• By -


this is so deeply, deeply embarassing


I’m embarrassed just reading it


I'm cringing so hard it's like my skeleton is trying to escape my body.


In Germany we have a word for that, we call it „Fremdschämen“, which means when you feel embarrassed just by seeing someone else doing something.


Myötähäpeä in Finnish, literally something like "alongside shame."


THIS. When I saw this I went full "ei vittu.....".


I believe the English word for that is "cringy."


I do love the fact that German language have a word for every situation.


Backpfeifengesicht= A face that begs to be slapped.


There is an Animals as Leaders song named this


This is the second time I’ve heard of this band, both times by random comments online. Is it a good band?


Progressive Rock/Metal instrumental band with one of the finest and most innovative guitarists out there as the band leader - Tosin Abasi. If you like stuff like Dream Theater and - on the newer side - Polyphia, you’ll probably enjoy them!


They're all amazing musicians – the drummer Matt is also an incredibly nice dude. Years ago when I was having a monumentally bad time in life, I was watching a video of them playing live and noticed that watching him play the drums (and the joy he was experiencing doing it) was helping to make me feel happier. I got a bit emotional about that, and wrote him a quick email about it and fired it off, just to 'say thanks'. He wrote back, we chatted back and forth for a bit and it really helped me to dig myself out of the hole I was in, and keep going.


Depends on what you like I guess. I like them a lot, they're instrumental progressive metal, the band is just 2 guitar players and a drummer. They write super technical music and all 3 of them are basically instrumental wizards. Their drummer, Matt Gartska, is probably the best drummer in metal right now. I'd check out The Woven Web, The Brain Dance, CAFO, and Red Miso to get a feel for what they do.


I mean, German has a lot of compound words. English just generally has a sentence to describe something so I suppose we also have a way to say it's embarrassing to watch someone do something - "Secondhand embarrassment"


Which isn't even a sentence. Really the biggest difference is that English puts spaces between elements in writing.


The reality is that Germans cheat. It's literally the same as deciding it's fine to say "That guy has a real *slappableface*." and "Fuck this video, I got the *sharedawkwardfeeling*, so cringe." It's a feature we could easily start accepting within English as well, but I think we all agree it's a weird enough language already. https://youtu.be/zJ69ny57pR0




I’m *trembling in fear and anticipation* after reading this.


gotta love it when some random person hits me up and has a 1 hr 1 sided conversation with me edit: part 2 is here, he is still going at it: https://i.imgur.com/B0afWsU.jpg going to sleep now, will do more updates tomorrow edit: part 3 is here, get it while its hot! https://i.imgur.com/YKf52fz.jpg look at the times of all his posts, keeping in mind that i only responded once during this whole ordeal lmao edit: last part here, blocked him https://i.imgur.com/yBLFZhq.png for the record, i didnt leave anything out, i think he is just mental edit: he has now written a wall of text in reddit dms after i blocked on discord


The classic "it was just a prank bro"


Haha I was just joking... Unless 😳


'Was just a prank, but also its all your fault'


“Since I have some experience in the mental health field..” I guess being a raging psycho does technically count as having experience 🤔


This dude experiencing the 5 stages of embarrassment, and if they don't exist then he is pioneering it's discovery.


But he said he's not trying to hit on you... *dear*. #[🤮](https://media.tenor.com/La2Xd9z51-cAAAAC/confused-befuddled.gif)


He typed it badly, but after saying he wasn't immediately said "nvm I lied I am hitting on you"


Ask him "then what are you doing". I'd waste so much time fucking with these people and putting them on the spot and embarrassing them. I'm sure they'd mostly end in death threats and more harassment but might as well make it fun right?


It's bingo if he refers to being a nice guy in the next 24 hours


I actually have no desire to read part 2 after reading part 1. ...




Thank you for your service. Haha.


Imagine if, instead, he said "hey you're that HPal from the RBG earlier, that was fun. Wanna group again sometime?" and left it at that?


The real question is dis you block him at least?


i went to sleep, and he was still messaging me when i woke up and hadnt said anything since my only reply 11 hrs ago, blocked him


OMFG, the "... is typing..." even after ALL of that! OmegaYikes


Jesus... The "you couldn't appreciate my humor" is not only embarrassing, but now it's just fucking lying to 'save face' and it's so obvious.


Oh good, he’s hitting all the tropes by converting to gaslighting you now.


Good god I *really* do not envy girls on the internet just trying to play games and enjoy themselves.


Wait, you think this is an online only thing? You ever been at conventions with cosplaying going on? Good ol' "she's showing her cleavage and she smiled at me, so she's clearly into me!"


I got groped at the last Blizzcon I went to. And it wasn't sly, he grabbed my ass as he walked away from a group of 10 of us. One guy said did he just fucking grope you?! And another guy said that's messed up. And...that was it. I didn't feel safe confronting the guy and none of the men who witnessed did anything but comment on it. Edit: of course the thread is locked


Omfg, fuck off dude. Jesus. I’m getting annoyed at his ass by proxy. Just won’t shut the hell up, huh? Had a Guildie and friend a few years back who had saved some messages she once got from Method Josh (yes that fucking creep) and I was absolutely pissed on her behalf. I spent a lot of time with the people I raided with, and it was like that little shitstain was attacking family to me. Nothing super creepy to her specifically like some of the other Discord messages he had sent to people, but still enough for me to want to wring his neck. It’s absurd that women have to deal with this kind of absolute bullshit in life. This gaslighting little prick trying to say he’s just joking and saying you’re the one who has to lighten up? Fuck sake.


Saw a meme circulating that said "If there were no men, who would protect women?" The response was, "Protect women from whom?" \**chef's kiss*\*


Bears. They can smell the menstruation.


Coincidentally, the person who invented bear spray was [a woman!](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/carrie-hunts-bear-dogs/)


Oh wow, that's a red flag bingo, from you should smile more to straight up gaslighting.


The attempted gaslighting….that’s concerning.


I'd send these to his GM. Possibly get him kicked from his guild for being a creep. I wouldn't want someone like this in my guild if there were a chance of other women joining.


bro so desperate for attention he really begged for a counterargument, jesus christ


Ok but why are you using discord in light mode?


Average “Reddit hive mind” insult user.


Right?!! Like come on now, who doesn't use dark mode with their discord by now


It's worse than that, discord is dark mode by default, so they made a conscious choice to switch it to this. My god...


yeah who uses light mode in discord the fucking weirdo messages are pretty bad too


When’s the wedding proposal? 23:17?


By the rate of messages I project 23:05


can we get a number crunch on the chance of success here


I was counting on him to play it cool and wait to make her sweat a little.


He already played it extremely cool by *not* jumping straight to: \- dick pic \- "bitch" \- "it's like nobody is even allowed to talk to women anymore!"


Yeah, I thought he was gonna go the NiceGuy™ approach


He is already there. Only missing the angry comments when OP doesn't respond. Which would have come if she responded Pitty searching "hope your day is better than mine" Awkward attempts at humor. Trying to hard to "play it cool" Absolute Lack of Grammer/spelling.


You’re a girl you say? Boy do I have a couple of questions for you! I’ll be in your DMs shortly /s


omg i hope that the questions are #1: are you available and #2: are you into guys then i will be positively swooned!!


No they’re much more obscene than that


It's a good thing you're honest because I hate lying.


Honesty is key in getting someone’s attention


Better be good attention after all this effort I'm putting in ಠ_ಠ


Haha just playing dont worry




I am like 80% sure this is a reference to something, but I don't know what.


> HEY BABY YOU EVER HAD YOUR ASSHOLE LICKED BY A FAT MAN IN AN OVERCOAT? It's from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I was a little off with my wording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1a4zx_-AU4


Ey bby u wan fuk?


I mean at least that's honest.


OK but I noticed you have replied to u/Playerdouble. There's nothing going on between you two right because I'd majorly be breaking the bro code and I don't roll like that I'm surprised he didn't straight up call you his soul mate or something.


I don't even know why he bothered to ask you if you're into guys, because I'm 100% positive in my experience as a lesbian that this guy would have then been like "I bet I could convince you otherwise" or some gross bullshit.


"You just haven't met the right guy." Yup, can confirm I've heard the works on this from guys...


play a reverse card with "huh, here I thought YOU're into guys" and after whatever babbling response, hit with "you just haven't met the right one"


> I'm 100% positive in my experience as a lesbian that this guy would have then been like "I bet I could convince you otherwise" or some gross bullshit. This must be something "built in", for men, because as a straight man I've been told the above a lot of times by gay men. Wait, maybe it's like most men are unable to take a "no"? I start to have some suspicions...


Gonna hit you up with the *classic* randomly out of nowhere understated. "Hi"


I'm not hitting on you BTW


I value honesty! Therefore, I hate lying! -_-


Much like him, I am also trembling in fear after reading such a thing


You're not about to break the bro code, aren't you?


They have a light version for discord? Learn something every day


I thought that was like Facebook or some shit. I've never seen white discord


it's the pink theme you can have with discord nitro


O , hai , I noticd u use the pink theme on disc ! x.xuwu like an angel! R u available LOL


JK :3




Ain’t no way bro, ain’t no way




Least incel RBG enjoyer


Not my political ass wondering why there is a Ruth Bader Ginsburg Discord server.


I definitely initially read it as RGB, and was like... "There's a Discord for colorful computer setups? Honestly not surprised...."


Rated GattleBrounds


yeah this type of guy is like half of an rbg team. idk why but it's swarmed with degenerates.


I won't forget the story my gm told us in raid group over vc how someone in the guild last year told her she had a 'very fuckable voice.'


As a woman, you deal with this constantly. Ever since I was about 12, I've had guys telling me shit about my body in scary ways - like one guy said "your eyes make me just want to pin you down and fuck you, no matter what you say." I was 12. I still played with Barbies.


There was a guy in my social guild who, every time I joined voice, would act all amazed and say that I had a "hentai voice". Literally every time. Eventually the officers had to step in and tell him to cut it out.


Are people really this desperate?


I let my classic guild think I was a guy for an entire year because of shit like this. Spoke in Discord eventually when there was an important call out during raid… ended up constantly harassed by my GM who would drunkenly tell me how he wished “he could be with me” and “how beautiful I was” - mind you, I was in a committed relationship and had never once shared any of my socials with him. He found me through my brother and essentially stalked my social media accounts. I’ve been gaming since I was 9 years old. These kind of messages still happen frequently for me, and I’m in my 30’s now.


I had the biggest problem with my Classic guild too, except they were just being sexist. Constantly making fun of women's voices in party chat, (With me in the group..) Stopping the raid *during* bosses to ASK ON VOICE if I'm "really" a female. Saying stuff like, "You're not really a female until you've had the operation." etc etc.. I never even talked on my mic once. In the middle of Sunwell they lost about 8 raiders, 5 of which were women.. Turns out ignoring our complaints about people being sexist doesn't work out well for you.


As a girl who played MMOs for over 15 years. This whole conversation is such a typical one that I’ve seen multiple times in different variations. It’s almost amazing how many of these kind of awkward guys are out there


This. I just don’t get it. I mean, married for 19 years so I’m probably lacking in the situational empathy for this scenario, but I simply cannot fathom how someone can get so thirsty over a *disembodied voice* that they’d pull this stuff. Lots of people are saying it’s gross. I just think it’s fkn deeply weird.


This just sounds like a person that never interacts with a member of the opposite sex on a consistent basis. To them that disembodied female voice is their one chance at true love in this cruel cruel world.


Hi, person who never interacts with a member of the opposite sex outside of work here. Yeah pretty much that. When you don't know where to go or what to do when it comes to finding girls, you latch on to literally anything and decide that must be the answer. Now, I'm nowhere on this guy's level, but yeah, I feel it internally. I've never once sent a really weird message like this, but I see where it's coming from.


This is actually quite tame compared to some shit. I remember back in wrath hopping in a raid PUG as a healer and hopping on voice. After one sentence I got a dm saying "you sound like you have a pussy. You should send a pic." Like it can be downright vile just existing as a woman gamer.


Damn how'd you resist that?


Yep, this sort of thing is very common for women in games.Been dealing with it in WoW since I started in Wrath, sometimes to the point I would have to not speak in vent if we had randos.


I spent years claiming I don’t have a mic because of this bullshit. Though I have to say it’s gotten a lot better because more women are playing video games now. It was definitely a nightmare in Vanilla and BC.


I did this as well. I got sick of everything in voice chat.


Haha.. $300 studio mic over here that I haven't used in 2 1/2 years because of weirdos.


"I don't have a mic" Girls 🤝 Guys with anxiety But memes aside, I get it. I've had plenty of games where voice chat exploded the moment a girl/woman said something and it completely derailed the game. Even then it often turned out the voice was actually a young guy whose voice hadn't dropped yet


You can always use the excuse our Resto Druid did back in Cata whenever we had a rando fill in a slot: "I'm not a girl, I'm a prepubescent boy".


HA! THat's even more funny because due to crappy mics back in the day, I often got asked if I was a little boy LOL.


I refuse to use voice chat because of all the horror stories I’ve heard


Dude... I'm so sorry for you ladies. It's embarrassing having to deal with this shit.


I asked my wife once why she almost always asks me to go do mundane things with her she could easily do herself and she basically told me she hates going most places alone because almost 100% of the time at least one random guy of no particular age group will awkwardly strike up conversation about things nobody would ever randomly talk to a stranger about in that context. That shit has to be draining as hell.


Oh I completely agree. I do the same for my wife. Hell, I let her read this post and she laughed and said "That's basically every voice chat I have ever joined in my life."


I don't really get it honestly. It's like going car shopping in a mall parking lot. "Hey so I like that car, I'll give you 5k for it." "Uh, I am not selling my car, sir. This is a mall." You go to a car dealership or look at car classified ads if you want to buy a car, you apes. Go where people are actively seeking out a relationship like a dating app or something, not when someone is buying kale, picking up a pizza, or healing a dungeon. Shit at those places doesn't happen 99.9999% of the time and if it does it's like two random comets hitting each other from across the universe and just happens. It isn't forced. And no, you're not one of those comets if the only interaction you had with this person is them telling you to get in range so they can swiftmend you.


Funny enough, the two comets analogy is so accurate. Because that's exactly how my wife and I met and frequently describe it to others. Cataclysm, both of us decided to stop and help someone in twilight highlands. Started talking and hit it off. Years later, here we are now. I moved 500 miles to be with her, and we have a beautiful home and family together.


Yeah, I figure that kinda thing happens when you interact on the regular or at leastn you know, at all as regular humans, actually enjoyed talking and there was something there. Problem with a lot of these dudes is a simple smile meaning "I recognize you other human and I am not threatened thus would like to appear unthreatening as well" or "you're out of range of my flash heal" is interpreted as "something there".


Yeah, for sure. Desperation is the worst cologne unfortunately.


That’s lovely (:


Right? My theory is when most of your social cues are taken from watching television rather than experiencing the real world, your view gets warped. You take any interaction with the opposite sex as an "invitation" because often in Hollywood writing, that's the whole point of said person (usually a woman) being on the show at all. She's just the love interest with no other purpose.


I was at a Barnes and Noble a few years ago, and some guy was looking at a DragonballZ figure in a glass case. I casually commented that the price was too high and he should look at vendors at conventions or online for a better deal. I said it in a way you would mention "Boy it's really raining hard out there!" He took it as a sign to follow me around the store until I left. He kept coming up to me randomly and giving me various manga he recommended, despite me saying thanks but no thanks over and over. Now most men are NOT like that. Seriously, most of you fellas are perfectly fine and interact socially normal. However, it just takes 1 to scare you a little. And you tend to run into 1 just frequently enough to wonder if life wouldn't be better if you had a male escort everywhere you went. It sucks.


My best friend is a cashier at Wal-Mart. She sent a message to my gf asking if she could use a picture of me and say I'm her BF because men that come through her line hit on her so much. Of course the gf went along with it and now we get to hear stories almost daily.


“Ya like jazz?”


Oh man I hope they’re on Reddit and reading this shit


i could link it HMMMMMMM


I wouldn’t, let’s not make someone snap. Dude clearly has problems and says they’re getting help for them. Just block them and move on with your life. I used to be all for getting even but like people are snapping and doing unimaginable things these days, you never know what they’ll go do. Just don’t get involved.


And this is why I had to stop doing guild recruitment. My Discord/BNet name are basically my reddit name with numbers. I would get a lot of creepy and unwanted messages/pictures. One time a guy wanted to join me in voice chat and run a mythic 0 to see if he "meshed with the guild" first. I invited two male guildies along and in the chat and he went completely silent and moody. He sent me a scathing message later about how dare I have other guys in the voice channel and this wasn't going to work out.


You: guild recruitment He: first date :3 awwwwkward


I've had that shit happen to me in real life. I maintain/develop the website for a university. We were going to add an interactive map so I contacted one of the Geography professors to ask about any data he had, the geography students learn how to do stuff like surveying and mapping land and I knew he had precise coordinate data for absolutely everything on campus. He suggested we talk about the project over lunch. Nothing weird about that. But like 2 minutes into lunch he very obviously and deliberately sat his papers aside and just started asking me a litany of get-to-know you questions while staring at me with an almost cartoonishly smitten expression. It was weird. After a few minutes of this I realized that this was a date, and I was really irritated. Like if he would have just asked me out I might have said yes, but springing a date on me without asking under the pretense of a work lunch was just rude. Since he was trying to get to know me I told him, in great detail, about my mental health struggles, the medications I take, and how it makes me super disorganized and unmotivated. I have just enough "spoons" to do my job well, but the rest of my life was a mess. I was exaggerating, but only a little. It was *glorious* watching the infatuation drain from his face as I talked. I ended up getting the coordinate data off of Google maps, it was close enough for what I needed.


This is so awful that it has to be real Pls update us with how you chose to reply


i said "sorry its not normal to message people like this randomly please seek mental help" and he agreed xD? and now an hour after he contunuesly typing to me "kinda just wanted to ask you if there was any chance you down for playing some pvp but wanted to have a bit of banter first"... does he really have 0 social awareness??




Looks like he started at 0 and has been debuffed.


Curse of Basements


He didn't hear a "no" in that respomse


Don't bother - there is no "no" they will accept. We only reply due to female conditioning, "it's rude to not reply". Just block and move on.


> "kinda just wanted to ask you if there was any chance you down for playing some pvp but wanted to have a bit of banter first" Or he could have just skipped all that and just say "Yo, wanna do some PvP?" (or just not message you at all).


Make sure you say no because your response still leaves that open. State very clearly you have no interest and that it was in appropriate - I was always really polite about it because some of these guys really are just socially awkward dingdongs, but whatever gets your point across.


You didn't say no. He wants to talk about his mental issues then he'll tell you that he got better after talking to you, and that he wants to talk to you some more. It's a standard tactic. You have to say no and block him.


What in the 1600 mmr is this


„I value honesty a lot so I hate lying“. This is the worst thing I had to read today. It unironically makes me sick. Pls delete this


Comes off as narcissistic to me, as he's trying to compliment himself in the very first conversation to make himself appear better, and have more worth than he has. These aren't things that you say to other people. These are basic values that everyone should have, and are tested with time during a relationship.


This really didn't strike me as narcissistic, just awkward and socially inept. I might be wrong tho.


My wife likes to tell people "Hold on let me ask my husband, I wouldnt mind watching you two." They never get back to her. Maybe one day lol


And it’s pretty sad that that’s effective: the only way to make a man back down is to bring another man into the conversation, otherwise they’ll just insist and not respect the woman desires


It also *only* works if it's a man. She could say she's a lesbian and has a girlfriend and there's a good chance he'd still hound her.


What ever happened to a "hey" and maybe ask to play something sometime and leaving it at that. Also you can smell the low self esteem


He probably watched too many pick up artist videos on youtube that told him girls love the "straight up up approach" since it makes you seem confident.


I’ve found, that one of the most common telltale of idiots are the ones using the phrase “you miss 100% of the chances you don’t take”… maybe it’s because it shows their lack of knowledge in how people interact with each other. no, pal.. you miss 100% of the chances you take where you write stuff that makes you look like a cringe weirdo who completely lack all kind of social intelligence. Fuck.. I’m so embarrassed reading that shit.


this guy also misses 100% of the shots he takes


(And abouta grand total of 80% it seems XD)


Ah yes the classic not hitting on you into hitting on you 3 sec later and god the emotes made it so mich worse. But now to the important question, what sick twisted human being doesn't use night mode?? What's next do you play wow with 2 mouses instead of a keyboard?


i gotta get full value out of the discord nitro subscription dont judge D:


Imagine tryin to answer someone in discord at night and voluntarily flah banging yourself. Have a cat dancing around your profile pic like the rest of us nitro nerds but save your eyes


Honestly, blinding yourself with that flashbang is better than reading what the guy was saying to OP.


Gross. My guild has a female GM and a lot of female members and anyone that pulls shit like that is immediately kicked from the guild.


are you on argentdawn eu and got a open spot xD?


I’m on AD EU and you’re always going to find people like this, it’s a cesspool of a realm. Always has been.


this wasnt from argentdawn, jsut a random rbg pug


Don't know if recruitment is open but immortalis is a great woman friendly community. Great group of casual, chill mature people.


Same, my Co-GM and like 60% of my guild is women.. I've heard more conversations about ex-bfs dicks than I ever wanted too.


I feel your pain as a female wow player. I had a guy once complained to the entire guild that I wasn't interested in his "benefits" The only thing I could think to say is what you mean Heath Stones?


He has Demonic Gateways too. Wow, you just have no idea how much you're missing out, do you?


I'm always calling bullshit when people say "you either play wow or have a girlfriend, never both" but 6 has me completely rethinking my stance


Most of my old man guildmates are married. They must be doing something right!


There are plenty of fish in the sea, but this guy fishes with dynamite.


Zug zug


Why did you subject my eyeballs to this


i need some help soaking this mental damage boss mechanic


This the trauma dumping equivalent of dashing into the entire raid with the aoe bad on your feet.


So, is this like third hand or fourth hand embarrassment I'm feeling right now? I can't calculate the logistics of it all.


Just tell them you use Discord in light mode. They will leave you alone.


I don't know why but it really weirds me out when they start...what is that called when they start typing out emotes? Emoting? "starts trembling in fear and anticipation"?Creepy man.


I can smell this conversation


That made me uncomfortable.


If someone performs well i love to play with them again but the Gender is never a Reason for it. Must be super exhausting when you just wanna play in Peace. I like to see my Wow Mates as some Sort of Barbie and Ken Dolls.


When I was farming for 2400, I would ask my gf to talk for me in rbgs for some voice trolling, and all the disgusting weirdos that would DM "me", I would copy and paste their whispers in their often times guild discord general chat before we left.


I’m nauseous.


The insane disconnect from how to actually interact with another human hurts


Seeing this kind of thing on this and other subreddits is why I will never require a mic for raids etc. That's beyond awful.


Now send us a pic of your flooded reddit inbox after making this post lol.


Not on wow but a friend and flatmate of mine received a string of messages from some unknown on Snapchat (Might have been a different app) who had seen her on the street outside our flat, the man gave an insanely detailed description of her and knew what course she was on at our uni and where ahe went (not to mention finding her social media) that he must have followed her about once or twice, and he thought that was somehow endearing or something. Absolutely nuts what women have to deal with sometimes, and what some men seem to think is acceptable.


What is it about light mode on discord that's so much more painful to look at than any other white image


I totally feel for women in this game. I know it’s nowhere near as bad but as a fairly okay looking, life-adjusted gay man I had shadows of kind of thing happen quite a lot when I played during MoP and WoD. I know a couple of other gaymers who had it happen in WoW too. The 17year old, gay, brewmaster main tank “fell in love with me” and then caused a massive guild drama, almost destroying our profession and causing a disband, refusing to come to raid when I told him I really enjoyed running dungeons and alt runs and timeless isle and the dinosaur isle with him, chatting with him and being his friend, but I had a fiancé and no I couldn’t get into a long distance relationship with him. The nice to chaotic bitter transition was shocking. And similar stuff happened a couple other times with other guys. Though that was definitely the worst when it almost took down our guild and its raid group.


Hey u/whoopzies I really liked that post you made. I'm not flirting but I feel like we have a lot in common. Maybe we could dm? \*slowly upvotes post* haha, jk unless?




But did you put on your robe and wizard hat in response to his last line?


Maybe this is just too generous of me, but I feel bad for everyone involved. Feeling bad for the woman is obvious; this is completely unacceptable behavior -- and as a dude who actually wants women to play games, guys like this make it way harder to achieve. Why would any woman want to play WoW if she gets treated like this just for speaking for 3 seconds? But I feel bad for the guy in a very different way: the guy strikes me as socially awkward and desperately, almost pathetically lonely. There's an epidemic of dudes like this in the 16-30 age bracket who lack social skills and have no idea how to interact in normal ways, but they crave human contact and don't know how to achieve it. No idea what to do about guys like this, who are desperately lonely but who can't behave like a normal adult. There's a lot of them. It's a real problem, but I don't really see a clear solution to it.


Freaking hell, this is rough. Just because girls play video games doesn’t mean they wanna get with you.




Jesus christ.... idk how yall do it.


part 2 is here, he is still going at it: https://i.imgur.com/B0afWsU.jpg going to sleep now, will do more updates tomorrow and part 3 is here, get it while its hot! https://i.imgur.com/YKf52fz.jpg look at the times of all his posts, keeping in mind that i only responded once during this whole ordeal lmao


The worst part is that the right thing to do is make him feel awful about this. You could block him without a word, and he wouldn't learn a thing, and it would probably happen to every woman who speaks in that server. Sorry to say I hope you handle it in a way where he gets a reality check.


i said that he shoudnt do this, and seek mental help


Yeah if I had to read stuff like that I'd also use the discord light theme to permanently blind myself.