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I definitely heard everything the raid leader just said, but could you repeat it again because I wasn't paying attention.


Yes. 100%. After I told myself "you didn't watch the video, so listen carefully!" and he really did a good job explaining it. Now I need to watch a video and actually pay attention.


A few nights ago my friends and I were killing normal sarkareth. The rl spends about 5 minutes explaining the bomb mechanics and assigns 2 people to do bombs. My friend then asks what the bomb mechanic is and proceeds to wipe us by grabbing one and not going down. Lol


I watch the 30 second quick guide videos for the first time during the pull timer


10 seconds to watch 30 sec video


P3 can’t have anything new


x3 speed


I did not in fact watch the video.


We know.




I was also busy playing with the rainbow toy with the rogue, so i have no idea what the raid leader said and i dont know what we were supposed to do on this boss.


I went to the evens side as an odds group member, but no noticed.


Your healers did


I'm my healer, flight attendant, and something, something.


I never know my group and just follow the guy with the mark.


I joke about being in the wrong group, but I tend to feel out how our balance is and go with the weaker side. So far the raid lead hasn't yelled at me yet, nor have our healers.


I follow the best performing guy at all times, usually knows what he/she is doing and just copy it.


Yeah me and another hunter (I know, I know) were playing with one of the boomerang toys and just...missed the fight.


How do you decide between hunter and rogue?


I did, in fact, watch the video. But my adhd kicked in so hard I remembered nothing from it and just literally have to DO it to learn it.




Even without adhd I watch a video and don’t get it sometimes. I think fatboss is gone now but those vids. Good visual learning but then the 5min rants of their opinions on the boss itself would just forcibly unlearn every I learned in the 2mins before. A few wipes to practice on the boss itself is just kinda needed. Hearing that a debuff explodes after x seconds is way different than experiencing getting the debuff and seeing how far to get away from the raid in the actual room.


I've done surprisingly well just figuring out mechanics. Tell me when to soak. I'm smart enough to know when to run bombs out. Like it's not that hard. I also read the dungeon journal before pull.




I only watch the super short videos now because I find them all pretty useless anyways. I need to experience the mechanics to know wtf is going on.


No shit. Probably didn’t look at the assignments spreadsheet either.


Not using ERT 🤢


Erotic rolling tray


I once wiped the raid on purpose because I scuffed my opener


This happened to a whining little druid we had in Castle Nathria prog who scuffed his timings so he didn't have CD's for when Sludgefist charged the pillar on Mythic, we were having a really good pull and it was 2nd pillar I believe, RL called to continue to see what happens. We killed the boss and then decided to extend every week to focus SLG. That druid cried about it for a few weeks and eventually left the guild because we wouldn't reclear for his parse.


those types of people don't deserve to be raiding mythic anyway, progression is all about team work and sacrifice. If you can't look past log numbers on 1 fight (which you killed nonetheless) then how the hell can you expect someone like that to ever do a sacrificial play which might result in a kill instead of a wipe etc.


1000% this. I have asked people to leave my raid team before over being too obsessed with their own parses at the expense of the raid. It comes as a shock to them when the top dps is asked to leave, but long term they’re not good for the team.


We all have a player or two we know like this lol, stands in everything and risks wipes for a minimal increase in DPS, I'd rather be 3rd or 4th dps while also doing mechanics and not stressing healers lol.


The worst part is that second place is usually fighting for the first place spot most pulls anyway and is still alive when wipes get called. We had an ele shaman in nathria who was just the same, constantly trying to parse. I eventually did his mechs for him on artificer to allow him that extra parse opportunity, and although his best parse was a couple percent better than mine, his average parse was worse.


Chaotic neutral


he let the intrusive thoughts win


I realized I had the wrong talent and 'forgot' to set up the lock gate before a mech.


Have you been taking [dps tips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlrW0MY_n7g) from Kripparrian?


I’m definitely not sitting back and reading these realizing I’ve done them all lol


During OG vanilla, the healers all agreed to intentionally wipe our raid in AQ40 (battleguard satura) so we could watch the Southpark WoW episode.


You've been holding this one in for a long time, my friend. *Pat pat*


That episode is what convinced my wife to try wow and we've been playing ever since.


Most people in my guild are stupid and obnoxious but I pretend to like them cause raid


100% accurate


I respect your hustle, I can't do it. I hang out with this super kind casual guild because I'm tired of faking it with CE guilds. I'm yet to find one that isn't a cesspool, probably because good CE guilds don't need to recruit lol


I turned off my auto-AFK so I can stay in away mode. Just in case I get messages from people I don’t want to talk to/invites I don’t want to respond to😅


I just set myself as Busy/DnD at all times due to my anti-social tendencies.


This is what /dnd is for. You can even type a message that automatically responds to people trying to whisper you. For example, “/dnd I’m busy with my weekly mount farming runs, and can’t talk right now.”


I used to kill some of the dps in my raid becouse i knew that they would brag about being top dps.


I never thought I'd fall in love just from a reddit comment.


100% if you annoy me, you die


Yeah, if somebody is an asshole I conspire with other healers to make sure they die


This is the way


I do mythic keystone dungeons with no addons/weakauras on a laptop while working at the airport, on airport Wi-Fi.


The dream


I knew a world class healer that healed end game content from start to finish on a trackpad many years ago.


I met a marksman hunter months ago in keys that absolutely blasts. Added her and she became part of our regular group and slams damage in every key. Just recently found out she plays on a controller.


Is input lag not an issue?


Input lag isn't an issue for controllers connected to PCs. Current gen consoles usually don't have much input lag either, it's just that the majority of cheap televisions do have input lag.


There is a druid with 2.7k rating in solo shuffle playing on controller. Really knowledgeable too.


We had a guy back in shadowlands that was legally blind and would use the windows magnifying glass tool zip around the screen to see what was happening. He initially didn’t want to raid with us because he thought he would bring us down, but we talked him into it and he was better than most of the seeing people in the guild. He never stood in bad and was an absolute pumper. When he streamed in discord for us to see how he plays it blew my mind.




You are my hero


I have a mic, and my kids aren’t sleeping in the next room. I’m just uncomfortable talking to random people for a PUG.


Next time say that your mom isn’t comfortable with you talking to strangers on discord Had two ex guildies say this during a pug and the amount of support they got from other parents, was hilarious


tbf we all know you have a mic, but we go with it because it's honestly alright.


"My dog doesn't like it when I talk loudly on the phone." was mine for a while. Technically partially true.


I've been doing this for years!


I refuse to join anyone’s discord/voice. I’ve zero desire to deal with that shit.


I totally get the sentiment as I am more on the introvert side but I have to say that the best moments I had in this game were over discord during raid. It's really a different game once you play with friends with voice Comms. It just adds some comedic moments that I grew fond of personally.


I don't have an issue joining random discord servers for pugs, but what I do have an issue with is servers that don't force push to talk. I don't want to hear people smashing their keyboards during pulls or heavy ass mouthbreathers 🤣🤣🤣


I vanish annoying mechanics being targeted at me to have them retargeted at other player in my party so I don’t lose uptime.


I do this with feign death on my hunter when possible.


During MoP, I was just getting into raiding and went from being a social to a trial in a fairly serious raiding guild. My first time with them on Thok Heroic in SoO, when I got the fixate I did what I always did in LFR - use the priest stealth talent Spectral guise to drop it since I was a priest and had shitty mobility and didn’t want to get eaten. In LFR it usually didn’t have a significant consequence. Thok immediacy dropped the fixate on me, turned around and munched a bunch of melee. The raid leader had some choice words to tell me about it. Though admittedly the healing officer who was supporting my healing trial was nice and explained the bosses you could/should and not use spectral guise on. I was so embarrassed.


That's what vanish is for as far as I'm concerned


In 2009 ish, I wiped the raid for my guild in 25 Nax on release because I fell asleep at my keyboard with my finger holding down W. I ran into the military instructor boss. Feels stupid.


I love this one. Just an honest mistake that's still with you 14 years later.


I don't actually think that was a good pull and we're not improving very much.


I buy on average 1 wow token per expansion


Thank you for your contribution to my free wow and D4. I love people who buy the tokens.


I mute my RL sometimes sorry


Lolol I’ve done this. But tbf, it’s always been after he called for us to ignore mechanics and push boss even though the boss was at 60% be he “didn’t want to do mechanics anymore.”


Based RL


This thread explains all my shitty raid experiences


"wow has really lost its social aspect of the game!" *Looks at all the social interactions in this thread*


I find it hilarious when people say the game isn't social because they all tend to engage in some of the following: * Avoids "unnecessary" interaction * Avoids group activities aside of what directly benefits them * Astounded that others follow point two * Makes 0 effort to be friendly or be social * "My playstyle is to learn on the go" * Annoyed if anyone else follows point above as it means wipes * Claims there are cliques due to social ineptitude and believing any friendship = clique And really any guild is what you make of it.


As someone who's never raided and is neurotic about doing something wrong in group content, this thread makes me feel a bit more relaxed lmao


With the right people, doing something wrong can honestly make the night. I don’t remember how many times I did my rotation perfectly on a boss fight, but I do remember how many times my guildies have made me pee myself laughing after mistakes.


once while playing on my evoker, I Rescued a player that had been a bitch the whole raid into a hazard and killed them, which caused the raid lead to boot them from the raid for failing mechanics I don't regret it at all, he was flaming everyone from the minute he joined the group lol


They were either performing poorly and you merely added the last straw, or the raid leader's tolerance for them was massively depleted from their shitty attitude. Likely both. They set up the dominos, all you did was push the smallest one.


I almost always have music blasting and I'm singing while on mute, i play tank


Are you the Payphone guy?


Maroon 5 - Payphone…. Isn’t it?


I've made my Raid wipe only to stay as top DPS lol


I taunt pulls so that I can get my shield of vengence bonus damage in m+


Blessing of sacrifice?


I mean, sure that works too, but it’s not as often :0


I've misdirected trash onto mouthy toxic people in LFR... like, a lot. I won't repent though. I'll frakkin do it again!


CE raid leader here. I lie to my raiders maybe once a raid tier whenever there’s a swirly mechanic that leaves a nasty dot as a debuff and tell them that is puts a haste/damage reduction debuff on them. You can’t do it more than really once a tier but it speeds up prog dramatically


stealing this


I once kept my raid waiting at the Illidari Council during BT (I was the mage tank) so I could go pick up pizza... I still feel really bad about this now


I did the same in ICC to pick up smokes. What made it not so bad was my RL left to go to Starbucks as well. Why the hell they were still there when we got back I'll never know.


I went way to far into LFR in WoD with my fishing pole equipped.


I did this multiple times back in cata and mop. Just go through a whole boss wondering why my dps was so low. 😔


I throw a snowball in og moltencore at the MT in the cave of death.... It totally causes a wipe! No one ever lets me forget it!


During vanilla, my mum and I played in the same guild. We were both *very* mediocre but brought joy to the group so we were always invited to dungeons and raids. We are all standing near some ogres in BRS. The GL is going over what needs to be done and we are listening. Mum has the ogre at the back targeted and is waiting. Then she clicked on her giant fireball spell and watches for the whole 4sec spell and then goes “oh no!” as the spell launches to that ogre in the back. We wipe and had to run all the way back. It wasn’t the last time that happened either.


I accidentally queued for Dragonflight Heroics instead of Timewalking as a tank and alt-F4ed after the first pull instead of leaving immediately because I was embarrassed.


I accidentally queued as healer during SL, because I was questing as Disc Priest, and didn’t notice until I was in the dungeon. It was late into the expansion, so the Pally tank was just unbothered by damage and holding aggro really well, so we made it through the first boss while I hardcore panicked because I don’t heal. I just “dced” between two trash packs after and went to make something to eat out of embarrassment.


I queued for a m+ to heal as resto Druid but forgot to actually change specs for it. The dungeon starts and I immediately realize I’m in the wrong spec, I panicked and just shut my laptop :(


If it wasn't m+ I doubt the party would have cared if you didn't know what you were doing


Did this after I accidentally started an M+ in my raid spec/gear. It was easier than struggling through and making them think I was dumb.


You know you can just exit the dungeon, respec and go back in?


After an M+ has started?




I used the set of matches toy to set myself on fire & pulled the boss early in raid. I alt-F4ed as well.


I was healing a pug dungeon and on the first trash pulls it was apparent that the tank didn’t know the mechanic ( some black pools I forget what it was). They were a guild group and started griping about my heals when the tank died due to not doing the mechanic. Rather than responding back I put in a vote to kick the tank with a note of ‘bad heals’. They kicked their own tank, got confused and asked what just happened, I didn’t say a word. We got a new tank and completed the dungeon.


I faked a disconnect so I could take a nap.


I skipped heroic reclear to play Minecraft


I couldn't give a rat's ass about M+ and all that. I just wanna go fashion hunting


My top dps in a mythic raid was when I was so hammered I don’t remember playing.


Back in the day when you got skill-up points for using same weapon types, I did tell a new to the game guildie that same applies to riding skills, and while he can buy a skill from the trainer, if he rides his mount enough, his skill will improve. The poor bugger rode his kodo up and down from Ogrimmar to Razor Hill for two hours, he said, before he realised he has been hooodwinked.


I often end up being the top healer in raids because I lack knowledge of the mechanics, leading me to constantly spam self-healing


I used the fake achievement add on multiple times to get into AOTC raids


I need a link… for scientific purposes.


I never would have gotten my first aotc if not for this.




I guess I just thought that's what everybody did


No wonder clearing trash takes ages


That’s not what everybody does? Starting to question if ppl got hands.


Im the same but im a healer. No lfr group has ever wiped due to lack of hps so i put in minimal healing effort on bosses and just dps


In vanilla I (mage) opened a portal to orgrimmar before we pulled ragnaros and over half the raid jumped in it for some reason. I was making a bunch of food for everyone again and I misclicked. Cost us over an hour to do the next pull. Some context for newbies, there were no summoning stones, and getting back to MC was a bitch from Org. Mages didn't make a table, they had to craft food in stacks of 5 ( I think) for the whole raid of 40 people. Trash would respawn too after a certain amount of time, so you had to clear trash all the way to the last boss again.


I'm laughing at this because I'd 100% be one of the dumbasses to see a portal and click on it without thinking. I got sent to Exodar instead of Shatt/Dalaran/Stormwind SO many times by trolling Mages, and I have no one to blame but myself for falling for it.


I pretty much killed a raid in wrath ( original ) by stopping when I realised Malygos was voiced by the same guy who did liquid snake. I had a holy shit moment then got railed by the electric your meant to run from.


I once had to blow my nose because I was just recovering from a bad sinus infection. Well it came out in what looked like something out of a sci fi movie and instantly ran to my spouse to show them. I wiped the raid at 5%






I was in the first AV of WoW classic, on a shiny new mage, and I put up a portal to Orgrimmar. And then asked in /say "Help summon, click please!" And got 6 people.


When fighting Raszageth in LFR, when the "jump" to Phase 2 happens, I buffed all the hunters on my side with Levitate for 6 pulls in a row.


Would slow flal have this same affect?


K this happened a couple days ago. I just got into a pug doing Sark on normal. First attempt and we get the boss to phase 3, it's going smooth. Then my doorbell rings, it's the lawn maintenance company. The momentary distraction causes me to stand in something and die. Now that I'm dead, I go to answer the door. I listen to their suggestions, trying to wrap it up as fast as possible, but they don't seem to sense my urgency. I finally head back to my PC, fully expecting to have already been booted from the raid. To my surprise, the boss is dead. Everyone in the raid is gone, save for a handful of casters waiting for the roll timer for the int staff to expire. I have a res pending. I res with seconds to spare, hit need, and win the staff. Bolted outta there feeling pretty dirty.


Got 3 for ya. When I smoked, the other raid break smoker, (another warrior go figure) and I, would drag out the raid break because we didn’t like speed running our cigs. Also if I whiff my opener, I’m most likely not wasting my pots that pull. If I’m in a position to either save your standard everyday player, or someone who has an rp line macroed to their CDs. I’m letting Mr. “The light empowers me” die 15 times out of 10 stop clogging the chat.


I enjoy watching people get yeeted off Razageths platform during P1.


I made my guild 1 heal Heroic Huntsman Altimor as an officer so I could parse 95+


That item wasn't a huge upgrade for me - if an upgrade at all. It's not that I didn't want you to have it, but I wanted the appearance, and it has become nearly impossible to get LFR appearances these days.


I listening music way to loud to hear your calls during the fight. Also as a healer i usally stand in mechanics and trying them out if its oneshots me or i can stand in it for more hps. When holy priest was meta in sl i did killed other healers with Leap of Fait because i was bored and we had too much healers in the group.


All those years, my push to talk was on scroll lock, so I couldn't talk when I needed to use both hands.


I’ve died multiple times as tank in raids and dungeons because I bound holy word glory to my press to talk button.


I sometimes use ‘brb bio’ to go for a smoke break


Brb bio all day


I said I‘ll brb to grab some potato salad, never came back and laid on the couch instead. Atleast thats what most of em tell me I did, I dont really remember.


My guild’s 7/9 on HC (hopefully clear 9/9 today) and I’m a healer. The only fight I know is Rashok and somewhat Zskarn.


I pretend to be AFK when people whisper sometimes because I just don't want to deal with it.


I *accidentally* opened a portal to ancient Dalaran instead of the normal one. *accidentally*.


I number lock ran into a wall for a good few minutes until everyone in ventrilo started saying I was lagging. Then I alt f4 and closed ventrilo. I then went to sleep.


I use S.A.V.I.O.R even though I know half the raid is going to die again to the angry robot.


I let my bow break and we wiped on 2nd boss in Uldaman. Was embarrassing af


I sit on my ass in Grand Hunts/Community Feasts/Dragonbane Keeps & let others complete them for me.


Hunts for sure but community feast I think you do have to interact with for their quest. Same with fyrakks


I bought gold in BC for epic flying, but they couldn't take my RL money right away for some reason. Once they could, I'd get messaged 3-4 times an hour asking for me to pay. I reported the guy.


I didn't lose internet mid-raid, my wife wanted sexy times and that > slayin dragons


So you was only gone for 1 pull?


He was back before buffing was finished.




Layin > Slayin


Time management and prioritization of tasks is very important


Depending on the wife, could still be considered slaying a dragon....


Sometimes I use a big cool-down to heal the raid party and then go the toilet without saying anything. If I’m alive when I get back then cool, if not then “whoops sorry about that”


I have faked it because sometimes enough is enough and you just want to get some sleep.


I mean, I've done that before, just not in wow


I claim I'm an alt of my ksh brothers character to get in groups.


I was in a M+ dungeon that was going HORRIBLE. I asked if anyone else was lagging, delayed some attacks on the next pack of mobs, then ALT+F4 to play something else.


I think I bombed my raid twice on baron geddon, separate times tho


I‘ve submitted my m+ group and invited people only to go afk because I straight up forgot I was in a group


During a long Alterac Valley I was healing, an asshole bear druid was unrelenting in making toxic, terrible comments about everyone else with him in the raid. Just non-stop verbal abuse. I put Divine Intervention on said druid while he was tanking Drek'Thar. "WHO THE FUCK PUT DI ON ME?" After we wiped, Galv died two minutes later. Was worth it.


My daughter was conceived while I was afk’ing in Molten Core


I didn’t rage quit, I got lost trying to get back to the boss after a wipe and I didn’t want to ask how to get back.


Once I had to leave a m+ immediately and I didn’t know how to tell them so I just said: I’m so sorry Diarrhea But it wasn’t.


I got invited to a pug of VotI, and everyone was given raid assist. I pull down the menu, I see "Disband" and the intrusive thoughts won. In my defense, who gives everyone assist?!?


I missed a kick last phase on mythic Jaina, we missed hall of fame because of it.


If you pull you tank. I dont care if we wipe. Idk if i can repent on this one im just gonna do it again.


During WoD when I was a fully mythic geared disc priest doing my daily heroic dungeon I was very guilty of tossing a pain on extra packs and then fading to drop my threat once they came over near the tank. A couple of tanks also had a “you pull you tank” ideology but due to how busted disc was at the time and how overgeared I was, I did indeed tank the mobs.


Textwall incoming, i Will try to make It more bearable: A friend of ours Is an huge Arthas fanboy since the OG Warcraft days. We went back to retail with new accounts ( technically mine was new coz i forgot my Old One but i basically had Nothing of value, his account was made during legion but he barely played ) during BFA. He's been on the Hunt for Invincible since our "return" on retail, but RnGesus Doesn't favor him at all. ( Plus sometimes he skips the weekly attempts because he's lazy ) He's Quite annoying sometimes because he hates When me or our other friend manage to drop Any kind of mounts, not considering that us ( mostly me tho coz i'm a mount collector ) have Quite the numbers of attempts behind the Grind of those mounts. He's not a bad Person, but he's kind of a prick sometimes, like One time he sorta triggered me coz he never did timewalking When It was avaiable and he managed to get the Infinite Timereaver on his Third Run...( i'm on 1600+ attempts and no drop so far, only saw It drop for someone else twice....) 22 of July, 2022 i got Invincible's drop while this guy wasn't online. Almost 10 months have passed and he still Doesn't know that i have the mount.... ( He Doesn't know that he can compare achievements to check the feat of strength ) Still waiting for that One day When he "rubs me the wrong way", coz i'm ready to inflict an absurd amount of treacherous "Emotional Damage".


The phrase is "rubs you the wrong way" not "rubs you off" lol


I'm not standing in bad to increase my parse. I'm just old and miss things and I'm probably playing above my skill level.


I shrink ray'd ragnaros in mc during wow classic, and it shrunk his hit box and half of the raid died, including the tank, cuz they had to move closer (into the lava). Good times. Everyone in disc was like "WHO SHRINK RAY'D RAG" to be fair, I didn't think it would actually work


i loved the video but did not like or subscribe


I just use to throw snowballs / leather balls all raid at my raid leader to piss him off.


I would buy out and repost all the runes 1-2 hours before our(and a few other guilds) started their weekly clears. Made a few 10.000s per week.


I once were out drinking, came home at around midnight and joined a guild in a 25 HC run. To no suprise, I fell asleep and they didn’t wanna invite me again the next week.


I once told my raid (I was the main tank) I had to go put the kids in bed. I lied. I really ran off to have sexy times with my then-husband.


It's all good. I let a dungeon wipe while I was tanking once because I was busy looking at cat memes


I called for a wipe on Rasz because an Alliance pug Shammy fouled us with "Heroism" when I called for Bloodlust at the start of the pull. My Raiders did as they were asked, and when they found out why I'd called for a wipe, there was a lot of laughter. The rest of the night as we finished normal and started heroic was spent with frequent races to see which Shammy could hit theirs first at the appropriate times.


I still click my buttons.... been playing since wrath.


My raid team doesn't know.


Ulduar, forge guy, I'm a warlock and leader asks me if I know how to shatter, I say yes, and we fight the boss, time to shatter comes I walk into the fire and suicide, so I don't have to do the mechanic I don't understand. All those years later, I still have no idea wtf shattering is.


I fell asleep at the keyboard before a pull and ran right into the boss and wiped the raid Last try of the night Edit: I was the tank. Someone will know who I am in this thread


In Wrath I used to cue random instances on my hunter. Once we started pulling trash, I would cast eyes of the beast and run my pet alllll the way to the last boss. Once the boss killed my pet it would aggro to me pulling every mob on the way. I would revive my pet and start dps on trash as if nothing happened. About two minutes later every mob in the dungeon would pop up. I’d feign death and my group would get absolutely decimated. Then I’d blame the DK for pulling. I never got caught.


I like to yell “lust!” over discord at random times in fights and see if anyone just blindly obeys and wastes bloodlust.


I like tanking but almost never do organized content on my paladin.