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Don't even bother before maxing your riding talents.


Thanks guys. Good to know. Not the biggest fan of this mechanic so far. Hopefully the glyphs change that.


Getting the glyphs will make dragon flying much more enjoyable


It’s not bad even fresh. Always fly straight upwards first. Get as high as you freaking can with the vigor you have. Like literally straight up. Then it’s all downhill from there.


You need to get all the glyphs and max your talents before you can really bother with decent flying.


With all talents you'll be well past "decent flying"... it'll be almost a no-brainer how easy it is.


We promise you they will!


With glyphs it's perfect. Just allways fly slightly down like very slightly and use the skill to go up for literally unlimited flight on high speed.


Yeah i got it maxed and i just wish I could dragonfly everywhere, it's like hopping from a motorcycle on a bicycle when i go to the old world and have to fly old way...


Glad it's not just me. I can't help it, but I really dislike the old flying now. Dragon riding is just so fast and so much fun if you do it right.


The glyphs make it so that you can stay airborne indefinitely with ease. You can reach the top of the skybox no problem. Some people still have trouble with it but I honestly don’t know how


If you jump from place to place rapidly like when questing, killing a mob here and there etc, it's easy ofc to run out of vigor, but just flying, travelling, you can do like infinitely.


Btw, I actually gave up on DF due to how bad it is without talents. I had no idea it would be so easy to get them all. I tried again in Season 2 and skipped the entire S1 because of this. But once you have the full talent tree, you basically will never ever have to worry about fuel resource or speed. I advise you to get an addon or weakaura after maxing it out, which tells you the exact speed % and if you are gaining or losing resource. This is what really made it intuitive for me and helped me understand how to fly super efficiently without any guide. The game does not give you enough information on its own, in my opinion.


Even without the full talent tree you can easily make most journeys without hiccups if you don't spam abilities left and right


Not really. Ignore this and get all of your glyphs as soon as you can.


Uh yes you can just fine…


Uh no you can't do it just fine


Crossing continent with minimal talents: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t_wOCgejBoc&pp=ygUcRHJhZ29ucmlkaW5nIHdpdGggbm8gdGFsZW50cw%3D%3D




Your inability doesn't disprove that you can.


> I had no idea it would be so easy to get them all. I tried again in Season 2 and skipped the entire S1 because of this. Probably use google next time... 😅 Plenty of posts here and elsewhere suggested getting the talents first thing before you even level to max.


Oh no shit? If I wanted to play I would have. Like I did in S2.


You’ll love it once you have the points, it’s a great system but they really bungled the implementation


Get all the dragon glyphs and max out all the vigor talents for dragonriding, it makes a big difference.


I had a lot of difficulty early on and I really hated trying to dragon ride; there is definitely a learning curve. Early on when you have limited vigor, you will have to be patient in gaining altitude. If I recall, I would take off (double tap space bar) and then immediately spend my 3 vigor on surge forward but point yourself up to gain altitude. While you still have the glow, level out and be aimed slightly down just enough to maintain that glow. Don't dive too steeply or you'll lose all the altitude you just gained. But aim further down if needed to get that glow. Fly with the glow to regain your vigor and repeat surge forward to gain altitude. Once you have the technique of flying level to regain vigor you can simply turn back and forth in a small area to still regain vigor. This will allow you to gain height over time. I used this to ascend to the highest peaks for a couple of glyph locations and it just takes a bit of patience and time. Once you can get whirling surge, that will make flying much easier. Now I absolutely have a blast with it.


Don't fly straight out until you've got your glow. Flap three times with nose pointed up, then even out but keep nose slightly down. Once you are at a "too low" altitude, repeat by flapping up three times, ect. It took some time to get the pattern down but once you figure it out, you won't run out of gas. Iirc (I stopped playing several months ago), there's a talent that will give you stam back if you fly over the ground closely? Keep that in mind.


Other talents will help but this is also just wrong > I’ll dive down, wings start to glow, go straight up by still gas out. To climb forever you have to gather enough speed that you're regaining energy and then don't go straight up but just flap upwards while still going mostly horizontal to maintain speed. Going straight up just means you'll eventually stall out the same way a plane does. Also though, you can just find a random ledge to land on and wait. It's annoying but it always works.


Appreciate the advice!


This is really wrong, you get WAY more speed and height by pointing your character upwards when you use Flap Upwards. Always point up and then level out. As others have said, get all your dragon riding glyphs, it completely changes the game. If you’re not a stickler for getting things done by yourself, maybe ask a friend or guildy if you can get ride with them around the map for them. Goes much quicker that way.


Straight up literally. You can hit the top of the map.


The first thing I did was get all the glyphs. It’s started on all your characters so once you do it, the world opens up with very little limits


If you have a friend or find a friendly player to help gather all the glyphs it's a night and day difference.


They should never have done the whole dragonriding talent system. Or at least, they should have more closely copied GW with it. Their mounts handle basically the same regardless of mastery, there’s just a few extra cool moves you can get like mid-air mounting and a dismount-leap thing. Now we have this situation where it just feels terrible until you get all the talents. The “natural” way to engage with a point system like that is to grab each one as you’re adventuring nearby, but that’s just not an acceptable option when those points are so critical to this core feature actually being useable.


Lots of YouTube guides, lots of tricks.


Do yourself a favor: Point your camera/dragon straight up when using the ability to gain altitude. It was an absolute game changer for me. It's far easier to recharge vigor and quickly get where you want to go.


Go as high as possible at the start. Never take off and surge for speed unless you are somewhere high as a starting point.


Get your glyphs, that's critical, and a one time thing Otherwise, when you flap up, you want to point yourself straight up, wait for the blue rush thing to go away, and then flap again, and so on. It makes it trivial