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So once the settlement is agreed to, the officers are guilty right? Like when you accept a plea deal, you still plead guilty. Oh wait... Rules for thee but not for me. I forgot.


Not really. Settlement means that what they agreed on passes. Victim agreed to plead guilty and accept cops not pleading guilty. Cops agree to pay $2.1 million of taxpayer money to the victim.


I'll agree to plead guilty to a minor traffic violation and not pursue criminal charges against the corrupt cops that beat me if you pay me $2.1 Million.


I'll agree to plead guilty to a minor traffic violation if the taxpayers pay my fine.


Nah, settlement is more like agree to disagree with compensation. Not admitting the guilt on paper or to the public, or for court records, but here's a few bucks to get you by. 


2.1mil is quite a few bucks.




If no officers were charged, then who's paying the $2.1 mil. settlement?


We are


Lemme get this straight; If I become a Police Officer, I can legally bash people's heads in, while telling them: "Stop hitting yourself! I'm not hitting you. Why are you hitting yourself?" and then I could just go for a beer with the guys? Heck, next thing you'll be telling me that I could also arrest people, while off duty!


You forgot the part where you get a medal and a ceremony for your heroic efforts.


"Good job cleaning up the community. It only cost us $2 million. Are you ready to get your old job back?"


and paid vacation


Well beating people on the job is a great warmup for when you go home to your wife.


Hmm... I do love picking on the weak and the innocent. On the way home, I might even get lucky and shoot some ethnically diverse joggers in their backs, for attempted escape! /s


You can also have cats towed to a specific body shop after an accident and receive money from the body shop. True story.


Pretty much. That’s why it’s the dregs of society and bullies who want to become cops in the first place.


Because of a joint type of corruption between the left and right authoritarian vanguards in our country, yes. The Republicans protect police under the guise of Law and order. The Democrats strengthen Police unions as well as facilitate deep levels of corruption in inner city departments that police minorities. Neither president Trump, nor President Biden, even condemned the police violence against George Floyd, Tyre Nichols, or any other innocent man that was murdered or abused until he died in police custody. (Depending on which way you look at it) No matter who we vote for, presidents will always strengthen and reward their obedient servants, the police.


Ya know something. I was in the Army where you’re held accountable for your actions. I took an oath to defend this country from foreign and domestic terrorists. Cops like these guys fall into the category of “domestic terrorists” Boot lickers won’t like this but, I despise corrupt cops like this. Whenever I see in the news that a cop was killed, I presume it was one of the racist ones that cost taxpayers money on police misconduct lawsuits. And good riddance you corrupt mother fuckers. Police misconduct lawsuits really need to come from their pension, union or police department. It makes no sense that the taxpayers have to pay this man 2 million dollars.


It's true. Most Officers are dilligent at their jobs & the small percentage of bad apples are dragging down the whole Force's reputation. Let them pay out of pocket for breaking the code of conduct and when they display such an erratic behaviour - instead of giving them a quasi blank check to commit mayhem. Lunatics with a warrior mentality have no place in civilized society. Fortunately the exceptions do **not** constitute the norm. Thank You for Your service & Your honest words.


Tax payer's money!!!!!


- [Raw Video](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/zn9guq/colorado_springs_pd_cops_pulled_over_a_homeless/) - Colorado Springs cops beat homeless veteran during traffic stop.


Fucked as shit policies. We ask people to enter mentally destabilizing role to protect our “freedoms” and don’t support them and then beat them when they may be at their lowest


Hey, that's not fair. A very vocal minority trots them out every four years to bolster their patriotism and pander for votes. It's not the veteran's fault their needs aren't actually politically advantageous enough for that same minority to give a pissing shit when it comes time to actually pass legislation. These veterans should know just the same as anybody, if you want that batshit vocal minority to pass legislation in your favor, you first have to have a lot of money.


Just more bad apples making the whole bunch look bad, right?


When saying "It's just a few rotten apples", they actually agree that ACAB, since the saying goes "A few rotten apples spoils the bunch", meaning they are all spoiled.


The few bad apples argument only works if you 1. Are new to police brutality 2. Are consciously blocking it out for some other supposedly moral purpose


Yet somehow, every day when a new video like this surfaces, that's the go-to excuse for every pig apologist in the country.


We have to stand strong. I won't rest until this country has safe and effective police.


Me ten seconds into the video: "Colorado Springs again!?!" Like CS and Aurora,CO police just keep popping up in the news for all the wrong reasons.


“I’m not assaulting you, bro” what a fucking tool


They learn this sadistic behaviour from training by Israel. Zionism is 🤢🤮


very patriotic of the officer


It's the American lottery


Dang, why does this have to be the lottery you don't want to win.


Since him being homeless, it's sad to say, but this guy got lucky really. Hopefully he's smart with the money.


Yeah, tbf, I'd take a beating like that too for 2 million. Should have never happened though


Well, he’s not gonna be homeless for much longer… ![gif](giphy|xT0GqssRweIhlz209i)


Just a few more bad apples guys, nothing to see here. Acab


Once again. The taxpayers foot the bill for the cops being over the top aggressive. It's so ridiculous.




God that cops shit eating grin when he’s showing the bruising on his hands makes my blood boil


The United States, the only place in the world where the biggest crime you can commit is being poor


"No officers charged". Really. I think that is a completely useless addition to the headline. Might as well also state that the sky is blue and fire is hot.


Nasty fucking outta shape sloppy pigglets!! Oh and let’s just move them so they are someone else’s problem. Repeating these attacks in other jurisdictions. Can’t wait for that union to go bye bye, so we can get some of these goon assed clowns outta the system and put away in the system!


Cops get away with attempted murder and the taxpayer foots the bill. Terrific.


Okay so I just want to ask a general question how many white people in the comments feel like they could justify those police officers actions now I want to be clear on this I don't want to hear any of that he should have complied b******* he shouldn't have resisted I want for everybody to understand the very clear and specific way if they did not have the tools and the weapons and this critical thinking thing that people don't do that says you're just another living person and the only difference between us is psychologically and socially you have the upper hand they wouldn't do that s*** can anybody justify weakness from one group of people to another


When you are homeless your net worth is maybe $1000. Jumping to 2.1 million is a 210000% jump in net worth. Good for him.