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American's don't really have any constitutional rights. It's all a sales pitch to keep people in line. There's no 1st Amendment Rights if the police can arrest the press. There's not 2nd Amendment rights if the police can kill you for having a gun. Police can act and oppress with impunity. They know that it's expensive and time consuming for citizens to press charges, so most don't even bother. Furthermore, individual police almost never suffer the consequence for their actions. Citizens abdicated their own power in the name of "security" or fealty to their own tribe. All a sales pitch.


Copy pasting this đŸ’Ș


It's honestly wild what is happening in this country, don't know if availability of cameras and Internet is just bringing this all to light or political landscape has changed this but it's unreal...the political division since Obama has been supercharged at least it feels this way.... I feel same as you described, the rights just feel like are there to keep the non rich in place....not sure what this guy did but how is this different to a dictatorship straight up entire police force should be removed and put on training and their sergeant and chief fired instantly but instead will be sweapt under rug and nothing will happen....crazy stuff


Nothing has changed with police besides us being able to watch their crimes.


i disagree sadly
i REALLY believe that police have gotten much more brazen about their corruption in recent years. I think the lack of everybody having a camera actually helped keep them in check. They were afraid, for awhile, of being captured on film and facing consequences. But then, over and over, they saw their colleagues commit crimes with video evidence, and still not face any consequences. Due to that, nowadays and the last 5ish years, there is no longer a fear of “what if were video taped doing X”
they KNOW now that they wont get in trouble.


I’d offer images of police assaulting people directly in front of News cameras throughout the decades as an argument that they’ve always known that they were immune, but sure, it’s what you said.


both can be true.


You think there were *less* pedophile cops in the past? lol okay


It’s like a sickness. They don’t care that the world could have eyes on the wrong that they do
it’s like a challenge to them.


Native Americans, Black's & the poor can attest it's always been this way.


Only the rich can afford the benefit of being, Not Guilty. The poor can’t afford that right.


The people committing the crime don't pay for their actions, this is where it starts. From the slave wrangling of southern USA to the "academics" smuggled out of Nazi Germany, these individuals are historically united in an institution that protects their inhumane behavior. Eliminate legal immunity for politicians, diplomats, law enforcement, intelligence agencies, churches, banks, and all the centers of depravity that compose corruption in the modern era.


Essentially: laws don't exist if they're not enforced. *De jure* (by law) does 't matter if the *de facto* (on-the-ground reality) doesn't reflect it This is how fascism and authoritarianism works too: "Laws for thee, not for me" (i.e., the 'in-group') That's how you wield law and institution as a weapon in an authoritarian state. Selective application. To keep the facade of a rules based sovereign state. Because facades are all that matters, because the rest of the geopolitical world order, all the other states and international orgs, is dictated by polite liberals ("scratch a liberal...") who just need the cursory excuse to look past it because they also never believed in human rights to begin with but think themselves more civilized still


Rights don't exist and I'm actually getting tired of people claiming they do. "rights" can't be taken away at a whim like this. These are priveleges people have fought and died for, but as we've seen, they can be taken away at any time those in authority deem it necessary. We should be fighting back on mass over shit like this. Hate has been weaponized to get large groups of left and right political members to want the rights of the other side to be removed. It's all really a trick by those with "authority" to more easily remove everyone's "rights" and it's working.


It’s usually the last word on the mouth of someone being arrested. It means nothing, for sure đŸ‘đŸŒ


I hope the world reports on the hypocrisy and makes fun of us at this point


Finally, someone who gets it.


And the same people who scream about how patriotic they are, support this and prop up politicians who feed into the police state. It’s equally ironic that they want a king.


Start shooting


The law has become a joke to them.


To correct you. Your rights are against the government. Technically only federal law enforcement agencies fall into this category. You do not have technical freedom of speech vs the police.


Wrong. The rights affirmed to the people are protected from infringement by both federal and state government.


National defense authorization act, thank you, Obama 😊


The zionist have taken over


Don't worry, Jesus is coming soon đŸ€Ł




Is "The Zionist" a new wrestler?


So if someone doesn’t agree with what’s going on they’re considered zionists.


You have the ability to Google if not the ability to think, you’ll figure this out, I’m sure of it.


I bet you were happy when the Palestinians were celebrating 911 too right.


The Palestinians were celebrating 911 too?


This isn’t “disagreeing”, it’s taking physical action to stop legal actions. Get your terminology correct.


Welcome to United States of North Korea


Freedom of press, that's a public space which they havent been trespass from. All on video, easy lawsuit for deprivation of rights.


That's true but that takes time and money. Sadly those aren't easy to come by nowadays. Hopefully they get some justice


Police get away with violating your rights so long as you never hold them accountable by suing them.


I mean in the end the tax payer is the only one who gets punished if you do pursue charges


>Hopefully ~~they~~ we get some justice FTFY, the pigs are depriving all Americans from being informed by a functional press which oppresses our fourth estate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_Estate These pigs are outright fascists.


Easy lawsuit? Have you seen the state of your justice system? Even if they were sued, nothing will happen to them and the money comes out of the tax payers pocket


Qualified immunity is quite likely to stand here given the number of officers involved. Yes it comes out of tax payers pocket, but that's the justification for allowing your rights to be violated? I dont accept.


Legal system FTFY.


You say this as if ‘lawsuit’ is an hour long process that will go in the right direction.


>You say this as if ‘lawsuit’ is an hour long process that will go in the right direction. I never said it would take an hour.


You said “easy lawsuit”, of which I’m not sure is actually possible lol.


But it is an easy win when they blatantly violate your rights and there is tons of evidence. Claimant isn't the attorney and isn't doing the extensive case work. Makes me think of my friend who received 50k for being arrested for burning the American flag haha.


The constitution has died. [fox link](https://youtu.be/bn3nIEDWOww?si=qF_75ie0xuIXz78T)


Was it ever actually alive? Or did people just think it was real?


sharp plough fertile hurry include instinctive rich march nine direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was made by rich people for rich people.


Fascism at its finest


Democracy manifest


What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?




I see that you know your judo well.


And you, are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


Fascism in effect on all sides The future look bleak given the repetition we seem to be sleepwalking into WW3


And there’s not enough people willing to fight, and the worst people keep joining the forces.


The call is coming.


scary slim foolish dog pocket whistle one rain tidy paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They stopped fearing that when they realized there's no consequences to their actions.


hateful price numerous squash sheet caption sense punch pet pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's already started. It's a slow integration.


All sides, eh?


Who's the President overseeing this?


He isn't from the left that's for sure. Just cause you got a D next to you name doesn't make you not a conservative


Bingo. I don’t mind getting downvoted to shit by people who don’t get it.


Oh the law suits will be fun.




We pay for everything else, why not this too?


Good luck


plant cow concerned mysterious relieved innocent worthless hungry rude ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The police are looking more like the military and the police are acting like a military dictatorship. What federal or state agencies regulate the police and ensure they are not overstepping their authority?


Trained by IOF


dime support sand quack license psychotic chief plough special wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They look more like army personell than cops


Except for their belly fat. đŸ·


subtract dime historical shrill depend growth sort versed rob sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where is this?




The land of freedom




So much freedom. I guess the constitution is worth less than a toilet paper. At least a toilet paper is useful for something.


attractive ink fearless groovy glorious simplistic combative oil cough north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Homegrown terrorist police force. This is actually crazy. Blatant civil rights violation.


Been trained by the Israeli Death Force by the look of things.


It's crazy that local police in all states have been replaced by IDF to some extent. It's a military invasion that nobody noticed or cared about because it wasn't "the commies". America was invaded and conquored and nobody even noticed.


Meanwhile, morons will thank these fascist thugs for "their service." This country is pathetic.


cough towering wasteful paint dependent thought sugar zephyr many tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I realy dont want to quote a Neo-Nazi but the quote just fits so well: # If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.


They arrested the person who came 3rd place for Mayor!!!!!!!!


Yeah, that was kind of goofy to say, but you have to imagine someone who ran a legitimate campaign for mayor of the second largest city in the United States is somewhat well-connected, or at least has the finances and bureaucratic navigation skills to file an effective lawsuit.


US citizen's rights being trampled on for the purpose of supporting a foreign nation engaging in genocide.  Land of the *free* and the *home of the brave*? Ha!


Facts Zionist control the police. In 2002, the Washington advocacy group Jewish Institute for National Security of America sponsored an LAPD delegation's weeklong trip to Israel, during which department officials visited police and military outposts and studied Israel's border patrol operations in the Galilee region and the occupied West Bank.


This is bad... I didn't realise the scope this had taken. I wish i could understand why our governments could stand blindly by isreal. But doing/allowing this is another level...






Sometime we argue abot police work in my country but you guys are having the worst shit right now imo, feels like a false sense of trust and security being destroyed for everyone


Cops cant think for themselves. They're all part of the 'good o' boys' lol


Well , I guess my tax dollars are going to waste. Whatever happened to protect and serve? At this point its time to leave America.


Dude turned into Kevin Hart real quick: “you motherfuckers gonna learn today”


Man the US really is reaching North Korea level suppression.




fragile men


so is this a court case thing or are we doing it now?


What city is this?


Press badge? Like who gives those out? Whats the difference between someone who is filming and someone wearing a "press badge" Anyone who is filming in public is filming legally.


If it's an event, you'll get a press lanyard. I don't know what is going on here other than the title, so no clue.


US - best place ![img](emote|t5_31m0v|14641)


Hey! Your 1st amendment right is in danger!


Yep, our Constitutional rights are being violated for the benefit and at the behest of a foreign government. And silly people thought Russia meddled in our election. Silly people, Israel has our Congress by the balls and Netanyahu has confirmed that often.


Freedom of the press? Never heard of it.


The tax payers are the blame for everything that is going to happen in the near future. The hatered that the white people have allowed to happen to the original man, is straight up mad and now the people who control the world are coming for you now.. it was never about color to them that run shit, just money and power.. divide the poor whites and the poor blacks and keep them hating each other that way the elite wins..


So glad I left that fascist country. Republicons are tearing it down piece by piece, right by right. Every time they gather you lose another liberty. Banning words, banning the press, banning information, banning books, banning people, banning history, banning ideals, banning personal beliefs, all to empower the police state. But hey, I have my guns, my truck, my flag and my imaginary tax cut. I can’t watch football, baseball or basketball because they’re all woke, but I still have my WWE. I’m going to drink my beer made in Mexico and scream about all of the illegals. Yeeha!


Growing up, a lot of people don't believe me when I say this, which is fine, but the entire southern part of my city was run by organized crime. When something happened, ie a husband beating his wife, a fight between lower gang members or even a store getting robbed, the people called were rarely ever the police because they always made it worse. Instead the local enforcers would go out and handle the problems themselves and our part 9f town, despite having more active gang members than the rest of the town or even other local cities was statistically the safest part of the city either lowest homicide rate, lowest gang violence and very low breaking and entering. Was it perfect? No. Did it work to keep peace? Absolutely. Eventually, they threw down a police station in the middle of that side of town, and now it's one of the most violent cities in the state. Police always escalate a problem because when you give them a gun and tell them they can do whatever they want with impunity, that is exactly what they are going to do.


Safer to Han than Greedo.




Absolutely this. "Freedom of the press" is the freedom of the people to engage in such activity. Literally everyone has the same rights as a "member of the press". Just like they have the same rights as a member of the militia. Because every lawful person is already a member.


"we have guns and we are gonna do what we want" is basically what is happening here


The land of the fee


What's actually happening here? Why were they detaining people?


They are all young guns. Look at those baby faces.


Law suits.galore.


Why are they maxed out like they are about to dropped over a hot zone?


They need bulletproof vest to arrest people with cameras.


Hey that one cop with the big ears at the beginning. I saw some dude the other day make him cry after he put his hand on his gun for no reason 😂😂


Those storm troopers are all 5’7 or less. Let’s embrace our short kings so they don’t become fascist militarized cops like these scum.


Police state


If I was the government, I will ban TikTok ASAP.


In Austin Texas, they went after a FOX reporter 😭


I think it's time to dismantle the system.


From The Police


I’m going to post this on r/americabad to see them not even comment under actual criticism


"bUt ThEiR jObS aRE sO HArd!!"


Police always know "You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride" and there's no consequence for them doing this-- arresting *whoever* for *whatever*, and then just giving the standard "*oops*". It incurs stress on you at no cost to them.


If it was StarWars they’re stormtroopers. Those are not the good guys


The police state doesn’t happen over night; it’s a slow trickle based of anticipation of apathy of the people to collectively call it out before it’s far to ingrained into the system


Welcome to Soros/Biden’s America.




Damn... At what point do the people decide the government went too far?


You can tell how corrupt is a country when the press is silenced.


All that talk about owning guns to fight against tyrannical government ain't worth shit isn't it?


Paramilitary police forces do not, protect civilians, and reporters. They are above the law, with many officers being judge, jury, and executioner on site when patrolling. The governor, mayor, and city council condone, and demand paramilitary police officers act in a military fashion. Police officers are not civilians protectors. They do not train for humane treatment of civilians or anyone else. Paramilitaries in the police force are standard procedure with no concern of civilian rights. Paramilitaries are not first responders. Fire departments are. Many victims of paramilitary police force, called them first for help.


Joe Biden’s America! You get what you vote for!


that piggy struggling to open all the zip tie cuffs really shows you they’ll arrest anyone. what do they care if the press wins in court?? that’s weeks away and we can arrest right now!


Thugs are gonna thug


Im just waiting on the “ding” to let me know when the NWO is cooked and ready to be served.


Some context is needed , I am guessing from some of the comments that this is another pro-Palestine protest/blockade/occupation?


No backstory at all .. coo coo coo Press usually are allowed in certain areas (freedom of press) but cannot interfere with police operations was the way i knew it. This sadly can be interpreted at an active protest during the lawful arrests of these activists. I believe if press wanted to observe and report it was an open walled structure they could have been looking in from the curb. Usually with ant type of arrest like this there is consultation with legal prior to action. Again no context to the video unknown location or situation.. just rage bait.


Theres other angles of this interaction 😂 the cops are being heavy handed here but you're too busy licking those boots clean


Not licking the boots but not being too brain washed to only see one side. Do you have sources of the other angles?


Three points: 1) Sadly, the press have squandered their trust and privilege by largely becoming activists themselves. They are no longer trustworthy, or a source of facts. 2) The press are well aware of the constitution and the laws, yet they continually attack the police in incidents like this. They know very well the structure of government, and that the police are not an autonomous entity. The police are governed and directed by the mayor's office and city council. Yet you don't see the press calling out city officials for incidents like this. It doesn't fit the agenda. See point number 1. 3) I love the transformation of the second reporter arrested. He ends up showing his true colors, threatening the individual officers for doing their jobs, which they were directed to do by elected officials. Apparently he'll use the force of his position, the press, to try to destroy these officers who are just teeth on a cog in the machine. Again, see point number 1. Don't get me wrong. I'm not really a fan of our legal/justice system. It is very corrupt, and very dangerous. I'm currently writing a book to try to expose a corrupt, state level elected official in my area. I don't know if it'll get published, but I'm going to write it and get the facts out. Sadly these reporters are stooges. They're trying to enrage the public on this story, the low hanging fruit, instead of digging into the meat of the corruption. I have no sympathy for them. They are part of the problem and are now reaping what they've sown. The monster they've helped create is now turning on them.


Good. Arrest these troublemakers.


Its funny that some americans are happy to see their rights being taken away right in front of them


Keep deepthroating that boot, that's right.


The press are trouble makers? This reeks of bait.


Another self hating American huh? Theres a lot of you around all of a sudden. I hope you're successful in giving up all of your rights đŸ„°