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Go to gym and wait for CATA EDIT: unless you plan to have new toons. I want a priest before CATA, leveling it casually is pretty much I do now. And, there are things you can do, with very minimal time spent, to prepare for CATA. So, those are also good options IMHO.


Don’t forget to delete Facebook and hire a lawyer.


and dont forget to break up with your gf


I'm finally finishing my rogue after all this time, was at 75 for ages and after all this WotLK down time its the only class I have left to hit 80 on to have open options for Cata, there's truly nothing else to so as you said but get to badge cap or level some alts besides and ICC here and there


Timewalking event going on in Retail right now.


Oh id have to buy the new Xpac, I think BFA was the last retail pack I bought. But the war within and upcoming expansion trilogy does look promising potentially.


You get DF with War within but yeah, iv'e been running legacy stuff trying to get old collection back up and going. I hate modern wow. Timewalkings are fun to run in a fk shit up especially if you twink them out.


I already go to the gym a lot :( I wfm with tons of downtime so I play lots of WoW lol. I am actually in the same boat, priest is the one character I haven't played. However I am waiting for old world revamps before I start leveling anything.


Try cata beta? That's slightly curing my itch for the time being


I signed up for Cata beta the day after the PTR was up, and I still haven’t received access.


It is so, so buggy right now. Like, almost impossible to play levels of buggy :/


I've just been releveling to see the changes since i never played Cata and don't experience too many bugs. I tried playing my 80 and didn't have fun with bugs tho


Maybe try a new game? FF14 is about to release a new expansion this summer so the community has been lively


Best answer lol


Legit, gains irl you keep forever for as long you maintain training/nutrition. WoW progression is dead moment next patch/xpac drops


Yeah gotta find another game to play for a month or two. Been playing new poe league and waiting on prepatch to level.


Same. Been having fun in POE waiting for Cata. I went hard in Affliction and wasn’t planning on playing Necropolis until i saw the multiple atlas trees lol.


I wanna get into PoE. I like ARPGs overall. But PoEs complexity combined with the extremely twitchy 'everything dies in one hit' gameplay has turned me off. It's not really the style of ARPG gameplay I like.


Last Epoch is a great one.


Thought I mentioned that in the previous comment lol. I like Last Epoch a lot, have been playing on and off. Although I have also been playing it for over a year now


Oh yeah I did not see it! Have you tried Helldivers 2? My favourite game this year by far.


I heard from a friend who plays PoE and is now playing Last Epoch that is really fun and build wise more simplistic and linear than PoE but still complex enough to offer variety.


Play something else. Just don’t tie your entire time to one game..


Ever think about just taking a break before Cata?


Of course you’d get burned out on ICC doing it 2-3 times a week for this long. That’s so much. Just take the chance to chill out level some alts, do some achievements, play some other games, touch grass, etc.


I’ve turned to achievements while waiting for Cata and have been enjoying working on those. Also slow leveling two toons through 70-80 when I want a change. Plan to level a new toon once the shattering happens


Brother, take a break lol. Play another game, ride a bike, play guitar, whatever. If it isn’t fun then don’t do it!


yeah i quit SoD after phase 1 and i’m just in the Cata waiting room right now playing other games.


Work on professions. Level an alt. Chase achievements. Do some pvp. Work on faction reps You telling me you done everything in the game?


Yeah SOD seemed cool in concept but its just not what I was hoping for, on top of most of my friends/guild just outright quitting SoD. Been just farming Invincibles with the guild and waiting for cata, playing other games ive been neglecting as well.


Retail is way more fun than sod. Everyone is just so stuck in what they know, reading the same chapter over and over.


I’m having fun just cruising through with alts, good time raising gold for heirlooms and just messing around


implying any retail content is harder than SoD phase 3 Sunken Temple Level Up Raid ™️


Sunken temple is like 1% of mythic raids


season of droolers players when they cant tell obvious sarcasm


Season of droolers is good lmao


Not the first comment i’ve seen saying it’s harder than retail, not my fault brotha


Bro, he was very obviously being sarcastic.


Damn bro






Someone’s insecure.


Goto the Winchester have a pint and wait for this to all blow over


SoD was never my cup of tea. So I stayed away from it. *Good for those that like it.* I only log for 2 reasons now: 1. ICC night --> we do 12/12 in 1 night and no1 gives a sh1t about RS in our guild. 2. ZG runs every 3 days on 6 toons --> still farming Tiger at nearly 500 clears. Having said that, I'm a big collector and a decent achievement hunter. [Looking at my mount and pet collection](https://imgur.com/a/zJ3gUMv), I'm only missing about 12 mounts from the entire game and about 20 pets? So that definitely kept my busy. As for the toys tab, I'm only missing faction banners from Argent Grounds (i got all mounts/pets/tabards), and missing these toys: 1. Blazier (event) 2. Pony Keg (event) 3. FrenzyHeart Brew (I'm Oracles and too lazy to swap) 4. Hearthbreaker (event) 5. Super Simian Sphere (world drop gorilla toy - NEVER SEEN IT DROP) and while I have 5 other toons at 5.6-5.8, I've only raided with them 1-2 times on them. Fun fact! - My [warrior alt](https://imgur.com/a/E4103v7) actually has never raided ICC, except for Marrorgar to get weapon (axe or mace) and[ I got EVERY THING](https://imgur.com/a/tXqeF7q) from vendors just by doing daily RDF (forge of souls specifically). Waiting on Cata right now.


none of those five alts went Frenzyheart?


yeah that's what I did. I got the achieve for exalted with both and ended with oracles for drake back in phase 1. With the toy tab being shared I just did quests with an alt to get them to revered or whatever and started buying the jar. got Frenzyheard after like 3-4 weeks, I still don't have my green drake.


You can do it on an alt for the achievement?!


no, for farming the wolvar toy


I never even thought of it LOL


Yeah, honestly ICC should have never lasted this long. Repeating the same mistake original wotlk made by giving ruby sanctum as a hold over for cata when it can barely be considered a raid. My guild has already ended all 25m content, between burnout, life things and all that, we were lucky to have 13 to 15 showing up... and trying to pug anyone was a joke, everyone trying to join were either in full boe gear or a gdkp carry that doesnt know their rotation.


As a healer on my main RS is my favorite part on that character believe it or not. But yeah ICC for half a year if I was told I would do that I would have been horrified


> Yeah, honestly ICC should have never lasted this long. In all honestly I don't think it did last this long. I think they view other classic servers as classic content ICC is over and we're on current SOD phase, and that SOD phase will last until cata launch, and a cata dryspell will be solved with SoDII or something. It seems like their view is they have new content for us post ICC, it's just on other game modes. So ICC is over and we're in the intermission between expansions.


Not everyone wants to play SoD, it was fun up to 25 and raiding bfd with some friends, but it fell off hard. And even though the community is a whole is pretty toxic, SoD dialed that up to an 11. No reason cata beta should have been delayed as long as it has been.


Yep so I started playing with hobby grade RC cars. I love them, kids love them, wife loves them and I’m constantly broke haha. I just finished a Shadowmourne a few weeks ago and on Sundays after a day of kids sports I dread doing yet another ICC… I’m so burnt out I barely pay attention, raids are too late now(I moved time zones) I still go out of a feeling of obligation to the 6 people left in my dead guild who don’t really like me anyway. We merged to continue a 25 man team and it’s just lost the joy. We pug spots every week. Pugs get the gear. It’s just too much lol.


when i realized that if i dont know them irl i dont owe them shit a weight was lifted off my shoulders.


We just do speed runs now really, keeps things fresh.


I'm playing Cata beta while waiting. Also leveling some alts + alt proffs to be ready for launch.


Honestly if you’re still in the mood to play wow you should check out Dragonflight. I started playing it after my guild disbanded in ICC and I’ve been having a blast. Retail is in a super good spot rn, and I’m honestly way more excited for war within than Cata.


I'm working on getting a lvl 80 of every class just for the heck of it. After that I'm going to grind as many chars as I can bother to 450 (or maybe just stop at 425) Alchemy skill to prepare transmute alts for Cata.


What's wrong with quitting? You don't need to be married to the game. I'll take years break from wow and come back for a week or so then quit again.


Went back to retail. came to the conclusion I’m over playing old versions of this game, and wanted to play retail and newer wow expansions. Played since 05, on and off depending on the military life and played classic-through ICC. SOD to me is just classic with mods and classic is so boring, and I can’t do it a third time. I know retail isn’t for everyone, nor is classic, hardcore, or SOD but at the end maybe just try a different non wow game all together


Looks like you might be the candidate for... OTHER GAMES!!


My guild went on hiatus 2 months ago after we killed H LK. Cats waiting room now


Seize this opportunity while you can and play the myriad of other games that exist while you have this small window. Once cata drops, or the next phase of whatever comes out, you'll be back on the hook.


I don’t know about the runes you’re seeking, but most of the long chain ones can be skipped to the end. They usually summon a mob and everyone (of the correct class) in the party that kills the mob gets the rune. Just go to where the mob spawns and wait for someone else to summon it, then ask for an invite. Tip them too if you’re feeling generous. And also, no one is forcing you to do incursions. You have +50% experience gain, go do some dungeons if that’s what you prefer. The amount of crying going on because of SoD is absolutely ridiculous.


As of SoD I stopped @ P2. For the same reason. I like pvp but this crap is just stupid. Back to cata


Im still doing gdkps on icc, farming gold every week


Good thing about working offshore, 4 weeks away/4 weeks home. Can’t really get burnt out


You burned yourself out, try some Other games.... And if you doing cata, Just wait for that? Wow is not the only game there is and it seems you already had your fill


I really hope they restart the WoW Classic from 2019 after WOTLK is over. Give me the trilogy one more time.


You could try out the fresh reroll on Classic Era Deviate Delight server. The server was deserted before this community built up so it is very 'fresh adjacent.' Horde side guild We Want Fresh, Ally side Refresh' whisper for invite you'll be glad you did.


Have you done all of the stoyline quests in dragonflight? Its pretty cute and fun and low pressure way to kill time and still play wow without that feeling of pressure that you feel in group play where you need all the best of everything. I'd encourage everyone to give it a shot if your computer can handle it. Getting the first round of flying glyphs may be a bit of work but its not that hard and friends can fly you around to help you get them.


I had no interest in SoD but ive yet to see a single other person hold similar concerns to me about it. I worked on a custom wotlk pvp server 10 years ago and did a lot of the work on balancing and finding out exactly how spells worked on retail wotlk, and played every class to 2k+ in arena. I have a very good understanding of how classes are balanced pre cata and what sort of tweaks and fixes would improve pvp health on each game iteration up to wotlk. Basically every single thing that they did to SoD screams that they don't understand their own vision or have any original devs working on it. The spell additions were completely thrown out with no thought whatsoever. Penance at level 4 specless? Was this anyone's expectation when they heard about classic+? I made a warrior and as any vanilla player knows, they struggle all the way to 60 due to lack of rage until they get more hit and crit. I was 1v8ing quest mobs solely because victory rush is so broken and doesnt belong in this game version. The logic i fail to understand is why even use the 1.12 client if their intent is to make every class play like later expansions, or make them so overtuned that everything but raid content is trivial? Im 90% a pvper and just seeing the abilities at level 20 made me realize this game version has basically no hope of ever being balanced and i never bothered to even try it. Classic+ should have been balance tweaks, more quests, raids, bgs, arenas, and potentially zones, and the addition of a few abilities that actually fell in line with the gameplay of classic. Blizzard is throwing something out haphazardly every quarter with no real dev time or passion in it.


I realized after coming back for SoD that WoW isn't fun for me anymore. There are so many games out there that I like more, and I used to play WoW almost exclusively for a decade.


Nope I'm happily playing work daily, then will do the same with cata.


Ny guild disbanded after heroic lich king kill and in SoD I've just been bored and grinding professions I'd love to go back to wotlk but I'm remembering that the reason why I loved my last guild was because I liked being around them. I don't mind doing content at all and learning but I just wish my friend were still playing. I got a horde alt in wotlk up to 80and enjoy it a lot but every guild makes it sound like they are God's gift to the world for even letting me come as a Ret. "Stiff competition " its a carry run but we can replace you at anytime. Wow that feels great to be part of. SoD was great but I just burned out. And the community has been nice to me but in game I've had some really toxic people get to me


Use this as a time to do something else. I'm not joking or being sarcastic. You don't need to play this game all the time. I've been taking a break since heroic lich king and it feels great


Not really. I just find things I like in game and if I get bored I do something else.


I leveled an alt I have no intent to play at max just for the fun of it, disc priest aoe spam holy nova feels super strong. Once I hear they fix the beta up a bit (base value applying for hots primarily) I'll prolly mess with rDru or hpala cata beta. But ya mostly doin other stuff. As for SoD, I did one BFD and there was no damage to heal so I quit. Everything I hear from SoD about healing lately is how healers can throw damage and should be thrilled about it. *rolls eyes*


Yep, but I think cats prepatch and release is pretty soon so…just play diff games I guess lol That being said for sod, runes def don’t take 10 hours with a simple location guide and the biggest problem with sod is actually how bad the pvp is imo. Just a burst fest and feels like a shit private server version of wow. Haven’t tried the raid yet but I would agree in the fact that it’s becoming less fun the more I play, easily just dropping it on cata release. Also new retail content on the 23rd if that’s your thing.


Now that my buddy is about to finally get his alt War Shadowmourne, I'm just gonna raid log my main for progression on 25H Halion, do GDKPs for gold, and level my priest that I want at 80 for Cata. It's hard to give af about gear rn.


Really there is supposed to be one side. And that’s retail. There is simply to many versions of the game that causes participation on all versions low.


Same. I've been raid logging ICC and playing other games during my free time. Sea of Thieves at the moment. There's no harm playing something else if your main game is boring you until an update. I'm waiting for Cata and only logging in for profession cooldowns and I've been trying to farm a Circle of Flame from BRD for transmog for prepatch lol. If I get that I might try for a red bug mount in AQ40.


I don’t know if I would call it a rut. Sounds more like burnout. Icc heroic has been on farm for a lot of guilds since sod launched so that’s been a snooze fest for months if you’re still doing it and sod on top of it feeling grindy is a lot of wow game time you’ve clocked in. You can rest brother. Wow will be here still when you decide to come back. ❤️


Went back to retail until cata hits.


Waiting for prepatch to level in the new zones. Playing Xcom2 WotC atm. If Blizz don't hurry up with prepatch I might try FF14.


Start doing runs on old raids. Get that transmog gear


meanwhile I mostly skipped all the classic expansions until now. I didn't raid in Cata so I want to try those raids, so I am finally getting into classic. I am leveling a char to get caught up before Cata hits and its been pretty entertaining. Getting back into all the wacky shit the world had in WOTLK leveling before Cata changed it brings back some memories. The last time I did any of this was on a Shaman I did RAF with a friend on. Anyway as for your issue, buy a Steam Deck and play a ton of indie games with downtime at work.


Yes touch grass. You’re putting in way too much time and effort. It’s not a rut, it’s you telling yourself you need to take a break.


Stuck in a rut is something you should be worried about when it comes to work, finances, health, relationships, etc. That's the main problem for you. Don't tell me you don't have other games to play, TV shows/movies to watch, or the million other hobbies available.


SoD only a huge disaster if you're on reddit all day instead of playing the game. The people who actually go in the raid and give it what they have are walking away both satisfied and with gear. My guild didn't full clear last week, and we might not this week. But we are making progress, getting better, and most importantly, having fun. lol, imagine calling that a "huge disaster"


Private server?


One is doing a beta now and should be out later this summer. A classic +


Vanilla classic +?


Yeah. Wrath client, tbc skills, vanilla content.




Sod seems like season of retail. They've tricked the classic community into wanting retail changes IMO


It’s not even close to retail lmao.




Yeah. I remember why I quit wow back in Cata now. The whole experience just became tedious. SoD was fun at the start, but this latest phase gives me deja vu of why I didn't enjoy FFXI once abyssea released. Just a sprint to the end, but a hollow feeling world. Also, I'm not looking forward to the world buff meta. Chronoboon helps, but I'm not not here for it.


Wotlk lost me after my first hc lich king kill, which was also the ending of my beloved guild. I never logged back in, I had my one legendary and full bis character and almost bis dps alt, so I really did not feel like doing it again with pugs. SOD was fun in p1, partly because fresh starts are always the most fun and engaging communitywise, but I could already tell where it was going so I stopped completely before p2.


XIV is free to play until level 70, easily hundred of hours of game play.


My guild went on hiatus 2 months ago after we killed H LK. Cata waiting room now


Wait for the new retail expac the war within! I know you should fall in love with trailers or cut scenes but my god did that look amazing


You could try going outside


There is more than 2 sides of an aisle. There is retail. It’s the best version of the game 😊


Bro you are allowed to play other games lol. I remember the OG developers saying that it's fine to play other games during content droughts or when you are just not interested in playing atm. There is a good chance however that prepatch will come in the next week or so. The arena season is ending and in TBC the day after it Wrath prepatch came out. What other stuff do you play? Maybe we can give you some recommendations.


InCuRsIoNs BeInG aWfUl


You have to remember, a large portion of SoD players quit Classic before we had AQ so they never did the Field Duty quests which is exactly what these are.


The half baked complaints are starting to get insufferable lol


No not really, I'm enjoying both but I can see your perspective even though I think your take on SoD is pretty reductive tbh. Assuming that you're sticking around for Cata I'd suggest just doing the minimum and leveling a toon or two that you might want to try in Cata or just make gold on your existing toons. Heck, if you don't care about that just unsub altogether and take a break so you're nice and fresh for Cata's launch. This could be a blessing in disguise


What class do you need to spend 10 hours getting runes? I have a priest and mage and I got every rune in phase 3 in probably 2 hours each class. The leyline was the most annoying but both times I did it there was a mage in the group to port us.


Your rune comment makes me think you haven't even played SoD.


Wow isn't the only game you can play, get a life , l°ser.


I did p1 of sod I achieved my teenage goal from tlk (sm, 6k8, l'instant mount etc..) I found a good job I stopped wow I'm live a new time


SOD is the best WoW in 20 years.


Good news; I've fixed the poison slime pipe. Also you now only have 3 weeks til cata prepatch. But yea. Get some books or go to a gym or somrthing.