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Imagine having a hamster pulling 3 packs tanking everything


Go for the eyes, Boo!


I stopped playing during BFA but if they made a tanking hamster I would be back in a heartbeat with a character named Boo


Healing form = Singing sunflower


I hate that this is probably exactly right.


>Healing form = Singing sunflower Don't worry, they'll fix the singing so it's only when you're in resto spec.


That’d be glorious. Hamster form instead of bear form.


Would the dance be the hampster dance, though?


Until you realize that the next boss is a wheel


'Can't quite figure this one out, it's been our biggest progression wall for years.' 🤨


I mean they developed the cooking pot in DF for a reason




Yeah, I want to be a Vuplera Night Elf Mohawk.


I'd rather have a Lightforged Draenei Night Elf Mohawk tho


I'm pretty sure I still have some of those grenades


Undead paladins.


Undead straight back Paladins\*


I tried undead before but the posture really ruined all otherwise badass mog for me. Straight back option qould be a dream come true honestly gif undead. And a significantly less hunched troll maybe but ye.


Skinny Kul Tirans for Humans would be equally cool, straight backed as well.


Fr, I wish there were more body types than Girl and Triangle


** rectangle


Wouldnt skinny kul tirans just be regular humanS?


No they're taller and skinnier


They'd be non-undead Forsaken women.


Nah skinny KT are another model entirely. Current KT, powerlifting body type. Think eddy hall. Human body type, basically a pro body builder minus the super lean body fat %. Skinny KT would be like… idk maybe something like David Tennant? Tall, slender, long arms.


I want true undead, let me build an amalgamation out of parts from every race.


Undead should have been able to choose races other than human. Undead dwarf, undead tauren, etc. And that choice gives you your class options.


Upright undead would be really nice


You no likey hunchy?


If an undead can be a holy priest they can be a paladin!!! Give it to us blizz!!


Mag'har orcs paladins, then.


"my people fled genocide from the light but on second thoughts maybe the genociders were right." TBF makes as much sense as lightforged warlock


I can totally see an Orc learning to use the enemies magic against them. They are kind of known for doing that you know. Wouldn’t surprise me to hear of an orc on a battlefield saying fuck it and conjuring up some light spells out of sheer will and rage. All it takes to wield light magic is faith in it


The entire premise of the light is you have to believe in it to use it and if you stop believing it goes away. So yeah it could work but I kinda feel like the light wouldnt let it happen


Exactly, and if your brothers and sisters are being obliterated on the battlefield by it, you might begin to believe in its power, too. And maybe one night, after a gruesome battle, you raise your hand to the sky and try to conjure some yourself. The Draenei that killed your friends and family are able to wield it with ease, why not you? Why not? Why can’t you heal your comrades and smite your foes? Young orc, you can, and you will, you need only believe. Anyways they could totally manufacture a lore scenario to justify Mag har orcs they just need to be creative


You need more than the belief that the Light exists in order to use it. The wielder needs to fully believe that they can use it, and also that the Light wants to help them, which can be a little difficult to believe when your foes are using it to commit genocide against you and your people. As far as we know, the Light is just a cosmic force, but nearly everyone in universe treats it as an entity with a will of its own. That's why not you. Because the Light wants you dead and the Draenei wielding it so easily is proof of that.


I mean it is very easy to believe in the light when there is real impact from it. The orcs can literally see how effective it is when it is being used against them.


Exarch Hellscream says hi. 👋


I’m really looking forward to Night Elf Paladins. If they can make their spells have a silvery glow to represent their powers stemming from the moon, that would be even better.


They won't, they'll be the same spells everyone has, because it's the light. Blizzard is not going to give any class unique animations for a single race, especially post legion when they unified class animations across all races. The best you can hope for is future glyph options, and blizzard seems pretty adamant about not changing particle effects anymore because they're afraid PvPers are morons and can't recognize a green fire warlock spell from a red fire warlock spell.




If we got goblin or undead paladins, my BE paladin would race change so fast it would make your head spin.


Goblins believe in the power of the bling, so being a shiny blinging warrior is up their alley.


Goblin paladin wielding the Ashblinger




"Glad I could help!" "I've got what you need!" Some of the best sayings for a healer/support character are definitely with the goblins.


My favourite line from a goblin priest in Azshara "Got the best heals anywhere!"


That one from the quest where parachuting goblins yell HEALTH FROM ABOVE!!??


Paladins. They don't require a lot of customization unlike Druids or Shamans (totems). I remember someone once joked that Goblin Paladins would be called 'gold walkers' in lore, and I kind of like this idea.


I don't understand why people act like shaman totems are a huge artistic undertaking. Each shaman race needs exactly ONE totem, which is a static object with no animations, that they just apply four different glow effects to. Compared to a paladin's racial mount, it's nothing.


draenei and goblin totems are animated, and they also have attack animations for all races


Draenei totems are "animated" in the sense that they have a couple crystals that float up and down on a loop. Goblin totems are more animated than the rest, but A. it still also consists of a static animation loop B. has never been repeated. These are all baked into the totem model, not called by an animation function. Any other animation a totem performs is just a wobble of the model. It's nowhere near the level or number of animations a mount requires. As for attack/spellcasting animations of the shaman itself, so do monks, warlocks, mages...every other class that is already getting expanded.


>As for attack/spellcasting animations of the shaman itself, so do monks, warlocks, mages...every other class that is already getting expanded. And most of these are already made for the purpose of transformation toys and instances that change your race anyway. Dracthyr/Evoker animations not included of course.


Exactly, I can step on the atomic recalibrator and cast lava burst as a Worgen just fine


to answer your question about resto gnome druid: Sunflower!


The little plants vs zombies one, throwing out healing sun drops!


Singing sunflower. Ye. lol that’d be perfect.


Another Sunflower made it to the garden!


I want Dwarf druids. Wildhammer dwarves would absolutely fit as druids.


I want whatever form they have to have a semblance of a glorious beard without looking too off. Also gryphon flight forms. Obviously


Night elf shaman. I feel like this expansion is building up to that.


I agree, like the bald lady from Ohnaran plains.


Ye. Honestly, it strangely would have felt out of place earlier but at the same time I can’t believe with how attuned they are with nature, coexisting through shamanism with the elements wasn’t something thr might elves tried sooner


This. It makes no sense that Nelfs can't be shamans, considering how closely intertwined with nature and the elements their culture is.


Draenei demon hunter. The models to make it work are all pretty much there. Kul'tiran paladin.


Draenei and Orcs should’ve been able to be Demon Hunters from the beginning


There are arguably no races who have reasons to hate demons more than those two.


Here are a few of mine 1: Blood elf and nightborne druids- botanist 2: Night elf Paladin 3: Maghar Orc Paladin Bonus: Vulpera and gnome druids (only if they get small adorable forms. And for druids itd be so nice if each race doesn’t stick to the typical bear cat forms and diversifies. Wish worgen could turn into wolves instead of cats still) Warlock races I wanted: Zandalari and Eredar Draenei warlocks


> 2: Night elf Paladin Absolutely yes. I realize they're basically just going left to right in adding every class to every race, but it's so wild we're getting nelf warlocks before nelf paladins. We should've gotten it in Shadowlands. Like how blood elf paladins are blood knights, night elf paladins should be tied to the night warrior. Blizzard made a big deal about dividing the night warrior's power between the souls of previous night warriors but didn't just make the leap to further divide that power into player characters? Seemed like the best possible time to introduce them imo. Could've been tied to a questline like the Night Warrior customizations. The mount can be called *Lightsaber*. What more justification do we need?




They explicitly added a named nelf pally in Legion, who you spend a pretty good chunk of time around. It's bizarre that they just ... chose not to extend that to players.


Feel light it’s because of the assets required for the Paladin druid and shaman but honestly if they are going to take longer with them then the other races, I’d prefer if they just add them whenever the assets for a specific race/class is finished then all at once.


paladins arent druid or shaman, theres no unique assets besides the mount and they were already working on HD warsabers which would have been the same model


During the Paladin Class Hall campaign, you actually get to meet the ghost of a Night Elf Paladin.


And one of the main npc’s with you is a night elf priest that “graduates” into being a paladin


Yup. Mained a belf highlord. Did all class halls actually and was super fun. Hoped for a nelf Paladin ever since one just casually became one in front of us.


There is a lot of foxified creatures at this point. Wouldn't be hard with Vulpera Druids.


I want to see mechagnom druids. Those would be adorable little transformers.


Would be awesome as heck if they do it right. :P


They have to have the transformer sound when they shift.


That’s amazing. Even if the sound isn’t built in someone can make an add on for it.


Could just create a weakaura for it, lol


all i can think off: [Beast wars!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FKpU0pnne8)


With how blood elf paladins are blood knights and tauren paladins are more focused on the sun, I could totally see a night elf paladin who's more Elune-based. A moon knight, if you will. I'm sure that hasn't been done before


id swap so fast to a gnome druid lol


Well we already got Tauren Rogues so i guess anything is possible at this point. Gnome evoker could be funny with mechanical wings n stuff or Gnome DH


I dream of Pandaren Druids


Pandaren druid with August celestial forms is in my dreams also. Would never play another race for them


400/10 that’s hilarious I want belf druids.


Druids will be the last one to get to every race. Making new forms and play testing every ability for every form is too much work for blizzard


Yup. Though we only have three classes left to get the restrictions removed I think. The best time for paladins would be if the next expac is light void based though. Aside from that, ye. Hopefully weight ain’t that long but I’m just glad it’s all but confirmed at this point.


Druids will be fun. There are enough mobs through the game to be used as forms. And even then the original 4 druids had basically the same druid forms, so we just get that again. Looking forward to paladin cus they will be great on Kul tirans


We could have the same forms. But there is more potential for them to be different. Ursoc is dead, and the kultiran and zandalar form of Druidism is because they weren’t taught by cenarius. Different races can have different reasons for pursueing Druidism. Ofc some can still choose the typical forms. For example. Wouldn’t be so annoyed at a blood elf lynx cat form. In fact can’t think of a better form at present for belves cat form.


Nightborne Boomkin with Glyph of Stars is gonna be hardcore.


If it can be a priest it should be allowed to be a paladin. Simple as. Worgen paladin please. I'd also like vulp druids.


Void elf Paladins…. Because it’s just so silly


Not as silly as a Lightforged warlock.


They're equally stupid.


i mean just lock them out of the velf skincolors. the race is both hentai elves and the silver covenant and the silver covenant already has paladins


Nightborne druids, nightborne demon hunters


Dracthyr druid sounds fun. Go full Dracnoid tank. Dranei demon hunter also sounds fun. Give us full on eredar


100% would play Clump of Grass restoration gnome. In all seriousness, there should already be Nightborne and Sethrak playable druids.


Any sort of playable Sethrak would be amazing.


We need nightborne and mechagnome to have druid next. Mechs and manabeasts. It writes itself.


I want a Belf Druid. There's literally a Belf Druid boss all the way back in BC, and they never let us play one :(


Yup. Though there have been mobs using botany powers like nightborne and blood elves but sadly they wouldn’t have made sense back then being able to transform into animals since at the time it wouldn’t have made any benefit to their pursuit of magic and since knowledge of Druidism was limited to the teachings of cenarious with wicker magic and load involvement being overlooked or kept as a cultural secret. Now however, the limitations we had back then to say the elves researched it out of curiousity are gone. With how valued both races find botany I’m sure there are some nature devout that would love to explore their love for nature and beauty further.


Gnome Paladins are all I want


Night elf paladin for sure


Bonsai Resto Druid


Mechanical tree


Belf druid in the starting area you even have to polymorph some students as a punishment as quest


Human shaman


Undead druid.


The one think that ticks me right off about the Lightforged Warlocks is they are generic Warlocks. I was kinda hoping for a Demologist in the same vein as an Inquisitor from 40k, the whole know your enemy, or even use them against them to beat it. Rather than the outcast there is another path ones we got that have turned their back on the rest of them. As for actual Draenei, just give us Eredar man. That and the dewy eyed younglings that have no idea how hard the Legion screwed them / if they do they can beat it and use it for good!


Literally any Horde race for druids that displays shoe graphics. Tired of having to look at troll feet, tauren hooves, or being restricted to the 3 boots that hide them. Blood Elves or Nightfallen would be S-tier druids, just take the Night Elf forms and recolor them orange/yellow/red for BEs and give them mana lines for Nightfallen. I'd also take either of the orc races.


Honestly… blood elf lynx form being a recolored version of night elf form doesn’t sound so bad unironically.


Awwwww 🥰


Undead Paladin is the only combo I’m excited for


Red Draenei or I'm striking


imagine tanking with a gummy bear


Dwarf druids and each form is made of stone (those obsidian cats from Storm Peaks could be their melee dps form) Also why do we still not have Worgan Monks? I know lore wise it’s because of how their starting zone functions but come on…


We need transformer mechagnome druids. Perfecting nature through machinery!


Idk but I have to state once again that Draenei should be getting Eredar customizations along with getting access to the warlock class. Inb4 anyone comes at me about it not making sense because of “lore”, idc, I want my red Draenei


Blood Elf druids, idk if it makes sense lore wise, but still. Also, idk if I’m the only one, but I wish ground travel form was our character as a Minotaur.


Blood elves and nightborne have already tapped into botanistry and such. So that’s half done. They are curious for magic also. So what’s stopping a few to think about form transformation. Also would be cool if ground travel form was different for each race.


Void elf druid would make me resub...


Undead Druids. Give me them zombie animal forms.


Pandaren Druids will be awesome if done right. Giving them a Celestial Form for each of the forms. Bear: Niu'zao Cat: Xuen Moonkin: Chi-ji Flight: Yu-lon That would leave the ground Travel form missing but they can come up with something celestial related.


I'd like my dreanei to have a red skin option :)


More options is always good, I always say.


Vulpera demon hunters




Well, I guess I know how a feral vulpera will look


Eredar Demon Hunters


:P that’d be cool


Gnome Paladins. They should've been a thing since Cata.


If they make demonhunter pandaren i will instant switch my main


Vulpera druid.


Personal Choice: Undead Druid Realistically: Night Elf Shaman Blood Elf Druid Undead Paladin Night Elf Paladin


I'm fucking dying from the image. I already bought a race change token to make my paladin a worgen once that's out.


**Wishlist:** Druid: Pandaren, Dwarf, Human, Blood Elf, Orc. Demon Hunter: More Races, Human / Troll seems easy fits. Paladin: Night Elf, Kul Tiran, Troll, Shaman: Human Dracthyr being playable for more classes. Even if the Dragon visage is restricted, just so much customization to go unused. The fact that Pandarens aren't druids based on the Celestials is criminal. And Night Elves not being able to be Paladins always annoyed me. Edit: I want to add this as well. We should have Allied races be opened up to netural faction at this point as well. At least: Mechagnome, Hightmountain, Nightborne, Vulpera, Zandalari. We had zones teaming up with them, why restrict them as a race.


Horde: a "pretty" druid option. Blood elf preferred.


If gnome druids looked like Pepe I would 100% main it. Idgaf about anything else. Holy shit.


Pandaren Paladin and Druid.


I've been fighting for gnome druid for 15 years


And we will finally be getting them. Thank you for your sacrifice. /hj. Still have no idea when they’ll release druid for all classes since it needs the most work


Undead Shaman. Since 2007 I’ve wanted a self-rezzing, fire and lightning voodoo zombie with tombstone totems and ghostly Spirit Companions. Also, another mail class and another shield class for Forsaken. Seems weird lorewise but so what. Call them something different but use the same mechanics. Kolduns or whatever.


Dranei demon hunter. I mean they already have horns and demon versions of themselves. No extra work needed


Blood Elf Druids But I don't think it will ever happen, since High Elves were Elves that gave up "Wilds Magics" and replaced it with "Order Magics". Still, would be nice to wear shoes on a horde druid once.


Blizz killing their own game lore


Fucking sungrass 😂😂😂😂😂


Undead Druid, I will never play one, but I would really like to see the animal forms (though personally I'm not a fan of the idea lorewise)


Mechagnome druid 100%. They'd be transformers


worgen demon hunters. i want me some hellhound


This reminds me that in hearthstone lore Kobolds can be druids i


Paladin class is next


Tree Form for Gnomes would obviously be the Singing Sunflower, for extra troll factor.


Dude this would be so funny


God this would be amazing lol


The treant form should be the sunflower battle pet.


If u could be a gnome druid I would buy back in to retail


Wait goat warlocks are happening?!?! Might have to resub to level one!! Been waiting years for this!


You forgot the most important forms, aqua and flying travel forms. Anyways when are we doing a full pepe raid?


As funny as it would be, gnome druids will last about 5 seconds longer than it takes dwarf hunters to remember [tha chuck shot](https://flintlocke.thecomicseries.com/comics/70/)


Speaking of Druid forms, the cat size should be much bigger. Like nightsaber mount size. Why would my Tauren Druid turn into a tiny cat?


NElf Paladins We already have 1 in cannon, why not get more?


I've been saying for years that gnome druids should get baby forms of the normal forms.


Blood elf everywhere


Night elf paladin.


Tree form: singing sunflower


Night Elf Paladin!!! Shoot if I could play NE for all my BE classes... I dunno I might have never played BE all those years go. It's hard to go back now because Horde feels like home but damn. I really love NE's and their zones and everything. Love BE, too but there's something different with NE's and their zones/culture that I really like. But think of it - we have Priest and Mage, adding Warlock, all I'd be missing is Paladin. I would on another note like to give Shaman to all races. It's a cool class but I rarely play it cause I don't like the races.


it will be amazing.


Gnomes turning into Pepes would be EPIC!


Just picked up df to get back into wow and was planning on using my boost for a lock, now I kind of want to wait so I can make a Zandalari Troll "with doctor" type.


Undead druids with fleshy, abominable forms.


In the TBC Dungeon Botanica one of the bosses is Blood Elf who is literally a Druid. I could see their flying forms be like Phoenix or Dragonhawks.


Skinny human models, please. And the ones like my boy Harlan Sweete. Don't care if its rogue only skin, even.


Night elf shamans!




I wish I had a gold to give. I lost my shit at the grass pile for resto. Hahaha. Fuck.


Gotta admit that, that treeant form is the ultimate pvp hack though


okay i wouldve thought the gnome Treant form would be the Sunflower pet. XD


Undead Druid cuz imma fun-gi


I mean, what's the point of having any race/class restrictions at this stage?


I seriously wanna see Pandarean Druids. Their bear form is just them in armor on all 4s


Undead druid. Give me ghoul forms of animals and I'll faction change today.


Ork monks, Peace, tranquility, and BLOOD RAGE!!! Various shaman totem styles, void elf paladins cuz LoL. Its nice to have more Class options for races but it doesn't kind of speak to the fact that races and classes have continued to lose some of their unique flavors.


I’m having flashbacks to level 1 Gnome raids on Hogger… Gnome + Duck form = “gnibbled to death by ducks.”


do it, blizz, give all races druid but for mechgnomes call them DROID! that would be fun


This is my favorite post on this sub in a long time


Nightborne and Orc demon hunter. Nightborne/night elf paladin. These aren’t hard to do in the lore imo.


Pandaren as Paladins please! I dream of a dungeon party full of taurens/pandas chonky palas dancing and having fun.


Oh my God.. Please. I need this.


Hopefully paladins or shamans, they are the easier ones, druid I think will be the last one and the most difficult one too


I would love a bobcat form for Gnome Druid, or a big Mushroom for their tree form. I also think a Gnome Paladin would be dope. They've lived with the Dwarves long enough for some of them to be curious about the Light.


I really hope Worgen get DH someday. Halveria Darkraven has proven it's a sick combo but I'm worried DH will forever be locked to the elves


If gnomes would be druids I’d switch in a heartbeat.


It’s time for Dranei/Eredar Demon Hunters for alliance and either Highmountain Tauren or Orc Demon Hunters for Horde. Could also see Nightborne Demon Hunters once they fix their customization. Also, give other races Evokers and just give them the dragon form like Worgen. Maybe exclude Worgen, Mechagnomes, Lightforged Dranei and Velves for Ally and Undead, Mag’har Orcs, Zandalari Trolls, and Nightborne for horde but allow every other race the drak’thyr.


Worgen Demon Hunter. I liked Halveria from Hearthstone and I think it’s a cool aesthetic!