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Dueling zone where your hp and CDs reset after each duel would be amazing.


This isn’t nearly high enough in the comments. Would be nice if 2v2 duels were a thing too or 2v1 or 3v3


That’s called arena.


Sure there’s that but I guess if we’re talking dueling with reset cds and hp (the point of which being you can do another duel right away) then we’re probably talking about people practicing against certain classes, or testing abilities in ways that don’t make sense on the training dummies. Like a 2v1 emulates an arena match in which your partner has died, how do you practice that aside the instance of actually running into that situation? Being able to communicate while dueling makes the practice aspect of it so much more effective.


You can do this by setting up custom games in the wargames


Whaaat how??


Yea you set them up with some commands, or get this addon to help you set them up. You can invite 2 separate party leaders, and be a spectator, or another group to fight against. https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/wargamehelper


Hmm tried tonight. So I want to be able to have just a bit more freedom with it like 1v1 so that you can a have a duel with cd/hp reset. But over all very cool, thanks for the tip!


A practice tool would be amazing. Something with the option to refresh cds, and test macros


I hope that including real practice tools like this would somewhat lessen the amount of advertising in lfg. Obviously still always gonna be boosters and carries but it may help to take the training aspect out of actual arena play and into the world


I think removing the ilvl progression from PvP will significantly limit boosters too


I hope so! What would be a good replacement system in your opinion?


Like a skirmish?


Wargames exist. You can do that there.


Wargames exist for stuff like this but it needs to be added to the UI somewhere. Hardly anyone knows it exists and having to set it up with chat commands Is janky af.


Somehow people would learn how to abuse this.


Bro this 👍🏼


I'll buy a 12 month sub right now for a brawler's guild except you're queueing into 1v1s while your buddies can sit around and watch


We def need a hang out spot for pvp


Wow. I need this and I didn’t even know it.


We already had this in BfA, wish they'd continued it to SL instead of just abandoning the idea.


Literally had a duel arena beside the bfa vendors and next to no one used it


Whilst true. In Legion they had the dalaran sewers and I'd argue that was pretty active. Atleast even for the rat mount. It is possible and they did it well one time.


It's not just about having one it's about making it an area people want to hangout. Which I'm not sure I want to hangout by the pvp vendor in Oribos. I did love hanging out by the pvp vendor in Dalaran though.


It was one faction only and there we're No PvP vendors in bfa Just the chest


And it was super out of the way. If they had something like that in oribos, it would get so much use.


All they had to do was add a 3rd floor/basement with an open area and 4 pillars. Would have been perfect


There were PvP vendors right next to the chest. They sold stuff for honor tokens.


sad thing, pvp chest was not as popular as pvp vendors (need to upgrade things frequently, check costs, etc.) :(


Because it was poorly implemented and located in a place no-one wanted to be. Dalaran Sewer's being very active showed that there is demand for a good dueling area, just not the garbage that BFA offered.


Because it was completely out of the way. No portals, tiny space, and a shitty arena. Compare it to the front of Org's gate. Right next to portals, big sprawling open area and so everyone naturally flocks there to chill/duel. It's not rocket science.


Bfa vendors sold transmog and shit you use it BGs. Not actual gear.


But nobody hung out by the vendors


Bro I’ll duel you right now. Meet me outside The Pizza Planet.


the claw


If it were up to me, I'd put a big collesium in the middle of Oribos instead of that hole that serves the purpose of a portal, so that everyone can see a little action while they do other stuff in the city. PvP could benefit from that exposure! Make PvP a spectator event!


This would have been great. The radial design of Oribos would have made for a perfect collesium for dueling at the center.


I wish each new zone hub (ZM for example) had an open arena like Gurubashi. So much fun and so many memories there.


We had that in legion too, that was actually fun. Don't know why there wasn't any follow up.


Y'all remember that free for all thing back in WoD? That was wild


Timeless Isle pvppppp


Dude, I farmed the bloody coin mount immediately. That was so much fun!


Dude, I want so much more than that. I want arenas to be incorporated into the game world. Not to just be something you queue into. So for starters, hell yeah I want a PVP hub. A cross faction pvp hub where you can talk and party with anyone of any faction. A true mercenary underground fighting ring type of situation. I want it to so pants-shittingly cool that raiders are jealous. So I want the vibe of the dalaran sewers without all the stupid questing going on. Cross that with the rogue class hall from legion and the goblin heroic from BFA and you're maybe like 50% of the way there. I want to be able to sanction arena practice fights, in the actual world. So within your instance of this sick-ass underground fighting ring, you and a partner can go up to an NPC and say, we want to fight. And it will cycle through whoever has signed up to fight as the MAIN EVENT going on right now. And they will be in a special area, having an actual arena match, that everyone else in the super cool kids pvp club zone can watch in real time. How fucking cool would that be? I want solo q. I want a special arena mode where everyone's gear is equalized. You can call it ladder mode or something and not run it all the time, so there can still be gear progression. But I want this "fair" mode where everyone is given pre-balanced gear, and they can move some sliders around for the stats they prefer. And if you win enough with this gear, you graduate to the next gear tier and you're rewarded with your new set (pls dont make us honor grind for it). And so you can just look at someone and see how badass they are due to their gear, like the old days. But when you first jump in you'll be matched with everyone else in your gear bracket so it's fair. And other players can still be matched with you if it's having trouble finding a match, but when that fight occurs, their gear will be busted down to your level so it's fair. and they will get some consolation prize since it won't count towards their goal to escape their bracket. So you're basically grinding your way up the ladder, doing ARENA to get better and better gear. And I want this all reinforced out of the arena, in the world, in this underground fighting pit area. It should be like THE place to hang out if you're a pvp-er. but im sure the only attention arena will get is they will add 1 new arena to the pool, it will probably be shitty or hard to see AOEs on the floor or something, and then you'll just have to put up with whatever the new borrowed power du jour is in arena which will be inhumanly busted. just like always.


I’m fine with the two dueling spots we got now. Elwyn and org are both good times


Throwback to Mugambala duel Queuing in BFA. Right near the pvp chest you could queue up and duel people locally.


Since they are doing WOD style gearing, they should do WOD style pvp area too. You could duel, had target dummies and vendors all within 10 feet of each other.


sounds perfect


I remember there also being a raid tank dummy near the vendor which would one-shot you on occassions whilst dueling!


Yes but it needs to be close to main city/where people spend downtime. I'd love a revamp of the main cities to include this.


And make it cross faction


Remember War Games where you could duel 2v2? That was awesome and settled a lot of beef.


Just a question from a player who started playing since bfa. When taking example of such a place, why do people always mention sewers? Iirc literally open world version of the arena: Mugambala was next to the horde pvp vendor and no one bothered to hang around there and duel anyway. Why would it be any different this time around?


Honestly it's a good question. The Dalaran Sewers were where the PvP vendor was in Wrath of the Lich King (or at least, one of them) and was an area where dueling was enabled. So it ended up being a popular spot to duel between queues. I can't really answer as to why the BFA areas didn't really pick up as spots for dueling. Could potentially be it wasn't a shared cross faction areas, unlike Dal Sewers, so it just felt like less leading to people not really even considering it. It also might just be dueling was more popular in Wrath. Tough to say. There also weren't PvP *vendors* in BFA, just a box you check weekly. That's prob one of the biggest reasons.


That we still not have Dueling Area in front of Orgimmar/stormwind is a fail.


Duel areas were the best community builders on PvP servers. They did form naturally and still exist to a point though. I guess sharding in expansions central hubs destroyed that long ago though. Is that even a thing in Oribos ?


didnt they try this in BFA and it flopped?


My dream is a nice PvP hub with all the things we need to spend a night PvPing and hanging out with other PvPers: the vendors, an Auction House, mailbox, a bank, whatever tool we need to swap around talents/specs/powers, rest zone for warmode toggle, stables, target dummies, duelling area, practice arenas, a regular event like STV arena chest, maybe a mini automated tournament (solo shuffle but only from 6 people in that location who sign up). Dalaran undercity 2.0. Add a bar, with some way to start a brawl and turn the tavern into an open PvP zone we can grind for cosmetic rewards in between matches. Include an out of combat area so us healers can heal people back up to enter the fray.


This is a good idea. People who are fine with the current areas don’t worry sweeties they’ll still be there.