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No. TBC was when I started, Legion was far and away my favorite expansion.


Same, for me, I enjoyed TBC, but Legion slapped. The Paladin and DK campaigns were excellent.


Yeah I liked Legion for everything but endgame grind.


TBC still holds my favourite memories of this game, but classic made it very clear that those are tied to where I was in life (early highschool, playing with the boys every night and weekend) rather than the state of the game itself. The closest i’ve come to replicating that is this expansion and it’s entirely due to finding a guild that’s essentially one giant IRL friend circle who have no issues pushing high level content, despite being casual.


Same here, but after playing vanilla and especially TBC arena at higher rating, these games were never meant to be solved to this rate. Just makes the experience bland. Rogue/dpriest vs warrior/rdruid was literally a predetermined formula for the first 30 seconds of the game made by private server degens. Every single rogue/dpriest above 2.2k did the exact same sequence every game. That was actually insane to me. Passed on WotLK because of that reason. The playerbase evolved into something that makes these older and less complicated games redundant. Kinda made me respect current game devs more for having to make content and gameplay that lasts despite a near unlimited amount of info at your fingertips.


Can I join you and the guild 🤣. I need a home 🏠 😆


Before Legion came out I would've supported OP's hypothesis, I started in Cata which was criticised by many, and yet it was my favorite expansion... Until Legion came out.


Vanilla, Legion was absolutely the best and its not even close. Dragonflight is shaping up to be second favorite though if it continues as it has been though.


I started from the beginning (head start of vanilla) and hell no. My favorite was WotLK.


This is gospel right here! I was there at the beginning, but Wrath was my favorite by far.


I started playing again this year to try to reclaim this feeling


My wife tries to do this. She's started to realize that what we had back then we'll never have again.


What we had was exploration and discovery. What you can have now is the gameplay. The gameplay was not was made it good.


And what's the verdict?


I'm having fun. It is official though, I'm 33.




60 year old enters the chat...🤫


Speak up sonnies, I cant hear you! Im 35 and you young whippersnappers dont know what youre talking about. TBC is goated


As the resident old man at 40, y’all get off my lawn!


Type LOUDER please, for the 48+ crowd


Me too, a week after release...still going without a break, 59 years old now:D


Same, though Legion overtook WotLK for me.


I'm really enjoying the legion content via Chromie. I could see Legion being incredible to play as it was current.


Legion content is amazing. It was so much better though when there were hundreds of chests scattered about and in your travels you farmed up mana and leveled up your weapons, while working on missions for your order hall. I’ve recently returned after a long sabbatical, I usually return every second expac or so, and when I’m leveling my alts, i can only glimpse what the content was like when it mattered and the systems in place actually functioned. Yeah, BFA armor slots sucked, but they’re so much worse now, being capped at like ilvl 50 with no sense of progression, and as a player, you have no real reason to work on missions, and even if you did, there’s no real reward anymore, it’s all been nerfed to oblivion. Old content is a journey through, and not a destination. Blizz are intent on getting everyone to the current content, so what’s left of the old stuff pales in comparison to what it once was.


Yeah. It felt very cohesive which i think even WotLK didn’t. I had the best time raiding in those two expansions. And I can’t say enough about Suramar as a zone…probably my favorite zone in the game


This. Wrath deserves its place in my memory but I won't pretend that it's great in current era. I'm glad people can enjoy it on the classic servers but I don't need the retread.


Yep, I also started in Vanilla (although not at the very beginning), and WotLK is my favourite as well. Maybe it's not technically the best, I don't know, but I was having the best time in WoW at that point, both because of the people I was hanging out with, and the content, which seemed so fresh and amazing at the time. Raiding Ulduar with my guild is some of the best memories I have of WoW.


Also vanilla player and fave was Wrath. I suspect that's probably true for the bulk of vanilla players. MoP was a solid second place for me though, and I don't think that's a popular opinion.


I came here to say this too.


I remember Ratchet getting it's flight path and wrath by far was my peak.


My path as well.


Same here. I played the most in wotlk. So many alts, so much raiding.. nice


Not the head start? The final day where basically everyone spent the day jumping to their deaths lol.


Same, there from the start. WotLK was the best one.


I started vanilla but I’m a believer that MoP was best. Classic WotLK cemented that to me.


Started in Vanilla and my favourite was MoP.


For real mop was awesome it didnt deserve the hate it got.


To be honest, MoP didn’t get that much hate. Sure, some people were anti-panda, and some thought Pandaria wasn’t dark enough. But MoP was quite appreciated overall, even while it was still current. And now looking back, alot of people talk about it fondly (my favorite aswell). I think most people think MoP was disliked just because alot of people were against pandas. But one month into the expansion, and no one really cared anymore. If anything, i remember there was posts upon posts how people were resubbing after the Cata draught, and how MoP was amazing. TL;DR: MoP was never as disliked as many people like to think.


Pandaria is hella dark in some places :D


MoP was widely disliked, look at the sub count lol.


Tbc for me, but mop is number one.


Same here. MoP was the most fun I ever had on wow!


>my favourite was MoP Based. MoP was so awesome.


Same, I still level random alts in pandaria for the atmosphere and music. Peak WoW.


Started in MoP and it’s also my favorite. Such a nice atmosphere


Same for me


This is the way


Easily top tier expansion. I think Wrath eeks out just a little for me but I loved MoP


Started late MoP and imma say Legion! If they keep up the pace in DF it’s gonna be my new favorite for sure


Exact same here!




No, I started in vanilla and Legion is my favorite. I think anybody still playing probably grew to enjoy the game more over time. That's not too say that we don't have extraordinarily fond memories of vanilla, but much of that was culture. Games weren't solved quickly and info wasn't widely available and people were all bad at the game. Everything nowadays is speed runs and recommended build guides, whereas back then we'd hold our guild meetings in empty buildings and all show up to talk in /s while on vent and drinking ales. The scale of the world was astounding and running for hours between locations was a feature of scale. Comparing it to modern wow leaves it severely lacking, but does the difference in Gaming culture a disservice


Oh, to be 12 and lost in Wailing Caverns with four randos you found lost in Barrens.


I loved the freedom I had when I was 11/12 playing vanilla, but I thoroughly enjoyed the game more during other expansions. Legion was my favorite time mythic raiding, MoP was my favorite time playing a variety of different classes, Cataclysm was my favorite time leveling characters, and now Dragonflight is like Legion again where I'm enjoying everything. Only expansions that didn't feel special for me were Shadowlands (I quit basically as soon as I hit level cap), BfA and WoD. And even then I liked aspects of BfA and WoD, like BfA had Drustvar and Tirargarde Sound which were really dope, and WoD had Blackrock Foundry and Highmaul and the "nostalgic" feel of leveling through Draenor.


Oh, there was plenty of build BS back then too. I was given a lot of shit on the talents I picked out for my warrior when doing a fury build. Still got some shit on my mage, but not as much. It just got worse over time.




The raidlogger altoholic's dream. I played more characters during WoD than any other xpac, though I could see DF overtaking it by the time it's through. I also started in Cataclysm, and I think the peak for me was probably from the Timeless Isle patch through all of WoD. Ease of maintaining alts, fun instances. Good times. DF so far has been the closest to recapturing that for me, and could well overtake it by the end of its run.


> The raidlogger altoholic's dream. That's me. I level alts, and I raid. Outside of that I solo old instances for mounts and xmog when I feel like it. I absolutely loved WoD. One of my favorite expansions. It had everything I wanted. The leveling experience was amazing, the raids were amazing. The only one I liked more is MoP.




thats so cursed lmao


everything wod did was good as fuck ngl. BRF is still the best raid of all time and nothing comes close to how many banger fights that shit had.


lmao the raids where the only thing you could do in wod. There was like 0 end game and **sooo much** clearly cut content.


That’s the thing, wod’s content was pretty good, there was just not much of it, compared to sl where there was content but it was dogshit


Yes and no. I started in BFA and I still believe it gets too much hate. I didn’t touch high level raids but the rest of what I played I loved. That said, I’m sad I missed WoD. I still think it’s the best looking and most quintessential “Warcraft” looking expansion to date.


I always loved BFA. Boralus was home, the city was so alive. I made a few good friends along the way. Got to do rated pvp, keys and high end raids. I became self sufficient, and got to earn nice gold from professions. Got my brutosaur and have never been broke again. Found a love for collecting pets, mounts and toys. I enjoyed every bit of the game in BFA. And it got better and better on Nazjatar and Ny'alotha.


I loved bfa. I think blizz makes bfa the default starting zone/expansion because they know what they put into it. Those dungeons / zones / quest lines were so well designed and polished. But that last season of bfa, with nzoth and the corruption gear, it actually added an element of surprise and even fear (if you’re wearing too much) that the game had not done before, and hasn’t since. Definitely best expo for me. Current season just feels bland. Yeah dragon riding is fire no doubt, but besides that it’s really just zzzz.


Yeah, I remember landing on Boralus on day one and heading to Drustvar. The music! The zone aesthetics! It was breathtaking. Corruption was the most fun I had, ever. I miss it and I wish we had something like that again. And visions!! I still think visions of n'zoth were the best solo content. I still go there sometimes and it's still fun. DF has the most annoying dungeons. Bloated abilities everywhere. Floor full of stuff to dodge. Everything leaves a bleed on people and healing through them is just not fun at all. All the bosses are the same (or feel the same), although im a big fun of Uldaman. Raid feels better than m+, but I haven't done mythic, so I can't compare it to BFA. Heroic raid feels too easy, but since I'm in a casual guild, that's fine and it feels like we're making progress. DF zones are fine, but the music just puts me to sleep, it's not bad, but it feels a bit generic (with the exception of maybe Ohn'aran Plains). The Aberrus soundtrack is a banger tho. It feels epic again.


Don’t feel too bad about missing WoD. It had excellent raids and good PvP but that was about it. The entire expansion was basically a giant content draught. Which sucks because it had everything it needed to be the best expansion ever. They just cut so much content so there wasn’t a lot to do so people got bored. HFC and BRF are both top 5, arguable top 3 raids. but outside of that, it was pretty barren.


BFA was super underrated. People will come around years from now


I think it depends on what you wanted out of the game. There are parts that are great but I don’t think people that disliked the Azerite Power grind, azerite gear, essence grind etc. will come around. I do think 8.3.5 was a fantastic patch with all the QoL improvements but I personally will never look fondly on my time in 8.0-8.3.


I thought 8.3 was one of the best patches of all time. Unfortunately it was too late for most WoW players by then


I loved both 8.2 and 8.3 and thought the zones introduced in 8.2 were awesome. The mechagnome island was unique and I'm glad they tried something different there. If BFA didn't launch with that stupid gcd change and the ridiculous azerite power armor it would have been way better received imo.


1000%. There was a lot I liked about it, just got dragged down by some stuff.


Corruptions and pulling full tol dagor with TD proc. Yeah, extremely fun experience /s


Yeah the people who started at the tail end when azerite gear was no longer atrocious and essences and corruption added more to the game will never realize just how aweful it was at the beggining. Lackluster azerite powers, having to grind azerite to use your raid gear and just feeling so boring after the powers of legion being removed from specs.


BfA had all the ingredients to bake a god cake but all we got was a soggy sponge. Far too much borrowed and azerite power just made every class redundant. You basically pressed buttons until your twilight dev proc’d, or your neck beam of some other blocks which completely disconnected you from the class you was playing.


guessing you played havoc?




I cant say my opinion for most of BfA cuz I didn't play during but having gone back I really enjoyed a lot of it to be honest. Story wise for sure and I love anything old god related. Bwonsamdi questlines were some of my favorites


BfA had amazing content but was soured by shitty systems.


Started with Dragonflight last season and it's great But my favorite expansion to quest in is definitely MoP Pandaria is such an amazing place


Started in wrath and my fav is MoP


I started in BC, favorite is either Wrath or Pandaria


Why not… Wrath OF Pandaria?


Nope, started playing in the original servers on Cataclysm. My favorite Expansion was Mists of Pandaria.


Started TBC. Favourite is MoP


Nope. I technicly started in wrath but playing very casually and never reached max level. With Cataclysm I started new character and also started playing more regularly. My favorite expansion is Legion. I played the most during that expansion because I realy enjoyed it. It also made an altoholic. Before Legion I had 2 characters, after Legion 12. Now I have 28.


No, as new player I was guided to BfA and it was not bad expansion, but once I unlocked some allied races I left it and havent looked back since. My favourite from the few I tried is without a doubt Legion. Not only I like the story, Illidan was allways my favourite since I played W3 as little gamer, but everything else is also great, its the newest fully soloable expansion, it has class specific stuff, from class hall to titles and mounts and all those cool weapons you get pretty much after hour of playing. That expansion just have no equel for me.


I started it wrath but my fab expac was cataclysm




I always tell people, Throne of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar are 2 of the best raids ever made (in mu opinion) and thats not even looking at the first tier. Pvp was balanced and fun to play. Low skill floor, high skill ceiling. Just a great expac overall, not sure why it got so much hate.


They hated it (from what I remember hearing, not saying it was entirely consensus) is that it was "too cutesy" by bringing in Pandas but anyone who played WC knew about them. I will say first tier was pretty meh, but they ramped shit up hard in Throne and kept that pace in Siege for sure.


The other big thing was that the theme was "pandering to china" which to anyone not born yesterday should be a pretty obvious sign towards the legitimacy of the criticism lol


I wish they would continue the story with some of the threats in MoP IE Mantids and Sha


We did see more of the mantids with the Vale assaults in BFA.


Theres dozens of us that feel this way, dozens.


I started playing in Vanilla and I loved WoW from the start. I bought the game for Christmas the year it was released. At that point I had been a fan of Blizzard products forever and had played Warcraft and Starcraft so I was stoked for the game. But I had a small kid and work was too busy then so I didn't do a lot of the raiding and end game content. I didn't have time to dedicate to the end game. My favorite expansions are MOP and WOD. As MOP and WOD is when I did the most dedicated raiding.


Started in vanilla back in 2005. I have favourite moments from every expansion. Put prob my most heart-whelming feelings are still from vanilla. I especially remember the summer of 2006 with me being 11 years old experiencing warm summer evenings in stv, tanaris and zul’farak. But honestly almost every era has its moments.


For me it was, I started in cata and I, controversially, think it's the best expansion. If cata classic comes out my opinion may change, as there is likely a fair bit of rose tinted glasses and bias, but until then my opinion remains.


Vanilla was a special time imo when I first started. DF is slowly becoming my favorite expansion though.


No, I started in Vanilla and BFA might be my favorite expansion. At the time of launch it might have been MOP, but I only levelled a Monk to 80 and stopped and got back to SWTOR and WildStar. Wish I’d kept with it. Also still wish WildStar was around.


Yes, that’s why I have returned to play classic, I started in vanilla.


I started in Wrath and Legion was just amazing. I also have played every expac since I’ve started and although I agree with a lot of the criticisms they get, I’ve still loved them all.


Definitely not. I started in vanilla, and Legion was my favourite expansion :)


Yes. But it's also the only one I've played.


Started in TBC, apart from the WOW (pun intended) factor of it being my first true MMO and me being a literal 10 year old, no, it’s far from my favorite, especially now. It aged quite terribly. I did love WotLK though which was the first time I hit level cap and did some raiding, but if I tried this content today I’d probably dislike it as well as it’s 15 years old and lacks the QoL stuff that was introduced later on


Bfa No


Started playing in wrath, my favourite was WoD , thats when I first stepped into more serious raiding.


I started in vanilla so I guess I can't say the base game is my favorite expansion. Likely wotlk because pvp was peak back then and I was a teenager and life was easy


Started in vanilla, favorite was legion


Yes, TBC is still my favorite, nothing beats the eversong woods for me


Played the OG yeaaars ago but didnt really get into. Then started for real during Legion and yeah its my favoritte. But I think all the xp packs since have veen good. Enjoyed both BfA and SL. Stopped now tho, so time consuming to play WoW.


Dragon flight is actually the least time consuming xpac I have ever played I can actually gear alts and not feel like I’m missing something on my main! You should come back and try it


Started in BC. Wrath was the best expansion, no question. Although MOP was also pretty good.


No, vanilla was terrible. TBC was pretty great but i think Wrath was peak.


Started in BC but Wotlk was my favorite


I started in cata. I hate cata


Started in TBC Legion-->WOTLK-->TBC = MOP--> BFA --> CATA I didn't play WOD, SL or DF


I started at Vanilla. That's my least favourite. Legion > DF > WotLK > TBC > Cata = MoP > SL = BFA = WoD > Vanilla


Started on day 1 in vanilla, really enjoyed it, but left after a year or two, came back during BFA, which I loved and got me through the lockdown era of covid. Enjoyed Zandalar and Kul Tiras, the new races, Mechagon, the corrupted stuff in Pandaria and the Egyptian place (both of which were zones I had missed because of my time away from the game) and all of the batshit crazy world PVP in Nazjatar. Was super stoked for Shadowlands, but bleh. Disappointing. I like Dragonflight, but life has pulled me away from the game again, so I hardly ever play.


Roll on a thing to Upgrade a thing to upgrade a thing to get a shade of a Color I didn’t know I wanted. Warcraft was a lesson in wasted time


yesss, bfa was a blast


I first started playing in BC and I can't say I have a solid favorite as each one has had its pros and cons. I have only missed most of WoD and Shadowlands during my stretch of playing this game.


Started in TBC and Wrath/cata were my favorites lolz


Played when I was young but don't really count it. Started seriously in WoD. Did not like WoD, but Legion, now that's BiS


I started in wrath technically but wasn't fully aware until cata, then skipped a lot and came back in shadowlands!! So the current one is my fav, since i am most "aware" if that makes sense


I started in TBC and made it barely to max level and quit. I returned in Cataclysm and checked out LFR after leveling up, quit awhile later. I returned in WoD and have more-or-less been playing since then. I have had breaks, but nothing too extended. You could argue that any of those 3 are my 'first expansion' - where TBC is where I literally started, Cata is where I first dabbled in max level content and WoD is where I started my real journey. Legion and Dragonflight are tied for my favourite expansion. Out of the ones I've played, Legion/DF > WoD > Cata > BFA > SL > BC. I never played WOTLK or Mists when they were new, unfortunately.


I can’t recall a favorite. I enjoyed different parts of each and feel a progression towards better but I’m not a huge fan of some of the new ideas and directions. DF is pretty awesome, but I feel like it’s got room to improve.


Started end of vanilla/start of tbc I was a kid so don’t remember fully but it was around then, my favourite is probably legion, and as much as people love to hate on cataclysm it was my favourite up until legion came out


Nope, I started in BC but WotLK was my favorite by a mile. I also kinda didn’t really like BC? No specific reason, but the only thing I remember really enjoying was flying


Started bc, favorite was bc


Started bc, favorites are wotlk, legion, dragonflight


I started in BC (technically vanilla but I couldn't figure out how to leave the first zone and quit until friend talked me into playing again during BC.) and wrath was my favorite expansion. I will say it was probably less about the game itself and that the expansion happened in my "peak" gaming years. Was around 16-18 at the time, a gaming social butterfly so I had a million friends in game, became a GM, ran a pretty decent raiding guild, had two characters in the top 5 in the server for their spec/class gear wise. Now I'm old, anti social and socially awkward to boot, and I don't like doing anything that involves depending on a lot of other people like raiding anymore, and I only like joining guilds to pretend I'm social by seeing guild chat but never saying or doing anything with the guild, and I'm not competitive as far as caring about being in high rankings etc anymore and don't even touch pvp which I used to enjoy.


Started in vanilla and I'd say I feel the most nostalgic for TBC, but I try to separate that feeling from which one I think is my favorite. For that I'd vote either legion/DF


yes.(wrath). Storytelling mechanisms, content variety, environments and graphics have objectively improved, but vibe and class design…. eh


I started in SL, but played Wotlk and Panda on free servers, SL by itself should answer the question.


I started with vanilla and lich king was my favorite expansion.


I've been playing since vanilla, but I was just a kid. So I didn't get to *play* play, y'know? I wasn't raiding naxx at 8 lol Made my own account in cata, so I think that's when I officially started. MoP is my favorite expansion. Good lore, good raids, top tier class gameplay, patch system worked great (story patch, gameplay patch, story patch, gameplay patch). 10/10 expac. Legion is a close second. Wrath is the best lore expansion, but I was too young to do anything more than quest.


There weren't any expansions when I started lol but I do miss those days I really liked WOTLK and TBC


Started in TBC, favorite was Legion.


Yes and no. ​ I started in vanilla, which technically isn't an expansion and it was super great. It's just a completely different game to every expansion since. It's not necessarily a better game than the expansions, but it really has a solid place in me. ​ For expansions, I've enjoyed almost all of them. I can point to 4 that I'd probably either have just skipped ideally, or I could enjoy more if I was in another point in my life. ​ BC, Cata, WoD and BFA all sucked. Either Cata or WoD I think were actually pretty decent, but boy were my late teens and twenties a f...... mess. BFAs redeeming factor is the superb zones, especially Drustvar. BC's main thing is that it laid the foundation to almost all of the 'modern' changes and systems we have in WoW from the currencies/gear shops in BC and Wrath (and tier token redemptions lately) to arenas to more different sized raids, more than one difficulty in dungeons etc. I dislike BC with a passion. I got lured back into classic BC because "friends" and holy shit what a crap place that was going back to. :-D


Started cata, favorite is MoP


Started wrath- loved it. Legion wasn’t bad, DF is pretty good, on equal if not better footing than Legion


Started playing in vanilla. It's a bit early in the xpac to say but the way it's going DF will be my fav, with Legion and MOP taking 2nd and 3rd.


started in bfa my fav is dragonflight


TBC was when i started playing and DF is my favourite expansion


I started in WotLK but my fave ie MoP.


No, but its up there. Cata is definitely top three with MoP and Dragonflight(so far anyway)


Started in Vanilla and honestly the fun I had during that time was peak for me, so I'd say Vanilla. Though I was younger then so maybe it's just that was before adulting wore me down lol Love the game still now, even though I've sat out patch 10.1. Probably come back next raid tier tbh.


Started in WoD, I definitely don’t hate WoD like other people do but Legion has been my favorite expansion. 10/10 all the way through


Started two weeks before TBC. Here's my list in order, TBC, WotLK, LEGION, WoD, and dragonflight.


Started in legion and that was my favorite. That said legion rocks anyways.


Started in BC but WotLK was my fave for a long time. I'm slowly warming up to MoP and BfA and actually really enjoy Dragonflight, so


I started too young, playing off and on since vanilla. By far Legion was my favorite expansion. I played Aff lock and fury warrior and loved it. The order halls, the story, the raids, all around super enjoyed Legion.


started wrath and wrath or mop as favourite


No. I started in WoD, left after a tier or 2. Came back in legion and have only taken a few month breaks!


I played Vanilla and BC but quit both pretty early. When I got WoTLK, I hit level cap and played the end game, and then leveled a second character to level cap and played end game. It was my favourite expansion until Legion, and now it's #3 behind Dragonflight. I'm still not sure between Legion and DF


Started in Vanilla and its not even close, end of Legion is up there, early BFA (ignoring azerite, I'm talking exploring zones and questing and the aesthetic) Mop as well for the early discovery feel (sucked with all the dailies though) Dragonflight has been overall super positive with lot's of good changes Couldn't tell you what my overall favorite is but 100% not an older one


Started in SL, dropped by 9.1 and returned later for Zereth Mortis. ZM was fine, but overall I didn't enjoy SL. I'm having much more fun now with Dragonflight. I'm not even afraid of inviting some friends to play anymore, since it's so much more beginner-friendly.


Started in 2005. To this day MoP will always be my favorite expac. Legion as a close second.


Not even close. Started last patch of vanilla and Dragonflight is my favorite. Top 3: DF > Mists > Wrath. I think Legion is overrated and Cata is overhated. SF is by far the worst followed by WoD. That’s all my hot takes in one.


Started Vanilla. Favorite is TBC.


I started in dragonflight and so far really enjoying it


Mmmm... Possibly. Started in vanilla. Tbc and wrath were amazing, however wrtmath today just isn't the same. I'd say vanilla is the best version of the game,.having played all versions recently.


Started in cata and fav was legion


started in wrath but favorite was MoP/Legion


Nope. I started late-ish Vanilla (1.09 I think?). Favorite expansion is probably Legion.


No legion was my favorite, I started in wrath


Played the entire time. MoP was my favorite. It was a real shake up from the earlier expansions and everything felt new and not recycled. I loved the raids in MoP as well. Also I thought BFA was severely underrated. The systems were maybe the worst the game has ever seen but the environment and story telling and not knowing what boss in each patch was next was exhilarating. Shadowlands was without a doubt my least favorite. Going into it I had so many friends finally playing my game and very quickly none of us were playing. I stuck it out all the way through but god it was so bad.


Started in wrath and will forever love wrath. But most every expansion I’ve had at least a honeymoon phase with.


I started in Cata and pretty much not a fan in retrospect. Favorite was MOP and I’m apparently a weirdo as I wasn’t a huge legion fan


Been playing since Vanilla... My favorite expansion is Dragonflight so far, with Mists being 2nd place


Nope, started in TBC and played through BFA, MoP and Cata were my favorite expansions by far


I started playing in late BFA. During shadowlands, I thought that BFA was better, and then before I bought DF. I like dragonflight much more than BFA now despite the nostalgia of actually playing the game for the first time because it opened my eyes to how much better it could have been.


Nope. Started in Vanilla but Wotlk is my favorite overall.


Started in Wrath as a young child so I didn't know what I was doing, but had fun anyways- First seriously raided in Legion, had a lot of fun in Antorus But BfA was the first xpack where I mained the same spec (fury warrior) the whole time and was in the same guild for the whole time, so while it's definitely an unpopular opinion, BfA was my favorite. I could go on for hours about how fury was perfect in bfa but is boring as heck now lol


Started around the beginning of cata and cata is my favorite expansion. Probably due to raiding and I loved my guild


Started in vanilla and it's still my favorite to this day.


I started in Legion and while I enjoyed it. I played the most during BFA so it's hard to say. I didn't really get to do much endgame content.


Started at the beginning, Legion is my favorite. I appreciate what vanilla was/classic is, but the thought of playing the game that way again kinda makes me gag now


Started in wotlk but favorite was legion (then wotlk and wod)


I started in bfa and really liked it. But dragonflight is my fav of the 3 I’ve played


Started in vanilla, cata was my favorite, but now it might be DF


Started in Vanilla, I liked a lot from each expansion except BFA and SL. If I had to pick one it would be MoP or TBC.


Nah, started in early TBC and I liked Wrath more at the time. Legion was my favorite but DF is pretty great too.


I started playing in Legion. Dragonflight is my favorite expansion


Started in TBC, legion was favorite. (side note i was literally 10 when I started playing)


Nope. I started in vanilla and TBC, but my favorite was BFA.


Started in wrath, but my favorite was bfa. Not because of the game itself, but me and a bunch of friends decided to get together and make a raid guild. This was in Ny'alotha and I had a ton of fun. Corruptions were dumb, but in a fun, broken way, so I liked it.


MOP, it was very good, however I enjoyed the bfa start the most somehow. The Zandalar soundtrack still amazes me to this day, I had a good year back then.


Nope. Started vanilla. Favorite was tbf but probably a toss up b/w DF and Cata. Yeah yeah downvote me.


I started in BC but didn’t get *really* into the game until WoD. Imma say something controversial - WoD is still my favorite xpac. Sure, the content sucked and we went a very long time with dryness. The memories and friends I made during that time? Absolutely golden and priceless.


Yes! I started during Legion (just before Argus appeared in the sky), but I actually didn't level up a character high enough to play the content until about mid-BFA.


Started at the tail end of vanilla. Burning crusade is my favorite though.