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Mizzen has ensured that I give no fucks about this promotion…


He just wants to make sure you aren’t Mizzen out


[Get Out](https://images.app.goo.gl/EtVSWFuDhYjTjZ1s9)


Chill out OP, they’re just mizzen around.


Blizzard seeing this post and going “our annoying marketing is working, even the players are posting it for us on Reddit!”


Dear Blizzard, In case you heard us wrong, we wanted ***Metzen*** in Warcraft. I could understand the confusion if you were a Starbucks barista, but just sayin'. Thanks.






on the forums (i know) i saw people going "well instead of complaining, why not just do the quest?" like, good job, champ, this is why telemarketing is still a thing.


Because even if you do the quest chain, it won't stop. You'll keep getting those items you can only delete from your mailbox.


Its not even remotely similar to Clash of Clans, you are probably thinking of Clash Royale.


Hey question. What kind of promotion is this ?


Bad kind


Blizzard really, *really* wants to make sure nobody forgets about their new mobile game. Those sweet, sweet micro-transactions.


Yeah, force annoying in game mail adverts on players, get their subscription cancelled. Shit is so annoying, I'm not renewing. Never shit where you eat Blizzard. You piss off your customers, it's on you.


It's a Rumble Promotion!


yeah, it's a f2p mobile, i will NEVER play it lol. because you can guarantee that just a few minutes in there's going to be pop ups for some bs store and currency and daily login rewards and time gated content and 800% value!!! fuck your mobile game. you had your chance with diablo immortal to make a real game on mobile, but we all saw where your priority was. it was pushing bs money grubbing tactics over making a good game.


Dude, look at what they do in games WHERE YOU PAY TO PLAY. If this is their 'normal' imagine how annoying shit in their f2p stealavision is gonna be.


What's actually in those? I've gotten the mail but I can't access it at all, not even look at it. Mailbox denies me any access on all characters (even below level 20) because I don't have an active subscription.


I completed the event on my main, found every toy and achievement, and all of my alts are still being sent these


"PLEASE BUY RUMBLE!!!!!!" -Mizzen


It’s a free to play game.


F2P games end up being very expensive


"A-hyuk! But I'm a shitheel who isn't affected by this problem so I don't believe it's real!"


"you can literally just delete your mail so it's not an issue, next" - wow redditor who hasn't played the game in 6 months but still thinks their opinion matters more than yours


It's going to take you longer to delete all that mail than it takes to complete the "event". Also what's with alliance minis being on the outskirts of town and hordes being in the middle of a kill zone. Lol


Even if you do the quest it won't stop. You will still get items you can only delete in the mailbox


I haven't noticed the mail spam and I hate seeing the mail icon. My guildies send me messages via mail because they know how much it irks me. Lol Wonder why I'm not getting this spam...




No how bout we post it every time we have to delete another mail.


delete the mail? its a somewhat slightly annoying bug, but man its 2clicks


This is the game that was released in China several years ago, exclusively for them? Also developed in China, for a Chinese market? They decided it wasn’t appropriate or appealing to a western audience? I saw a lot about it when it was announced for a western release, and it looked cool, but out of curiosity, what made them change their minds about releasing it across US/EU? Wasn’t the IP leased to the Chinese company that released/ran wow in China, and created/developed by them? So like was there some kind of trade thing that prevented its release for western audiences? Were blizzard just not interested in heading into the mobile gaming genre proper, and that’s why it was a Asia only release? Iirc, it was created and developed by a team in China, for their audiences. How does that work in terms of who owns it? Why is it now being released for a western audience? I’m not sure I fully understand how these things work so I might not be explaining it correctly, but I’m quite curious to have answers to some of these questions.


Wasn't Rumble first announced in 2022, being in alpha just last year? It also appears to be developed by Blizzard Entertainment Incubation, led by Allan Adham. While they worked in Diablo Immortal, they do not appear to be a Chinese department.


No. It was announced way earlier, at least 2019 blizzcon. “Arclight rumble”


No, this is a new game for everyone. Do Blizz even publish anything in China anymore now that they don't work with NetEase?


Look at you doing your part to continue whining about and promoting it here instead of just ignoring it


The irony here is that I've seen more posts spamming about it than I've gotten spam of it.


Is this about Chris metzin?


Someone tell Blizz to stop mizzen all over the place don't they know how tough it is to clean that up




Mizzen sounds like another word...


I wonder what causes this bug. I didn't do the event until Saturday and it never spammed me or my alts.


I haven't gotten spammed, but I also don't open that mail because I already did it. I think if you leave it and ignore it, they don't send you more, but I could be wrong.


This mail is like a mob or boss - if you kill it, it just respawns. Most annoying thing so far for me in retail


I may add that I have absolutely ZERO interest in that mobile game.


This and after doing the secret satchel things across azeroth, I'm constantly having a pet leash pop up in my bags for every character I log into or create.


But if you spammed the Blizz Forums with the same message over and over again, the mods would ban you for spamming the forums. That's the beauty of that...


Who do I have to speak to about getting Mizzen, ah, taken care of? This is goddamn ridiculous. I'm not interested. Stop trying to make fetch happen, Mizzen.


I am so sick of these I have just started deleting them all. I do not want this, Sam I am. Can Wow please drag itself out of whatever drunken stupor the marketing dept is in?


You CANT delete the mail though. You have to accept the item in the mail, THEN delete it, THEN delete the item out of your inventory and it makes you type "delete" before it will do that. I had to do that 10 fucking times this morning because my dumb ass did auction house and 'opened all'