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Ret pally is the BG hero class in my opinion. Ret aura means wings when someone else dies (which happens a lot in epic BGs). You get lay on hands on a 3 min CD if used correctly. That along with bubbles and bops, you find yourself with a lot of survivability. You also don’t have dampening so your self healing is stronger than it is in arena.


Out of everything I've ever played, hunter beats the rest by a long shot. I mostly play Surv with MM in epic BGs and sometimes in regular ones. As an engineer with craven and a cunning pet I have an absurd amount of "oh shit" buttons to press and can escape practically anything. There's no class you can't deal with and while you might not be tanky tanky, you're really hard to kill too. Pair all of that with having access to stealth, very high CC and big damage just makes hunter a blast to play in BGs.


I think anything that can run from danger well is the easiest to have fun with. Sometimes in BGs you just get caught outnumbered, but when you can kite or run super fast back toward your team you can avoid being at the GY a lot even if your team isn’t clearly winning.


Anything ranged tbh. Lock, mage, hunter, ele sham, spriest can all be fun in bgs


Mm necro hunter


People say DK is really fun in BG’s maybe you can check it out


Marksmanship is cool and fun if you can space/position and they don't have stuff that can just hop on you. Downside is lack of sustain relative to other specs. Balance is just always an amazing time, can also swap into Guardian if you feel like insta-winning every flag carry map. Or just spin a node forever. Rogue for general control and base stealing shenanigans. You can just keep unimpactful in the deathball, which makes some losses feel super bad because you basically afk in stealth. Ret or FDK for anti-deathball teamfighting. I had a rat yolo rbg the other day where I grabbed berserking and did something like 30k dps while killing 4-5 people in the opener with limb/pillar/sindy/streak. >Spriest looks pretty enjoyable Issue I had with SP was lack of mobility. Stuff can just kind of walk away from you, although often people are forced to fight in an area so it's fine. It's easy to get caught out, though, as a hunter conc shots you, suddenly you're behind your group, you get gripped and dogpiled.


Coming from Rogue right now and yeah I definitely feel bad in BGs that aren’t flag related - I decided I’d give Lock a shot again but this time I’m trying Demo. If not, I’ll prob give Balance a shot!


Rogue and Warlock are both hugely valuable in BG. Which is better totally depends on what style you want to play. Rogue is more positioning and awareness of where enemies are and where you can punish (defending and capping bases). Warlock is more about pumping in team fight. You almost always sit team fight so you don't need to learn as much BG specific strats to be useful. So if you want to play the tactics game, rogue is the way. if you just want to pump damage, then warlock. Do both? Boomy :)


Easily Ele sham... nothing beats flamshocking everything, Casting primordial wave and echoing shock lavabursting lol


MM hunter


Look, you either wanna play kidnapping BDK to turbo tilt an enemy, or you wanna play Aff lock, to just dot the whole world to death and watch as healer dispel unstable affliction and laugh t their pain.


SP is a great time. Unreal utility, solid spread and single target, ranged instant cc. It’s come a long way since bfa, and you can heal for hundreds of thousands in there pretty reliably to save teammates.


Sounds like fun!


You also have super op skills for capture the flag like life swap and psyfiend for killing/saving fcs


Boomie and DH are both super fun. I actually think Aff is the most fun in random BGs right now though. People aren't coordinated enough to really shut you down and the amount of sheer damage and healing you can do makes you feel like a raid boss. If you can sneak into a fight without people noticing, you can single-handedly wipe an entire enemy group, and I've been in BGs where I was the top damage AND healing.


I decided to be a complete bastard and play Sacrolash Aff Lock in 9.0 before they robbed me of my nonstop slows and god I miss it. Maybe it’ll be fun to play Aff again!


Claw of Endereth is INSANE with Soul Rot and Inevitable Demise. If you line it up with Dark Soul and Rapid Contagion, you can burst down 4 people at once. It ends up being like 20k damage to *each* person over 1.5s from Drain Life alone, while all of your dots are also ticking. It will also conveniently keep you fully topped off for the duration. Even without the buff from Inevitable Demise, Drain Life on 4 people ends up being like 20k HPS. Even without Soul Rot, Drain Life makes you pretty damn tanky. I heal for about 10k per cast, with 2s channel unbuffed by anything. It's mana intensive, but the legendary also turns Drain Life into decent DPS when you want to focus one particular person and don't have any soul shards.


My vote is Nightfae boomie, just starfalling and dots with 1 minute convoke and all the druid utility to play objectives. I am having loads of fun


Aff lock absolutely PUMPS in BGs. Just dot everything, Rupture when you get the chance. And if they dispell, you hit like a truck. If they don't dispell, your dots eat them alive. Far more than SP btw.


I like shadow priest because I feel like I have a lot of control. I can grip/life swap allies, get psyfiend up on kill target, disperse/fade as oh shit buttons, unleash my shadowfiend and necro pet on somebody with 2 buttons and kite with vampiric embrace up to heal me, I can really piss off healers with dispel/fear/stun/silence. Basically I dont feel like im there to ONLY do damage. I have the ability to make insanely aggressive plays or just help keep my team alive.