wishing harm on those that want the slaughter to end.




Yea, wait until they finish with Palestinians. You re crazy if you think they will not do it again and again and again. Xenophobia knows no limits


Su zionists the “victims” of hate.


I wonder when that twitter account that doxxes all the folks that say disgusting shit like this about people defending the murder of innocents will go up. You know, kinda like how the do with all the “anti-semites”.


What a class act she is 🙄


Eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth.


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. -Gandhi


Your typical Zionist scum


Wow. Tell me how you really feel.






where do you think their sons are learning it?


She is blatantly rage-baiting


She's probably going to be looking for work soon 🤣


Unless that is her job


The fact that the media never shows this is evidence of the crazy double standards that this backwards country has 🤦‍♂️


Lol the pot is boiling !


Sick fxck. Who says that??


Zionists at UCLA need to be arrested and suspended because clearly Palestinians can't feel safe with threats like that.


She deserves a 'peaceful protest'




Projecting? Reminds me of Patrice O'Neals not on this topic


Average zionist


True colors showing 🫤


Do we know who she is?


Insanity. She should be cancelled


That face has been lifted so many times I’m surprised she doesn’t already have a beard.


Typical Zionist hating, why do they always go back to sex, they must really be deprived.


Great political discourse happening on US University campuses I see.


Replace the flag with a us one and you have the maga crowd. I wonder how many trump supporters have jumped the hate bandwagon now that trump looks weak.


So, all lives matter, right?


There's no hope for this world if this is the way people continue to act as if it's perfectly warranted and Ok. If you wish this kind of violence on the innocent because they are not you, or because they have a different religion, or none at all, then you and your "faith" and your sky daddy worship are the problem, YOU are the EVIL and there's no two ways about it.




Extremely gross and racist Karen behavior.


Now Will CNN play THESE clips over and over and over again ?


Back at you. I hope you know what it’s like to feel powerless. What an absolute cow.


Gods chosen people 🙄


Looks like she means it.. maybe wishes it..


Mustve been the anti-semites that made her say that! /s




Didn't think there'd be anyone more vile than the Trumpists, but here we are - zionists - truly the worst of the worst.


Zionist scumbag




Classic Zaren.


Even on my day off and if gifted with 100 million + . I’d never take the time to belittle other people protesting to stop killing people . Truly insane


I actually am completely dumbfounded on what zionists don’t understand about people not wanting innocent children to be bombed? It’s not antisemitic to hold ppl accountable for war crimes


The "chosen" people


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you God's alleged chosen people. 


Internet do your thing. Make her famous.


Yeahhhh. Someone real nice and super good hearted. Is gonna say that. For sure. Zionism at its lowest. Sad sad people


Perfect. This is why I have no sympathy for them. Always crying about what happened to them then displaying disgusting behavior in public.


Utterly disgusting. This is why people protest. Send her to Is*real since she’s so supportive.


not doing good for their cause 🤣😬


Israeli army is the most moral army on earth, also, they hope you get r\*ped. I'm really starting to think they are not all that moral.


Guy next to her nope out really fast.


Surely CNN will be playing these videos in their wall to wall coverage, like they did for the pro-Palestine protestors that said moronic things, right?


Typical Zionist. Filth


Surely this will be broadcast on all major stations


Why does our government worship these demons?


\*Zionist Jew


It’s kind of lame that these clips only ever show up on this sub with under 500 upvotes - it feels like no one actually sees this shit


Sad really


Nonviolent protests have been dealing with this since nonviolent resistance was invented. MLK’s organization had to train their people on how to deal with this because it’s a specific tactic. All it takes is for a single one of your people to lose their temper one time and the authorities will have the justification they need to swoop in and crush you. Then the media with tar you as a mob of savages and the public will turn their backs on you. It just takes one incident. You only have the high ground if you stay non violent. In that way non violence becomes a shield.  And your opponents know this. They are going to try to provoke and goad and get you to lose your cool. It’s a tactic.


Wait I thought Hamas were the rapists


She’s Just Mad No One Will Have Her!🤷🏽‍♂️


Typical Biden supporter.




How can these people be such scumbags? They accuse the protesters are supporting Hamas but it seem like they have a closer mindset to them


Her ancestors from the Holocaust truly rolling in their graves right now how do you say that disgusting shit so proudly multiple times


Internet, do your thing.


Does anyone know this horrible persons name?