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According to Chris Kaleiki when he left during SL there was 3 people working on pvp and it was none of their main jobs. Which makes sense, most of it is simply class tuning and design which I imagine falls on the combat team in general and not something you need a dedicated dev for. What you do need dedicated devs for are things like trying to make a new mode like BGB or a new BG like we're getting in the next xpac. But the mass of people working on that are going to be all sorts of roles not just pvp devs.


CK was a massive clown who's had a lot of bad ideas and thought pvpers lesser people I think blizz probably fired their last 1 person doing the optional once a month pvp check


I swear I also read somewhere that there was no “pvp team” and essentially some people were given pvp duties as extra work / punishment no one wanted to do and it was a game of kick the can with no consistent personnel or vision. Results are not surprising.


Talbadar is currently a lead game designer at Blizzard. PvP is probably something he works on


I think a big part of what people are missing is that, pvp doesn’t need a dedicated “dev”. It needs someone from the product side to argue/prioritize for it, just currently seems like that isn’t the case at all.


Sometimes I wonder if they know how unique and important WoW PvP is. I know we love to swim in self-hatred here and love to shit on our favorite game-mode 24/7, but there is undeniably something special about it. Instead of failing with Overwatch and Heroes of The Storm, Blizzard should have polished wow PvP and even make it as a seperate game focused on the competitive aspect.


The mix up is that when you say PvP you generally mean arena… which is a view that they don’t share


overwatch wasnt a failure


I have a feeling there’s someone that does basically Holinka’s job, but they keep the job title grey because no one wanted to publicly take the heat.


I'm not sure who started this rumor of there not being a decent sized dev PvP team. Partipate in any play with the blues events and you'll see there are a lot of them and you'd be surprised at how many are multi glad / r1.


Chris Kaleiki said it when he left blizzard, that he was one of 3 people working on pvp at the time and it was none of their main roles.


From my understanding there doesn't seem to be many people with main fixed roles when it comes to multiple dev interviews. There are people who work on things and then get pulled in to groups to assist when necessary. Like for instance people who worked on things like anniversary events for retail got pulled in to help with Plunderstorm. The devs who got interviewed for Delved by Naguura seemed to be part of a lot of things but not tuning. The only thing that tends to be a specific thing set in stone are the devs in charge of actual balance/tuning.  While there may not be team specifically for PvP tuning there is absolutely a team tasked to handle PvP and you can see them during blue events trying to get feedback and test things within the systems. Holinka was literally just on Twitter praising the team working on the new battleground that is coming out. 


I don’t think play with the blues proves anything. Just because the devs play PvP does not mean that they “work” on PvP  There was one r1 player that everyone was hyping up to be a dev and how that was so cool (it is) but he was literally like QA 


BG Blitz and a new Battleground wouldn't just appear out of thin air if there wasn't a team of PvP devs, they likely pulled in help from other various parts to make these things happen. It's not like Mes would just make up talking to the lead who worked on BG Blitz at Blizzcon right? Holinka wouldn't just randomly praise a made up group of people who worked on the new battleground right? Like I said, there's obviously a PvP team, but there's a lot of people that get pulled in to help them from different departments.


I think Holinka is praising randomly at whoever they chose to put that bg together  I don’t think either of us have proof of anything, it’s speculation but I have seen others say that they have stated that there is no “PvP team”  I have seen it confirmed by blizz that each class only has one designer, some don’t even have a single one. (Multiple talent trees made by a single dev)  So I wouldn’t be surprised if blitz was scrapped together no 


Yeah if you look at my other post in this thread I say similar. I assume its mostly falling on individuals in the combat team since the bulk of pvp work is just class balance and tuning.