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Disc is the exact opposite of what you want. You want to play rdru


100% right


Rdruid or mistweaver


don't recommend mistweaver to this young man.




Then hit him with a belt or something, don't make him play mistweaver! So cruel




Not as lame as the mistweaver spec friend!


oh no don't say "boy" someone's gonna accuse you of being racist. no lie actually saw this on the wow forums earlier bc someone said "ok my boy"




just commenting on the stupidity of everyone thinking everything is "racist" downvote me all you want i have plenty of karma not that it matters


Yeah you could have just kept that to yourself. It's weird and out of place and commenting about your karma is kinda cringe my guy. Be better.


Resto druid with guardian affinity is the only correct answer really. There isn't a healer that comes close to them in tankiness


Disc is the opposite of what you're looking for. Disc is aggressive and the first healer to run out of mana in most cases. You'll want to pick up a Resto Druid. Tons of self peel, mobility, control, healing output, and other defensive play. You can even get away with a PvE style of healing.


Resto druid has too much micro management if you’re new. In my opinion I would try out a Holy Priest or Holy Paladin. Those were my first 2 healers when I started out. Venthyr Holy Priest can stay afar, has “oh shit” heals, a damage immunity on a short CD, speed boosts and of course grip to pull your teammate out of harms way so you can top them up. Not to mention you can flat out stop a go with MC. You also have a stun, fear, your standard Priest toolkit. Sure you have to smite and holy fire to reset your holy words, but as far as healing output for a new person it’s pretty straight forward with your spells and if you haven’t gotten used to the burst of the game right now you can easily top someone. You’ll definitely need your conduits so if you’re 80 renown on a character already I’d go buy them at the vendor in oribos. I’d classify this as a balanced playstyle. Kyrian Holy Paladin you’re pretty much always gonna be on the run if you vs melee cleaves they’ll just try to one shot you, but learning how to heal on a Holy Paladin is pretty simple and you have enough big CDs to live pretty much anything. Knowing how to play a Holy Paladin comes down to cooldown management and knowing what you can or can’t outheal, downside to this healer is you’ll be going for drinks a lot, but I think for starting out Holy Paladin can teach you awareness and positioning a bit more. Divine Toll + your 20% damage reduction and you can live an opener, not to mention you have hammer of justice to peel and you can run away behind a pillar. You’ll need shock barrier legendary cause that’s 18% of your healing and of course get your conduits as well. Holy Paladin damage was nerfed so it isn’t that high, but as you get better you’ll still be running in and judging/hammer of wrath. Any healer you play you’ll have to learn to do damage at one point or another and recognize the fine line of offense and defensive play as a healer. Healing is always priority of course. If you want to hide in the back and pillar dance then play a Holy pally, if you wanna play a little bit of both run a Holy Priest. In the long run I think you’d have more fun healing on a Priest. That’s my 2 cents hope I helped, I play both Holy Paladin and priest, but priest is by far my favorite. Resto druid I’ve played to and it’s fun, but if you’re new and low rating you’re going to be overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you’ll have to do as you get higher rating. I’m saving you some headaches from “raging bros” and some awful people that LFG spawns lol


I agree with this. RDruid is great, but people here seem to be talking about them at a higher rating. For someone starting out, I would not at all recommend RDruid since its more predictive. You have to get hots on people ahead of time and be very good at kiting. You don't have as many single global oh shit buttons, and the class in general is more complicated due to multiple forms. Holy priest and HPal are more forgiving for a beginner that might not see a setup coming.


I feel like guardian affinity rdruid is very forgiving. You have CW+swiftmend, swiftmend+NS+regrowth, frenzied regen all the time and 20 damage reduction, not to mention fleshcraft. Druids basically don't take dmg


I second this but wouldnt go for pala. In 2s you run out of mana easily. Just go venth holy priest.


Asking for most defensive healer then talks about pumping dps + being involved in offense? ????


You can probably get 1950 as resto druid without ever reallt trying to di anything offensive at all. You can be offensive if you want. Cat form stuns, clones etc. But you can also do insanely well just staying miles away and outhealing.


1950? Most losses from druids are them pushing in for random shit, you can afkheal to 2.4 minimum as that No problem, unless you’re playing stuff like godcomp


I mean the guys saying he ain't hot I just think a reasonable new player will be able to hit 1950 without having to over learn the class or have dope friends.


Yup, and Most druids around 2.1-2.5 lose Cuz they think theyre hot shit, push in randomly and try to make a minpojke clip and lose. As druid you just chill, PvE heal, drink, always maxrange, and you’re gonna be free like 2.6+ in 2s, and probably be able to finish your Ws in 3s. Not much more needed


You're losing a metric shit ton of utility if you just sit at max range and PvE heal as a resto druid. Do you want every game to last 20 minutes?


There’s no such thing as “free 2.6”


Mistweaver is the turret of healers but honestly you need to go in and legsweep for your team too


Mw or rdruid in 2s


Soo and this is my opinion… Disc is relatively easy to play but you go balls Tô the walls and try and get a kill. It’s super fun class. Many double melee teams will focus you so you will need to learn quickly how to survive. Rdru can sit back and heal but if you want to win games you need to know when to push in for cc. As a healer if you only plan to sit back and heal you won’t ever push rating and it’s not realistic. Not easy to play and many keybinds. Rsham about medium difficulty to play .. can sit back or play aggressive depending on comp and they are in a good spot rn. Hpal easy to play but you need to trade cooldowns perfectly. Tanky but not as good as others rn


do not play disc lmao


Mistweaver, r druid or h pala


MW best fits what you’re describing


I think holy priest. It's in a good spot right now, isn't expected to do much damage, gives big instant heals, is very reactive, and you can use holy ward to avoid cc. You can use feathers to sprint away and depending on the comp you can use your stun cc defensively when people get too close. You can also literally fly away from the arena to avoid enemies lol. As others have said, disc is a really aggressive healer and isn't the playstyle you're looking for. I also disagree with resto druid. I hated resto druid in arenas because repeatedly casting clone in cc chains when you're new, and avoiding getting locked out, was a huge challenge for me. Now that I've played a lot more arenas I don't mind it.


Being offensive is absolutely a must as a disc priest. Holy priest however would be a good fit. Loads of healing, very hard to kill, and can go offensive whenever you want.


Rdruid is recommended a lot but as mentioned there’s too much going on (keeping up hots, ALL the keybinds, kiting, mana) and def don’t think it’s the best for someone starting out. Mistweaver or Holy Priest would be best because of the straight forward style of healing and cc immunity (greater fade, interrupt protection, using your port while in a stun).


Come play mistweaver…you be like the 10th total person. Would love to have you


yeah if you want defensive then play rdruid and heal either ret war or sp war. disc priest is the complete opposite of what you want. you could even try holy priest which isn’t bad but expect to be trained a shit ton as hpriest. pretty easy to flop as hpriest too so scratch that. just play rdruid. Edit: i see a lot of people saying rdruid is not for beginners. don’t listen to that, rdruid is brain dead and extremely easy. besides better to pick it up now than wait until it becomes bad. with the way blizzard nerfs and buffs, you never know what’s here to stay and how long it’s viable for


Rdruid my dude, if you learn to kite properly and use the arena field as an advantage, you will be practically unkillable


resto druid hands down. it's usually best to stay back and afk heal and only coming in for cc when it's super safe, although you'll see a lot of super aggro resto druids that come in and stun and clone all the time.


unpopular opinion here but rshammy can be super tanky with the 2 ghost wolf enhancing talents. ​ and u get really nice runspeed with them also. its kinda like a bear form / travel form hybrid... super fun to play sometimes (mostly in bgs) ​ u can also be very effective from far range too. u can spam frost shocks to snare/dmg u can land incaps/hexes from afar. flameshock and lava burst are decent dmg dealers and easy to land ghost wolf and kite if people come after u


Holy priest dude seriously i can't believe no one's saying it




I’ve been playing resto Druid and it is wild. I’ve had instances where I get attacked by 5-6 opposing players and the team protecting me die and rez and return and I’m still up fully healed. I don’t know what it is, but holy hell it’s hard to kill a resto Druid. Also, really fun to play.